mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-01-18 04:58:51 +02:00
David Steele a6a19e3735 Test directories are now located on the host VM rather than in the Docker container.
This change allows for easier testing since all files are local on the host VM and can be easily accessed without using `docker exec`.  In addition, this change is required to allow multiple Docker containers per test case which is coming soon.
2016-05-10 18:12:37 -04:00

949 lines
31 KiB
Executable File

# CommonTest.pm - Common globals used for testing
package pgBackRestTest::CommonTest;
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use Cwd qw(abs_path cwd);
use Exporter qw(import);
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy qw(move);
use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
use IO::Select;
use IPC::Open3;
use POSIX ':sys_wait_h';
use Symbol 'gensym';
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use pgBackRest::Common::Ini;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Common::Wait;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::Db;
use pgBackRest::File;
use pgBackRest::Manifest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::LogTest;
our @EXPORT = qw(BackRestTestCommon_Create BackRestTestCommon_Drop BackRestTestCommon_Setup
BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate BackRestTestCommon_PathMode BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove
BackRestTestCommon_FileCreate BackRestTestCommon_FileRemove BackRestTestCommon_PathCopy BackRestTestCommon_PathMove
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate BackRestTestCommon_ConfigRemap BackRestTestCommon_ConfigRecovery
BackRestTestCommon_Run BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet
BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet BackRestTestCommon_CommandRemoteGet
BackRestTestCommon_HostGet BackRestTestCommon_UserGet BackRestTestCommon_GroupGet
BackRestTestCommon_UserBackRestGet BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet BackRestTestCommon_DataPathGet
BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet BackRestTestCommon_LocalPathGet BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet
BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet BackRestTestCommon_ClusterStop BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet
BackRestTestCommon_DbPortGet BackRestTestCommon_iniLoad BackRestTestCommon_iniSave BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion
BackRestTestCommon_CommandPsqlGet BackRestTestCommon_DropRepo BackRestTestCommon_CreateRepo
BackRestTestCommon_manifestLoad BackRestTestCommon_manifestSave BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainAbsGet
BackRestTestCommon_CommandRemoteFullGet BackRestTestCommon_BasePathGet BackRestTestCommon_LinkCreate);
my $strPgSqlBin;
my $strCommonStanza;
my $strCommonCommandMain;
my $bCommandMainSet = false;
my $strCommonCommandRemote;
my $strCommonCommandRemoteFull;
my $strCommonCommandPsql;
my $strCommonHost;
my $strCommonUser;
my $strCommonGroup;
my $strCommonUserBackRest;
my $strCommonBasePath;
my $strCommonTestPath;
my $strCommonDataPath;
my $strCommonRepoPath;
my $strCommonLocalPath;
my $strCommonDbPath;
my $strCommonDbCommonPath;
my $strCommonDbTablespacePath;
my $iCommonDbPort;
my $strCommonDbVersion;
my $iModuleTestRunOnly;
my $bDryRun;
my $bNoCleanup;
my $bLogForce;
use constant PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT_TEST => 30;
# BackRestTestCommon_ClusterStop
sub BackRestTestCommon_ClusterStop
my $strPath = shift;
my $bImmediate = shift;
# Set default
$strPath = defined($strPath) ? $strPath : BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet();
$bImmediate = defined($bImmediate) ? $bImmediate : false;
# If postmaster process is running then stop the cluster
if (-e $strPath . '/postmaster.pid')
executeTest(BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet() . "/pg_ctl stop -D ${strPath} -w -s -m " .
($bImmediate ? 'immediate' : 'fast'));
# BackRestTestCommon_DropRepo
sub BackRestTestCommon_DropRepo
# Remove the backrest private directory
while (-e BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet())
BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true, true);
BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), false, true);
# BackRestTestCommon_CreateRepo
sub BackRestTestCommon_CreateRepo
my $bRemote = shift;
# Create the backup directory
if ($bRemote)
executeTest('mkdir -m 700 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(),
{bRemote => true});
# BackRestTestCommon_Drop
sub BackRestTestCommon_Drop
# Drop the cluster if it exists
BackRestTestCommon_ClusterStop(BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet(), true);
# Remove the backrest private directory
# Remove contents of the test directory
executeTest('rm -rf ' . BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . '/*');
# BackRestTestCommon_Create
sub BackRestTestCommon_Create
# Test directory is now created in parent VM so nothing to do here. Leaving as a place holder for a while in case any other
# test init needs to be done when refactoring.
# BackRestTestCommon_Run
sub BackRestTestCommon_Run
my $iRun = shift;
my $strLog = shift;
my $strModuleParam = shift;
my $strModuleTestParam = shift;
my $oLogTestRef = shift;
# Save the previous test log
if (defined($$oLogTestRef))
$$oLogTestRef->logWrite(BackRestTestCommon_BasePathGet(), BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet());
$$oLogTestRef = undef;
# Return if this test should not be run
if (defined($iModuleTestRunOnly) && $iModuleTestRunOnly != $iRun)
return false;
# Output information about test to run
&log(INFO, 'run ' . sprintf('%03d', $iRun) . ' - ' . $strLog);
if ($bDryRun)
return false;
# If the module is defined then create a LogTest object
if (defined($strModuleParam))
$$oLogTestRef = new pgBackRestTest::Common::LogTest($strModuleParam, $strModuleTestParam, $iRun, $bLogForce, $strLog,
return true;
# BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup
sub BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup
my $oLogTestRef = shift;
# Save the previous test log
if (defined($$oLogTestRef))
$$oLogTestRef->logWrite(BackRestTestCommon_BasePathGet(), BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet());
$$oLogTestRef = undef;
# Return false if there is no cleanup or if this was a test run (this prevents cleanup from being run)
return !$bNoCleanup && !$bDryRun;
# BackRestTestCommon_LinkCreate
# Create a symlink
sub BackRestTestCommon_LinkCreate
my $strLink = shift;
my $strDestination = shift;
# Create the file
symlink($strDestination, $strLink)
or confess "unable to link ${strLink} to ${strDestination}";
# BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate
# Create a path and set mode.
sub BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate
my $strPath = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
my $bIgnoreExists = shift;
# Create the path
if (!mkdir($strPath))
if (!(defined($bIgnoreExists) && $bIgnoreExists && -e $strPath))
confess "unable to create ${strPath} path";
# Set the mode
chmod(oct(defined($strMode) ? $strMode : '0700'), $strPath)
or confess 'unable to set mode ${strMode} for ${strPath}';
# BackRestTestCommon_PathMode
# Set mode of an existing path.
sub BackRestTestCommon_PathMode
my $strPath = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Set the mode
chmod(oct($strMode), $strPath)
or confess 'unable to set mode ${strMode} for ${strPath}';
# BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove
# Remove a path and all subpaths.
sub BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove
my $strPath = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $bSuppressError = shift;
executeTest('rm -rf ' . $strPath,
{bRemote => $bRemote, bSuppressError => $bSuppressError});
# remove_tree($strPath, {result => \my $oError});
# if (@$oError)
# {
# my $strMessage = "error(s) occurred while removing ${strPath}:";
# for my $strFile (@$oError)
# {
# $strMessage .= "\nunable to remove: " . $strFile;
# }
# confess $strMessage;
# }
# BackRestTestCommon_PathCopy
# Copy a path.
sub BackRestTestCommon_PathCopy
my $strSourcePath = shift;
my $strDestinationPath = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $bSuppressError = shift;
executeTest("cp -RpP ${strSourcePath} ${strDestinationPath}",
{bRemote => $bRemote, bSuppressError => $bSuppressError});
# BackRestTestCommon_PathMove
# Copy a path.
sub BackRestTestCommon_PathMove
my $strSourcePath = shift;
my $strDestinationPath = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $bSuppressError = shift;
BackRestTestCommon_PathCopy($strSourcePath, $strDestinationPath, $bRemote, $bSuppressError);
BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove($strSourcePath, $bRemote, $bSuppressError);
# BackRestTestCommon_FileCreate
# Create a file specifying content, mode, and time.
sub BackRestTestCommon_FileCreate
my $strFile = shift;
my $strContent = shift;
my $lTime = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Open the file and save strContent to it
my $hFile = shift;
open($hFile, '>', $strFile)
or confess "unable to open ${strFile} for writing";
syswrite($hFile, $strContent)
or confess "unable to write to ${strFile}: $!";
# Set the time
if (defined($lTime))
utime($lTime, $lTime, $strFile)
or confess 'unable to set time ${lTime} for ${strPath}';
# Set the mode
chmod(oct(defined($strMode) ? $strMode : '0600'), $strFile)
or confess 'unable to set mode ${strMode} for ${strFile}';
# BackRestTestCommon_FileRemove
# Remove a file.
sub BackRestTestCommon_FileRemove
my $strFile = shift;
or confess "unable to remove ${strFile}: $!";
# BackRestTestCommon_Setup
sub BackRestTestCommon_Setup
my $strExe = shift;
my $strTestPathParam = shift;
my $strPgSqlBinParam = shift;
my $iModuleTestRunOnlyParam = shift;
my $bDryRunParam = shift;
my $bNoCleanupParam = shift;
my $bLogForceParam = shift;
$strCommonBasePath = dirname(dirname(abs_path($0)));
$strPgSqlBin = $strPgSqlBinParam;
$strCommonStanza = 'db';
$strCommonHost = '';
$strCommonUser = getpwuid($<);
$strCommonGroup = getgrgid($();
$strCommonUserBackRest = 'backrest';
if (defined($strTestPathParam))
$strCommonTestPath = $strTestPathParam;
$strCommonTestPath = cwd() . "/test";
$strCommonDataPath = "${strCommonBasePath}/test/data";
$strCommonRepoPath = "${strCommonTestPath}/backrest";
$strCommonLocalPath = "${strCommonTestPath}/local";
$strCommonDbPath = "${strCommonTestPath}/db";
$strCommonDbCommonPath = "${strCommonTestPath}/db/common";
$strCommonDbTablespacePath = "${strCommonTestPath}/db/tablespace";
$strCommonCommandMain = defined($strExe) ? $strExe : $strCommonBasePath . "/bin/../bin/pgbackrest";
$bCommandMainSet = defined($strExe) ? true : false;
$strCommonCommandRemote = defined($strExe) ? $strExe : "${strCommonBasePath}/bin/pgbackrest";
$strCommonCommandRemoteFull = "${strCommonCommandRemote} --stanza=${strCommonStanza}" .
" --repo-path=${strCommonRepoPath} --no-config --command=test remote";
$strCommonCommandPsql = "${strPgSqlBin}/psql -X %option% -h ${strCommonDbPath}";
$iCommonDbPort = 6543;
$iModuleTestRunOnly = $iModuleTestRunOnlyParam;
$bDryRun = $bDryRunParam;
$bNoCleanup = $bNoCleanupParam;
$bLogForce = $bLogForceParam;
# Get the Postgres version
my $strVersionRegExp = '(devel|((alpha|beta|rc)[0-9]+))$';
my $strOutLog = executeTest($strPgSqlBin . '/postgres --version');
my @stryVersionToken = split(/ /, $strOutLog);
@stryVersionToken = split(/\./, $stryVersionToken[2]);
$strCommonDbVersion = $stryVersionToken[0] . '.' . trim($stryVersionToken[1]);
# Warn if this is a devel/alpha/beta version
if ($strCommonDbVersion =~ /$strVersionRegExp/)
my $strDevVersion = $strCommonDbVersion;
$strCommonDbVersion =~ s/$strVersionRegExp//;
$strDevVersion = substr($strDevVersion, length($strCommonDbVersion));
&log(WARN, "Testing against ${strCommonDbVersion} ${strDevVersion} version");
# Don't run unit tests for unsupported versions
my @stryVersionSupport = versionSupport();
if ($strCommonDbVersion < $stryVersionSupport[0])
confess "currently only version $stryVersionSupport[0] and up are supported";
return true;
# BackRestTestCommon_manifestLoad
sub BackRestTestCommon_manifestLoad
my $strFileName = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
# Defaults
$bRemote = defined($bRemote) ? $bRemote : false;
if ($bRemote)
executeTest("chmod g+x " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(),
{bRemote => true});
my $oManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest($strFileName);
if ($bRemote)
executeTest("chmod g-x " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(),
{bRemote => true});
return $oManifest;
# BackRestTestCommon_manifestSave
sub BackRestTestCommon_manifestSave
my $strFileName = shift;
my $oManifest = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
# Defaults
$bRemote = defined($bRemote) ? $bRemote : false;
if ($bRemote)
executeTest('chmod g+x ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . ' && chmod g+w ' . dirname($strFileName), {bRemote => true});
if ($bRemote)
executeTest('chmod g-w ' . dirname($strFileName) . ' && chmod g-x ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), {bRemote => true});
# BackRestTestCommon_iniLoad
sub BackRestTestCommon_iniLoad
my $strFileName = shift;
my $oIniRef = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
# Defaults
$bRemote = defined($bRemote) ? $bRemote : false;
if ($bRemote)
executeTest("chmod g+x " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), {bRemote => true});
iniLoad($strFileName, $oIniRef);
if ($bRemote)
executeTest("chmod g-x " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), {bRemote => true});
# BackRestTestCommon_iniSave
sub BackRestTestCommon_iniSave
my $strFileName = shift;
my $oIniRef = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $bChecksum = shift;
# Defaults
$bRemote = defined($bRemote) ? $bRemote : false;
if ($bRemote)
executeTest('chmod g+x ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . ' && chmod g+w ' . $strFileName, {bRemote => true});
# Calculate a new checksum if requested
if (defined($bChecksum) && $bChecksum)
my $oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
my $oJSON = JSON::PP->new()->canonical()->allow_nonref();
iniSave($strFileName, $oIniRef);
if ($bRemote)
executeTest("chmod g-w " . $strFileName . ' && chmod g-x ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), {bRemote => true});
# BackRestTestCommon_ConfigRemap
sub BackRestTestCommon_ConfigRemap
my $oRemapHashRef = shift;
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
# Create config filename
my $strConfigFile = BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf';
my $strStanza = BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet();
# Load Config file
my %oConfig;
iniLoad($strConfigFile, \%oConfig, true);
# Load remote config file
my %oRemoteConfig;
my $strRemoteConfigFile = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf.remote';
if ($bRemote)
executeTest("mv " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/pgbackrest.conf ${strRemoteConfigFile}",
{bRemote => true});
iniLoad($strRemoteConfigFile, \%oRemoteConfig, true);
# Rewrite recovery section
my @stryTablespaceMap;
foreach my $strRemap (sort(keys(%$oRemapHashRef)))
my $strRemapPath = ${$oRemapHashRef}{$strRemap};
$oConfig{$strStanza}{'db-path'} = $strRemapPath;
if ($bRemote)
$oRemoteConfig{$strStanza}{'db-path'} = $strRemapPath;
my $strTablespaceOid = (split('\/', $strRemap))[1];
push (@stryTablespaceMap, "${strTablespaceOid}=${strRemapPath}");
${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET}{$strRemap}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} = $strRemapPath;
${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_LINK}{MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . "/${strRemap}"}{destination} = $strRemapPath;
if (@stryTablespaceMap)
$oConfig{"${strStanza}:restore"}{&OPTION_TABLESPACE_MAP} = \@stryTablespaceMap;
# Resave the config file
iniSave($strConfigFile, \%oConfig, true);
# Load remote config file
if ($bRemote)
iniSave($strRemoteConfigFile, \%oRemoteConfig, true);
executeTest("mv ${strRemoteConfigFile} " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf',
{bRemote => true});
# BackRestTestCommon_ConfigRecovery
sub BackRestTestCommon_ConfigRecovery
my $oRecoveryHashRef = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
# Create config filename
my $strConfigFile = BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf';
my $strStanza = BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet();
# Load Config file
my %oConfig;
iniLoad($strConfigFile, \%oConfig, true);
# Load remote config file
my %oRemoteConfig;
my $strRemoteConfigFile = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf.remote';
if ($bRemote)
executeTest("mv " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/pgbackrest.conf ${strRemoteConfigFile}",
{bRemote => true});
iniLoad($strRemoteConfigFile, \%oRemoteConfig, true);
# Rewrite recovery options
my @stryRecoveryOption;
foreach my $strOption (sort(keys(%$oRecoveryHashRef)))
push (@stryRecoveryOption, "${strOption}=${$oRecoveryHashRef}{$strOption}");
if (@stryRecoveryOption)
$oConfig{$strStanza}{&OPTION_RESTORE_RECOVERY_OPTION} = \@stryRecoveryOption;
# Resave the config file
iniSave($strConfigFile, \%oConfig, true);
# Load remote config file
if ($bRemote)
iniSave($strRemoteConfigFile, \%oRemoteConfig, true);
executeTest("mv ${strRemoteConfigFile} " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf',
{bRemote => true});
# BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate
sub BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate
my $strLocal = shift;
my $strRemote = shift;
my $bCompress = shift;
my $bChecksum = shift;
my $bHardlink = shift;
my $iThreadMax = shift;
my $bArchiveAsync = shift;
my $bCompressAsync = shift;
my %oParamHash;
if (defined($strRemote))
$oParamHash{'global'}{'cmd-remote'} = $strCommonCommandRemote;
if (defined($strRemote) && $strRemote eq BACKUP)
$oParamHash{'global'}{'backup-host'} = $strCommonHost;
$oParamHash{'global'}{'backup-user'} = $strCommonUserBackRest;
elsif (defined($strRemote) && $strRemote eq DB)
$oParamHash{$strCommonStanza}{'db-host'} = $strCommonHost;
$oParamHash{$strCommonStanza}{'db-user'} = $strCommonUser;
$oParamHash{'global'}{'log-level-console'} = 'debug';
$oParamHash{'global'}{'log-level-file'} = 'trace';
$oParamHash{'global'}{'repo-path'} = $strCommonRepoPath;
$oParamHash{'global'}{'log-path'} = "${strCommonRepoPath}/log";
$oParamHash{'global'}{'lock-path'} = "${strCommonRepoPath}/lock";
if ($strLocal eq BACKUP)
$oParamHash{'global'}{'config-remote'} = "${strCommonDbPath}/pgbackrest.conf";
elsif ($strLocal eq DB)
$oParamHash{'global'}{'config-remote'} = "${strCommonRepoPath}/pgbackrest.conf";
if (defined($strRemote))
$oParamHash{'global'}{'log-path'} = "${strCommonLocalPath}/log";
$oParamHash{'global'}{'lock-path'} = "${strCommonLocalPath}/lock";
if ($bArchiveAsync)
$oParamHash{'global:archive-push'}{'archive-async'} = 'y';
if (defined($strRemote))
$oParamHash{'global'}{'spool-path'} = $strCommonLocalPath;
$oParamHash{'global'}{'spool-path'} = $oParamHash{'global'}{'repo-path'};
confess "invalid local type ${strLocal}";
if (defined($iThreadMax) && $iThreadMax > 1)
$oParamHash{'global'}{'thread-max'} = $iThreadMax;
if (($strLocal eq BACKUP) || ($strLocal eq DB && !defined($strRemote)))
if (defined($bHardlink) && $bHardlink)
$oParamHash{'global:backup'}{'hardlink'} = 'y';
$oParamHash{'global:backup'}{'archive-copy'} = 'y';
$oParamHash{'global:backup'}{'start-fast'} = 'y';
if (defined($bCompress) && !$bCompress)
$oParamHash{'global'}{'compress'} = 'n';
# Stanza settings
$oParamHash{$strCommonStanza}{'db-path'} = $strCommonDbCommonPath;
$oParamHash{$strCommonStanza}{'db-port'} = $iCommonDbPort;
$oParamHash{$strCommonStanza}{'db-socket-path'} = BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet();
# Write out the configuration file
my $strFile = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf';
iniSave($strFile, \%oParamHash, true);
# Move the configuration file based on local
if ($strLocal eq 'db')
rename($strFile, BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf')
or die "unable to move ${strFile} to " . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf path';
elsif ($strLocal eq 'backup' && !defined($strRemote))
rename($strFile, BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf')
or die "unable to move ${strFile} to " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf path';
executeTest("mv ${strFile} " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf',
{bRemote => true});
# Get Methods
sub BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet
return $strPgSqlBin;
sub BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet
return $strCommonStanza;
sub BackRestTestCommon_CommandPsqlGet
return $strCommonCommandPsql;
sub BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet
return $strCommonCommandMain;
sub BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainAbsGet
if ($bCommandMainSet)
return BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet()
return abs_path(BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet());
sub BackRestTestCommon_CommandRemoteGet
return $strCommonCommandRemote;
sub BackRestTestCommon_CommandRemoteFullGet
return $strCommonCommandRemoteFull;
sub BackRestTestCommon_HostGet
return $strCommonHost;
sub BackRestTestCommon_UserGet
return $strCommonUser;
sub BackRestTestCommon_GroupGet
return $strCommonGroup;
sub BackRestTestCommon_UserBackRestGet
return $strCommonUserBackRest;
sub BackRestTestCommon_BasePathGet
return $strCommonBasePath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet
return $strCommonTestPath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_DataPathGet
return $strCommonDataPath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet
return $strCommonRepoPath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_LocalPathGet
return $strCommonLocalPath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet
return $strCommonDbPath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet
my $iIndex = shift;
return $strCommonDbCommonPath . (defined($iIndex) ? "-${iIndex}" : '');
sub BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet
my $iTablespace = shift;
my $iIndex = shift;
return $strCommonDbTablespacePath . (defined($iTablespace) ? "/ts${iTablespace}" . (defined($iIndex) ? "-${iIndex}" : '') : '');
sub BackRestTestCommon_DbPortGet
return $iCommonDbPort;
sub BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion
return $strCommonDbVersion;