mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-03-03 14:52:21 +02:00
David Steele eaa981c5aa Added execution cache for document generation.
Added an execution cache so that documentation can be generated without setting up the full container environment. This is useful for packaging, keeps the documentation consistent for a release, and speeds up generation when no changes are made in the execution list.
2016-06-02 09:32:56 -04:00

850 lines
32 KiB
Executable File

# test.pl - pgBackRest Unit Tests
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess longmess);
# Convert die to confess to capture the stack trace
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { Carp::confess @_ };
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Cwd qw(abs_path cwd);
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use POSIX qw(ceil);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use pgBackRest::Common::Ini;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Common::Wait;
use pgBackRest::Db;
use pgBackRest::FileCommon;
use pgBackRest::Version;
use lib dirname($0) . '/lib';
use pgBackRestTest::BackupTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::VmTest;
use pgBackRestTest::CommonTest;
use pgBackRestTest::CompareTest;
use pgBackRestTest::ConfigTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Docker::ContainerTest;
use pgBackRestTest::FileTest;
use pgBackRestTest::HelpTest;
# Usage
=head1 NAME
test.pl - pgBackRest Unit Tests
test.pl [options]
Test Options:
--module test module to execute
--test execute the specified test in a module
--run execute only the specified test run
--thread-max max threads to run for backup/restore (default 4)
--dry-run show only the tests that would be executed but don't execute them
--no-cleanup don't cleaup after the last test is complete - useful for debugging
--infinite repeat selected tests forever
--db-version version of postgres to test (all, defaults to minimal)
--log-force force overwrite of current test log files
--no-lint Disable static source code analysis
Configuration Options:
--exe pgBackRest executable
--psql-bin path to the psql executables (e.g. /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/)
--test-path path where tests are executed (defaults to ./test)
--log-level log level to use for tests (defaults to INFO)
--quiet, -q equivalent to --log-level=off
VM Options:
--vm docker container to build/test (u12, u14, co6, co7)
--vm-build build Docker containers
--vm-force force a rebuild of Docker containers
--vm-out Show VM output (default false)
--process-max max VMs to run in parallel (default 1)
General Options:
--version display version and exit
--help display usage and exit
# Command line parameters
my $strLogLevel = 'info';
my $bVmOut = false;
my $strModule = 'all';
my $strModuleTest = 'all';
my $iModuleTestRun = undef;
my $iThreadMax = undef;
my $iProcessMax = 1;
my $bDryRun = false;
my $bNoCleanup = false;
my $strPgSqlBin;
my $strExe;
my $strTestPath;
my $bVersion = false;
my $bHelp = false;
my $bQuiet = false;
my $bInfinite = false;
my $strDbVersion = 'minimal';
my $bLogForce = false;
my $strVm = 'all';
my $bVmBuild = false;
my $bVmForce = false;
my $bNoLint = false;
my $strCommandLine = join(' ', @ARGV);
GetOptions ('q|quiet' => \$bQuiet,
'version' => \$bVersion,
'help' => \$bHelp,
'pgsql-bin=s' => \$strPgSqlBin,
'exes=s' => \$strExe,
'test-path=s' => \$strTestPath,
'log-level=s' => \$strLogLevel,
'vm=s' => \$strVm,
'vm-out' => \$bVmOut,
'vm-build' => \$bVmBuild,
'vm-force' => \$bVmForce,
'module=s' => \$strModule,
'test=s' => \$strModuleTest,
'run=s' => \$iModuleTestRun,
'thread-max=s' => \$iThreadMax,
'process-max=s' => \$iProcessMax,
'dry-run' => \$bDryRun,
'no-cleanup' => \$bNoCleanup,
'infinite' => \$bInfinite,
'db-version=s' => \$strDbVersion,
'log-force' => \$bLogForce,
'no-lint' => \$bNoLint)
or pod2usage(2);
# Display version and exit if requested
if ($bVersion || $bHelp)
syswrite(*STDOUT, BACKREST_NAME . ' ' . $VERSION . " Test Engine\n");
if ($bHelp)
syswrite(*STDOUT, "\n");
exit 0;
if (@ARGV > 0)
syswrite(*STDOUT, "invalid parameter\n\n");
# Setup
# Set a neutral umask so tests work as expected
if (defined($strExe) && !-e $strExe)
confess '--exe must exist and be fully qualified'
# Set console log level
if ($bQuiet)
$strLogLevel = 'off';
logLevelSet(uc($strLogLevel), uc($strLogLevel));
if ($strModuleTest ne 'all' && $strModule eq 'all')
confess "--module must be provided for --test=\"${strModuleTest}\"";
if (defined($iModuleTestRun) && $strModuleTest eq 'all')
confess "--test must be provided for --run=\"${iModuleTestRun}\"";
# Check thread total
if (defined($iThreadMax) && ($iThreadMax < 1 || $iThreadMax > 32))
confess 'thread-max must be between 1 and 32';
# Set test path if not expicitly set
if (!defined($strTestPath))
$strTestPath = cwd() . '/test';
# Get the base backrest path
my $strBackRestBase = dirname(dirname(abs_path($0)));
# Build Docker containers
if ($bVmBuild)
containerBuild($strVm, $bVmForce);
exit 0;
# Define tests
my $oTestDefinition =
module =>
# Help tests
name => 'help',
test =>
name => 'help'
# Config tests
name => 'config',
test =>
name => 'option'
name => 'config'
# File tests
name => 'file',
test =>
name => 'path_create'
name => 'move'
name => 'compress'
name => 'wait'
name => 'manifest'
name => 'list'
name => 'remove'
name => 'hash'
name => 'exists'
name => 'copy'
# Backup tests
name => 'backup',
test =>
name => 'archive-push',
total => 8
name => 'archive-stop',
total => 6
name => 'archive-get',
total => 8
name => 'expire',
total => 1
name => 'synthetic',
total => 8,
thread => true
name => 'full',
total => 8,
thread => true,
db => true
my $oyTestRun = [];
# Start VM and run
if ($strVm ne 'none')
# Load the doc module dynamically since it is not supported on all systems
use lib dirname(abs_path($0)) . '/../doc/lib';
require BackRestDoc::Common::Doc;
# Make sure version number matches the latest release
my $strReleaseFile = dirname(dirname(abs_path($0))) . '/doc/xml/release.xml';
my $oReleaseDoc = new BackRestDoc::Common::Doc($strReleaseFile);
foreach my $oRelease ($oReleaseDoc->nodeGet('release-list')->nodeList('release'))
my $strVersion = $oRelease->paramGet('version');
if ($strVersion =~ /dev$/ && BACKREST_VERSION !~ /dev$/)
if ($oRelease->nodeTest('release-core-list'))
confess "dev release ${strVersion} must match the program version when core changes have been made";
if ($strVersion ne BACKREST_VERSION)
confess 'unable to find version ' . BACKREST_VERSION . " as the most recent release in ${strReleaseFile}";
if (!$bDryRun)
# Run Perl critic
if (!$bNoLint)
my $strBasePath = dirname(dirname(abs_path($0)));
&log(INFO, "Performing static code analysis using perl -cw");
# Check the exe for warnings
my $strWarning = trim(executeTest("perl -cw ${strBasePath}/bin/pgbackrest 2>&1"));
if ($strWarning ne "${strBasePath}/bin/pgbackrest syntax OK")
confess &log(ERROR, "${strBasePath}/bin/pgbackrest failed syntax check:\n${strWarning}");
&log(INFO, "Performing static code analysis using perlcritic");
executeTest('perlcritic --quiet --verbose=8 --brutal --top=10' .
' --verbose "[%p] %f: %m at line %l, column %c. %e. (Severity: %s)\n"' .
" \"--profile=${strBasePath}/test/lint/perlcritic.policy\"" .
" ${strBasePath}/bin/pgbackrest ${strBasePath}/lib/*" .
" ${strBasePath}/test/test.pl ${strBasePath}/test/lib/*" .
" ${strBasePath}/doc/doc.pl ${strBasePath}/doc/lib/*");
logFileSet(cwd() . "/test");
my $oyVm = vmGet();
if ($strVm ne 'all' && !defined($${oyVm}{$strVm}))
confess &log(ERROR, "${strVm} is not a valid VM");
# Determine which tests to run
my $iTestsToRun = 0;
my $stryTestOS = [];
if ($strVm eq 'all')
$stryTestOS = [VM_CO6, VM_U16, VM_D8, VM_CO7, VM_U14, VM_U12];
$stryTestOS = [$strVm];
foreach my $strTestOS (@{$stryTestOS})
foreach my $oModule (@{$$oTestDefinition{module}})
if ($strModule eq $$oModule{name} || $strModule eq 'all')
foreach my $oTest (@{$$oModule{test}})
if ($strModuleTest eq $$oTest{name} || $strModuleTest eq 'all')
my $iDbVersionMin = -1;
my $iDbVersionMax = -1;
# By default test every db version that is supported for each OS
my $strDbVersionKey = 'db';
# Run a reduced set of tests where each PG version is only tested on a single OS
if ($strDbVersion eq 'minimal')
$strDbVersionKey = 'db_minimal';
if (defined($$oTest{db}) && $$oTest{db})
$iDbVersionMin = 0;
$iDbVersionMax = @{$$oyVm{$strTestOS}{$strDbVersionKey}} - 1;
my $bFirstDbVersion = true;
for (my $iDbVersionIdx = $iDbVersionMax; $iDbVersionIdx >= $iDbVersionMin; $iDbVersionIdx--)
if ($iDbVersionIdx == -1 || $strDbVersion eq 'all' || $strDbVersion eq 'minimal' ||
($strDbVersion ne 'all' &&
$strDbVersion eq ${$$oyVm{$strTestOS}{$strDbVersionKey}}[$iDbVersionIdx]))
my $iTestRunMin = defined($iModuleTestRun) ?
$iModuleTestRun : (defined($$oTest{total}) ? 1 : -1);
my $iTestRunMax = defined($iModuleTestRun) ?
$iModuleTestRun : (defined($$oTest{total}) ? $$oTest{total} : -1);
if (defined($$oTest{total}) && $iTestRunMax > $$oTest{total})
confess &log(ERROR, "invalid run - must be >= 1 and <= $$oTest{total}")
for (my $iTestRunIdx = $iTestRunMin; $iTestRunIdx <= $iTestRunMax; $iTestRunIdx++)
my $iyThreadMax = [defined($iThreadMax) ? $iThreadMax : 1];
if (defined($$oTest{thread}) && $$oTest{thread} &&
!defined($iThreadMax) && $bFirstDbVersion)
$iyThreadMax = [1, 4];
foreach my $iThreadTestMax (@{$iyThreadMax})
my $oTestRun =
os => $strTestOS,
module => $$oModule{name},
test => $$oTest{name},
run => $iTestRunIdx == -1 ? undef : $iTestRunIdx,
thread => $iThreadTestMax,
db => $iDbVersionIdx == -1 ? undef :
push(@{$oyTestRun}, $oTestRun);
$bFirstDbVersion = false;
if ($iTestsToRun == 0)
confess &log(ERROR, 'no tests were selected');
&log(INFO, $iTestsToRun . ' test' . ($iTestsToRun > 1 ? 's': '') . " selected\n");
if ($bNoCleanup && $iTestsToRun > 1)
confess &log(ERROR, '--no-cleanup is not valid when more than one test will run')
my $iTestFail = 0;
my $oyProcess = [];
if (!$bDryRun || $bVmOut)
for (my $iProcessIdx = 0; $iProcessIdx < 8; $iProcessIdx++)
# &log(INFO, "stop test-${iProcessIdx}");
push(@{$oyProcess}, undef);
executeTest("docker rm -f test-${iProcessIdx}", {bSuppressError => true});
executeTest("sudo rm -rf ${strTestPath}/*");
if ($bDryRun)
$iProcessMax = 1;
my $iTestIdx = 0;
my $iProcessTotal;
my $iTestMax = @{$oyTestRun};
my $lStartTime = time();
my $bShowOutputAsync = $bVmOut && (@{$oyTestRun} == 1 || $iProcessMax == 1) && ! $bDryRun ? true : false;
$iProcessTotal = 0;
for (my $iProcessIdx = 0; $iProcessIdx < $iProcessMax; $iProcessIdx++)
if (defined($$oyProcess[$iProcessIdx]))
my $oExecDone = $$oyProcess[$iProcessIdx]{exec};
my $strTestDone = $$oyProcess[$iProcessIdx]{test};
my $iTestDoneIdx = $$oyProcess[$iProcessIdx]{idx};
my $iExitStatus = $oExecDone->end(undef, $iProcessMax == 1);
if (defined($iExitStatus))
if ($bShowOutputAsync)
syswrite(*STDOUT, "\n");
my $fTestElapsedTime = ceil((gettimeofday() - $$oyProcess[$iProcessIdx]{start_time}) * 100) / 100;
if (!($iExitStatus == 0 || $iExitStatus == 255))
&log(ERROR, "${strTestDone} (err${iExitStatus}-${fTestElapsedTime}s)" .
(defined($oExecDone->{strOutLog}) && !$bShowOutputAsync ?
":\n\n" . trim($oExecDone->{strOutLog}) . "\n" : ''), undef, undef, 4);
&log(INFO, "${strTestDone} (${fTestElapsedTime}s)".
($bVmOut && !$bShowOutputAsync ?
":\n\n" . trim($oExecDone->{strOutLog}) . "\n" : ''), undef, undef, 4);
if (!$bNoCleanup)
my $strImage = 'test-' . $iProcessIdx;
my $strHostTestPath = "${strTestPath}/${strImage}";
executeTest("docker rm -f ${strImage}");
executeTest("sudo rm -rf ${strHostTestPath}");
$$oyProcess[$iProcessIdx] = undef;
if ($iProcessTotal == $iProcessMax)
while ($iProcessTotal == $iProcessMax);
for (my $iProcessIdx = 0; $iProcessIdx < $iProcessMax; $iProcessIdx++)
if (!defined($$oyProcess[$iProcessIdx]) && $iTestIdx < @{$oyTestRun})
my $oTest = $$oyTestRun[$iTestIdx];
my $strTest = sprintf('P%0' . length($iProcessMax) . 'd-T%0' . length($iTestMax) . 'd/%0' .
length($iTestMax) . "d - ", $iProcessIdx, $iTestIdx, $iTestMax) .
"vm=$$oTest{os}, module=$$oTest{module}, test=$$oTest{test}" .
(defined($$oTest{run}) ? ", run=$$oTest{run}" : '') .
(defined($$oTest{thread}) ? ", thread-max=$$oTest{thread}" : '') .
(defined($$oTest{db}) ? ", db=$$oTest{db}" : '');
my $strImage = 'test-' . $iProcessIdx;
my $strDbVersion = (defined($$oTest{db}) ? $$oTest{db} : PG_VERSION_94);
$strDbVersion =~ s/\.//;
&log($bDryRun && !$bVmOut || $bShowOutputAsync ? INFO : DEBUG, "${strTest}" .
($bVmOut || $bShowOutputAsync ? "\n" : ''));
my $strVmTestPath = "/home/vagrant/test/${strImage}";
my $strHostTestPath = "${strTestPath}/${strImage}";
# Don't create the container if this is a dry run unless output from the VM is required. Ouput can be requested
# to get more information about the specific tests that will be run.
if (!$bDryRun || $bVmOut)
# Create host test directory
filePathCreate($strHostTestPath, '0770');
executeTest("docker run -itd -h $$oTest{os}-test --name=${strImage}" .
" -v ${strHostTestPath}:${strVmTestPath}" .
" -v ${strBackRestBase}:${strBackRestBase} backrest/$$oTest{os}-test-${strDbVersion}");
# Build up command line for the individual test
$strCommandLine =~ s/\-\-os\=\S*//g;
$strCommandLine =~ s/\-\-test\-path\=\S*//g;
$strCommandLine =~ s/\-\-module\=\S*//g;
$strCommandLine =~ s/\-\-test\=\S*//g;
$strCommandLine =~ s/\-\-run\=\S*//g;
$strCommandLine =~ s/\-\-db\-version\=\S*//g;
$strCommandLine =~ s/\-\-no\-lint\S*//g;
$strCommandLine =~ s/\-\-process\-max\=\S*//g;
my $strCommand =
"docker exec -i -u vagrant ${strImage} ${strBackRestBase}/test/test.pl ${strCommandLine}" .
" --vm=none --module=$$oTest{module} --test=$$oTest{test}" .
(defined($$oTest{run}) ? " --run=$$oTest{run}" : '') .
(defined($$oTest{thread}) ? " --thread-max=$$oTest{thread}" : '') .
(defined($$oTest{db}) ? " --db-version=$$oTest{db}" : '') .
($bDryRun ? " --dry-run" : '') .
" --test-path=${strVmTestPath}" .
" --no-cleanup --vm-out";
&log(DEBUG, $strCommand);
if (!$bDryRun || $bVmOut)
my $fTestStartTime = gettimeofday();
# Set permissions on the Docker test directory. This can be removed once users/groups are sync'd between
# Docker and the host VM.
executeTest("docker exec ${strImage} chown vagrant:postgres -R ${strVmTestPath}");
my $oExec = new pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest(
{bSuppressError => true, bShowOutputAsync => $bShowOutputAsync});
my $oProcess =
exec => $oExec,
test => $strTest,
idx => $iTestIdx,
start_time => $fTestStartTime
$$oyProcess[$iProcessIdx] = $oProcess;
while ($iProcessTotal > 0);
if ($bDryRun)
&log(INFO, 'TESTS COMPLETED ' . ($iTestFail == 0 ? 'SUCCESSFULLY' : "WITH ${iTestFail} FAILURE(S)") .
' (' . (time() - $lStartTime) . 's)');
exit 0;
# Search for psql
my @stryTestVersion;
my @stryVersionSupport = versionSupport();
if (!defined($strPgSqlBin))
# Distribution-specific paths where the PostgreSQL binaries may be located
my @strySearchPath =
'/usr/lib/postgresql/VERSION/bin', # Debian/Ubuntu
'/usr/pgsql-VERSION/bin', # CentOS/RHEL/Fedora
'/Library/PostgreSQL/VERSION/bin', # OSX
'/usr/local/bin' # BSD
foreach my $strSearchPath (@strySearchPath)
for (my $iVersionIdx = @stryVersionSupport - 1; $iVersionIdx >= 0; $iVersionIdx--)
if ($strDbVersion eq 'all' || $strDbVersion eq 'minimal' || $strDbVersion eq 'max' && @stryTestVersion == 0 ||
$strDbVersion eq $stryVersionSupport[$iVersionIdx])
my $strVersionPath = $strSearchPath;
$strVersionPath =~ s/VERSION/$stryVersionSupport[$iVersionIdx]/g;
if (-e "${strVersionPath}/initdb")
&log(DEBUG, "FOUND pgsql-bin at ${strVersionPath}");
push @stryTestVersion, $strVersionPath;
# Make sure at least one version of postgres was found
@stryTestVersion > 0
or confess 'pgsql-bin was not defined and postgres could not be located automatically';
push @stryTestVersion, $strPgSqlBin;
# Clean whitespace only if test.pl is being run from the test directory in the backrest repo
# if (-e './test.pl' && -e '../bin/pgbackrest)
# {
# BackRestTestCommon_Execute(
# "find .. -type f -not -path \"../.git/*\" -not -path \"*.DS_Store\" -not -path \"../test/test/*\" " .
# "-not -path \"../test/data/*\" " .
# "-exec sh -c 'for i;do echo \"\$i\" && sed 's/[[:space:]]*\$//' \"\$i\">/tmp/.\$\$ && cat /tmp/.\$\$ " .
# "> \"\$i\";done' arg0 {} + > /dev/null", false, true);
# }
# Runs tests
# &log(INFO, "Testing with test_path = " . BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . ", host = {strHost}, user = {strUser}, " .
# "group = {strGroup}");
my $iRun = 0;
if (BackRestTestCommon_Setup($strExe, $strTestPath, $stryTestVersion[0], $iModuleTestRun,
$bDryRun, $bNoCleanup, $bLogForce))
if (!$bVmOut &&
($strModule eq 'all' ||
$strModule eq 'backup' && $strModuleTest eq 'all' ||
$strModule eq 'backup' && $strModuleTest eq 'full'))
&log(INFO, "TESTING psql-bin = $stryTestVersion[0]\n");
if ($bInfinite)
&log(INFO, "INFINITE - RUN ${iRun}\n");
# if ($strModule eq 'all' || $strModule eq 'ini')
# {
# BackRestTestIni_Test($strModuleTest);
# }
if ($strModule eq 'all' || $strModule eq 'help')
BackRestTestHelp_Test($strModuleTest, undef, $bVmOut);
if ($strModule eq 'all' || $strModule eq 'config')
BackRestTestConfig_Test($strModuleTest, undef, $bVmOut);
if ($strModule eq 'all' || $strModule eq 'file')
BackRestTestFile_Test($strModuleTest, undef, $bVmOut);
if ($strModule eq 'all' || $strModule eq 'backup')
if (!defined($iThreadMax) || $iThreadMax == 1)
BackRestTestBackup_Test($strModuleTest, 1, $bVmOut);
if (!defined($iThreadMax) || $iThreadMax > 1)
BackRestTestBackup_Test($strModuleTest, defined($iThreadMax) ? $iThreadMax : 4, $bVmOut);
if (@stryTestVersion > 1 && ($strModuleTest eq 'all' || $strModuleTest eq 'full'))
for (my $iVersionIdx = 1; $iVersionIdx < @stryTestVersion; $iVersionIdx++)
BackRestTestCommon_Setup($strExe, $strTestPath, $stryTestVersion[$iVersionIdx],
$iModuleTestRun, $bDryRun, $bNoCleanup);
&log(INFO, "TESTING psql-bin = $stryTestVersion[$iVersionIdx] for backup/full\n");
BackRestTestBackup_Test('full', defined($iThreadMax) ? $iThreadMax : 4, $bVmOut);
if ($strModule eq 'compare')
while ($bInfinite);
if ($@)
my $oMessage = $@;
# If a backrest exception then return the code - don't confess
if (blessed($oMessage) && $oMessage->isa('pgBackRest::Common::Exception'))
syswrite(*STDOUT, $oMessage->trace());
exit $oMessage->code();
syswrite(*STDOUT, $oMessage);
exit 250;
if (!$bDryRun && !$bVmOut)