#################################################################################################################################### # DOC CONFIG MODULE #################################################################################################################################### package BackRestDoc::Common::DocConfig; use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Carp qw(confess); use Exporter qw(import); our @EXPORT = qw(); use File::Basename qw(dirname); use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib'; use pgBackRest::Common::Log; use pgBackRest::Common::String; use pgBackRest::Config::Config; use pgBackRest::Config::ConfigHelp; use pgBackRest::FileCommon; #################################################################################################################################### # Help types #################################################################################################################################### use constant CONFIG_HELP_NAME => 'name'; use constant CONFIG_HELP_EXAMPLE => 'example'; #################################################################################################################################### # CONSTRUCTOR #################################################################################################################################### sub new { my $class = shift; # Class name # Create the class hash my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info ( my $strOperation, $self->{oDoc}, $self->{oDocRender} ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->new', \@_, {name => 'oDoc'}, {name => 'oDocRender'} ); $self->process(); # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'self', value => $self} ); } #################################################################################################################################### # process # # Parse the xml doc into commands and options. #################################################################################################################################### sub process { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my $strOperation = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->process'); # Iterate through all commands my $oDoc = $self->{oDoc}; my $oConfigHash = {}; foreach my $strCommand (sort(keys(%{commandHashGet()}))) { if ($strCommand eq CMD_REMOTE) { next; } my $oCommandDoc = $oDoc->nodeGet('operation')->nodeGet('command-list')->nodeGetById('command', $strCommand); $$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_COMMAND}{$strCommand} = {}; my $oCommand = $$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_COMMAND}{$strCommand}; $$oCommand{&CONFIG_HELP_SUMMARY} = $oCommandDoc->nodeGet('summary')->textGet(); $$oCommand{&CONFIG_HELP_DESCRIPTION} = $oCommandDoc->textGet(); } # Iterate through all options my $oOptionRule = optionRuleGet(); foreach my $strOption (sort(keys(%{$oOptionRule}))) { if ($strOption =~ /^test/ || $strOption eq 'no-fork') { next; } # Iterate through all commands my @stryCommandList = sort(keys(%{defined($$oOptionRule{$strOption}{&OPTION_RULE_COMMAND}) ? $$oOptionRule{$strOption}{&OPTION_RULE_COMMAND} : $$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_COMMAND}})); foreach my $strCommand (@stryCommandList) { if (!defined($$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_COMMAND}{$strCommand})) { next; } if (ref(\$$oOptionRule{$strOption}{&OPTION_RULE_COMMAND}{$strCommand}) eq 'SCALAR' && $$oOptionRule{$strOption}{&OPTION_RULE_COMMAND}{$strCommand} == false) { next; } my $oCommandDoc = $oDoc->nodeGet('operation')->nodeGet('command-list')->nodeGetById('command', $strCommand); # First check if the option is documented in the command my $oOptionDoc; my $strOptionSource; my $oCommandOptionList = $oCommandDoc->nodeGet('option-list', false); if (defined($oCommandOptionList)) { $oOptionDoc = $oCommandOptionList->nodeGetById('option', $strOption, false); $strOptionSource = CONFIG_HELP_SOURCE_COMMAND if (defined($oOptionDoc)); } # If the option wasn't found keep looking my $strSection; if (!defined($oOptionDoc)) { # Next see if it's documented in the section if (defined($$oOptionRule{$strOption}{&OPTION_RULE_SECTION})) { # &log(INFO, " trying section ${strSection}"); foreach my $oSectionNode ($oDoc->nodeGet('config')->nodeGet('config-section-list')->nodeList()) { my $oOptionDocCheck = $oSectionNode->nodeGetById('config-key-list') ->nodeGetById('config-key', $strOption, false); if ($oOptionDocCheck) { if (defined($oOptionDoc)) { confess 'option exists in more than one section'; } $oOptionDoc = $oOptionDocCheck; $strOptionSource = CONFIG_HELP_SOURCE_SECTION; $strSection = $oSectionNode->paramGet('id'); } } } # If no section is defined then look in the default command option list else { $oOptionDoc = $oDoc->nodeGet('operation')->nodeGet('operation-general')->nodeGet('option-list') ->nodeGetById('option', $strOption, false); $strOptionSource = CONFIG_HELP_SOURCE_DEFAULT if (defined($oOptionDoc)); } } # If the option wasn't found then error if (!defined($oOptionDoc)) { confess &log(ERROR, "unable to find option '${strOption}' for command '${strCommand}'") } # if the option is documented in the command then it should be accessible from the command line only. if (!defined($strSection)) { if (defined($$oOptionRule{$strOption}{&OPTION_RULE_SECTION})) { &log(ERROR, "option ${strOption} defined in command ${strCommand} must not have " . OPTION_RULE_SECTION . " defined"); } } # Store the option in the command $$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_COMMAND}{$strCommand}{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}{$strOption}{&CONFIG_HELP_SOURCE} = $strOptionSource; my $oCommandOption = $$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_COMMAND}{$strCommand}{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}{$strOption}; $$oCommandOption{&CONFIG_HELP_SUMMARY} = $oOptionDoc->nodeGet('summary')->textGet(); $$oCommandOption{&CONFIG_HELP_DESCRIPTION} = $oOptionDoc->textGet(); $$oCommandOption{&CONFIG_HELP_EXAMPLE} = $oOptionDoc->fieldGet('example'); $$oCommandOption{&CONFIG_HELP_NAME} = $oOptionDoc->paramGet('name'); # If the option did not come from the command also store in global option list. This prevents duplication of commonly # used options. if ($strOptionSource ne CONFIG_HELP_SOURCE_COMMAND) { $$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}{$strOption}{&CONFIG_HELP_SUMMARY} = $$oCommandOption{&CONFIG_HELP_SUMMARY}; my $oOption = $$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}{$strOption}; if (defined($strSection)) { $$oOption{&CONFIG_HELP_SECTION} = $strSection; } $$oOption{&CONFIG_HELP_NAME} = $oOptionDoc->paramGet('name'); $$oOption{&CONFIG_HELP_DESCRIPTION} = $$oCommandOption{&CONFIG_HELP_DESCRIPTION}; $$oOption{&CONFIG_HELP_EXAMPLE} = $oOptionDoc->fieldGet('example'); } } } # Store the config hash $self->{oConfigHash} = $oConfigHash; # Return from function and log return values if any logDebugReturn($strOperation); } #################################################################################################################################### # helpDataWrite # # Write help data into a perl module so it can be accessed by backrest for command-line help. #################################################################################################################################### sub helpDataWrite { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $oManifest ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->helpDataWrite', \@_, {name => 'oManifest'} ); # Iterate options my $oConfigHash = $self->{oConfigHash}; my $strOptionData; foreach my $strOption (sort(keys(%{$$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}}))) { my $oOptionHash = $$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}{$strOption}; if (defined($strOptionData)) { $strOptionData .= ",\n\n"; } # Format the option for output $strOptionData .= ' # ' . uc($strOption) . " Option Help\n" . ' #' . ('-' x 123) . "\n" . " '${strOption}' =>\n" . " {\n" . (defined($$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_SECTION}) ? ' ' . &CONFIG_HELP_SECTION . ' => \'' . $$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_SECTION} . "',\n" : '') . ' ' . &CONFIG_HELP_SUMMARY . " =>\n" . helpDataWriteFormatText($oManifest, $self->{oDocRender}, $$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_SUMMARY}, 16, 112) . ",\n" . ' ' . &CONFIG_HELP_DESCRIPTION . " =>\n" . helpDataWriteFormatText($oManifest, $self->{oDocRender}, $$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_DESCRIPTION}, 16, 112) . "\n" . " }"; } # Iterate commands my $strCommandData; foreach my $strCommand (sort(keys(%{$$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_COMMAND}}))) { my $oCommandHash = $$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_COMMAND}{$strCommand}; if (defined($strCommandData)) { $strCommandData .= ",\n\n"; } # Format the command for output $strCommandData .= ' # ' . uc($strCommand) . " Command Help\n" . ' #' . ('-' x 123) . "\n" . " '${strCommand}' =>\n" . " {\n" . ' ' . &CONFIG_HELP_SUMMARY . " =>\n" . helpDataWriteFormatText($oManifest, $self->{oDocRender}, $$oCommandHash{&CONFIG_HELP_SUMMARY}, 16, 112) . ",\n" . ' ' . &CONFIG_HELP_DESCRIPTION . " =>\n" . helpDataWriteFormatText($oManifest, $self->{oDocRender}, $$oCommandHash{&CONFIG_HELP_DESCRIPTION}, 16, 112) . ",\n" . "\n"; # Iterate options my $strOptionData; my $bExtraLinefeed = false; if (defined($$oCommandHash{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION})) { $strCommandData .= ' ' . CONFIG_HELP_OPTION . " =>\n" . " {\n"; foreach my $strOption (sort(keys(%{$$oCommandHash{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}}))) { my $oOptionHash = $$oCommandHash{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}{$strOption}; if (defined($strOptionData)) { $strOptionData .= ",\n"; } # If option came from the command then output details if ($$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_SOURCE} eq CONFIG_HELP_SOURCE_COMMAND) { if (defined($strOptionData)) { $strOptionData .= "\n"; } # Format the command option for output $strOptionData .= ' # ' . uc($strOption) . " Option Help\n" . ' #' . ('-' x 115) . "\n" . " '${strOption}' =>\n" . " {\n" . ' ' . &CONFIG_HELP_SUMMARY . " =>\n" . helpDataWriteFormatText($oManifest, $self->{oDocRender}, $$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_SUMMARY}, 24, 104) . ",\n" . ' ' . &CONFIG_HELP_DESCRIPTION . " =>\n" . helpDataWriteFormatText($oManifest, $self->{oDocRender}, $$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_DESCRIPTION}, 24, 104) . "\n" . " }"; $bExtraLinefeed = true; } # Else output a reference to indicate the option is in the global option list else { if ($bExtraLinefeed) { $strOptionData .= "\n"; $bExtraLinefeed = false; } $strOptionData .= " '${strOption}' => '" . $$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_SOURCE} . "'"; } } $strCommandData .= $strOptionData . "\n" . " }\n"; } $strCommandData .= " }"; } # Format the perl module my $strHelpData = ('#' x 132) . "\n" . "# CONFIG HELP DATA MODULE\n" . "#\n" . "# This module is automatically generated by doc.pl and should never be manually edited.\n" . ('#' x 132) . "\n" . "package pgBackRest::Config::ConfigHelpData;\n" . "\n" . "use strict;\n" . "use warnings FATAL => qw(all);\n" . "use Carp qw(confess);\n" . "\n" . "use Exporter qw(import);\n" . " our \@EXPORT = qw();\n" . "\n" . ('#' x 132) . "\n" . "# Data used by the ConfigHelp module to generate command-line help\n" . ('#' x 132) . "\n" . "my \$oConfigHelpData =\n". "{\n" . " # Option Help\n" . ' #' . ('-' x 127) . "\n" . " " . CONFIG_HELP_OPTION . " =>\n" . " {\n" . $strOptionData . "\n" . " },\n" . "\n" . " # Command Help\n" . ' #' . ('-' x 127) . "\n" . " " . CONFIG_HELP_COMMAND . " =>\n" . " {\n" . $strCommandData . "\n" . " }\n" . "};\n" . "\n" . ('#' x 132) . "\n" . "# configHelpDataGet\n" . ('#' x 132) . "\n" . "sub configHelpDataGet\n" . "{\n" . " return \$oConfigHelpData;\n" . "}\n" . "\n" . "push \@EXPORT, qw(configHelpDataGet);\n" . "\n" . "1;\n"; # Write the perl module into the lib path fileStringWrite(dirname(dirname($0)) . '/lib/pgBackRest/Config/ConfigHelpData.pm', $strHelpData, false); # Return from function and log return values if any logDebugReturn($strOperation); } # Helper function for helpDataWrite() used to format text by quoting it and splitting lines so it looks good in the module. sub helpDataWriteFormatText { my $oManifest = shift; my $oDocRender = shift; my $oText = shift; my $iIndent = shift; my $iLength = shift; # Split the string into lines for processing my @stryText = split("\n", trim($oManifest->variableReplace($oDocRender->processText($oText)))); my $strText; my $iIndex = 0; foreach my $strLine (@stryText) { # Add a linefeed if this is not the first line if (defined($strText)) { $strText .= " .\n"; } # Escape perl special characters $strLine =~ s/\@/\\@/g; $strLine =~ s/\$/\\\$/g; $strLine =~ s/\"/\\"/g; my $strPart; my $bFirst = true; # Split the line for output if it's too long do { ($strPart, $strLine) = stringSplit($strLine, ' ', defined($strPart) ? $iLength - 4 : $iLength); $strText .= ' ' x $iIndent; if (!$bFirst) { $strText .= " "; } $strText .= "\"${strPart}"; if (defined($strLine)) { $strText .= "\" .\n"; } else { $strText .= ($iIndex + 1 < @stryText ? '\n' : '') . '"'; } $bFirst = false; } while (defined($strLine)); $iIndex++; } return $strText; } #################################################################################################################################### # helpConfigDocGet # # Get the xml for configuration help. #################################################################################################################################### sub helpConfigDocGet { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my $strOperation = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->helpConfigDocGet'); # Build a hash of the sections my $oConfigHash = $self->{oConfigHash}; my $oConfigDoc = $self->{oDoc}->nodeGet('config'); my $oSectionHash = {}; foreach my $strOption (sort(keys(%{$$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}}))) { my $oOption = $$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}{$strOption}; if (defined($$oOption{&CONFIG_HELP_SECTION})) { $$oSectionHash{$$oOption{&CONFIG_HELP_SECTION}}{$strOption} = true; } } my $oDoc = new BackRestDoc::Common::Doc(); $oDoc->paramSet('title', $oConfigDoc->paramGet('title')); # set the description for use as a meta tag $oDoc->fieldSet('description', $oConfigDoc->fieldGet('description')); # Output the introduction my $oIntroSectionDoc = $oDoc->nodeAdd('section', undef, {id => 'introduction'}); $oIntroSectionDoc->nodeAdd('title')->textSet('Introduction'); $oIntroSectionDoc->textSet($oConfigDoc->textGet()); foreach my $strSection (sort(keys(%{$oSectionHash}))) { my $oSectionElement = $oDoc->nodeAdd('section', undef, {id => "section-${strSection}"}); my $oSectionDoc = $oConfigDoc->nodeGet('config-section-list')->nodeGetById('config-section', $strSection); $oSectionElement-> nodeAdd('title')->textSet( {name => 'text', children=> [$oSectionDoc->paramGet('name') . ' Options (', {name => 'id', value => $strSection}, ')']}); foreach my $strOption (sort(keys(%{$$oSectionHash{$strSection}}))) { $self->helpOptionGet(undef, $strOption, $oSectionElement, $$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}{$strOption}); } } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'oDoc', value => $oDoc} ); } #################################################################################################################################### # helpCommandDocGet # # Get the xml for command help. #################################################################################################################################### sub helpCommandDocGet { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my $strOperation = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->helpCommandDocGet'); # Working variables my $oConfigHash = $self->{oConfigHash}; my $oOperationDoc = $self->{oDoc}->nodeGet('operation'); my $oOptionRule = optionRuleGet(); my $oDoc = new BackRestDoc::Common::Doc(); $oDoc->paramSet('title', $oOperationDoc->paramGet('title')); # set the description for use as a meta tag $oDoc->fieldSet('description', $oOperationDoc->fieldGet('description')); # Output the introduction my $oIntroSectionDoc = $oDoc->nodeAdd('section', undef, {id => 'introduction'}); $oIntroSectionDoc->nodeAdd('title')->textSet('Introduction'); $oIntroSectionDoc->textSet($oOperationDoc->textGet()); foreach my $strCommand (sort(keys(%{$$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_COMMAND}}))) { my $oCommandHash = $$oConfigHash{&CONFIG_HELP_COMMAND}{$strCommand}; my $oSectionElement = $oDoc->nodeAdd('section', undef, {id => "command-${strCommand}"}); my $oCommandDoc = $oOperationDoc->nodeGet('command-list')->nodeGetById('command', $strCommand); $oSectionElement-> nodeAdd('title')->textSet( {name => 'text', children=> [$oCommandDoc->paramGet('name') . ' Command (', {name => 'id', value => $strCommand}, ')']}); $oSectionElement->textSet($$oCommandHash{&CONFIG_HELP_DESCRIPTION}); # use Data::Dumper; # confess Dumper($oDoc->{oDoc}); if (defined($$oCommandHash{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION})) { my $oCategory = {}; foreach my $strOption (sort(keys(%{$$oCommandHash{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}}))) { my ($oOption, $strCategory) = helpCommandDocGetOptionFind($oConfigHash, $oOptionRule, $strCommand, $strOption); $$oCategory{$strCategory}{$strOption} = $oOption; } # Iterate sections foreach my $strCategory (sort(keys(%{$oCategory}))) { my $oOptionListElement = $oSectionElement->nodeAdd('section', undef, {id => "category-${strCategory}"}); $oOptionListElement-> nodeAdd('title')->textSet(ucfirst($strCategory) . ' Options'); # Iterate options foreach my $strOption (sort(keys(%{$$oCategory{$strCategory}}))) { $self->helpOptionGet($strCommand, $strOption, $oOptionListElement, $$oCommandHash{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}{$strOption}); } } } } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'oDoc', value => $oDoc} ); } # Helper function for helpCommandDocGet() to find options. The option may be stored with the command or in the option list depending # on whether it's generic or command-specific sub helpCommandDocGetOptionFind { my $oConfigHelpData = shift; my $oOptionRule = shift; my $strCommand = shift; my $strOption = shift; my $strSection = CONFIG_HELP_COMMAND; my $oOption = $$oConfigHelpData{&CONFIG_HELP_COMMAND}{$strCommand}{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}{$strOption}; if ($$oOption{&CONFIG_HELP_SOURCE} eq CONFIG_HELP_SOURCE_DEFAULT) { $strSection = CONFIG_SECTION_GENERAL; } elsif ($$oOption{&CONFIG_HELP_SOURCE} eq CONFIG_HELP_SOURCE_SECTION) { $oOption = $$oConfigHelpData{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}{$strOption}; if (defined($$oOption{&CONFIG_HELP_SECTION})) { $strSection = $$oOption{&CONFIG_HELP_SECTION}; if ($strSection eq CONFIG_SECTION_COMMAND) { $strSection = CONFIG_SECTION_GENERAL; } } else { $strSection = CONFIG_SECTION_GENERAL; } if (($strSection ne CONFIG_SECTION_GENERAL && $strSection ne CONFIG_SECTION_LOG && $strSection ne CONFIG_SECTION_STANZA && $strSection ne CONFIG_SECTION_EXPIRE) || $strSection eq $strCommand) { $strSection = CONFIG_HELP_COMMAND; } } return $oOption, $strSection; } #################################################################################################################################### # helpOptionGet # # Get the xml for an option. #################################################################################################################################### sub helpOptionGet { my $self = shift; my $strCommand = shift; my $strOption = shift; my $oParentElement = shift; my $oOptionHash = shift; # Create the option section my $oOptionElement = $oParentElement->nodeAdd('section', undef, {id => "option-${strOption}"}); # Set the option section title $oOptionElement-> nodeAdd('title')->textSet( {name => 'text', children=> [$$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_NAME} . ' Option (', {name => 'id', value => "--${strOption}"}, ')']}); # Add the option summary and description $oOptionElement-> nodeAdd('p')->textSet($$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_SUMMARY}); $oOptionElement-> nodeAdd('p')->textSet($$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_DESCRIPTION}); # Get the default value (or required=n if there is no default) my $strCodeBlock; if (defined(optionDefault($strOption, $strCommand))) { my $strDefault; if ($strOption eq OPTION_CONFIG || $strOption eq OPTION_CONFIG_REMOTE) { $strDefault = '/etc/{[backrest-exe]}.conf'; } elsif ($strOption eq OPTION_COMMAND_REMOTE) { $strDefault = '[INSTALL-PATH]/{[backrest-exe]}'; } else { if (optionTypeTest($strOption, OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN)) { $strDefault = optionDefault($strOption, $strCommand) ? 'y' : 'n'; } else { $strDefault = optionDefault($strOption, $strCommand); } } $strCodeBlock = "default: ${strDefault}"; } # This won't work correctly until there is some notion of dependency # elsif (optionRequired($strOption, $strCommand)) # { # $strCodeBlock = 'required: y'; # } # Get the allowed range if it exists my ($strRangeMin, $strRangeMax) = optionRange($strOption, $strCommand); if (defined($strRangeMin)) { $strCodeBlock .= (defined($strCodeBlock) ? "\n" : '') . "allowed: ${strRangeMin}-${strRangeMax}"; } # Get the example my $strExample; if (defined($strCommand)) { if (optionTypeTest($strOption, OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN)) { if ($$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_EXAMPLE} ne 'n' && $$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_EXAMPLE} ne 'y') { confess &log(ERROR, "option ${strOption} example should be boolean but value is: " . $$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_EXAMPLE}); } $strExample = '--' . ($$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_EXAMPLE} eq 'n' ? 'no-' : '') . $strOption; } else { $strExample = "--${strOption}=" . $$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_EXAMPLE}; } } else { $strExample = "${strOption}=" . $$oOptionHash{&CONFIG_HELP_EXAMPLE}; } $strCodeBlock .= (defined($strCodeBlock) ? "\n" : '') . "example: ${strExample}"; $oOptionElement-> nodeAdd('code-block')->valueSet($strCodeBlock); } 1;