mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 14:52:21 +02:00
Exclude known unused options rather than trying to include used options. This works better when new options are added.
1221 lines
53 KiB
Executable File
1221 lines
53 KiB
Executable File
# test.pl - pgBackRest Unit Tests
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess longmess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
# Convert die to confess to capture the stack trace
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { Carp::confess @_ };
use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Cwd qw(abs_path cwd);
use JSON::PP;
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use POSIX qw(ceil strftime);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use lib dirname($0) . '/lib';
use lib dirname(dirname($0)) . '/lib';
use lib dirname(dirname($0)) . '/build/lib';
use lib dirname(dirname($0)) . '/doc/lib';
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Log;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::String;
use pgBackRestDoc::ProjectInfo;
use pgBackRestBuild::Build;
use pgBackRestBuild::Build::Common;
use pgBackRestBuild::Config::Build;
use pgBackRestBuild::Config::BuildHelp;
use pgBackRestBuild::Config::BuildParse;
use pgBackRestBuild::Error::Build;
use pgBackRestBuild::Error::Data;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::BuildTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::CodeCountTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ContainerTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::CoverageTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::DefineTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::HostGroupTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::JobTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ListTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::Storage;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::StoragePosix;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::VmTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::Wait;
# Usage
=head1 NAME
test.pl - pgBackRest Unit Tests
test.pl [options]
Test Options:
--module test module to execute
--test execute the specified test in a module
--run execute only the specified test run
--dry-run show only the tests that would be executed but don't execute them
--no-cleanup don't cleanup after the last test is complete - useful for debugging
--clean clean working and result paths for a completely fresh build
--clean-only execute --clean and exit
--pg-version version of postgres to test (all, defaults to minimal)
--log-force force overwrite of current test log files
--build-only build the binary (and honor --build-package) but don't run tests
--build-package build the package
--build-max max processes to use for builds (default 4)
--coverage-only only run coverage tests (as a subset of selected tests)
--c-only only run C tests
--container-only only run tests that must be run in a container
--no-performance do not run performance tests
--gen-only only run auto-generation
--no-gen do not run code generation
--code-count generate code counts
--smart perform bin/package builds only when source timestamps have changed
--dev --smart --no-optimize
--dev-test does nothing -- kept for backward compatibility
--expect --vm=co7 --pg-version=9.6 --log-force
--no-valgrind don't run valgrind on C unit tests (saves time)
--no-coverage don't run coverage on C unit tests (saves time)
--no-coverage-report run coverage but don't generate coverage report (saves time)
--no-optimize don't do compile optimization for C (saves compile time)
--backtrace enable backtrace when available (adds stack trace line numbers -- very slow)
--profile generate profile info
--no-debug don't generate a debug build
--scale scale performance tests
--tz test with the specified timezone
--debug-test-trace test stack trace for low-level functions (slow, esp w/valgrind, may cause timeouts)
Report Options:
--coverage-summary generate a coverage summary report for the documentation
Configuration Options:
--psql-bin path to the psql executables (e.g. /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/)
--test-path path where tests are executed (defaults to ./test)
--log-level log level to use for test harness (and Perl tests) (defaults to INFO)
--log-level-test log level to use for C tests (defaults to OFF)
--log-level-test-file log level to use for file logging in integration tests (defaults to TRACE)
--no-log-timestamp suppress timestamps, timings, etc. Used to generate documentation.
--make-cmd gnu-compatible make command (defaults to make)
--quiet, -q equivalent to --log-level=off
VM Options:
--vm docker container to build/test (e.g. co7)
--vm-build build Docker containers
--vm-force force a rebuild of Docker containers
--vm-out Show VM output (default false)
--vm-max max VMs to run in parallel (default 1)
General Options:
--version display version and exit
--help display usage and exit
# Command line parameters
my $bClean;
my $bCleanOnly;
my $strLogLevel = lc(INFO);
my $strLogLevelTest = lc(OFF);
my $strLogLevelTestFile = lc(TRACE);
my $bNoLogTimestamp = false;
my $bVmOut = false;
my @stryModule;
my @stryModuleTest;
my @iyModuleTestRun;
my $iVmMax = 1;
my $iVmId = undef;
my $bDryRun = false;
my $bNoCleanup = false;
my $strPgSqlBin;
my $strTestPath;
my $strMakeCmd = 'make';
my $bVersion = false;
my $bHelp = false;
my $bQuiet = false;
my $strPgVersion = 'minimal';
my $bLogForce = false;
my $strVm;
my $strVmHost = VM_HOST_DEFAULT;
my $bVmBuild = false;
my $bVmForce = false;
my $bBuildOnly = false;
my $bBuildPackage = false;
my $iBuildMax = 4;
my $bCoverageOnly = false;
my $bCoverageSummary = false;
my $bNoCoverage = false;
my $bNoCoverageReport = false;
my $bCOnly = false;
my $bContainerOnly = false;
my $bNoPerformance = false;
my $bGenOnly = false;
my $bNoGen = false;
my $bCodeCount = false;
my $bSmart = false;
my $bDev = false;
my $bDevTest = false;
my $bBackTrace = false;
my $bProfile = false;
my $bExpect = false;
my $bNoValgrind = false;
my $bNoOptimize = false;
my $bNoDebug = false;
my $iScale = 1;
my $bDebugTestTrace = false;
my $iRetry = 0;
my $strTimeZone = undef;
my @cmdOptions = @ARGV;
GetOptions ('q|quiet' => \$bQuiet,
'version' => \$bVersion,
'help' => \$bHelp,
'clean' => \$bClean,
'clean-only' => \$bCleanOnly,
'pgsql-bin=s' => \$strPgSqlBin,
'test-path=s' => \$strTestPath,
'make-cmd=s' => \$strMakeCmd,
'log-level=s' => \$strLogLevel,
'log-level-test=s' => \$strLogLevelTest,
'log-level-test-file=s' => \$strLogLevelTestFile,
'no-log-timestamp' => \$bNoLogTimestamp,
'vm=s' => \$strVm,
'vm-host=s' => \$strVmHost,
'vm-out' => \$bVmOut,
'vm-build' => \$bVmBuild,
'vm-force' => \$bVmForce,
'module=s@' => \@stryModule,
'test=s@' => \@stryModuleTest,
'run=s@' => \@iyModuleTestRun,
'vm-id=s' => \$iVmId,
'vm-max=s' => \$iVmMax,
'dry-run' => \$bDryRun,
'no-cleanup' => \$bNoCleanup,
'pg-version=s' => \$strPgVersion,
'log-force' => \$bLogForce,
'build-only' => \$bBuildOnly,
'build-package' => \$bBuildPackage,
'build-max=s' => \$iBuildMax,
'coverage-only' => \$bCoverageOnly,
'coverage-summary' => \$bCoverageSummary,
'no-coverage' => \$bNoCoverage,
'no-coverage-report' => \$bNoCoverageReport,
'c-only' => \$bCOnly,
'container-only' => \$bContainerOnly,
'no-performance' => \$bNoPerformance,
'gen-only' => \$bGenOnly,
'no-gen' => \$bNoGen,
'code-count' => \$bCodeCount,
'smart' => \$bSmart,
'dev' => \$bDev,
'dev-test' => \$bDevTest,
'backtrace' => \$bBackTrace,
'profile' => \$bProfile,
'expect' => \$bExpect,
'no-valgrind' => \$bNoValgrind,
'no-optimize' => \$bNoOptimize,
'no-debug', => \$bNoDebug,
'scale=s' => \$iScale,
'tz=s', => \$strTimeZone,
'debug-test-trace', => \$bDebugTestTrace,
'retry=s' => \$iRetry)
or pod2usage(2);
# Run in eval block to catch errors
# Record the start time
my $lStartTime = time();
# Display version and exit if requested
if ($bVersion || $bHelp)
syswrite(*STDOUT, PROJECT_NAME . ' ' . PROJECT_VERSION . " Test Engine\n");
if ($bHelp)
syswrite(*STDOUT, "\n");
exit 0;
if (@ARGV > 0)
syswrite(*STDOUT, "invalid parameter\n\n");
# Disable code generation on dry-run
if ($bDryRun)
$bNoGen = true;
# Update options for --coverage-summary
if ($bCoverageSummary)
$bCoverageOnly = true;
$bCOnly = true;
# Update options for --dev and --dev-fast and --dev-test
if ($bDev && $bDevTest)
confess "cannot combine --dev and --dev-test";
if ($bDev)
$bSmart = true;
$bNoOptimize = true;
# Update options for --profile
if ($bProfile)
$bNoValgrind = true;
$bNoCoverage = true;
# Update options for --expect
if ($bExpect)
$strVm = VM_EXPECT;
$strPgVersion = '9.6';
$bLogForce = true;
# Setup
# Set a neutral umask so tests work as expected
# Set console log level
if ($bQuiet)
$strLogLevel = 'off';
logLevelSet(uc($strLogLevel), uc($strLogLevel), OFF, !$bNoLogTimestamp);
&log(INFO, "test begin - log level ${strLogLevel}");
if (@stryModuleTest != 0 && @stryModule != 1)
confess "Only one --module can be provided when --test is specified";
if (@iyModuleTestRun != 0 && @stryModuleTest != 1)
confess "Only one --test can be provided when --run is specified";
# Set test path if not explicitly set
if (!defined($strTestPath))
$strTestPath = cwd() . '/test';
my $oStorageTest = new pgBackRestTest::Common::Storage(
$strTestPath, new pgBackRestTest::Common::StoragePosix({bFileSync => false, bPathSync => false}));
if ($bCoverageOnly)
if (!defined($strVm))
&log(INFO, "Set --vm=${strVmHost} for coverage testing");
$strVm = $strVmHost;
elsif ($strVm eq VM_ALL)
confess &log(ERROR, "select a single Debian-based VM for coverage testing");
# If VM is not defined then set it to all
if (!defined($strVm))
$strVm = VM_ALL;
# Else make sure vm is valid
elsif ($strVm ne VM_ALL)
# Get the base backrest path
my $strBackRestBase = dirname(dirname(abs_path($0)));
my $strVagrantPath = "${strBackRestBase}/test/.vagrant";
my $oStorageBackRest = new pgBackRestTest::Common::Storage(
$strBackRestBase, new pgBackRestTest::Common::StoragePosix({bFileSync => false, bPathSync => false}));
# Clean working and result paths
if ($bClean || $bCleanOnly)
&log(INFO, "clean working (${strTestPath}) and result (${strBackRestBase}/test/result) paths");
if ($oStorageTest->pathExists($strTestPath))
executeTest("find ${strTestPath} -mindepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf");
if ($oStorageTest->pathExists("${strBackRestBase}/test/result"))
executeTest("find ${strBackRestBase}/test/result -mindepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf");
# Exit when clean-only
exit 0 if $bCleanOnly;
# Build Docker containers
if ($bVmBuild)
containerBuild($oStorageBackRest, $strVm, $bVmForce);
exit 0;
# Load test definition
# Start VM and run
if (!defined($iVmId))
# Make a copy of the repo to track which files have been changed. Eventually all builds will be done from this directory.
my $strRepoCachePath = "${strTestPath}/repo";
my $strRepoCacheManifest = 'repo.manifest';
# Create the repo path -- this should hopefully prevent obvious rsync errors below
$oStorageTest->pathCreate("${strTestPath}/repo", {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
# Check if there are any files existing already. If none, that means a full copy is happening and we shouldn't report
# modified files
my @stryExistingList = $oStorageTest->list($strRepoCachePath, {bIgnoreMissing => true});
# First check if there is an old manifest that has not been cleared. This indicates that an error happened before all new
# files could be processed, which means they should be processed again.
my @stryModifiedList;
my $rstrModifiedList = $oStorageTest->get(
$oStorageTest->openRead("${strRepoCachePath}/${strRepoCacheManifest}", {bIgnoreMissing => true}));
if (defined($rstrModifiedList))
@stryModifiedList = split("\n", trim($$rstrModifiedList));
"git -C ${strBackRestBase} ls-files -c --others --exclude-standard |" .
" rsync -rtW --out-format=\"\%n\" --delete" .
# This option is not supported on MacOS. The eventual plan is to remove the need for it.
(trim(`uname`) ne 'Darwin' ? ' --ignore-missing-args' : '') .
" --exclude=test/result --exclude=repo.manifest" .
" ${strBackRestBase}/ --files-from=- ${strRepoCachePath}" .
" | grep -E -v '/\$' | cat"))));
if (@stryModifiedList > 0)
$oStorageTest->put("${strRepoCachePath}/${strRepoCacheManifest}", join("\n", @stryModifiedList));
if (@stryExistingList > 0)
&log(INFO, "modified since last run: " . join(', ', @stryModifiedList));
# Generate code counts
if ($bCodeCount)
&log(INFO, "classify code files");
codeCountScan($oStorageBackRest, $strBackRestBase);
exit 0;
# Auto-generate files unless --no-gen specified
if (!$bNoGen)
my @stryBuiltAll;
&log(INFO, "check code autogenerate");
# Auto-generate version for configure.ac script
if (!$bSmart || grep(/^src\/version\.h/, @stryModifiedList))
my $strConfigureAcOld = ${$oStorageTest->get("${strBackRestBase}/src/build/configure.ac")};
my $strConfigureAcNew;
foreach my $strLine (split("\n", $strConfigureAcOld))
if ($strLine =~ /^AC_INIT\(/)
$strLine = 'AC_INIT([' . PROJECT_NAME . '], [' . PROJECT_VERSION . '])';
$strConfigureAcNew .= "${strLine}\n";
# Save into the src dir
my @stryBuilt;
my $strBuilt = 'src/build/configure.ac';
if (buildPutDiffers($oStorageBackRest, "${strBackRestBase}/${strBuilt}", $strConfigureAcNew))
push(@stryBuilt, $strBuilt);
push(@stryBuiltAll, @stryBuilt);
push(@stryModifiedList, @stryBuilt);
" autogenerated version in configure.ac script: " . (@stryBuilt ? join(', ', @stryBuilt) : 'no changes'));
# Auto-generate configure script
if (!$bSmart || grep(/^src\/build\/configure\.ac/, @stryModifiedList))
# Set build file
my @stryBuilt;
my $strBuilt = 'src/configure';
# Get configure.ac and configure to see if anything has changed
my $strConfigureAc = ${$oStorageBackRest->get('src/build/configure.ac')};
my $strConfigureAcHash = sha1_hex($strConfigureAc);
my $rstrConfigure = $oStorageBackRest->get($oStorageBackRest->openRead($strBuilt, {bIgnoreMissing => true}));
# Check if configure needs to be regenerated
if (!defined($rstrConfigure) || !defined($$rstrConfigure) ||
$strConfigureAcHash ne substr($$rstrConfigure, length($$rstrConfigure) - 41, 40))
# Generate aclocal.m4
my $strAcLocal = executeTest("cd ${strBackRestBase}/src/build && aclocal --OUT=-");
$strAcLocal = trim($strAcLocal) . "\n";
buildPutDiffers($oStorageBackRest, "${strBackRestBase}/src/build/aclocal.m4", $strAcLocal);
# Generate configure
my $strConfigure = executeTest("cd ${strBackRestBase}/src/build && autoconf --output=-");
$strConfigure =
trim($strConfigure) . "\n\n# Generated from src/build/configure.ac sha1 ${strConfigureAcHash}\n";
# Remove unused options from help
my $strDirList =
"sbin|libexec|sysconf|sharedstate|localstate|runstate|lib|include|oldinclude|dataroot|data|info" .
$strConfigure =~ s/^ --(${strDirList})*dir=DIR.*\n//mg;
# Save into the src dir
$oStorageBackRest->openWrite("${strBackRestBase}/${strBuilt}", {strMode => '0755'}), $strConfigure);
# Add to built list
push(@stryBuilt, $strBuilt);
push(@stryBuiltAll, @stryBuilt);
push(@stryModifiedList, @stryBuilt);
&log(INFO, " autogenerated configure script: " . (@stryBuilt ? join(', ', @stryBuilt) : 'no changes'));
# Auto-generate C files
if (!$bSmart || grep(/^build\//, @stryModifiedList) || grep(/^doc\/xml\/reference\.xml/, @stryModifiedList))
my $rhBuild =
'config' =>
&BLD_DATA => buildConfig(),
&BLD_PATH => 'config',
'configHelp' =>
&BLD_DATA => buildConfigHelp(),
&BLD_PATH => 'command/help',
'configParse' =>
&BLD_DATA => buildConfigParse(),
&BLD_PATH => 'config',
'error' =>
&BLD_DATA => buildError(),
&BLD_PATH => 'common',
my @stryBuilt = buildAll("${strBackRestBase}/src", $rhBuild);
&log(INFO, " autogenerated C code: " . (@stryBuilt ? join(', ', @stryBuilt) : 'no changes'));
if (@stryBuilt)
push(@stryBuiltAll, @stryBuilt);
push(@stryModifiedList, @stryBuilt);
# Copy the files that were auto-generated to the repo cache so they will be included in the current build
foreach my $strBuilt (@stryBuiltAll)
executeTest("cp -p ${strBackRestBase}/${strBuilt} ${strRepoCachePath}/${strBuilt}");
if ($bGenOnly)
exit 0;
# Clean up
my $iTestFail = 0;
my $iTestRetry = 0;
my $oyProcess = [];
my $strCodePath = "${strBackRestBase}/test/result/coverage/raw";
if (!$bDryRun || $bVmOut)
&log(INFO, "cleanup old data" . ($strVm ne VM_NONE ? " and containers" : ''));
if ($strVm ne VM_NONE)
for (my $iVmIdx = 0; $iVmIdx < 8; $iVmIdx++)
push(@{$oyProcess}, undef);
"chmod 700 -R ${strTestPath}/test-* 2>&1 || true && rm -rf ${strTestPath}/temp ${strTestPath}/test-*" .
" ${strTestPath}/data-*" . ($bDev ? '' : " ${strTestPath}/gcov-*"));
$oStorageTest->pathCreate("${strTestPath}/temp", {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
# Remove old lcov dirs -- do it this way so the dirs stay open in finder/explorer, etc.
executeTest("rm -rf ${strBackRestBase}/test/result/coverage/lcov/*");
# Overwrite the C coverage report so it will load but not show old coverage
"${strBackRestBase}/test/result/coverage", {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
"${strBackRestBase}/test/result/coverage/coverage.html", "<center>[ Generating New Report ]</center>");
# Copy C code for coverage tests
if (vmCoverageC($strVm) && !$bDryRun)
executeTest("rm -rf ${strBackRestBase}/test/result/coverage/raw/*");
$oStorageTest->pathCreate("${strCodePath}", {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
# Determine which tests to run
my $oyTestRun;
my $bBinRequired = $bBuildOnly;
my $bHostBinRequired = $bBuildOnly;
# Only get the test list when they can run
if (!$bBuildOnly)
# Get the test list
$oyTestRun = testListGet(
$strVm, \@stryModule, \@stryModuleTest, \@iyModuleTestRun, $strPgVersion, $bCoverageOnly, $bCOnly, $bContainerOnly,
# Determine if the C binary and test library need to be built
foreach my $hTest (@{$oyTestRun})
# Bin build required for all Perl tests or if a C unit test calls Perl
if (!$hTest->{&TEST_C} || $hTest->{&TEST_BIN_REQ})
$bBinRequired = true;
# Host bin required if a Perl test
if (!$hTest->{&TEST_C})
$bHostBinRequired = true;
my $strBuildRequired;
if ($bBinRequired || $bHostBinRequired)
if ($bBinRequired)
$strBuildRequired = "bin";
if ($bHostBinRequired)
$strBuildRequired .= ", bin host";
$strBuildRequired = "none";
&log(INFO, "builds required: ${strBuildRequired}");
# Build the binary and packages
if (!$bDryRun)
my $oVm = vmGet();
my $lTimestampLast;
my $strBinPath = "${strTestPath}/bin";
my $rhBinBuild = {};
# Build the binary
if ($bBinRequired)
# Find the lastest modified time for dirs that affect the bin build
$lTimestampLast = buildLastModTime($oStorageBackRest, $strBackRestBase, ['src']);
# Loop through VMs to do the C bin builds
my $bLogDetail = $strLogLevel eq 'detail';
my @stryBuildVm = $strVm eq VM_ALL ? VM_LIST : ($strVm);
# Build binary for the host
if ($bHostBinRequired)
push(@stryBuildVm, VM_NONE);
foreach my $strBuildVM (@stryBuildVm)
my $strBuildPath = "${strBinPath}/${strBuildVM}";
my $bRebuild = !$bSmart;
$rhBinBuild->{$strBuildVM} = true;
# Build configure/compile options and see if they have changed from the previous build
my $strCFlags =
"-Wfatal-errors -g" .
(vmWithBackTrace($strBuildVM) && $bBackTrace ? ' -DWITH_BACKTRACE' : '') .
($bDebugTestTrace ? ' -DDEBUG_TEST_TRACE' : '');
my $strLdFlags = vmWithBackTrace($strBuildVM) && $bBackTrace ? '-lbacktrace' : '';
my $strConfigOptions = (vmDebugIntegration($strBuildVM) ? ' --enable-test' : '');
my $strBuildFlags = "CFLAGS_EXTRA=${strCFlags}\nLDFLAGS_EXTRA=${strLdFlags}\nCONFIGURE=${strConfigOptions}";
my $strBuildFlagFile = "${strBinPath}/${strBuildVM}/build.flags";
my $bBuildOptionsDiffer = buildPutDiffers($oStorageBackRest, $strBuildFlagFile, $strBuildFlags);
$bBuildOptionsDiffer |= grep(/^src\/configure|src\/Makefile.in|src\/build\.auto\.h\.in$/, @stryModifiedList);
# Rebuild if the modification time of the bin file is less than the last changes in source paths
my $strBinSmart = "${strBuildPath}/pgbackrest";
if ($bBuildOptionsDiffer ||
($bSmart &&
(!$oStorageBackRest->exists($strBinSmart) ||
$oStorageBackRest->info($strBinSmart)->mtime < $lTimestampLast)))
INFO, " bin dependencies have changed for ${strBuildVM}, " . ($bBuildOptionsDiffer ? 're' : '') .
$bRebuild = true;
if ($bRebuild)
&log(INFO, " build bin for ${strBuildVM} (${strBuildPath})");
if ($strBuildVM ne VM_NONE)
"docker run -itd -h test-build --name=test-build" .
" -v ${strBackRestBase}:${strBackRestBase} -v ${strTestPath}:${strTestPath} " .
containerRepo() . ":${strBuildVM}-test",
{bSuppressStdErr => true});
if (!$bSmart || $bBuildOptionsDiffer || !$oStorageBackRest->exists("${strBuildPath}/Makefile"))
# Remove old path if it exists and save the build flags
executeTest("rm -rf ${strBuildPath}");
buildPutDiffers($oStorageBackRest, $strBuildFlagFile, $strBuildFlags);
($strBuildVM ne VM_NONE ? 'docker exec -i -u ' . TEST_USER . ' test-build ' : '') .
"bash -c 'cd ${strBuildPath} && ${strBackRestBase}/src/configure -q${strConfigOptions}'",
{bShowOutputAsync => $bLogDetail});
($strBuildVM ne VM_NONE ? 'docker exec -i -u ' . TEST_USER . ' test-build ' : '') .
"${strMakeCmd} -s -j ${iBuildMax}" . ($bLogDetail ? '' : ' --silent') .
" --directory ${strBuildPath} CFLAGS_EXTRA='${strCFlags}'" .
($strLdFlags ne '' ? " LDFLAGS_EXTRA='${strLdFlags}'" : ''),
{bShowOutputAsync => $bLogDetail});
if ($strBuildVM ne VM_NONE)
executeTest("docker rm -f test-build");
# Build the package
if ($bBuildPackage && $strVm ne VM_NONE)
my $strPackagePath = "${strBackRestBase}/test/result/package";
# Loop through VMs to do the package builds
my @stryBuildVm = $strVm eq VM_ALL ? VM_LIST : ($strVm);
$oStorageBackRest->pathCreate($strPackagePath, {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
foreach my $strBuildVM (@stryBuildVm)
my $strBuildPath = "${strPackagePath}/${strBuildVM}";
if ($oVm->{$strBuildVM}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_DEBIAN)
&log(INFO, "build package for ${strBuildVM} (${strBuildPath})");
if ($strVm ne VM_NONE)
"docker run -itd -h test-build --name=test-build" .
" -v ${strBackRestBase}:${strBackRestBase} " . containerRepo() . ":${strBuildVM}-test",
{bSuppressStdErr => true});
$oStorageBackRest->pathCreate($strBuildPath, {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
# Clone a copy of the debian package repo
($strVm ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i test-build " : '') .
"bash -c 'git clone https://salsa.debian.org/postgresql/pgbackrest.git /root/package-src 2>&1'");
"rsync -r --exclude=.vagrant --exclude=.git --exclude=test/result ${strBackRestBase}/" .
" ${strBuildPath}/");
($strVm ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i test-build " : '') .
"bash -c 'cp -r /root/package-src/debian ${strBuildPath} && sudo chown -R " . TEST_USER .
" ${strBuildPath}'");
# Patch files in debian package builds
# Use these commands to create a new patch (may need to modify first line):
# BRDIR=/backrest;BRVM=u18;BRPATCHFILE=${BRDIR?}/test/patch/debian-package.patch
# DBDIR=${BRDIR?}/test/result/package/${BRVM}/debian
# diff -Naur ${DBDIR?}.old ${DBDIR}.new > ${BRPATCHFILE?}
my $strDebianPackagePatch = "${strBackRestBase}/test/patch/debian-package.patch";
if ($oStorageBackRest->exists($strDebianPackagePatch))
executeTest("cp -r ${strBuildPath}/debian ${strBuildPath}/debian.old");
executeTest("patch -d ${strBuildPath}/debian < ${strDebianPackagePatch}");
executeTest("cp -r ${strBuildPath}/debian ${strBuildPath}/debian.new");
# If dev build then disable static release date used for reproducibility
my $bVersionDev = PROJECT_VERSION =~ /dev$/;
if ($bVersionDev)
my $strRules = ${$oStorageBackRest->get("${strBuildPath}/debian/rules")};
$strRules =~ s/\-\-var\=release-date-static\=y/\-\-var\=release-date-static\=n/g;
$strRules =~ s/\-\-out\=html \-\-cache\-only/\-\-out\=html \-\-no\-exe/g;
$oStorageBackRest->put("${strBuildPath}/debian/rules", $strRules);
# Remove patches that should be applied to core code
$oStorageBackRest->remove("${strBuildPath}/debian/patches", {bRecurse => true, bIgnoreExists => true});
# Update changelog to add experimental version
"pgbackrest (${\PROJECT_VERSION}-0." . ($bVersionDev ? 'D' : 'P') . strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", gmtime) .
") experimental; urgency=medium\n" .
"\n" .
' * Automated experimental ' . ($bVersionDev ? 'development' : 'production') . " build.\n" .
"\n" .
' -- David Steele <david@pgbackrest.org> ' . strftime("%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", gmtime) . "\n\n" .
($strVm ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i test-build " : '') .
"bash -c 'cd ${strBuildPath} && debuild -i -us -uc -b'");
($strVm ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i test-build " : '') .
"bash -c 'rm -f ${strPackagePath}/${strBuildVM}/*.build ${strPackagePath}/${strBuildVM}/*.changes" .
" ${strPackagePath}/${strBuildVM}/pgbackrest-doc*'");
if ($strVm ne VM_NONE)
executeTest("docker rm -f test-build");
if ($oVm->{$strBuildVM}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
&log(INFO, "build package for ${strBuildVM} (${strBuildPath})");
# Create build container
if ($strVm ne VM_NONE)
"docker run -itd -h test-build --name=test-build" .
" -v ${strBackRestBase}:${strBackRestBase} " . containerRepo() . ":${strBuildVM}-test",
{bSuppressStdErr => true});
# Fetching specific files is fragile but even a shallow clone of the entire pgrpms repo is very expensive.
# Using 'git archive' does not seem to work: access denied or repository not exported: /git/pgrpms.git.
($strVm ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i test-build " : '') .
"bash -c \"" .
"mkdir /root/package-src && " .
"wget -q -O /root/package-src/pgbackrest-conf.patch " .
"'https://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=pgrpms.git;a=blob_plain;hb=refs/heads/master;" .
"f=rpm/redhat/master/common/pgbackrest/master/pgbackrest-conf.patch' && " .
"wget -q -O /root/package-src/pgbackrest.logrotate " .
"'https://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=pgrpms.git;a=blob_plain;hb=refs/heads/master;" .
"f=rpm/redhat/master/common/pgbackrest/master/pgbackrest.logrotate' && " .
"wget -q -O /root/package-src/pgbackrest.spec " .
"'https://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=pgrpms.git;a=blob_plain;hb=refs/heads/master;" .
# Create build directories
$oStorageBackRest->pathCreate($strBuildPath, {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
$oStorageBackRest->pathCreate("${strBuildPath}/SOURCES", {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
$oStorageBackRest->pathCreate("${strBuildPath}/SPECS", {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
$oStorageBackRest->pathCreate("${strBuildPath}/RPMS", {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
$oStorageBackRest->pathCreate("${strBuildPath}/BUILD", {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
# Install PostreSQL 11 development for package builds
($strVm ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i test-build " : '') .
"bash -c 'yum install -y postgresql11-devel 2>&1'");
# Copy source files
"tar --transform='s_^_pgbackrest-release-${\PROJECT_VERSION}/_'" .
" -czf ${strBuildPath}/SOURCES/${\PROJECT_VERSION}.tar.gz -C ${strBackRestBase}" .
" src LICENSE");
# Copy package files
($strVm ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i test-build " : '') . "bash -c '" .
"ln -s ${strBuildPath} /root/rpmbuild && " .
"cp /root/package-src/pgbackrest.spec ${strBuildPath}/SPECS && " .
"cp /root/package-src/*.patch ${strBuildPath}/SOURCES && " .
"cp /root/package-src/pgbackrest.logrotate ${strBuildPath}/SOURCES && " .
"sudo chown -R " . TEST_USER . " ${strBuildPath}'");
# Patch files in RHEL package builds
# Use these commands to create a new patch (may need to modify first line):
# BRDIR=/backrest;BRVM=co7;BRPATCHFILE=${BRDIR?}/test/patch/rhel-package.patch
# PKDIR=${BRDIR?}/test/result/package/${BRVM}/SPECS
# diff -Naur ${PKDIR?}.old ${PKDIR}.new > ${BRPATCHFILE?}
my $strPackagePatch = "${strBackRestBase}/test/patch/rhel-package.patch";
if ($oStorageBackRest->exists($strPackagePatch))
executeTest("cp -r ${strBuildPath}/SPECS ${strBuildPath}/SPECS.old");
executeTest("patch -d ${strBuildPath}/SPECS < ${strPackagePatch}");
executeTest("cp -r ${strBuildPath}/SPECS ${strBuildPath}/SPECS.new");
# Update version number to match current version
my $strSpec = ${$oStorageBackRest->get("${strBuildPath}/SPECS/pgbackrest.spec")};
$strSpec =~ s/^Version\:.*$/Version\:\t${\PROJECT_VERSION}/gm;
$oStorageBackRest->put("${strBuildPath}/SPECS/pgbackrest.spec", $strSpec);
# Build package
($strVm ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i test-build " : '') .
"rpmbuild --define 'pgmajorversion %{nil}' -v -bb --clean root/rpmbuild/SPECS/pgbackrest.spec",
{bSuppressStdErr => true});
# Remove build container
if ($strVm ne VM_NONE)
executeTest("docker rm -f test-build");
# Exit if only testing builds
exit 0 if $bBuildOnly;
# Remove repo.manifest now that all processing that depends on modified files has been completed
# Perform static source code analysis
if (!$bDryRun)
logFileSet($oStorageTest, cwd() . "/test");
# Run the tests
if (@{$oyTestRun} == 0)
confess &log(ERROR, 'no tests were selected');
&log(INFO, @{$oyTestRun} . ' test' . (@{$oyTestRun} > 1 ? 's': '') . " selected\n");
# Don't allow --no-cleanup when more than one test will run. How would the prior results be preserved?
if ($bNoCleanup && @{$oyTestRun} > 1)
confess &log(ERROR, '--no-cleanup is not valid when more than one test will run')
# Disable file logging for integration tests when there is more than one test since it will be overwritten
if (@{$oyTestRun} > 1)
$strLogLevelTestFile = lc(OFF);
# Don't allow --no-cleanup when more than one test will run. How would the prior results be preserved?
# Only use one vm for dry run so results are printed in order
if ($bDryRun)
$iVmMax = 1;
my $iTestIdx = 0;
my $iVmTotal;
my $iTestMax = @{$oyTestRun};
my $bShowOutputAsync = $bVmOut && (@{$oyTestRun} == 1 || $iVmMax == 1) && ! $bDryRun ? true : false;
$iVmTotal = 0;
for (my $iVmIdx = 0; $iVmIdx < $iVmMax; $iVmIdx++)
if (defined($$oyProcess[$iVmIdx]))
my ($bDone, $bFail) = $$oyProcess[$iVmIdx]->end();
if ($bDone)
if ($bFail)
if ($oyProcess->[$iVmIdx]->run())
$$oyProcess[$iVmIdx] = undef;
$$oyProcess[$iVmIdx] = undef;
# Only wait when all VMs are running or all tests have been assigned. Otherwise, there is something to do.
if ($iVmTotal == $iVmMax || $iTestIdx == @{$oyTestRun})
while ($iVmTotal == $iVmMax);
for (my $iVmIdx = 0; $iVmIdx < $iVmMax; $iVmIdx++)
if (!defined($$oyProcess[$iVmIdx]) && $iTestIdx < @{$oyTestRun})
my $oJob = new pgBackRestTest::Common::JobTest(
$oStorageTest, $strBackRestBase, $strTestPath, $$oyTestRun[$iTestIdx], $bDryRun, $strVmHost, $bVmOut,
$iVmIdx, $iVmMax, $strMakeCmd, $iTestIdx, $iTestMax, $strLogLevel, $strLogLevelTest, $strLogLevelTestFile,
!$bNoLogTimestamp, $bLogForce, $bShowOutputAsync, $bNoCleanup, $iRetry, !$bNoValgrind, !$bNoCoverage,
$bCoverageSummary, !$bNoOptimize, $bBackTrace, $bProfile, $iScale, $strTimeZone, !$bNoDebug,
$bDebugTestTrace, $iBuildMax / $iVmMax < 1 ? 1 : int($iBuildMax / $iVmMax));
if ($oJob->run())
$$oyProcess[$iVmIdx] = $oJob;
while ($iVmTotal > 0);
# Write out coverage info and test coverage
my $iUncoveredCodeModuleTotal = 0;
if (vmCoverageC($strVm) && !$bNoCoverage && !$bDryRun && $iTestFail == 0)
$iUncoveredCodeModuleTotal = coverageValidateAndGenerate(
$oyTestRun, $oStorageBackRest, !$bNoCoverageReport, $bCoverageSummary, $strTestPath, "${strTestPath}/temp",
"${strBackRestBase}/test/result", "${strBackRestBase}/doc/xml/auto");
# Print test info and exit
($bDryRun ? 'DRY RUN COMPLETED' : 'TESTS COMPLETED') . ($iTestFail == 0 ? ' SUCCESSFULLY' .
($iUncoveredCodeModuleTotal == 0 ? '' : " WITH ${iUncoveredCodeModuleTotal} MODULE(S) MISSING COVERAGE") :
" WITH ${iTestFail} FAILURE(S)") . ($iTestRetry == 0 ? '' : ", ${iTestRetry} RETRY(IES)") .
($bNoLogTimestamp ? '' : ' (' . (time() - $lStartTime) . 's)'));
exit 1 if ($iTestFail > 0 || ($iUncoveredCodeModuleTotal > 0 && !$bCoverageSummary));
exit 0;
# Runs tests
my $iRun = 0;
# Create host group for containers
my $oHostGroup = hostGroupGet();
# Set timezone
if (defined($strTimeZone))
$ENV{TZ} = $strTimeZone;
# Run the test
testRun($stryModule[0], $stryModuleTest[0])->process(
$strVm, $iVmId, # Vm info
$strBackRestBase, # Base backrest directory
$strTestPath, # Path where the tests will run
dirname($strTestPath) . "/bin/${strVm}/" . PROJECT_EXE, # Path to the pgbackrest binary
dirname($strTestPath) . "/bin/" . VM_NONE . '/' . PROJECT_EXE, # Path to the backrest Perl storage helper
$strPgVersion ne 'minimal' ? $strPgSqlBin: undef, # Pg bin path
$strPgVersion ne 'minimal' ? $strPgVersion: undef, # Pg version
$stryModule[0], $stryModuleTest[0], \@iyModuleTestRun, # Module info
$bVmOut, $bDryRun, $bNoCleanup, $bLogForce, # Test options
$strLogLevelTestFile, # Log options
TEST_USER, TEST_GROUP); # User/group info
if (!$bNoCleanup)
if ($oHostGroup->removeAll() > 0)
executeTest("rm -rf ${strTestPath}");
if (!$bDryRun && !$bVmOut)
# Exit with success
exit 0;
# Check for errors
or do
# If a backrest exception then return the code
if (isException(\$EVAL_ERROR))
syswrite(*STDOUT, $EVAL_ERROR->message() . "\n" . $EVAL_ERROR->trace());
exit $EVAL_ERROR->code();
# Else output the unhandled error
syswrite(*STDOUT, $EVAL_ERROR);
# It shouldn't be possible to get here
&log(ASSERT, 'execution reached invalid location in ' . __FILE__ . ', line ' . __LINE__);