#!/usr/bin/perl #################################################################################################################################### # File.pl - Unit Tests for BackRest::File #################################################################################################################################### #################################################################################################################################### # Perl includes #################################################################################################################################### use strict; use warnings; use english; use Carp; use File::Basename; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use lib dirname($0) . "/.."; use pg_backrest_file; use pg_backrest_utility; use Exporter qw(import); our @EXPORT = qw(BackRestTestFile); sub BackRestTestFile { my $strLockPath = dirname(abs_path($0)) . "/lock"; my $strTestPath = dirname(abs_path($0)) . "/test"; my $iRun = 0; log_level_set(OFF, OFF); # !!! NEED TO TEST WHERE LOCK PATH IS UNDEF # Test file_exists() for (my $bRemote = 0; $bRemote <= 1; $bRemote++) { my $strHost = $bRemote ? "" : undef; my $strUser = $bRemote ? "dsteele" : undef; system("rm -rf lock"); system("mkdir -p lock") == 0 or confess "Unable to create lock directory"; my $oFile = pg_backrest_file->new ( strStanza => "db", bNoCompression => true, strBackupClusterPath => ${strTestPath}, strBackupPath => ${strTestPath}, strBackupHost => $strHost, strBackupUser => $strUser, strLockPath => $strLockPath ); # Loop through exists for (my $bExists = 0; $bExists <= 1; $bExists++) { # Loop through error for (my $bError = 0; $bError <= $bRemote ? 1 : 0; $bError++) { $iRun++; print "run ${iRun} - " . "rmt $bRemote, exist $bExists, error $bError\n"; # Drop the old test directory and create a new one system("rm -rf test"); system("mkdir test") == 0 or confess "Unable to create test directory"; my $strFile = "${strTestPath}/test.txt"; if ($bExists) { system("echo 'TESTDATA' > ${strFile}"); } if ($bError) { $strFile = "--backrest-error " . $strFile; } # Execute in eval in case of error eval { if ($oFile->file_exists(PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE, $strFile) != $bExists) { confess "bExists is set to $bExists, but file_exists() returned " . !$bExists; } }; if ($@) { if (!$bError) { confess 'error was returned but no error generated'; } my $strError = $oFile->error_get(); if (!defined($strError) || ($strError eq '')) { confess 'no error message returned'; } print " error raised: ${strError}\n"; next; } } } } return; # Test copy() $iRun = 0; system("rm -rf lock"); system("mkdir -p lock") == 0 or confess "Unable to create lock directory"; for (my $bBackupRemote = 0; $bBackupRemote <= 1; $bBackupRemote++) { my $strBackupHost = $bBackupRemote ? "" : undef; my $strBackupUser = $bBackupRemote ? "dsteele" : undef; # Loop through source compression for (my $bDbRemote = 0; $bDbRemote <= 1; $bDbRemote++) { my $strDbHost = $bDbRemote ? "" : undef; my $strDbUser = $bDbRemote ? "dsteele" : undef; # Loop through destination compression for (my $bDestinationCompressed = 0; $bDestinationCompressed <= 1; $bDestinationCompressed++) { my $oFile = pg_backrest_file->new ( strStanza => "db", bNoCompression => !$bDestinationCompressed, strBackupClusterPath => undef, strBackupPath => ${strTestPath}, strBackupHost => $strBackupHost, strBackupUser => $strBackupUser, strDbHost => $strDbHost, strDbUser => $strDbUser, strCommandCompress => "gzip --stdout %file%", strCommandDecompress => "gzip -dc %file%", strLockPath => dirname($0) . "/test/lock" ); for (my $bSourceCompressed = 0; $bSourceCompressed <= 1; $bSourceCompressed++) { for (my $bSourcePathType = 0; $bSourcePathType <= 1; $bSourcePathType++) { my $strSourcePath = $bSourcePathType ? PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE : PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE; for (my $bDestinationPathType = 0; $bDestinationPathType <= 1; $bDestinationPathType++) { my $strDestinationPath = $bDestinationPathType ? PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE : PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE; for (my $bError = 0; $bError <= 1; $bError++) { for (my $bConfessError = 0; $bConfessError <= 1; $bConfessError++) { $iRun++; print "run ${iRun} - " . "srcpth ${strSourcePath}, bkprmt $bBackupRemote, srccmp $bSourceCompressed, " . "dstpth ${strDestinationPath}, dbrmt $bDbRemote, dstcmp $bDestinationCompressed, " . "error $bError, confess_error $bConfessError\n"; # Drop the old test directory and create a new one system("rm -rf test"); system("mkdir -p test/lock") == 0 or confess "Unable to create the test directory"; my $strSourceFile = "${strTestPath}/test-source.txt"; my $strDestinationFile = "${strTestPath}/test-destination.txt"; # Create the compressed or uncompressed test file if ($bSourceCompressed) { $strSourceFile .= ".gz"; system("echo 'TESTDATA' | gzip > ${strSourceFile}"); } else { system("echo 'TESTDATA' > ${strSourceFile}"); } # Create the file object based on current values if ($bError) { $strSourceFile .= ".error"; } # Run file copy in an eval block because some errors are expected my $bReturn; eval { $bReturn = $oFile->file_copy($strSourcePath, $strSourceFile, $strDestinationPath, $strDestinationFile, undef, undef, undef, undef, $bConfessError); }; # Check for errors after copy if ($@) { # Different remote and destination with different path types should error if ($bBackupRemote && $bDbRemote && ($strSourcePath ne $strDestinationPath)) { print " different source and remote for same path not supported\n"; next; } # If the error was intentional, then also continue elsif ($bError) { my $strError = $oFile->error_get(); if (!defined($strError) || ($strError eq '')) { confess 'no error message returned'; } print " error raised: ${strError}\n"; next; } # Else this is an unexpected error else { confess $@; } } elsif ($bError) { if ($bConfessError) { confess "Value was returned instead of exception thrown when confess error is true"; } else { if ($bReturn) { confess "true was returned when an error was generated"; } else { my $strError = $oFile->error_get(); if (!defined($strError) || ($strError eq '')) { confess 'no error message returned'; } print " error returned: ${strError}\n"; next; } } } else { if (!$bReturn) { confess "error was returned when no error generated"; } print " true was returned\n"; } # Check for errors after copy if ($bDestinationCompressed) { $strDestinationFile .= ".gz"; } unless (-e $strDestinationFile) { confess "could not find destination file ${strDestinationFile}"; } } } } } } } } } }