mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-01-30 05:39:12 +02:00
David Steele 5dc801d59d Fixed an issue where the async archiver would not be started if archive-push did not have enough space to queue a new WAL segment.
This meant that the queue would never be cleared without manual intervention (such as calling archive-push directly). PostgreSQL now receives errors when there is not enough space to store new WAL segments but the async process will still be started so that space is eventually freed.

Reported by Jens Wilke.
2016-10-05 09:47:34 -04:00

1258 lines
45 KiB

package pgBackRest::Archive;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname basename);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use lib dirname($0);
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Lock;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::ArchiveCommon;
use pgBackRest::ArchiveInfo;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Common::Wait;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::Db;
use pgBackRest::DbVersion;
use pgBackRest::File;
use pgBackRest::FileCommon;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Common;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Protocol;
# PostgreSQL WAL magic
my $oWalMagicHash =
hex('0xD062') => PG_VERSION_83,
hex('0xD063') => PG_VERSION_84,
hex('0xD064') => PG_VERSION_90,
hex('0xD066') => PG_VERSION_91,
hex('0xD071') => PG_VERSION_92,
hex('0xD075') => PG_VERSION_93,
hex('0xD07E') => PG_VERSION_94,
hex('0xD087') => PG_VERSION_95,
hex('0xD093') => PG_VERSION_96,
# PostgreSQL WAL system id offset
use constant PG_WAL_SYSTEM_ID_OFFSET_GTE_93 => 20;
use constant PG_WAL_SYSTEM_ID_OFFSET_LT_93 => 12;
# constructor
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->new');
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self}
# process
# Process archive commands.
sub process
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->process');
my $iResult;
# Process push
if (commandTest(CMD_ARCHIVE_PUSH))
$iResult = $self->pushProcess();
# Process get
elsif (commandTest(CMD_ARCHIVE_GET))
$iResult = $self->getProcess();
# Else error if any other command is found
confess &log(ASSERT, "Archive->process() called with invalid command: " . commandGet());
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'iResult', value => $iResult, trace => true}
# getProcess
sub getProcess
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->getProcess');
# Make sure the archive file is defined
if (!defined($ARGV[1]))
confess &log(ERROR, 'WAL segment not provided', ERROR_PARAM_REQUIRED);
# Make sure the destination file is defined
if (!defined($ARGV[2]))
confess &log(ERROR, 'WAL segment destination no provided', ERROR_PARAM_REQUIRED);
# Info for the Postgres log
&log(INFO, 'get WAL segment ' . $ARGV[1]);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'iResult', value => $self->get($ARGV[1], $ARGV[2]), trace => true}
# walFileName
# Returns the filename in the archive of a WAL segment. Optionally, a wait time can be specified. In this case an error will be
# thrown when the WAL segment is not found.
sub walFileName
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->walFileName', \@_,
{name => 'oFile'},
{name => 'strArchiveId'},
{name => 'strWalSegment'},
{name => 'bPartial'},
{name => 'iWaitSeconds', required => false}
# Record the start time
my $oWait = waitInit($iWaitSeconds);
my @stryWalFileName;
my $bNoTimeline = $strWalSegment =~ /^[0-F]{16}$/ ? true : false;
# If the timeline is on the WAL segment then use it, otherwise contruct a regexp with the major WAL part to find paths
# where the wal could be found.
my @stryTimelineMajor = ('default');
if ($bNoTimeline)
@stryTimelineMajor =
$oFile->list(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strArchiveId, '[0-F]{8}' . substr($strWalSegment, 0, 8), undef, true);
foreach my $strTimelineMajor (@stryTimelineMajor)
my $strWalSegmentFind = $bNoTimeline ? $strTimelineMajor . substr($strWalSegment, 8, 8) : $strWalSegment;
# Determine the path where the requested WAL segment is located
my $strArchivePath = dirname($oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, "$strArchiveId/${strWalSegmentFind}"));
# Get the name of the requested WAL segment (may have hash info and compression extension)
push(@stryWalFileName, $oFile->list(
"^${strWalSegmentFind}" . ($bPartial ? '\\.partial' : '') .
undef, true));
while (@stryWalFileName == 0 && waitMore($oWait));
# If there is more than one matching archive file then there is a serious issue - likely a bug in the archiver
if (@stryWalFileName > 1)
confess &log(ASSERT, @stryWalFileName . " duplicate files found for ${strWalSegment}", ERROR_ARCHIVE_DUPLICATE);
# If waiting and no WAL segment was found then throw an error
if (@stryWalFileName == 0 && defined($iWaitSeconds))
confess &log(ERROR, "could not find WAL segment ${strWalSegment} after ${iWaitSeconds} second(s)", ERROR_ARCHIVE_TIMEOUT);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strWalFileName', value => $stryWalFileName[0]}
# walInfo
# Retrieve information such as db version and system identifier from a WAL segment.
sub walInfo
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->walInfo', \@_,
{name => 'strWalFile'}
# Open the WAL segment and read magic number
my $hFile;
my $tBlock;
sysopen($hFile, $strWalFile, O_RDONLY)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to open ${strWalFile}", ERROR_FILE_OPEN);
# Read magic
sysread($hFile, $tBlock, 2) == 2
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to read xlog magic");
my $iMagic = unpack('S', $tBlock);
# Map the WAL magic number to the version of PostgreSQL.
# The magic number can be found in src/include/access/xlog_internal.h The offset can be determined by counting bytes in the
# XLogPageHeaderData struct, though this value rarely changes.
my $strDbVersion = $$oWalMagicHash{$iMagic};
if (!defined($strDbVersion))
confess &log(ERROR, "unexpected WAL magic 0x" . sprintf("%X", $iMagic) . "\n" .
'HINT: is this version of PostgreSQL supported?',
# Map the WAL PostgreSQL version to the system identifier offset. The offset can be determined by counting bytes in the
# XLogPageHeaderData struct, though this value rarely changes.
my $iSysIdOffset = $strDbVersion >= PG_VERSION_93 ? PG_WAL_SYSTEM_ID_OFFSET_GTE_93 : PG_WAL_SYSTEM_ID_OFFSET_LT_93;
# Check flags to be sure the long header is present (this is an extra check to be sure the system id exists)
sysread($hFile, $tBlock, 2) == 2
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to read xlog info");
my $iFlag = unpack('S', $tBlock);
# Make sure that the long header is present or there won't be a system id
$iFlag & 2
or confess &log(ERROR, "expected long header in flags " . sprintf("%x", $iFlag));
# Get the system id
sysseek($hFile, $iSysIdOffset, SEEK_CUR)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to read padding");
sysread($hFile, $tBlock, 8) == 8
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to read database system identifier");
length($tBlock) == 8
or confess &log(ERROR, "block is incorrect length");
my $ullDbSysId = unpack('Q', $tBlock);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strDbVersion', value => $strDbVersion},
{name => 'ullDbSysId', value => $ullDbSysId}
# get
sub get
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->get', \@_,
{name => 'strSourceArchive'},
{name => 'strDestinationFile'}
# Create the file object
my $oFile = new pgBackRest::File
# If the destination file path is not absolute then it is relative to the db data path
if (index($strDestinationFile, '/',) != 0)
if (!optionTest(OPTION_DB_PATH))
confess &log(
ERROR, "option db-path must be set when relative xlog paths are used\n" .
"HINT: Are \%f and \%p swapped when passed to archive-get?\n" .
'HINT: PostgreSQL generally passes an absolute path to archive-push but in some environments does not, in which' .
" case the 'db-path' option must be specified (this is rare).");
$strDestinationFile = optionGet(OPTION_DB_PATH) . "/${strDestinationFile}";
# Get the wal segment filename
my $strArchiveId = $self->getCheck($oFile);
my $strArchiveFile = $self->walFileName($oFile, $strArchiveId, $strSourceArchive, false);
# If there are no matching archive files then there are two possibilities:
# 1) The end of the archive stream has been reached, this is normal and a 1 will be returned
# 2) There is a hole in the archive stream and a hard error should be returned. However, holes are possible due to async
# archiving - so when to report a hole? Since a hard error will cause PG to terminate, for now treat as case #1.
my $iResult = 0;
if (!defined($strArchiveFile))
&log(INFO, "unable to find ${strSourceArchive} in the archive");
$iResult = 1;
# Determine if the source file is already compressed
my $bSourceCompressed = $strArchiveFile =~ "^.*\.$oFile->{strCompressExtension}\$" ? true : false;
# Copy the archive file to the requested location
$oFile->copy(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, "${strArchiveId}/${strArchiveFile}", # Source file
PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strDestinationFile, # Destination file
$bSourceCompressed, # Source compression based on detection
false); # Destination is not compressed
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'iResult', value => $iResult}
# getCheck
sub getCheck
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->getCheck', \@_,
{name => 'oFile'},
{name => 'strDbVersion', required => false},
{name => 'ullDbSysId', required => false}
my $strArchiveId;
# If the dbVersion/dbSysId are not passed, then we need to retrieve the database information
if (!defined($strDbVersion) || !defined($ullDbSysId) )
# get DB info for comparison
($strDbVersion, my $iControlVersion, my $iCatalogVersion, $ullDbSysId) =
(new pgBackRest::Db(1))->info(optionGet(OPTION_DB_PATH));
if ($oFile->isRemote(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE))
# Build param hash
my %oParamHash;
# Pass the database information to the remote server
$oParamHash{'db-version'} = $strDbVersion;
$oParamHash{'db-sys-id'} = $ullDbSysId;
$strArchiveId = $oFile->{oProtocol}->cmdExecute(OP_ARCHIVE_GET_CHECK, \%oParamHash, true);
# check that the archive info is compatible with the database and create the file if it does not exist
$strArchiveId =
(new pgBackRest::ArchiveInfo($oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE), true))->check($strDbVersion, $ullDbSysId);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strArchiveId', value => $strArchiveId, trace => true}
# getBackupInfoCheck
# Check the backup.info file, if it exists, to confirm the DB version, system-id, control and catalog numbers match the database.
sub getBackupInfoCheck
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->getBackupInfoCheck', \@_,
{name => 'oFile'},
{name => 'strDbVersion', required => false},
{name => 'iControlVersion', required => false},
{name => 'iCatalogVersion', required => false},
{name => 'ullDbSysId', required => false}
# If the db info are not passed, then we need to retrieve the database information
my $iDbHistoryId;
if (!defined($strDbVersion) || !defined($iControlVersion) || !defined($iCatalogVersion) || !defined($ullDbSysId))
# get DB info for comparison
($strDbVersion, $iControlVersion, $iCatalogVersion, $ullDbSysId) = (new pgBackRest::Db(1))->info(optionGet(OPTION_DB_PATH));
if ($oFile->isRemote(PATH_BACKUP))
# Build param hash
my %oParamHash;
# Pass the database information to the remote server
$oParamHash{'db-version'} = $strDbVersion;
$oParamHash{'db-control-version'} = $iControlVersion;
$oParamHash{'db-catalog-version'} = $iCatalogVersion;
$oParamHash{'db-sys-id'} = $ullDbSysId;
$iDbHistoryId = $oFile->{oProtocol}->cmdExecute(OP_ARCHIVE_GET_BACKUP_INFO_CHECK, \%oParamHash, false);
$iDbHistoryId = (new pgBackRest::BackupInfo($oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER)))->check(
$strDbVersion, $iControlVersion, $iCatalogVersion, $ullDbSysId);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'iDbHistoryId', value => $iDbHistoryId, trace => true}
# getArchiveId
# CAUTION: Only to be used by commands where the DB Version and DB System ID are not important such that the
# db-path is not valid for the command (i.e. Expire command). Since this function will not check validity of the database version
# call getCheck function instead.
sub getArchiveId
my $self = shift;
my $oFile = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->getArchiveId');
my $strArchiveId;
if ($oFile->isRemote(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE))
$strArchiveId = $oFile->{oProtocol}->cmdExecute(OP_ARCHIVE_GET_ARCHIVE_ID, undef, true);
$strArchiveId = (new pgBackRest::ArchiveInfo($oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE), true))->archiveId();
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strArchiveId', value => $strArchiveId, trace => true}
# pushProcess
sub pushProcess
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->pushProcess');
# Make sure the archive push command happens on the db side
if (!isDbLocal())
confess &log(ERROR, CMD_ARCHIVE_PUSH . ' operation must run on the db host');
# Load the archive object
use pgBackRest::Archive;
# If an archive section has been defined, use that instead of the backup section when command is CMD_ARCHIVE_PUSH
my $bArchiveAsync = optionGet(OPTION_ARCHIVE_ASYNC);
# If logging locally then create the stop archiving file name
my $strStopFile;
if ($bArchiveAsync)
$strStopFile = optionGet(OPTION_SPOOL_PATH) . '/stop/' . optionGet(OPTION_STANZA) . "-archive.stop";
# If an archive file is defined, then push it
my $oException = undef;
if (defined($ARGV[1]))
# If the stop file exists then discard the archive log
if ($bArchiveAsync)
if (-e $strStopFile)
&log(ERROR, "discarding " . basename($ARGV[1]) .
" due to the archive store max size exceeded" .
" - remove the archive stop file (${strStopFile}) to resume archiving" .
" and be sure to take a new backup as soon as possible");
return 0;
&log(INFO, 'push WAL segment ' . $ARGV[1] . ($bArchiveAsync ? ' asynchronously' : ''));
# Push WAL segment - when async, any error will be deferred until after the async process has been started
$self->push($ARGV[1], $bArchiveAsync);
return true;
or do
$oException = $EVAL_ERROR;
if (!$bArchiveAsync || !optionTest(OPTION_TEST_NO_FORK))
confess $oException;
# Fork if async archiving is enabled
if ($bArchiveAsync)
# Fork and disable the async archive flag if this is the parent process
if (!optionTest(OPTION_TEST_NO_FORK))
$bArchiveAsync = fork() == 0 ? true : false;
# Else the no-fork flag has been specified for testing
logDebugMisc($strOperation, 'no fork on archive local for TESTING');
if ($bArchiveAsync)
# Start the async archive push
logDebugMisc($strOperation, 'start async archive-push');
# Create a lock file to make sure async archive-push does not run more than once
if (!lockAcquire(commandGet(), false))
logDebugMisc($strOperation, 'async archive-push process is already running - exiting');
# Open the log file
logFileSet(optionGet(OPTION_LOG_PATH) . '/' . optionGet(OPTION_STANZA) . '-archive-async');
# Call the archive_xfer function and continue to loop as long as there are files to process
my $iLogTotal;
while (!defined($iLogTotal) || $iLogTotal > 0)
$iLogTotal = $self->xfer(optionGet(OPTION_SPOOL_PATH) . "/archive/" .
optionGet(OPTION_STANZA) . "/out", $strStopFile);
if ($iLogTotal > 0)
logDebugMisc($strOperation, "transferred ${iLogTotal} WAL segment" .
($iLogTotal > 1 ? 's' : '') . ', calling Archive->xfer() again');
logDebugMisc($strOperation, 'transfer found 0 WAL segments - exiting');
elsif (defined($oException))
confess $oException;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'iResult', value => 0, trace => true}
# push
sub push
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->push', \@_,
{name => 'strSourceFile'},
{name => 'bAsync'}
# Create the file object
my $oFile = new pgBackRest::File
$bAsync ? optionGet(OPTION_SPOOL_PATH) : optionGet(OPTION_REPO_PATH),
protocolGet($bAsync ? NONE : BACKUP)
# If the source file path is not absolute then it is relative to the data path
if (index($strSourceFile, '/') != 0)
if (!optionTest(OPTION_DB_PATH))
confess &log(
ERROR, "option 'db-path' must be set when relative xlog paths are used\n" .
"HINT: Is \%f passed to archive-push instead of \%p?\n" .
'HINT: PostgreSQL generally passes an absolute path to archive-push but in some environments does not, in which' .
" case the 'db-path' option must be specified (this is rare).");
$strSourceFile = optionGet(OPTION_DB_PATH) . "/${strSourceFile}";
# Get the destination file
my $strDestinationFile = basename($strSourceFile);
# Get the compress flag
my $bCompress = $bAsync ? false : optionGet(OPTION_COMPRESS);
# Determine if this is an archive file (don't do compression or checksum on .backup, .history, etc.)
my $bArchiveFile = basename($strSourceFile) =~ /^[0-F]{24}(\.partial){0,1}$/ ? true : false;
# Determine if this is a partial archive file
my $bPartial = $bArchiveFile && basename($strSourceFile) =~ /\.partial/ ? true : false;
# Check that there are no issues with pushing this WAL segment
my $strArchiveId;
my $strChecksum = undef;
if (!$bAsync)
if ($bArchiveFile)
my ($strDbVersion, $ullDbSysId) = $self->walInfo($strSourceFile);
($strArchiveId, $strChecksum) = $self->pushCheck($oFile, substr(basename($strSourceFile), 0, 24), $bPartial,
$strSourceFile, $strDbVersion, $ullDbSysId);
$strArchiveId = $self->getCheck($oFile);
# Only copy the WAL segment if checksum is not defined. If checksum is defined it means that the WAL segment already exists
# in the repository with the same checksum (else there would have been an error on checksum mismatch).
if (!defined($strChecksum))
# Append compression extension
if ($bArchiveFile && $bCompress)
$strDestinationFile .= '.' . $oFile->{strCompressExtension};
# Copy the WAL segment
$oFile->copy(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strSourceFile, # Source type/file
($bAsync ? '' : "${strArchiveId}/") . $strDestinationFile, # Destination file
false, # Source is not compressed
$bArchiveFile && $bCompress, # Destination compress is configurable
undef, undef, undef, # Unused params
true, # Create path if it does not exist
undef, undef, # User and group
$bArchiveFile); # Append checksum if archive file
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
# pushCheck
sub pushCheck
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->pushCheck', \@_,
{name => 'oFile'},
{name => 'strWalSegment'},
{name => 'bPartial'},
{name => 'strWalFile', required => false},
{name => 'strDbVersion'},
{name => 'ullDbSysId'}
# Set operation and debug strings
my $strChecksum;
my $strArchiveId;
if ($oFile->isRemote(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE))
# Build param hash
my %oParamHash;
$oParamHash{'wal-segment'} = $strWalSegment;
$oParamHash{'partial'} = $bPartial;
$oParamHash{'db-version'} = $strDbVersion;
$oParamHash{'db-sys-id'} = $ullDbSysId;
# Execute the command
my $strResult = $oFile->{oProtocol}->cmdExecute(OP_ARCHIVE_PUSH_CHECK, \%oParamHash, true);
$strArchiveId = (split("\t", $strResult))[0];
$strChecksum = (split("\t", $strResult))[1];
if ($strChecksum eq 'Y')
# Create the archive path if it does not exist
$oFile->pathCreate(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, undef, undef, true, true);
# If the info file exists check db version and system-id, else create it with the db version and system-id passed and the history
$strArchiveId = (new pgBackRest::ArchiveInfo($oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE)))->check($strDbVersion, $ullDbSysId);
# Check if the WAL segment already exists in the archive
$strChecksum = $self->walFileName($oFile, $strArchiveId, $strWalSegment, $bPartial);
if (defined($strChecksum))
$strChecksum = substr($strChecksum, $bPartial ? 33 : 25, 40);
if (defined($strChecksum) && defined($strWalFile))
my $strChecksumNew = $oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strWalFile);
if ($strChecksumNew ne $strChecksum)
confess &log(ERROR, "WAL segment ${strWalSegment}" . ($bPartial ? '.partial' : '') .
' already exists in the archive', ERROR_ARCHIVE_DUPLICATE);
&log(WARN, "WAL segment ${strWalSegment}" . ($bPartial ? '.partial' : '') .
" already exists in the archive with the same checksum\n" .
"HINT: this is valid in some recovery scenarios but may also indicate a problem");
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strArchiveId', value => $strArchiveId},
{name => 'strChecksum', value => $strChecksum}
# xfer
sub xfer
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->xfer', \@_,
{name => 'strArchivePath'},
{name => 'strStopFile'}
# Create a local file object to read archive logs in the local store
my $oFile = new pgBackRest::File
# Load the archive manifest - all the files that need to be pushed
my %oManifestHash;
$oFile->manifest(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strArchivePath, \%oManifestHash);
# Get all the files to be transferred and calculate the total size
my @stryFile;
my $lFileSize = 0;
my $lFileTotal = 0;
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys(%{$oManifestHash{name}})))
if ($strFile =~ "^[0-F]{24}(\\.partial){0,1}(-[0-f]{40})(\\.$oFile->{strCompressExtension}){0,1}\$" ||
$strFile =~ /^[0-F]{8}\.history$/ || $strFile =~ /^[0-F]{24}\.[0-F]{8}\.backup$/)
CORE::push(@stryFile, $strFile);
$lFileSize += $oManifestHash{name}{$strFile}{size};
if ($lFileTotal == 0)
logDebugMisc($strOperation, 'no WAL segments to archive');
return 0;
my $oException = undef;
# Start backup test point
# If the archive repo is remote create a new file object to do the copies
if (!isRepoLocal())
$oFile = new pgBackRest::File
# Modify process name to indicate async archiving
$0 = $^X . ' ' . $0 . " --stanza=" . optionGet(OPTION_STANZA) .
"archive-push-async " . $stryFile[0] . '-' . $stryFile[scalar @stryFile - 1];
# Output files to be moved to backup
&log(INFO, "WAL segments to archive: total = ${lFileTotal}, size = " . fileSizeFormat($lFileSize));
# Transfer each file
foreach my $strFile (sort @stryFile)
# Construct the archive filename to backup
my $strArchiveFile = "${strArchivePath}/${strFile}";
# Determine if the source file is already compressed
my $bSourceCompressed = $strArchiveFile =~ "^.*\.$oFile->{strCompressExtension}\$" ? true : false;
# Determine if this is an archive file (don't want to do compression or checksum on .backup files)
my $bArchiveFile = basename($strFile) =~
"^[0-F]{24}(\\.partial){0,1}(-[0-f]+){0,1}(\\.$oFile->{strCompressExtension}){0,1}\$" ? true : false;
# Determine if this is a partial archive file
my $bPartial = $bArchiveFile && basename($strFile) =~ /\.partial/ ? true : false;
# Figure out whether the compression extension needs to be added or removed
my $bDestinationCompress = $bArchiveFile && optionGet(OPTION_COMPRESS);
my $strDestinationFile = basename($strFile);
# Strip off existing checksum
my $strAppendedChecksum = undef;
if ($bArchiveFile)
$strAppendedChecksum = substr($strDestinationFile, $bPartial ? 33 : 25, 40);
$strDestinationFile = substr($strDestinationFile, 0, $bPartial ? 32 : 24);
if ($bDestinationCompress)
$strDestinationFile .= ".$oFile->{strCompressExtension}";
$strOperation, undef,
{name => 'strFile', value => $strFile},
{name => 'bArchiveFile', value => $bArchiveFile},
{name => 'bSourceCompressed', value => $bSourceCompressed},
{name => 'bDestinationCompress', value => $bDestinationCompress}
# Check that there are no issues with pushing this WAL segment
my $strArchiveId;
my $strChecksum = undef;
if ($bArchiveFile)
my ($strDbVersion, $ullDbSysId) = $self->walInfo($strArchiveFile);
($strArchiveId, $strChecksum) = $self->pushCheck($oFile, substr(basename($strArchiveFile), 0, 24), $bPartial,
$strArchiveFile, $strDbVersion, $ullDbSysId);
$strArchiveId = $self->getCheck($oFile);
# Only copy the WAL segment if checksum is not defined. If checksum is defined it means that the WAL segment
# already exists in the repository with the same checksum (else there would have been an error on checksum
# mismatch).
if (!defined($strChecksum))
# Copy the archive file
my ($bResult, $strCopyChecksum) = $oFile->copy(
PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strArchiveFile, # Source path/file
PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, # Destination path
"${strArchiveId}/${strDestinationFile}", # Destination file
$bSourceCompressed, # Source is not compressed
$bDestinationCompress, # Destination compress is configurable
undef, undef, undef, # Unused params
true, # Create path if it does not exist
undef, undef, # Unused params
true); # Append checksum
# If appended checksum does not equal copy checksum
if (defined($strAppendedChecksum) && $strAppendedChecksum ne $strCopyChecksum)
confess &log(
"archive ${strArchiveFile} appended checksum ${strAppendedChecksum} does not match" .
" copy checksum ${strCopyChecksum}", ERROR_ARCHIVE_MISMATCH);
# Remove the source archive file
or confess &log(ERROR, "copied ${strArchiveFile} to archive successfully but unable to remove it locally. " .
'This file will need to be cleaned up manually. If the problem persists, check if ' .
CMD_ARCHIVE_PUSH . ' is being run with different permissions in different contexts.');
# Remove the copied segment from the total size
$lFileSize -= $oManifestHash{name}{$strFile}{size};
return true;
or do
$oException = $EVAL_ERROR;
# Create a stop file if the archive store exceeds the max even after xfer
if (optionTest(OPTION_ARCHIVE_MAX_MB))
my $iArchiveMaxMB = optionGet(OPTION_ARCHIVE_MAX_MB);
if ($iArchiveMaxMB < int($lFileSize / 1024 / 1024))
&log(ERROR, "local archive queue has exceeded limit of ${iArchiveMaxMB}MB" .
" - WAL segments will be discarded until the stop file (${strStopFile}) is removed");
filePathCreate(dirname($strStopFile), '0770');
my $hStopFile;
open($hStopFile, '>', $strStopFile)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to create stop file file ${strStopFile}");
# If there was an exception before throw it now
if ($oException)
confess $oException;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'lFileTotal', value => $lFileTotal}
# check
# Validates the database configuration and checks that the archive logs can be read by backup. This will alert the user to any
# misconfiguration, particularly of archiving, that would result in the inability of a backup to complete (e.g waiting at the end
# until it times out because it could not find the WAL file).
sub check
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my $strOperation = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->check');
# Initialize default file object
my $oFile = new pgBackRest::File
protocolGet(isRepoLocal() ? DB : BACKUP)
# Initialize the database object
my $oDb = new pgBackRest::Db(1);
# Validate the database configuration
# Force archiving
my $strWalSegment = $oDb->xlogSwitch();
# Get the timeout and error message to display - if it is 0 we are testing
my $iArchiveTimeout = optionGet(OPTION_ARCHIVE_TIMEOUT);
# Initialize the result variables
my $iResult = 0;
my $strResultMessage = undef;
# Record the start time to wait for the archive.info file to be written
my $oWait = waitInit($iArchiveTimeout);
my $strArchiveId = undef;
my $strArchiveFile = undef;
# Turn off console logging to control when to display the error
logLevelSet(undef, OFF);
# Wait for the archive.info to be written. If it does not get written within the timout period then report the last error.
# check that the archive info file is written and is valid for the current database of the stanza
$strArchiveId = $self->getCheck($oFile);
# Clear any previous errors if we've found the archive.info
$iResult = 0;
return true;
or do
# Confess unhandled errors
if (!isException($EVAL_ERROR))
confess $EVAL_ERROR;
# If this is a backrest error then capture the last code and message
$iResult = $EVAL_ERROR->code();
$strResultMessage = $EVAL_ERROR->message();
} while (!defined($strArchiveId) && waitMore($oWait));
# If able to get the archive id then check the archived WAL file with the time remaining
if ($iResult == 0)
$strArchiveFile = $self->walFileName($oFile, $strArchiveId, $strWalSegment, false, $iArchiveTimeout);
return true;
# If this is a backrest error then capture the code and message else confess
or do
# Confess unhandled errors
if (!isException($EVAL_ERROR))
confess $EVAL_ERROR;
# If this is a backrest error then capture the last code and message
$iResult = $EVAL_ERROR->code();
$strResultMessage = $EVAL_ERROR->message();
# If the archive info was successful, then check the backup info
if ($iResult == 0)
# Check the backup info
return true;
# If there is an error but it is not that the file is missing then confess
or do
if (!isException($EVAL_ERROR) || $EVAL_ERROR->code() != ERROR_PATH_MISSING)
confess $EVAL_ERROR;
# Reset the console logging
logLevelSet(undef, optionGet(OPTION_LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE));
# If the archive info was successful and backup.info check did not error in an unexpected way, then indicate success
# Else, log the error.
if ($iResult == 0)
"WAL segment ${strWalSegment} successfully stored in the archive at '" .
$oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, "$strArchiveId/${strArchiveFile}") . "'");
&log(ERROR, $strResultMessage, $iResult);
"WAL segment ${strWalSegment} did not reach the archive:\n" .
"HINT: Check the archive_command to ensure that all options are correct (especialy --stanza).\n" .
"HINT: Check the PostreSQL server log for errors.");
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'iResult', value => $iResult, trace => true}