mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 15:05:48 +02:00
* Show all uncovered branch parts even when there are more than two parts per branch. This is the way gcc9 reports coverage so it needs to work even if it doesn't make as much sense as the old way. * Show covered branches in functions where coverage is missing. Showing just the uncovered branches can be confusing because it's not always clear how the coverage relates to the code. By showing all branch coverage (+ or -) this correspondence is made easier.
946 lines
33 KiB
946 lines
33 KiB
# Generate C Coverage Report
package pgBackRestTest::Common::CoverageTest;
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex);
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Log;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::String;
use pgBackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlBuilder;
use pgBackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlElement;
use pgBackRestDoc::ProjectInfo;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ContainerTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::DefineTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ListTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest;
# Generate an lcov configuration file
sub coverageLCovConfigGenerate
my $oStorage = shift;
my $strOutFile = shift;
my $bCoverageSummary = shift;
my $strBranchFilter =
'OBJECT_DEFINE_[A-Z0-9_]+\(|\s{4}[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+\([^\?]*\)|\s{4}(ASSERT|assert|switch\s)\(|\{\+{0,1}' .
($bCoverageSummary ? 'uncoverable_branch' : 'uncover(ed|able)_branch');
my $strLineFilter = '\{\+{0,1}uncover' . ($bCoverageSummary ? 'able' : '(ed|able)') . '[^_]';
my $strConfig =
"# LCOV Settings\n" .
"\n" .
"# Specify if branch coverage data should be collected and processed\n" .
"lcov_branch_coverage=1\n" .
"\n" .
"# Specify the regular expression of lines to exclude from branch coverage\n" .
"#\n" .
'# OBJECT_DEFINE_[A-Z0-9_]+\( - exclude object definitions' . "\n" .
'# \s{4}[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+\([^\?]*\) - exclude macros that do not take a conditional parameter and are not themselves a parameter' . "\n" .
'# ASSERT/(|assert\( - exclude asserts since it usually not possible to trigger both branches' . "\n" .
'# switch \( - lcov requires default: to show complete coverage but --Wswitch-enum enforces all enum values be present' . "\n" .
"lcov_excl_br_line=${strBranchFilter}\n" .
"\n" .
"# Specify the regular expression of lines to exclude\n" .
"lcov_excl_line=${strLineFilter}\n" .
"\n" .
"# Coverage rate limits\n" .
"genhtml_hi_limit = 100\n" .
"genhtml_med_limit = 90\n" .
"\n" .
"# Width of line coverage field in source code view\n" .
"genhtml_line_field_width = 9\n";
# Write configuration file
$oStorage->put($strOutFile, $strConfig);
push @EXPORT, qw(coverageLCovConfigGenerate);
# Extract coverage using gcov
sub coverageExtract
my $oStorage = shift;
my $strModule = shift;
my $strTest = shift;
my $bSummary = shift;
my $strContainerImage = shift;
my $strWorkPath = shift;
my $strWorkTmpPath = shift;
my $strWorkUnitPath = shift;
my $strTestResultCoveragePath = shift . '/coverage';
# Generate a list of files to cover
my $hTestCoverage = (testDefModuleTest($strModule, $strTest))->{&TESTDEF_COVERAGE};
my @stryCoveredModule;
foreach my $strModule (sort(keys(%{$hTestCoverage})))
push (@stryCoveredModule, $strModule);
push(@stryCoveredModule, "module/${strModule}/" . testRunName($strTest, false) . 'Test');
# Generate coverage reports for the modules
my $strLCovConf = "${strTestResultCoveragePath}/raw/lcov.conf";
coverageLCovConfigGenerate($oStorage, $strLCovConf, $bSummary);
my $strLCovExe = "lcov --config-file=${strLCovConf}";
my $strLCovOut = "${strWorkUnitPath}/test.lcov";
my $strLCovOutTmp = "${strWorkUnitPath}/test.tmp.lcov";
(defined($strContainerImage) ? 'docker exec -i -u ' . TEST_USER . " ${strContainerImage} " : '') .
"${strLCovExe} --capture --directory=${strWorkUnitPath} --o=${strLCovOut}");
# Generate coverage report for each module
foreach my $strCoveredModule (@stryCoveredModule)
my $strModuleName = testRunName($strCoveredModule, false);
my $strModuleOutName = $strModuleName;
my $bTest = false;
if ($strModuleOutName =~ /^module/mg)
$strModuleOutName =~ s/^module/test/mg;
$bTest = true;
# Generate lcov reports
my $strModulePath =
"${strWorkPath}/repo/" .
(${strModuleOutName} =~ /^test\// ?
'test/src/module/' . substr(${strModuleOutName}, 5) : "src/${strModuleOutName}");
my $strLCovFile = "${strTestResultCoveragePath}/raw/${strModuleOutName}.lcov";
my $strLCovTotal = "${strWorkTmpPath}/all.lcov";
"${strLCovExe}" . ($bTest ? ' --rc lcov_branch_coverage=0' : '') . " --extract=${strLCovOut} */${strModuleName}.c" .
" --o=${strLCovOutTmp}");
# Combine with prior run if there was one
if ($oStorage->exists($strLCovFile))
my $strCoverage = ${$oStorage->get($strLCovOutTmp)};
$strCoverage =~ s/^SF\:.*$/SF:$strModulePath\.c/mg;
$oStorage->put($strLCovOutTmp, $strCoverage);
executeTest("${strLCovExe} --add-tracefile=${strLCovOutTmp} --add-tracefile=${strLCovFile} --o=${strLCovOutTmp}");
# Update source file
my $strCoverage = ${$oStorage->get($strLCovOutTmp)};
if (defined($strCoverage))
if (!$bTest && $hTestCoverage->{$strCoveredModule} eq TESTDEF_COVERAGE_NOCODE)
confess &log(ERROR, "module '${strCoveredModule}' is marked 'no code' but has code");
# Get coverage info
my $iTotalLines = (split(':', ($strCoverage =~ m/^LF:.*$/mg)[0]))[1] + 0;
my $iCoveredLines = (split(':', ($strCoverage =~ m/^LH:.*$/mg)[0]))[1] + 0;
my $iTotalBranches = 0;
my $iCoveredBranches = 0;
if ($strCoverage =~ /^BRF\:/mg && $strCoverage =~ /^BRH\:/mg)
# If this isn't here the statements below fail -- huh?
my @match = $strCoverage =~ m/^BRF\:.*$/mg;
$iTotalBranches = (split(':', ($strCoverage =~ m/^BRF:.*$/mg)[0]))[1] + 0;
$iCoveredBranches = (split(':', ($strCoverage =~ m/^BRH:.*$/mg)[0]))[1] + 0;
# Report coverage if this is not a test or if the test does not have complete coverage
if (!$bTest || $iTotalLines != $iCoveredLines || $iTotalBranches != $iCoveredBranches)
# Fix source file name
$strCoverage =~ s/^SF\:.*$/SF:$strModulePath\.c/mg;
$oStorage->put($oStorage->openWrite($strLCovFile, {bPathCreate => true}), $strCoverage);
if ($oStorage->exists($strLCovTotal))
executeTest("${strLCovExe} --add-tracefile=${strLCovFile} --add-tracefile=${strLCovTotal} --o=${strLCovTotal}");
$oStorage->copy($strLCovFile, $strLCovTotal)
if ($hTestCoverage->{$strCoveredModule} ne TESTDEF_COVERAGE_NOCODE)
confess &log(ERROR, "module '${strCoveredModule}' is marked 'code' but has no code");
push @EXPORT, qw(coverageExtract);
# Validate converage and generate reports
sub coverageValidateAndGenerate
my $oyTestRun = shift;
my $oStorage = shift;
my $bCoverageSummary = shift;
my $strWorkTmpPath = shift;
my $strTestResultCoveragePath = shift . '/coverage';
my $strTestResultSummaryPath = shift;
my $result = 0;
# Determine which modules were covered (only check coverage if all tests were successful)
my $hModuleTest; # Everything that was run
# Build a hash of all modules, tests, and runs that were executed
foreach my $hTestRun (@{$oyTestRun})
# Get coverage for the module
my $strModule = $hTestRun->{&TEST_MODULE};
my $hModule = testDefModule($strModule);
# Get coverage for the test
my $strTest = $hTestRun->{&TEST_NAME};
my $hTest = testDefModuleTest($strModule, $strTest);
# If no tests are listed it means all of them were run
if (@{$hTestRun->{&TEST_RUN}} == 0)
$hModuleTest->{$strModule}{$strTest} = true;
# Now compare against code modules that should have full coverage
my $hCoverageList = testDefCoverageList();
my $hCoverageType = testDefCoverageType();
my $hCoverageActual;
foreach my $strCodeModule (sort(keys(%{$hCoverageList})))
if (@{$hCoverageList->{$strCodeModule}} > 0)
my $iCoverageTotal = 0;
foreach my $hTest (@{$hCoverageList->{$strCodeModule}})
if (!defined($hModuleTest->{$hTest->{strModule}}{$hTest->{strTest}}))
if (@{$hCoverageList->{$strCodeModule}} == $iCoverageTotal)
$hCoverageActual->{testRunName($strCodeModule, false)} = $hCoverageType->{$strCodeModule};
if (keys(%{$hCoverageActual}) == 0)
&log(INFO, 'no code modules had all tests run required for coverage');
# Generate C coverage report
&log(INFO, 'writing C coverage report');
my $strLCovFile = "${strWorkTmpPath}/all.lcov";
if ($oStorage->exists($strLCovFile))
"genhtml ${strLCovFile} --config-file=${strTestResultCoveragePath}/raw/lcov.conf" .
" --prefix=${strWorkTmpPath}/repo" .
" --output-directory=${strTestResultCoveragePath}/lcov");
foreach my $strCodeModule (sort(keys(%{$hCoverageActual})))
my $strCoverageFile = $strCodeModule;
$strCoverageFile =~ s/^module/test/mg;
$strCoverageFile = "${strTestResultCoveragePath}/raw/${strCoverageFile}.lcov";
my $strCoverage = $oStorage->get($oStorage->openRead($strCoverageFile, {bIgnoreMissing => true}));
if (defined($strCoverage) && defined($$strCoverage))
my $iTotalLines = (split(':', ($$strCoverage =~ m/^LF\:.*$/mg)[0]))[1] + 0;
my $iCoveredLines = (split(':', ($$strCoverage =~ m/^LH\:.*$/mg)[0]))[1] + 0;
my $iTotalBranches = 0;
my $iCoveredBranches = 0;
if ($$strCoverage =~ /^BRF\:/mg && $$strCoverage =~ /^BRH\:/mg)
# If this isn't here the statements below fail -- huh?
my @match = $$strCoverage =~ m/^BRF\:.*$/mg;
$iTotalBranches = (split(':', ($$strCoverage =~ m/^BRF\:.*$/mg)[0]))[1] + 0;
$iCoveredBranches = (split(':', ($$strCoverage =~ m/^BRH\:.*$/mg)[0]))[1] + 0;
# Generate detail if there is missing coverage
my $strDetail = undef;
if ($iCoveredLines != $iTotalLines)
$strDetail .= "$iCoveredLines/$iTotalLines lines";
if ($iTotalBranches != $iCoveredBranches)
$strDetail .= (defined($strDetail) ? ', ' : '') . "$iCoveredBranches/$iTotalBranches branches";
if (defined($strDetail))
&log(ERROR, "c module ${strCodeModule} is not fully covered ($strDetail)");
$oStorage, "${strWorkTmpPath}/repo", "${strTestResultCoveragePath}/raw", "${strTestResultCoveragePath}/coverage.html");
if ($bCoverageSummary)
&log(INFO, 'writing C coverage summary report');
$oStorage, "${strTestResultCoveragePath}/raw", "${strTestResultSummaryPath}/metric-coverage-report.auto.xml");
executeTest("rm -rf ${strTestResultCoveragePath}/test/tesult/coverage");
return $result;
push @EXPORT, qw(coverageValidateAndGenerate);
# Generate a C coverage report
sub coverageGenerate
my $oStorage = shift;
my $strBasePath = shift;
my $strCoveragePath = shift;
my $strOutFile = shift;
# Track missing coverage
my $rhCoverage = {};
# Find all lcov files in the coverage path
my $rhManifest = $oStorage->manifest($strCoveragePath);
foreach my $strFileCov (sort(keys(%{$rhManifest})))
if ($strFileCov =~ /\.lcov$/)
my $strCoverage = ${$oStorage->get("${strCoveragePath}/${strFileCov}")};
# Show that the file is part of the coverage report even if there is no missing coverage
my $strFile;
my $iBranchLine = -1;
my $iBranch = undef;
my $iBranchIdx = -1;
my $iBranchPart = undef;
foreach my $strLine (split("\n", $strCoverage))
# Get source file name
if ($strLine =~ /^SF\:/)
$strFile = substr($strLine, 3);
$rhCoverage->{$strFile} = undef;
# Generate a random anchor so new reports will not show links as already followed. This is also an easy way
# to create valid, disambiguos links.
$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{anchor} = sha1_hex(rand(16));
# Check branch coverage
elsif ($strLine =~ /^BRDA\:/)
my @stryData = split("\,", substr($strLine, 5));
if (@stryData < 4)
confess &log(ERROR, "'${strLine}' should have four fields");
my $strBranchLine = sprintf("%09d", $stryData[0]);
$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strBranchLine}{branch}{covered} = true;
if ($iBranchLine != $stryData[0])
$iBranchLine = $stryData[0] + 0;
$iBranch = $stryData[1] + 0;
$iBranchIdx = 0;
$iBranchPart = 0;
elsif ($iBranch != $stryData[1])
if ($iBranchPart != 1)
confess &log(ERROR, "line ${iBranchLine}, branch ${iBranch} does not have at least two parts");
$iBranch = $stryData[1] + 0;
$iBranchPart = 0;
$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strBranchLine}{branch}{$iBranchIdx}{$iBranchPart} =
$stryData[3] eq '-' || $stryData[3] eq '0' ? false : true;
if (!$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strBranchLine}{branch}{$iBranchIdx}{$iBranchPart})
$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strBranchLine}{branch}{covered} = false;
# Check line coverage
if ($strLine =~ /^DA\:/)
my @stryData = split("\,", substr($strLine, 3));
if (@stryData < 2)
confess &log(ERROR, "'${strLine}' should have two fields");
my $strBranchLine = sprintf("%09d", $stryData[0]);
if ($stryData[1] eq '0')
$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strBranchLine}{statement} = 0;
# Remove file when no lines are uncovered
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage})))
my $bCovered = true;
foreach my $iLine (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}})))
if (defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$iLine}{branch}) && !$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$iLine}{branch}{covered})
$bCovered = false;
if ($bCovered)
# Report on the entire function if any lines in the function are uncovered
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage})))
if (defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}))
my $strC = ${$oStorage->get($strFile)};
my @stryC = split("\n", $strC);
foreach my $iLine (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}})))
# Run back to the beginning of the function comment
for (my $iLineIdx = $iLine; $iLineIdx >= 0; $iLineIdx--)
if (!defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{sprintf("%09d", $iLineIdx)}))
$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{sprintf("%09d", $iLineIdx)} = undef;
last if ($stryC[$iLineIdx - 1] =~ '^\/\*');
# Run forward to the end of the function
for (my $iLineIdx = $iLine; $iLineIdx < @stryC; $iLineIdx++)
if (!defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{sprintf("%09d", $iLineIdx)}))
$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{sprintf("%09d", $iLineIdx)} = undef;
last if ($stryC[$iLineIdx - 1] eq '}');
# Build html
my $strTitle = PROJECT_NAME . ' Coverage Report';
my $strDarkRed = '#580000';
my $strGray = '#555555';
my $strDarkGray = '#333333';
my $oHtml = new pgBackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlBuilder(
PROJECT_NAME, $strTitle,
undef, undef, undef,
true, true,
"html\n" .
"{\n" .
" background-color: ${strGray};\n" .
" font-family: Avenir, Corbel, sans-serif;\n" .
" color: white;\n" .
" font-size: 12pt;\n" .
" margin-top: 8px;\n" .
" margin-left: 1\%;\n" .
" margin-right: 1\%;\n" .
" width: 98\%;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
"body\n" .
"{\n" .
" margin: 0px auto;\n" .
" padding: 0px;\n" .
" width: 100\%;\n" .
" text-align: justify;\n" .
"}\n" .
".title\n" .
"{\n" .
" width: 100\%;\n" .
" text-align: center;\n" .
" font-size: 200\%;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".list-table\n" .
"{\n" .
" width: 100\%;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".list-table-caption\n" .
"{\n" .
" margin-top: 1em;\n" .
" font-size: 130\%;\n" .
" margin-bottom: .25em;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".list-table-caption::after\n" .
"{\n" .
" content: \"Modules Tested for Coverage:\";\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".list-table-header-file\n" .
"{\n" .
" padding-left: .5em;\n" .
" padding-right: .5em;\n" .
" background-color: ${strDarkGray};\n" .
" width: 100\%;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".list-table-row-uncovered\n" .
"{\n" .
" background-color: ${strDarkRed};\n" .
" color: white;\n" .
" width: 100\%;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".list-table-row-file\n" .
"{\n" .
" padding-left: .5em;\n" .
" padding-right: .5em;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table\n" .
"{\n" .
" width: 100\%;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-caption\n" .
"{\n" .
" margin-top: 1em;\n" .
" font-size: 130\%;\n" .
" margin-bottom: .25em;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-caption::after\n" .
"{\n" .
" content: \" report:\";\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-header\n" .
"{\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-header-line, .report-table-header-branch, .report-table-header-code\n" .
"{\n" .
" padding-left: .5em;\n" .
" padding-right: .5em;\n" .
" background-color: ${strDarkGray};\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-header-code\n" .
"{\n" .
" width: 100\%;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-row-dot-tr, .report-table-row\n" .
"{\n" .
" font-family: \"Courier New\", Courier, monospace;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-row-dot-skip\n" .
"{\n" .
" height: 1em;\n" .
" padding-top: .25em;\n" .
" padding-bottom: .25em;\n" .
" text-align: center;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-row-line, .report-table-row-branch, .report-table-row-branch-uncovered," .
" .report-table-row-code, .report-table-row-code-uncovered\n" .
"{\n" .
" padding-left: .5em;\n" .
" padding-right: .5em;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-row-line\n" .
"{\n" .
" text-align: right;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-row-branch, .report-table-row-branch-uncovered\n" .
"{\n" .
" text-align: right;\n" .
" white-space: nowrap;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-row-branch-uncovered\n" .
"{\n" .
" background-color: ${strDarkRed};\n" .
" color: white;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-row-code, .report-table-row-code-uncovered\n" .
"{\n" .
" white-space: pre;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-row-code-uncovered\n" .
"{\n" .
" background-color: ${strDarkRed};\n" .
" color: white;\n" .
# File list title
$oHtml->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'title', {strContent => $strTitle});
# Build the file list table
$oHtml->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'list-table-caption');
my $oTable = $oHtml->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_TABLE, 'list-table');
my $oHeader = $oTable->addNew(HTML_TR, 'list-table-header');
$oHeader->addNew(HTML_TH, 'list-table-header-file', {strContent => 'FILE'});
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage})))
my $oRow = $oTable->addNew(HTML_TR, 'list-table-row-' . (defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}) ? 'uncovered' : 'covered'));
# Link only created when file is uncovered
if (defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}))
$oRow->addNew(HTML_TD, 'list-table-row-file')->addNew(
HTML_A, undef,
{strContent => substr($strFile, length($strBasePath) + 1), strRef => '#' . $rhCoverage->{$strFile}{anchor}});
# Else just show the file name
$oRow->addNew(HTML_TD, 'list-table-row-file', {strContent => substr($strFile, length($strBasePath) + 1)});
# Report on files that are missing coverage
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage})))
if (defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}))
# Anchor only created when file is uncovered
$oHtml->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_A, undef, {strId => $rhCoverage->{$strFile}{anchor}});
# Report table caption, i.e. the uncovered file name
$oHtml->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'report-table-caption', {strContent => substr($strFile, length($strBasePath) + 1)});
# Build the file report table
$oTable = $oHtml->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_TABLE, 'report-table');
$oHeader = $oTable->addNew(HTML_TR, 'report-table-header');
$oHeader->addNew(HTML_TH, 'report-table-header-line', {strContent => 'LINE'});
$oHeader->addNew(HTML_TH, 'report-table-header-branch', {strContent => 'BRANCH'});
$oHeader->addNew(HTML_TH, 'report-table-header-code', {strContent => 'CODE'});
my $strC = ${$oStorage->get($strFile)};
my @stryC = split("\n", $strC);
my $iLastLine = undef;
foreach my $strLine (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}})))
if (defined($iLastLine) && $strLine != $iLastLine + 1)
my $oRow = $oTable->addNew(HTML_TR, 'report-table-row-dot');
$oRow->addNew(HTML_TD, 'report-table-row-dot-skip', {strExtra => 'colspan="3"'});
$iLastLine = $strLine;
my $iLine = int($strLine);
my $oRow = $oTable->addNew(HTML_TR, 'report-table-row');
$oRow->addNew(HTML_TD, 'report-table-row-line', {strContent => $iLine});
my $strBranch;
# Show missing branch coverage
if (defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strLine}{branch}))
foreach my $iBranch (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strLine}{branch}})))
next if $iBranch eq 'covered';
$strBranch .= '[';
my $bBranchPartFirst = true;
foreach my $iBranchPart (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strLine}{branch}{$iBranch}})))
if (!$bBranchPartFirst)
$strBranch .= ' ';
$strBranch .= $rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strLine}{branch}{$iBranch}{$iBranchPart} ? '+' : '-';
$bBranchPartFirst = false;
$strBranch .= ']';
'report-table-row-branch' .
(defined($strBranch) && !$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strLine}{branch}{covered} ? '-uncovered' : ''),
{strContent => $strBranch});
# Color code based on coverage
my $bUncovered =
(defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strLine}{branch}) &&
!$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strLine}{branch}{covered}) ||
HTML_TD, 'report-table-row-code' . ($bUncovered ? '-uncovered' : ''),
{bPre => true, strContent => $stryC[$strLine - 1]});
# Write coverage report
$oStorage->put($strOutFile, $oHtml->htmlGet());
push @EXPORT, qw(coverageGenerate);
# Generate a C coverage summary for the documentation
sub coverageDocSummaryGenerateValue
my $iHit = shift;
my $iFound = shift;
if (!defined($iFound) || !defined($iHit) || $iFound == 0)
return "---";
my $fPercent = $iHit * 100 / $iFound;
my $strPercent;
if ($fPercent == 100)
$strPercent = '100.0';
elsif ($fPercent > 99.99)
$strPercent = '99.99';
$strPercent = sprintf("%.2f", $fPercent);
return "${iHit}/${iFound} (${strPercent}%)";
sub coverageDocSummaryGenerate
my $oStorage = shift;
my $strCoveragePath = shift;
my $strOutFile = shift;
# Track coverage summary
my $rhSummary;
# Find all lcov files in the coverage path
my $rhManifest = $oStorage->manifest($strCoveragePath);
foreach my $strFileCov (sort(keys(%{$rhManifest})))
next if $strFileCov =~ /^test\//;
if ($strFileCov =~ /\.lcov$/)
my $strCoverage = ${$oStorage->get("${strCoveragePath}/${strFileCov}")};
my $strModule = dirname($strFileCov);
foreach my $strLine (split("\n", $strCoverage))
# Get Line Coverage
if ($strLine =~ /^LF\:/)
$rhSummary->{$strModule}{line}{found} += substr($strLine, 3) + 0;
$rhSummary->{zzztotal}{line}{found} += substr($strLine, 3) + 0;
if ($strLine =~ /^LH\:/)
$rhSummary->{$strModule}{line}{hit} += substr($strLine, 3) + 0;
$rhSummary->{zzztotal}{line}{hit} += substr($strLine, 3) + 0;
# Get Function Coverage
if ($strLine =~ /^FNF\:/)
$rhSummary->{$strModule}{function}{found} += substr($strLine, 4) + 0;
$rhSummary->{zzztotal}{function}{found} += substr($strLine, 4) + 0;
if ($strLine =~ /^FNH\:/)
$rhSummary->{$strModule}{function}{hit} += substr($strLine, 4) + 0;
$rhSummary->{zzztotal}{function}{hit} += substr($strLine, 4) + 0;
# Get Branch Coverage
if ($strLine =~ /^BRF\:/)
$rhSummary->{$strModule}{branch}{found} += substr($strLine, 4) + 0;
$rhSummary->{zzztotal}{branch}{found} += substr($strLine, 4) + 0;
if ($strLine =~ /^BRH\:/)
$rhSummary->{$strModule}{branch}{hit} += substr($strLine, 4) + 0;
$rhSummary->{zzztotal}{branch}{hit} += substr($strLine, 4) + 0;
# use Data::Dumper;confess Dumper($rhSummary);
my $strSummary;
foreach my $strModule (sort(keys(%{$rhSummary})))
my $rhModuleData = $rhSummary->{$strModule};
$strSummary .=
(defined($strSummary) ? "\n\n" : '') .
"<table-row>\n" .
" <table-cell>" . ($strModule eq 'zzztotal' ? 'TOTAL' : $strModule) . "</table-cell>\n" .
" <table-cell>" .
coverageDocSummaryGenerateValue($rhModuleData->{function}{hit}, $rhModuleData->{function}{found}) .
"</table-cell>\n" .
" <table-cell>" .
coverageDocSummaryGenerateValue($rhModuleData->{branch}{hit}, $rhModuleData->{branch}{found}) .
"</table-cell>\n" .
" <table-cell>" .
coverageDocSummaryGenerateValue($rhModuleData->{line}{hit}, $rhModuleData->{line}{found}) .
"</table-cell>\n" .
# Write coverage report
$oStorage->put($strOutFile, $strSummary);
push @EXPORT, qw(coverageDocSummaryGenerate);