mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-03-05 15:05:48 +02:00
David Steele 03f1082e86 Improve logging.
Move command begin to C except when it must be called after another command in Perl (e.g. expire after backup). Command begin logs correctly for complex data types like hash and list. Specify which commands will log to file immediately and set the default log level for log messages that are common to all commands. File logging is initiated from C.
2018-03-12 11:03:38 -04:00

886 lines
31 KiB

package pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess longmess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed reftype);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday usleep);
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
# Boolean constants
use constant true => 1;
push @EXPORT, qw(true);
use constant false => 0;
push @EXPORT, qw(false);
# Log level constants
use constant TRACE => 'TRACE';
push @EXPORT, qw(TRACE);
use constant DEBUG => 'DEBUG';
push @EXPORT, qw(DEBUG);
use constant DETAIL => 'DETAIL';
push @EXPORT, qw(DETAIL);
use constant INFO => 'INFO';
push @EXPORT, qw(INFO);
use constant WARN => 'WARN';
push @EXPORT, qw(WARN);
use constant PROTOCOL => 'PROTOCOL';
use constant ERROR => 'ERROR';
push @EXPORT, qw(ERROR);
use constant ASSERT => 'ASSERT';
push @EXPORT, qw(ASSERT);
use constant OFF => 'OFF';
push @EXPORT, qw(OFF);
# Log levels ranked by severity
my %oLogLevelRank;
$oLogLevelRank{TRACE}{rank} = 8;
$oLogLevelRank{DEBUG}{rank} = 7;
$oLogLevelRank{DETAIL}{rank} = 6;
$oLogLevelRank{INFO}{rank} = 5;
$oLogLevelRank{WARN}{rank} = 4;
$oLogLevelRank{PROTOCOL}{rank} = 3;
$oLogLevelRank{ERROR}{rank} = 2;
$oLogLevelRank{ASSERT}{rank} = 1;
$oLogLevelRank{OFF}{rank} = 0;
# Module globals
my $hLogFile = undef;
my $strLogFileCache = undef;
my $strLogLevelFile = OFF;
my $strLogLevelConsole = OFF;
my $strLogLevelStdErr = WARN;
my $bLogTimestamp = true;
# Flags to limit banner printing until there is actual output
my $bLogFileExists;
my $bLogFileFirst;
# Allow log to be globally enabled or disabled with logEnable() and logDisable()
my $bLogDisable = 0;
# Allow errors to be logged as warnings
my $bLogWarnOnError = 0;
# Store the last logged error
my $oErrorLast;
# Test globals
my $bTest = false;
my $fTestDelay;
my $oTestPoint;
# Test constants
use constant TEST => 'TEST';
push @EXPORT, qw(TEST);
use constant TEST_ENCLOSE => 'PgBaCkReStTeSt';
use constant TEST_KEEP_ALIVE => 'KEEP_ALIVE';
# logFileSet - set the file messages will be logged to
sub logFileSet
my $oStorage = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
my $bLogFileFirstParam = shift;
# Only open the log file if file logging is enabled
if ($strLogLevelFile ne OFF)
$oStorage->pathCreate(dirname($strFile), {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
$strFile .= '.log';
$bLogFileExists = -e $strFile ? true : false;
$bLogFileFirst = defined($bLogFileFirstParam) ? $bLogFileFirstParam : false;
if (!sysopen($hLogFile, $strFile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, oct('0660')))
logErrorResult(ERROR_FILE_OPEN, "unable to open log file '${strFile}'", $OS_ERROR);
# Write out anything that was cached before the file was opened
if (defined($strLogFileCache))
syswrite($hLogFile, $strLogFileCache);
push @EXPORT, qw(logFileSet);
# logBanner
# Output a banner on the first log entry written to a file
sub logBanner
if ($bLogFileFirst)
if ($bLogFileExists)
syswrite($hLogFile, "\n");
syswrite($hLogFile, "-------------------PROCESS START-------------------\n");
$bLogFileFirst = false;
# logLevelSet - set the log level for file and console
sub logLevelSet
my $strLevelFileParam = shift;
my $strLevelConsoleParam = shift;
my $strLevelStdErrParam = shift;
my $bLogTimestampParam = shift;
if (defined($strLevelFileParam))
if (!defined($oLogLevelRank{uc($strLevelFileParam)}{rank}))
confess &log(ERROR, "file log level ${strLevelFileParam} does not exist");
$strLogLevelFile = uc($strLevelFileParam);
if (defined($strLevelConsoleParam))
if (!defined($oLogLevelRank{uc($strLevelConsoleParam)}{rank}))
confess &log(ERROR, "console log level ${strLevelConsoleParam} does not exist");
$strLogLevelConsole = uc($strLevelConsoleParam);
if (defined($strLevelStdErrParam))
if (!defined($oLogLevelRank{uc($strLevelStdErrParam)}{rank}))
confess &log(ERROR, "stdout log level ${strLevelStdErrParam} does not exist");
$strLogLevelStdErr = uc($strLevelStdErrParam);
if (defined($bLogTimestampParam))
$bLogTimestamp = $bLogTimestampParam;
push @EXPORT, qw(logLevelSet);
# logDisable
sub logDisable
push @EXPORT, qw(logDisable);
# logEnable
sub logEnable
push @EXPORT, qw(logEnable);
# logWarnOnErrorDisable
sub logWarnOnErrorDisable
push @EXPORT, qw(logWarnOnErrorDisable);
# logWarnOnErrorEnable - when an error is thrown, log it as a warning instead
sub logWarnOnErrorEnable
push @EXPORT, qw(logWarnOnErrorEnable);
# logDebugParam
# Log parameters passed to functions.
use constant DEBUG_PARAM => '()';
sub logDebugParam
my $strFunction = shift;
my $oyParamRef = shift;
return logDebugProcess($strFunction, DEBUG_PARAM, undef, $oyParamRef, @_);
push @EXPORT, qw(logDebugParam);
# logDebugReturn
# Log values returned from functions.
use constant DEBUG_RETURN => '=>';
sub logDebugReturn
my $strFunction = shift;
return logDebugProcess($strFunction, DEBUG_RETURN, undef, undef, @_);
push @EXPORT, qw(logDebugReturn);
# logDebugMisc
# Log misc values and details during execution.
use constant DEBUG_MISC => '';
sub logDebugMisc
my $strFunction = shift;
my $strDetail = shift;
return logDebugProcess($strFunction, DEBUG_MISC, $strDetail, undef, @_);
push @EXPORT, qw(logDebugMisc);
# logDebugProcess
sub logDebugProcess
my $strFunction = shift;
my $strType = shift;
my $strDetail = shift;
my $oyParamRef = shift;
my $iIndex = 0;
my $oParamHash = {};
my @oyResult;
my $bLogTrace = true;
if ($strType eq DEBUG_PARAM)
push @oyResult, $strFunction;
# Process each parameter hash
my $oParam = shift;
my $bOptionalBlock = false;
# Strip the package name off strFunction if it's pgBackRest
$strFunction =~ s/^pgBackRest[^\:]*\:\://;
while (defined($oParam))
my $strParamName = $$oParam{name};
my $bParamOptional = defined($oParam->{optional}) && $oParam->{optional};
my $bParamRequired = !defined($oParam->{required}) || $oParam->{required};
my $oValue;
# Should the param be redacted?
$oParamHash->{$strParamName}{redact} = $oParam->{redact} ? true : false;
# If param is optional then the optional block has been entered
if ($bParamOptional)
if (defined($oParam->{required}))
confess &log(ASSERT, "cannot define 'required' for optional parameter '${strParamName}'");
$bParamRequired = false;
$bOptionalBlock = true;
# Don't allow non-optional parameters once optional block has started
if ($bParamOptional != $bOptionalBlock)
confess &log(ASSERT, "non-optional parameter '${strParamName}' invalid after optional parameters");
# Push the return value into the return value array
if ($strType eq DEBUG_PARAM)
if ($bParamOptional)
$oValue = $$oyParamRef[$iIndex]->{$strParamName};
$oValue = $$oyParamRef[$iIndex];
if (defined($oValue))
push(@oyResult, $oValue);
push(@oyResult, $${oParam}{default});
$$oParamHash{$strParamName}{default} = true;
$oValue = $oyResult[-1];
if (!defined($oValue) && $bParamRequired)
confess &log(ASSERT, "${strParamName} is required in ${strFunction}");
if (ref($$oParam{value}) eq 'ARRAY')
if (defined($$oParam{ref}) && $$oParam{ref})
push(@oyResult, $$oParam{value});
push(@oyResult, @{$$oParam{value}});
push(@oyResult, $$oParam{value});
$oValue = $$oParam{value};
if (!defined($$oParam{log}) || $$oParam{log})
# If the parameter is a hash but not blessed then represent it as a string
# ??? This should go away once the inputs to logDebug can be changed
if (ref($oValue) eq 'HASH' && !blessed($oValue))
$$oParamHash{$strParamName}{value} = '[hash]';
# Else log the parameter value exactly
$$oParamHash{$strParamName}{value} = $oValue;
# There are certain return values that it's wasteful to generate debug logging for
if (!($strParamName eq 'self') &&
(!defined($$oParam{trace}) || !$$oParam{trace}))
$bLogTrace = false;
# Get the next parameter hash
$oParam = shift;
if (!$bParamOptional)
if (defined($strDetail) && $iIndex == 0)
$bLogTrace = false;
logDebugOut($strFunction, $strType, $strDetail, $oParamHash, $bLogTrace ? TRACE : DEBUG);
# If there are one or zero return values then just return a scalar (this will be undef if there are no return values)
if (@oyResult == 1)
return $oyResult[0];
# Else return an array containing return values
return @oyResult;
# logDebugBuild
sub logDebugBuild
my $strValue = shift;
my $rResult;
# Value is undefined
if (!defined($strValue))
$rResult = \'[undef]';
# Value is not a ref, but return it as a ref for efficiency
elsif (!ref($strValue))
$rResult = \$strValue;
# Value is a hash
elsif (ref($strValue) eq 'HASH')
my $strValueHash;
for my $strSubValue (sort(keys(%{$strValue})))
$strValueHash .=
(defined($strValueHash) ? ', ' : '{') . "${strSubValue} => " . ${logDebugBuild($strValue->{$strSubValue})};
$rResult = \(defined($strValueHash) ? $strValueHash . '}' : '{}');
# Value is an array
elsif (ref($strValue) eq 'ARRAY')
my $strValueArray;
for my $strSubValue (@{$strValue})
$strValueArray .= (defined($strValueArray) ? ', ' : '(') . ${logDebugBuild($strSubValue)};
$rResult = \(defined($strValueArray) ? $strValueArray . ')' : '()');
# Else some other type ??? For the moment this is forced to object to not make big log changes
$rResult = \('[object]');
return $rResult;
push @EXPORT, qw(logDebugBuild);
# logDebugOut
use constant DEBUG_STRING_MAX_LEN => 1024;
sub logDebugOut
my $strFunction = shift;
my $strType = shift;
my $strMessage = shift;
my $oParamHash = shift;
my $strLevel = shift;
$strLevel = defined($strLevel) ? $strLevel : DEBUG;
if ($oLogLevelRank{$strLevel}{rank} <= $oLogLevelRank{$strLogLevelConsole}{rank} ||
$oLogLevelRank{$strLevel}{rank} <= $oLogLevelRank{$strLogLevelFile}{rank} ||
$oLogLevelRank{$strLevel}{rank} <= $oLogLevelRank{$strLogLevelStdErr}{rank})
if (defined($oParamHash))
my $strParamSet;
foreach my $strParam (sort(keys(%$oParamHash)))
if (defined($strParamSet))
$strParamSet .= ', ';
my $strValueRef = defined($oParamHash->{$strParam}{value}) ? logDebugBuild($oParamHash->{$strParam}{value}) : undef;
my $bDefault =
defined($$strValueRef) && defined($$oParamHash{$strParam}{default}) ? $$oParamHash{$strParam}{default} : false;
$strParamSet .=
"${strParam} = " .
($oParamHash->{$strParam}{redact} && defined($$strValueRef) ? '<redacted>' :
($bDefault ? '<' : '') .
(defined($$strValueRef) ?
($strParam =~ /^(b|is)/ ? ($$strValueRef ? 'true' : 'false'):
(length($$strValueRef) > DEBUG_STRING_MAX_LEN ?
substr($$strValueRef, 0, DEBUG_STRING_MAX_LEN) . ' ... <truncated>':
$$strValueRef)) : '[undef]') .
($bDefault ? '>' : ''));
if (defined($strMessage))
$strMessage = $strMessage . (defined($strParamSet) ? ": ${strParamSet}" : '');
$strMessage = $strParamSet;
&log($strLevel, "${strFunction}${strType}" . (defined($strMessage) ? ": $strMessage" : ''));
# logException
sub logException
my $oException = shift;
return &log($oException->level(), $oException->message(), $oException->code(), undef, undef, undef, $oException->extra());
push @EXPORT, qw(logException);
# logErrorResult
sub logErrorResult
my $iCode = shift;
my $strMessage = shift;
my $strResult = shift;
confess &log(ERROR, $strMessage . (defined($strResult) ? ': ' . trim($strResult) : ''), $iCode);
push @EXPORT, qw(logErrorResult);
# LOG - log messages
sub log
my $strLevel = shift;
my $strMessage = shift;
my $iCode = shift;
my $bSuppressLog = shift;
my $iIndent = shift;
my $iProcessId = shift;
my $rExtra = shift;
# Set defaults
$bSuppressLog = defined($bSuppressLog) ? $bSuppressLog : false;
# Initialize rExtra
if (!defined($rExtra))
$rExtra =
bLogFile => false,
bLogConsole => false,
# Set operational variables
my $strMessageFormat = $strMessage;
my $iLogLevelRank = $oLogLevelRank{$strLevel}{rank};
# If test message
if ($strLevel eq TEST)
if (!defined($oTestPoint) || !defined($$oTestPoint{lc($strMessage)}))
$iLogLevelRank = $oLogLevelRank{TRACE}{rank} + 1;
$strMessageFormat = TEST_ENCLOSE . '-' . $strMessageFormat . '-' . TEST_ENCLOSE;
# Else level rank must be valid
elsif (!defined($iLogLevelRank))
confess &log(ASSERT, "log level ${strLevel} does not exist");
# If message was undefined then set default message
if (!defined($strMessageFormat))
$strMessageFormat = '(undefined)';
# Set the error code
if ($strLevel eq ASSERT)
elsif ($strLevel eq ERROR && !defined($iCode))
$strMessageFormat = (defined($iCode) ? sprintf('[%03d]: ', $iCode) : '') . $strMessageFormat;
# Indent subsequent lines of the message if it has more than one line - makes the log more readable
if (defined($iIndent))
my $strIndent = ' ' x $iIndent;
$strMessageFormat =~ s/\n/\n${strIndent}/g;
# Indent subsequent message lines so they align
$bLogTimestamp ?
$strMessageFormat =~ s/\n/\n /g :
$strMessageFormat =~ s/\n/\n /g
# Indent TRACE and debug levels so they are distinct from normal messages
if ($strLevel eq TRACE || $strLevel eq TEST)
$strMessageFormat =~ s/\n/\n /g;
$strMessageFormat = ' ' . $strMessageFormat;
elsif ($strLevel eq DEBUG)
$strMessageFormat =~ s/\n/\n /g;
$strMessageFormat = ' ' . $strMessageFormat;
# Format the message text
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time);
# If logging warnings as errors then change the display level and rank. These will be used to determine if the message will be
# displayed or not.
my $strDisplayLevel = ($bLogWarnOnError && $strLevel eq ERROR ? WARN : $strLevel);
my $iLogDisplayLevelRank = ($bLogWarnOnError && $strLevel eq ERROR ? $oLogLevelRank{$strDisplayLevel}{rank} : $iLogLevelRank);
$strMessageFormat =
($bLogTimestamp ? timestampFormat() . sprintf('.%03d ', (gettimeofday() - int(gettimeofday())) * 1000) : '') .
sprintf('P%02d', defined($iProcessId) ? $iProcessId : 0) .
(' ' x (7 - length($strDisplayLevel))) . "${strDisplayLevel}: ${strMessageFormat}\n";
# Skip output if disabled
if (!$bLogDisable)
# Output to stderr if configured log level setting rank is greater than the display level rank.
if (!$rExtra->{bLogConsole} && $iLogDisplayLevelRank <= $oLogLevelRank{$strLogLevelStdErr}{rank})
if ($strLogLevelStdErr ne PROTOCOL)
syswrite(*STDERR, $strDisplayLevel . (defined($iCode) ? sprintf(' [%03d]: ', $iCode) : '') . ': ');
syswrite(*STDERR, "${strMessage}\n");
$rExtra->{bLogConsole} = true;
# Else output to stdout if configured log level setting rank is greater than the display level rank or test flag is set.
elsif (!$rExtra->{bLogConsole} && $iLogDisplayLevelRank <= $oLogLevelRank{$strLogLevelConsole}{rank} ||
$bTest && $strLevel eq TEST)
if (!$bSuppressLog)
syswrite(*STDOUT, $strMessageFormat);
# This is here for debugging purposes - it's not clear how best to make it into a switch
# if ($strLevel eq ASSERT || $strLevel eq ERROR)
# {
# my $strStackTrace = longmess() . "\n";
# $strStackTrace =~ s/\n/\n /g;
# syswrite(*STDOUT, $strStackTrace);
# }
# If in test mode and this is a test messsage then delay so the calling process has time to read the message
if ($bTest && $strLevel eq TEST && $fTestDelay > 0)
usleep($fTestDelay * 1000000);
$rExtra->{bLogConsole} = true;
# Output to file if configured log level setting rank is greater than the display level rank or test flag is set.
if (!$rExtra->{bLogLogFile} && $iLogDisplayLevelRank <= $oLogLevelRank{$strLogLevelFile}{rank})
if (defined($hLogFile) || (defined($strLogLevelFile) && $strLogLevelFile ne OFF))
if (!$bSuppressLog)
if (defined($hLogFile))
syswrite($hLogFile, $strMessageFormat);
$strLogFileCache .= $strMessageFormat;
if ($strDisplayLevel eq ASSERT ||
($strDisplayLevel eq ERROR && ($strLogLevelFile eq DEBUG || $strLogLevelFile eq TRACE)))
my $strStackTrace = longmess() . "\n";
$strStackTrace =~ s/\n/\n /g;
if (defined($hLogFile))
syswrite($hLogFile, $strStackTrace);
$strLogFileCache .= $strStackTrace;
$rExtra->{bLogFile} = true;
# Return a typed exception if code is defined
if (defined($iCode))
$oErrorLast = new pgBackRest::Common::Exception($strLevel, $iCode, $strMessage, longmess(), $rExtra);
return $oErrorLast;
# Return the message so it can be used in a confess
return $strMessage;
push @EXPORT, qw(log);
# logErrorLast - get the last logged error
sub logErrorLast
return $oErrorLast;
push @EXPORT, qw(logErrorLast);
# testSet
# Set test parameters.
sub testSet
my $bTestParam = shift;
my $fTestDelayParam = shift;
my $oTestPointParam = shift;
# Set defaults
$bTest = defined($bTestParam) ? $bTestParam : false;
$fTestDelay = defined($bTestParam) ? $fTestDelayParam : $fTestDelay;
$oTestPoint = $oTestPointParam;
# Make sure that a delay is specified in test mode
if ($bTest && !defined($fTestDelay))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'iTestDelay must be provided when bTest is true');
# Test delay should be between 1 and 600 seconds
if (!($fTestDelay >= 0 && $fTestDelay <= 600))
confess &log(ERROR, 'test-delay must be between 1 and 600 seconds');
push @EXPORT, qw(testSet);
# testCheck - Check for a test message
sub testCheck
my $strLog = shift;
my $strTest = shift;
return index($strLog, TEST_ENCLOSE . '-' . $strTest . '-' . TEST_ENCLOSE) != -1;
push @EXPORT, qw(testCheck);
# logLevel - get the current log levels
sub logLevel
return ($strLogLevelFile, $strLogLevelConsole, $strLogLevelStdErr, $bLogTimestamp);
push @EXPORT, qw(logLevel);
# logFileCacheClear - Clear the log file cache
sub logFileCacheClear
push @EXPORT, qw(logFileCacheClear);
# logFileCache - Get the log file cache
sub logFileCache
return $strLogFileCache;
push @EXPORT, qw(logFileCache);