#################################################################################################################################### # Auto-Generate XS and PM Files Required for Perl #################################################################################################################################### package pgBackRestLibC::Build; use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Carp qw(confess); use English '-no_match_vars'; use Cwd qw(abs_path); use Exporter qw(import); our @EXPORT = qw(); use File::Basename qw(dirname); use Storable qw(dclone); use lib dirname($0) . '/../build/lib'; use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib'; use pgBackRest::Common::Log; use pgBackRest::Common::String; use pgBackRest::Config::Data; use pgBackRest::Storage::Local; use pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::Driver; use pgBackRest::Version; use pgBackRestBuild::Build; use pgBackRestBuild::Build::Common; use pgBackRestLibC::Config::Build; use pgBackRestLibC::Config::BuildDefine; #################################################################################################################################### # Perl function and constant exports #################################################################################################################################### use constant BLD_EXPORTTYPE_SUB => 'sub'; use constant BLD_EXPORTTYPE_CONSTANT => 'constant'; use constant LIB_AUTO_NAME => 'LibCAuto'; #################################################################################################################################### # Static exports #################################################################################################################################### my $rhExport = { 'checksum' => { &BLD_EXPORTTYPE_SUB => [qw( pageChecksum pageChecksumBufferTest pageChecksumTest )], }, 'config' => { &BLD_EXPORTTYPE_SUB => [qw( cfgCommandName cfgOptionIndex cfgOptionIndexTotal cfgOptionName )], }, 'configDefine' => { &BLD_EXPORTTYPE_SUB => [qw( cfgCommandId cfgDefOptionAllowList cfgDefOptionAllowListValue cfgDefOptionAllowListValueTotal cfgDefOptionAllowListValueValid cfgDefOptionAllowRange cfgDefOptionAllowRangeMax cfgDefOptionAllowRangeMin cfgDefOptionDefault cfgDefOptionDepend cfgDefOptionDependOption cfgDefOptionDependValue cfgDefOptionDependValueTotal cfgDefOptionDependValueValid cfgDefOptionNameAlt cfgDefOptionNegate cfgDefOptionPrefix cfgDefOptionRequired cfgDefOptionSection cfgDefOptionSecure cfgDefOptionType cfgDefOptionValid cfgOptionId cfgOptionTotal )], }, 'debug' => { &BLD_EXPORTTYPE_CONSTANT => [qw( UVSIZE )], &BLD_EXPORTTYPE_SUB => [qw( libcVersion )], }, 'encode' => { &BLD_EXPORTTYPE_CONSTANT => [qw( ENCODE_TYPE_BASE64 )], &BLD_EXPORTTYPE_SUB => [qw( decodeToBin encodeToStr )], }, }; #################################################################################################################################### # Execute all build functions #################################################################################################################################### sub buildXsAll { my $strBuildPath = shift; my $rhBuild = { 'config' => { &BLD_DATA => buildXsConfig(), &BLD_PATH => 'xs/config', }, 'configDefine' => { &BLD_DATA => buildXsConfigDefine(), &BLD_PATH => 'xs/config', }, }; buildAll($strBuildPath, $rhBuild, 'xs'); # Storage my $oStorage = new pgBackRest::Storage::Local( $strBuildPath, new pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::Driver({bFileSync => false, bPathSync => false})); # Get current version my $strVersion = BACKREST_VERSION; my $bDev = false; if ($strVersion =~ /dev$/) { $strVersion = substr($strVersion, 0, length($strVersion) - 3) . '.999'; $bDev = true; } # Build interface file my $strContent = ('#' x 132) . "\n" . '# ' . bldAutoWarning('Build.pm') . "\n" . ('#' x 132) . "\n" . "package pgBackRest::LibCAuto;\n" . "\n" . "# Library version (.999 indicates development version)\n" . "sub libcAutoVersion\n" . "{\n" . " return '${strVersion}';\n" . "}\n"; # Generate constants for options that have a list of strings as allowed values my $rhConfigDefine = cfgDefine(); my $strConstantBlock; foreach my $strOption (sort(keys(%{$rhConfigDefine}))) { my $rhOption = $rhConfigDefine->{$strOption}; next if $rhOption->{&CFGDEF_TYPE} ne CFGDEF_TYPE_STRING; next if $strOption =~ /^log-level-/; if (defined($rhOption->{&CFGDEF_ALLOW_LIST})) { $strConstantBlock .= defined($strConstantBlock) ? "\n" : ''; foreach my $strValue (@{$rhOption->{&CFGDEF_ALLOW_LIST}}) { my $strConstant = 'CFGOPTVAL_' . uc("${strOption}_${strValue}"); $strConstant =~ s/\-/\_/g; $strConstantBlock .= " ${strConstant}" . (' ' x (69 - length($strConstant) - 4)) . "=> '${strValue}',\n"; push(@{$rhExport->{'config'}{&BLD_EXPORTTYPE_CONSTANT}}, $strConstant); } } foreach my $strCommand (sort(keys(%{$rhOption->{&CFGDEF_COMMAND}}))) { my $rhCommand = $rhOption->{&CFGDEF_COMMAND}{$strCommand}; if (defined($rhCommand->{&CFGDEF_ALLOW_LIST})) { $strConstantBlock .= defined($strConstantBlock) ? "\n" : ''; foreach my $strValue (@{$rhCommand->{&CFGDEF_ALLOW_LIST}}) { my $strConstant = 'CFGOPTVAL_' . uc("${strCommand}_${strOption}_${strValue}"); $strConstant =~ s/\-/\_/g; $strConstantBlock .= " ${strConstant}" . (' ' x (69 - length($strConstant) - 4)) . "=> '${strValue}',\n"; push(@{$rhExport->{'config'}{&BLD_EXPORTTYPE_CONSTANT}}, $strConstant); } } } } $strContent .= "\n" . "# Configuration option value constants\n" . "sub libcAutoConstant\n" . "{\n" . " return \n" . # " use constant\n" . " {\n" . " " . trim($strConstantBlock) . "\n" . " }\n" . "}\n"; foreach my $strBuild (sort(keys(%{$rhBuild}))) { foreach my $strFile (sort(keys(%{$rhBuild->{$strBuild}{&BLD_DATA}{&BLD_FILE}}))) { my $rhFileConstant = $rhBuild->{$strBuild}{&BLD_DATA}{&BLD_FILE}{$strFile}{&BLD_CONSTANT_GROUP}; foreach my $strConstantGroup (sort(keys(%{$rhFileConstant}))) { my $rhConstantGroup = $rhFileConstant->{$strConstantGroup}; foreach my $strConstant (sort(keys(%{$rhConstantGroup->{&BLD_CONSTANT}}))) { my $rhConstant = $rhConstantGroup->{&BLD_CONSTANT}{$strConstant}; if ($rhConstant->{&BLD_CONSTANT_EXPORT}) { push(@{$rhExport->{$strBuild}{&BLD_EXPORTTYPE_CONSTANT}}, $strConstant); } } } } } # Generate export tags my $strExportTags; foreach my $strSection (sort(keys(%{$rhExport}))) { my $rhExportSection = $rhExport->{$strSection}; $strExportTags .= (defined($strExportTags) ? "\n" : '') . " ${strSection} =>\n [\n"; if (defined($rhExportSection->{&BLD_EXPORTTYPE_CONSTANT}) && @{$rhExportSection->{&BLD_EXPORTTYPE_CONSTANT}} > 0) { foreach my $strConstant (@{$rhExportSection->{&BLD_EXPORTTYPE_CONSTANT}}) { $strExportTags .= " '${strConstant}',\n"; } } if (defined($rhExportSection->{&BLD_EXPORTTYPE_SUB}) && @{$rhExportSection->{&BLD_EXPORTTYPE_SUB}} > 0) { foreach my $strSub (@{$rhExportSection->{&BLD_EXPORTTYPE_SUB}}) { $strExportTags .= " '${strSub}',\n"; } } $strExportTags .= " ],\n"; } $strContent .= "\n" . "# Export function and constants\n" . "sub libcAutoExportTag\n" . "{\n" . " return\n" . " {\n" . $strExportTags . " }\n" . "}\n"; # Add module end marker $strContent .= "\n" . "1;\n"; # Only save the file if it has changed my $strLibFile = 'lib/' . BACKREST_NAME . '/' . LIB_AUTO_NAME . '.pm'; my $bChanged = true; if ($oStorage->exists($strLibFile)) { my $strContentOld = ${$oStorage->get($strLibFile)}; if ($strContent eq $strContentOld) { $bChanged = false; } } if ($bChanged) { $oStorage->put($strLibFile, $strContent); } } push @EXPORT, qw(buildXsAll); 1;