#################################################################################################################################### # HostBackupTest.pm - Backup host #################################################################################################################################### package pgBackRestTest::Env::Host::HostBackupTest; use parent 'pgBackRestTest::Env::Host::HostBaseTest'; #################################################################################################################################### # Perl includes #################################################################################################################################### use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Carp qw(confess); use Exporter qw(import); our @EXPORT = qw(); use File::Basename qw(dirname); use Storable qw(dclone); use pgBackRest::Archive::Info; use pgBackRest::Backup::Common; use pgBackRest::Backup::Info; use pgBackRest::Common::Exception; use pgBackRest::Common::Ini; use pgBackRest::Common::Log; use pgBackRest::Config::Config; use pgBackRest::Manifest; use pgBackRest::Protocol::Storage::Helper; use pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::Driver; use pgBackRest::Storage::S3::Driver; use pgBackRest::Version; use pgBackRestTest::Env::Host::HostBaseTest; use pgBackRestTest::Env::Host::HostS3Test; use pgBackRestTest::Common::ContainerTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::HostGroupTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest; #################################################################################################################################### # Host defaults #################################################################################################################################### use constant HOST_PATH_LOCK => 'lock'; push @EXPORT, qw(HOST_PATH_LOCK); use constant HOST_PATH_LOG => 'log'; push @EXPORT, qw(HOST_PATH_LOG); use constant HOST_PATH_REPO => 'repo'; use constant HOST_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT => 10; push @EXPORT, qw(HOST_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT); #################################################################################################################################### # new #################################################################################################################################### sub new { my $class = shift; # Class name # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $oParam, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->new', \@_, {name => 'oParam', required => false, trace => true}, ); # If params are not passed my $oHostGroup = hostGroupGet(); my ($strName, $strImage, $strUser); if (!defined($$oParam{strName}) || $$oParam{strName} eq HOST_BACKUP) { $strName = HOST_BACKUP; $strImage = containerRepo() . ':' . testRunGet()->vm() . '-test'; $strUser = testRunGet()->backrestUser(); } else { $strName = $$oParam{strName}; $strImage = $$oParam{strImage}; $strUser = testRunGet()->pgUser(); } # Create the host my $self = $class->SUPER::new($strName, {strImage => $strImage, strUser => $strUser}); bless $self, $class; # If repo is on local filesystem then set the repo-path locally if ($oParam->{bRepoLocal}) { $self->{strRepoPath} = $self->testRunGet()->testPath() . "/$$oParam{strBackupDestination}/" . HOST_PATH_REPO; } # Else on KV store and repo will be in root else { $self->{strRepoPath} = '/'; } # Create the repo-path if on a local filesystem if ($$oParam{strBackupDestination} eq $self->nameGet() && $oParam->{bRepoLocal}) { storageTest()->pathCreate($self->repoPath(), {strMode => '0770'}); } # Set log/lock paths $self->{strLogPath} = $self->testPath() . '/' . HOST_PATH_LOG; $self->{strLockPath} = $self->testPath() . '/' . HOST_PATH_LOCK; # Set conf file $self->{strBackRestConfig} = $self->testPath() . '/' . BACKREST_CONF; # Set LogTest object $self->{oLogTest} = $$oParam{oLogTest}; # Set synthetic $self->{bSynthetic} = defined($$oParam{bSynthetic}) && $$oParam{bSynthetic} ? true : false; # Set the backup destination $self->{strBackupDestination} = $$oParam{strBackupDestination}; # Default hardlink to false $self->{bHardLink} = false; # Create a placeholder hash for file munging $self->{hInfoFile} = {}; # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'self', value => $self, trace => true} ); } #################################################################################################################################### # backupBegin #################################################################################################################################### sub backupBegin { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strType, $strComment, $oParam, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->backupBegin', \@_, {name => 'strType', trace => true}, {name => 'strComment', trace => true}, {name => 'oParam', required => false, trace => true}, ); # Set defaults my $strTest = defined($$oParam{strTest}) ? $$oParam{strTest} : undef; my $fTestDelay = defined($$oParam{fTestDelay}) ? $$oParam{fTestDelay} : .2; my $oExpectedManifest = defined($$oParam{oExpectedManifest}) ? $$oParam{oExpectedManifest} : undef; $strComment = "${strType} backup" . (defined($strComment) ? " - ${strComment}" : '') . ' (' . $self->nameGet() . ' host)'; &log(INFO, " $strComment"); # Execute the backup command my $oExecuteBackup = $self->execute( $self->backrestExe() . ' --config=' . $self->backrestConfig() . (defined($oExpectedManifest) ? " --no-online" : '') . (defined($$oParam{strOptionalParam}) ? " $$oParam{strOptionalParam}" : '') . (defined($$oParam{bStandby}) && $$oParam{bStandby} ? " --backup-standby" : '') . (defined($oParam->{strRepoType}) ? " --repo-type=$oParam->{strRepoType}" : '') . ($strType ne 'incr' ? " --type=${strType}" : '') . ' --stanza=' . (defined($oParam->{strStanza}) ? $oParam->{strStanza} : $self->stanza()) . ' backup' . (defined($strTest) ? " --test --test-delay=${fTestDelay} --test-point=" . lc($strTest) . '=y' : ''), {strComment => $strComment, iExpectedExitStatus => $$oParam{iExpectedExitStatus}, oLogTest => $self->{oLogTest}, bLogOutput => $self->synthetic()}); $oExecuteBackup->begin(); # Return at the test point if one was defined if (defined($strTest)) { $oExecuteBackup->end($strTest); } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'oExecuteBackup', value => $oExecuteBackup, trace => true}, ); } #################################################################################################################################### # backupEnd #################################################################################################################################### sub backupEnd { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strType, $oExecuteBackup, $oParam, $bManifestCompare, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->backupEnd', \@_, {name => 'strType', trace => true}, {name => 'oExecuteBackup', trace => true}, {name => 'oParam', required => false, trace => true}, {name => 'bManifestCompare', required => false, default => true, trace => true}, ); # Set defaults my $oExpectedManifest = defined($$oParam{oExpectedManifest}) ? dclone($$oParam{oExpectedManifest}) : undef; my $iExitStatus = $oExecuteBackup->end(); return if ($oExecuteBackup->{iExpectedExitStatus} != 0); # If an alternate stanza was specified if (defined($oParam->{strStanza})) { confess &log(ASSERT, 'if an alternate stanza is specified it must generate an error - the remaining code will not be aware of the stanza'); } my $strBackup = $self->backupLast(); # If a real backup then load the expected manifest from the actual manifest. An expected manifest can't be generated perfectly # because a running database is always in flux. Even so, it allows us test many things. if (!$self->synthetic()) { $oExpectedManifest = iniParse( ${storageRepo()->get(storageRepo()->pathGet('backup/' . $self->stanza() . "/${strBackup}/" . FILE_MANIFEST))}); } # Make sure tablespace links are correct if (($strType eq BACKUP_TYPE_FULL || $self->hardLink()) && $self->hasLink()) { my $hTablespaceManifest = storageRepo()->manifest( STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/${strBackup}/" . MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC); # Remove . and .. delete($hTablespaceManifest->{'.'}); delete($hTablespaceManifest->{'..'}); # Iterate file links for my $strFile (sort(keys(%{$hTablespaceManifest}))) { # Make sure the link is in the expected manifest my $hManifestTarget = $oExpectedManifest->{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET}{&MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . "/${strFile}"}; if (!defined($hManifestTarget) || $hManifestTarget->{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TYPE} ne MANIFEST_VALUE_LINK || $hManifestTarget->{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TABLESPACE_ID} ne $strFile) { confess &log(ERROR, "'${strFile}' is not in expected manifest as a link with the correct tablespace id"); } # Make sure the link really is a link if ($hTablespaceManifest->{$strFile}{type} ne 'l') { confess &log(ERROR, "'${strFile}' in tablespace directory is not a link"); } # Make sure the link destination is correct my $strLinkDestination = '../../' . MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . "/${strFile}"; if ($hTablespaceManifest->{$strFile}{link_destination} ne $strLinkDestination) { confess &log(ERROR, "'${strFile}' link should reference '${strLinkDestination}' but actually references " . "'$hTablespaceManifest->{$strFile}{link_destination}'"); } } # Iterate manifest targets for my $strTarget (sort(keys(%{$oExpectedManifest->{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET}}))) { my $hManifestTarget = $oExpectedManifest->{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET}{$strTarget}; my $strTablespaceId = $hManifestTarget->{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TABLESPACE_ID}; # Make sure the target exists as a link on disk if ($hManifestTarget->{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TYPE} eq MANIFEST_VALUE_LINK && defined($strTablespaceId) && !defined($hTablespaceManifest->{$strTablespaceId})) { confess &log(ERROR, "target '${strTarget}' does not have a link at '" . DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC. "/${strTablespaceId}'"); } } } # Else there should not be a tablespace directory at all elsif (storageRepo()->pathExists(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/${strBackup}/" . MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC)) { confess &log(ERROR, 'backup must be full or hard-linked to have ' . DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC . ' directory'); } # Check that latest link exists unless repo links are disabled my $strLatestLink = storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . LINK_LATEST); my $bLatestLinkExists = storageRepo()->exists($strLatestLink); if ((!defined($oParam->{strRepoType}) || $oParam->{strRepoType} eq REPO_TYPE_POSIX) && $self->hasLink()) { my $strLatestLinkDestination = readlink($strLatestLink); if ($strLatestLinkDestination ne $strBackup) { confess &log(ERROR, "'" . LINK_LATEST . "' link should be '${strBackup}' but is '${strLatestLinkDestination}"); } } elsif ($bLatestLinkExists) { confess &log(ERROR, "'" . LINK_LATEST . "' link should not exist"); } # Only do compare for synthetic backups since for real backups the expected manifest *is* the actual manifest. if ($self->synthetic()) { # Compare only if expected to do so if ($bManifestCompare) { # Set backup type in the expected manifest ${$oExpectedManifest}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP}{&MANIFEST_KEY_TYPE} = $strType; $self->backupCompare($strBackup, $oExpectedManifest); } } # Add files to expect log if (defined($self->{oLogTest}) && (!defined($$oParam{bSupplemental}) || $$oParam{bSupplemental})) { my $oHostGroup = hostGroupGet(); if (defined($oHostGroup->hostGet(HOST_DB_MASTER, true))) { $self->{oLogTest}->supplementalAdd($oHostGroup->hostGet(HOST_DB_MASTER)->testPath() . '/' . BACKREST_CONF); } if (defined($oHostGroup->hostGet(HOST_DB_STANDBY, true))) { $self->{oLogTest}->supplementalAdd($oHostGroup->hostGet(HOST_DB_STANDBY)->testPath() . '/' . BACKREST_CONF); } if (defined($oHostGroup->hostGet(HOST_BACKUP, true))) { $self->{oLogTest}->supplementalAdd($oHostGroup->hostGet(HOST_BACKUP)->testPath() . '/' . BACKREST_CONF); } if ($self->synthetic() && $bManifestCompare) { $self->{oLogTest}->supplementalAdd( storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/${strBackup}/" . FILE_MANIFEST), undef, ${storageRepo->get(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/${strBackup}/" . FILE_MANIFEST)}); $self->{oLogTest}->supplementalAdd( storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO), undef, ${storageRepo->get(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO)}); } } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'strBackup', value => $strBackup, trace => true}, ); } #################################################################################################################################### # backup #################################################################################################################################### sub backup { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strType, $strComment, $oParam, $bManifestCompare, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->backup', \@_, {name => 'strType'}, {name => 'strComment'}, {name => 'oParam', required => false}, {name => 'bManifestCompare', required => false, default => true}, ); my $oExecuteBackup = $self->backupBegin($strType, $strComment, $oParam); my $strBackup = $self->backupEnd($strType, $oExecuteBackup, $oParam, $bManifestCompare); # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'strBackup', value => $strBackup}, ); } #################################################################################################################################### # backupCompare #################################################################################################################################### sub backupCompare { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strBackup, $oExpectedManifest, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->backupCompare', \@_, {name => 'strBackup', trace => true}, {name => 'oExpectedManifest', trace => true}, ); ${$oExpectedManifest}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP}{&MANIFEST_KEY_LABEL} = $strBackup; my $oActualManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest( storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/${strBackup}/" . FILE_MANIFEST)); ${$oExpectedManifest}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP}{&MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_START} = $oActualManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, &MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_START); ${$oExpectedManifest}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP}{&MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_STOP} = $oActualManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_STOP); ${$oExpectedManifest}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP}{&MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_COPY_START} = $oActualManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_TIMESTAMP_COPY_START); ${$oExpectedManifest}{&INI_SECTION_BACKREST}{&INI_KEY_CHECKSUM} = $oActualManifest->get(INI_SECTION_BACKREST, INI_KEY_CHECKSUM); ${$oExpectedManifest}{&INI_SECTION_BACKREST}{&INI_KEY_FORMAT} = BACKREST_FORMAT + 0; my $strSectionPath = $oActualManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH); foreach my $strFileKey ($oActualManifest->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE)) { # Determine repo size if compression is enabled if ($oExpectedManifest->{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_OPTION}{&MANIFEST_KEY_COMPRESS}) { my $lRepoSize = $oActualManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strFileKey, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE) ? $oActualManifest->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strFileKey, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REPO_SIZE, false) : (storageRepo()->info(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/${strBackup}/${strFileKey}.gz"))->size; if (defined($lRepoSize) && $lRepoSize != $oExpectedManifest->{&MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE}{$strFileKey}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE}) { $oExpectedManifest->{&MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE}{$strFileKey}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REPO_SIZE} = $lRepoSize; } } # If the backup does not have page checksums then no need to compare if (!$oExpectedManifest->{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_OPTION}{&MANIFEST_KEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE}) { delete($oExpectedManifest->{&MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE}{$strFileKey}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE}); delete($oExpectedManifest->{&MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE}{$strFileKey}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE_ERROR}); } # Else make sure things that should have checks do have checks elsif ($oActualManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strFileKey, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE) != isChecksumPage($strFileKey)) { confess "check-page actual for ${strFileKey} is " . ($oActualManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strFileKey, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE) ? 'set' : '[undef]') . ' but isChecksumPage() says it should be ' . (isChecksumPage($strFileKey) ? 'set' : 'undef') . '.'; } } $self->manifestDefault($oExpectedManifest); my $strTestPath = $self->testPath(); storageTest()->put("${strTestPath}/actual.manifest", iniRender($oActualManifest->{oContent})); storageTest()->put("${strTestPath}/expected.manifest", iniRender($oExpectedManifest)); executeTest("diff ${strTestPath}/expected.manifest ${strTestPath}/actual.manifest"); storageTest()->remove("${strTestPath}/expected.manifest"); storageTest()->remove("${strTestPath}/actual.manifest"); # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn($strOperation); } #################################################################################################################################### # manifestDefault #################################################################################################################################### sub manifestDefault { my $self = shift; my $oExpectedManifest = shift; # Set defaults for subkeys that tend to repeat foreach my $strSection (&MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, &MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_PATH, &MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_LINK) { foreach my $strSubKey (&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER, &MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP, &MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE, &MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MASTER) { my %oDefault; my $iSectionTotal = 0; next if !defined($oExpectedManifest->{$strSection}); foreach my $strFile (keys(%{$oExpectedManifest->{$strSection}})) { my $strValue = $oExpectedManifest->{$strSection}{$strFile}{$strSubKey}; if (defined($strValue)) { if (defined($oDefault{$strValue})) { $oDefault{$strValue}++; } else { $oDefault{$strValue} = 1; } } $iSectionTotal++; } my $strMaxValue; my $iMaxValueTotal = 0; foreach my $strValue (keys(%oDefault)) { if ($oDefault{$strValue} > $iMaxValueTotal) { $iMaxValueTotal = $oDefault{$strValue}; $strMaxValue = $strValue; } } if (defined($strMaxValue) > 0 && $iMaxValueTotal > $iSectionTotal * MANIFEST_DEFAULT_MATCH_FACTOR) { if ($strSubKey eq MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MASTER) { $oExpectedManifest->{"${strSection}:default"}{$strSubKey} = $strMaxValue ? JSON::PP::true : JSON::PP::false; } else { $oExpectedManifest->{"${strSection}:default"}{$strSubKey} = $strMaxValue; } foreach my $strFile (keys(%{$oExpectedManifest->{$strSection}})) { if (defined($oExpectedManifest->{$strSection}{$strFile}{$strSubKey}) && $oExpectedManifest->{$strSection}{$strFile}{$strSubKey} eq $strMaxValue) { delete($oExpectedManifest->{$strSection}{$strFile}{$strSubKey}); } } } } } } #################################################################################################################################### # backupLast #################################################################################################################################### sub backupLast { my $self = shift; my @stryBackup = storageRepo()->list( STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP, {strExpression => '[0-9]{8}-[0-9]{6}F(_[0-9]{8}-[0-9]{6}(D|I)){0,1}', strSortOrder => 'reverse'}); if (!defined($stryBackup[0])) { confess 'no backup was found: ' . join(@stryBackup, ', '); } return $stryBackup[0]; } #################################################################################################################################### # check #################################################################################################################################### sub check { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strComment, $oParam, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->check', \@_, {name => 'strComment'}, {name => 'oParam', required => false}, ); $strComment = 'check ' . $self->stanza() . ' - ' . $strComment . ' (' . $self->nameGet() . ' host)'; &log(INFO, " $strComment"); $self->executeSimple( $self->backrestExe() . ' --config=' . $self->backrestConfig() . ' --log-level-console=detail' . (defined($$oParam{iTimeout}) ? " --archive-timeout=$$oParam{iTimeout}" : '') . (defined($$oParam{strOptionalParam}) ? " $$oParam{strOptionalParam}" : '') . ' --stanza=' . $self->stanza() . ' check', {strComment => $strComment, iExpectedExitStatus => $$oParam{iExpectedExitStatus}, oLogTest => $self->{oLogTest}, bLogOutput => $self->synthetic()}); # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn($strOperation); } #################################################################################################################################### # expire #################################################################################################################################### sub expire { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $oParam, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->check', \@_, {name => 'oParam', required => false}, ); my $strComment = 'expire' . (defined($$oParam{iRetentionFull}) ? " full=$$oParam{iRetentionFull}" : '') . (defined($$oParam{iRetentionDiff}) ? " diff=$$oParam{iRetentionDiff}" : '') . ' (' . $self->nameGet() . ' host)'; &log(INFO, " ${strComment}"); # Determine whether or not to expect an error my $oHostGroup = hostGroupGet(); $self->executeSimple( $self->backrestExe() . ' --config=' . $self->backrestConfig() . ' --log-level-console=detail' . (defined($$oParam{iRetentionFull}) ? " --retention-full=$$oParam{iRetentionFull}" : '') . (defined($$oParam{iRetentionDiff}) ? " --retention-diff=$$oParam{iRetentionDiff}" : '') . ' --stanza=' . $self->stanza() . ' expire', {strComment => $strComment, iExpectedExitStatus => $$oParam{iExpectedExitStatus}, oLogTest => $self->{oLogTest}, bLogOutput => $self->synthetic()}); } #################################################################################################################################### # info #################################################################################################################################### sub info { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strComment, $oParam, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->info', \@_, {name => 'strComment'}, {name => 'oParam', required => false}, ); $strComment = 'info' . (defined($$oParam{strStanza}) ? " $$oParam{strStanza} stanza" : ' all stanzas') . ' - ' . $strComment . ' (' . $self->nameGet() . ' host)'; &log(INFO, " $strComment"); $self->executeSimple( $self->backrestExe() . ' --config=' . $self->backrestConfig() . ' --log-level-console=warn' . (defined($$oParam{strStanza}) ? " --stanza=$$oParam{strStanza}" : '') . (defined($$oParam{strOutput}) ? " --output=$$oParam{strOutput}" : '') . ' info', {strComment => $strComment, oLogTest => $self->{oLogTest}, bLogOutput => $self->synthetic()}); # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn($strOperation); } #################################################################################################################################### # stanzaCreate #################################################################################################################################### sub stanzaCreate { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strComment, $oParam, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->stanzaCreate', \@_, {name => 'strComment'}, {name => 'oParam', required => false}, ); $strComment = 'stanza-create ' . $self->stanza() . ' - ' . $strComment . ' (' . $self->nameGet() . ' host)'; &log(INFO, " $strComment"); $self->executeSimple( $self->backrestExe() . ' --config=' . $self->backrestConfig() . ' --stanza=' . $self->stanza() . ' --log-level-console=detail' . (defined($$oParam{strOptionalParam}) ? " $$oParam{strOptionalParam}" : '') . ' stanza-create', {strComment => $strComment, iExpectedExitStatus => $$oParam{iExpectedExitStatus}, oLogTest => $self->{oLogTest}, bLogOutput => $self->synthetic()}); # If the info file was created, then add it to the expect log if (defined($self->{oLogTest}) && $self->synthetic() && storageRepo()->exists('backup/' . $self->stanza() . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO)) { $self->{oLogTest}->supplementalAdd( storageRepo()->pathGet('backup/' . $self->stanza() . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO), undef, ${storageRepo()->get(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO)}); } if (defined($self->{oLogTest}) && $self->synthetic() && storageRepo()->exists('archive/' . $self->stanza() . qw{/} . ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE)) { $self->{oLogTest}->supplementalAdd( storageRepo()->pathGet('archive/' . $self->stanza() . qw{/} . ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE), undef, ${storageRepo()->get(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE . qw{/} . ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE)}); } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn($strOperation); } #################################################################################################################################### # stanzaUpgrade #################################################################################################################################### sub stanzaUpgrade { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strComment, $oParam, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->stanzaUpgrade', \@_, {name => 'strComment'}, {name => 'oParam', required => false}, ); $strComment = 'stanza-upgrade ' . $self->stanza() . ' - ' . $strComment . ' (' . $self->nameGet() . ' host)'; &log(INFO, " $strComment"); $self->executeSimple( $self->backrestExe() . ' --config=' . $self->backrestConfig() . ' --stanza=' . $self->stanza() . ' --log-level-console=detail' . (defined($$oParam{strOptionalParam}) ? " $$oParam{strOptionalParam}" : '') . ' stanza-upgrade', {strComment => $strComment, iExpectedExitStatus => $$oParam{iExpectedExitStatus}, oLogTest => $self->{oLogTest}, bLogOutput => $self->synthetic()}); # If the info file was created, then add it to the expect log if (defined($self->{oLogTest}) && $self->synthetic() && storageRepo()->exists('backup/' . $self->stanza() . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO)) { $self->{oLogTest}->supplementalAdd( storageRepo()->pathGet('backup/' . $self->stanza() . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO), undef, ${storageRepo()->get(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO)}); } if (defined($self->{oLogTest}) && $self->synthetic() && storageRepo()->exists('archive/' . $self->stanza() . qw{/} . ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE)) { $self->{oLogTest}->supplementalAdd( storageRepo()->pathGet('archive/' . $self->stanza() . qw{/} . ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE), undef, ${storageRepo()->get(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE . qw{/} . ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE)}); } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn($strOperation); } #################################################################################################################################### # start #################################################################################################################################### sub start { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $oParam, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->start', \@_, {name => 'oParam', required => false}, ); my $strComment = 'start' . (defined($$oParam{strStanza}) ? " $$oParam{strStanza} stanza" : ' all stanzas') . ' (' . $self->nameGet() . ' host)'; &log(INFO, " $strComment"); $self->executeSimple( $self->backrestExe() . ' --config=' . $self->backrestConfig() . (defined($$oParam{strStanza}) ? " --stanza=$$oParam{strStanza}" : '') . ' start', {strComment => $strComment, oLogTest => $self->{oLogTest}, bLogOutput => $self->synthetic()}); } #################################################################################################################################### # stop #################################################################################################################################### sub stop { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $oParam, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->stop', \@_, {name => 'oParam', required => false}, ); my $strComment = 'stop' . (defined($$oParam{strStanza}) ? " $$oParam{strStanza} stanza" : ' all stanzas') . ' (' . $self->nameGet() . ' host)'; &log(INFO, " $strComment"); $self->executeSimple( $self->backrestExe() . ' --config=' . $self->backrestConfig() . (defined($$oParam{strStanza}) ? " --stanza=$$oParam{strStanza}" : '') . (defined($$oParam{bForce}) && $$oParam{bForce} ? ' --force' : '') . ' stop', {strComment => $strComment, oLogTest => $self->{oLogTest}, bLogOutput => $self->synthetic()}); # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn($strOperation); } #################################################################################################################################### # configCreate #################################################################################################################################### sub configCreate { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $oParam, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->stop', \@_, {name => 'oParam', required => false}, ); my %oParamHash; my $strStanza = $self->stanza(); my $oHostGroup = hostGroupGet(); my $oHostBackup = $oHostGroup->hostGet($self->backupDestination()); my $oHostDbMaster = $oHostGroup->hostGet(HOST_DB_MASTER); my $oHostDbStandby = $oHostGroup->hostGet(HOST_DB_STANDBY, true); my $bArchiveAsync = defined($$oParam{bArchiveAsync}) ? $$oParam{bArchiveAsync} : false; # General options # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE} = lc(DEBUG); $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_LOG_LEVEL_FILE} = lc(TRACE); $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_LOG_LEVEL_STDERR} = lc(OFF); $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_LOG_PATH} = $self->logPath(); $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_LOCK_PATH} = $self->lockPath(); $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT} = 60; $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_DB_TIMEOUT} = 45; if (defined($$oParam{bCompress}) && !$$oParam{bCompress}) { $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_COMPRESS} = 'n'; } if ($self->isHostBackup()) { $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_REPO_PATH} = $self->repoPath(); # S3 settings if ($oParam->{bS3}) { $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_REPO_TYPE} = REPO_TYPE_S3; $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_REPO_S3_KEY} = HOST_S3_ACCESS_KEY; $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_REPO_S3_KEY_SECRET} = HOST_S3_ACCESS_SECRET_KEY; $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_REPO_S3_BUCKET} = HOST_S3_BUCKET; $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_REPO_S3_ENDPOINT} = HOST_S3_ENDPOINT; $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_REPO_S3_REGION} = HOST_S3_REGION; $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_REPO_S3_VERIFY_SSL} = 'n'; } if (defined($$oParam{bHardlink}) && $$oParam{bHardlink}) { $self->{bHardLink} = true; $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL . ':' . &CMD_BACKUP}{&OPTION_HARDLINK} = 'y'; } $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL . ':' . &CMD_BACKUP}{&OPTION_BACKUP_ARCHIVE_COPY} = 'y'; $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL . ':' . &CMD_BACKUP}{&OPTION_START_FAST} = 'y'; } # Host specific options # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # If this is the backup host if ($self->isHostBackup()) { my $bForce = false; my $oHostDb1 = $oHostDbMaster; my $oHostDb2 = $oHostDbStandby; if ($self->nameTest(HOST_BACKUP)) { $bForce = defined($oHostDbStandby); } elsif ($self->nameTest(HOST_DB_STANDBY)) { $oHostDb1 = $oHostDbStandby; $oHostDb2 = $oHostDbMaster; } if ($self->nameTest(HOST_BACKUP)) { $oParamHash{$strStanza}{optionIndex(OPTION_DB_HOST, 1, $bForce)} = $oHostDb1->nameGet(); $oParamHash{$strStanza}{optionIndex(OPTION_DB_USER, 1, $bForce)} = $oHostDb1->userGet(); $oParamHash{$strStanza}{optionIndex(OPTION_DB_CMD, 1, $bForce)} = $oHostDb1->backrestExe(); $oParamHash{$strStanza}{optionIndex(OPTION_DB_CONFIG, 1, $bForce)} = $oHostDb1->backrestConfig(); # Port can't be configured for a synthetic host if (!$self->synthetic()) { $oParamHash{$strStanza}{optionIndex(OPTION_DB_PORT, 1, $bForce)} = $oHostDb1->pgPort(); } } $oParamHash{$strStanza}{optionIndex(OPTION_DB_PATH, 1, $bForce)} = $oHostDb1->dbBasePath(); if (defined($oHostDb2)) { $oParamHash{$strStanza}{optionIndex(OPTION_DB_HOST, 2)} = $oHostDb2->nameGet(); $oParamHash{$strStanza}{optionIndex(OPTION_DB_USER, 2)} = $oHostDb2->userGet(); $oParamHash{$strStanza}{optionIndex(OPTION_DB_CMD, 2)} = $oHostDb2->backrestExe(); $oParamHash{$strStanza}{optionIndex(OPTION_DB_CONFIG, 2)} = $oHostDb2->backrestConfig(); $oParamHash{$strStanza}{optionIndex(OPTION_DB_PATH, 2)} = $oHostDb2->dbBasePath(); # Only test explicit ports on the backup server. This is so locally configured ports are also tested. if (!$self->synthetic() && $self->nameTest(HOST_BACKUP)) { $oParamHash{$strStanza}{optionIndex(OPTION_DB_PORT, 2)} = $oHostDb2->pgPort(); } } } # If this is a database host if ($self->isHostDb()) { $oParamHash{$strStanza}{&OPTION_DB_PATH} = $self->dbBasePath(); if (!$self->synthetic()) { $oParamHash{$strStanza}{&OPTION_DB_SOCKET_PATH} = $self->pgSocketPath(); $oParamHash{$strStanza}{&OPTION_DB_PORT} = $self->pgPort(); } if ($bArchiveAsync) { $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL . ':' . &CMD_ARCHIVE_PUSH}{&OPTION_ARCHIVE_ASYNC} = 'y'; } $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_SPOOL_PATH} = $self->spoolPath(); # If the the backup host is remote if (!$self->isHostBackup()) { $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_BACKUP_HOST} = $oHostBackup->nameGet(); $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_BACKUP_USER} = $oHostBackup->userGet(); $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_BACKUP_CMD} = $oHostBackup->backrestExe(); $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_BACKUP_CONFIG} = $oHostBackup->backrestConfig(); $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_LOG_PATH} = $self->logPath(); $oParamHash{&CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL}{&OPTION_LOCK_PATH} = $self->lockPath(); } } # Write out the configuration file storageTest()->put($self->backrestConfig(), iniRender(\%oParamHash, true)); # Modify the file permissions so it can be read/saved by all test users executeTest('sudo chmod 660 ' . $self->backrestConfig()); } #################################################################################################################################### # configUpdate - update configuration with new options #################################################################################################################################### sub configUpdate { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $hParam, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->configUpdate', \@_, {name => 'hParam'}, ); # Load db config file my $oConfig = iniParse(${storageTest()->get($self->backrestConfig())}, {bRelaxed => true}); # Load params foreach my $strSection (keys(%{$hParam})) { foreach my $strKey (keys(%{$hParam->{$strSection}})) { $oConfig->{$strSection}{$strKey} = $hParam->{$strSection}{$strKey}; } } # Modify the file permissions so it can be saved by all test users executeTest( 'sudo chmod 660 ' . $self->backrestConfig() . ' && sudo chmod 770 ' . dirname($self->backrestConfig())); storageTest()->put($self->backrestConfig(), iniRender($oConfig, true)); # Fix permissions back to original executeTest( 'sudo chmod 660 ' . $self->backrestConfig() . ' && sudo chmod 770 ' . dirname($self->backrestConfig()) . ' && sudo chown ' . $self->userGet() . ' ' . $self->backrestConfig()); # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn($strOperation); } #################################################################################################################################### # manifestMunge # # Allows for munging of the manifest while making it appear to be valid. This is used to create various error conditions that # should be caught by the unit tests. #################################################################################################################################### sub manifestMunge { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strBackup, $hParam, $bCache, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->manifestMunge', \@_, {name => 'strBackup'}, {name => '$hParam'}, {name => 'bCache', default => true}, ); $self->infoMunge(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/${strBackup}/" . FILE_MANIFEST), $hParam, $bCache); # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn($strOperation); } #################################################################################################################################### # manifestRestore #################################################################################################################################### sub manifestRestore { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strBackup, $bSave, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->manifestRestore', \@_, {name => 'strBackup'}, {name => 'bSave', default => true}, ); $self->infoRestore(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/${strBackup}/" . FILE_MANIFEST), $bSave); # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn($strOperation); } #################################################################################################################################### # infoMunge # # With the file name specified (e.g. /repo/archive/db/archive.info) copy the current values from the file into the global hash and # update the file with the new values passed. Later, using infoRestore, the global variable will be used to restore the file to its # original state. #################################################################################################################################### sub infoMunge { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strFileName, $hParam, $bCache, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->infoMunge', \@_, {name => 'strFileName'}, {name => 'hParam'}, {name => 'bCache', default => true}, ); # If the original file content does not exist then load it if (!defined($self->{hInfoFile}{$strFileName})) { $self->{hInfoFile}{$strFileName} = new pgBackRest::Common::Ini($strFileName, {oStorage => storageRepo()}); } # Make a copy of the original file contents my $oMungeIni = new pgBackRest::Common::Ini( $strFileName, {bLoad => false, strContent => iniRender($self->{hInfoFile}{$strFileName}->{oContent}), oStorage => storageRepo()}); # Load params foreach my $strSection (keys(%{$hParam})) { foreach my $strKey (keys(%{$hParam->{$strSection}})) { if (ref($hParam->{$strSection}{$strKey}) eq 'HASH') { foreach my $strSubKey (keys(%{$hParam->{$strSection}{$strKey}})) { # Munge the copy with the new parameter values $oMungeIni->set($strSection, $strKey, $strSubKey, $hParam->{$strSection}{$strKey}{$strSubKey}); } } else { # Munge the copy with the new parameter values $oMungeIni->set($strSection, $strKey, undef, $hParam->{$strSection}{$strKey}); } } } # Modify the file/directory permissions so it can be saved if ($self->isFS()) { executeTest("sudo rm -f ${strFileName}* && sudo chmod 770 " . dirname($strFileName)); } # Save the munged data to the file $oMungeIni->save(); # Fix permissions if ($self->isFS()) { executeTest( "sudo chmod 640 ${strFileName}* && sudo chmod 750 " . dirname($strFileName) . ' && sudo chown ' . $self->userGet() . " ${strFileName}*"); } # Clear the cache is requested if (!$bCache) { delete($self->{hInfoFile}{$strFileName}); } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn($strOperation); } #################################################################################################################################### # infoRestore # # With the file name specified (e.g. /repo/archive/db/archive.info) use the original file contents in the global hash to restore the # file to its original state after modifying the values with infoMunge. #################################################################################################################################### sub infoRestore { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strFileName, $bSave, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->infoRestore', \@_, {name => 'strFileName'}, {name => 'bSave', default => true}, ); # If the original file content exists in the global hash, then save it to the file if (defined($self->{hInfoFile}{$strFileName})) { if ($bSave) { # Modify the file/directory permissions so it can be saved if ($self->isFS()) { executeTest("sudo rm -f ${strFileName}* && sudo chmod 770 " . dirname($strFileName)); } # Save the munged data to the file $self->{hInfoFile}{$strFileName}->{bModified} = true; $self->{hInfoFile}{$strFileName}->save(); # Fix permissions if ($self->isFS()) { executeTest( "sudo chmod 640 ${strFileName} && sudo chmod 750 " . dirname($strFileName) . ' && sudo chown ' . $self->userGet() . " ${strFileName}*"); } } } else { confess &log(ASSERT, "There is no original data cached for $strFileName. infoMunge must be called first."); } # Remove the element from the hash delete($self->{hInfoFile}{$strFileName}); # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn($strOperation); } #################################################################################################################################### # Getters #################################################################################################################################### sub backrestConfig {return shift->{strBackRestConfig}} sub backupDestination {return shift->{strBackupDestination}} sub backrestExe {return testRunGet()->backrestExe()} sub hardLink {return shift->{bHardLink}} sub hasLink {storageRepo()->driver()->className() eq STORAGE_POSIX_DRIVER} sub isFS {storageRepo()->driver()->className() ne STORAGE_S3_DRIVER} sub isHostBackup {my $self = shift; return $self->backupDestination() eq $self->nameGet()} sub isHostDbMaster {return shift->nameGet() eq HOST_DB_MASTER} sub isHostDbStandby {return shift->nameGet() eq HOST_DB_STANDBY} sub isHostDb {my $self = shift; return $self->isHostDbMaster() || $self->isHostDbStandby()} sub lockPath {return shift->{strLockPath}} sub logPath {return shift->{strLogPath}} sub repoPath {return shift->{strRepoPath}} sub stanza {return testRunGet()->stanza()} sub synthetic {return shift->{bSynthetic}} 1;