mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2024-12-14 10:13:05 +02:00
David Steele 18fd25233b New simpler configuration and consistent project/exe/path naming.
* The repo-path option now always refers to the repository where backups and archive are stored, whether local or remote, so the repo-remote-path option has been removed. The new spool-path option can be used to define a location for queueing WAL segments when archiving asynchronously. Otherwise, a local repository is no longer required.

* Implemented a new config format which should be far simpler to use. See the User Guide and Configuration Reference for details but for a simple configuration all options can now be placed in the stanza section. Options that are shared between stanzas can be placed in the [global] section. More complex configurations can still make use of command sections though this should be a rare use case.

* The default configuration filename is now pgbackrest.conf instead of pg_backrest.conf. This was done for consistency with other naming changes but also to prevent old config files from being loaded accidentally.

* The default repository name was changed from /var/lib/backup to /var/lib/pgbackrest.

* Lock files are now stored in /tmp/pgbackrest by default. These days /run/pgbackrest would be the preferred location but that would require init scripts which are not part of this release. The lock-path option can be used to configure the lock directory.

* Log files are now stored in /var/log/pgbackrest by default and no longer have the date appended so they can be managed with logrotate. The log-path option can be used to configure the lock directory.

* Executable filename changed from pg_backrest to pgbackrest.
2016-04-14 09:30:54 -04:00

948 lines
31 KiB
Executable File

# CommonTest.pm - Common globals used for testing
package pgBackRestTest::CommonTest;
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use Cwd qw(abs_path cwd);
use Exporter qw(import);
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy qw(move);
use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
use IO::Select;
use IPC::Open3;
use POSIX ':sys_wait_h';
use Symbol 'gensym';
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use pgBackRest::Common::Ini;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Common::Wait;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::Db;
use pgBackRest::File;
use pgBackRest::Manifest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::LogTest;
our @EXPORT = qw(BackRestTestCommon_Create BackRestTestCommon_Drop BackRestTestCommon_Setup
BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate BackRestTestCommon_PathMode BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove
BackRestTestCommon_FileCreate BackRestTestCommon_FileRemove BackRestTestCommon_PathCopy BackRestTestCommon_PathMove
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate BackRestTestCommon_ConfigRemap BackRestTestCommon_ConfigRecovery
BackRestTestCommon_Run BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet
BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet BackRestTestCommon_CommandRemoteGet
BackRestTestCommon_HostGet BackRestTestCommon_UserGet BackRestTestCommon_GroupGet
BackRestTestCommon_UserBackRestGet BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet BackRestTestCommon_DataPathGet
BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet BackRestTestCommon_LocalPathGet BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet
BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet BackRestTestCommon_ClusterStop BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet
BackRestTestCommon_DbPortGet BackRestTestCommon_iniLoad BackRestTestCommon_iniSave BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion
BackRestTestCommon_CommandPsqlGet BackRestTestCommon_DropRepo BackRestTestCommon_CreateRepo
BackRestTestCommon_manifestLoad BackRestTestCommon_manifestSave BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainAbsGet
BackRestTestCommon_CommandRemoteFullGet BackRestTestCommon_BasePathGet BackRestTestCommon_LinkCreate);
my $strPgSqlBin;
my $strCommonStanza;
my $strCommonCommandMain;
my $bCommandMainSet = false;
my $strCommonCommandRemote;
my $strCommonCommandRemoteFull;
my $strCommonCommandPsql;
my $strCommonHost;
my $strCommonUser;
my $strCommonGroup;
my $strCommonUserBackRest;
my $strCommonBasePath;
my $strCommonTestPath;
my $strCommonDataPath;
my $strCommonRepoPath;
my $strCommonLocalPath;
my $strCommonDbPath;
my $strCommonDbCommonPath;
my $strCommonDbTablespacePath;
my $iCommonDbPort;
my $strCommonDbVersion;
my $iModuleTestRunOnly;
my $bDryRun;
my $bNoCleanup;
my $bLogForce;
use constant PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT_TEST => 30;
# BackRestTestCommon_ClusterStop
sub BackRestTestCommon_ClusterStop
my $strPath = shift;
my $bImmediate = shift;
# Set default
$strPath = defined($strPath) ? $strPath : BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet();
$bImmediate = defined($bImmediate) ? $bImmediate : false;
# If postmaster process is running then stop the cluster
if (-e $strPath . '/postmaster.pid')
executeTest(BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet() . "/pg_ctl stop -D ${strPath} -w -s -m " .
($bImmediate ? 'immediate' : 'fast'));
# BackRestTestCommon_DropRepo
sub BackRestTestCommon_DropRepo
# Remove the backrest private directory
while (-e BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet())
BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true, true);
BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), false, true);
# BackRestTestCommon_CreateRepo
sub BackRestTestCommon_CreateRepo
my $bRemote = shift;
# Create the backup directory
if ($bRemote)
executeTest('mkdir -m 700 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(),
{bRemote => true});
# BackRestTestCommon_Drop
sub BackRestTestCommon_Drop
# Drop the cluster if it exists
BackRestTestCommon_ClusterStop(BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet(), true);
# Remove the backrest private directory
# Remove the test directory
# BackRestTestCommon_Create
sub BackRestTestCommon_Create
# Create the test directory
BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate(BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet(), '0770');
# BackRestTestCommon_Run
sub BackRestTestCommon_Run
my $iRun = shift;
my $strLog = shift;
my $strModuleParam = shift;
my $strModuleTestParam = shift;
my $oLogTestRef = shift;
# Save the previous test log
if (defined($$oLogTestRef))
$$oLogTestRef->logWrite(BackRestTestCommon_BasePathGet(), BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet());
$$oLogTestRef = undef;
# Return if this test should not be run
if (defined($iModuleTestRunOnly) && $iModuleTestRunOnly != $iRun)
return false;
# Output information about test to run
&log(INFO, 'run ' . sprintf('%03d', $iRun) . ' - ' . $strLog);
if ($bDryRun)
return false;
# If the module is defined then create a LogTest object
if (defined($strModuleParam))
$$oLogTestRef = new pgBackRestTest::Common::LogTest($strModuleParam, $strModuleTestParam, $iRun, $bLogForce, $strLog,
return true;
# BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup
sub BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup
my $oLogTestRef = shift;
# Save the previous test log
if (defined($$oLogTestRef))
$$oLogTestRef->logWrite(BackRestTestCommon_BasePathGet(), BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet());
$$oLogTestRef = undef;
# Return false if there is no cleanup or if this was a test run (this prevents cleanup from being run)
return !$bNoCleanup && !$bDryRun;
# BackRestTestCommon_LinkCreate
# Create a symlink
sub BackRestTestCommon_LinkCreate
my $strLink = shift;
my $strDestination = shift;
# Create the file
symlink($strDestination, $strLink)
or confess "unable to link ${strLink} to ${strDestination}";
# BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate
# Create a path and set mode.
sub BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate
my $strPath = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
my $bIgnoreExists = shift;
# Create the path
if (!mkdir($strPath))
if (!(defined($bIgnoreExists) && $bIgnoreExists && -e $strPath))
confess "unable to create ${strPath} path";
# Set the mode
chmod(oct(defined($strMode) ? $strMode : '0700'), $strPath)
or confess 'unable to set mode ${strMode} for ${strPath}';
# BackRestTestCommon_PathMode
# Set mode of an existing path.
sub BackRestTestCommon_PathMode
my $strPath = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Set the mode
chmod(oct($strMode), $strPath)
or confess 'unable to set mode ${strMode} for ${strPath}';
# BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove
# Remove a path and all subpaths.
sub BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove
my $strPath = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $bSuppressError = shift;
executeTest('rm -rf ' . $strPath,
{bRemote => $bRemote, bSuppressError => $bSuppressError});
# remove_tree($strPath, {result => \my $oError});
# if (@$oError)
# {
# my $strMessage = "error(s) occurred while removing ${strPath}:";
# for my $strFile (@$oError)
# {
# $strMessage .= "\nunable to remove: " . $strFile;
# }
# confess $strMessage;
# }
# BackRestTestCommon_PathCopy
# Copy a path.
sub BackRestTestCommon_PathCopy
my $strSourcePath = shift;
my $strDestinationPath = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $bSuppressError = shift;
executeTest("cp -RpP ${strSourcePath} ${strDestinationPath}",
{bRemote => $bRemote, bSuppressError => $bSuppressError});
# BackRestTestCommon_PathMove
# Copy a path.
sub BackRestTestCommon_PathMove
my $strSourcePath = shift;
my $strDestinationPath = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $bSuppressError = shift;
BackRestTestCommon_PathCopy($strSourcePath, $strDestinationPath, $bRemote, $bSuppressError);
BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove($strSourcePath, $bRemote, $bSuppressError);
# BackRestTestCommon_FileCreate
# Create a file specifying content, mode, and time.
sub BackRestTestCommon_FileCreate
my $strFile = shift;
my $strContent = shift;
my $lTime = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Open the file and save strContent to it
my $hFile = shift;
open($hFile, '>', $strFile)
or confess "unable to open ${strFile} for writing";
syswrite($hFile, $strContent)
or confess "unable to write to ${strFile}: $!";
# Set the time
if (defined($lTime))
utime($lTime, $lTime, $strFile)
or confess 'unable to set time ${lTime} for ${strPath}';
# Set the mode
chmod(oct(defined($strMode) ? $strMode : '0600'), $strFile)
or confess 'unable to set mode ${strMode} for ${strFile}';
# BackRestTestCommon_FileRemove
# Remove a file.
sub BackRestTestCommon_FileRemove
my $strFile = shift;
or confess "unable to remove ${strFile}: $!";
# BackRestTestCommon_Setup
sub BackRestTestCommon_Setup
my $strExe = shift;
my $strTestPathParam = shift;
my $strPgSqlBinParam = shift;
my $iModuleTestRunOnlyParam = shift;
my $bDryRunParam = shift;
my $bNoCleanupParam = shift;
my $bLogForceParam = shift;
$strCommonBasePath = dirname(dirname(abs_path($0)));
$strPgSqlBin = $strPgSqlBinParam;
$strCommonStanza = 'db';
$strCommonHost = '';
$strCommonUser = getpwuid($<);
$strCommonGroup = getgrgid($();
$strCommonUserBackRest = 'backrest';
if (defined($strTestPathParam))
$strCommonTestPath = $strTestPathParam;
$strCommonTestPath = cwd() . "/test";
$strCommonDataPath = "${strCommonBasePath}/test/data";
$strCommonRepoPath = "${strCommonTestPath}/backrest";
$strCommonLocalPath = "${strCommonTestPath}/local";
$strCommonDbPath = "${strCommonTestPath}/db";
$strCommonDbCommonPath = "${strCommonTestPath}/db/common";
$strCommonDbTablespacePath = "${strCommonTestPath}/db/tablespace";
$strCommonCommandMain = defined($strExe) ? $strExe : $strCommonBasePath . "/bin/../bin/pgbackrest";
$bCommandMainSet = defined($strExe) ? true : false;
$strCommonCommandRemote = defined($strExe) ? $strExe : "${strCommonBasePath}/bin/pgbackrest";
$strCommonCommandRemoteFull = "${strCommonCommandRemote} --stanza=${strCommonStanza}" .
" --repo-path=${strCommonRepoPath} --no-config --command=test remote";
$strCommonCommandPsql = "${strPgSqlBin}/psql -X %option% -h ${strCommonDbPath}";
$iCommonDbPort = 6543;
$iModuleTestRunOnly = $iModuleTestRunOnlyParam;
$bDryRun = $bDryRunParam;
$bNoCleanup = $bNoCleanupParam;
$bLogForce = $bLogForceParam;
# Get the Postgres version
my $strVersionRegExp = '(devel|((alpha|beta|rc)[0-9]+))$';
my $strOutLog = executeTest($strPgSqlBin . '/postgres --version');
my @stryVersionToken = split(/ /, $strOutLog);
@stryVersionToken = split(/\./, $stryVersionToken[2]);
$strCommonDbVersion = $stryVersionToken[0] . '.' . trim($stryVersionToken[1]);
# Warn if this is a devel/alpha/beta version
if ($strCommonDbVersion =~ /$strVersionRegExp/)
my $strDevVersion = $strCommonDbVersion;
$strCommonDbVersion =~ s/$strVersionRegExp//;
$strDevVersion = substr($strDevVersion, length($strCommonDbVersion));
&log(WARN, "Testing against ${strCommonDbVersion} ${strDevVersion} version");
# Don't run unit tests for unsupported versions
my @stryVersionSupport = versionSupport();
if ($strCommonDbVersion < $stryVersionSupport[0])
confess "currently only version $stryVersionSupport[0] and up are supported";
return true;
# BackRestTestCommon_manifestLoad
sub BackRestTestCommon_manifestLoad
my $strFileName = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
# Defaults
$bRemote = defined($bRemote) ? $bRemote : false;
if ($bRemote)
executeTest("chmod g+x " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(),
{bRemote => true});
my $oManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest($strFileName);
if ($bRemote)
executeTest("chmod g-x " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(),
{bRemote => true});
return $oManifest;
# BackRestTestCommon_manifestSave
sub BackRestTestCommon_manifestSave
my $strFileName = shift;
my $oManifest = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
# Defaults
$bRemote = defined($bRemote) ? $bRemote : false;
if ($bRemote)
executeTest('chmod g+x ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . ' && chmod g+w ' . dirname($strFileName), {bRemote => true});
if ($bRemote)
executeTest('chmod g-w ' . dirname($strFileName) . ' && chmod g-x ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), {bRemote => true});
# BackRestTestCommon_iniLoad
sub BackRestTestCommon_iniLoad
my $strFileName = shift;
my $oIniRef = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
# Defaults
$bRemote = defined($bRemote) ? $bRemote : false;
if ($bRemote)
executeTest("chmod g+x " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), {bRemote => true});
iniLoad($strFileName, $oIniRef);
if ($bRemote)
executeTest("chmod g-x " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), {bRemote => true});
# BackRestTestCommon_iniSave
sub BackRestTestCommon_iniSave
my $strFileName = shift;
my $oIniRef = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $bChecksum = shift;
# Defaults
$bRemote = defined($bRemote) ? $bRemote : false;
if ($bRemote)
executeTest('chmod g+x ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . ' && chmod g+w ' . $strFileName, {bRemote => true});
# Calculate a new checksum if requested
if (defined($bChecksum) && $bChecksum)
my $oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
my $oJSON = JSON::PP->new()->canonical()->allow_nonref();
iniSave($strFileName, $oIniRef);
if ($bRemote)
executeTest("chmod g-w " . $strFileName . ' && chmod g-x ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), {bRemote => true});
# BackRestTestCommon_ConfigRemap
sub BackRestTestCommon_ConfigRemap
my $oRemapHashRef = shift;
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
# Create config filename
my $strConfigFile = BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf';
my $strStanza = BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet();
# Load Config file
my %oConfig;
iniLoad($strConfigFile, \%oConfig, true);
# Load remote config file
my %oRemoteConfig;
my $strRemoteConfigFile = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf.remote';
if ($bRemote)
executeTest("mv " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/pgbackrest.conf ${strRemoteConfigFile}",
{bRemote => true});
iniLoad($strRemoteConfigFile, \%oRemoteConfig, true);
# Rewrite recovery section
my @stryTablespaceMap;
foreach my $strRemap (sort(keys(%$oRemapHashRef)))
my $strRemapPath = ${$oRemapHashRef}{$strRemap};
if ($strRemap eq 'base')
$oConfig{$strStanza}{'db-path'} = $strRemapPath;
${$oManifestRef}{'backup:path'}{base}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} = $strRemapPath;
if ($bRemote)
$oRemoteConfig{$strStanza}{'db-path'} = $strRemapPath;
push (@stryTablespaceMap, "${strRemap}=${strRemapPath}");
${$oManifestRef}{'backup:path'}{"tablespace/${strRemap}"}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} = $strRemapPath;
${$oManifestRef}{'base:link'}{"pg_tblspc/${strRemap}"}{destination} = $strRemapPath;
if (@stryTablespaceMap)
$oConfig{"${strStanza}:restore"}{&OPTION_RESTORE_TABLESPACE_MAP} = \@stryTablespaceMap;
# Resave the config file
iniSave($strConfigFile, \%oConfig, true);
# Load remote config file
if ($bRemote)
iniSave($strRemoteConfigFile, \%oRemoteConfig, true);
executeTest("mv ${strRemoteConfigFile} " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf',
{bRemote => true});
# BackRestTestCommon_ConfigRecovery
sub BackRestTestCommon_ConfigRecovery
my $oRecoveryHashRef = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
# Create config filename
my $strConfigFile = BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf';
my $strStanza = BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet();
# Load Config file
my %oConfig;
iniLoad($strConfigFile, \%oConfig, true);
# Load remote config file
my %oRemoteConfig;
my $strRemoteConfigFile = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf.remote';
if ($bRemote)
executeTest("mv " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/pgbackrest.conf ${strRemoteConfigFile}",
{bRemote => true});
iniLoad($strRemoteConfigFile, \%oRemoteConfig, true);
# Rewrite recovery options
my @stryRecoveryOption;
foreach my $strOption (sort(keys(%$oRecoveryHashRef)))
push (@stryRecoveryOption, "${strOption}=${$oRecoveryHashRef}{$strOption}");
if (@stryRecoveryOption)
$oConfig{$strStanza}{&OPTION_RESTORE_RECOVERY_OPTION} = \@stryRecoveryOption;
# Resave the config file
iniSave($strConfigFile, \%oConfig, true);
# Load remote config file
if ($bRemote)
iniSave($strRemoteConfigFile, \%oRemoteConfig, true);
executeTest("mv ${strRemoteConfigFile} " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf',
{bRemote => true});
# BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate
sub BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate
my $strLocal = shift;
my $strRemote = shift;
my $bCompress = shift;
my $bChecksum = shift;
my $bHardlink = shift;
my $iThreadMax = shift;
my $bArchiveAsync = shift;
my $bCompressAsync = shift;
my %oParamHash;
if (defined($strRemote))
$oParamHash{'global'}{'cmd-remote'} = $strCommonCommandRemote;
if (defined($strRemote) && $strRemote eq BACKUP)
$oParamHash{'global'}{'backup-host'} = $strCommonHost;
$oParamHash{'global'}{'backup-user'} = $strCommonUserBackRest;
elsif (defined($strRemote) && $strRemote eq DB)
$oParamHash{$strCommonStanza}{'db-host'} = $strCommonHost;
$oParamHash{$strCommonStanza}{'db-user'} = $strCommonUser;
$oParamHash{'global'}{'log-level-console'} = 'debug';
$oParamHash{'global'}{'log-level-file'} = 'trace';
$oParamHash{'global'}{'repo-path'} = $strCommonRepoPath;
$oParamHash{'global'}{'log-path'} = "${strCommonRepoPath}/log";
$oParamHash{'global'}{'lock-path'} = "${strCommonRepoPath}/lock";
if ($strLocal eq BACKUP)
$oParamHash{'global'}{'config-remote'} = "${strCommonDbPath}/pgbackrest.conf";
elsif ($strLocal eq DB)
$oParamHash{'global'}{'config-remote'} = "${strCommonRepoPath}/pgbackrest.conf";
if (defined($strRemote))
$oParamHash{'global'}{'log-path'} = "${strCommonLocalPath}/log";
$oParamHash{'global'}{'lock-path'} = "${strCommonLocalPath}/lock";
if ($bArchiveAsync)
$oParamHash{'global:archive-push'}{'archive-async'} = 'y';
if (defined($strRemote))
$oParamHash{'global'}{'spool-path'} = $strCommonLocalPath;
$oParamHash{'global'}{'spool-path'} = $oParamHash{'global'}{'repo-path'};
confess "invalid local type ${strLocal}";
if (defined($iThreadMax) && $iThreadMax > 1)
$oParamHash{'global'}{'thread-max'} = $iThreadMax;
if (($strLocal eq BACKUP) || ($strLocal eq DB && !defined($strRemote)))
if (defined($bHardlink) && $bHardlink)
$oParamHash{'global:backup'}{'hardlink'} = 'y';
$oParamHash{'global:backup'}{'archive-copy'} = 'y';
$oParamHash{'global:backup'}{'start-fast'} = 'y';
if (defined($bCompress) && !$bCompress)
$oParamHash{'global'}{'compress'} = 'n';
# Stanza settings
$oParamHash{$strCommonStanza}{'db-path'} = $strCommonDbCommonPath;
$oParamHash{$strCommonStanza}{'db-port'} = $iCommonDbPort;
$oParamHash{$strCommonStanza}{'db-socket-path'} = BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet();
# Write out the configuration file
my $strFile = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf';
iniSave($strFile, \%oParamHash, true);
# Move the configuration file based on local
if ($strLocal eq 'db')
rename($strFile, BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf')
or die "unable to move ${strFile} to " . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf path';
elsif ($strLocal eq 'backup' && !defined($strRemote))
rename($strFile, BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf')
or die "unable to move ${strFile} to " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf path';
executeTest("mv ${strFile} " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . '/pgbackrest.conf',
{bRemote => true});
# Get Methods
sub BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet
return $strPgSqlBin;
sub BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet
return $strCommonStanza;
sub BackRestTestCommon_CommandPsqlGet
return $strCommonCommandPsql;
sub BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet
return $strCommonCommandMain;
sub BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainAbsGet
if ($bCommandMainSet)
return BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet()
return abs_path(BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet());
sub BackRestTestCommon_CommandRemoteGet
return $strCommonCommandRemote;
sub BackRestTestCommon_CommandRemoteFullGet
return $strCommonCommandRemoteFull;
sub BackRestTestCommon_HostGet
return $strCommonHost;
sub BackRestTestCommon_UserGet
return $strCommonUser;
sub BackRestTestCommon_GroupGet
return $strCommonGroup;
sub BackRestTestCommon_UserBackRestGet
return $strCommonUserBackRest;
sub BackRestTestCommon_BasePathGet
return $strCommonBasePath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet
return $strCommonTestPath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_DataPathGet
return $strCommonDataPath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet
return $strCommonRepoPath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_LocalPathGet
return $strCommonLocalPath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet
return $strCommonDbPath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet
my $iIndex = shift;
return $strCommonDbCommonPath . (defined($iIndex) ? "-${iIndex}" : '');
sub BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet
my $iTablespace = shift;
my $iIndex = shift;
return $strCommonDbTablespacePath . (defined($iTablespace) ? "/ts${iTablespace}" . (defined($iIndex) ? "-${iIndex}" : '') : '');
sub BackRestTestCommon_DbPortGet
return $iCommonDbPort;
sub BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion
return $strCommonDbVersion;