#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; use Config::IniFiles; use Carp; use lib dirname($0); use pg_backrest_utility; use pg_backrest_file; use pg_backrest_backup; use pg_backrest_db; # Command line parameters my $strConfigFile; my $strStanza; my $strType = "incremental"; # Type of backup: full, differential (diff), incremental (incr) my $bHardLink; my $bNoChecksum; my $bNoCompression; GetOptions ("no-compression" => \$bNoCompression, "no-checksum" => \$bNoChecksum, "hardlink" => \$bHardLink, "config=s" => \$strConfigFile, "stanza=s" => \$strStanza, "type=s" => \$strType) or die("Error in command line arguments\n"); # Global variables my %oConfig; #################################################################################################################################### # CONFIG_LOAD - Get a value from the config and be sure that it is defined (unless bRequired is false) #################################################################################################################################### sub config_load { my $strSection = shift; my $strKey = shift; my $bRequired = shift; # Default is that the key is not required if (!defined($bRequired)) { $bRequired = false; } my $strValue; # Look in the default stanza section if ($strSection eq "stanza") { $strValue = $oConfig{"${strStanza}"}{"${strKey}"}; } # Else look in the supplied section else { # First check the stanza section $strValue = $oConfig{"${strStanza}:${strSection}"}{"${strKey}"}; # If the stanza section value is undefined then check global if (!defined($strValue)) { $strValue = $oConfig{"global:${strSection}"}{"${strKey}"}; } } if (!defined($strValue) && $bRequired) { confess &log(ERROR, "config value " . (defined($strSection) ? $strSection : "[stanza]") . "->${strKey} is undefined"); } if ($strSection eq "command") { my $strOption = config_load("command:option", $strKey); if (defined($strOption)) { $strValue =~ s/\%option\%/${strOption}/g; } } return $strValue; } #################################################################################################################################### # START MAIN #################################################################################################################################### # Error if no operation is specified if (@ARGV < 1) { confess "operation my be specified (backup, expire, archive_push, ...) - show usage"; } # Get the command my $strOperation = $ARGV[0]; my $strLogFile = ""; # !!! Pick the log file name here (backup, restore, archive-YYYYMMDD) # if ($strOperation eq "archive-push") { } #################################################################################################################################### # LOAD CONFIG FILE #################################################################################################################################### if (!defined($strConfigFile)) { $strConfigFile = "/etc/pg_backrest.conf"; } tie %oConfig, 'Config::IniFiles', (-file => $strConfigFile) or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to find config file ${strConfigFile}"); # Load and check the cluster if (!defined($strStanza)) { confess "a backup stanza must be specified - show usage"; } #################################################################################################################################### # ARCHIVE-PUSH Command #################################################################################################################################### if ($strOperation eq "archive-push") { # archive-push command must have two arguments if (@ARGV != 2) { confess "not enough arguments - show usage"; } # Run file_init_archive - this is the minimal config needed to run archiving my $oFile = pg_backrest_file->new ( strStanza => $strStanza, bNoCompression => $bNoCompression, strBackupUser => config_load("backup", "user"), strBackupHost => config_load("backup", "host"), strBackupPath => config_load("backup", "path", true), strCommandChecksum => config_load("command", "checksum", !$bNoChecksum), strCommandCompress => config_load("command", "compress", !$bNoCompression), strCommandDecompress => config_load("command", "decompress", !$bNoCompression) ); backup_init ( undef, $oFile ); # Call the archive function archive_push($ARGV[1]); exit 0; } #################################################################################################################################### # GET MORE CONFIG INFO #################################################################################################################################### # Check the backup type if ($strType eq "diff") { $strType = "differential"; } if ($strType eq "incr") { $strType = "incremental"; } if ($strType ne "full" && $strType ne "differential" && $strType ne "incremental") { confess &log(ERROR, "backup type must be full, differential (diff), incremental (incr)"); } # Run file_init_archive - the rest of the file config required for backup and restore my $oFile = pg_backrest_file->new ( strStanza => $strStanza, bNoCompression => $bNoCompression, strBackupUser => config_load("backup", "user"), strBackupHost => config_load("backup", "host"), strBackupPath => config_load("backup", "path", true), strDbUser => config_load("stanza", "user"), strDbHost => config_load("stanza", "host"), strCommandChecksum => config_load("command", "checksum", !$bNoChecksum), strCommandCompress => config_load("command", "compress", !$bNoCompression), strCommandDecompress => config_load("command", "decompress", !$bNoCompression), strCommandManifest => config_load("command", "manifest"), strCommandPsql => config_load("command", "psql") ); my $oDb = pg_backrest_db->new ( strDbUser => config_load("stanza", "user"), strDbHost => config_load("stanza", "host"), strCommandPsql => config_load("command", "psql") ); # Run backup_init - parameters required for backup and restore operations backup_init ( $oDb, $oFile, $strType, $bHardLink, $bNoChecksum ); #################################################################################################################################### # BACKUP #################################################################################################################################### if ($strOperation eq "backup") { backup(config_load("stanza", "path")); $strOperation = "expire"; } #################################################################################################################################### # EXPIRE #################################################################################################################################### if ($strOperation eq "expire") { backup_expire ( $oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER), config_load("retention", "full_retention"), config_load("retention", "differential_retention"), config_load("retention", "archive_retention_type"), config_load("retention", "archive_retention") ); exit 0; }