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package BackRest::BackupFile;
use threads;
use strict;
use Thread::Queue;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Exporter qw(import);
use lib dirname($0);
use BackRest::Utility;
use BackRest::Exception;
use BackRest::Manifest;
use BackRest::File;
# backupFile
sub backupFile
my $oFile = shift; # File object
my $strSourceFile = shift; # Source file to backup
my $strDestinationFile = shift; # Destination backup file
my $bDestinationCompress = shift; # Compress destination file
my $strChecksum = shift; # File checksum to be checked
my $bChecksumOnly = shift; # Checksum destination only
my $lSizeFile = shift; # Total size of the files to be copied
my $lSizeTotal = shift; # Total size of the files to be copied
my $lSizeCurrent = shift; # Size of files copied so far
my $strLog; # Store the log message
my $strLogProgress; # Part of the log message that shows progress
my $bCopyResult; # Copy result
my $strCopyChecksum; # Copy checksum
my $lCopySize; # Copy Size
# Add the size of the current file to keep track of percent complete
$lSizeCurrent += $lSizeFile;
if ($bChecksumOnly)
$lCopySize = $lSizeFile;
$strCopyChecksum = 'dude';
# !!! Need to put checksum code in here
# Output information about the file to be copied
$strLog = "backed up file";
# Copy the file from the database to the backup (will return false if the source file is missing)
($bCopyResult, $strCopyChecksum, $lCopySize) =
$oFile->copy(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strSourceFile,
PATH_BACKUP_TMP, $strDestinationFile .
($bDestinationCompress ? '.' . $oFile->{strCompressExtension} : ''),
false, # Source is not compressed since it is the db directory
$bDestinationCompress, # Destination should be compressed based on backup settings
true, # Ignore missing files
undef, # Do not set original modification time
undef, # Do not set original mode
true); # Create the destination directory if it does not exist
if (!$bCopyResult)
# If file is missing assume the database removed it (else corruption and nothing we can do!)
&log(INFO, "skipped file removed by database: " . $strSourceFile);
return false, $lSizeCurrent, undef, undef;
$strLogProgress = "$strSourceFile (" . file_size_format($lCopySize) .
($lSizeTotal > 0 ? ', ' . int($lSizeCurrent * 100 / $lSizeTotal) . '%' : '') . ')';
# Generate checksum for file if configured
if ($lCopySize != 0)
# Output information about the file to be checksummed
if (!defined($strLog))
$strLog = "checksum-only";
&log(INFO, $strLog . " ${strLogProgress} checksum ${strCopyChecksum}");
&log(INFO, $strLog . ' ' . $strLogProgress);
return true, $lSizeCurrent, $lCopySize, $strCopyChecksum;
our @EXPORT = qw(backupFile);
# backupManifestUpdate
sub backupManifestUpdate
my $oManifest = shift;
my $strSection = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
my $bCopied = shift;
my $lSize = shift;
my $strChecksum = shift;
# If copy was successful store the checksum and size
if ($bCopied)
$oManifest->set($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE, $lSize + 0);
if ($lSize > 0)
$oManifest->set($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM, $strChecksum);
# Else the file was removed during backup so remove from manifest
$oManifest->remove($strSection, $strFile);
push @EXPORT, qw(backupManifestUpdate);