#################################################################################################################################### # FileTest.pm - Unit Tests for pgBackRest::File #################################################################################################################################### package pgBackRestTest::File::FileTest; #################################################################################################################################### # Perl includes #################################################################################################################################### use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Carp qw(confess); use Cwd qw(abs_path cwd); use Exporter qw(import); use Fcntl qw(:mode); use File::stat; use POSIX qw(ceil); use Scalar::Util qw(blessed); use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday usleep); use pgBackRest::Common::Log; use pgBackRest::Config::Config; use pgBackRest::File; use pgBackRest::Protocol::Common; use pgBackRest::Protocol::RemoteMaster; use pgBackRestTest::Backup::Common::HostBackupTest; use pgBackRestTest::Backup::Common::HostBaseTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::HostGroupTest; use pgBackRestTest::CommonTest; my $strTestPath; my $strHost; my $strUserBackRest; #################################################################################################################################### # fileTestSetup #################################################################################################################################### sub fileTestSetup { my $bPrivate = shift; my $bDropOnly = shift; # Remove the backrest private directory if (-e "${strTestPath}/private") { system("ssh ${strUserBackRest}\@${strHost} 'rm -rf ${strTestPath}/private'"); } # Remove contents of the test directory system("rm -rf ${strTestPath}/*") == 0 or die 'unable to drop test path'; if (!defined($bDropOnly) || !$bDropOnly) { # Create the backrest private directory if (defined($bPrivate) && $bPrivate) { system("ssh backrest\@${strHost} 'mkdir -m 700 ${strTestPath}/backrest_private'") == 0 or die "unable to create ${strTestPath}/backrest_private path"; system("mkdir -m 700 ${strTestPath}/user_private") == 0 or die "unable to create ${strTestPath}/user_private path"; } } } #################################################################################################################################### # fileTestRun #################################################################################################################################### sub fileTestRun { my $strTest = shift; my $iThreadMax = shift; my $bVmOut = shift; # If no test was specified, then run them all if (!defined($strTest)) { $strTest = 'all'; } # Setup test variables my $oHostGroup = hostGroupGet(); $strTestPath = $oHostGroup->paramGet(HOST_PARAM_TEST_PATH); my $strStanza = 'db'; my $strUser = getpwuid($<); my $strGroup = getgrgid($(); $strHost = ''; $strUserBackRest = 'backrest'; # Print test banner if (!$bVmOut) { &log(INFO, 'FILE MODULE ********************************************************************'); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create remotes #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $strRepoPath = "${strTestPath}/repo"; mkdir($strRepoPath, oct('0770')) or confess "Unable to create repo directory: ${strRepoPath}"; my $oRemote = new pgBackRest::Protocol::RemoteMaster( $oHostGroup->paramGet(HOST_PARAM_BACKREST_EXE) . ' --stanza=' . HOST_STANZA . " --repo-path=${strRepoPath} --no-config --command=test remote", OPTION_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, OPTION_DEFAULT_COMPRESS_LEVEL, OPTION_DEFAULT_COMPRESS_LEVEL_NETWORK, $strHost, $strUserBackRest, HOST_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT); my $oLocal = new pgBackRest::Protocol::Common( OPTION_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, OPTION_DEFAULT_COMPRESS_LEVEL, OPTION_DEFAULT_COMPRESS_LEVEL_NETWORK, HOST_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test path_create() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'path_create') { my $iRun = 0; if (!$bVmOut) { &log(INFO, "Test File->pathCreate()\n"); } # Loop through local/remote for (my $bRemote = 0; $bRemote <= 1; $bRemote++) { # Create the file object my $oFile = new pgBackRest::File ( $strStanza, $strTestPath, $bRemote ? 'backup' : undef, $bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal ); # Loop through error for (my $bError = 0; $bError <= 1; $bError++) { # Loop through mode (mode will be set on true) for (my $bMode = 0; $bMode <= 1; $bMode++) { my $strPathType = PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER; # Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run if (!testRun(++$iRun, "rmt ${bRemote}, err ${bError}, mode ${bMode}")) {next} # Setup test directory fileTestSetup($bError); mkdir("${strTestPath}/backup") or confess 'Unable to create test/backup directory'; mkdir("${strTestPath}/backup/db") or confess 'Unable to create test/backup/db directory'; my $strPath = 'path'; my $strMode; # If mode then set one (other than the default) if ($bMode) { $strMode = '0700'; } # If not exists then set the path to something bogus if ($bError) { $strPath = "${strTestPath}/" . ($bRemote ? 'user' : 'backrest') . "_private/path"; $strPathType = PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE; } # Execute in eval to catch errors my $bErrorExpected = $bError; eval { $oFile->pathCreate($strPathType, $strPath, $strMode); }; # Check for errors if ($@) { # Ignore errors if the path did not exist if ($bErrorExpected) { next; } confess "error raised: " . $@ . "\n"; } if ($bErrorExpected) { confess 'error was expected'; } # Make sure the path was actually created my $strPathCheck = $oFile->pathGet($strPathType, $strPath); unless (-e $strPathCheck) { confess 'path was not created'; } # Check that the mode was set correctly my $oStat = lstat($strPathCheck); if (!defined($oStat)) { confess "unable to stat ${strPathCheck}"; } if ($bMode) { if ($strMode ne sprintf('%04o', S_IMODE($oStat->mode))) { confess "mode were not set to {$strMode}"; } } } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test move() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'move') { my $iRun = 0; if (!$bVmOut) { &log(INFO, "Test File->move()\n"); } for (my $bRemote = 0; $bRemote <= 0; $bRemote++) { # Create the file object my $oFile = (new pgBackRest::File ( $strStanza, $strTestPath, $bRemote ? 'backup' : undef, $bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal ))->clone(1); # Loop through source exists for (my $bSourceExists = 0; $bSourceExists <= 1; $bSourceExists++) { # Loop through source errors for (my $bSourceError = 0; $bSourceError <= 1; $bSourceError++) { # Loop through destination exists for (my $bDestinationExists = 0; $bDestinationExists <= 1; $bDestinationExists++) { # Loop through source errors for (my $bDestinationError = 0; $bDestinationError <= 1; $bDestinationError++) { # Loop through create for (my $bCreate = 0; $bCreate <= $bDestinationExists; $bCreate++) { # Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run if (!testRun(++$iRun, "src_exists ${bSourceExists}, src_error ${bSourceError}, " . ", dst_exists ${bDestinationExists}, dst_error ${bDestinationError}, " . "dst_create ${bCreate}")) {next} # Setup test directory fileTestSetup($bSourceError || $bDestinationError); my $strSourceFile = "${strTestPath}/test.txt"; my $strDestinationFile = "${strTestPath}/test-dest.txt"; if ($bSourceError) { $strSourceFile = "${strTestPath}/" . ($bRemote ? 'user' : 'backrest') . "_private/test.txt"; } elsif ($bSourceExists) { system("echo 'TESTDATA' > ${strSourceFile}"); } if ($bDestinationError) { $strDestinationFile = "${strTestPath}/" . ($bRemote ? 'user' : 'backrest') . "_private/test.txt"; } elsif (!$bDestinationExists) { $strDestinationFile = "${strTestPath}/sub/test-dest.txt"; } # Execute in eval in case of error eval { $oFile->move(PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE, $strSourceFile, PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE, $strDestinationFile, $bCreate); }; if ($@) { if (!$bSourceExists || (!$bDestinationExists && !$bCreate) || $bSourceError || $bDestinationError) { next; } confess 'error raised: ' . $@ . "\n"; } if (!$bSourceExists || (!$bDestinationExists && !$bCreate) || $bSourceError || $bDestinationError) { confess 'error should have been raised'; } unless (-e $strDestinationFile) { confess 'file was not moved'; } } } } } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test compress() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'compress') { my $iRun = 0; if (!$bVmOut) { &log(INFO, "Test File->compress()\n"); } for (my $bRemote = 0; $bRemote <= 0; $bRemote++) { # Create the file object my $oFile = new pgBackRest::File ( $strStanza, $strTestPath, $bRemote ? 'backup' : undef, $bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal ); # Loop through exists for (my $bExists = 0; $bExists <= 1; $bExists++) { for (my $bError = 0; $bError <= 1; $bError++) { if (!testRun(++$iRun, "rmt ${bRemote}, exists ${bExists}, err ${bError}")) {next} # Setup test directory fileTestSetup($bError); my $strFile = "${strTestPath}/test.txt"; my $strSourceHash; my $iSourceSize; if ($bError) { $strFile = "${strTestPath}/" . ($bRemote ? 'user' : 'backrest') . "_private/test.txt"; } elsif ($bExists) { system("echo 'TESTDATA' > ${strFile}"); ($strSourceHash, $iSourceSize) = $oFile->hashSize(PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE, $strFile); } # Execute in eval in case of error eval { $oFile->compress(PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE, $strFile); }; if ($@) { if (!$bExists || $bError) { next; } confess 'error raised: ' . $@ . "\n"; } if (!$bExists || $bError) { confess 'expected error'; } my $strDestinationFile = $strFile . '.gz'; if (-e $strFile) { confess 'source file still exists'; } unless (-e $strDestinationFile) { confess 'file was not compressed'; } system("gzip -d ${strDestinationFile}") == 0 or die "could not decompress ${strDestinationFile}"; my ($strDestinationHash, $iDestinationSize) = $oFile->hashSize(PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE, $strFile); if ($strSourceHash ne $strDestinationHash) { confess "source ${strSourceHash} and destination ${strDestinationHash} file hashes do not match"; } } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test wait() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'wait') { my $iRun = 0; if (!$bVmOut) { &log(INFO, "Test File->wait()\n"); } for (my $bRemote = 0; $bRemote <= 1; $bRemote++) { # Create the file object my $oFile = new pgBackRest::File ( $strStanza, $strTestPath, $bRemote ? 'db' : undef, $bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal ); my $lTimeBegin = gettimeofday(); if (!testRun(++$iRun, "rmt ${bRemote}, begin ${lTimeBegin}")) {next} # If there is not enough time to complete the test then sleep if (ceil($lTimeBegin) - $lTimeBegin < .250) { my $lSleepMs = ceil(((int($lTimeBegin) + 1) - $lTimeBegin) * 1000); usleep($lSleepMs * 1000); &log(DEBUG, "slept ${lSleepMs}ms: begin ${lTimeBegin}, end " . gettimeofday()); $lTimeBegin = gettimeofday(); } # Run the test my $lTimeBeginCheck = $oFile->wait(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE); &log(DEBUG, "begin ${lTimeBegin}, check ${lTimeBeginCheck}, end " . time()); # Current time should have advanced by 1 second if (int(time()) == int($lTimeBegin)) { confess "time was not advanced by 1 second"; } # lTimeBegin and lTimeBeginCheck should be equal if (int($lTimeBegin) != $lTimeBeginCheck) { confess 'time begin ' || int($lTimeBegin) || "and check ${lTimeBeginCheck} should be equal"; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test manifest() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'manifest') { my $iRun = 0; if (!$bVmOut) { &log(INFO, "Test File->manifest()\n"); } my $strManifestCompare = ".,d,${strUser},${strGroup},0770,,,,\n" . "sub1,d,${strUser},${strGroup},0750,,,,\n" . "sub1/sub2,d,${strUser},${strGroup},0750,,,,\n" . "sub1/sub2/test,l,${strUser},${strGroup},,,,,../..\n" . "sub1/sub2/test-hardlink.txt,f,${strUser},${strGroup},1640,1111111111,0,9,\n" . "sub1/sub2/test-sub2.txt,f,${strUser},${strGroup},0666,1111111113,0,11,\n" . "sub1/test,l,${strUser},${strGroup},,,,,..\n" . "sub1/test-hardlink.txt,f,${strUser},${strGroup},1640,1111111111,0,9,\n" . "sub1/test-sub1.txt,f,${strUser},${strGroup},0646,1111111112,0,10,\n" . "test.txt,f,${strUser},${strGroup},1640,1111111111,0,9,"; for (my $bRemote = 0; $bRemote <= 1; $bRemote++) { # Create the file object my $oFile = new pgBackRest::File ( $strStanza, $strTestPath, $bRemote ? 'backup' : undef, $bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal ); for (my $bError = 0; $bError <= 1; $bError++) { for (my $bExists = 0; $bExists <= 1; $bExists++) { if (!testRun(++$iRun, "rmt ${bRemote}, exists ${bExists}, err ${bError}")) {next} # Setup test directory fileTestSetup($bError); # Setup test data system("mkdir -m 750 ${strTestPath}/sub1") == 0 or confess 'Unable to create test directory'; system("mkdir -m 750 ${strTestPath}/sub1/sub2") == 0 or confess 'Unable to create test directory'; system("echo 'TESTDATA' > ${strTestPath}/test.txt"); utime(1111111111, 1111111111, "${strTestPath}/test.txt"); system("chmod 1640 ${strTestPath}/test.txt"); system("echo 'TESTDATA_' > ${strTestPath}/sub1/test-sub1.txt"); utime(1111111112, 1111111112, "${strTestPath}/sub1/test-sub1.txt"); system("chmod 0640 ${strTestPath}/sub1/test-sub1.txt"); system("echo 'TESTDATA__' > ${strTestPath}/sub1/sub2/test-sub2.txt"); utime(1111111113, 1111111113, "${strTestPath}/sub1/sub2/test-sub2.txt"); system("chmod 0646 ${strTestPath}/sub1/test-sub1.txt"); system("ln ${strTestPath}/test.txt ${strTestPath}/sub1/test-hardlink.txt"); system("ln ${strTestPath}/test.txt ${strTestPath}/sub1/sub2/test-hardlink.txt"); system("ln -s .. ${strTestPath}/sub1/test"); system("chmod 0700 ${strTestPath}/sub1/test"); system("ln -s ../.. ${strTestPath}/sub1/sub2/test"); system("chmod 0750 ${strTestPath}/sub1/sub2/test"); system("chmod 0770 ${strTestPath}"); # Create path my $strPath = $strTestPath; if ($bError) { $strPath = "${strTestPath}/" . ($bRemote ? 'user' : 'backrest') . '_private'; } elsif (!$bExists) { $strPath = $strTestPath . '/error'; } # Execute in eval in case of error my %oManifestHash; my $bErrorExpected = !$bExists || $bError; eval { $oFile->manifest(PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE, $strPath, \%oManifestHash); }; # Check for an error if ($@) { if ($bErrorExpected) { next; } confess 'error raised: ' . $@ . "\n"; } # Check for an expected error if ($bErrorExpected) { confess 'error was expected'; } my $strManifest; # Validate the manifest foreach my $strName (sort(keys(%{$oManifestHash{name}}))) { if (!defined($strManifest)) { $strManifest = ''; } else { $strManifest .= "\n"; } if (defined($oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{inode})) { $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{inode} = 0; } $strManifest .= "${strName}," . $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{type} . ',' . (defined($oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{user}) ? $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{user} : '') . ',' . (defined($oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{group}) ? $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{group} : '') . ',' . (defined($oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{mode}) ? $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{mode} : '') . ',' . (defined($oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{modification_time}) ? $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{modification_time} : '') . ',' . (defined($oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{inode}) ? $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{inode} : '') . ',' . (defined($oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{size}) ? $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{size} : '') . ',' . (defined($oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{link_destination}) ? $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{link_destination} : ''); } if ($strManifest ne $strManifestCompare) { confess "manifest is not equal:\n\n${strManifest}\n\ncompare:\n\n${strManifestCompare}\n\n"; } } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test list() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'list') { my $iRun = 0; if (!$bVmOut) { &log(INFO, "Test File->list()\n"); } for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++) { # Create the file object my $oFile = new pgBackRest::File ( $strStanza, $strTestPath, $bRemote ? 'backup' : undef, $bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal ); for (my $bSort = false; $bSort <= true; $bSort++) { my $strSort = $bSort ? undef : 'reverse'; # Loop through expression for (my $iExpression = 0; $iExpression <= 2; $iExpression++) { my $strExpression; # Expression tha returns results if ($iExpression == 1) { $strExpression = "^test2\\..*\$"; } # Expression that does not return results elsif ($iExpression == 2) { $strExpression = "^du\$"; } # Loop through exists for (my $bExists = false; $bExists <= true; $bExists++) { # Loop through ignore missing for (my $bIgnoreMissing = false; $bIgnoreMissing <= $bExists; $bIgnoreMissing++) { # Loop through error for (my $bError = false; $bError <= true; $bError++) { if (!testRun(++$iRun, "rmt ${bRemote}, err ${bError}, exists ${bExists}, ignmis ${bIgnoreMissing}, " . 'expression ' . (defined($strExpression) ? $strExpression : '[undef]') . ', ' . 'sort ' . (defined($strSort) ? $strSort : '[undef]'))) {next} # Setup test directory fileTestSetup($bError); my $strPath = $strTestPath; if ($bError) { $strPath = "${strTestPath}/" . ($bRemote ? 'user' : 'backrest') . '_private'; } elsif (!$bExists) { $strPath = "${strTestPath}/error"; } else { system("echo 'TESTDATA' > ${strPath}/test.txt"); system("echo 'TESTDATA2' > ${strPath}/test2.txt"); } my @stryFileCompare = split(/\n/, "test.txt\ntest2.txt"); # Execute in eval in case of error my @stryFileList; my $bErrorExpected = (!$bExists && !$bIgnoreMissing) || $bError; eval { @stryFileList = $oFile->list(PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE, $strPath, $strExpression, $strSort, $bIgnoreMissing); }; if ($@) { if ($bErrorExpected) { next; } confess 'error raised: ' . $@ . "\n"; } if ($bErrorExpected) { confess 'error was expected'; } # Validate the list if (defined($strExpression)) { @stryFileCompare = grep(/$strExpression/i, @stryFileCompare); } if (defined($strSort)) { @stryFileCompare = sort {$b cmp $a} @stryFileCompare; } my $strFileList = sprintf("@stryFileList"); my $strFileCompare = sprintf("@stryFileCompare"); if ($strFileList ne $strFileCompare) { confess "list (${strFileList})[" . @stryFileList . "] does not match compare (${strFileCompare})[" . @stryFileCompare . ']'; } } } } } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test remove() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'remove') { my $iRun = 0; if (!$bVmOut) { &log(INFO, "Test File->remove()\n"); } for (my $bRemote = 0; $bRemote <= 1; $bRemote++) { my $oFile = new pgBackRest::File ( $strStanza, $strTestPath, $bRemote ? 'backup' : undef, $bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal ); # Loop through exists for (my $bError = 0; $bError <= 1; $bError++) { # Loop through exists for (my $bExists = 0; $bExists <= 1; $bExists++) { # Loop through temp for (my $bTemp = 0; $bTemp <= 1; $bTemp++) { # Loop through ignore missing for (my $bIgnoreMissing = 0; $bIgnoreMissing <= 1; $bIgnoreMissing++) { if (!testRun(++$iRun, "rmt ${bRemote}, err = ${bError}, exists ${bExists}, tmp ${bTemp}, " . "ignore missing ${bIgnoreMissing}")) {next} # Setup test directory fileTestSetup($bError); my $strFile = "${strTestPath}/test.txt"; if ($bError) { $strFile = "${strTestPath}/" . ($bRemote ? 'user' : 'backrest') . '_private/test.txt'; } elsif (!$bExists) { $strFile = "${strTestPath}/private/error.txt" } else { system("echo 'TESTDATA' > ${strFile}" . ($bTemp ? '.backrest.tmp' : '')); } # Execute in eval in case of error my $bRemoved; eval { $bRemoved = $oFile->remove(PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE, $strFile, $bTemp, $bIgnoreMissing); }; if ($@) { if ($bError || $bRemote) { next; } if (!$bExists && !$bIgnoreMissing) { next; } confess 'unexpected error raised: ' . $@; } if ($bError || $bRemote) { confess 'error should have been returned'; } if (!$bRemoved) { if (!$bExists && $bIgnoreMissing) { next; } confess 'remove returned false, but something should have been removed'; } if (-e ($strFile . ($bTemp ? '.backrest.tmp' : ''))) { confess 'file still exists'; } } } } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test hash() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'hash') { my $iRun = 0; if (!$bVmOut) { &log(INFO, "test File->hash()\n"); } for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++) { my $oFile = new pgBackRest::File ( $strStanza, $strTestPath, $bRemote ? 'backup' : undef, $bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal ); # Loop through error for (my $bError = false; $bError <= true; $bError++) { # Loop through exists for (my $bExists = false; $bExists <= true; $bExists++) { # Loop through exists for (my $bCompressed = false; $bCompressed <= true; $bCompressed++) { if (!testRun(++$iRun, "rmt ${bRemote}, err ${bError}, exists ${bExists}, cmp ${bCompressed}")) {next} # Setup test directory fileTestSetup($bError); my $strFile = "${strTestPath}/test.txt"; if ($bError) { $strFile = "${strTestPath}/" . ($bRemote ? 'user' : 'backrest') . '_private/test.txt'; } elsif (!$bExists) { $strFile = "${strTestPath}/error.txt"; } else { system("echo 'TESTDATA' > ${strFile}"); if ($bCompressed && !$bRemote) { $oFile->compress(PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE, $strFile); $strFile = $strFile . '.gz'; } } # Execute in eval in case of error my $strHash; my $iSize; my $bErrorExpected = !$bExists || $bError || $bRemote; eval { ($strHash, $iSize) = $oFile->hashSize(PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE, $strFile, $bCompressed) }; if ($@) { if ($bErrorExpected) { next; } confess 'unexpected error raised: ' . $@; } if ($bErrorExpected) { confess 'error was expected'; } if ($strHash ne '06364afe79d801433188262478a76d19777ef351') { confess 'hashes do not match'; } } } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test exists() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'exists') { my $iRun = 0; if (!$bVmOut) { &log(INFO, "test File->exists()\n"); } for (my $bRemote = 0; $bRemote <= 1; $bRemote++) { my $oFile = new pgBackRest::File ( $strStanza, $strTestPath, $bRemote ? 'backup' : undef, $bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal ); # Loop through exists for (my $bExists = 0; $bExists <= 1; $bExists++) { # Loop through exists for (my $bError = 0; $bError <= $bExists; $bError++) { if (!testRun(++$iRun, "rmt ${bRemote}, err ${bError}, exists ${bExists}")) {next} # Setup test directory fileTestSetup($bError); my $strFile = "${strTestPath}/test.txt"; if ($bError) { $strFile = "${strTestPath}/private/test.txt"; } elsif ($bExists) { system("echo 'TESTDATA' > ${strFile}"); } # Execute in eval in case of error eval { if ($oFile->exists(PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE, $strFile) != $bExists) { confess "bExists is set to ${bExists}, but exists() returned " . !$bExists; } }; if ($@) { my $oMessage = $@; my $iCode; my $strMessage; if (blessed($oMessage)) { if ($oMessage->isa('pgBackRest::Common::Exception')) { $iCode = $oMessage->code(); $strMessage = $oMessage->message(); } else { confess 'unknown error object'; } } else { $strMessage = $oMessage; } if ($bError) { next; } confess 'error raised: ' . $strMessage . "\n"; } } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test copy() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'copy') { my $iRun = 0; # Loop through small/large for (my $iLarge = 0; $iLarge <= 3; $iLarge++) { # Loop through backup local vs remote for (my $bBackupRemote = 0; $bBackupRemote <= 1; $bBackupRemote++) { # Loop through db local vs remote for (my $bDbRemote = 0; $bDbRemote <= 1; $bDbRemote++) { # Backup and db cannot both be remote if ($bBackupRemote && $bDbRemote) { next; } # Determine side is remote my $strRemote = $bBackupRemote ? 'backup' : $bDbRemote ? 'db' : undef; # Create the file object my $oFile = new pgBackRest::File ( $strStanza, $strTestPath, $strRemote, defined($strRemote) ? $oRemote : $oLocal ); # Loop through source path types for (my $bSourcePathType = 0; $bSourcePathType <= 1; $bSourcePathType++) { # Loop through destination path types for (my $bDestinationPathType = 0; $bDestinationPathType <= 1; $bDestinationPathType++) { # Loop through source missing/present for (my $bSourceMissing = 0; $bSourceMissing <= !$iLarge; $bSourceMissing++) { # Loop through source ignore/require for (my $bSourceIgnoreMissing = 0; $bSourceIgnoreMissing <= !$iLarge; $bSourceIgnoreMissing++) { # Loop through checksum append for (my $bChecksumAppend = 0; $bChecksumAppend <= !$iLarge; $bChecksumAppend++) { # Loop through source compression for (my $bSourceCompressed = 0; $bSourceCompressed <= !$bSourceMissing; $bSourceCompressed++) { # Loop through destination compression for (my $bDestinationCompress = 0; $bDestinationCompress <= !$bSourceMissing; $bDestinationCompress++) { my $strSourcePathType = $bSourcePathType ? PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE : PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE; my $strSourcePath = $bSourcePathType ? 'db' : 'backup'; my $strDestinationPathType = $bDestinationPathType ? PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE : PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE; my $strDestinationPath = $bDestinationPathType ? 'db' : 'backup'; if (!testRun(++$iRun, "lrg ${iLarge}, rmt " . (defined($strRemote) && ($strRemote eq $strSourcePath || $strRemote eq $strDestinationPath) ? 1 : 0) . ', srcpth ' . (defined($strRemote) && $strRemote eq $strSourcePath ? 'rmt' : 'lcl') . ":${strSourcePath}, srcmiss ${bSourceMissing}, " . "srcignmiss ${bSourceIgnoreMissing}, srccmp $bSourceCompressed, " . 'dstpth ' . (defined($strRemote) && $strRemote eq $strDestinationPath ? 'rmt' : 'lcl') . ":${strDestinationPath}, chkapp ${bChecksumAppend}, " . "dstcmp $bDestinationCompress")) {next} # Setup test directory fileTestSetup(false); system("mkdir ${strTestPath}/backup") == 0 or confess 'Unable to create test/backup directory'; system("mkdir ${strTestPath}/db") == 0 or confess 'Unable to create test/db directory'; my $strSourceFile = "${strTestPath}/${strSourcePath}/test-source"; my $strDestinationFile = "${strTestPath}/${strDestinationPath}/test-destination"; my $strCopyHash; my $iCopySize; # Create the compressed or uncompressed test file my $strSourceHash; my $iSourceSize; if (!$bSourceMissing) { if ($iLarge) { $strSourceFile .= '.bin'; $strDestinationFile .= '.bin'; if ($iLarge < 3) { executeTest('cp ' . testDataPath() . "/test.archive${iLarge}.bin ${strSourceFile}"); } else { for (my $iTableSizeIdx = 0; $iTableSizeIdx < 100; $iTableSizeIdx++) { executeTest('cat ' . testDataPath() . "/test.table.bin >> ${strSourceFile}"); } } } else { $strSourceFile .= '.txt'; $strDestinationFile .= '.txt'; system("echo 'TESTDATA' > ${strSourceFile}"); } if ($iLarge == 1) { $strSourceHash = '4518a0fdf41d796760b384a358270d4682589820'; $iSourceSize = 16777216; } elsif ($iLarge == 2) { $strSourceHash = '1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031'; $iSourceSize = 16777216; } elsif ($iLarge == 3) { $strSourceHash = 'c23a89d47c7a006fcda51da0cc95993dc9aad995'; $iSourceSize = 104857600; } else { $strSourceHash = '06364afe79d801433188262478a76d19777ef351'; $iSourceSize = 9; } if ($bSourceCompressed) { system("gzip ${strSourceFile}"); $strSourceFile .= '.gz'; } } if ($bDestinationCompress) { $strDestinationFile .= '.gz'; } # Run file copy in an eval block because some errors are expected my $bReturn; # # exit; eval { ($bReturn, $strCopyHash, $iCopySize) = $oFile->copy($strSourcePathType, $strSourceFile, $strDestinationPathType, $strDestinationFile, $bSourceCompressed, $bDestinationCompress, $bSourceIgnoreMissing, undef, '0770', false, undef, undef, $bChecksumAppend); }; # Check for errors after copy if ($@) { my $oMessage = $@; if (blessed($oMessage)) { if ($oMessage->isa('pgBackRest::Common::Exception')) { if ($bSourceMissing && !$bSourceIgnoreMissing) { next; } confess $oMessage->message() . "\n" . $oMessage->trace(); } else { confess 'unknown error object: ' . $oMessage; } } confess $oMessage; } if ($bSourceMissing) { if ($bSourceIgnoreMissing) { if ($bReturn) { confess 'copy() returned ' . $bReturn . ' when ignore missing set'; } next; } confess 'expected source file missing error'; } if (!defined($strCopyHash)) { confess 'copy hash must be defined'; } if ($bChecksumAppend) { if ($bDestinationCompress) { $strDestinationFile = substr($strDestinationFile, 0, length($strDestinationFile) -3) . "-${strSourceHash}.gz"; } else { $strDestinationFile .= '-' . $strSourceHash; } } unless (-e $strDestinationFile) { confess "could not find destination file ${strDestinationFile}"; } my $strDestinationTest = $strDestinationFile; if ($bDestinationCompress) { $strDestinationTest = substr($strDestinationFile, 0, length($strDestinationFile) - 3) . '.test'; system("gzip -dc ${strDestinationFile} > ${strDestinationTest}") == 0 or die "could not decompress ${strDestinationFile}"; } my ($strDestinationHash, $iDestinationSize) = $oFile->hashSize(PATH_ABSOLUTE, $strDestinationTest); if ($strSourceHash ne $strDestinationHash || $strSourceHash ne $strCopyHash) { confess "source ${strSourceHash}, copy ${strCopyHash} and destination ${strDestinationHash} file hashes do not match"; } if ($iSourceSize != $iDestinationSize || $iSourceSize != $iCopySize) { confess "source ${iSourceSize}, copy ${iCopySize} and destination ${iDestinationSize} sizes do not match"; } } } } } } } } } } } } testCleanup(); } our @EXPORT = qw(fileTestRun); 1;