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1700 lines
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package pgBackRest::File;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use Fcntl qw(:mode :flock O_RDONLY O_WRONLY O_CREAT);
use File::Basename qw(dirname basename);
use File::Copy qw(cp);
use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
use File::stat;
use IO::Handle;
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Common::Wait;
use pgBackRest::FileCommon;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Common;
use pgBackRest::Version;
# PATH_GET constants
use constant PATH_ABSOLUTE => 'absolute';
use constant PATH_DB => 'db';
push @EXPORT, qw(PATH_DB);
use constant PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE => 'db:absolute';
use constant PATH_BACKUP => 'backup';
use constant PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE => 'backup:absolute';
use constant PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER => 'backup:cluster';
use constant PATH_BACKUP_TMP => 'backup:tmp';
use constant PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE => 'backup:archive';
use constant PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE_OUT => 'backup:archive:out';
# STD pipe constants
use constant PIPE_STDIN => '<STDIN>';
use constant PIPE_STDOUT => '<STDOUT>';
use constant PIPE_STDERR => '<STDERR>';
# new
sub new
my $class = shift;
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my $strOperation,
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->new', \@_,
{name => 'strStanza', required => false},
{name => 'strBackupPath'},
{name => 'oProtocol'},
{name => 'strDefaultPathMode', default => '0750'},
{name => 'strDefaultFileMode', default => '0640'},
# Default compression extension to gz
$self->{strCompressExtension} = 'gz';
# Remote object must be set
if (!defined($self->{oProtocol}))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'oProtocol must be defined');
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self}
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->DESTROY');
if (defined($self->{oProtocol}))
$self->{oProtocol} = undef;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);
# stanza
sub stanza
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->stanza');
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strStanza', $self->{strStanza}, trace => true}
# pathTypeGet
sub pathTypeGet
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->pathTypeGet', \@_,
{name => 'strType', trace => true}
my $strPath;
# If absolute type
if ($strType eq PATH_ABSOLUTE)
# If db type
elsif ($strType =~ /^db(\:.*){0,1}/)
$strPath = PATH_DB;
# Else if backup type
elsif ($strType =~ /^backup(\:.*){0,1}/)
$strPath = PATH_BACKUP;
# Else error when path type not recognized
confess &log(ASSERT, "no known path types in '${strType}'");
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strPath', value => $strPath, trace => true}
# pathGet
# ??? Need to tackle the return paths in this function (i.e. there are to many ways to return)
sub pathGet
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
$strType, # Base type of the path to get (PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, PATH_BACKUP_TMP, etc)
$strFile, # File to append to the base path (can include a path as well)
$bTemp # Return the temp file for this path type - only some types have temp files
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->pathGet', \@_,
{name => 'strType', trace => true},
{name => 'strFile', required => false, trace => true},
{name => 'bTemp', default => false, trace => true}
# Is this an absolute path type?
my $bAbsolute = $strType =~ /.*absolute.*/;
# Make sure a temp file is valid for this type and file
if ($bTemp)
# Only allow temp files for PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE_OUT, PATH_BACKUP_TMP and any absolute path
if (!($strType eq PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE || $strType eq PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE_OUT || $strType eq PATH_BACKUP_TMP || $bAbsolute))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'temp file not supported for path type ' . $strType);
# The file must be defined
if (!defined($strFile))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'strFile must be defined when temp file requested');
# Get absolute path
if ($bAbsolute)
# Make sure that any absolute path starts with /, otherwise it will actually be relative
if ($strFile !~ /^\/.*/)
confess &log(ASSERT, "absolute path ${strType}:${strFile} must start with /");
if ($bTemp)
($strFile =~ "\.$self->{strCompressExtension}\$" ?
substr($strFile, 0, length($strFile) - (length($self->{strCompressExtension}) + 1)) : $strFile) .
'.' . BACKREST_EXE . '.tmp';
return $strFile;
# Make sure the base backup path is defined (since all other path types are backup)
if (!defined($self->{strBackupPath}))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'strBackupPath not defined');
# Get base backup path
if ($strType eq PATH_BACKUP)
return $self->{strBackupPath} . (defined($strFile) ? "/${strFile}" : '');
# Make sure the cluster is defined
if (!defined($self->{strStanza}))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'strStanza not defined');
# Get the backup tmp path
if ($strType eq PATH_BACKUP_TMP)
# return
# "$self->{strBackupPath}/temp/$self->{strStanza}.tmp" . (defined($strFile) ? "/${strFile}" : '') .
# ($bTemp ? '.' . BACKREST_EXE . '.tmp' : '');
"$self->{strBackupPath}/temp/$self->{strStanza}.tmp" .
# (defined($strFile) ?
# '/' . ($strFile =~ "\.$self->{strCompressExtension}\$" ?
# substr($strFile, 0, length($strFile) - (length($self->{strCompressExtension}) + 1)) : $strFile) : '') .
($bTemp ?
'/' . ($strFile =~ "\.$self->{strCompressExtension}\$" ?
substr($strFile, 0, length($strFile) - (length($self->{strCompressExtension}) + 1)) : $strFile) .
'.' . BACKREST_EXE . '.tmp' :
(defined($strFile) ? "/${strFile}" : ''));
# Get the backup archive path
my $strArchivePath = "$self->{strBackupPath}/archive/$self->{strStanza}";
if (!defined($strFile))
return $strArchivePath;
if ($strType eq PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE)
my $strArchiveId = (split('/', $strFile))[0];
my $strArchiveFile = (split('/', $strFile))[1];
if (!defined($strArchiveFile))
return "${strArchivePath}/${strFile}";
my $strArchive = substr(basename($strArchiveFile), 0, 24);
if ($strArchive !~ /^([0-F]){24}$/)
return "${strArchivePath}/${strFile}";
$strArchivePath =
"${strArchivePath}/${strArchiveId}/" . substr($strArchive, 0, 16) .
($bTemp ? "/${strArchive}." . BACKREST_EXE . '.tmp' : "/${strArchiveFile}");
$strArchivePath =
"${strArchivePath}/out" . (defined($strFile) ? '/' . $strFile : '') .
($bTemp ? '.' . BACKREST_EXE . '.tmp' : '');
return $strArchivePath;
if ($strType eq PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER)
return $self->{strBackupPath} . "/backup/$self->{strStanza}" . (defined($strFile) ? "/${strFile}" : '');
# Error when path type not recognized
confess &log(ASSERT, "no known path types in '${strType}'");
# isRemote
# Determine whether the path type is remote
sub isRemote
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->isRemote', \@_,
{name => 'strPathType', trace => true}
my $bRemote = $self->{oProtocol}->isRemote() && $self->{oProtocol}->remoteTypeTest($self->pathTypeGet($strPathType));
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bRemote', value => $bRemote, trace => true}
# linkCreate
sub linkCreate
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->linkCreate', \@_,
{name => 'strSourcePathType'},
{name => 'strSourceFile'},
{name => 'strDestinationPathType'},
{name => 'strDestinationFile'},
{name => 'bHard', default => false},
{name => 'bRelative', default => false},
{name => 'bPathCreate', default => true}
# Source and destination path types must be the same (e.g. both PATH_DB or both PATH_BACKUP, etc.)
if ($self->pathTypeGet($strSourcePathType) ne $self->pathTypeGet($strDestinationPathType))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'path types must be equal in link create');
# Generate source and destination files
my $strSource = $self->pathGet($strSourcePathType, $strSourceFile);
my $strDestination = $self->pathGet($strDestinationPathType, $strDestinationFile);
# Run remotely
if ($self->isRemote($strSourcePathType))
confess &log(ASSERT, "${strOperation}: remote operation not supported");
# Run locally
# If the destination path is backup and does not exist, create it
# ??? This should only happen when the link create errors
if ($bPathCreate && $self->pathTypeGet($strDestinationPathType) eq PATH_BACKUP)
unless (-e $strSource)
if (-e $strSource . ".$self->{strCompressExtension}")
$strSource .= ".$self->{strCompressExtension}";
$strDestination .= ".$self->{strCompressExtension}";
# Error when a hardlink will be created on a missing file
if ($bHard)
confess &log(ASSERT, "unable to find ${strSource}(.$self->{strCompressExtension}) for link");
# Generate relative path if requested
if ($bRelative)
my $iCommonLen = commonPrefix($strSource, $strDestination);
if ($iCommonLen != 0)
$strSource = ('../' x substr($strDestination, $iCommonLen) =~ tr/\///) . substr($strSource, $iCommonLen);
$strOperation, 'apply relative path',
{name => 'strSource', value => $strSource, trace => true}
if ($bHard)
link($strSource, $strDestination)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to create hardlink from ${strSource} to ${strDestination}");
symlink($strSource, $strDestination)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to create symlink from ${strSource} to ${strDestination}");
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);
# move
# Moves a file locally or remotely.
sub move
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->move', \@_,
{name => 'strSourcePathType'},
{name => 'strSourceFile', required => false},
{name => 'strDestinationPathType'},
{name => 'strDestinationFile'},
{name => 'bDestinationPathCreate', default => false}
# Source and destination path types must be the same
if ($self->pathTypeGet($strSourcePathType) ne $self->pathTypeGet($strSourcePathType))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'source and destination path types must be equal');
# Set operation variables
my $strPathOpSource = $self->pathGet($strSourcePathType, $strSourceFile);
my $strPathOpDestination = $self->pathGet($strDestinationPathType, $strDestinationFile);
# Run remotely
if ($self->isRemote($strSourcePathType))
confess &log(ASSERT, "${strOperation}: remote operation not supported");
# Run locally
fileMove($strPathOpSource, $strPathOpDestination, $bDestinationPathCreate);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
# compress
sub compress
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->compress', \@_,
{name => 'strPathType'},
{name => 'strFile'},
{name => 'bRemoveSource', default => true}
# Set operation variables
my $strPathOp = $self->pathGet($strPathType, $strFile);
# Run remotely
if ($self->isRemote($strPathType))
confess &log(ASSERT, "${strOperation}: remote operation not supported");
# Run locally
# Use copy to compress the file
$self->copy($strPathType, $strFile, $strPathType, "${strFile}.gz", false, true);
# Remove the old file
if ($bRemoveSource)
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
# pathCreate
# Creates a path locally or remotely.
sub pathCreate
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->pathCreate', \@_,
{name => 'strPathType'},
{name => 'strPath', required => false},
{name => 'strMode', default => '0750'},
{name => 'bIgnoreExists', default => false},
{name => 'bCreateParents', default => false}
# Set operation variables
my $strPathOp = $self->pathGet($strPathType, $strPath);
if ($self->isRemote($strPathType))
# Build param hash
my %oParamHash;
$oParamHash{path} = ${strPathOp};
if (defined($strMode))
$oParamHash{mode} = ${strMode};
# Execute the command
$self->{oProtocol}->cmdExecute(OP_FILE_PATH_CREATE, \%oParamHash);
filePathCreate($strPathOp, $strMode, $bIgnoreExists, $bCreateParents);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
# exists
# Checks for the existence of a file, but does not imply that the file is readable/writeable.
# Return: true if file exists, false otherwise
sub exists
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->exists', \@_,
{name => 'strPathType'},
{name => 'strPath', required => false}
# Set operation variables
my $strPathOp = $self->pathGet($strPathType, $strPath);
my $bExists = true;
# Run remotely
if ($self->isRemote($strPathType))
# Build param hash
my %oParamHash;
$oParamHash{path} = $strPathOp;
# Execute the command
$bExists = $self->{oProtocol}->cmdExecute(OP_FILE_EXISTS, \%oParamHash, true) eq 'Y' ? true : false;
# Run locally
$bExists = fileExists($strPathOp);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bExists', value => $bExists}
# remove
sub remove
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->remove', \@_,
{name => 'strPathType'},
{name => 'strPath'},
{name => 'bTemp', required => false},
{name => 'bIgnoreMissing', default => true}
# Set operation variables
my $strPathOp = $self->pathGet($strPathType, $strPath, $bTemp);
my $bRemoved = true;
# Run remotely
if ($self->isRemote($strPathType))
confess &log(ASSERT, "${strOperation}: remote operation not supported");
# Run locally
$bRemoved = fileRemove($strPathOp, $bIgnoreMissing);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bRemoved', value => $bRemoved}
# hash
sub hash
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->hash', \@_,
{name => 'strPathType'},
{name => 'strFile'},
{name => 'bCompressed', required => false},
{name => 'strHashType', required => false}
my ($strHash) = $self->hashSize($strPathType, $strFile, $bCompressed, $strHashType);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strHash', value => $strHash, trace => true}
# hashSize
sub hashSize
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->hashSize', \@_,
{name => 'strPathType'},
{name => 'strFile'},
{name => 'bCompressed', default => false},
{name => 'strHashType', default => 'sha1'}
# Set operation variables
my $strFileOp = $self->pathGet($strPathType, $strFile);
my $strHash;
my $iSize = 0;
if ($self->isRemote($strPathType))
confess &log(ASSERT, "${strOperation}: remote operation not supported");
($strHash, $iSize) = fileHashSize($strFileOp, $bCompressed, $strHashType, $self->{oProtocol});
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strHash', value => $strHash},
{name => 'iSize', value => $iSize}
# owner
sub owner
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->owner', \@_,
{name => 'strPathType'},
{name => 'strFile'},
{name => 'strUser'},
{name => 'strGroup'}
# Set operation variables
my $strFileOp = $self->pathGet($strPathType, $strFile);
if ($self->isRemote($strPathType))
confess &log(ASSERT, "${strOperation}: remote operation not supported");
my $iUserId;
my $iGroupId;
my $oStat;
if (!defined($strUser) || !defined($strGroup))
$oStat = stat($strFileOp);
if (!defined($oStat))
confess &log(ERROR, 'unable to stat ${strFileOp}');
if (defined($strUser))
$iUserId = getpwnam($strUser);
$iUserId = $oStat->uid;
if (defined($strGroup))
$iGroupId = getgrnam($strGroup);
$iGroupId = $oStat->gid;
chown($iUserId, $iGroupId, $strFileOp)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to set ownership for ${strFileOp}");
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
# list
sub list
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->list', \@_,
{name => 'strPathType'},
{name => 'strPath', required => false},
{name => 'strExpression', required => false},
{name => 'strSortOrder', default => 'forward'},
{name => 'bIgnoreMissing', default => false}
# Set operation variables
my $strPathOp = $self->pathGet($strPathType, $strPath);
my @stryFileList;
# Run remotely
if ($self->isRemote($strPathType))
# Build param hash
my %oParamHash;
$oParamHash{path} = $strPathOp;
$oParamHash{sort_order} = $strSortOrder;
$oParamHash{ignore_missing} = ${bIgnoreMissing};
if (defined($strExpression))
$oParamHash{expression} = $strExpression;
# Execute the command
my $strOutput = $self->{oProtocol}->cmdExecute(OP_FILE_LIST, \%oParamHash);
if (defined($strOutput))
@stryFileList = split(/\n/, $strOutput);
# Run locally
@stryFileList = fileList($strPathOp, $strExpression, $strSortOrder, $bIgnoreMissing);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'stryFileList', value => \@stryFileList}
# wait
# Wait until the next second. This is done in the file object because it must be performed on whichever side the db is on, local or
# remote. This function is used to make sure that no files are copied in the same second as the manifest is created. The reason is
# that the db might modify they file again in the same second as the copy and that change will not be visible to a subsequent
# incremental backup using timestamp/size to determine deltas.
sub wait
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->wait', \@_,
{name => 'strPathType'},
{name => 'bWait', default => true}
# Second when the function was called
my $lTimeBegin;
# Run remotely
if ($self->isRemote($strPathType))
# Build param hash
my %oParamHash;
$oParamHash{wait} = $bWait;
# Execute the command
$lTimeBegin = $self->{oProtocol}->cmdExecute(OP_FILE_WAIT, \%oParamHash, true);
# Run locally
# Wait the remainder of the current second
$lTimeBegin = waitRemainder($bWait);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'lTimeBegin', value => $lTimeBegin, trace => true}
# manifest
# Builds a path/file manifest starting with the base path and including all subpaths. The manifest contains all the information
# needed to perform a backup or a delta with a previous backup.
sub manifest
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->manifest', \@_,
{name => 'strPathType'},
{name => 'strPath', required => false},
{name => 'oManifestHashRef'}
# Set operation variables
my $strPathOp = $self->pathGet($strPathType, $strPath);
# Run remotely
if ($self->isRemote($strPathType))
# Build param hash
my %oParamHash;
$oParamHash{path} = $strPathOp;
# Execute the command
dataHashBuild($oManifestHashRef, $self->{oProtocol}->cmdExecute(OP_FILE_MANIFEST, \%oParamHash, true), "\t");
# Run locally
$self->manifestRecurse($strPathType, $strPathOp, undef, 0, $oManifestHashRef);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
sub manifestRecurse
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->manifestRecurse', \@_,
{name => 'strPathType'},
{name => 'strPathOp'},
{name => 'strPathFileOp', required => false},
{name => 'iDepth'},
{name => 'oManifestHashRef', required => false}
# Set operation and debug strings
my $strPathRead = $strPathOp . (defined($strPathFileOp) ? "/${strPathFileOp}" : '');
my $hPath;
my $strFilter;
# If this is the top level stat the path to discover if it is actually a file
if ($iDepth == 0 && !S_ISDIR((fileStat($strPathRead))->mode))
$strFilter = basename($strPathRead);
$strPathRead = dirname($strPathRead);
# Open the path
if (!opendir($hPath, $strPathRead))
my $strError = "${strPathRead} could not be read: " . $!;
my $iErrorCode = ERROR_PATH_OPEN;
# If the path does not exist and is not the root path requested then return, else error
# It's OK for paths to go away during execution (databases are a dynamic thing!)
if (!$self->exists(PATH_ABSOLUTE, $strPathRead))
if ($iDepth != 0)
$strError = "${strPathRead} does not exist";
confess &log(ERROR, $strError, $iErrorCode);
# Get a list of all files in the path (except ..)
my @stryFileList = grep(!/^\..$/i, readdir($hPath));
# Loop through all subpaths/files in the path
foreach my $strFile (sort(@stryFileList))
# Skip this file if it does not match the filter
if (defined($strFilter) && $strFile ne $strFilter)
my $strPathFile = "${strPathRead}/$strFile";
my $bCurrentDir = $strFile eq '.';
# Create the file and path names
if ($iDepth != 0)
if ($bCurrentDir)
$strFile = $strPathFileOp;
$strPathFile = $strPathRead;
$strFile = "${strPathFileOp}/${strFile}";
# Stat the path/file
my $oStat = lstat($strPathFile);
# Check for errors in stat
if (!defined($oStat))
my $strError = "${strPathFile} could not be read: " . $!;
my $iErrorCode = ERROR_FILE_READ;
# If the file does not exist then go to the next file, else error
# It's OK for files to go away during execution (databases are a dynamic thing!)
if (!$self->exists(PATH_ABSOLUTE, $strPathFile))
confess &log(ERROR, $strError, $iErrorCode);
# Check for regular file
if (S_ISREG($oStat->mode))
${$oManifestHashRef}{name}{"${strFile}"}{type} = 'f';
# Get inode
${$oManifestHashRef}{name}{"${strFile}"}{inode} = $oStat->ino;
# Get size
${$oManifestHashRef}{name}{"${strFile}"}{size} = $oStat->size;
# Get modification time
${$oManifestHashRef}{name}{"${strFile}"}{modification_time} = $oStat->mtime;
# Check for directory
elsif (S_ISDIR($oStat->mode))
${$oManifestHashRef}{name}{"${strFile}"}{type} = 'd';
# Check for link
elsif (S_ISLNK($oStat->mode))
${$oManifestHashRef}{name}{"${strFile}"}{type} = 'l';
# Get link destination
${$oManifestHashRef}{name}{"${strFile}"}{link_destination} = readlink($strPathFile);
if (!defined(${$oManifestHashRef}{name}{"${strFile}"}{link_destination}))
if (-e $strPathFile)
my $strError = "${strPathFile} error reading link: " . $!;
if ($strPathType eq PATH_ABSOLUTE)
print $strError;
confess &log(ERROR, $strError);
# Not a recognized type
my $strError = "${strPathFile} is not of type directory, file, or link";
if ($strPathType eq PATH_ABSOLUTE)
print $strError;
confess &log(ERROR, $strError);
# Get user name
${$oManifestHashRef}{name}{"${strFile}"}{user} = getpwuid($oStat->uid);
# Get group name
${$oManifestHashRef}{name}{"${strFile}"}{group} = getgrgid($oStat->gid);
# Get mode
if (${$oManifestHashRef}{name}{"${strFile}"}{type} ne 'l')
${$oManifestHashRef}{name}{"${strFile}"}{mode} = sprintf('%04o', S_IMODE($oStat->mode));
# Recurse into directories
if (${$oManifestHashRef}{name}{"${strFile}"}{type} eq 'd' && !$bCurrentDir)
$self->manifestRecurse($strPathType, $strPathOp, $strFile, $iDepth + 1, $oManifestHashRef);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);
# copy
# Copies a file from one location to another:
# * source and destination can be local or remote
# * wire and output compression/decompression are supported
# * intermediate temp files are used to prevent partial copies
# * modification time, mode, and ownership can be set on destination file
# * destination path can optionally be created
sub copy
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->copy', \@_,
{name => 'strSourcePathType'},
{name => 'strSourceFile', required => false},
{name => 'strDestinationPathType'},
{name => 'strDestinationFile', required => false},
{name => 'bSourceCompressed', default => false},
{name => 'bDestinationCompress', default => false},
{name => 'bIgnoreMissingSource', default => false},
{name => 'lModificationTime', required => false},
{name => 'strMode', default => '0640'},
{name => 'bDestinationPathCreate', default => false},
{name => 'strUser', required => false},
{name => 'strGroup', required => false},
{name => 'bAppendChecksum', default => false}
# Set working variables
my $bSourceRemote = $self->isRemote($strSourcePathType) || $strSourcePathType eq PIPE_STDIN;
my $bDestinationRemote = $self->isRemote($strDestinationPathType) || $strDestinationPathType eq PIPE_STDOUT;
my $strSourceOp = $strSourcePathType eq PIPE_STDIN ?
$strSourcePathType : $self->pathGet($strSourcePathType, $strSourceFile);
my $strDestinationOp = $strDestinationPathType eq PIPE_STDOUT ?
$strDestinationPathType : $self->pathGet($strDestinationPathType, $strDestinationFile);
my $strDestinationTmpOp = $strDestinationPathType eq PIPE_STDOUT ?
undef : $self->pathGet($strDestinationPathType, $strDestinationFile, true);
# Checksum and size variables
my $strChecksum = undef;
my $iFileSize = undef;
my $bResult = true;
# Open the source and destination files (if needed)
my $hSourceFile;
my $hDestinationFile;
if (!$bSourceRemote)
if (!sysopen($hSourceFile, $strSourceOp, O_RDONLY))
my $strError = $!;
my $iErrorCode = ERROR_FILE_READ;
if ($!{ENOENT})
# $strError = 'file is missing';
if ($bIgnoreMissingSource && $strDestinationPathType ne PIPE_STDOUT)
return false, undef, undef;
$strError = "cannot open source file ${strSourceOp}: " . $strError;
if ($strSourcePathType eq PATH_ABSOLUTE)
if ($strDestinationPathType eq PIPE_STDOUT)
confess &log(ERROR, $strError, $iErrorCode);
if (!$bDestinationRemote)
my $iCreateFlag = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT;
# Open the destination temp file
if (!sysopen($hDestinationFile, $strDestinationTmpOp, $iCreateFlag))
if ($bDestinationPathCreate)
filePathCreate(dirname($strDestinationTmpOp), undef, true, true);
if (!$bDestinationPathCreate || !sysopen($hDestinationFile, $strDestinationTmpOp, $iCreateFlag))
my $strError = "unable to open ${strDestinationTmpOp}: " . $!;
my $iErrorCode = ERROR_FILE_READ;
if (!fileExists(dirname($strDestinationTmpOp)))
$strError = dirname($strDestinationTmpOp) . ' destination path does not exist';
if (!($bDestinationPathCreate && $iErrorCode == ERROR_FILE_MISSING))
confess &log(ERROR, $strError, $iErrorCode);
# Now lock the file to be sure nobody else is operating on it
if (!flock($hDestinationFile, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB))
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to acquire exclusive lock on ${strDestinationTmpOp}", ERROR_LOCK_ACQUIRE);
# If source or destination are remote
if ($bSourceRemote || $bDestinationRemote)
# Build the command and open the local file
my $hFile;
my %oParamHash;
my $hIn,
my $hOut;
my $strRemote;
my $strRemoteOp;
# If source is remote and destination is local
if ($bSourceRemote && !$bDestinationRemote)
$hOut = $hDestinationFile;
$strRemoteOp = OP_FILE_COPY_OUT;
$strRemote = 'in';
if ($strSourcePathType ne PIPE_STDIN)
$oParamHash{source_file} = $strSourceOp;
$oParamHash{source_compressed} = $bSourceCompressed;
$oParamHash{destination_compress} = $bDestinationCompress;
# Else if source is local and destination is remote
elsif (!$bSourceRemote && $bDestinationRemote)
$hIn = $hSourceFile;
$strRemoteOp = OP_FILE_COPY_IN;
$strRemote = 'out';
if ($strDestinationPathType ne PIPE_STDOUT)
$oParamHash{destination_file} = $strDestinationOp;
$oParamHash{source_compressed} = $bSourceCompressed;
$oParamHash{destination_compress} = $bDestinationCompress;
$oParamHash{destination_path_create} = $bDestinationPathCreate;
if (defined($strMode))
$oParamHash{mode} = $strMode;
if (defined($strUser))
$oParamHash{user} = $strUser;
if (defined($strGroup))
$oParamHash{group} = $strGroup;
if ($bAppendChecksum)
$oParamHash{append_checksum} = true;
# Else source and destination are remote
$strRemoteOp = OP_FILE_COPY;
$oParamHash{source_file} = $strSourceOp;
$oParamHash{source_compressed} = $bSourceCompressed;
$oParamHash{destination_file} = $strDestinationOp;
$oParamHash{destination_compress} = $bDestinationCompress;
$oParamHash{destination_path_create} = $bDestinationPathCreate;
if (defined($strMode))
$oParamHash{mode} = $strMode;
if (defined($strUser))
$oParamHash{user} = $strUser;
if (defined($strGroup))
$oParamHash{group} = $strGroup;
if ($bIgnoreMissingSource)
$oParamHash{ignore_missing_source} = $bIgnoreMissingSource;
if ($bAppendChecksum)
$oParamHash{append_checksum} = true;
# If an operation is defined then write it
if (%oParamHash)
$self->{oProtocol}->cmdWrite($strRemoteOp, \%oParamHash);
# Transfer the file (skip this for copies where both sides are remote)
if ($strRemoteOp ne OP_FILE_COPY)
($strChecksum, $iFileSize) =
$self->{oProtocol}->binaryXfer($hIn, $hOut, $strRemote, $bSourceCompressed, $bDestinationCompress);
# If this is the controlling process then wait for OK from remote
if (%oParamHash)
# Test for an error when reading output
my $strOutput;
$strOutput = $self->{oProtocol}->outputRead(true, $bIgnoreMissingSource);
# Check the result of the remote call
if (substr($strOutput, 0, 1) eq 'Y')
# If the operation was purely remote, get checksum/size
if ($strRemoteOp eq OP_FILE_COPY ||
$strRemoteOp eq OP_FILE_COPY_IN && $bSourceCompressed && !$bDestinationCompress)
# Checksum shouldn't already be set
if (defined($strChecksum) || defined($iFileSize))
confess &log(ASSERT, "checksum and size are already defined, but shouldn't be");
# Parse output and check to make sure tokens are defined
my @stryToken = split(/ /, $strOutput);
if (!defined($stryToken[1]) || !defined($stryToken[2]) ||
$stryToken[1] eq '?' && $stryToken[2] eq '?')
confess &log(ERROR, "invalid return from copy" . (defined($strOutput) ? ": ${strOutput}" : ''));
# Read the checksum and size
if ($stryToken[1] ne '?')
$strChecksum = $stryToken[1];
if ($stryToken[2] ne '?')
$iFileSize = $stryToken[2];
# Remote called returned false
$bResult = false;
return true;
# If there is an error then evaluate
or do
my $oException = $EVAL_ERROR;
# Ignore error if source file was missing and missing file exception was returned and bIgnoreMissingSource is set
if ($bIgnoreMissingSource && $strRemote eq 'in' && isException($oException) &&
$oException->code() == ERROR_FILE_MISSING)
or confess &log(ERROR, "cannot close file ${strDestinationTmpOp}");
return false, undef, undef;
confess $oException;
# Else this is a local operation
# If the source is not compressed and the destination is then compress
if (!$bSourceCompressed && $bDestinationCompress)
($strChecksum, $iFileSize) =
$self->{oProtocol}->binaryXfer($hSourceFile, $hDestinationFile, 'out', false, true, false);
# If the source is compressed and the destination is not then decompress
elsif ($bSourceCompressed && !$bDestinationCompress)
($strChecksum, $iFileSize) =
$self->{oProtocol}->binaryXfer($hSourceFile, $hDestinationFile, 'in', true, false, false);
# Else both side are compressed, so copy capturing checksum
elsif ($bSourceCompressed)
($strChecksum, $iFileSize) =
$self->{oProtocol}->binaryXfer($hSourceFile, $hDestinationFile, 'out', true, true, false);
($strChecksum, $iFileSize) =
$self->{oProtocol}->binaryXfer($hSourceFile, $hDestinationFile, 'in', false, true, false);
# Close the source file (if local)
if (defined($hSourceFile))
close($hSourceFile) or confess &log(ERROR, "cannot close file ${strSourceOp}");
# Sync and close the destination file (if local)
if (defined($hDestinationFile))
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to sync ${strDestinationTmpOp}", ERROR_FILE_SYNC);
or confess &log(ERROR, "cannot close file ${strDestinationTmpOp}");
# Checksum and file size should be set if the destination is not remote
if ($bResult &&
!(!$bSourceRemote && $bDestinationRemote && $bSourceCompressed) &&
(!defined($strChecksum) || !defined($iFileSize)))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'checksum or file size not set');
# Where the destination is local, set mode, modification time, and perform move to final location
if ($bResult && !$bDestinationRemote)
# Set the file Mode if required
if (defined($strMode))
chmod(oct($strMode), $strDestinationTmpOp)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to set mode for local ${strDestinationTmpOp}");
# Set the file modification time if required
if (defined($lModificationTime))
utime($lModificationTime, $lModificationTime, $strDestinationTmpOp)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to set time for local ${strDestinationTmpOp}");
# set user and/or group if required
if (defined($strUser) || defined($strGroup))
$self->owner(PATH_ABSOLUTE, $strDestinationTmpOp, $strUser, $strGroup);
# Replace checksum in destination filename (if exists)
if ($bAppendChecksum)
# Replace destination filename
if ($bDestinationCompress)
$strDestinationOp =
substr($strDestinationOp, 0, length($strDestinationOp) - length($self->{strCompressExtension}) - 1) .
'-' . $strChecksum . '.' . $self->{strCompressExtension};
$strDestinationOp .= '-' . $strChecksum;
# Move the file from tmp to final destination
fileMove($strDestinationTmpOp, $strDestinationOp, $bDestinationPathCreate);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bResult', value => $bResult, trace => true},
{name => 'strChecksum', value => $strChecksum, trace => true},
{name => 'iFileSize', value => $iFileSize, trace => true}