#################################################################################################################################### # PROTOCOL COMMON MODULE #################################################################################################################################### package BackRest::Protocol::Common; use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Carp qw(confess); use Compress::Raw::Zlib qw(WANT_GZIP Z_OK Z_BUF_ERROR Z_STREAM_END); use File::Basename qw(dirname); use IO::String qw(); use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib'; use BackRest::Common::Exception; use BackRest::Common::Ini; use BackRest::Common::Log; use BackRest::Config::Config; use BackRest::Protocol::IO; #################################################################################################################################### # Operation constants #################################################################################################################################### use constant OP_PROTOCOL_COMMON => 'Protocol::Common'; use constant OP_PROTOCOL_COMMON_NEW => OP_PROTOCOL_COMMON . "->new"; #################################################################################################################################### # CONSTRUCTOR #################################################################################################################################### sub new { my $class = shift; # Class name # Create the class hash my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info ( my $strOperation, $self->{iBlockSize}, $self->{iCompressLevel}, $self->{iCompressLevelNetwork}, $self->{strName} ) = logDebugParam ( OP_PROTOCOL_COMMON_NEW, \@_, {name => 'iBlockSize', trace => true}, {name => 'iCompressLevel', trace => true}, {name => 'iCompressNetworkLevel', trace => true}, {name => 'strName', required => false, trace => true} ); # Create the greeting that will be used to check versions with the remote if (defined($self->{strName})) { $self->{strGreeting} = 'PG_BACKREST_' . uc($self->{strName}) . ' ' . BACKREST_VERSION; } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'self', value => $self} ); } #################################################################################################################################### # pipeToString # # Copies data from a file handle into a string. #################################################################################################################################### sub pipeToString { my $self = shift; my $hOut = shift; my $strBuffer; my $hString = IO::String->new($strBuffer); $self->binaryXfer($hOut, $hString); return $strBuffer; } #################################################################################################################################### # blockRead # # Read a block from the protocol layer. #################################################################################################################################### sub blockRead { my $self = shift; my $io = shift; my $strBlockRef = shift; my $bProtocol = shift; my $iBlockSize; my $strMessage; if ($bProtocol) { # Read the block header and make sure it's valid my $strBlockHeader = $self->{io}->lineRead(); if ($strBlockHeader !~ /^block -{0,1}[0-9]+( .*){0,1}$/) { $self->{io}->waitPid(); confess "unable to read block header ${strBlockHeader}"; } # Get block size from the header my @stryToken = split(/ /, $strBlockHeader); $iBlockSize = $stryToken[1]; $strMessage = $stryToken[2]; # If block size is 0 or an error code then undef the buffer if ($iBlockSize <= 0) { undef($$strBlockRef); } # Else read the block else { my $iBlockRead = 0; my $iBlockIn = 0; my $iOffset = defined($$strBlockRef) ? length($$strBlockRef) : 0; # !!! Would be nice to modify this with a non-blocking read # http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/perl/cookbook/ch07_15.htm # Read as many chunks as it takes to get the full block while ($iBlockRead != $iBlockSize) { $iBlockIn = $io->bufferRead($strBlockRef, $iBlockSize - $iBlockRead, $iBlockRead + $iOffset); $iBlockRead += $iBlockIn; } } } else { $iBlockSize = $io->bufferRead($strBlockRef, $self->{iBlockSize}, defined($$strBlockRef) ? length($$strBlockRef) : undef); } # Return the block size return $iBlockSize, $strMessage; } #################################################################################################################################### # blockWrite # # Write a block to the protocol layer. #################################################################################################################################### sub blockWrite { my $self = shift; my $io = shift; my $tBlockRef = shift; my $iBlockSize = shift; my $bProtocol = shift; my $strMessage = shift; # If block size is not defined, get it from buffer length $iBlockSize = defined($iBlockSize) ? $iBlockSize : length($$tBlockRef); # Write block header to the protocol stream if ($bProtocol) { $io->lineWrite("block ${iBlockSize}" . (defined($strMessage) ? " ${strMessage}" : '')); } # Write block if size > 0 if ($iBlockSize > 0) { $io->bufferWrite($tBlockRef, $iBlockSize); } } #################################################################################################################################### # binaryXfer # # Copies data from one file handle to another, optionally compressing or decompressing the data in stream. If $strRemote != none # then one side is a protocol stream, though this can be controlled with the bProtocol param. #################################################################################################################################### sub binaryXfer { my $self = shift; my $hIn = shift; my $hOut = shift; my $strRemote = shift; my $bSourceCompressed = shift; my $bDestinationCompress = shift; my $bProtocol = shift; # The input stream must be defined if (!defined($hIn)) { if (defined($self->{io})) { $hIn = $self->{io}->hInGet(); } else { confess &log(ASSERT, 'hIn is not defined'); } } # The output stream must be defined unless 'none' is passed if (!defined($hOut)) { if (defined($self->{io})) { $hOut = $self->{io}->hOutGet(); } else { confess &log(ASSERT, 'hOut is not defined'); } } elsif ($hOut eq 'none') { undef($hOut); } # If no remote is defined then set to none if (!defined($strRemote)) { $strRemote = 'none'; } # Only set compression defaults when remote is defined else { $bSourceCompressed = defined($bSourceCompressed) ? $bSourceCompressed : false; $bDestinationCompress = defined($bDestinationCompress) ? $bDestinationCompress : false; } # Default protocol to true $bProtocol = defined($bProtocol) ? $bProtocol : true; my $strMessage = undef; # Create IO object for this transfer my $io = new BackRest::Protocol::IO($hIn, $hOut, $self->{io}->{hErr}, $self->{io}->{pid}); # Checksum and size my $strChecksum = undef; my $iFileSize = undef; # Read from the protocol stream if ($strRemote eq 'in') { # If the destination should not be compressed then decompress if (!$bDestinationCompress) { my $iBlockSize; my $tCompressedBuffer; my $tUncompressedBuffer; my $iUncompressedBufferSize; # Initialize SHA my $oSHA; if (!$bProtocol) { $oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1'); } # Initialize inflate object and check for errors my ($oZLib, $iZLibStatus) = new Compress::Raw::Zlib::Inflate(WindowBits => 15 & $bSourceCompressed ? WANT_GZIP : 0, Bufsize => $self->{iBlockSize}, LimitOutput => 1); if ($iZLibStatus != Z_OK) { confess &log(ERROR, "unable create a inflate object: ${iZLibStatus}"); } # Read all input do { # Read a block from the input stream ($iBlockSize, $strMessage) = $self->blockRead($io, \$tCompressedBuffer, $bProtocol); # Process protocol messages if (defined($strMessage) && $strMessage eq 'nochecksum') { $oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1'); undef($strMessage); } # If the block contains data, decompress it if ($iBlockSize > 0) { # Keep looping while there is more to decompress do { # Decompress data $iZLibStatus = $oZLib->inflate($tCompressedBuffer, $tUncompressedBuffer); $iUncompressedBufferSize = length($tUncompressedBuffer); # If status is ok, write the data if ($iZLibStatus == Z_OK || $iZLibStatus == Z_BUF_ERROR || $iZLibStatus == Z_STREAM_END) { if ($iUncompressedBufferSize > 0) { # Add data to checksum if (defined($oSHA)) { $oSHA->add($tUncompressedBuffer); } # Write data if hOut is defined if (defined($hOut)) { $io->bufferWrite(\$tUncompressedBuffer, $iUncompressedBufferSize); } } } # Else error, exit so it can be handled else { $iBlockSize = 0; last; } } while ($iZLibStatus != Z_STREAM_END && $iUncompressedBufferSize > 0 && $iBlockSize > 0); } } while ($iBlockSize > 0); # Make sure the decompression succeeded (iBlockSize < 0 indicates remote error, handled later) if ($iBlockSize == 0 && $iZLibStatus != Z_STREAM_END) { confess &log(ERROR, "unable to inflate stream: ${iZLibStatus}"); } # Get checksum and total uncompressed bytes written if (defined($oSHA)) { $strChecksum = $oSHA->hexdigest(); $iFileSize = $oZLib->total_out(); }; } # If the destination should be compressed then just write out the already compressed stream else { my $iBlockSize; my $tBuffer; # Initialize checksum and size my $oSHA; if (!$bProtocol) { $oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1'); $iFileSize = 0; } do { # Read a block from the protocol stream ($iBlockSize, $strMessage) = $self->blockRead($io, \$tBuffer, $bProtocol); # If the block contains data, write it if ($iBlockSize > 0) { # Add data to checksum and size if (!$bProtocol) { $oSHA->add($tBuffer); $iFileSize += $iBlockSize; } $io->bufferWrite(\$tBuffer, $iBlockSize); undef($tBuffer); } } while ($iBlockSize > 0); # Get checksum if (!$bProtocol) { $strChecksum = $oSHA->hexdigest(); }; } } # Read from file input stream else { # If source is not already compressed then compress it if ($strRemote eq 'out' && !$bSourceCompressed) { my $iBlockSize; my $tCompressedBuffer; my $iCompressedBufferSize; my $tUncompressedBuffer; # Initialize message to indicate that a checksum will be sent if ($bProtocol && defined($hOut)) { $strMessage = 'checksum'; } # Initialize checksum my $oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1'); # Initialize inflate object and check for errors my ($oZLib, $iZLibStatus) = new Compress::Raw::Zlib::Deflate(WindowBits => 15 & $bDestinationCompress ? WANT_GZIP : 0, Level => $bDestinationCompress ? $self->{iCompressLevel} : $self->{iCompressLevelNetwork}, Bufsize => $self->{iBlockSize}, AppendOutput => 1); if ($iZLibStatus != Z_OK) { confess &log(ERROR, "unable create a deflate object: ${iZLibStatus}"); } do { # Read a block from the stream $iBlockSize = $io->bufferRead(\$tUncompressedBuffer, $self->{iBlockSize}); # If block size > 0 then compress if ($iBlockSize > 0) { # Update checksum and filesize $oSHA->add($tUncompressedBuffer); # Compress the data $iZLibStatus = $oZLib->deflate($tUncompressedBuffer, $tCompressedBuffer); $iCompressedBufferSize = length($tCompressedBuffer); # If compression was successful if ($iZLibStatus == Z_OK) { # The compressed data is larger than block size, then write if ($iCompressedBufferSize > $self->{iBlockSize}) { $self->blockWrite($io, \$tCompressedBuffer, $iCompressedBufferSize, $bProtocol, $strMessage); undef($tCompressedBuffer); undef($strMessage); } } # Else if error else { $iBlockSize = 0; } } } while ($iBlockSize > 0); # If good so far flush out the last bytes if ($iZLibStatus == Z_OK) { $iZLibStatus = $oZLib->flush($tCompressedBuffer); } # Make sure the compression succeeded if ($iZLibStatus != Z_OK) { confess &log(ERROR, "unable to deflate stream: ${iZLibStatus}"); } # Get checksum and total uncompressed bytes written $strChecksum = $oSHA->hexdigest(); $iFileSize = $oZLib->total_in(); # Write out the last block if (defined($hOut)) { $iCompressedBufferSize = length($tCompressedBuffer); if ($iCompressedBufferSize > 0) { $self->blockWrite($io, \$tCompressedBuffer, $iCompressedBufferSize, $bProtocol, $strMessage); undef($strMessage); } $self->blockWrite($io, undef, 0, $bProtocol, "${strChecksum}-${iFileSize}"); } } # If source is already compressed or transfer is not compressed then just read the stream else { my $iBlockSize; my $tBuffer; my $tCompressedBuffer; my $tUncompressedBuffer; my $iUncompressedBufferSize; my $oSHA; my $oZLib; my $iZLibStatus; # If the destination will be compressed setup deflate if ($bDestinationCompress) { if ($bProtocol) { $strMessage = 'checksum'; } # Initialize checksum and size $oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1'); $iFileSize = 0; # Initialize inflate object and check for errors ($oZLib, $iZLibStatus) = new Compress::Raw::Zlib::Inflate(WindowBits => WANT_GZIP, Bufsize => $self->{iBlockSize}, LimitOutput => 1); if ($iZLibStatus != Z_OK) { confess &log(ERROR, "unable create a inflate object: ${iZLibStatus}"); } } # Initialize message to indicate that a checksum will not be sent elsif ($bProtocol) { $strMessage = 'nochecksum'; } # Read input do { $iBlockSize = $io->bufferRead(\$tBuffer, $self->{iBlockSize}); # Write a block if size > 0 if ($iBlockSize > 0) { $self->blockWrite($io, \$tBuffer, $iBlockSize, $bProtocol, $strMessage); undef($strMessage); } # Decompress the buffer to calculate checksum/size if ($bDestinationCompress) { # If the block contains data, decompress it if ($iBlockSize > 0) { # Copy file buffer to compressed buffer if (defined($tCompressedBuffer)) { $tCompressedBuffer .= $tBuffer; } else { $tCompressedBuffer = $tBuffer; } # Keep looping while there is more to decompress do { # Decompress data $iZLibStatus = $oZLib->inflate($tCompressedBuffer, $tUncompressedBuffer); $iUncompressedBufferSize = length($tUncompressedBuffer); # If status is ok, write the data if ($iZLibStatus == Z_OK || $iZLibStatus == Z_BUF_ERROR || $iZLibStatus == Z_STREAM_END) { if ($iUncompressedBufferSize > 0) { $oSHA->add($tUncompressedBuffer); $iFileSize += $iUncompressedBufferSize; } } # Else error, exit so it can be handled else { $iBlockSize = 0; } } while ($iZLibStatus != Z_STREAM_END && $iUncompressedBufferSize > 0 && $iBlockSize > 0); } } } while ($iBlockSize > 0); # Check decompression get checksum if ($bDestinationCompress) { # Make sure the decompression succeeded (iBlockSize < 0 indicates remote error, handled later) if ($iBlockSize == 0 && $iZLibStatus != Z_STREAM_END) { confess &log(ERROR, "unable to inflate stream: ${iZLibStatus}"); } # Get checksum $strChecksum = $oSHA->hexdigest(); # Set protocol message if ($bProtocol) { $strMessage = "${strChecksum}-${iFileSize}"; } } # If protocol write if ($bProtocol) { # Write 0 block to indicate end of stream $self->blockWrite($io, undef, 0, $bProtocol, $strMessage); } } } # If message is defined then the checksum and size should be in it if (defined($strMessage)) { my @stryToken = split(/-/, $strMessage); $strChecksum = $stryToken[0]; $iFileSize = $stryToken[1]; } # Return the checksum and size if they are available return $strChecksum, $iFileSize; } 1;