#################################################################################################################################### # MANIFEST MODULE #################################################################################################################################### package pgBackRestTest::Env::Manifest; use parent 'BackRestDoc::Common::Ini'; use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Carp qw(confess); use Exporter qw(import); our @EXPORT = qw(); use File::Basename qw(dirname basename); use Time::Local qw(timelocal); use BackRestDoc::Common::Exception; use BackRestDoc::Common::Ini; use BackRestDoc::Common::Log; use pgBackRestTest::Common::DbVersion; use pgBackRestTest::Common::StorageRepo; use pgBackRestTest::Common::Wait; #################################################################################################################################### # File/path constants #################################################################################################################################### use constant PATH_BACKUP_HISTORY => 'backup.history'; push @EXPORT, qw(PATH_BACKUP_HISTORY); use constant FILE_MANIFEST => 'backup.manifest'; push @EXPORT, qw(FILE_MANIFEST); use constant FILE_MANIFEST_COPY => FILE_MANIFEST . INI_COPY_EXT; push @EXPORT, qw(FILE_MANIFEST_COPY); #################################################################################################################################### # Default match factor #################################################################################################################################### use constant MANIFEST_DEFAULT_MATCH_FACTOR => 0.1; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_DEFAULT_MATCH_FACTOR); #################################################################################################################################### # MANIFEST Constants #################################################################################################################################### use constant MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA => 'pg_data'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA); use constant MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC => 'pg_tblspc'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC); use constant MANIFEST_VALUE_PATH => 'path'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_VALUE_PATH); use constant MANIFEST_VALUE_LINK => 'link'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_VALUE_LINK); # Manifest sections use constant MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP => 'backup'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP); use constant MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_DB => 'backup:db'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_DB); use constant MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_INFO => 'backup:info'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_INFO); use constant MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_OPTION => 'backup:option'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_OPTION); use constant MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET => 'backup:target'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET); use constant MANIFEST_SECTION_DB => 'db'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SECTION_DB); use constant MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_PATH => 'target:path'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_PATH); use constant MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE => 'target:file'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE); use constant MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_LINK => 'target:link'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_LINK); # Backup metadata required for restores use constant MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_START => 'backup-archive-start'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_START); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_STOP => 'backup-archive-stop'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_STOP); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_LABEL => 'backup-label'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_LABEL); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_LSN_START => 'backup-lsn-start'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_LSN_START); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_LSN_STOP => 'backup-lsn-stop'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_LSN_STOP); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_PRIOR => 'backup-prior'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_PRIOR); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_COPY_START => 'backup-timestamp-copy-start'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_COPY_START); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_START => 'backup-timestamp-start'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_START); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_STOP => 'backup-timestamp-stop'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_STOP); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_TYPE => 'backup-type'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_TYPE); # Options that were set when the backup was made use constant MANIFEST_KEY_BACKUP_STANDBY => 'option-backup-standby'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_BACKUP_STANDBY); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_HARDLINK => 'option-hardlink'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_HARDLINK); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_CHECK => 'option-archive-check'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_CHECK); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_COPY => 'option-archive-copy'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_COPY); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE => 'option-buffer-size'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE => 'option-checksum-page'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_COMPRESS => 'option-compress'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_COMPRESS); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_COMPRESS_TYPE => 'option-compress-type'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_COMPRESS_TYPE); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_COMPRESS_LEVEL => 'option-compress-level'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_COMPRESS_LEVEL); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_COMPRESS_LEVEL_NETWORK => 'option-compress-level-network'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_COMPRESS_LEVEL_NETWORK); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_ONLINE => 'option-online'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_ONLINE); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_DELTA => 'option-delta'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_DELTA); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_PROCESS_MAX => 'option-process-max'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_PROCESS_MAX); # Information about the database that was backed up use constant MANIFEST_KEY_DB_ID => 'db-id'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_DB_ID); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_SYSTEM_ID => 'db-system-id'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_SYSTEM_ID); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_CATALOG => 'db-catalog-version'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_CATALOG); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_CONTROL => 'db-control-version'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_CONTROL); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_DB_LAST_SYSTEM_ID => 'db-last-system-id'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_DB_LAST_SYSTEM_ID); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_DB_VERSION => 'db-version'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_DB_VERSION); # Subkeys used for path/file/link info use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM => 'checksum'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE => 'checksum-page'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE_ERROR => 'checksum-page-error'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE_ERROR); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_DESTINATION => 'destination'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_DESTINATION); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_FILE => 'file'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_FILE); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_FUTURE => 'future'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_FUTURE); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP => 'group'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MASTER => 'master'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MASTER); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE => 'mode'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP => 'timestamp'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TYPE => 'type'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TYPE); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH => 'path'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE => 'reference'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REPO_SIZE => 'repo-size'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REPO_SIZE); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE => 'size'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TABLESPACE_ID => 'tablespace-id'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TABLESPACE_ID); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TABLESPACE_NAME => 'tablespace-name'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TABLESPACE_NAME); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER => 'user'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER); #################################################################################################################################### # Database locations for important files/paths #################################################################################################################################### use constant DB_PATH_ARCHIVESTATUS => 'archive_status'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_PATH_ARCHIVESTATUS); use constant DB_PATH_BASE => 'base'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_PATH_BASE); use constant DB_PATH_GLOBAL => 'global'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_PATH_GLOBAL); use constant DB_PATH_PGDYNSHMEM => 'pg_dynshmem'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_PATH_PGDYNSHMEM); use constant DB_PATH_PGMULTIXACT => 'pg_multixact'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_PATH_PGMULTIXACT); use constant DB_PATH_PGNOTIFY => 'pg_notify'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_PATH_PGNOTIFY); use constant DB_PATH_PGREPLSLOT => 'pg_replslot'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_PATH_PGREPLSLOT); use constant DB_PATH_PGSERIAL => 'pg_serial'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_PATH_PGSERIAL); use constant DB_PATH_PGSNAPSHOTS => 'pg_snapshots'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_PATH_PGSNAPSHOTS); use constant DB_PATH_PGSTATTMP => 'pg_stat_tmp'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_PATH_PGSTATTMP); use constant DB_PATH_PGSUBTRANS => 'pg_subtrans'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_PATH_PGSUBTRANS); use constant DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC => 'pg_tblspc'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC); use constant DB_FILE_BACKUPLABEL => 'backup_label'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_FILE_BACKUPLABEL); use constant DB_FILE_BACKUPLABELOLD => DB_FILE_BACKUPLABEL . '.old'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_FILE_BACKUPLABELOLD); use constant DB_FILE_PGCONTROL => DB_PATH_GLOBAL . '/pg_control'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_FILE_PGCONTROL); use constant DB_FILE_PGFILENODEMAP => 'pg_filenode.map'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_FILE_PGFILENODEMAP); use constant DB_FILE_PGINTERNALINIT => 'pg_internal.init'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_FILE_PGINTERNALINIT); use constant DB_FILE_PGVERSION => 'PG_VERSION'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_FILE_PGVERSION); use constant DB_FILE_POSTGRESQLAUTOCONFTMP => 'postgresql.auto.conf.tmp'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_FILE_POSTGRESQLAUTOCONFTMP); use constant DB_FILE_POSTMASTEROPTS => 'postmaster.opts'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_FILE_POSTMASTEROPTS); use constant DB_FILE_POSTMASTERPID => 'postmaster.pid'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_FILE_POSTMASTERPID); use constant DB_FILE_RECOVERYCONF => 'recovery.conf'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_FILE_RECOVERYCONF); use constant DB_FILE_RECOVERYSIGNAL => 'recovery.signal'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_FILE_RECOVERYSIGNAL); use constant DB_FILE_RECOVERYDONE => 'recovery.done'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_FILE_RECOVERYDONE); use constant DB_FILE_STANDBYSIGNAL => 'standby.signal'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_FILE_STANDBYSIGNAL); use constant DB_FILE_TABLESPACEMAP => 'tablespace_map'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_FILE_TABLESPACEMAP); use constant DB_FILE_PREFIX_TMP => 'pgsql_tmp'; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_FILE_PREFIX_TMP); #################################################################################################################################### # Manifest locations for important files/paths #################################################################################################################################### use constant MANIFEST_PATH_BASE => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_PATH_BASE; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_PATH_BASE); use constant MANIFEST_PATH_GLOBAL => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_PATH_GLOBAL; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_PATH_GLOBAL); use constant MANIFEST_PATH_PGDYNSHMEM => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_PATH_PGDYNSHMEM; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_PATH_PGDYNSHMEM); use constant MANIFEST_PATH_PGMULTIXACT => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_PATH_PGMULTIXACT; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_PATH_PGMULTIXACT); use constant MANIFEST_PATH_PGNOTIFY => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_PATH_PGNOTIFY; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_PATH_PGNOTIFY); use constant MANIFEST_PATH_PGREPLSLOT => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_PATH_PGREPLSLOT; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_PATH_PGREPLSLOT); use constant MANIFEST_PATH_PGSERIAL => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_PATH_PGSERIAL; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_PATH_PGSERIAL); use constant MANIFEST_PATH_PGSNAPSHOTS => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_PATH_PGSNAPSHOTS; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_PATH_PGSNAPSHOTS); use constant MANIFEST_PATH_PGSTATTMP => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_PATH_PGSTATTMP; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_PATH_PGSTATTMP); use constant MANIFEST_PATH_PGSUBTRANS => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_PATH_PGSUBTRANS; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_PATH_PGSUBTRANS); use constant MANIFEST_PATH_PGTBLSPC => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_PATH_PGTBLSPC); use constant MANIFEST_FILE_BACKUPLABEL => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_FILE_BACKUPLABEL; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_FILE_BACKUPLABEL); use constant MANIFEST_FILE_BACKUPLABELOLD => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_FILE_BACKUPLABELOLD; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_FILE_BACKUPLABELOLD); use constant MANIFEST_FILE_PGCONTROL => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_FILE_PGCONTROL; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_FILE_PGCONTROL); use constant MANIFEST_FILE_POSTGRESQLAUTOCONFTMP => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_FILE_POSTGRESQLAUTOCONFTMP; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_FILE_PGCONTROL); use constant MANIFEST_FILE_POSTMASTEROPTS => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_FILE_POSTMASTEROPTS; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_FILE_POSTMASTEROPTS); use constant MANIFEST_FILE_POSTMASTERPID => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_FILE_POSTMASTERPID; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_FILE_POSTMASTERPID); use constant MANIFEST_FILE_RECOVERYCONF => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_FILE_RECOVERYCONF; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_FILE_RECOVERYCONF); use constant MANIFEST_FILE_RECOVERYSIGNAL => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_FILE_RECOVERYSIGNAL; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_FILE_RECOVERYSIGNAL); use constant MANIFEST_FILE_RECOVERYDONE => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_FILE_RECOVERYDONE; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_FILE_RECOVERYDONE); use constant MANIFEST_FILE_STANDBYSIGNAL => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_FILE_STANDBYSIGNAL; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_FILE_STANDBYSIGNAL); use constant MANIFEST_FILE_TABLESPACEMAP => MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_FILE_TABLESPACEMAP; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_FILE_TABLESPACEMAP); #################################################################################################################################### # Minimum ID for a user object in postgres #################################################################################################################################### use constant DB_USER_OBJECT_MINIMUM_ID => 16384; push @EXPORT, qw(DB_USER_OBJECT_MINIMUM_ID); #################################################################################################################################### # new #################################################################################################################################### sub new { my $class = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strFileName, $bLoad, $oStorage, $strDbVersion, $iDbCatalogVersion, $strCipherPass, # Passphrase to open the manifest if encrypted $strCipherPassSub, # Passphrase to encrypt the backup files ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->new', \@_, {name => 'strFileName', trace => true}, {name => 'bLoad', optional => true, default => true, trace => true}, {name => 'oStorage', optional => true, default => storageRepo(), trace => true}, {name => 'strDbVersion', optional => true, trace => true}, {name => 'iDbCatalogVersion', optional => true, trace => true}, {name => 'strCipherPass', optional => true, redact => true}, {name => 'strCipherPassSub', optional => true, redact => true}, ); # Init object and store variables my $self = $class->SUPER::new( $oStorage, $strFileName, {bLoad => $bLoad, strCipherPass => $strCipherPass, strCipherPassSub => $strCipherPassSub}); # If manifest not loaded from a file then the db version and catalog version must be set if (!$bLoad) { if (!(defined($strDbVersion) && defined($iDbCatalogVersion))) { confess &log(ASSERT, 'strDbVersion and iDbCatalogVersion must be provided with bLoad = false'); } # Force the version to a string since newer versions of JSON::PP lose track of the fact that it is one $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_DB, MANIFEST_KEY_DB_VERSION, undef, $strDbVersion . ''); $self->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_DB, MANIFEST_KEY_CATALOG, undef, $iDbCatalogVersion); } # Mark the manifest as built if it was loaded from a file $self->{bBuilt} = $bLoad; # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'self', value => $self} ); } #################################################################################################################################### # save # # Save the manifest. #################################################################################################################################### sub save { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->save'); # Call inherited save $self->SUPER::save(); # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn($strOperation); } #################################################################################################################################### # get # # Get a value. #################################################################################################################################### sub get { my $self = shift; my $strSection = shift; my $strKey = shift; my $strSubKey = shift; my $bRequired = shift; my $oDefault = shift; my $oValue = $self->SUPER::get($strSection, $strKey, $strSubKey, false); if (!defined($oValue) && defined($strKey) && defined($strSubKey) && ($strSection eq MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE || $strSection eq MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_PATH || $strSection eq MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_LINK) && ($strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER || $strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP || $strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE || $strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MASTER) && $self->test($strSection, $strKey)) { $oValue = $self->SUPER::get("${strSection}:default", $strSubKey, undef, $bRequired, $oDefault); } else { $oValue = $self->SUPER::get($strSection, $strKey, $strSubKey, $bRequired, $oDefault); } return $oValue; } #################################################################################################################################### # boolGet # # Get a numeric value. #################################################################################################################################### sub boolGet { my $self = shift; my $strSection = shift; my $strValue = shift; my $strSubValue = shift; my $bRequired = shift; my $bDefault = shift; return $self->get($strSection, $strValue, $strSubValue, $bRequired, defined($bDefault) ? ($bDefault ? INI_TRUE : INI_FALSE) : undef) ? true : false; } #################################################################################################################################### # numericGet # # Get a numeric value. #################################################################################################################################### sub numericGet { my $self = shift; my $strSection = shift; my $strValue = shift; my $strSubValue = shift; my $bRequired = shift; my $nDefault = shift; return $self->get($strSection, $strValue, $strSubValue, $bRequired, defined($nDefault) ? $nDefault + 0 : undef) + 0; } #################################################################################################################################### # tablespacePathGet # # Get the unique path assigned by Postgres for the tablespace. #################################################################################################################################### sub tablespacePathGet { my $self = shift; return('PG_' . $self->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_DB, MANIFEST_KEY_DB_VERSION) . '_' . $self->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_DB, MANIFEST_KEY_CATALOG)); } #################################################################################################################################### # dbPathGet # # Convert a repo path to where the file actually belongs in the db. #################################################################################################################################### sub dbPathGet { my $self = shift; my $strDbPath = shift; my $strFile = shift; my $strDbFile = defined($strDbPath) ? "${strDbPath}/" : ''; if (index($strFile, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/') == 0) { $strDbFile .= substr($strFile, length(MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA) + 1); } else { $strDbFile .= $strFile; } return $strDbFile; } #################################################################################################################################### # repoPathGet # # Convert a database path to where to file is located in the repo. #################################################################################################################################### sub repoPathGet { my $self = shift; my $strTarget = shift; my $strFile = shift; my $strRepoFile = $strTarget; if ($self->isTargetTablespace($strTarget) && ($self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_90)) { $strRepoFile .= '/' . $self->tablespacePathGet(); } if (defined($strFile)) { $strRepoFile .= "/${strFile}"; } return $strRepoFile; } #################################################################################################################################### # isTargetValid # # Determine if a target is valid. #################################################################################################################################### sub isTargetValid { my $self = shift; my $strTarget = shift; my $bError = shift; if (!defined($strTarget)) { confess &log(ASSERT, 'target is not defined'); } if (!$self->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET, $strTarget)) { if (defined($bError) && $bError) { confess &log(ASSERT, "${strTarget} is not a valid target"); } return false; } return true; } #################################################################################################################################### # isTargetLink # # Determine if a target is a link. #################################################################################################################################### sub isTargetLink { my $self = shift; my $strTarget = shift; $self->isTargetValid($strTarget, true); return $self->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET, $strTarget, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TYPE, MANIFEST_VALUE_LINK); } #################################################################################################################################### # isTargetFile # # Determine if a target is a file link. #################################################################################################################################### sub isTargetFile { my $self = shift; my $strTarget = shift; $self->isTargetValid($strTarget, true); return $self->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET, $strTarget, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_FILE); } #################################################################################################################################### # isTargetTablespace # # Determine if a target is a tablespace. #################################################################################################################################### sub isTargetTablespace { my $self = shift; my $strTarget = shift; $self->isTargetValid($strTarget, true); return $self->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET, $strTarget, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TABLESPACE_ID); } #################################################################################################################################### # checkDelta # # Determine if the delta option should be enabled. Only called if delta has not yet been enabled. #################################################################################################################################### sub checkDelta { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strLastBackupSource, $bOnlineSame, $strTimelineCurrent, $strTimelineLast, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->checkDelta', \@_, {name => 'strLastBackupSource'}, {name => 'bOnlineSame'}, {name => 'strTimelineCurrent', required => false}, {name => 'strTimelineLast', required => false}, ); my $bDelta = false; # Determine if a timeline switch has occurred if (defined($strTimelineLast) && defined($strTimelineCurrent)) { # If there is a prior backup, check if a timeline switch has occurred since then if ($strTimelineLast ne $strTimelineCurrent) { &log(WARN, "a timeline switch has occurred since the ${strLastBackupSource} backup, enabling delta checksum"); $bDelta = true; } } # If delta was not set above and there is a change in the online option, then set delta option if (!$bDelta && !$bOnlineSame) { &log(WARN, "the online option has changed since the ${strLastBackupSource} backup, enabling delta checksum"); $bDelta = true; } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'bDelta', value => $bDelta, trace => true}, ); } #################################################################################################################################### # checkDeltaFile # # Determine if the delta option should be enabled. Only called if delta has not yet been enabled. #################################################################################################################################### sub checkDeltaFile { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $stryFileList, $oPriorManifest, $lTimeBegin, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->checkDeltaFile', \@_, {name => 'stryFileList'}, {name => 'oPriorManifest', required => false}, {name => 'lTimeBegin', required => false}, ); my $bDelta = false; # Loop though all files foreach my $strName (@{$stryFileList}) { # If $lTimeBegin is defined, then this is not an aborted manifest so check if modification time is in the future (in this # backup OR the last backup) then enable delta and exit if (defined($lTimeBegin) && ($self->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP) > $lTimeBegin || (defined($oPriorManifest) && $oPriorManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_FUTURE, 'y')))) { &log(WARN, "file $strName has timestamp in the future, enabling delta checksum"); $bDelta = true; last; } # If the time on the file is earlier than the last manifest time or the size is different but the timestamp is the # same, then enable delta and exit if (defined($oPriorManifest) && $oPriorManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName) && ($self->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP) < $oPriorManifest->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP) || ($self->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE) != $oPriorManifest->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE) && $self->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP) == $oPriorManifest->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP)))) { &log(WARN, "file $strName timestamp in the past or size changed but timestamp did not, enabling delta checksum"); $bDelta = true; last; } } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'bDelta', value => $bDelta, trace => true}, ); } #################################################################################################################################### # build # # Build the manifest object. #################################################################################################################################### sub build { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $oStorageDbMaster, $strPath, $oLastManifest, $bOnline, $bDelta, $hTablespaceMap, $hDatabaseMap, $rhExclude, $strTimelineCurrent, $strTimelineLast, $strLevel, $bTablespace, $strParentPath, $strFilter, $iLevel, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->build', \@_, {name => 'oStorageDbMaster'}, {name => 'strPath'}, {name => 'oLastManifest', required => false}, {name => 'bOnline'}, {name => 'bDelta'}, {name => 'hTablespaceMap', required => false}, {name => 'hDatabaseMap', required => false}, {name => 'rhExclude', required => false}, {name => 'strTimelineCurrent', required => false}, {name => 'strTimelineLast', required => false}, {name => 'strLevel', required => false}, {name => 'bTablespace', required => false}, {name => 'strParentPath', required => false}, {name => 'strFilter', required => false}, {name => 'iLevel', required => false, default => 0}, ); # Limit recursion to something reasonable (if more then we are very likely in a link loop) if ($iLevel >= 16) { confess &log( ERROR, "recursion in manifest build exceeds depth of ${iLevel}: ${strLevel}\n" . 'HINT: is there a link loop in $PGDATA?', ERROR_FORMAT); } if (!defined($strLevel)) { # Don't allow the manifest to be built more than once if ($self->{bBuilt}) { confess &log(ASSERT, "manifest has already been built"); } $self->{bBuilt} = true; # Set initial level $strLevel = MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA; # If not online then build the tablespace map from pg_tblspc path if (!$bOnline && !defined($hTablespaceMap)) { my $hTablespaceManifest = $oStorageDbMaster->manifest($strPath . '/' . DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC); $hTablespaceMap = {}; foreach my $strOid (sort(CORE::keys(%{$hTablespaceManifest}))) { if ($strOid eq '.' or $strOid eq '..') { next; } logDebugMisc($strOperation, "found tablespace ${strOid} in offline mode"); $hTablespaceMap->{$strOid} = "ts${strOid}"; } } # If there is a last manifest, then check to see if delta checksum should be enabled if (defined($oLastManifest) && !$bDelta) { $bDelta = $self->checkDelta( 'last', $oLastManifest->boolTest(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_OPTION, MANIFEST_KEY_ONLINE, undef, $bOnline), $strTimelineCurrent, $strTimelineLast); } } $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET, $strLevel, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH, $strPath); $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET, $strLevel, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TYPE, $strLevel eq MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA ? MANIFEST_VALUE_PATH : MANIFEST_VALUE_LINK); if ($bTablespace) { my $iTablespaceId = (split('\/', $strLevel))[1]; if (!defined($hTablespaceMap->{$iTablespaceId})) { confess &log(ASSERT, "tablespace with oid ${iTablespaceId} not found in tablespace map\n" . "HINT: was a tablespace created or dropped during the backup?"); } $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET, $strLevel, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TABLESPACE_ID, $iTablespaceId); $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET, $strLevel, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TABLESPACE_NAME, $hTablespaceMap->{$iTablespaceId}); } if (index($strPath, '/') != 0) { if (!defined($strParentPath)) { confess &log(ASSERT, "cannot get manifest for '${strPath}' when no parent path is specified"); } $strPath = $oStorageDbMaster->pathAbsolute($strParentPath, $strPath); } # Get the manifest for this level my $hManifest = $oStorageDbMaster->manifest($strPath, {strFilter => $strFilter}); my $strManifestType = MANIFEST_VALUE_LINK; # Loop though all paths/files/links in the manifest foreach my $strName (sort(CORE::keys(%{$hManifest}))) { my $strFile = $strLevel; if ($strName ne '.') { if ($strManifestType eq MANIFEST_VALUE_LINK && $hManifest->{$strName}{type} eq 'l') { confess &log(ERROR, 'link \'' . $self->dbPathGet( $self->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH), $strLevel) . '\' -> \'' . $self->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET, $strLevel, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH) . '\' cannot reference another link', ERROR_LINK_DESTINATION); } if ($strManifestType eq MANIFEST_VALUE_LINK) { $strFile = dirname($strFile); $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET, $strLevel, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH, dirname($self->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET, $strLevel, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH))); $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET, $strLevel, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_FILE, $strName); } $strFile .= "/${strName}"; } else { $strManifestType = MANIFEST_VALUE_PATH; } # Skip wal directory when doing an online backup. WAL will be restored from the archive or stored in the wal directory at # the end of the backup if the archive-copy option is set. next if ($bOnline && $strFile =~ (qw{^} . MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . qw{/} . $self->walPath() . '\/') && $strFile !~ ('^' . MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . qw{/} . $self->walPath() . qw{/} . DB_PATH_ARCHIVESTATUS . '$')); # Skip all directories and files that start with pgsql_tmp. The files are removed when the server is restarted and the # directories are recreated. next if $strName =~ ('(^|\/)' . DB_FILE_PREFIX_TMP); # Skip pg_dynshmem/* since these files cannot be reused on recovery next if $strFile =~ ('^' . MANIFEST_PATH_PGDYNSHMEM . '\/') && $self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_94; # Skip pg_notify/* since these files cannot be reused on recovery next if $strFile =~ ('^' . MANIFEST_PATH_PGNOTIFY . '\/') && $self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_90; # Skip pg_replslot/* since these files are generally not useful after a restore next if $strFile =~ ('^' . MANIFEST_PATH_PGREPLSLOT . '\/') && $self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_94; # Skip pg_serial/* since these files are reset next if $strFile =~ ('^' . MANIFEST_PATH_PGSERIAL . '\/') && $self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_91; # Skip pg_snapshots/* since these files cannot be reused on recovery next if $strFile =~ ('^' . MANIFEST_PATH_PGSNAPSHOTS . '\/') && $self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_92; # Skip temporary statistics in pg_stat_tmp even when stats_temp_directory is set because PGSS_TEXT_FILE is always created # there. next if $strFile =~ ('^' . MANIFEST_PATH_PGSTATTMP . '\/') && $self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_84; # Skip pg_subtrans/* since these files are reset next if $strFile =~ ('^' . MANIFEST_PATH_PGSUBTRANS . '\/'); # Skip pg_internal.init since it is recreated on startup next if $strFile =~ (DB_FILE_PGINTERNALINIT . '$'); # Skip recovery files if ($self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_12) { next if ($strFile eq MANIFEST_FILE_RECOVERYSIGNAL || $strFile eq MANIFEST_FILE_STANDBYSIGNAL); } else { next if ($strFile eq MANIFEST_FILE_RECOVERYDONE || $strFile eq MANIFEST_FILE_RECOVERYCONF); } # Skip ignored files if ($strFile eq MANIFEST_FILE_POSTGRESQLAUTOCONFTMP || # postgresql.auto.conf.tmp - temp file for safe writes $strFile eq MANIFEST_FILE_BACKUPLABELOLD || # backup_label.old - old backup labels are not useful $strFile eq MANIFEST_FILE_POSTMASTEROPTS || # postmaster.opts - not useful for backup $strFile eq MANIFEST_FILE_POSTMASTERPID) # postmaster.pid - to avoid confusing postgres after restore { next; } # If version is greater than 9.0, check for files to exclude if ($self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_90 && $hManifest->{$strName}{type} eq 'f') { # Get the directory name from the manifest; it will be used later to search for existence in the keys my $strDir = dirname($strName); # If it is a database data directory (base or tablespace) then check for files to skip if ($strDir =~ '^base\/[0-9]+$' || $strDir =~ ('^' . $self->tablespacePathGet() . '\/[0-9]+$')) { # Get just the filename my $strBaseName = basename($strName); # Skip temp tables (lower t followed by numbers underscore numbers and a dot (segment) or underscore (fork) and/or # segment, e.g. t1234_123, t1234_123.1, t1234_123_vm, t1234_123_fsm.1 if ($strBaseName =~ '^t[0-9]+\_[0-9]+(|\_(fsm|vm)){0,1}(\.[0-9]+){0,1}$') { next; } # If version is greater than 9.1 then check for unlogged tables to skip if ($self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_91) { # Exclude all forks for unlogged tables except the init fork (numbers underscore init and optional dot segment) if ($strBaseName =~ '^[0-9]+(|\_(fsm|vm)){0,1}(\.[0-9]+){0,1}$') { # Get the filenode (OID) my ($strFileNode) = $strBaseName =~ '^(\d+)'; # Add _init to the OID to see if this is an unlogged object $strFileNode = $strDir. "/" . $strFileNode . "_init"; # If key exists in manifest then skip if (exists($hManifest->{$strFileNode}) && $hManifest->{$strFileNode}{type} eq 'f') { next; } } } } } # Exclude files requested by the user if (defined($rhExclude)) { # Exclusions are based on the name of the file relative to PGDATA my $strPgFile = $self->dbPathGet(undef, $strFile); my $bExclude = false; # Iterate through exclusions foreach my $strExclude (sort(keys(%{$rhExclude}))) { # If the exclusion ends in / then we must do a prefix match if ($strExclude =~ /\/$/) { if (index($strPgFile, $strExclude) == 0) { $bExclude = true; } } # Else an exact match or a prefix match with / appended is required elsif ($strPgFile eq $strExclude || index($strPgFile, "${strExclude}/") == 0) { $bExclude = true; } # Log everything that gets excluded at a high level so it will hopefully be seen if wrong if ($bExclude) { &log(INFO, "exclude ${strPgFile} from backup using '${strExclude}' exclusion"); last; } } # Skip the file if it was excluded next if $bExclude; } my $cType = $hManifest->{$strName}{type}; my $strSection = MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_PATH; if ($cType eq 'f') { $strSection = MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE; } elsif ($cType eq 'l') { $strSection = MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_LINK; } elsif ($cType ne 'd') { &log(WARN, "exclude special file '" . $self->dbPathGet(undef, $strFile) . "' from backup"); next; } # Make sure that DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC contains only absolute links that do not point inside PGDATA my $bTablespace = false; if (index($strName, DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC . '/') == 0 && $strLevel eq MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA) { $bTablespace = true; $strFile = MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . $strName; # Check for files in DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC that are not links if ($hManifest->{$strName}{type} ne 'l') { confess &log(ERROR, "${strName} is not a symlink - " . DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC . ' should contain only symlinks', ERROR_LINK_EXPECTED); } # Check for tablespaces in PGDATA if (index($hManifest->{$strName}{link_destination}, "${strPath}/") == 0 || (index($hManifest->{$strName}{link_destination}, '/') != 0 && index($oStorageDbMaster->pathAbsolute($strPath . '/' . DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC, $hManifest->{$strName}{link_destination}) . '/', "${strPath}/") == 0)) { confess &log(ERROR, 'tablespace symlink ' . $hManifest->{$strName}{link_destination} . ' destination must not be in $PGDATA', ERROR_LINK_DESTINATION); } } # User and group required for all types if (defined($hManifest->{$strName}{user})) { $self->set($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER, $hManifest->{$strName}{user}); } else { $self->boolSet($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER, false); } if (defined($hManifest->{$strName}{group})) { $self->set($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP, $hManifest->{$strName}{group}); } else { $self->boolSet($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP, false); } # Mode for required file and path type only if ($cType eq 'f' || $cType eq 'd') { $self->set($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE, $hManifest->{$strName}{mode}); } # Modification time and size required for file type only if ($cType eq 'f') { $self->set($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP, $hManifest->{$strName}{modification_time} + 0); $self->set($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE, $hManifest->{$strName}{size} + 0); $self->boolSet($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MASTER, ($strFile eq MANIFEST_FILE_PGCONTROL || $self->isMasterFile($strFile))); } # Link destination required for link type only if ($cType eq 'l') { my $strLinkDestination = $hManifest->{$strName}{link_destination}; $self->set($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_DESTINATION, $strLinkDestination); # If this is a tablespace then set the filter to use for the next level my $strFilter; if ($bTablespace) { # Only versions >= 9.0 have the special top-level tablespace path. Below 9.0 the database files are stored # directly in the path referenced by the symlink. if ($self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_90) { $strFilter = $self->tablespacePathGet(); } $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_PATH, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC, undef, $self->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_PATH, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA)); # PGDATA prefix was only needed for the link so strip it off before recursing $strFile = substr($strFile, length(MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA) + 1); } $bDelta = $self->build( $oStorageDbMaster, $strLinkDestination, undef, $bOnline, $bDelta, $hTablespaceMap, $hDatabaseMap, $rhExclude, undef, undef, $strFile, $bTablespace, dirname("${strPath}/${strName}"), $strFilter, $iLevel + 1); } } # If this is the base level then do post-processing if ($strLevel eq MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA) { my $bTimeInFuture = false; # Wait for the remainder of the second when doing online backups. This is done because most filesystems only have a one # second resolution and Postgres will still be modifying files during the second that the manifest is built and this could # lead to an invalid diff/incr backup later when using timestamps to determine which files have changed. Offline backups do # not wait because it makes testing much faster and Postgres should not be running (if it is the backup will not be # consistent anyway and the one-second resolution problem is the least of our worries). my $lTimeBegin = waitRemainder($bOnline); if (defined($oLastManifest)) { $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_PRIOR, undef, $oLastManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_LABEL)); } # Store database map information when provided during an online backup. foreach my $strDbName (sort(keys(%{$hDatabaseMap}))) { $self->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_DB, $strDbName, MANIFEST_KEY_DB_ID, $hDatabaseMap->{$strDbName}{&MANIFEST_KEY_DB_ID}); $self->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_DB, $strDbName, MANIFEST_KEY_DB_LAST_SYSTEM_ID, $hDatabaseMap->{$strDbName}{&MANIFEST_KEY_DB_LAST_SYSTEM_ID}); } # Determine if delta checksum should be enabled if (!$bDelta) { my @stryFileList = $self->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE); if (@stryFileList) { $bDelta = $self->checkDeltaFile(\@stryFileList, $oLastManifest, $lTimeBegin); } } # Loop though all files foreach my $strName ($self->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE)) { # If modification time is in the future (in this backup OR the last backup) set warning flag and do not # allow a reference if ($self->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP) > $lTimeBegin || (defined($oLastManifest) && $oLastManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_FUTURE, 'y'))) { $bTimeInFuture = true; # Only mark as future if still in the future in the current backup if ($self->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP) > $lTimeBegin) { $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_FUTURE, 'y'); } } # Else check if the size and timestamp match OR if the size matches and the delta option is set, then keep the file. # In the latter case, if there had been a timestamp change then rather than removing and recopying the file, the file # will be tested in backupFile to see if the db/repo checksum still matches: if so, it is not necessary to recopy, # else it will need to be copied to the new backup. For zero sized files, the reference will be set and copying # will be skipped later. elsif (defined($oLastManifest) && $oLastManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName) && $self->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE) == $oLastManifest->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE) && ($bDelta || ($self->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE) == 0 || $self->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP) == $oLastManifest->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP)))) { # Copy reference from previous backup if possible if ($oLastManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE)) { $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE, $oLastManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE)); } # Otherwise the reference is to the previous backup else { $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE, $oLastManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_LABEL)); } # Copy the checksum from previous manifest (if it exists - zero sized files don't have checksums) if ($oLastManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM)) { $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM, $oLastManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM)); } # Copy repo size from the previous manifest (if it exists) if ($oLastManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REPO_SIZE)) { $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REPO_SIZE, $oLastManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REPO_SIZE)); } # Copy master flag from the previous manifest (if it exists) if ($oLastManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MASTER)) { $self->set( MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MASTER, $oLastManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MASTER)); } # Copy checksum page from the previous manifest (if it exists) my $bChecksumPage = $oLastManifest->get( MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE, false); if (defined($bChecksumPage)) { $self->boolSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE, $bChecksumPage); if (!$bChecksumPage && $oLastManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE_ERROR)) { $self->set( MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE_ERROR, $oLastManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE_ERROR)); } } } } # Warn if any files in the current backup are in the future if ($bTimeInFuture) { &log(WARN, "some files have timestamps in the future - they will be copied to prevent possible race conditions"); } # Record the time when copying will start $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_COPY_START, undef, $lTimeBegin + ($bOnline ? 1 : 0)); # Build default sections $self->buildDefault(); } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'bDelta', value => $bDelta, trace => true}, ); } #################################################################################################################################### # fileAdd # # Add files to the manifest that were generated after the initial manifest build, e.g. backup_label, tablespace_map, and copied WAL # files. Since the files were not in the original cluster the user, group, and mode must be defaulted. #################################################################################################################################### sub fileAdd { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strManifestFile, $lModificationTime, $lSize, $strChecksum, $bMaster, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->fileAdd', \@_, {name => 'strManifestFile'}, {name => 'lModificationTime'}, {name => 'lSize'}, {name => 'lChecksum'}, {name => 'bMaster'}, ); # Set manifest values if (!$self->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE . ':default', MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER) || !$self->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE . ':default', MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER, undef, $self->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_PATH, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER))) { $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strManifestFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER, $self->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_PATH, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER)); } if (!$self->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE . ':default', MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP) || !$self->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE . ':default', MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP, undef, $self->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_PATH, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP))) { $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strManifestFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP, $self->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_PATH, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP)); } if (!$self->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE . ':default', MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE) || !$self->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE . ':default', MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE, undef, '0600')) { $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strManifestFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE, '0600'); } $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strManifestFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP, $lModificationTime); $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strManifestFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE, $lSize); $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strManifestFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM, $strChecksum); $self->boolSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strManifestFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MASTER, $bMaster); } #################################################################################################################################### # buildDefault # # Builds the default section. #################################################################################################################################### sub buildDefault { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->buildDefault'); # Set defaults for subkeys that tend to repeat foreach my $strSection (&MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, &MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_PATH, &MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_LINK) { foreach my $strSubKey (&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER, &MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP, &MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE, &MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MASTER) { # Links don't have a mode so skip next if ($strSection eq MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_LINK && $strSubKey eq &MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE); # Only files have the master subkey next if ($strSection ne MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE && $strSubKey eq &MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MASTER); my %oDefault; my $iSectionTotal = 0; foreach my $strFile ($self->keys($strSection)) { # Don't count false values when subkey in (MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP) next if (($strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER || $strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP) && $self->boolTest($strSection, $strFile, $strSubKey, false)); my $strValue = $self->get($strSection, $strFile, $strSubKey); if (defined($oDefault{$strValue})) { $oDefault{$strValue}++; } else { $oDefault{$strValue} = 1; } $iSectionTotal++; } my $strMaxValue; my $iMaxValueTotal = 0; foreach my $strValue (sort(keys(%oDefault))) { if ($oDefault{$strValue} > $iMaxValueTotal) { $iMaxValueTotal = $oDefault{$strValue}; $strMaxValue = $strValue; } } if (defined($strMaxValue) > 0 && $iMaxValueTotal > $iSectionTotal * MANIFEST_DEFAULT_MATCH_FACTOR) { if ($strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MASTER) { $self->boolSet("${strSection}:default", $strSubKey, undef, $strMaxValue); } else { $self->set("${strSection}:default", $strSubKey, undef, $strMaxValue); } foreach my $strFile ($self->keys($strSection)) { if ($self->test($strSection, $strFile, $strSubKey, $strMaxValue)) { $self->remove($strSection, $strFile, $strSubKey); } } } } } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn($strOperation); } #################################################################################################################################### # validate # # Checks for any missing values or inconsistencies in the manifest. #################################################################################################################################### sub validate { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . 'validate'); # Make sure that all files have size and checksum (when size > 0). Since these values are removed before the backup file copy # starts this ensures that all files had results stored in the manifest during the file copy. foreach my $strFile ($self->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE)) { # Ensure size is set if (!$self->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE)) { confess &log(ASSERT, "manifest subvalue 'size' not set for file '${strFile}'"); } # If size > 0 then checksum must also be set if ($self->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE) > 0 && !$self->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM)) { confess &log(ASSERT, "manifest subvalue 'checksum' not set for file '${strFile}'"); } } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn($strOperation); } #################################################################################################################################### # dbVersion - version of PostgreSQL that the manifest is being built for #################################################################################################################################### sub dbVersion { my $self = shift; return $self->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_DB, MANIFEST_KEY_DB_VERSION); } #################################################################################################################################### # xactPath - return the transaction directory based on the PostgreSQL version #################################################################################################################################### sub xactPath { my $self = shift; return $self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_10 ? 'pg_xact' : 'pg_clog'; } #################################################################################################################################### # walPath - return the wal directory based on the PostgreSQL version #################################################################################################################################### sub walPath { my $self = shift; return $self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_10 ? 'pg_wal' : 'pg_xlog'; } #################################################################################################################################### # isMasterFile # # Is this file required to be copied from the master? #################################################################################################################################### sub isMasterFile { my $self = shift; my $strFile = shift; return $strFile !~ ('^(' . MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '\/' . '(' . DB_PATH_BASE . '|' . DB_PATH_GLOBAL . '|' . $self->xactPath() . '|' . DB_PATH_PGMULTIXACT . ')|' . DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC . ')\/'); } #################################################################################################################################### # isChecksumPage # # Can this file have page checksums in PG >= 9.3? #################################################################################################################################### sub isChecksumPage { my $strFile = shift; if (($strFile =~ ('^' . MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '\/' . DB_PATH_BASE . '\/[0-9]+\/|^' . MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . '\/[0-9]+\/[^\/]+\/[0-9]+\/') && $strFile !~ ('(' . DB_FILE_PGFILENODEMAP . '|' . DB_FILE_PGINTERNALINIT . '|' . DB_FILE_PGVERSION . ')$')) || ($strFile =~ ('^' . MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '\/' . DB_PATH_GLOBAL . '\/') && $strFile !~ ('(' . DB_FILE_PGFILENODEMAP . '|' . DB_FILE_PGINTERNALINIT . '|' . DB_FILE_PGVERSION . '|' . DB_FILE_PGCONTROL . ')$'))) { return true; } return false; } push @EXPORT, qw(isChecksumPage); 1;