package BackRestDoc::Common::DocRender;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use BackRest::Common::Log;
use BackRest::Common::String;
use BackRestDoc::Common::DocManifest;
# Operation constants
use constant OP_DOC_RENDER => 'DocRender';
use constant OP_DOC_RENDER_PROCESS => OP_DOC_RENDER . '->process';
use constant OP_DOC_RENDER_PROCESS_TAG => OP_DOC_RENDER . '->processTag';
use constant OP_DOC_RENDER_PROCESS_TEXT => OP_DOC_RENDER . '->processText';
use constant OP_DOC_RENDER_NEW => OP_DOC_RENDER . '->new';
use constant OP_DOC_RENDER_SAVE => OP_DOC_RENDER . '->save';
# Render tags for various output types
my $oRenderTag =
'markdown' =>
'quote' => ['"', '"'],
'b' => ['**', '**'],
'i' => ['_', '_'],
# 'bi' => ['_**', '**_'],
'ul' => ["\n", "\n"],
'ol' => ["\n", "\n"],
'li' => ['- ', "\n"],
'id' => ['`', '`'],
'file' => ['`', '`'],
'path' => ['`', '`'],
'cmd' => ['`', '`'],
'param' => ['`', '`'],
'setting' => ['`', '`'],
'code' => ['`', '`'],
# 'code-block' => ['```', '```'],
# 'exe' => [undef, ''],
'backrest' => [undef, ''],
'postgres' => ['PostgreSQL', '']
'text' =>
'quote' => ['"', '"'],
'b' => ['', ''],
'i' => ['', ''],
# 'bi' => ['', ''],
'ul' => ["\n", "\n"],
'ol' => ["\n", "\n"],
'li' => ['* ', "\n"],
'id' => ['', ''],
'file' => ['', ''],
'path' => ['', ''],
'cmd' => ['', ''],
'br-option' => ['', ''],
'param' => ['', ''],
'setting' => ['', ''],
'code' => ['', ''],
'code-block' => ['', ''],
'exe' => [undef, ''],
'backrest' => [undef, ''],
'postgres' => ['PostgreSQL', '']
'latex' =>
'quote' => ['``', '"'],
'b' => ['\textbf{', '}'],
'i' => ['\textit{', '}'],
# 'bi' => ['', ''],
# 'ul' => ["\n", "\n"],
# 'ol' => ["\n", "\n"],
# 'li' => ['* ', "\n"],
'id' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
'host' => ['\textnormal{\textbf{', '}}'],
'file' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
'path' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
'cmd' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', "}}"],
'user' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
'br-option' => ['', ''],
# 'param' => ['\texttt{', '}'],
# 'setting' => ['\texttt{', '}'],
'br-option' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
'br-setting' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
'pg-option' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
'pg-setting' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
'code' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
# 'code' => ['\texttt{', '}'],
# 'code-block' => ['', ''],
# 'exe' => [undef, ''],
'backrest' => [undef, ''],
'postgres' => ['PostgreSQL', '']
'html' =>
'quote' => ['', '
'b' => ['', ''],
'i' => ['', ''],
# 'bi' => ['', ''],
'ul' => ['
'ol' => ['', '
'li' => ['', ''],
'id' => ['', ''],
'host' => ['', ''],
'file' => ['', ''],
'path' => ['', ''],
'cmd' => ['', ''],
'user' => ['', ''],
'br-option' => ['', ''],
'br-setting' => ['', ''],
'pg-option' => ['', ''],
'pg-setting' => ['', ''],
'code' => ['', ''],
'code-block' => ['', ''],
'exe' => [undef, ''],
'setting' => ['', ''], # !!! This will need to be fixed
'backrest' => [undef, ''],
'postgres' => ['PostgreSQL', '']
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my $strOperation,
) =
{name => 'strType'},
{name => 'oManifest'},
{name => 'strRenderOutKey', required => false}
# Initialize project tags
$$oRenderTag{markdown}{backrest}[0] = "{[project]}";
$$oRenderTag{markdown}{exe}[0] = "{[project-exe]}";
$$oRenderTag{text}{backrest}[0] = "{[project]}";
$$oRenderTag{text}{exe}[0] = "{[project-exe]}";
$$oRenderTag{latex}{backrest}[0] = "{[project]}";
$$oRenderTag{latex}{exe}[0] = "\\textnormal\{\\texttt\{[project-exe]}}\}\}";
$$oRenderTag{html}{backrest}[0] = "{[project]}";
$$oRenderTag{html}{exe}[0] = "{[project-exe]}";
if (defined($self->{strRenderOutKey}))
# Copy page data to self
my $oRenderOut = $self->{oManifest}->renderOutGet($self->{strType} eq 'latex' ? 'pdf' : $self->{strType}, $self->{strRenderOutKey});
# Get the reference if this is the backrest project
if ($self->{oManifest}->isBackRest())
$self->{oReference} = new BackRestDoc::Common::DocConfig(${$self->{oManifest}->sourceGet('reference')}{doc}, $self);
if (defined($$oRenderOut{source}) && $$oRenderOut{source} eq 'reference')
if ($self->{strRenderOutKey} eq 'configuration')
$self->{oDoc} = $self->{oReference}->helpConfigDocGet();
elsif ($self->{strRenderOutKey} eq 'command')
$self->{oDoc} = $self->{oReference}->helpCommandDocGet();
confess &log(ERROR, "cannot render $self->{strRenderOutKey} from source $$oRenderOut{source}");
$self->{oDoc} = ${$self->{oManifest}->sourceGet($self->{strRenderOutKey})}{doc};
if (defined($self->{strRenderOutKey}))
# Build the doc
# Get required sections
foreach my $strPath (@{$self->{oManifest}->{stryRequire}})
if (defined(${$self->{oSection}}{$strPath}))
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self}
# variableReplace
# Replace variables in the string.
sub variableReplace
my $self = shift;
return $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace(shift, $self->{strType});
# variableSet
# Set a variable to be replaced later.
sub variableSet
my $self = shift;
return $self->{oManifest}->variableSet(shift, shift);
# variableGet
# Get the current value of a variable.
sub variableGet
my $self = shift;
return $self->{oManifest}->variableGet(shift);
# build
# Build the section map and perform keyword matching.
sub build
my $self = shift;
my $oNode = shift;
my $oParent = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
# &log(INFO, " node " . $oNode->nameGet());
my $strName = $oNode->nameGet();
if (defined($oParent))
if (!$self->{oManifest}->keywordMatch($oNode->paramGet('keyword', false)))
my $strDescription;
if (defined($oNode->nodeGet('title', false)))
$strDescription = $self->processText($oNode->nodeGet('title')->textGet());
&log(DEBUG, " filtered ${strName}" . (defined($strDescription) ? ": ${strDescription}" : ''));
&log(DEBUG, ' build document');
$self->{oSection} = {};
if ($strName eq 'section')
if (defined($strPath))
$oNode->paramSet('path-parent', $strPath);
$strPath .= '/' . $oNode->paramGet('id');
&log(DEBUG, " path ${strPath}");
${$self->{oSection}}{$strPath} = $oNode;
$oNode->paramSet('path', $strPath);
# Iterate all nodes
foreach my $oChild ($oNode->nodeList(undef, false))
$self->build($oChild, $oNode, $strPath);
# required
# Build a list of required sections
sub required
my $self = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $bDepend = shift;
# If node is not found that means the path is invalid
my $oNode = ${$self->{oSection}}{$strPath};
if (!defined($oNode))
confess &log(ERROR, "invalid path ${strPath}");
# Only add sections that are listed dependencies
if (!defined($bDepend) || $bDepend)
# Match section and all child sections
foreach my $strChildPath (sort(keys($self->{oSection})))
if ($strChildPath =~ /^$strPath$/ || $strChildPath =~ /^$strPath\/.*$/)
&log(INFO, " require section: ${strChildPath}");
${$self->{oSectionRequired}}{$strChildPath} = true;
# Get the path of the current section's parent
my $strParentPath = $oNode->paramGet('path-parent', false);
if ($oNode->paramTest('depend'))
foreach my $strDepend (split(',', $oNode->paramGet('depend')))
if ($strDepend !~ /^\//)
if (!defined($strParentPath))
$strDepend = "/${strDepend}";
$strDepend = "${strParentPath}/${strDepend}";
$self->required($strDepend, true);
elsif (defined($strParentPath))
$self->required($strParentPath, false);
# isRequired
# Is it required to execute the section statements?
sub isRequired
my $self = shift;
my $oSection = shift;
if (!defined($self->{oSectionRequired}))
return true;
my $strPath = $oSection->paramGet('path');
defined(${$self->{oSectionRequired}}{$strPath}) ? true : false;
# process
# Render the document
sub process
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
{name => 'oDoc', trace => true},
{name => 'iDepth', default => 1, trace => true},
{name => 'bChildList', default => true, trace => true}
my $strType = $self->{strType};
my $strBuffer = "";
my $bList = $oDoc->nameGet() =~ /.*-bullet-list$/;
$bChildList = defined($bChildList) ? $bChildList : false;
my $iChildDepth = $iDepth;
my @stryMonth = ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
if ($strType eq 'markdown' || $strType eq 'text')
if (defined($oDoc->paramGet('id', false)))
my @stryToken = split('-', $oDoc->nameGet());
my $strTitle = @stryToken == 0 ? '[unknown]' : $stryToken[@stryToken - 1];
$strBuffer = ('#' x $iDepth) . ' `' . $oDoc->paramGet('id') . '` ' . $strTitle;
# Try to get the title param from the element (!!! this is the old style and should be removed)
my $strTitle = $oDoc->paramGet('title', false);
if (!defined($strTitle))
$strTitle = $oDoc->paramGet('subtitle', false);
# If not found then get the title element
if (!defined($strTitle) && defined($oDoc->nodeGet('title', false)))
$strTitle = $self->processText($oDoc->nodeGet('title')->textGet());
if (defined($strTitle))
$strBuffer = ('#' x $iDepth) . ' ';
if (defined($oDoc->paramGet('version', false)))
$strBuffer .= 'v' . $oDoc->paramGet('version') . ': ';
$strBuffer .= ($iDepth == 1 ? "{[project]}
" : '') . $strTitle;
if (defined($oDoc->paramGet('date', false)))
my $strDate = $oDoc->paramGet('date');
if ($strDate !~ /^(XXXX-XX-XX)|([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})$/)
confess "invalid date ${strDate}";
if ($strDate =~ /^X/)
$strBuffer .= "\n__No Release Date Set__";
$strBuffer .= "\n__Released " . $stryMonth[(substr($strDate, 5, 2) - 1)] . ' ' .
(substr($strDate, 8, 2) + 0) . ', ' . substr($strDate, 0, 4) . '__';
if ($strBuffer ne "")
if (defined($oDoc->nodeGet('summary', false)))
if ($strBuffer ne "")
$strBuffer .= "\n\n";
if ($bChildList)
$strBuffer .= '* ';
$strBuffer .= $self->processText($oDoc->nodeGet('summary')->textGet());
if (defined($oDoc->textGet(false)))
if ($strBuffer ne "")
$strBuffer .= "\n\n";
if ($bChildList)
$strBuffer .= '* ';
$strBuffer .= $self->processText($oDoc->textGet());
if ($strBuffer ne "" && $iDepth != 1 && !$bList)
$strBuffer = "\n\n" . $strBuffer;
confess "unknown type ${strType}";
my $bFirst = true;
foreach my $oChild ($oDoc->nodeList(undef, false))
if ($oChild->nameGet() ne 'summary' && $oChild->nameGet() ne 'title')
if ($strType eq 'markdown' || $strType eq 'text')
confess "unknown type ${strType}";
$strBuffer .= $self->process($oChild, $iChildDepth, $bList);
if ($iDepth == 1)
if ($strType eq 'markdown' || $strType eq 'text')
$strBuffer .= "\n";
confess "unknown type ${strType}";
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strBuffer', value => $strBuffer, trace => true}
# processTag
sub processTag
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
{name => 'oTag', trace => true}
my $strBuffer = "";
my $strType = $self->{strType};
my $strTag = $oTag->nameGet();
if (!defined($strTag))
use Data::Dumper;
confess Dumper($oTag);
if ($strTag eq 'link')
my $strUrl = $oTag->paramGet('url', false);
if ($strType eq 'markdown')
if (!defined($strUrl))
$strUrl = '{[backrest-url-base]}/' . $oTag->paramGet('page');
$strBuffer = '[' . $oTag->valueGet() . '](' . $strUrl . ')';
elsif ($strType eq 'html')
if (!defined($strUrl))
$strUrl = $oTag->paramGet('page', false);
if (!defined($strUrl))
$strUrl = '#' . substr($oTag->paramGet('section'), 1);
$strBuffer = '' . $oTag->valueGet() . '';
elsif ($strType eq 'latex')
if (!defined($strUrl))
$strUrl = $oTag->paramGet('page', false);
if (!defined($strUrl))
$strUrl = $oTag->paramGet('section');
$strBuffer = "\\hyperref[$strUrl]{" . $oTag->valueGet() . "}";
confess "tag link not valid for type ${strType}";
my $strStart = $$oRenderTag{$strType}{$strTag}[0];
my $strStop = $$oRenderTag{$strType}{$strTag}[1];
if (!defined($strStart) || !defined($strStop))
confess "invalid type ${strType} or tag ${strTag}";
$strBuffer .= $strStart;
if ($strTag eq 'p' || $strTag eq 'title' || $strTag eq 'li' || $strTag eq 'code-block' || $strTag eq 'summary')
$strBuffer .= $self->processText($oTag);
elsif (defined($oTag->valueGet()))
$strBuffer .= $oTag->valueGet();
foreach my $oSubTag ($oTag->nodeList(undef, false))
$strBuffer .= $self->processTag($oSubTag);
$strBuffer .= $strStop;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strBuffer', value => $strBuffer, trace => true}
# processText
sub processText
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
{name => 'oText', trace => true}
my $strType = $self->{strType};
my $strBuffer = '';
foreach my $oNode ($oText->nodeList(undef, false))
if (ref(\$oNode) eq "SCALAR")
if ($oNode =~ /\"/)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to process quotes in string (use instead):\n${oNode}");
$strBuffer .= $oNode;
$strBuffer .= $self->processTag($oNode);
# if ($strType eq 'html')
# {
# # $strBuffer =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# $strBuffer =~ s/\n/\
# }
# if ($strType eq 'markdown')
# {
# $strBuffer =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$strBuffer =~ s/ +/ /g;
$strBuffer =~ s/^ //smg;
# }
if ($strType eq 'latex')
$strBuffer =~ s/\&mdash\;/---/g;
$strBuffer =~ s/\<\;/\\=/\$\\geq\$/g;
# $strBuffer =~ s/\_/\\_/g;
$strBuffer = $self->variableReplace($strBuffer);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strBuffer', value => $strBuffer, trace => true}
# save
sub save
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
{name => 'strFileName', trace => true},
{name => 'strBuffer', trace => true}
# Open the file
my $hFile;
open($hFile, '>', $strFileName)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to open ${strFileName}");
# Write the buffer
my $iBufferOut = syswrite($hFile, $strBuffer);
# Report any errors
if (!defined($iBufferOut) || $iBufferOut != length($strBuffer))
confess "unable to write '${strBuffer}'" . (defined($!) ? ': ' . $! : '');
# Close the file
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);