#################################################################################################################################### # S3 Request #################################################################################################################################### package pgBackRest::Storage::S3::Request; use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Carp qw(confess); use English '-no_match_vars'; use Digest::SHA qw(hmac_sha256 hmac_sha256_hex sha256_hex); use Exporter qw(import); our @EXPORT = qw(); use IO::Socket::SSL; use pgBackRest::Common::Exception; use pgBackRest::Common::Http::Client; use pgBackRest::Common::Http::Common; use pgBackRest::Common::Io::Base; use pgBackRest::Common::Log; use pgBackRest::Common::String; use pgBackRest::Common::Xml; use pgBackRest::Storage::S3::Auth; #################################################################################################################################### # Constants #################################################################################################################################### use constant HTTP_VERB_GET => 'GET'; push @EXPORT, qw(HTTP_VERB_GET); use constant HTTP_VERB_POST => 'POST'; push @EXPORT, qw(HTTP_VERB_POST); use constant HTTP_VERB_PUT => 'PUT'; push @EXPORT, qw(HTTP_VERB_PUT); use constant S3_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH => 'content-length'; push @EXPORT, qw(S3_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH); use constant S3_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING => 'transfer-encoding'; push @EXPORT, qw(S3_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING); use constant S3_HEADER_ETAG => 'etag'; push @EXPORT, qw(S3_HEADER_ETAG); use constant S3_RESPONSE_TYPE_IO => 'io'; push @EXPORT, qw(S3_RESPONSE_TYPE_IO); use constant S3_RESPONSE_TYPE_NONE => 'none'; push @EXPORT, qw(S3_RESPONSE_TYPE_NONE); use constant S3_RESPONSE_TYPE_XML => 'xml'; push @EXPORT, qw(S3_RESPONSE_TYPE_XML); use constant S3_RESPONSE_CODE_SUCCESS => 200; use constant S3_RESPONSE_CODE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND => 404; use constant S3_RESPONSE_CODE_ERROR_INTERNAL => 500; use constant S3_RETRY_MAX => 2; #################################################################################################################################### # new #################################################################################################################################### sub new { my $class = shift; # Create the class hash my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info ( my $strOperation, $self->{strBucket}, $self->{strEndPoint}, $self->{strRegion}, $self->{strAccessKeyId}, $self->{strSecretAccessKey}, $self->{strHost}, $self->{iPort}, $self->{bVerifySsl}, $self->{strCaPath}, $self->{strCaFile}, $self->{lBufferMax}, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->new', \@_, {name => 'strBucket', trace => true}, {name => 'strEndPoint', trace => true}, {name => 'strRegion', trace => true}, {name => 'strAccessKeyId', trace => true}, {name => 'strSecretAccessKey', trace => true}, {name => 'strHost', optional => true, trace => true}, {name => 'iPort', optional => true, trace => true}, {name => 'bVerifySsl', optional => true, default => true, trace => true}, {name => 'strCaPath', optional => true, trace => true}, {name => 'strCaFile', optional => true, trace => true}, {name => 'lBufferMax', optional => true, default => COMMON_IO_BUFFER_MAX, trace => true}, ); # If host is not set then it will be bucket + endpoint $self->{strHost} = defined($self->{strHost}) ? $self->{strHost} : "$self->{strBucket}.$self->{strEndPoint}"; # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'self', value => $self, trace => true} ); } #################################################################################################################################### # request - send a request to S3 #################################################################################################################################### sub request { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strVerb, $strUri, $hQuery, $hHeader, $rstrBody, $strResponseType, $bIgnoreMissing, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->request', \@_, {name => 'strVerb', trace => true}, {name => 'strUri', optional => true, default => '/', trace => true}, {name => 'hQuery', optional => true, trace => true}, {name => 'hHeader', optional => true, trace => true}, {name => 'rstrBody', optional => true, trace => true}, {name => 'strResponseType', optional => true, default => S3_RESPONSE_TYPE_NONE, trace => true}, {name => 'bIgnoreMissing', optional => true, default => false, trace => true}, ); # Server response my $oResponse; # Allow retries on S3 internal failures my $bRetry = false; my $iRetryTotal = 0; do { # Assume that a retry will not be attempted which is true in most cases $bRetry = false; # Get datetime to be used for auth requests my $strDateTime = s3DateTime(); # Set content length and hash $hHeader->{&S3_HEADER_CONTENT_SHA256} = defined($rstrBody) ? sha256_hex($$rstrBody) : PAYLOAD_DEFAULT_HASH; $hHeader->{&S3_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH} = defined($rstrBody) ? length($$rstrBody) : 0; # Generate authorization header $hHeader = s3AuthorizationHeader( $self->{strRegion}, "$self->{strBucket}.$self->{strEndPoint}", $strVerb, $strUri, httpQuery($hQuery), $strDateTime, $hHeader, $self->{strAccessKeyId}, $self->{strSecretAccessKey}, $hHeader->{&S3_HEADER_CONTENT_SHA256}); # Send the request my $oHttpClient = new pgBackRest::Common::Http::Client( $self->{strHost}, $strVerb, {iPort => $self->{iPort}, strUri => $strUri, hQuery => $hQuery, hRequestHeader => $hHeader, rstrRequestBody => $rstrBody, bVerifySsl => $self->{bVerifySsl}, strCaPath => $self->{strCaPath}, strCaFile => $self->{strCaFile}, lBufferMax => $self->{lBufferMax}}); # Check response code my $iReponseCode = $oHttpClient->responseCode(); if ($iReponseCode == S3_RESPONSE_CODE_SUCCESS) { # Save the response headers locally $self->{hResponseHeader} = $oHttpClient->responseHeader(); # XML response is expected if ($strResponseType eq S3_RESPONSE_TYPE_XML) { my $rtResponseBody = $oHttpClient->responseBody(); if ($oHttpClient->contentLength() == 0 || !defined($$rtResponseBody)) { confess &log(ERROR, "response type '${strResponseType}' was requested but content length is zero or content is missing", ERROR_PROTOCOL); } $oResponse = xmlParse($$rtResponseBody); } # An IO object is expected for file responses elsif ($strResponseType eq S3_RESPONSE_TYPE_IO) { $oResponse = $oHttpClient; } } else { # If file was not found if ($iReponseCode == S3_RESPONSE_CODE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { # If missing files should not be ignored then error if (!$bIgnoreMissing) { confess &log(ERROR, "unable to open '${strUri}': No such file or directory", ERROR_FILE_MISSING); } $bRetry = false; } # Else a more serrious error else { # Retry for S3 internal errors if ($iReponseCode == S3_RESPONSE_CODE_ERROR_INTERNAL) { $iRetryTotal++; $bRetry = $iRetryTotal <= S3_RETRY_MAX; } # If no retry then throw the error if (!$bRetry) { my $rstrResponseBody = $oHttpClient->responseBody(); confess &log(ERROR, "S3 request error [$iReponseCode] " . $oHttpClient->responseMessage() . "\n*** request header ***\n" . $oHttpClient->requestHeaderText() . "\n*** reponse header ***\n" . $oHttpClient->responseHeaderText() . (defined($$rstrResponseBody) ? "\n*** response body ***\n${$rstrResponseBody}" : ''), ERROR_PROTOCOL); } } } } while ($bRetry); # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'oResponse', value => $oResponse, trace => true, ref => true} ); } 1;