#!/usr/bin/perl #################################################################################################################################### # test.pl - pgBackRest Unit Tests #################################################################################################################################### #################################################################################################################################### # Perl includes #################################################################################################################################### use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Carp qw(confess longmess); use English '-no_match_vars'; # Convert die to confess to capture the stack trace $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { Carp::confess @_ }; use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex); use File::Basename qw(dirname); use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); use Cwd qw(abs_path cwd); use JSON::PP; use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage); use POSIX qw(ceil strftime); use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); use lib dirname($0) . '/lib'; use lib dirname(dirname($0)) . '/lib'; use lib dirname(dirname($0)) . '/build/lib'; use lib dirname(dirname($0)) . '/doc/lib'; use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Exception; use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Log; use pgBackRestDoc::Common::String; use pgBackRestDoc::ProjectInfo; use pgBackRestBuild::Build; use pgBackRestBuild::Build::Common; use pgBackRestBuild::Config::Build; use pgBackRestBuild::Config::BuildHelp; use pgBackRestBuild::Config::BuildParse; use pgBackRestBuild::Error::Build; use pgBackRestBuild::Error::Data; use pgBackRestTest::Common::BuildTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::CodeCountTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::ContainerTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::CoverageTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::DefineTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::HostGroupTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::JobTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::ListTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::Storage; use pgBackRestTest::Common::StoragePosix; use pgBackRestTest::Common::VmTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::Wait; #################################################################################################################################### # Usage #################################################################################################################################### =head1 NAME test.pl - pgBackRest Unit Tests =head1 SYNOPSIS test.pl [options] Test Options: --module test module to execute --test execute the specified test in a module --run execute only the specified test run --dry-run show only the tests that would be executed but don't execute them --no-cleanup don't cleanup after the last test is complete - useful for debugging --clean clean working and result paths for a completely fresh build --clean-only execute --clean and exit --pg-version version of postgres to test (all, defaults to minimal) --log-force force overwrite of current test log files --build-only build the binary (and honor --build-package) but don't run tests --build-package build the package --build-max max processes to use for builds (default 4) --c-only only run C tests --container-only only run tests that must be run in a container --no-performance do not run performance tests --gen-only only run auto-generation --no-gen do not run code generation --gen-check check that auto-generated files are correct (used in CI to detect changes) --code-count generate code counts --smart perform bin/package builds only when source timestamps have changed --dev --smart --no-optimize --dev-test does nothing -- kept for backward compatibility --expect --vm=co7 --pg-version=9.6 --log-force --no-valgrind don't run valgrind on C unit tests (saves time) --no-coverage don't run coverage on C unit tests (saves time) --no-coverage-report run coverage but don't generate coverage report (saves time) --no-optimize don't do compile optimization for C (saves compile time) --backtrace enable backtrace when available (adds stack trace line numbers -- very slow) --profile generate profile info --no-debug don't generate a debug build --scale scale performance tests --tz test with the specified timezone --debug-test-trace test stack trace for low-level functions (slow, esp w/valgrind, may cause timeouts) Report Options: --coverage-summary generate a coverage summary report for the documentation --coverage-only only run coverage tests (as a subset of selected tests) for the documentation Configuration Options: --psql-bin path to the psql executables (e.g. /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/) --test-path path where tests are executed (defaults to ./test) --log-level log level to use for test harness (and Perl tests) (defaults to INFO) --log-level-test log level to use for C tests (defaults to OFF) --log-level-test-file log level to use for file logging in integration tests (defaults to TRACE) --no-log-timestamp suppress timestamps, timings, etc. Used to generate documentation. --make-cmd gnu-compatible make command (defaults to make) --quiet, -q equivalent to --log-level=off VM Options: --vm docker container to build/test (e.g. co7) --vm-build build Docker containers --vm-force force a rebuild of Docker containers --vm-out Show VM output (default false) --vm-max max VMs to run in parallel (default 1) General Options: --version display version and exit --help display usage and exit =cut #################################################################################################################################### # Command line parameters #################################################################################################################################### my $bClean; my $bCleanOnly; my $strLogLevel = lc(INFO); my $strLogLevelTest = lc(OFF); my $strLogLevelTestFile = lc(DEBUG); my $bNoLogTimestamp = false; my $bVmOut = false; my @stryModule; my @stryModuleTest; my @iyModuleTestRun; my $iVmMax = 1; my $iVmId = undef; my $bDryRun = false; my $bNoCleanup = false; my $strPgSqlBin; my $strTestPath; my $strMakeCmd = 'make'; my $bVersion = false; my $bHelp = false; my $bQuiet = false; my $strPgVersion = 'minimal'; my $bLogForce = false; my $strVm; my $strVmHost = VM_HOST_DEFAULT; my $bVmBuild = false; my $bVmForce = false; my $bBuildOnly = false; my $bBuildPackage = false; my $iBuildMax = 4; my $bCoverageOnly = false; my $bCoverageSummary = false; my $bNoCoverage = false; my $bNoCoverageReport = false; my $bCOnly = false; my $bContainerOnly = false; my $bNoPerformance = false; my $bGenOnly = false; my $bGenCheck = false; my $bNoGen = false; my $bCodeCount = false; my $bSmart = false; my $bDev = false; my $bDevTest = false; my $bBackTrace = false; my $bProfile = false; my $bExpect = false; my $bNoValgrind = false; my $bNoOptimize = false; my $bNoDebug = false; my $iScale = 1; my $bDebugTestTrace = false; my $iRetry = 0; my $strTimeZone = undef; my @cmdOptions = @ARGV; GetOptions ('q|quiet' => \$bQuiet, 'version' => \$bVersion, 'help' => \$bHelp, 'clean' => \$bClean, 'clean-only' => \$bCleanOnly, 'pgsql-bin=s' => \$strPgSqlBin, 'test-path=s' => \$strTestPath, 'make-cmd=s' => \$strMakeCmd, 'log-level=s' => \$strLogLevel, 'log-level-test=s' => \$strLogLevelTest, 'log-level-test-file=s' => \$strLogLevelTestFile, 'no-log-timestamp' => \$bNoLogTimestamp, 'vm=s' => \$strVm, 'vm-host=s' => \$strVmHost, 'vm-out' => \$bVmOut, 'vm-build' => \$bVmBuild, 'vm-force' => \$bVmForce, 'module=s@' => \@stryModule, 'test=s@' => \@stryModuleTest, 'run=s@' => \@iyModuleTestRun, 'vm-id=s' => \$iVmId, 'vm-max=s' => \$iVmMax, 'dry-run' => \$bDryRun, 'no-cleanup' => \$bNoCleanup, 'pg-version=s' => \$strPgVersion, 'log-force' => \$bLogForce, 'build-only' => \$bBuildOnly, 'build-package' => \$bBuildPackage, 'build-max=s' => \$iBuildMax, 'coverage-only' => \$bCoverageOnly, 'coverage-summary' => \$bCoverageSummary, 'no-coverage' => \$bNoCoverage, 'no-coverage-report' => \$bNoCoverageReport, 'c-only' => \$bCOnly, 'container-only' => \$bContainerOnly, 'no-performance' => \$bNoPerformance, 'gen-only' => \$bGenOnly, 'gen-check' => \$bGenCheck, 'no-gen' => \$bNoGen, 'code-count' => \$bCodeCount, 'smart' => \$bSmart, 'dev' => \$bDev, 'dev-test' => \$bDevTest, 'backtrace' => \$bBackTrace, 'profile' => \$bProfile, 'expect' => \$bExpect, 'no-valgrind' => \$bNoValgrind, 'no-optimize' => \$bNoOptimize, 'no-debug', => \$bNoDebug, 'scale=s' => \$iScale, 'tz=s', => \$strTimeZone, 'debug-test-trace', => \$bDebugTestTrace, 'retry=s' => \$iRetry) or pod2usage(2); #################################################################################################################################### # Run in eval block to catch errors #################################################################################################################################### eval { # Record the start time my $lStartTime = time(); # Display version and exit if requested if ($bVersion || $bHelp) { syswrite(*STDOUT, PROJECT_NAME . ' ' . PROJECT_VERSION . " Test Engine\n"); if ($bHelp) { syswrite(*STDOUT, "\n"); pod2usage(); } exit 0; } if (@ARGV > 0) { syswrite(*STDOUT, "invalid parameter\n\n"); pod2usage(); } ################################################################################################################################ # Disable code generation on dry-run ################################################################################################################################ if ($bDryRun) { $bNoGen = true; } ################################################################################################################################ # Update options for --coverage-summary ################################################################################################################################ if ($bCoverageSummary) { $bCoverageOnly = true; $bCOnly = true; } ################################################################################################################################ # Update options for --dev and --dev-fast and --dev-test ################################################################################################################################ if ($bDev && $bDevTest) { confess "cannot combine --dev and --dev-test"; } if ($bDev) { $bSmart = true; $bNoOptimize = true; } ################################################################################################################################ # Update options for --profile ################################################################################################################################ if ($bProfile) { $bNoValgrind = true; $bNoCoverage = true; } ################################################################################################################################ # Update options for --expect ################################################################################################################################ if ($bExpect) { $strVm = VM_EXPECT; $strPgVersion = '9.6'; $bLogForce = true; } ################################################################################################################################ # Setup ################################################################################################################################ # Set a neutral umask so tests work as expected umask(0); # Set console log level if ($bQuiet) { $strLogLevel = 'off'; } logLevelSet(uc($strLogLevel), uc($strLogLevel), OFF, !$bNoLogTimestamp); &log(INFO, 'test begin on ' . hostArch() . " - log level ${strLogLevel}"); if (@stryModuleTest != 0 && @stryModule != 1) { confess "Only one --module can be provided when --test is specified"; } if (@iyModuleTestRun != 0 && @stryModuleTest != 1) { confess "Only one --test can be provided when --run is specified"; } # Set test path if not explicitly set if (!defined($strTestPath)) { $strTestPath = cwd() . '/test'; } my $oStorageTest = new pgBackRestTest::Common::Storage( $strTestPath, new pgBackRestTest::Common::StoragePosix({bFileSync => false, bPathSync => false})); if ($bCoverageOnly) { if (!defined($strVm)) { confess &log(ERROR, "select a VM for coverage testing"); } elsif ($strVm eq VM_ALL) { confess &log(ERROR, "select a single VM for coverage testing"); } } # If VM is not defined then set it to all if (!defined($strVm)) { $strVm = VM_ALL; } # Else make sure vm is valid elsif ($strVm ne VM_ALL) { vmValid($strVm); } # Get the base backrest path my $strBackRestBase = dirname(dirname(abs_path($0))); my $strVagrantPath = "${strBackRestBase}/test/.vagrant"; my $oStorageBackRest = new pgBackRestTest::Common::Storage( $strBackRestBase, new pgBackRestTest::Common::StoragePosix({bFileSync => false, bPathSync => false})); ################################################################################################################################ # Clean working and result paths ################################################################################################################################ if ($bClean || $bCleanOnly) { &log(INFO, "clean working (${strTestPath}) and result (${strBackRestBase}/test/result) paths"); if ($oStorageTest->pathExists($strTestPath)) { executeTest("find ${strTestPath} -mindepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf"); } if ($oStorageTest->pathExists("${strBackRestBase}/test/result")) { executeTest("find ${strBackRestBase}/test/result -mindepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf"); } # Exit when clean-only exit 0 if $bCleanOnly; } ################################################################################################################################ # Build Docker containers ################################################################################################################################ if ($bVmBuild) { containerBuild($oStorageBackRest, $strVm, $bVmForce); exit 0; } ################################################################################################################################ # Load test definition ################################################################################################################################ testDefLoad(${$oStorageBackRest->get("test/define.yaml")}); ################################################################################################################################ # Start VM and run ################################################################################################################################ if (!defined($iVmId)) { # Make a copy of the repo to track which files have been changed. Eventually all builds will be done from this directory. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $strRepoCachePath = "${strTestPath}/repo"; my $strRepoCacheManifest = 'repo.manifest'; # Create the repo path -- this should hopefully prevent obvious rsync errors below $oStorageTest->pathCreate("${strTestPath}/repo", {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true}); # Check if there are any files existing already. If none, that means a full copy is happening and we shouldn't report # modified files my @stryExistingList = $oStorageTest->list($strRepoCachePath, {bIgnoreMissing => true}); # First check if there is an old manifest that has not been cleared. This indicates that an error happened before all new # files could be processed, which means they should be processed again. my @stryModifiedList; my $rstrModifiedList = $oStorageTest->get( $oStorageTest->openRead("${strRepoCachePath}/${strRepoCacheManifest}", {bIgnoreMissing => true})); if (defined($rstrModifiedList)) { @stryModifiedList = split("\n", trim($$rstrModifiedList)); } push( @stryModifiedList, split( "\n", trim( executeTest( "git -C ${strBackRestBase} ls-files -c --others --exclude-standard |" . " rsync -rtW --out-format=\"\%n\" --delete" . # This option is not supported on MacOS. The eventual plan is to remove the need for it. (trim(`uname`) ne 'Darwin' ? ' --ignore-missing-args' : '') . " --exclude=test/result --exclude=repo.manifest" . " ${strBackRestBase}/ --files-from=- ${strRepoCachePath}" . " | grep -E -v '/\$' | cat")))); if (@stryModifiedList > 0) { $oStorageTest->put("${strRepoCachePath}/${strRepoCacheManifest}", join("\n", @stryModifiedList)); if (@stryExistingList > 0) { &log(INFO, "modified since last run: " . join(', ', @stryModifiedList)); } } # Generate code counts #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($bCodeCount) { &log(INFO, "classify code files"); codeCountScan($oStorageBackRest, $strBackRestBase); exit 0; } # Auto-generate files unless --no-gen specified #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!$bNoGen) { my @stryBuiltAll; &log(INFO, "check code autogenerate"); # Auto-generate version for configure.ac script #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!$bSmart || grep(/^src\/version\.h/, @stryModifiedList)) { my $strConfigureAcOld = ${$oStorageTest->get("${strBackRestBase}/src/build/configure.ac")}; my $strConfigureAcNew; foreach my $strLine (split("\n", $strConfigureAcOld)) { if ($strLine =~ /^AC_INIT\(/) { $strLine = 'AC_INIT([' . PROJECT_NAME . '], [' . PROJECT_VERSION . '])'; } $strConfigureAcNew .= "${strLine}\n"; } # Save into the src dir my @stryBuilt; my $strBuilt = 'src/build/configure.ac'; if (buildPutDiffers($oStorageBackRest, "${strBackRestBase}/${strBuilt}", $strConfigureAcNew)) { push(@stryBuilt, $strBuilt); push(@stryBuiltAll, @stryBuilt); push(@stryModifiedList, @stryBuilt); } # Error when checking that files have already been generated but they change if ($bGenCheck && @stryBuilt) { confess &log( ERROR, "unexpected autogeneration of version in configure.ac script: " . join(', ', @stryBuilt) . ":\n" . trim(executeTest("git -C ${strBackRestBase} diff"))); } &log(INFO, " autogenerated version in configure.ac script: " . (@stryBuilt ? join(', ', @stryBuilt) : 'no changes')); } # Auto-generate configure script #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!$bSmart || grep(/^src\/build\/configure\.ac/, @stryModifiedList)) { # Set build file my @stryBuilt; my $strBuilt = 'src/configure'; # Get configure.ac and configure to see if anything has changed my $strConfigureAc = ${$oStorageBackRest->get('src/build/configure.ac')}; my $strConfigureAcHash = sha1_hex($strConfigureAc); my $rstrConfigure = $oStorageBackRest->get($oStorageBackRest->openRead($strBuilt, {bIgnoreMissing => true})); # Check if configure needs to be regenerated if (!defined($rstrConfigure) || !defined($$rstrConfigure) || $strConfigureAcHash ne substr($$rstrConfigure, length($$rstrConfigure) - 41, 40)) { # Generate aclocal.m4 my $strAcLocal = executeTest("cd ${strBackRestBase}/src/build && aclocal --OUT=-"); $strAcLocal = trim($strAcLocal) . "\n"; buildPutDiffers($oStorageBackRest, "${strBackRestBase}/src/build/aclocal.m4", $strAcLocal); # Generate configure my $strConfigure = executeTest("cd ${strBackRestBase}/src/build && autoconf --output=-"); $strConfigure = trim($strConfigure) . "\n\n# Generated from src/build/configure.ac sha1 ${strConfigureAcHash}\n"; # Remove cache created by autconf executeTest("rm -rf ${strBackRestBase}/src/build/autom4te.cache"); # Remove unused options from help my $strDirList = "sbin|libexec|sysconf|sharedstate|localstate|runstate|lib|include|oldinclude|dataroot|data|info" . "|locale|man|doc|html|dvi|pdf|ps"; $strConfigure =~ s/^ --(${strDirList})*dir=DIR.*\n//mg; # Save into the src dir $oStorageBackRest->put( $oStorageBackRest->openWrite("${strBackRestBase}/${strBuilt}", {strMode => '0755'}), $strConfigure); # Add to built list push(@stryBuilt, $strBuilt); push(@stryBuiltAll, @stryBuilt); push(@stryModifiedList, @stryBuilt); } # Error when checking that files have already been generated but they change if ($bGenCheck && @stryBuilt) { confess &log( ERROR, "unexpected autogeneration of configure script: " . join(', ', @stryBuilt) . ":\n" . trim(executeTest("git -C ${strBackRestBase} diff"))); } &log(INFO, " autogenerated configure script: " . (@stryBuilt ? join(', ', @stryBuilt) : 'no changes')); } # Auto-generate C files #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!$bSmart || grep(/^build\//, @stryModifiedList) || grep(/^doc\/xml\/reference\.xml/, @stryModifiedList) || grep(/^src\/build\/config\/config\.yaml/, @stryModifiedList)) { errorDefineLoad(${$oStorageBackRest->get("build/error.yaml")}); my $rhBuild = { 'config' => { &BLD_DATA => buildConfig(), &BLD_PATH => 'config', }, 'configHelp' => { &BLD_DATA => buildConfigHelp(), &BLD_PATH => 'command/help', }, 'configParse' => { &BLD_DATA => buildConfigParse(), &BLD_PATH => 'config', }, 'error' => { &BLD_DATA => buildError(), &BLD_PATH => 'common', }, }; my @stryBuilt = buildAll("${strBackRestBase}/src", $rhBuild); # Error when checking that files have already been generated but they change if ($bGenCheck && @stryBuilt) { confess &log( ERROR, 'unexpected autogeneration of C code: ' . join(', ', @stryBuilt) . ":\n" . trim(executeTest("git -C ${strBackRestBase} diff"))); } &log(INFO, " autogenerated C code: " . (@stryBuilt ? join(', ', @stryBuilt) : 'no changes')); if (@stryBuilt) { push(@stryBuiltAll, @stryBuilt); push(@stryModifiedList, @stryBuilt); } } # Copy the files that were auto-generated to the repo cache so they will be included in the current build #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach my $strBuilt (@stryBuiltAll) { executeTest("cp -p ${strBackRestBase}/${strBuilt} ${strRepoCachePath}/${strBuilt}"); } if ($bGenOnly) { exit 0; } } # Clean up #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $iTestFail = 0; my $iTestRetry = 0; my $oyProcess = []; my $strCodePath = "${strBackRestBase}/test/result/coverage/raw"; if (!$bDryRun || $bVmOut) { &log(INFO, "cleanup old data" . ($strVm ne VM_NONE ? " and containers" : '')); if ($strVm ne VM_NONE) { containerRemove('test-([0-9]+|build)'); } for (my $iVmIdx = 0; $iVmIdx < 8; $iVmIdx++) { push(@{$oyProcess}, undef); } executeTest( "chmod 700 -R ${strTestPath}/test-* 2>&1 || true && rm -rf ${strTestPath}/temp ${strTestPath}/test-*" . " ${strTestPath}/data-*" . ($bDev ? '' : " ${strTestPath}/gcov-*")); $oStorageTest->pathCreate("${strTestPath}/temp", {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true}); # Remove old lcov dirs -- do it this way so the dirs stay open in finder/explorer, etc. executeTest("rm -rf ${strBackRestBase}/test/result/coverage/lcov/*"); # Overwrite the C coverage report so it will load but not show old coverage $oStorageTest->pathCreate( "${strBackRestBase}/test/result/coverage", {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true}); $oStorageBackRest->put( "${strBackRestBase}/test/result/coverage/coverage.html", "
[ Generating New Report ]
"); # Copy C code for coverage tests if (vmCoverageC($strVm) && !$bDryRun) { executeTest("rm -rf ${strBackRestBase}/test/result/coverage/raw/*"); $oStorageTest->pathCreate("${strCodePath}", {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true}); } } # Determine which tests to run #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $oyTestRun; my $bBinRequired = $bBuildOnly; my $bHostBinRequired = $bBuildOnly; # Only get the test list when they can run if (!$bBuildOnly) { # Get the test list $oyTestRun = testListGet( $strVm, \@stryModule, \@stryModuleTest, \@iyModuleTestRun, $strPgVersion, $bCoverageOnly, $bCOnly, $bContainerOnly, $bNoPerformance); # Determine if the C binary and test library need to be built foreach my $hTest (@{$oyTestRun}) { # Bin build required for all Perl tests or if a C unit test calls Perl if (!$hTest->{&TEST_C} || $hTest->{&TEST_BIN_REQ}) { $bBinRequired = true; } # Host bin required if a Perl test if (!$hTest->{&TEST_C}) { $bHostBinRequired = true; } } } my $strBuildRequired; if ($bBinRequired || $bHostBinRequired) { if ($bBinRequired) { $strBuildRequired = "bin"; } if ($bHostBinRequired) { $strBuildRequired .= ", bin host"; } } else { $strBuildRequired = "none"; } &log(INFO, "builds required: ${strBuildRequired}"); # Build the binary and packages #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!$bDryRun) { my $oVm = vmGet(); my $lTimestampLast; my $strBinPath = "${strTestPath}/bin"; my $rhBinBuild = {}; # Build the binary #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($bBinRequired) { # Find the lastest modified time for dirs that affect the bin build $lTimestampLast = buildLastModTime($oStorageBackRest, $strBackRestBase, ['src']); # Loop through VMs to do the C bin builds my $bLogDetail = $strLogLevel eq 'detail'; my @stryBuildVm = $strVm eq VM_ALL ? VM_LIST : ($strVm); # Build binary for the host if ($bHostBinRequired) { push(@stryBuildVm, VM_NONE); } foreach my $strBuildVM (@stryBuildVm) { my $strBuildPath = "${strBinPath}/${strBuildVM}"; my $bRebuild = !$bSmart; $rhBinBuild->{$strBuildVM} = true; # Build configure/compile options and see if they have changed from the previous build my $strCFlags = "-Wfatal-errors -g" . (vmWithBackTrace($strBuildVM) && $bBackTrace ? ' -DWITH_BACKTRACE' : '') . ($bDebugTestTrace ? ' -DDEBUG_TEST_TRACE' : ''); my $strLdFlags = vmWithBackTrace($strBuildVM) && $bBackTrace ? '-lbacktrace' : ''; my $strConfigOptions = (vmDebugIntegration($strBuildVM) ? ' --enable-test' : ''); my $strBuildFlags = "CFLAGS_EXTRA=${strCFlags}\nLDFLAGS_EXTRA=${strLdFlags}\nCONFIGURE=${strConfigOptions}"; my $strBuildFlagFile = "${strBinPath}/${strBuildVM}/build.flags"; my $bBuildOptionsDiffer = buildPutDiffers($oStorageBackRest, $strBuildFlagFile, $strBuildFlags); $bBuildOptionsDiffer |= grep(/^src\/configure|src\/Makefile.in|src\/build\.auto\.h\.in$/, @stryModifiedList); # Rebuild if the modification time of the bin file is less than the last changes in source paths my $strBinSmart = "${strBuildPath}/pgbackrest"; if ($bBuildOptionsDiffer || ($bSmart && (!$oStorageBackRest->exists($strBinSmart) || $oStorageBackRest->info($strBinSmart)->mtime < $lTimestampLast))) { &log( INFO, " bin dependencies have changed for ${strBuildVM}, " . ($bBuildOptionsDiffer ? 're' : '') . 'building...'); $bRebuild = true; } if ($bRebuild) { &log(INFO, " build bin for ${strBuildVM} (${strBuildPath})"); if ($strBuildVM ne VM_NONE) { executeTest( "docker run -itd -h test-build --name=test-build" . " -v ${strBackRestBase}:${strBackRestBase} -v ${strTestPath}:${strTestPath} " . containerRepo() . ":${strBuildVM}-test", {bSuppressStdErr => true}); } if (!$bSmart || $bBuildOptionsDiffer || !$oStorageBackRest->exists("${strBuildPath}/Makefile")) { # Remove old path if it exists and save the build flags executeTest("rm -rf ${strBuildPath}"); buildPutDiffers($oStorageBackRest, $strBuildFlagFile, $strBuildFlags); executeTest( ($strBuildVM ne VM_NONE ? 'docker exec -i -u ' . TEST_USER . ' test-build ' : '') . "bash -c 'cd ${strBuildPath} && ${strBackRestBase}/src/configure -q${strConfigOptions}'", {bShowOutputAsync => $bLogDetail}); } executeTest( ($strBuildVM ne VM_NONE ? 'docker exec -i -u ' . TEST_USER . ' test-build ' : '') . "${strMakeCmd} -s -j ${iBuildMax}" . ($bLogDetail ? '' : ' --silent') . " --directory ${strBuildPath} CFLAGS_EXTRA='${strCFlags}'" . ($strLdFlags ne '' ? " LDFLAGS_EXTRA='${strLdFlags}'" : ''), {bShowOutputAsync => $bLogDetail}); if ($strBuildVM ne VM_NONE) { executeTest("docker rm -f test-build"); } } } } # Build the package #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($bBuildPackage && $strVm ne VM_NONE) { my $strPackagePath = "${strBackRestBase}/test/result/package"; # Loop through VMs to do the package builds my @stryBuildVm = $strVm eq VM_ALL ? VM_LIST : ($strVm); $oStorageBackRest->pathCreate($strPackagePath, {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true}); foreach my $strBuildVM (@stryBuildVm) { my $strBuildPath = "${strPackagePath}/${strBuildVM}"; if ($oVm->{$strBuildVM}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_DEBIAN) { &log(INFO, "build package for ${strBuildVM} (${strBuildPath})"); if ($strVm ne VM_NONE) { executeTest( "docker run -itd -h test-build --name=test-build" . " -v ${strBackRestBase}:${strBackRestBase} " . containerRepo() . ":${strBuildVM}-test", {bSuppressStdErr => true}); } $oStorageBackRest->pathCreate($strBuildPath, {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true}); # Clone a copy of the debian package repo executeTest( ($strVm ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i test-build " : '') . "bash -c 'git clone https://salsa.debian.org/postgresql/pgbackrest.git /root/package-src 2>&1'"); executeTest( "rsync -r --exclude=.vagrant --exclude=.git --exclude=test/result ${strBackRestBase}/" . " ${strBuildPath}/"); executeTest( ($strVm ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i test-build " : '') . "bash -c 'cp -r /root/package-src/debian ${strBuildPath} && sudo chown -R " . TEST_USER . " ${strBuildPath}'"); # Patch files in debian package builds # # Use these commands to create a new patch (may need to modify first line): # BRDIR=/backrest;BRVM=u18;BRPATCHFILE=${BRDIR?}/test/patch/debian-package.patch # DBDIR=${BRDIR?}/test/result/package/${BRVM}/debian # diff -Naur ${DBDIR?}.old ${DBDIR}.new > ${BRPATCHFILE?} my $strDebianPackagePatch = "${strBackRestBase}/test/patch/debian-package.patch"; if ($oStorageBackRest->exists($strDebianPackagePatch)) { executeTest("cp -r ${strBuildPath}/debian ${strBuildPath}/debian.old"); executeTest("patch -d ${strBuildPath}/debian < ${strDebianPackagePatch}"); executeTest("cp -r ${strBuildPath}/debian ${strBuildPath}/debian.new"); } # If dev build then disable static release date used for reproducibility my $bVersionDev = PROJECT_VERSION =~ /dev$/; if ($bVersionDev) { my $strRules = ${$oStorageBackRest->get("${strBuildPath}/debian/rules")}; $strRules =~ s/\-\-var\=release-date-static\=y/\-\-var\=release-date-static\=n/g; $strRules =~ s/\-\-out\=html \-\-cache\-only/\-\-out\=html \-\-no\-exe/g; $oStorageBackRest->put("${strBuildPath}/debian/rules", $strRules); } # Remove patches that should be applied to core code $oStorageBackRest->remove("${strBuildPath}/debian/patches", {bRecurse => true, bIgnoreExists => true}); # Update changelog to add experimental version $oStorageBackRest->put("${strBuildPath}/debian/changelog", "pgbackrest (${\PROJECT_VERSION}-0." . ($bVersionDev ? 'D' : 'P') . strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", gmtime) . ") experimental; urgency=medium\n" . "\n" . ' * Automated experimental ' . ($bVersionDev ? 'development' : 'production') . " build.\n" . "\n" . ' -- David Steele ' . strftime("%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", gmtime) . "\n\n" . ${$oStorageBackRest->get("${strBuildPath}/debian/changelog")}); executeTest( ($strVm ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i test-build " : '') . "bash -c 'cd ${strBuildPath} && debuild -i -us -uc -b'"); executeTest( ($strVm ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i test-build " : '') . "bash -c 'rm -f ${strPackagePath}/${strBuildVM}/*.build ${strPackagePath}/${strBuildVM}/*.changes" . " ${strPackagePath}/${strBuildVM}/pgbackrest-doc*'"); if ($strVm ne VM_NONE) { executeTest("docker rm -f test-build"); } } if ($oVm->{$strBuildVM}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL) { &log(INFO, "build package for ${strBuildVM} (${strBuildPath})"); # Create build container if ($strVm ne VM_NONE) { executeTest( "docker run -itd -h test-build --name=test-build" . " -v ${strBackRestBase}:${strBackRestBase} " . containerRepo() . ":${strBuildVM}-test", {bSuppressStdErr => true}); } # Fetching specific files is fragile but even a shallow clone of the entire pgrpms repo is very expensive. # Using 'git archive' does not seem to work: access denied or repository not exported: /git/pgrpms.git. executeTest( ($strVm ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i test-build " : '') . "bash -c \"" . "mkdir /root/package-src && " . "wget -q -O /root/package-src/pgbackrest-conf.patch " . "'https://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=pgrpms.git;a=blob_plain;hb=refs/heads/master;" . "f=rpm/redhat/master/common/pgbackrest/master/pgbackrest-conf.patch' && " . "wget -q -O /root/package-src/pgbackrest.logrotate " . "'https://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=pgrpms.git;a=blob_plain;hb=refs/heads/master;" . "f=rpm/redhat/master/common/pgbackrest/master/pgbackrest.logrotate' && " . "wget -q -O /root/package-src/pgbackrest.spec " . "'https://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=pgrpms.git;a=blob_plain;hb=refs/heads/master;" . "f=rpm/redhat/master/common/pgbackrest/master/pgbackrest.spec'\""); # Create build directories $oStorageBackRest->pathCreate($strBuildPath, {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true}); $oStorageBackRest->pathCreate("${strBuildPath}/SOURCES", {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true}); $oStorageBackRest->pathCreate("${strBuildPath}/SPECS", {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true}); $oStorageBackRest->pathCreate("${strBuildPath}/RPMS", {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true}); $oStorageBackRest->pathCreate("${strBuildPath}/BUILD", {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true}); # Install PostreSQL 11 development for package builds executeTest( ($strVm ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i test-build " : '') . "bash -c 'yum install -y postgresql11-devel 2>&1'"); # Copy source files executeTest( "tar --transform='s_^_pgbackrest-release-${\PROJECT_VERSION}/_'" . " -czf ${strBuildPath}/SOURCES/${\PROJECT_VERSION}.tar.gz -C ${strBackRestBase}" . " src LICENSE"); # Copy package files executeTest( ($strVm ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i test-build " : '') . "bash -c '" . "ln -s ${strBuildPath} /root/rpmbuild && " . "cp /root/package-src/pgbackrest.spec ${strBuildPath}/SPECS && " . "cp /root/package-src/*.patch ${strBuildPath}/SOURCES && " . "cp /root/package-src/pgbackrest.logrotate ${strBuildPath}/SOURCES && " . "sudo chown -R " . TEST_USER . " ${strBuildPath}'"); # Patch files in RHEL package builds # # Use these commands to create a new patch (may need to modify first line): # BRDIR=/backrest;BRVM=co7;BRPATCHFILE=${BRDIR?}/test/patch/rhel-package.patch # PKDIR=${BRDIR?}/test/result/package/${BRVM}/SPECS # diff -Naur ${PKDIR?}.old ${PKDIR}.new > ${BRPATCHFILE?} my $strPackagePatch = "${strBackRestBase}/test/patch/rhel-package.patch"; if ($oStorageBackRest->exists($strPackagePatch)) { executeTest("cp -r ${strBuildPath}/SPECS ${strBuildPath}/SPECS.old"); executeTest("patch -d ${strBuildPath}/SPECS < ${strPackagePatch}"); executeTest("cp -r ${strBuildPath}/SPECS ${strBuildPath}/SPECS.new"); } # Update version number to match current version my $strSpec = ${$oStorageBackRest->get("${strBuildPath}/SPECS/pgbackrest.spec")}; $strSpec =~ s/^Version\:.*$/Version\:\t${\PROJECT_VERSION}/gm; $oStorageBackRest->put("${strBuildPath}/SPECS/pgbackrest.spec", $strSpec); # Build package executeTest( ($strVm ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i test-build " : '') . "rpmbuild --define 'pgmajorversion %{nil}' -v -bb --clean root/rpmbuild/SPECS/pgbackrest.spec", {bSuppressStdErr => true}); # Remove build container if ($strVm ne VM_NONE) { executeTest("docker rm -f test-build"); } } } } # Exit if only testing builds exit 0 if $bBuildOnly; } # Remove repo.manifest now that all processing that depends on modified files has been completed #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $oStorageTest->remove("${strRepoCachePath}/${strRepoCacheManifest}"); # Perform static source code analysis #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!$bDryRun) { logFileSet($oStorageTest, cwd() . "/test"); } # Run the tests #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (@{$oyTestRun} == 0) { confess &log(ERROR, 'no tests were selected'); } &log(INFO, @{$oyTestRun} . ' test' . (@{$oyTestRun} > 1 ? 's': '') . " selected\n"); # Don't allow --no-cleanup when more than one test will run. How would the prior results be preserved? if ($bNoCleanup && @{$oyTestRun} > 1) { confess &log(ERROR, '--no-cleanup is not valid when more than one test will run') } # Disable file logging for integration tests when there is more than one test since it will be overwritten if (@{$oyTestRun} > 1) { $strLogLevelTestFile = lc(OFF); } # Don't allow --no-cleanup when more than one test will run. How would the prior results be preserved? # Only use one vm for dry run so results are printed in order if ($bDryRun) { $iVmMax = 1; } my $iTestIdx = 0; my $iVmTotal; my $iTestMax = @{$oyTestRun}; my $bShowOutputAsync = $bVmOut && (@{$oyTestRun} == 1 || $iVmMax == 1) && ! $bDryRun ? true : false; do { do { $iVmTotal = 0; for (my $iVmIdx = 0; $iVmIdx < $iVmMax; $iVmIdx++) { if (defined($$oyProcess[$iVmIdx])) { my ($bDone, $bFail) = $$oyProcess[$iVmIdx]->end(); if ($bDone) { if ($bFail) { if ($oyProcess->[$iVmIdx]->run()) { $iTestRetry++; $iVmTotal++; } else { $iTestFail++; $$oyProcess[$iVmIdx] = undef; } } else { $$oyProcess[$iVmIdx] = undef; } } else { $iVmTotal++; } } } # Only wait when all VMs are running or all tests have been assigned. Otherwise, there is something to do. if ($iVmTotal == $iVmMax || $iTestIdx == @{$oyTestRun}) { waitHiRes(.05); } } while ($iVmTotal == $iVmMax); for (my $iVmIdx = 0; $iVmIdx < $iVmMax; $iVmIdx++) { if (!defined($$oyProcess[$iVmIdx]) && $iTestIdx < @{$oyTestRun}) { my $oJob = new pgBackRestTest::Common::JobTest( $oStorageTest, $strBackRestBase, $strTestPath, $$oyTestRun[$iTestIdx], $bDryRun, $strVmHost, $bVmOut, $iVmIdx, $iVmMax, $strMakeCmd, $iTestIdx, $iTestMax, $strLogLevel, $strLogLevelTest, $strLogLevelTestFile, !$bNoLogTimestamp, $bLogForce, $bShowOutputAsync, $bNoCleanup, $iRetry, !$bNoValgrind, !$bNoCoverage, $bCoverageSummary, !$bNoOptimize, $bBackTrace, $bProfile, $iScale, $strTimeZone, !$bNoDebug, $bDebugTestTrace, $iBuildMax / $iVmMax < 1 ? 1 : int($iBuildMax / $iVmMax)); $iTestIdx++; if ($oJob->run()) { $$oyProcess[$iVmIdx] = $oJob; } $iVmTotal++; } } } while ($iVmTotal > 0); # Write out coverage info and test coverage #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $iUncoveredCodeModuleTotal = 0; if (vmCoverageC($strVm) && !$bNoCoverage && !$bDryRun && $iTestFail == 0) { $iUncoveredCodeModuleTotal = coverageValidateAndGenerate( $oyTestRun, $oStorageBackRest, !$bNoCoverageReport, $bCoverageSummary, $strTestPath, "${strTestPath}/temp", "${strBackRestBase}/test/result", "${strBackRestBase}/doc/xml/auto"); } # Print test info and exit #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &log(INFO, ($bDryRun ? 'DRY RUN COMPLETED' : 'TESTS COMPLETED') . ($iTestFail == 0 ? ' SUCCESSFULLY' . ($iUncoveredCodeModuleTotal == 0 ? '' : " WITH ${iUncoveredCodeModuleTotal} MODULE(S) MISSING COVERAGE") : " WITH ${iTestFail} FAILURE(S)") . ($iTestRetry == 0 ? '' : ", ${iTestRetry} RETRY(IES)") . ($bNoLogTimestamp ? '' : ' (' . (time() - $lStartTime) . 's)')); exit 1 if ($iTestFail > 0 || ($iUncoveredCodeModuleTotal > 0 && !$bCoverageSummary)); exit 0; } ################################################################################################################################ # Runs tests ################################################################################################################################ my $iRun = 0; # Create host group for containers my $oHostGroup = hostGroupGet(); # Set timezone if (defined($strTimeZone)) { $ENV{TZ} = $strTimeZone; } # Run the test testRun($stryModule[0], $stryModuleTest[0])->process( $strVm, $iVmId, # Vm info $strBackRestBase, # Base backrest directory $strTestPath, # Path where the tests will run dirname($strTestPath) . "/bin/${strVm}/" . PROJECT_EXE, # Path to the pgbackrest binary dirname($strTestPath) . "/bin/" . VM_NONE . '/' . PROJECT_EXE, # Path to the backrest Perl storage helper $strPgVersion ne 'minimal' ? $strPgSqlBin: undef, # Pg bin path $strPgVersion ne 'minimal' ? $strPgVersion: undef, # Pg version $stryModule[0], $stryModuleTest[0], \@iyModuleTestRun, # Module info $bVmOut, $bDryRun, $bNoCleanup, $bLogForce, # Test options $strLogLevelTestFile, # Log options TEST_USER, TEST_GROUP); # User/group info if (!$bNoCleanup) { if ($oHostGroup->removeAll() > 0) { executeTest("rm -rf ${strTestPath}"); } } if (!$bDryRun && !$bVmOut) { &log(INFO, 'TESTS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY (DESPITE ANY ERROR MESSAGES YOU SAW)'); } # Exit with success exit 0; } #################################################################################################################################### # Check for errors #################################################################################################################################### or do { # If a backrest exception then return the code if (isException(\$EVAL_ERROR)) { if ($EVAL_ERROR->code() != ERROR_OPTION_INVALID_VALUE) { syswrite(*STDOUT, $EVAL_ERROR->message() . "\n" . $EVAL_ERROR->trace()); } exit $EVAL_ERROR->code(); } # Else output the unhandled error syswrite(*STDOUT, $EVAL_ERROR); exit ERROR_UNHANDLED; }; # It shouldn't be possible to get here &log(ASSERT, 'execution reached invalid location in ' . __FILE__ . ', line ' . __LINE__); exit ERROR_ASSERT;