Simple Postgres Backup and Restore
planned for next release
Default restore.conf is written to each backup.
Able to set timeout on ssh connection in config file.
Fix bug where .backup files written into old directories can cause the archive process to error.
Add configurable sleep to archiver process to reduce ssh connections.
feature backlog
Database restore.
--version param.
release notes
v0.16: RequestTTY=yes for SSH sessions
- Added RequestTTY=yes to ssh sesssions. Hoping this will prevent random lockups.
v0.15: Added archive-get
Added archive-get functionality to aid in restores.
Added option to force a checkpoint when starting the backup (start_fast=y).
v0.11: Minor fixes
Tweaking a few settings after running backups for about a month.
Removed master_stderr_discard option on database SSH connections. There have been occasional lockups and they could be related issues originally seen in the file code.
Changed lock file conflicts on backup and expire commands to ERROR. They were set to DEBUG due to a copy-and-paste from the archive locks.
v0.10: Backup and archiving are functional
This version has been put into production at Resonate, so it does work, but there are a number of major caveats.
No restore functionality, but the backup directories are consistent Postgres data directories. You'll need to either uncompress the files or turn off compression in the backup. Uncompressed backups on a ZFS (or similar) filesystem are a good option because backups can be restored locally via a snapshot to create logical backups or do spot data recovery.
Archiving is single-threaded. This has not posed an issue on our multi-terabyte databases with heavy write volume. Recommend a large WAL volume or to use the async option with a large volume nearby.
Backups are multi-threaded, but the Net::OpenSSH library does not appear to be 100% threadsafe so it will very occasionally lock up on a thread. There is an overall process timeout that resolves this issue by killing the process. Yes, very ugly.
Checksums are lost on any resumed backup. Only the final backup will record checksum on multiple resumes. Checksums from previous backups are correctly recorded and a full backup will reset everything.
The backup.manifest is being written as Storable because Config::IniFile does not seem to handle large files well. Would definitely like to save these as human-readable text.
Absolutely no documentation (outside the code). Well, excepting these release notes.
Lots of other little things and not so little things. Much refactoring to follow.