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synced 2024-12-14 10:13:05 +02:00
Refactor storage layer to allow for new repository filesystems using drivers. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.) Refactor IO layer to allow for new compression formats, checksum types, and other capabilities using filters. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
463 lines
22 KiB
463 lines
22 KiB
package pgBackRest::Expire;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use Exporter qw(import);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use pgBackRest::Archive::ArchiveCommon;
use pgBackRest::Archive::ArchiveGet;
use pgBackRest::Archive::ArchiveInfo;
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Ini;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Backup::Common;
use pgBackRest::Backup::Info;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::InfoCommon;
use pgBackRest::Manifest;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Helper;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Storage::Helper;
# new
sub new
my $class = shift;
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->new');
# Initialize total archive expired
$self->{iArchiveExpireTotal} = 0;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self}
# logExpire
# Tracks which archive logs have been removed and provides log messages when needed.
sub logExpire
my $self = shift;
my $strArchiveId = shift;
my $strArchiveFile = shift;
if (defined($strArchiveFile))
if (!defined($self->{strArchiveExpireStart}))
$self->{strArchiveExpireStart} = $strArchiveFile;
$self->{strArchiveExpireStop} = $strArchiveFile;
$self->{strArchiveExpireStop} = $strArchiveFile;
if (defined($self->{strArchiveExpireStart}))
&log(DETAIL, "remove archive: archiveId = ${strArchiveId}, start = " . substr($self->{strArchiveExpireStart}, 0, 24) .
", stop = " . substr($self->{strArchiveExpireStop}, 0, 24));
# process
# Removes expired backups and archive logs from the backup directory. Partial backups are not counted for expiration, so if full
# or differential retention is set to 2, there must be three complete backups before the oldest one can be deleted.
sub process
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->process');
my @stryPath;
my $oStorageRepo = storageRepo();
my $strBackupClusterPath = $oStorageRepo->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP);
my $iFullRetention = optionGet(OPTION_RETENTION_FULL, false);
my $iDifferentialRetention = optionGet(OPTION_RETENTION_DIFF, false);
my $strArchiveRetentionType = optionGet(OPTION_RETENTION_ARCHIVE_TYPE, false);
my $iArchiveRetention = optionGet(OPTION_RETENTION_ARCHIVE, false);
# Load the backup.info
my $oBackupInfo = new pgBackRest::Backup::Info($oStorageRepo->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP));
# Find all the expired full backups
if (defined($iFullRetention))
# Make sure iFullRetention is valid
if (!looks_like_number($iFullRetention) || $iFullRetention < 1)
confess &log(ERROR, 'retention-full must be a number >= 1');
@stryPath = $oBackupInfo->list(backupRegExpGet(true));
if (@stryPath > $iFullRetention)
# Expire all backups that depend on the full backup
for (my $iFullIdx = 0; $iFullIdx < @stryPath - $iFullRetention; $iFullIdx++)
my @stryRemoveList;
foreach my $strPath ($oBackupInfo->list('^' . $stryPath[$iFullIdx] . '.*'))
$oStorageRepo->remove(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/${strPath}/" . FILE_MANIFEST . INI_COPY_EXT);
$oStorageRepo->remove(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/${strPath}/" . FILE_MANIFEST);
if ($strPath ne $stryPath[$iFullIdx])
push(@stryRemoveList, $strPath);
&log(INFO, 'expire full backup ' . (@stryRemoveList > 0 ? 'set: ' : '') . $stryPath[$iFullIdx] .
(@stryRemoveList > 0 ? ', ' . join(', ', @stryRemoveList) : ''));
# Find all the expired differential backups
if (defined($iDifferentialRetention))
# Make sure iDifferentialRetention is valid
if (!looks_like_number($iDifferentialRetention) || $iDifferentialRetention < 1)
confess &log(ERROR, 'retention-diff must be a number >= 1');
# Get a list of full and differential backups. Full are considered differential for the purpose of retention.
# Example: F1, D1, D2, F2 and retention-diff=2, then F1,D2,F2 will be retained, not D2 and D1 as might be expected.
@stryPath = $oBackupInfo->list(backupRegExpGet(true, true));
if (@stryPath > $iDifferentialRetention)
for (my $iDiffIdx = 0; $iDiffIdx < @stryPath - $iDifferentialRetention; $iDiffIdx++)
# Skip if this is a full backup. Full backups only count as differential when deciding which differential backups
# to expire.
next if ($stryPath[$iDiffIdx] =~ backupRegExpGet(true));
# Get a list of all differential and incremental backups
my @stryRemoveList;
foreach my $strPath ($oBackupInfo->list(backupRegExpGet(false, true, true)))
logDebugMisc($strOperation, "checking ${strPath} for differential expiration");
# Remove all differential and incremental backups before the oldest valid differential
if ($strPath lt $stryPath[$iDiffIdx + 1])
$oStorageRepo->remove(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/${strPath}" . FILE_MANIFEST);
if ($strPath ne $stryPath[$iDiffIdx])
push(@stryRemoveList, $strPath);
&log(INFO, 'expire diff backup ' . (@stryRemoveList > 0 ? 'set: ' : '') . $stryPath[$iDiffIdx] .
(@stryRemoveList > 0 ? ', ' . join(', ', @stryRemoveList) : ''));
# Remove backups from disk
foreach my $strBackup ($oStorageRepo->list(
STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP, {strExpression => backupRegExpGet(true, true, true), strSortOrder => 'reverse'}))
if (!$oBackupInfo->current($strBackup))
&log(INFO, "remove expired backup ${strBackup}");
$oStorageRepo->remove("${strBackupClusterPath}/${strBackup}", {bRecurse => true});
# If archive retention is still undefined, then ignore archiving
if (!defined($iArchiveRetention))
&log(INFO, "option '" . &OPTION_RETENTION_ARCHIVE . "' is not set - archive logs will not be expired");
my @stryGlobalBackupRetention;
# Determine which backup type to use for archive retention (full, differential, incremental) and get a list of the
# remaining non-expired backups based on the type.
if ($strArchiveRetentionType eq BACKUP_TYPE_FULL)
@stryGlobalBackupRetention = $oBackupInfo->list(backupRegExpGet(true), 'reverse');
elsif ($strArchiveRetentionType eq BACKUP_TYPE_DIFF)
@stryGlobalBackupRetention = $oBackupInfo->list(backupRegExpGet(true, true), 'reverse');
elsif ($strArchiveRetentionType eq BACKUP_TYPE_INCR)
@stryGlobalBackupRetention = $oBackupInfo->list(backupRegExpGet(true, true, true), 'reverse');
# If no backups were found then preserve current archive logs - too soon to expire them
my $iBackupTotal = scalar @stryGlobalBackupRetention;
if ($iBackupTotal > 0)
my $oArchiveInfo = new pgBackRest::Archive::ArchiveInfo($oStorageRepo->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE), true);
my @stryListArchiveDisk = $oStorageRepo->list(
STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE, {strExpression => REGEX_ARCHIVE_DIR_DB_VERSION, bIgnoreMissing => true});
# Make sure the current database versions match between the two files
confess &log(ERROR, "archive and backup database versions do not match\n" .
"HINT: has a stanza-upgrade been performed?", ERROR_FILE_INVALID);
# Get the list of backups that are part of archive retention
my @stryTmp = @stryGlobalBackupRetention;
my @stryGlobalBackupArchiveRetention = splice(@stryTmp, 0, $iArchiveRetention);
# For each archiveId, remove WAL that are not part of retention
foreach my $strArchiveId (@stryListArchiveDisk)
# From the global list of backups to retain, create a list of backups, oldest to newest, associated with this
# archiveId (e.g. 9.4-1)
my @stryLocalBackupRetention = $oBackupInfo->listByArchiveId($strArchiveId,
$oStorageRepo->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE), \@stryGlobalBackupRetention, 'reverse');
# If no backup to retain was found
if (!@stryLocalBackupRetention)
# Get the backup db-id corresponding to this archiveId
my $iDbHistoryId = $oBackupInfo->backupArchiveDbHistoryId(
$strArchiveId, $oStorageRepo->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE));
# If this is not the current database, then delete the archive directory else do nothing since the current
# DB archive directory must not be deleted
if (!defined($iDbHistoryId) || !$oBackupInfo->test(INFO_BACKUP_SECTION_DB, INFO_BACKUP_KEY_HISTORY_ID, undef,
my $strFullPath = $oStorageRepo->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE . "/${strArchiveId}");
$oStorageRepo->remove($strFullPath, {bRecurse => true});
&log(INFO, "remove archive path: ${strFullPath}");
# Continue to next directory
my @stryLocalBackupArchiveRentention;
# If the archive retention is less than or equal to the number of all backups, then perform selective expiration
if (@stryGlobalBackupArchiveRetention && $iArchiveRetention <= scalar @stryGlobalBackupRetention)
# From the full list of backups in archive retention, find the intersection of local backups to retain
foreach my $strGlobalBackupArchiveRetention (@stryGlobalBackupArchiveRetention)
foreach my $strLocalBackupRetention (@stryLocalBackupRetention)
if ($strLocalBackupRetention eq $strGlobalBackupArchiveRetention)
unshift(@stryLocalBackupArchiveRentention, $strLocalBackupRetention);
# Else if there are not enough backups yet globally to start archive expiration then set the archive retention
# to the oldest backup so anything prior to that will be removed as it is not needed but everything else is
# This is incase there are old archives left around so that they don't stay around forever
if ($strArchiveRetentionType eq BACKUP_TYPE_FULL && scalar @stryLocalBackupRetention > 0)
&log(INFO, "full backup total < ${iArchiveRetention} - using oldest full backup for ${strArchiveId} " .
"archive retention");
$stryLocalBackupArchiveRentention[0] = $stryLocalBackupRetention[0];
# If no local backups were found as part of retention then set the backup archive retention to the newest backup
# so that the database is fully recoverable (can be recovered from the last backup through pitr)
if (!@stryLocalBackupArchiveRentention)
$stryLocalBackupArchiveRentention[0] = $stryLocalBackupRetention[-1];
my $strArchiveRetentionBackup = $stryLocalBackupArchiveRentention[0];
# If a backup has been selected for retention then continue
if (defined($strArchiveRetentionBackup))
my $bRemove;
# Only expire if the selected backup has archive info - backups performed with --no-online will
# not have archive info and cannot be used for expiration.
$strArchiveRetentionBackup, INFO_BACKUP_KEY_ARCHIVE_START))
# Get archive ranges to preserve. Because archive retention can be less than total retention it is
# important to preserve archive that is required to make the older backups consistent even though they
# cannot be played any further forward with PITR.
my $strArchiveExpireMax;
my @oyArchiveRange;
my @stryBackupList = $oBackupInfo->list();
# With the full list of backups, loop through only those associated with this archiveId
foreach my $strBackup (
$strArchiveId, $oStorageRepo->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE), \@stryBackupList))
if ($strBackup le $strArchiveRetentionBackup &&
my $oArchiveRange = {};
$$oArchiveRange{start} = $oBackupInfo->get(INFO_BACKUP_SECTION_BACKUP_CURRENT,
if ($strBackup ne $strArchiveRetentionBackup)
$$oArchiveRange{stop} = $oBackupInfo->get(INFO_BACKUP_SECTION_BACKUP_CURRENT,
$strArchiveExpireMax = $$oArchiveRange{start};
&log(DETAIL, "archive retention on backup ${strBackup}, archiveId = ${strArchiveId}, " .
"start = $$oArchiveRange{start}" .
(defined($$oArchiveRange{stop}) ? ", stop = $$oArchiveRange{stop}" : ''));
push(@oyArchiveRange, $oArchiveRange);
# Get all major archive paths (timeline and first 32 bits of LSN)
foreach my $strPath ($oStorageRepo->list(
STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE . "/${strArchiveId}", {strExpression => REGEX_ARCHIVE_DIR_WAL}))
logDebugMisc($strOperation, "found major WAL path: ${strPath}");
$bRemove = true;
# Keep the path if it falls in the range of any backup in retention
foreach my $oArchiveRange (@oyArchiveRange)
if ($strPath ge substr($$oArchiveRange{start}, 0, 16) &&
(!defined($$oArchiveRange{stop}) || $strPath le substr($$oArchiveRange{stop}, 0, 16)))
$bRemove = false;
# Remove the entire directory if all archive is expired
if ($bRemove)
my $strFullPath = $oStorageRepo->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE . "/${strArchiveId}") . "/${strPath}";
$oStorageRepo->remove($strFullPath, {bRecurse => true});
# Log expire info
logDebugMisc($strOperation, "remove major WAL path: ${strFullPath}");
$self->logExpire($strArchiveId, $strPath);
# Else delete individual files instead if the major path is less than or equal to the most recent
# retention backup. This optimization prevents scanning though major paths that could not possibly
# have anything to expire.
elsif ($strPath le substr($strArchiveExpireMax, 0, 16))
# Look for files in the archive directory
foreach my $strSubPath ($oStorageRepo->list(
STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE . "/${strArchiveId}/${strPath}", {strExpression => "^[0-F]{24}.*\$"}))
$bRemove = true;
# Determine if the individual archive log is used in a backup
foreach my $oArchiveRange (@oyArchiveRange)
if (substr($strSubPath, 0, 24) ge $$oArchiveRange{start} &&
(!defined($$oArchiveRange{stop}) || substr($strSubPath, 0, 24) le $$oArchiveRange{stop}))
$bRemove = false;
# Remove archive log if it is not used in a backup
if ($bRemove)
$oStorageRepo->remove(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE . "/${strArchiveId}/${strSubPath}");
logDebugMisc($strOperation, "remove WAL segment: ${strArchiveId}/${strSubPath}");
# Log expire info
$self->logExpire($strArchiveId, substr($strSubPath, 0, 24));
# Log that the file was not expired
# Log if no archive was expired
if ($self->{iArchiveExpireTotal} == 0)
&log(DETAIL, "no archive to remove, archiveId = ${strArchiveId}");
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);