mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 15:05:48 +02:00
This report replaces the lcov report that was generated manually for each release. The lcov report was overly verbose just to say that we have virtually 100% coverage.
657 lines
22 KiB
657 lines
22 KiB
# Generate C Coverage Report
package pgBackRestTest::Common::CoverageTest;
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Version;
use BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlBuilder;
use BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlElement;
# Generate an lcov configuration file
sub coverageLCovConfigGenerate
my $oStorage = shift;
my $strOutFile = shift;
my $bCoverageSummary = shift;
my $strBranchFilter =
'OBJECT_DEFINE_[A-Z0-9_]+\(|\s{4}[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+\([^\?]*\)|\s{4}(ASSERT|assert|switch\s)\(|\{\+{0,1}' .
($bCoverageSummary ? 'uncoverable_branch' : 'uncover(ed|able)_branch');
my $strLineFilter = '\{\+{0,1}uncover' . ($bCoverageSummary ? 'able' : '(ed|able)') . '[^_]';
my $strConfig =
"# LCOV Settings\n" .
"\n" .
"# Specify if branch coverage data should be collected and processed\n" .
"lcov_branch_coverage=1\n" .
"\n" .
"# Specify the regular expression of lines to exclude from branch coverage\n" .
"#\n" .
'# OBJECT_DEFINE_[A-Z0-9_]+\( - exclude object definitions' . "\n" .
'# \s{4}[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+\([^\?]*\) - exclude macros that do not take a conditional parameter and are not themselves a parameter' . "\n" .
'# ASSERT/(|assert\( - exclude asserts since it usually not possible to trigger both branches' . "\n" .
'# switch \( - lcov requires default: to show complete coverage but --Wswitch-enum enforces all enum values be present' . "\n" .
"lcov_excl_br_line=${strBranchFilter}\n" .
"\n" .
"# Specify the regular expression of lines to exclude\n" .
"lcov_excl_line=${strLineFilter}\n" .
"\n" .
"# Coverage rate limits\n" .
"genhtml_hi_limit = 100\n" .
"genhtml_med_limit = 90\n" .
"\n" .
"# Width of line coverage field in source code view\n" .
"genhtml_line_field_width = 9\n";
# Write configuration file
$oStorage->put($strOutFile, $strConfig);
push @EXPORT, qw(coverageLCovConfigGenerate);
# Generate a C coverage report
sub coverageGenerate
my $oStorage = shift;
my $strCoveragePath = shift;
my $strOutFile = shift;
# Track missing coverage
my $rhCoverage = {};
# Find all lcov files in the coverage path
my $rhManifest = $oStorage->manifest($strCoveragePath);
foreach my $strFileCov (sort(keys(%{$rhManifest})))
if ($strFileCov =~ /\.lcov$/)
my $strCoverage = ${$oStorage->get("${strCoveragePath}/${strFileCov}")};
# Show that the file is part of the coverage report even if there is no missing coverage
my $strFile = substr($strFileCov, 0, length($strFileCov) - 5) . '.c';
$rhCoverage->{$strFile} = undef;
my $iBranchLine = -1;
my $iBranch = undef;
my $iBranchIdx = -1;
my $iBranchPart = undef;
foreach my $strLine (split("\n", $strCoverage))
# Check branch coverage
if ($strLine =~ /^BRDA\:/)
my @stryData = split("\,", substr($strLine, 5));
if (@stryData < 4)
confess &log(ERROR, "'${strLine}' should have four fields");
my $strBranchLine = sprintf("%09d", $stryData[0]);
if ($iBranchLine != $stryData[0])
$iBranchLine = $stryData[0];
$iBranch = $stryData[1];
$iBranchIdx = 0;
$iBranchPart = 0;
elsif ($iBranch != $stryData[1])
if ($iBranchPart != 1)
confess &log(ERROR, "line ${iBranchLine}, branch ${iBranch} does not have two parts");
$iBranch = $stryData[1];
$iBranchPart = 0;
$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strBranchLine}{branch}{$iBranchIdx}{$iBranchPart} =
$stryData[3] eq '-' || $stryData[3] eq '0' ? false : true;
# Check line coverage
if ($strLine =~ /^DA\:/)
my @stryData = split("\,", substr($strLine, 3));
if (@stryData < 2)
confess &log(ERROR, "'${strLine}' should have two fields");
my $strBranchLine = sprintf("%09d", $stryData[0]);
if ($stryData[1] eq '0')
$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strBranchLine}{statement} = 0;
# Remove branch coverage on lines that are completely covered
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage})))
foreach my $iLine (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}})))
if (defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$iLine}{branch}))
# We'll assume the line is completely covered
my $bCovered = true;
foreach my $iBranch (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$iLine}{branch}})))
foreach my $iBranchPart (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$iLine}{branch}{$iBranch}})))
if (!$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$iLine}{branch}{$iBranch}{$iBranchPart})
$bCovered = false;
if ($bCovered)
# &log(WARN, "removed branch coverage for ${strFile} line ${iLine}");
if (defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$iLine}{statement}))
# Remove line when no lines are uncovered
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage})))
my $bCovered = true;
foreach my $iLine (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}})))
$bCovered = false;
if ($bCovered)
# Report on the entire function if any lines in the function are uncovered
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage})))
if (defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}))
my $strC = ${$oStorage->get("${strCoveragePath}/${strFile}")};
my @stryC = split("\n", $strC);
foreach my $iLine (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}})))
# Run back to the beginning of the function comment
for (my $iLineIdx = $iLine; $iLineIdx >= 0; $iLineIdx--)
if (!defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{sprintf("%09d", $iLineIdx)}))
$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{sprintf("%09d", $iLineIdx)} = undef;
last if ($stryC[$iLineIdx - 1] =~ '^\/\*');
# Run forward to the end of the function
for (my $iLineIdx = $iLine; $iLineIdx < @stryC; $iLineIdx++)
if (!defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{sprintf("%09d", $iLineIdx)}))
$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{sprintf("%09d", $iLineIdx)} = undef;
last if ($stryC[$iLineIdx - 1] eq '}');
# Build html
my $strTitle = PROJECT_NAME . ' Coverage Report';
my $strDarkRed = '#580000';
my $strGray = '#555555';
my $strDarkGray = '#333333';
my $oHtml = new BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlBuilder(
PROJECT_NAME, $strTitle,
undef, undef, undef,
true, true,
"html\n" .
"{\n" .
" background-color: ${strGray};\n" .
" font-family: Avenir, Corbel, sans-serif;\n" .
" color: white;\n" .
" font-size: 12pt;\n" .
" margin-top: 8px;\n" .
" margin-left: 1\%;\n" .
" margin-right: 1\%;\n" .
" width: 98\%;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
"body\n" .
"{\n" .
" margin: 0px auto;\n" .
" padding: 0px;\n" .
" width: 100\%;\n" .
" text-align: justify;\n" .
"}\n" .
".title\n" .
"{\n" .
" width: 100\%;\n" .
" text-align: center;\n" .
" font-size: 200\%;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".list-table\n" .
"{\n" .
" width: 100\%;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".list-table-caption\n" .
"{\n" .
" margin-top: 1em;\n" .
" font-size: 130\%;\n" .
" margin-bottom: .25em;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".list-table-caption::after\n" .
"{\n" .
" content: \"Modules Tested for Coverage:\";\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".list-table-header-file\n" .
"{\n" .
" padding-left: .5em;\n" .
" padding-right: .5em;\n" .
" background-color: ${strDarkGray};\n" .
" width: 100\%;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".list-table-row-uncovered\n" .
"{\n" .
" background-color: ${strDarkRed};\n" .
" color: white;\n" .
" width: 100\%;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".list-table-row-file\n" .
"{\n" .
" padding-left: .5em;\n" .
" padding-right: .5em;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table\n" .
"{\n" .
" width: 100\%;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-caption\n" .
"{\n" .
" margin-top: 1em;\n" .
" font-size: 130\%;\n" .
" margin-bottom: .25em;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-caption::after\n" .
"{\n" .
" content: \" report:\";\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-header\n" .
"{\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-header-line, .report-table-header-branch, .report-table-header-code\n" .
"{\n" .
" padding-left: .5em;\n" .
" padding-right: .5em;\n" .
" background-color: ${strDarkGray};\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-header-code\n" .
"{\n" .
" width: 100\%;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-row-dot-tr, .report-table-row\n" .
"{\n" .
" font-family: \"Courier New\", Courier, monospace;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-row-dot-skip\n" .
"{\n" .
" height: 1em;\n" .
" padding-top: .25em;\n" .
" padding-bottom: .25em;\n" .
" text-align: center;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-row-line, .report-table-row-branch, .report-table-row-branch-uncovered," .
" .report-table-row-code, .report-table-row-code-uncovered\n" .
"{\n" .
" padding-left: .5em;\n" .
" padding-right: .5em;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-row-line\n" .
"{\n" .
" text-align: right;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-row-branch, .report-table-row-branch-uncovered\n" .
"{\n" .
" text-align: right;\n" .
" white-space: nowrap;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-row-branch-uncovered\n" .
"{\n" .
" background-color: ${strDarkRed};\n" .
" color: white;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-row-code, .report-table-row-code-uncovered\n" .
"{\n" .
" white-space: pre;\n" .
"}\n" .
"\n" .
".report-table-row-code-uncovered\n" .
"{\n" .
" background-color: ${strDarkRed};\n" .
" color: white;\n" .
$oHtml->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'title', {strContent => $strTitle});
# Build the file list table
my $oTable = $oHtml->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_TABLE, 'list-table');
$oTable->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'list-table-caption');
my $oHeader = $oTable->addNew(HTML_TR, 'list-table-header');
$oHeader->addNew(HTML_TH, 'list-table-header-file', {strContent => 'FILE'});
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage})))
my $oRow = $oTable->addNew(HTML_TR, 'list-table-row-' . (defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}) ? 'uncovered' : 'covered'));
$oRow->addNew(HTML_TD, 'list-table-row-file', {strContent => $strFile});
# Report on files that are missing coverage
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage})))
if (defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}))
# Build the file report table
$oTable = $oHtml->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_TABLE, 'report-table');
$oTable->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'report-table-caption', {strContent => "${strFile}"});
$oHeader = $oTable->addNew(HTML_TR, 'report-table-header');
$oHeader->addNew(HTML_TH, 'report-table-header-line', {strContent => 'LINE'});
$oHeader->addNew(HTML_TH, 'report-table-header-branch', {strContent => 'BRANCH'});
$oHeader->addNew(HTML_TH, 'report-table-header-code', {strContent => 'CODE'});
my $strC = ${$oStorage->get("${strCoveragePath}/${strFile}")};
my @stryC = split("\n", $strC);
my $iLastLine = undef;
foreach my $strLine (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}})))
if (defined($iLastLine) && $strLine != $iLastLine + 1)
my $oRow = $oTable->addNew(HTML_TR, 'report-table-row-dot');
$oRow->addNew(HTML_TD, 'report-table-row-dot-skip', {strExtra => 'colspan="3"'});
$iLastLine = $strLine;
my $iLine = int($strLine);
my $oRow = $oTable->addNew(HTML_TR, 'report-table-row');
$oRow->addNew(HTML_TD, 'report-table-row-line', {strContent => $iLine});
my $strBranch;
# Show missing branch coverage
if (defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strLine}{branch}) &&
my $iBranchIdx = 0;
foreach my $iBranch (sort(keys(%{$rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strLine}{branch}})))
$strBranch .=
'[' .
($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strLine}{branch}{$iBranch}{0} ?
'+' : '-') .
' ' .
($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strLine}{branch}{$iBranch}{1} ?
'+' : '-') .
if ($iBranchIdx == 1)
$strBranch .= '<br/>';
$iBranchIdx = 0;
$strBranch .= ' ';
HTML_TD, 'report-table-row-branch' . (defined($strBranch) ? '-uncovered' : ''),
{strContent => $strBranch});
# Color code based on coverage
my $bUncovered =
defined($rhCoverage->{$strFile}{line}{$strLine}{branch}) ||
HTML_TD, 'report-table-row-code' . ($bUncovered ? '-uncovered' : ''),
{bPre => true, strContent => $stryC[$strLine - 1]});
# Write coverage report
$oStorage->put($strOutFile, $oHtml->htmlGet());
push @EXPORT, qw(coverageGenerate);
# Generate a C coverage summary for the documentation
sub coverageDocSummaryGenerateValue
my $iHit = shift;
my $iFound = shift;
if (!defined($iFound) || !defined($iHit) || $iFound == 0)
return "---";
my $fPercent = $iHit * 100 / $iFound;
my $strPercent;
if ($fPercent == 100)
$strPercent = '100.0';
elsif ($fPercent > 99.99)
$strPercent = '99.99';
$strPercent = sprintf("%.2f", $fPercent);
return "${iHit}/${iFound} (${strPercent}%)";
sub coverageDocSummaryGenerate
my $oStorage = shift;
my $strCoveragePath = shift;
my $strOutFile = shift;
# Track coverage summary
my $rhSummary;
# Find all lcov files in the coverage path
my $rhManifest = $oStorage->manifest($strCoveragePath);
foreach my $strFileCov (sort(keys(%{$rhManifest})))
next if $strFileCov =~ /^test\//;
if ($strFileCov =~ /\.lcov$/)
my $strCoverage = ${$oStorage->get("${strCoveragePath}/${strFileCov}")};
my $strModule = dirname($strFileCov);
foreach my $strLine (split("\n", $strCoverage))
# Get Line Coverage
if ($strLine =~ /^LF\:/)
$rhSummary->{$strModule}{line}{found} += substr($strLine, 3) + 0;
$rhSummary->{zzztotal}{line}{found} += substr($strLine, 3) + 0;
if ($strLine =~ /^LH\:/)
$rhSummary->{$strModule}{line}{hit} += substr($strLine, 3) + 0;
$rhSummary->{zzztotal}{line}{hit} += substr($strLine, 3) + 0;
# Get Function Coverage
if ($strLine =~ /^FNF\:/)
$rhSummary->{$strModule}{function}{found} += substr($strLine, 4) + 0;
$rhSummary->{zzztotal}{function}{found} += substr($strLine, 4) + 0;
if ($strLine =~ /^FNH\:/)
$rhSummary->{$strModule}{function}{hit} += substr($strLine, 4) + 0;
$rhSummary->{zzztotal}{function}{hit} += substr($strLine, 4) + 0;
# Get Branch Coverage
if ($strLine =~ /^BRF\:/)
$rhSummary->{$strModule}{branch}{found} += substr($strLine, 4) + 0;
$rhSummary->{zzztotal}{branch}{found} += substr($strLine, 4) + 0;
if ($strLine =~ /^BRH\:/)
$rhSummary->{$strModule}{branch}{hit} += substr($strLine, 4) + 0;
$rhSummary->{zzztotal}{branch}{hit} += substr($strLine, 4) + 0;
# use Data::Dumper;confess Dumper($rhSummary);
my $strSummary;
foreach my $strModule (sort(keys(%{$rhSummary})))
my $rhModuleData = $rhSummary->{$strModule};
$strSummary .=
(defined($strSummary) ? "\n\n" : '') .
"<table-row>\n" .
" <table-cell>" . ($strModule eq 'zzztotal' ? 'TOTAL' : $strModule) . "</table-cell>\n" .
" <table-cell>" .
coverageDocSummaryGenerateValue($rhModuleData->{function}{hit}, $rhModuleData->{function}{found}) .
"</table-cell>\n" .
" <table-cell>" .
coverageDocSummaryGenerateValue($rhModuleData->{branch}{hit}, $rhModuleData->{branch}{found}) .
"</table-cell>\n" .
" <table-cell>" .
coverageDocSummaryGenerateValue($rhModuleData->{line}{hit}, $rhModuleData->{line}{found}) .
"</table-cell>\n" .
# Write coverage report
$oStorage->put($strOutFile, $strSummary);
push @EXPORT, qw(coverageDocSummaryGenerate);