#################################################################################################################################### # MANIFEST MODULE #################################################################################################################################### package BackRest::Manifest; use parent 'BackRest::Ini'; use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Carp qw(confess); use Exporter qw(import); use File::Basename qw(dirname basename); use Digest::SHA; use Time::Local qw(timelocal); use lib dirname($0); use BackRest::Exception qw(ERROR_CHECKSUM ERROR_FORMAT); use BackRest::File; use BackRest::Ini; use BackRest::Utility; #################################################################################################################################### # Operation constants #################################################################################################################################### use constant OP_MANIFEST => 'Manifest'; our @EXPORT = qw(OP_MANIFEST); use constant OP_MANIFEST_SAVE => OP_MANIFEST . '->save'; push @EXPORT, qw(OP_MANIFEST_SAVE); #################################################################################################################################### # File/path constants #################################################################################################################################### use constant FILE_MANIFEST => 'backup.manifest'; push @EXPORT, qw(FILE_MANIFEST); use constant PATH_PG_TBLSPC => 'pg_tblspc'; push @EXPORT, qw(PATH_PG_TBLSPC); #################################################################################################################################### # MANIFEST Constants #################################################################################################################################### use constant MANIFEST_PATH => 'path'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_PATH); use constant MANIFEST_FILE => 'file'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_FILE); use constant MANIFEST_LINK => 'link'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_LINK); use constant MANIFEST_TABLESPACE => 'tablespace'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_TABLESPACE); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_BASE => 'base'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_BASE); # Manifest sections use constant MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP => 'backup'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP); use constant MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_DB => 'backup:db'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_DB); use constant MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_INFO => 'backup:info'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_INFO); use constant MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_OPTION => 'backup:option'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_OPTION); use constant MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH => 'backup:path'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH); # Backup metadata required for restores use constant MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_START => 'backup-archive-start'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_START); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_STOP => 'backup-archive-stop'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_STOP); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_LABEL => 'backup-label'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_LABEL); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_PRIOR => 'backup-prior'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_PRIOR); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_COPY_START => 'backup-timestamp-copy-start'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_COPY_START); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_START => 'backup-timestamp-start'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_START); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_STOP => 'backup-timestamp-stop'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_STOP); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_TYPE => 'backup-type'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_TYPE); # Options that were set when the backup was made use constant MANIFEST_KEY_HARDLINK => 'option-hardlink'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_HARDLINK); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_CHECK => 'option-archive-check'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_CHECK); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_COPY => 'option-archive-copy'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_COPY); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_COMPRESS => 'option-compress'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_COMPRESS); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_START_STOP => 'option-start-stop'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_START_STOP); # Information about the database that was backed up use constant MANIFEST_KEY_SYSTEM_ID => 'db-system-id'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_SYSTEM_ID); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_CATALOG => 'db-catalog-version'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_CATALOG); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_CONTROL => 'db-control-version'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_CONTROL); use constant MANIFEST_KEY_DB_VERSION => 'db-version'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_KEY_DB_VERSION); # Subkeys used for path/file/link info use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM => 'checksum'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_DESTINATION => 'destination'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_DESTINATION); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_FUTURE => 'future'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_FUTURE); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP => 'group'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_LINK => 'link'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_LINK); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE => 'mode'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP => 'timestamp'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH => 'path'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE => 'reference'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE => 'size'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE); use constant MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER => 'user'; push @EXPORT, qw(MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER); #################################################################################################################################### # new #################################################################################################################################### sub new { my $class = shift; # Class name my $strFileName = shift; # Manifest filename my $bLoad = shift; # Load the manifest? # Set defaults $bLoad = defined($bLoad) ? $bLoad : true; # Init object and store variables my $self = $class->SUPER::new($strFileName, $bLoad); return $self; } #################################################################################################################################### # save # # Save the manifest. #################################################################################################################################### sub save { my $self = shift; # !!! Add section comments here # $self->setComment(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_INFO, # ################################################################################# # "Information about the backup:\n" . # " backup-size = total size of original files.\n" . # " backup-size-delta = difference in total file size from the prior backup.\n". # " backup-size-delta will be equal to backup-size when\n" . # " backup-type = full, otherwise this is not possible\n" . # " unless option-start-stop = true.\n" . # "\n" . # "Human-readable output:\n" . # " backup-repo-size = " . file_size_format($lBackupRepoSize) . "\n" . # " backup-repo-size-delta = " . file_size_format($lBackupRepoSizeDelta) . "\n" . # " backup-size = " . file_size_format($lBackupSize) . "\n" . # " backup-size-delta = " . file_size_format($lBackupSizeDelta) # ); # Call inherited save $self->SUPER::save(); } #################################################################################################################################### # set # # Set a value. #################################################################################################################################### sub set { my $self = shift; my $strSection = shift; my $strKey = shift; my $strSubKey = shift; my $strValue = shift; # Make sure the keys are valid $self->valid($strSection, $strKey, $strSubKey); # Call inherited set $self->SUPER::set($strSection, $strKey, $strSubKey, $strValue); } #################################################################################################################################### # remove # # Remove a value. #################################################################################################################################### sub remove { my $self = shift; my $strSection = shift; my $strKey = shift; my $strSubKey = shift; my $strValue = shift; # Make sure the keys are valid $self->valid($strSection, $strKey, $strSubKey, undef, true); # Call inherited remove $self->SUPER::remove($strSection, $strKey, $strSubKey, $strValue); } #################################################################################################################################### # valid # # Determine if section, key, subkey combination is valid. #################################################################################################################################### sub valid { my $self = shift; my $strSection = shift; my $strKey = shift; my $strSubKey = shift; my $strValue = shift; my $bDelete = shift; # Section and key must always be defined if (!defined($strSection) || !defined($strKey)) { confess &log(ASSERT, 'section or key is not defined'); } # Default bDelete $bDelete = defined($bDelete) ? $bDelete : false; if ($strSection =~ /^.*\:(file|path|link)$/ && $strSection !~ /^backup\:path$/) { if (!defined($strSubKey) && $bDelete) { return true; } my $strPath = (split(':', $strSection))[0]; my $strType = (split(':', $strSection))[1]; if ($strPath eq MANIFEST_TABLESPACE) { $strPath = (split(':', $strSection))[1]; $strType = (split(':', $strSection))[2]; } if (($strType eq 'path' || $strType eq 'file' || $strType eq 'link') && ($strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER || $strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP)) { return true; } elsif (($strType eq 'path' || $strType eq 'file') && ($strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE)) { return true; } elsif ($strType eq 'file' && ($strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM || $strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_FUTURE || $strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP || $strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE || $strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE)) { return true; } elsif ($strType eq 'link' && $strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_DESTINATION) { return true; } } elsif ($strSection eq INI_SECTION_BACKREST) { return true; } elsif ($strSection eq MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP) { if ($strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_START || $strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_STOP || $strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_LABEL || $strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_PRIOR || $strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_COPY_START || $strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_START || $strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_STOP || $strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_TYPE) { return true; } } elsif ($strSection eq MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_DB) { if ($strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_CATALOG || $strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_CONTROL || $strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_SYSTEM_ID || $strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_DB_VERSION) { return true; } } elsif ($strSection eq MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_OPTION) { if ($strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_CHECK || $strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_COPY || $strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_COMPRESS || $strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_HARDLINK || $strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_START_STOP) { return true; } } elsif ($strSection eq MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH) { if ($strKey eq MANIFEST_KEY_BASE && $strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH) { return true; } if ($strKey =~ /^tablespace\// && ($strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_LINK || $strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH)) { return true; } } confess &log(ASSERT, "manifest section '${strSection}', key '${strKey}'" . (defined($strSubKey) ? ", subkey '$strSubKey'" : '') . ' is not valid'); } #################################################################################################################################### # build # # Build the manifest object. #################################################################################################################################### sub build { my $self = shift; my $oFile = shift; my $strDbClusterPath = shift; my $oLastManifest = shift; my $bNoStartStop = shift; my $oTablespaceMapRef = shift; my $strLevel = shift; &log(DEBUG, 'Manifest->build'); # If no level is defined then it must be base if (!defined($strLevel)) { $strLevel = MANIFEST_KEY_BASE; if (defined($oLastManifest)) { $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_PRIOR, undef, $oLastManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_LABEL)); } # If bNoStartStop then build the tablespace map from pg_tblspc path if ($bNoStartStop && !defined($oTablespaceMapRef)) { $oTablespaceMapRef = {}; my %oTablespaceManifestHash; $oFile->manifest(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strDbClusterPath . '/' . PATH_PG_TBLSPC, \%oTablespaceManifestHash); foreach my $strName (sort(CORE::keys $oTablespaceManifestHash{name})) { if ($strName eq '.' or $strName eq '..') { next; } if ($oTablespaceManifestHash{name}{$strName}{type} ne 'l') { confess &log(ERROR, PATH_PG_TBLSPC . "/${strName} is not a link"); } &log(DEBUG, "Found tablespace ${strName}"); ${$oTablespaceMapRef}{oid}{$strName}{name} = $strName; } } } # Get the manifest for this level my %oManifestHash; $oFile->manifest(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strDbClusterPath, \%oManifestHash); $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH, $strLevel, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH, $strDbClusterPath); # Loop though all paths/files/links in the manifest foreach my $strName (sort(CORE::keys $oManifestHash{name})) { # Skip certain files during backup if (($strName =~ /^pg\_xlog\/.*/ && !$bNoStartStop) || # pg_xlog/ - this will be reconstructed $strName =~ /^postmaster\.pid$/ || # postmaster.pid - to avoid confusing postgres when restoring $strName =~ /^recovery\.conf$/) # recovery.conf - doesn't make sense to backup this file { next; } my $cType = $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{type}; my $strLinkDestination = $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{link_destination}; my $strSection = "${strLevel}:path"; if ($cType eq 'f') { $strSection = "${strLevel}:file"; } elsif ($cType eq 'l') { $strSection = "${strLevel}:link"; } elsif ($cType ne 'd') { confess &log(ASSERT, "unrecognized file type $cType for file $strName"); } # User and group required for all types $self->set($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER, $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{user}); $self->set($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP, $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{group}); # Mode for required file and path type only if ($cType eq 'f' || $cType eq 'd') { $self->set($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE, $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{mode}); } # Modification time and size required for file type only if ($cType eq 'f') { $self->set($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP, $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{modification_time} + 0); $self->set($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE, $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{size} + 0); } # Link destination required for link type only if ($cType eq 'l') { $self->set($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_DESTINATION, $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{link_destination}); # If this is a tablespace then follow the link if (index($strName, PATH_PG_TBLSPC . '/') == 0 && $strLevel eq MANIFEST_KEY_BASE) { my $strTablespaceOid = basename($strName); my $strTablespaceName = MANIFEST_TABLESPACE . '/' . ${$oTablespaceMapRef}{oid}{$strTablespaceOid}{name}; $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH, $strTablespaceName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_LINK, $strTablespaceOid); $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH, $strTablespaceName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH, $strLinkDestination); $self->build($oFile, $strLinkDestination, $oLastManifest, $bNoStartStop, $oTablespaceMapRef, $strTablespaceName); } } } # If this is the base level then do post-processing if ($strLevel eq MANIFEST_KEY_BASE) { my $bTimeInFuture = false; my $lTimeBegin = $oFile->wait(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE); # Loop through all backup paths (base and tablespaces) foreach my $strPathKey ($self->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH)) { my $strSection = "${strPathKey}:file"; # Make sure file section exists if ($self->test($strSection)) { # Loop though all files foreach my $strName ($self->keys($strSection)) { # If modification time is in the future (in this backup OR the last backup) set warning flag and do not # allow a reference if ($self->getNumeric($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP) > $lTimeBegin || (defined($oLastManifest) && $oLastManifest->test($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_FUTURE, 'y'))) { $bTimeInFuture = true; # Only mark as future if still in the future in the current backup if ($self->getNumeric($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP) > $lTimeBegin) { $self->set($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_FUTURE, 'y'); } } # Else check if modification time and size are unchanged since last backup elsif (defined($oLastManifest) && $oLastManifest->test($strSection, $strName) && $self->getNumeric($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE) == $oLastManifest->get($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE) && $self->getNumeric($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP) == $oLastManifest->get($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP)) { # Copy reference from previous backup if possible if ($oLastManifest->test($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE)) { $self->set($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE, $oLastManifest->get($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE)); } # Otherwise the reference is to the previous backup else { $self->set($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE, $oLastManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_LABEL)); } # Copy the checksum from previous manifest if ($oLastManifest->test($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM)) { $self->set($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM, $oLastManifest->get($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM)); } } } } } # Warn if any files in the current backup are in the future if ($bTimeInFuture) { &log(WARN, "some files have timestamps in the future - they will be copied to prevent possible race conditions"); } # Record the time when copying will start $self->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_COPY_START, undef, $lTimeBegin + 1); } } 1;