#################################################################################################################################### # Classify files and generate code totals #################################################################################################################################### package pgBackRestTest::Common::CodeCountTest; #################################################################################################################################### # Perl includes #################################################################################################################################### use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Carp qw(confess); use English '-no_match_vars'; use Exporter qw(import); our @EXPORT = qw(); use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Log; use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest; #################################################################################################################################### # Scan all files and assign types #################################################################################################################################### sub codeCountScan { my $oStorage = shift; my $strBasePath = shift; # Load YAML require YAML::XS; YAML::XS->import(qw(Load Dump)); my $hCodeCount = {}; # Build manifest of all files my $hManifest = $oStorage->manifest($strBasePath); my $strYamlDetail = undef; foreach my $strFile (sort(keys(%{$hManifest}))) { # Only interested in files next if $hManifest->{$strFile}{type} ne 'f'; # Exclude these directories/files entirely next if ($strFile =~ '^\.' || $strFile =~ '\.DS_Store$' || $strFile =~ '\.gitignore$' || $strFile =~ '\.md$' || $strFile =~ '\.log$' || $strFile eq 'LICENSE' || $strFile =~ '^doc/example/' || $strFile =~ '^doc/output/' || $strFile =~ '^doc/resource/fake\-cert' || $strFile =~ '\.png$' || $strFile =~ '\.eps$' || $strFile =~ '\.cache$' || $strFile =~ '^doc/site/' || $strFile =~ '^src/build/autom4te.cache/' || $strFile eq 'test/Dockerfile' || $strFile eq 'test/Vagrantfile' || $strFile =~ '^test/\.vagrant/' || $strFile =~ '^test/certificate/' || $strFile =~ '^test/code-count/' || $strFile =~ '^test/data/' || $strFile =~ '^test/patch/' || $strFile =~ '^test/result/' || $strFile =~ '^test/scratch' || $strFile =~ '^test/src/valgrind\.suppress\.' || $strFile eq 'test/src/lcov.conf' || $strFile eq 'test/uncrustify.cfg'); # Classify the source file my $strClass = 'test/harness'; if ($strFile =~ '^doc/xml/' || $strFile eq 'doc/manifest.xml') { $strClass = 'doc/source'; } elsif ($strFile =~ '^doc/' || $strFile =~ '^doc/resource/') { $strClass = 'doc/core'; } elsif ($strFile =~ '^build/' || $strFile eq 'src/Makefile.in' || $strFile eq 'src/configure' || $strFile =~ '^src/build/' || $strFile =~ 'meson\.build$' || $strFile =~ 'meson_options\.txt$') { $strClass = 'build'; } elsif ($strFile =~ '^test/lib/pgBackRestTest/Module/' || $strFile =~ '^test/src/module/') { $strClass = 'test/module'; } elsif ($strFile =~ '^src/') { $strClass = 'core'; } # Append auto if an auto-generated file if ($strFile =~ '\.auto\..$' || $strFile =~ '\.auto\..\.inc$' || $strFile =~ 'Auto\.pm$') { $strClass .= '/auto'; } # Append vendor if a vendorized file if ($strFile =~ '\.vendor\..$' || $strFile =~ '\.vendor\..\.inc$') { $strClass .= '/vendor'; } # Force unrecognized file types my $strForceLang = undef; my $strType = undef; if ($strFile =~ '\.xs$') { $strType = 'xs'; $strForceLang = 'XS'; } elsif ($strFile =~ '\.h$' || $strFile =~ '\.h\.in$' || $strFile =~ '\.xsh$') { $strType = 'c/h'; $strForceLang = 'C/C++ Header'; } elsif ($strFile =~ '\.c$' || $strFile =~ '\.c.inc$') { $strType = 'c'; $strForceLang = 'C'; } elsif ($strFile =~ '\.t$' || $strFile =~ '\.pl$' || $strFile =~ '\.pm$' || $strFile =~ '\.PL$') { $strType = 'perl'; $strForceLang = 'Perl'; } elsif ($strFile =~ '\.yaml$') { $strType = 'yaml'; $strForceLang = 'YAML'; } elsif ($strFile =~ 'Makefile\.in$' || $strFile =~ '^src\/configure' || $strFile =~ '^src\/build\/') { $strType = 'make'; $strForceLang = 'make'; } elsif ($strFile =~ 'meson\.build$' || $strFile =~ 'meson_options\.txt$') { $strType = 'meson'; $strForceLang = 'make'; } elsif ($strFile =~ '\.xml$') { $strType = 'xml'; $strForceLang = 'XML'; } elsif ($strFile =~ '\.css$') { $strType = 'css'; $strForceLang = 'CSS'; } elsif ($strFile =~ '\.dtd$') { $strType = 'dtd'; $strForceLang = 'DTD'; } elsif ($strFile =~ '\.tex$') { $strType = 'latex'; $strForceLang = 'Latex'; } else { confess &log(ERROR, "unable to map type for ${strFile}"); } # Load the file counts my $strYaml = executeTest( "cloc --yaml ${strBasePath}/${strFile}" . " --force-lang='${strForceLang}'", {bSuppressStdErr => true}); # Error if the file was ignored if ($strYaml =~ '1 file ignored') { confess &log(ERROR, "file type for ${strBasePath}/${strFile} not recognized:\n${strYaml}"); } # Clean out extraneous keys my $hFileCount = Load($strYaml); delete($hFileCount->{header}); delete($hFileCount->{SUM}); # There should only be one key - the file type if (keys(%{$hFileCount}) != 1) { confess &log(ERROR, "more than one file type in ${strBasePath}/${strFile}:\n" . Dump($hFileCount)); } # Translate type my ($strTypeRaw) = keys(%{$hFileCount}); $hFileCount = $hFileCount->{$strTypeRaw}; # Append to yaml file $strYamlDetail .= (defined($strYamlDetail) ? "\n" : '') . "${strFile}:\n" . " class: ${strClass}\n" . " type: ${strType}\n"; # Summarize $hCodeCount->{$strClass}{$strType}{code} += $hFileCount->{code}; $hCodeCount->{$strClass}{$strType}{comment} += $hFileCount->{comment}; $hCodeCount->{$strClass}{total}{code} += $hFileCount->{code}; $hCodeCount->{$strClass}{total}{comment} += $hFileCount->{comment}; $hCodeCount->{total}{code} += $hFileCount->{code}; $hCodeCount->{total}{comment} += $hFileCount->{comment}; } # Save the file $oStorage->put( 'test/code-count/file-type.yaml', "# File types for source files in the project\n" . $strYamlDetail); # Reload the file to make sure there aren't any formatting issues Load(${$oStorage->get('test/code-count/file-type.yaml')}); # Display code count summary &log(INFO, "code count summary:\n" . Dump($hCodeCount)); } push @EXPORT, qw(codeCountScan); 1;