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synced 2025-03-03 14:52:21 +02:00
* Refactor Ini.pm to facilitate testing. * Complete statement/branch coverage for Ini.pm. * Improved functions used to test/munge manifest and info files.
542 lines
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542 lines
19 KiB
# Contains functions for adding, upgrading and removing a stanza.
package pgBackRest::Stanza;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::Archive::ArchiveInfo;
use pgBackRest::BackupInfo;
use pgBackRest::Db;
use pgBackRest::DbVersion;
use pgBackRest::File;
use pgBackRest::FileCommon;
use pgBackRest::InfoCommon;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Common;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Protocol;
# Global variables
my $strStanzaCreateErrorMsg = "not empty\n" .
"HINT: Use --force to force the stanza data to be created.";
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my $strOperation = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->new');
# Initialize the database object
$self->{oDb} = dbMasterGet();
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self}
# Process Stanza Commands
sub process
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->process');
my $iResult = 0;
# Process stanza create
if (commandTest(CMD_STANZA_CREATE))
$iResult = $self->stanzaCreate();
# Process stanza upgrade
elsif (commandTest(CMD_STANZA_UPGRADE))
$iResult = $self->stanzaUpgrade();
# Else error if any other command is found
confess &log(ASSERT, "stanza->process() called with invalid command: " . commandGet());
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'iResult', value => $iResult, trace => true}
# stanzaCreate
# Creates the required data for the stanza.
sub stanzaCreate
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->stanzaCreate');
# Initialize default file object with protocol set to NONE meaning strictly local
my $oFile = new pgBackRest::File
# Get the parent paths (create if not exist)
my $strParentPathArchive = $self->parentPathGet($oFile, PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE);
my $strParentPathBackup = $self->parentPathGet($oFile, PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER);
# Get a listing of files in the directory, ignoring if any are missing
my @stryFileListArchive = fileList($strParentPathArchive, {bIgnoreMissing => true});
my @stryFileListBackup = fileList($strParentPathBackup, {bIgnoreMissing => true});
# If force not used and at least one directory is not empty, then check to see if the info files exist
if (!optionGet(OPTION_FORCE) && (@stryFileListArchive || @stryFileListBackup))
my $strBackupInfoFile = &FILE_BACKUP_INFO;
my $strArchiveInfoFile = &ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE;
# If either info file is not in the file list, then something exists in the directories so need to use force option
if (@stryFileListBackup && !grep(/^$strBackupInfoFile/i, @stryFileListBackup)
|| @stryFileListArchive && !grep(/^$strArchiveInfoFile/i, @stryFileListArchive))
confess &log(ERROR,
(@stryFileListBackup ? 'backup directory ' : '') .
((@stryFileListBackup && @stryFileListArchive) ? 'and/or ' : '') .
(@stryFileListArchive ? 'archive directory ' : '') .
$strStanzaCreateErrorMsg, ERROR_PATH_NOT_EMPTY);
# Create the archive.info file and local variables
my ($iResult, $strResultMessage) =
$self->infoFileCreate((new pgBackRest::Archive::ArchiveInfo($strParentPathArchive, false)), $oFile,
PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strParentPathArchive, \@stryFileListArchive);
if ($iResult == 0)
# Create the backup.info file
($iResult, $strResultMessage) =
$self->infoFileCreate((new pgBackRest::BackupInfo($strParentPathBackup, false, false)), $oFile,
PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, $strParentPathBackup, \@stryFileListBackup);
if ($iResult != 0)
&log(WARN, "unable to create stanza '" . optionGet(OPTION_STANZA) . "'");
confess &log(ERROR, $strResultMessage, $iResult);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'iResult', value => $iResult, trace => true}
# stanzaUpgrade
# Updates stanza information to reflect new cluster information. Normally used for version upgrades, but could be used after a
# cluster has been dumped and restored to the same version.
sub stanzaUpgrade
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->stanzaUpgrade');
# Initialize default file object with protocol set to NONE meaning strictly local
my $oFile = new pgBackRest::File
# Get the archive info and backup info files; if either does not exist an error will be thrown
my $oArchiveInfo = new pgBackRest::Archive::ArchiveInfo($oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE));
my $oBackupInfo = new pgBackRest::BackupInfo($oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER));
my $bBackupUpgraded = false;
my $bArchiveUpgraded = false;
# If the DB section does not match, then upgrade
if ($self->upgradeCheck($oBackupInfo, PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, ERROR_BACKUP_MISMATCH))
# Determine if it is necessary to reconstruct the file
my ($bReconstruct, $strWarningMsgArchive) =
$self->reconstructCheck($oBackupInfo, PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, $oFile, $oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER));
# If reconstruction was required then save the reconstructed file
if ($bReconstruct)
$bBackupUpgraded = true;
if ($self->upgradeCheck($oArchiveInfo, PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, ERROR_ARCHIVE_MISMATCH))
# Determine if it is necessary to reconstruct the file
my ($bReconstruct, $strWarningMsgArchive) =
$self->reconstructCheck($oArchiveInfo, PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $oFile, $oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE));
# If reconstruction was required then save the reconstructed file
if ($bReconstruct)
$bArchiveUpgraded = true;
# If neither file needed upgrading then provide informational message that an upgrade was not necessary
if (!($bBackupUpgraded || $bArchiveUpgraded))
&log(INFO, "the stanza data is already up to date");
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'iResult', value => 0, trace => true}
# parentPathGet
# Creates the parent path if it doesn't exist and returns the path.
sub parentPathGet
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->parentPathGet', \@_,
{name => 'oFile', trace => true},
{name => 'strPathType', trace => true},
my $strParentPath = $oFile->pathGet($strPathType);
# If the info path does not exist, create it
if (!fileExists($strParentPath))
# Create the cluster repo path
$oFile->pathCreate($strPathType, undef, undef, true, true);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strParentPath', value => $strParentPath},
# infoFileCreate
# Creates the info file based on the data passed to the function
sub infoFileCreate
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->infoFileCreate', \@_,
{name => 'oInfo', trace => true},
{name => 'oFile', trace => true},
{name => 'strPathType'},
{name => 'strParentPath'},
{name => 'stryFileList'},
my $iResult = 0;
my $strResultMessage = undef;
my $strWarningMsgArchive = undef;
my $bReconstruct = true;
# If force was not used and the info file does not exist and the directory is not empty, then error
# This should also be performed by the calling routine before this function is called, so this is just a safety check
if (!optionGet(OPTION_FORCE) && !$oInfo->{bExists} && @$stryFileList)
confess &log(ERROR, ($strPathType eq PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER ? 'backup directory ' : 'archive directory ') .
$strStanzaCreateErrorMsg, ERROR_PATH_NOT_EMPTY);
# Turn off console logging to control when to display the error
($bReconstruct, $strWarningMsgArchive) = $self->reconstructCheck($oInfo, $strPathType, $oFile, $strParentPath);
if ($oInfo->exists() && $bReconstruct)
# If force was not used and the hashes are different then error
if (!optionGet(OPTION_FORCE))
$strResultMessage =
($strPathType eq PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER ? 'backup file ' : 'archive file ') . "invalid\n" .
'HINT: use stanza-upgrade if the database has been upgraded or use --force';
if ($iResult == 0)
# Save the reconstructed file
if ($bReconstruct)
# Sync path if requested
if (optionGet(OPTION_REPO_SYNC))
defined($oInfo->{strArchiveClusterPath}) ? $oInfo->{strArchiveClusterPath} : $oInfo->{strBackupClusterPath});
# Reset the console logging
return true;
or do
# Reset console logging and capture error information
$iResult = exceptionCode($EVAL_ERROR);
$strResultMessage = exceptionMessage($EVAL_ERROR->message());
# If a warning was issued, raise it
if (defined($strWarningMsgArchive))
&log(WARN, $strWarningMsgArchive);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'iResult', value => $iResult},
{name => 'strResultMessage', value => $strResultMessage},
# dbInfoGet
# Gets the database information and store it in $self
sub dbInfoGet
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->dbInfoGet');
# Validate the database configuration. Do not require the database to be online before creating a stanza because the
# archive_command will attempt to push an achive before the archive.info file exists which will result in an error in the
# postgres logs.
if (optionGet(OPTION_ONLINE))
# If the db-path in pgbackrest.conf does not match the pg_control then this will error alert the user to fix pgbackrest.conf
($self->{oDb}{strDbVersion}, $self->{oDb}{iControlVersion}, $self->{oDb}{iCatalogVersion}, $self->{oDb}{ullDbSysId})
= $self->{oDb}->info();
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);
# reconstructCheck
# Reconstruct the file based on disk data. If the info file already exists, it compares the reconstructed file to the existing file
# and indicates if reconstruction is required. If the file does not yet exist on disk, it will still indicate reconstruction is
# needed. The oInfo object contains the reconstructed data and can be saved by the calling routine.
sub reconstructCheck
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->reconstructCheck', \@_,
{name => 'oInfo'},
{name => 'strPathType'},
{name => 'oFile'},
{name => 'strParentPath'},
my $bReconstruct = true;
my $strWarningMsgArchive = undef;
# Reconstruct the file from the data in the directory if there is any else initialize the file
if ($strPathType eq PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER)
$oInfo->reconstruct(false, false, $self->{oDb}{strDbVersion}, $self->{oDb}{ullDbSysId}, $self->{oDb}{iControlVersion},
# If this is the archive.info reconstruction then catch any warnings
$strWarningMsgArchive = $oInfo->reconstruct($oFile, $self->{oDb}{strDbVersion}, $self->{oDb}{ullDbSysId});
# If the file exists on disk, then check if the reconstructed data is the same as what is on disk
if ($oInfo->{bExists})
my $oInfoOnDisk =
($strPathType eq PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER ? new pgBackRest::BackupInfo($strParentPath)
: new pgBackRest::Archive::ArchiveInfo($strParentPath));
# If the hashes are the same, then no need to reconstruct the file since it already exists and is valid
if ($oInfoOnDisk->hash() eq $oInfo->hash())
$bReconstruct = false;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bReconstruct', value => $bReconstruct},
{name => 'strWarningMsgArchive', value => $strWarningMsgArchive},
# upgradeCheck
# Checks the info file to see if an upgrade is necessary.
sub upgradeCheck
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->upgradeCheck', \@_,
{name => 'oInfo'},
{name => 'strPathType'},
{name => 'iExpectedError'},
my $iResult = 0;
my $strResultMessage = undef;
# Turn off console logging to control when to display the error
? $oInfo->check($self->{oDb}{strDbVersion}, $self->{oDb}{iControlVersion}, $self->{oDb}{iCatalogVersion},
$self->{oDb}{ullDbSysId}, true)
: $oInfo->check($self->{oDb}{strDbVersion}, $self->{oDb}{ullDbSysId}, true);
return true;
or do
# Confess unhandled errors
confess $EVAL_ERROR if (exceptionCode($EVAL_ERROR) != $iExpectedError);
# Capture the result which will be the expected error, meaning an upgrade is needed
$iResult = exceptionCode($EVAL_ERROR);
$strResultMessage = exceptionMessage($EVAL_ERROR->message());
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bResult', value => ($iResult == $iExpectedError ? true : false)},