mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 15:05:48 +02:00
A connection to the primary cluster is still required to start/stop the backup and copy files that are not replicated, but the vast majority of files are copied from the standby in order to reduce load on the master.
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521 lines
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# HostDbTest.pm - Database host
package pgBackRestTest::Backup::Common::HostDbTest;
use parent 'pgBackRestTest::Backup::Common::HostDbCommonTest';
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use DBI;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Common::Wait;
use pgBackRest::DbVersion;
use pgBackRest::FileCommon;
use pgBackRest::Manifest;
use pgBackRest::Version;
use pgBackRestTest::Backup::Common::HostBackupTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Backup::Common::HostBaseTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Backup::Common::HostDbCommonTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::HostGroupTest;
# Host parameters
use constant HOST_PARAM_DB_BIN_PATH => 'db-bin-path';
use constant HOST_PARAM_DB_LOG_FILE => 'db-log-file';
use constant HOST_PARAM_DB_LOG_PATH => 'db-log-path';
use constant HOST_PARAM_DB_PORT => 'db-port';
use constant HOST_PARAM_DB_SOCKET_PATH => 'db-socket-path';
use constant HOST_PARAM_DB_VERSION => 'db-version';
# Db defaults
use constant HOST_DB_PORT => 6543;
use constant HOST_DB_DEFAULT => 'postgres';
use constant HOST_DB_TIMEOUT => 30;
# new
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->new', \@_,
{name => 'oParam', required => false, trace => true},
# Get db version
my $oHostGroup = hostGroupGet();
my $strDbVersion = $oHostGroup->paramGet(HOST_PARAM_DB_VERSION);
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(
strImage => 'backrest/' . $oHostGroup->paramGet(HOST_PARAM_VM) . "-db-${strDbVersion}-test-pre",
strBackupDestination => $$oParam{strBackupDestination},
oLogTest => $$oParam{oLogTest},
bStandby => $$oParam{bStandby},
bless $self, $class;
# Set parameters
$self->paramSet(HOST_PARAM_DB_BIN_PATH, $oHostGroup->paramGet(HOST_PARAM_DB_BIN_PATH));
$self->paramSet(HOST_PARAM_DB_VERSION, $strDbVersion);
$self->paramSet(HOST_PARAM_DB_SOCKET_PATH, $self->dbPath());
$self->paramSet(HOST_PARAM_DB_LOG_PATH, $self->testPath());
$self->paramSet(HOST_PARAM_DB_LOG_FILE, $self->dbLogPath() . '/postgresql.log');
# Get Db version
if (defined($strDbVersion))
my $strOutLog = $self->executeSimple($self->dbBinPath() . '/postgres --version');
my @stryVersionToken = split(/ /, $strOutLog);
@stryVersionToken = split(/\./, $stryVersionToken[2]);
my $strDbVersionActual = $stryVersionToken[0] . '.' . trim($stryVersionToken[1]);
# Warn if this is a devel/alpha/beta version
my $strVersionRegExp = '(devel|((alpha|beta|rc)[0-9]+))$';
if ($strDbVersionActual =~ /$strVersionRegExp/)
my $strDevVersion = $strDbVersionActual;
$strDbVersionActual =~ s/$strVersionRegExp//;
$strDevVersion = substr($strDevVersion, length($strDbVersionActual));
if (!defined($$oParam{bStandby}) || !$$oParam{bStandby})
&log(WARN, "Testing against ${strDbVersionActual} ${strDevVersion} version");
# Don't run unit tests for unsupported versions
my @stryVersionSupport = versionSupport();
if ($strDbVersionActual < $stryVersionSupport[0])
confess &log(ERROR, "only PostgreSQL version $stryVersionSupport[0] and up are supported");
if ($strDbVersion ne $strDbVersionActual)
confess &log(ERROR, "actual database version ${strDbVersionActual} does not match expected version ${strDbVersion}");
# Create pg_xlog directory
filePathCreate($self->dbPath() . '/pg_xlog');
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self, trace => true}
# sqlConnect
sub sqlConnect
my $self = shift;
my $hParam = shift;
# Set defaults
my $iTimeout = defined($$hParam{iTimeout}) ? $$hParam{iTimeout} : HOST_DB_TIMEOUT;
my $strDb = defined($$hParam{strDb}) ? $$hParam{strDb} : HOST_DB_DEFAULT;
if (!defined($self->{db}{$strDb}{hDb}))
# Setup the wait loop
my $oWait = waitInit($iTimeout);
# Connect to the db (whether it is local or remote)
$self->{db}{$strDb}{hDb} =
"dbi:Pg:dbname=${strDb};port=" . $self->dbPort() . ';host=' . $self->dbSocketPath(),
$self->userGet(), undef,
{AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 0});
return $self->{db}{$strDb}{hDb} if $self->{db}{$strDb}{hDb};
while (!defined($self->{db}{$strDb}{hDb}) && waitMore($oWait));
if (!defined($self->{db}{$strDb}{hDb}))
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to connect to PostgreSQL after ${iTimeout} second(s):\n" . $DBI::errstr, ERROR_DB_CONNECT);
return $self->{db}{$strDb}{hDb};
# sqlDisconnect
sub sqlDisconnect
my $self = shift;
my $hParam = shift;
foreach my $strDb (keys(%{$self->{db}}))
if (defined($$hParam{$strDb}) && $$hParam{$strDb} ne $strDb)
if (defined($self->{db}{$strDb}{hDb}))
# sqlExecute
sub sqlExecute
my $self = shift;
my $strSql = shift;
my $hParam = shift;
# Set defaults
my $bCheckPoint = defined($$hParam{bCheckPoint}) ? $$hParam{bCheckPoint} : false;
my $bCommit = defined($$hParam{bCommit}) ? $$hParam{bCommit} : true;
# Get the db handle
my $hDb = $self->sqlConnect({strDb => $$hParam{strDb}});
# Set autocommit on/off
$hDb->{AutoCommit} = defined($$hParam{bAutoCommit}) ? ($$hParam{bAutoCommit} ? true : false) : false;
# Log and execute the statement
&log(DETAIL, "SQL: ${strSql}");
my $hStatement = $hDb->prepare($strSql);
$hStatement->execute() or
confess &log(ERROR, "Unable to execute: ${strSql}\n" . $DBI::errstr);
if ($bCommit && !$hDb->{AutoCommit})
# Perform a checkpoint if requested
if ($bCheckPoint)
$self->sqlExecute('checkpoint', {bCommit => false, bCheckPoint => false});
# Set autocommit off
$hDb->{AutoCommit} = 0;
# sqlSelect
sub sqlSelect
my $self = shift;
my $strSql = shift;
my $hParam = shift;
# Get the db handle
my $hDb = $self->sqlConnect({strDb => $$hParam{strDb}});
# Log and execute the statement
&log(DEBUG, "SQL: ${strSql}");
my $hStatement = $hDb->prepare($strSql);
$hStatement = $hDb->prepare($strSql);
$hStatement->execute() or
confess &log(ERROR, "Unable to execute: ${strSql}\n" . $DBI::errstr);
my @oyRow = $hStatement->fetchrow_array();
return @oyRow;
# sqlSelectOne
sub sqlSelectOne
return (shift->sqlSelect(shift))[0];
# sqlSelectOneTest
sub sqlSelectOneTest
my $self = shift;
my $strSql = shift;
my $strExpectedValue = shift;
my $hParam = shift;
# Set defaults
my $iTimeout = defined($$hParam{iTimeout}) ? $$hParam{iTimeout} : HOST_DB_TIMEOUT;
my $lStartTime = time();
my $strActualValue;
$strActualValue = $self->sqlSelectOne($strSql);
if (defined($strActualValue) && $strActualValue eq $strExpectedValue)
while (defined($iTimeout) && (time() - $lStartTime) <= $iTimeout);
confess &log(
ERROR, "expected value '${strExpectedValue}' from '${strSql}' but actual was '" .
(defined($strActualValue) ? $strActualValue : '[undef]') . "'");
# sqlCommit
sub sqlCommit
my $self = shift;
my $hParam = shift;
my $bCheckPoint = defined($$hParam{bCheckPoint}) ? $$hParam{bCheckPoint} : false;
$self->sqlExecute('commit', {bCommit => false, bCheckPoint => $bCheckPoint});
# sqlXlogRotate
sub sqlXlogRotate
my $self = shift;
$self->sqlExecute('select pg_switch_xlog()', {bCommit => false, bCheckPoint => false});
# clusterCreate
# Create the PostgreSQL cluster and start it.
sub clusterCreate
my $self = shift;
my $hParam = shift;
# Set defaults
my $strXlogPath = defined($$hParam{strXlogPath}) ? $$hParam{strXlogPath} : $self->dbPath() . '/pg_xlog';
# Don't link pg_xlog for versions < 9.2 because some recovery scenarios won't work.
$self->dbBinPath() . '/initdb ' .
($self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_93 ? ' -k' : '') .
($self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_92 ? " --xlogdir=${strXlogPath}" : '') .
' --pgdata=' . $self->dbBasePath() . ' --auth=trust');
if (!$self->standby() && $self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_HOT_STANDBY)
"echo 'host replication replicator db-standby trust' >> " . $self->dbBasePath() . '/pg_hba.conf');
{bHotStandby => $$hParam{bHotStandby}, bArchive => $$hParam{bArchive}, bArchiveAlways => $$hParam{bArchiveAlways},
bArchiveInvalid => $$hParam{bArchiveInvalid}});
if (!$self->standby() && $self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_HOT_STANDBY)
$self->sqlExecute("create user replicator replication", {bCommit =>true});
# clusterStart
# Start the PostgreSQL cluster with various test options.
sub clusterStart
my $self = shift;
my $hParam = shift;
# Set defaults
my $bHotStandby = defined($$hParam{bHotStandby}) ? $$hParam{bHotStandby} : false;
my $bArchive = defined($$hParam{bArchive}) ? $$hParam{bArchive} : true;
my $bArchiveAlways = defined($$hParam{bArchiveAlways}) ? $$hParam{bArchiveAlways} : false;
my $bArchiveInvalid = defined($$hParam{bArchiveInvalid}) ? $$hParam{bArchiveInvalid} : false;
# Make sure postgres is not running
if (-e $self->dbBasePath() . '/postmaster.pid')
confess 'postmaster.pid exists';
# Create the archive command
my $strArchive =
$self->backrestExe() . ' --stanza=' . ($bArchiveInvalid ? 'bogus' : $self->stanza()) .
' --config=' . $self->backrestConfig() . ' archive-push %p';
# Start the cluster
my $strCommand =
$self->dbBinPath() . '/pg_ctl start -o "-c port=' . $self->dbPort() .
($self->dbVersion() < PG_VERSION_95 ? ' -c checkpoint_segments=1' : '');
if ($self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_83)
if ($self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_95 && $bArchiveAlways)
$strCommand .= " -c archive_mode=always";
$strCommand .= " -c archive_mode=on";
if ($bArchive)
$strCommand .= " -c archive_command='${strArchive}'";
$strCommand .= " -c archive_command=true";
if ($self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_90)
$strCommand .= " -c wal_level=hot_standby";
if ($bHotStandby)
$strCommand .= ' -c hot_standby=on';
$strCommand .=
($self->dbVersion() >= PG_VERSION_HOT_STANDBY ? ' -c max_wal_senders=3' : '') .
' -c listen_addresses=\'*\'' .
' -c log_directory=\'' . $self->dbLogPath() . "'" .
' -c log_filename=\'' . basename($self->dbLogFile()) . "'" .
' -c log_rotation_age=0' .
' -c log_rotation_size=0' .
' -c log_error_verbosity=verbose' .
' -c unix_socket_director' . ($self->dbVersion() < PG_VERSION_93 ? 'y=\'' : 'ies=\'') . $self->dbPath() . '\'"' .
' -D ' . $self->dbBasePath() . ' -l ' . $self->dbLogFile() . ' -s';
# Connect user session
# clusterStop
# Stop the PostgreSQL cluster and optionally check for errors in the server log.
sub clusterStop
my $self = shift;
my $hParam = shift;
# Set defaults
my $bImmediate = defined($$hParam{bImmediate}) ? $$hParam{bImmediate} : false;
my $bIgnoreLogError = defined($$hParam{bIgnoreLogError}) ? $$hParam{bIgnoreLogError} : false;
# Disconnect user session
# If postmaster process is running then stop the cluster
if (-e $self->dbBasePath() . '/' . DB_FILE_POSTMASTERPID)
$self->dbBinPath() . '/pg_ctl stop -D ' . $self->dbBasePath() . ' -w -s -m ' .
($bImmediate ? 'immediate' : 'fast'));
# Grep for errors in postgresql.log
if (!$bIgnoreLogError && fileExists($self->dbLogFile()))
$self->executeSimple('grep ERROR ' . $self->dbLogFile(), {iExpectedExitStatus => 1});
# Remove the log file
fileRemove($self->dbLogFile(), true);
# clusterRestart
# Restart the PostgreSQL cluster.
sub clusterRestart
my $self = shift;
my $hParam = shift;
# Getters
sub dbBinPath {return shift->paramGet(HOST_PARAM_DB_BIN_PATH);}
sub dbLogFile {return shift->paramGet(HOST_PARAM_DB_LOG_FILE);}
sub dbLogPath {return shift->paramGet(HOST_PARAM_DB_LOG_PATH);}
sub dbPort {return shift->paramGet(HOST_PARAM_DB_PORT);}
sub dbSocketPath {return shift->paramGet(HOST_PARAM_DB_SOCKET_PATH);}
sub dbVersion {return shift->paramGet(HOST_PARAM_DB_VERSION);}