#################################################################################################################################### # ExecuteTest.pm - Module to execute external commands #################################################################################################################################### package BackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest; #################################################################################################################################### # Perl includes #################################################################################################################################### use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Carp qw(confess); use Exporter qw(import); our @EXPORT = qw(); use File::Basename qw(dirname); use IO::Select; use IPC::Open3; use POSIX ':sys_wait_h'; use Symbol 'gensym'; use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib'; use BackRest::Common::Log; #################################################################################################################################### # Operation constants #################################################################################################################################### use constant OP_EXECUTE_TEST => 'ExecuteTest'; use constant OP_EXECUTE_TEST_BEGIN => OP_EXECUTE_TEST . "->begin"; use constant OP_EXECUTE_TEST_END => OP_EXECUTE_TEST . "->end"; use constant OP_EXECUTE_TEST_NEW => OP_EXECUTE_TEST . "->new"; #################################################################################################################################### # new #################################################################################################################################### sub new { my $class = shift; # Class name # Create the class hash my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info ( my $strOperation, $self->{strCommandOriginal}, my $oParam ) = logDebugParam ( OP_EXECUTE_TEST_NEW, \@_, {name => 'strCommandOriginal'}, {name => 'oParam', required => false} ); # Load params foreach my $strParam (sort(keys(%$oParam))) { $self->{$strParam} = $$oParam{$strParam}; } # Set defaults $self->{bRemote} = defined($self->{bRemote}) ? $self->{bRemote} : false; $self->{bSuppressError} = defined($self->{bSuppressError}) ? $self->{bSuppressError} : false; $self->{bSuppressStdErr} = defined($self->{bSuppressStdErr}) ? $self->{bSuppressStdErr} : false; $self->{bShowOutput} = defined($self->{bShowOutput}) ? $self->{bShowOutput} : false; $self->{iExpectedExitStatus} = defined($self->{iExpectedExitStatus}) ? $self->{iExpectedExitStatus} : 0; $self->{strUserBackRest} = 'backrest'; #BackRestTestCommon_UserBackRestGet(); $self->{strHost} = ''; #BackRestTestCommon_HostGet(); # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'self', value => $self} ); } #################################################################################################################################### # begin #################################################################################################################################### sub begin { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info logDebugParam(OP_EXECUTE_TEST_BEGIN); if ($self->{bRemote}) { # $self->{strCommand} = "sudo -u $self->{strUserBackRest} $self->{strCommandOriginal}"; $self->{strCommand} = "ssh $self->{strUserBackRest}\@$self->{strHost} '$self->{strCommandOriginal}'"; } else { $self->{strCommand} = $self->{strCommandOriginal}; } $self->{strErrorLog} = ''; $self->{strOutLog} = ''; if (defined($self->{oTestLog})) { if (defined($self->{strComment})) { $self->{strFullLog} = $self->{oTestLog}->regExpAll($self->{strComment}) . "\n"; } $self->{strFullLog} .= '> ' . $self->{oTestLog}->regExpAll($self->{strCommand}) . "\n" . ('-' x '132') . "\n"; } logDebugMisc("executing command: $self->{strCommand}"); # Execute the command $self->{hError} = gensym; $self->{pId} = open3(undef, $self->{hOut}, $self->{hError}, $self->{strCommand}); if (!defined($self->{hError})) { confess 'STDERR handle is undefined'; } } #################################################################################################################################### # end #################################################################################################################################### sub end { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strTest ) = logDebugParam ( OP_EXECUTE_TEST_END, \@_, {name => 'strTest', required => false} ); # Create select objects my $oErrorSelect = IO::Select->new(); $oErrorSelect->add($self->{hError}); my $oOutSelect = IO::Select->new(); $oOutSelect->add($self->{hOut}); # Drain the output and error streams and look for test points while(waitpid($self->{pId}, WNOHANG) == 0) { # Drain the stderr stream if ($oErrorSelect->can_read(0)) { while (my $strLine = readline($self->{hError})) { $self->{strErrorLog} .= $strLine; } } # Drain the stdout stream and look for test points if ($oOutSelect->can_read(.05)) { while (my $strLine = readline($self->{hOut})) { $self->{strOutLog} .= $strLine; if (defined($strTest) && testCheck($strLine, $strTest)) { &log(DEBUG, "Found test ${strTest}"); return true; } } } } # Check the exit status my $iExitStatus = ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE} >> 8; # Drain the stderr stream if ($oErrorSelect->can_read(0)) { while (my $strLine = readline($self->{hError})) { $self->{strErrorLog} .= $strLine; } } # Drain the stdout stream if ($oOutSelect->can_read(0)) { while (my $strLine = readline($self->{hOut})) { $self->{strOutLog} .= $strLine; } } # Pass the log to the LogTest object if (defined($self->{oLogTest})) { $self->{oLogTest}->logAdd($self->{strCommandOriginal}, $self->{strComment}, $self->{strOutLog}); } # If an error was expected then return success if that error occurred if ($self->{iExpectedExitStatus} != 0 && $iExitStatus == $self->{iExpectedExitStatus}) { return $iExitStatus; } # This is a hack to make regression tests pass even when threaded backup/restore sometimes return 255 if ($self->{iExpectedExitStatus} == -1 && ($iExitStatus == 0 || $iExitStatus == 255)) { return 0; } if ($iExitStatus != 0 || ($self->{iExpectedExitStatus} != 0 && $iExitStatus != $self->{iExpectedExitStatus})) { if ($self->{bSuppressError}) { &log(DEBUG, "suppressed error was ${iExitStatus}"); $self->{strErrorLog} = ''; } else { confess &log(ERROR, "command '$self->{strCommand}' returned " . $iExitStatus . ($self->{iExpectedExitStatus} != 0 ? ", but $self->{iExpectedExitStatus} was expected" : '') . "\n" . ($self->{strOutLog} ne '' ? "STDOUT (last 10,000 characters):\n" . substr($self->{strOutLog}, length($self->{strOutLog}) - 10000) : '') . ($self->{strErrorLog} ne '' ? "STDERR:\n$self->{strErrorLog}" : '')); } } if ($self->{strErrorLog} ne '' && !$self->{bSuppressStdErr} && !$self->{bSuppressError}) { confess &log(ERROR, "output found on STDERR:\n$self->{strErrorLog}"); } if ($self->{bShowOutput}) { print "output:\n$self->{strOutLog}\n"; } if (defined($strTest)) { confess &log(ASSERT, "test point ${strTest} was not found"); } return $iExitStatus; } #################################################################################################################################### # executeTest #################################################################################################################################### sub executeTest { my $strCommand = shift; my $oParam = shift; my $strTest = shift; my $oExec = new BackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest($strCommand, $oParam); $oExec->begin(); if (defined($strTest)) { $oExec->end($strTest); } $oExec->end(); return $oExec->{strOutLog}; } push @EXPORT, qw(executeTest); 1;