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synced 2025-03-03 14:52:21 +02:00
C or Perl coverage tests can now be run on any VM provided a recent enough version of Devel::Cover or lcov is available. For now, leave u18 as the only VM to run coverage tests due to some issues with older versions of lcov.
629 lines
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629 lines
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# RunTest.pm - All tests are inherited from this object
package pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest;
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Common::Wait;
use pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::Driver;
use pgBackRest::Storage::Local;
use pgBackRest::Version;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::DefineTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::LogTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::VmTest;
# Constant to use when bogus data is required
use constant BOGUS => 'bogus';
push @EXPORT, qw(BOGUS);
# The current test run that is executung. Only a single run should ever occur in a process to prevent various cleanup issues from
# affecting the next run. Of course multiple subtests can be executed in a single run.
my $oTestRun;
my $oStorage;
# new
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->new');
# Initialize run counter
$self->{iRun} = 0;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self, trace => true}
# initModule
# Empty init sub in case the ancestor class does not delare one.
sub initModule {}
# initTest
# Empty init sub in case the ancestor class does not delare one.
sub initTest {}
# cleanTest
# Delete all files in test directory.
sub cleanTest
my $self = shift;
executeTest('sudo rm -rf ' . $self->testPath() . '/*');
# cleanModule
# Empty final sub in case the ancestor class does not delare one.
sub cleanModule {}
# process
sub process
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my $strOperation,
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->process', \@_,
{name => 'strVm'},
{name => 'iVmId'},
{name => 'strBasePath'},
{name => 'strTestPath'},
{name => 'strBackRestExeC'},
{name => 'strBackRestExeHelper'},
{name => 'strPgBinPath', required => false},
{name => 'strPgVersion', required => false},
{name => 'strModule'},
{name => 'strModuleTest'},
{name => 'iModuleTestRun', required => false},
{name => 'bOutput'},
{name => 'bDryRun'},
{name => 'bCleanup'},
{name => 'bLogForce'},
{name => 'strPgUser'},
{name => 'strBackRestUser'},
{name => 'strGroup'},
# Init will only be run on first test, clean/init on subsequent tests
$self->{bFirstTest} = true;
# Initialize test storage
$oStorage = new pgBackRest::Storage::Local($self->testPath(), new pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::Driver());
# Generate backrest exe
$self->{strBackRestExe} = testRunExe(
$self->coverage(), $self->{strBackRestExeC}, $self->{strBackRestExeHelper}, dirname($self->testPath()), $self->basePath(),
$self->module(), $self->moduleTest(), true);
# Init, run, and end the test(s)
# Make sure the correct number of tests ran
my $hModuleTest = testDefModuleTest($self->{strModule}, $self->{strModuleTest});
if ($hModuleTest->{&TESTDEF_TOTAL} != $self->runCurrent())
confess &log(ASSERT, "expected $hModuleTest->{&TESTDEF_TOTAL} tests to run but $self->{iRun} ran");
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self, trace => true}
# begin
sub begin
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->begin', \@_,
{name => 'strDescription'},
{name => 'bExpect', required => false},
# Save the previous expect log
# If bExpect is defined then it is an override of the default
$self->{bExpect} = false;
if ($self->vm() eq VM_EXPECT)
if (defined($bExpect))
$self->{bExpect} = $bExpect;
# Else get the default expect setting
$self->{bExpect} = (testDefModuleTest($self->{strModule}, $self->{strModuleTest}))->{&TESTDEF_EXPECT};
# Increment the run counter;
# Return if this test should not be run
if (@{$self->{iyModuleTestRun}} != 0 && !grep(/^$self->{iRun}$/i, @{$self->{iyModuleTestRun}}))
return false;
# Output information about test to run
&log(INFO, 'run ' . sprintf('%03d', $self->runCurrent()) . ' - ' . $strDescription);
if ($self->isDryRun())
return false;
# Create an ExpectTest object
if ($self->doExpect())
$self->{oExpect} = new pgBackRestTest::Common::LogTest(
$self->module(), $self->moduleTest(), $self->runCurrent(), $self->doLogForce(), $strDescription,
$self->{strBackRestExe}, $self->pgBinPath(), $self->testPath());
&log(INFO, ' expect log: ' . $self->{oExpect}->{strFileName});
if (!$self->{bFirstTest})
$self->{bFirstTest} = false;
return true;
# end
sub end
my $self = shift;
# Save the previous test log
if (defined($self->expect()))
$self->expect()->logWrite($self->basePath(), $self->testPath());
# testResult
sub testResult
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '::testResult', \@_,
{name => 'fnSub', trace => true},
{name => 'strExpected', required => false, trace => true},
{name => 'strDescription', trace => true},
{name => 'iWaitSeconds', optional => true, default => 0, trace => true},
{name => 'strLogExpect', optional => true, trace => true},
{name => 'strLogLevel', optional => true, default => WARN, trace => true},
&log(INFO, ' ' . $strDescription);
my $strActual;
my $bWarnValid = true;
my $oWait = waitInit($iWaitSeconds);
my $bDone = false;
# Save the current log levels and set the file level to strLogLevel, console to off, and timestamp false
my ($strLogLevelFile, $strLogLevelConsole, $strLogLevelStdErr, $bLogTimestamp) = logLevel();
logLevelSet($strLogLevel, OFF, undef, false);
# Clear the cache for this test
my @stryResult;
@stryResult = ref($fnSub) eq 'CODE' ? $fnSub->() : $fnSub;
if (@stryResult <= 1)
$strActual = ${logDebugBuild($stryResult[0])};
$strActual = ${logDebugBuild(\@stryResult)};
# Restore the log level
logLevelSet($strLogLevelFile, $strLogLevelConsole, $strLogLevelStdErr, $bLogTimestamp);
return true;
or do
# Restore the log level
logLevelSet($strLogLevelFile, $strLogLevelConsole, $strLogLevelStdErr, $bLogTimestamp);
if (!isException(\$EVAL_ERROR))
confess "unexpected standard Perl exception" . (defined($EVAL_ERROR) ? ": ${EVAL_ERROR}" : '');
confess &logException($EVAL_ERROR);
if ($strActual ne (defined($strExpected) ? $strExpected : "[undef]"))
if (!waitMore($oWait))
"expected:\n" . (defined($strExpected) ? "\"${strExpected}\"" : '[undef]') .
"\nbut actual was:\n" . (defined($strActual) ? "\"${strActual}\"" : '[undef]');
$bDone = true;
} while (!$bDone);
# If we get here then test any warning message
if (defined($strLogExpect))
my $strLogMessage = trim(logFileCache());
# Strip leading Process marker and whitespace from each line
$strLogMessage =~ s/^(P[0-9]{2})*\s+//mg;
# If the expected message does not exactly match the logged message or is not at least contained in it, then error
if (!($strLogMessage eq $strLogExpect || $strLogMessage =~ $strLogExpect))
confess &log(ERROR,
"the log message:\n$strLogMessage\ndoes not match or does not contain the expected message:\n" .
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'result', value => \@stryResult, trace => true}
# testException
sub testException
my $self = shift;
my $fnSub = shift;
my $iCodeExpected = shift;
my $strMessageExpected = shift;
# Output first line of the error message
" [${iCodeExpected}] " . (defined($strMessageExpected) ? (split('\n', $strMessageExpected))[0] : 'undef error message'));
my $bError = false;
my $strError =
"exception ${iCodeExpected}, " . (defined($strMessageExpected) ? "'${strMessageExpected}'" : '[UNDEF]') . " was expected";
return true;
or do
if (!isException(\$EVAL_ERROR))
confess "${strError} but actual was standard Perl exception" . (defined($EVAL_ERROR) ? ": ${EVAL_ERROR}" : '');
if (!($EVAL_ERROR->code() == $iCodeExpected &&
(!defined($strMessageExpected) && !defined($EVAL_ERROR->message()) ||
(defined($strMessageExpected) && defined($EVAL_ERROR->message()) &&
($EVAL_ERROR->message() eq $strMessageExpected || $EVAL_ERROR->message() =~ "^${strMessageExpected}" ||
$EVAL_ERROR->message() =~ "^${strMessageExpected} at ")))))
"${strError} but actual was " . $EVAL_ERROR->code() . ', ' .
(defined($EVAL_ERROR->message()) ? qw{'} . $EVAL_ERROR->message() . qw{'} : '[UNDEF]');
$bError = true;
if (!$bError)
confess "${strError} but no exception was thrown";
# testRunName
# Create module/test names by upper-casing the first letter and then inserting capitals after each -.
sub testRunName
my $strName = shift;
my $bInitCapFirst = shift;
$bInitCapFirst = defined($bInitCapFirst) ? $bInitCapFirst : true;
my $bFirst = true;
my @stryName = split('\-', $strName);
$strName = undef;
foreach my $strPart (@stryName)
$strName .= ($bFirst && $bInitCapFirst) || !$bFirst ? ucfirst($strPart) : $strPart;
$bFirst = false;
return $strName;
push @EXPORT, qw(testRunName);
# testRun
sub testRun
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '::testRun', \@_,
{name => 'strModule', trace => true},
{name => 'strModuleTest', trace => true},
# Error if the test run is already defined - only one run per process is allowed
if (defined($oTestRun))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'a test run has already been created in this process');
my $strModuleName =
'pgBackRestTest::Module::' . testRunName($strModule) . '::' . testRunName($strModule) . testRunName($strModuleTest) .
$oTestRun = eval( ## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval)
"require ${strModuleName}; ${strModuleName}->import(); return new ${strModuleName}();")
or do {confess $EVAL_ERROR};
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'oRun', value => $oTestRun, trace => true}
push @EXPORT, qw(testRun);
# testRunGet
sub testRunGet
return $oTestRun;
push @EXPORT, qw(testRunGet);
# Generate test executable
sub testRunExe
my $bCoverage = shift;
my $strExeC = shift;
my $strExeHelper = shift;
my $strCoveragePath = shift;
my $strBackRestBasePath = shift;
my $strModule = shift;
my $strTest = shift;
my $bLog = shift;
my $strExe = defined($strExeC) ? $strExeC : undef;
my $strPerlModule;
if ($bCoverage)
# Limit Perl modules tested to what is defined in the test coverage (if it exists)
my $hTestCoverage = (testDefModuleTest($strModule, $strTest))->{&TESTDEF_COVERAGE};
my $strPerlModuleLog;
if (defined($hTestCoverage))
foreach my $strCoverageModule (sort(keys(%{$hTestCoverage})))
$strPerlModule .= ',.*/' . $strCoverageModule . '\.p.$';
$strPerlModuleLog .= (defined($strPerlModuleLog) ? ', ' : '') . $strCoverageModule;
# Build the exe
if (defined($strPerlModule))
$strExe .=
(defined($strExeC) ? ' --perl-option=' : 'perl ') .
"-MDevel::Cover=-silent,1,-dir,${strCoveragePath},-select${strPerlModule},+inc" .
",${strBackRestBasePath},-coverage,statement,branch,condition,path,subroutine" .
(defined($strExeC) ? '' : " ${strExeHelper}");
if (defined($bLog) && $bLog)
&log(INFO, " coverage: ${strPerlModuleLog}");
if (!defined($strExeC) && !defined($strPerlModule))
$strExe = $strExeHelper;
return $strExe;
push(@EXPORT, qw(testRunExe));
# storageTest - get the storage for the current test
sub storageTest
return $oStorage;
push(@EXPORT, qw(storageTest));
# Getters
sub archBits {return vmArchBits(shift->{strVm})}
sub backrestExe {return shift->{strBackRestExe}}
sub backrestUser {return shift->{strBackRestUser}}
sub basePath {return shift->{strBasePath}}
sub coverage {vmCoveragePerl(shift->{strVm})}
sub dataPath {return shift->basePath() . '/test/data'}
sub doCleanup {return shift->{bCleanup}}
sub doExpect {return shift->{bExpect}}
sub doLogForce {return shift->{bLogForce}}
sub group {return shift->{strGroup}}
sub isDryRun {return shift->{bDryRun}}
sub expect {return shift->{oExpect}}
sub module {return shift->{strModule}}
sub moduleTest {return shift->{strModuleTest}}
sub pgBinPath {return shift->{strPgBinPath}}
sub pgUser {return shift->{strPgUser}}
sub pgVersion {return shift->{strPgVersion}}
sub runCurrent {return shift->{iRun}}
sub stanza {return 'db'}
sub testPath {return shift->{strTestPath}}
sub vm {return shift->{strVm}}
sub vmId {return shift->{iVmId}}