mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 20:58:34 +02:00
This analysis never produced anything but false positives (var might be NULL) but took over a minute per test run and added 600MB to the test container.
1537 lines
66 KiB
Executable File
1537 lines
66 KiB
Executable File
# test.pl - pgBackRest Unit Tests
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess longmess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
# Convert die to confess to capture the stack trace
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { Carp::confess @_ };
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Cwd qw(abs_path cwd);
use JSON::PP;
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use POSIX qw(ceil strftime);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use lib dirname($0) . '/lib';
use lib dirname(dirname($0)) . '/lib';
use lib dirname(dirname($0)) . '/build/lib';
use lib dirname(dirname($0)) . '/doc/lib';
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Common::Wait;
use pgBackRest::Version;
use pgBackRestBuild::Build;
use pgBackRestBuild::Build::Common;
use pgBackRestBuild::Config::Build;
use pgBackRestBuild::Config::BuildDefine;
use pgBackRestBuild::Config::BuildParse;
use pgBackRestBuild::Embed::Build;
use pgBackRestBuild::Error::Build;
use pgBackRestBuild::Error::Data;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::BuildTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::CodeCountTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ContainerTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::CoverageTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::CiTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::DefineTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::HostGroupTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::JobTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ListTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::Storage;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::StoragePosix;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::VmTest;
# Usage
=head1 NAME
test.pl - pgBackRest Unit Tests
test.pl [options]
Test Options:
--module test module to execute
--test execute the specified test in a module
--run execute only the specified test run
--dry-run show only the tests that would be executed but don't execute them
--no-cleanup don't cleaup after the last test is complete - useful for debugging
--pg-version version of postgres to test (all, defaults to minimal)
--log-force force overwrite of current test log files
--build-only compile the test library / packages and run tests only
--build-max max processes to use for builds (default 4)
--coverage-only only run coverage tests (as a subset of selected tests)
--c-only only run C tests
--gen-only only run auto-generation
--no-gen do not run code generation
--code-count generate code counts
--smart perform libc/package builds only when source timestamps have changed
--no-package do not build packages
--no-ci-config don't overwrite the current continuous integration config
--dev --smart --no-package --no-optimize
--dev-test --no-package
--expect --no-package --vm=co7 --db=9.6 --log-force
--no-valgrind don't run valgrind on C unit tests (saves time)
--no-coverage don't run coverage on C unit tests (saves time)
--no-optimize don't do compile optimization for C (saves compile time)
--backtrace enable backtrace when available (adds stack trace line numbers -- very slow)
--profile generate profile info
--no-debug don't generate a debug build
--debug-test-trace test stack trace for low-level functions (slow, esp w/valgrind, may cause timeouts)
Report Options:
--coverage-summary generate a coverage summary report for the documentation
Configuration Options:
--psql-bin path to the psql executables (e.g. /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/)
--test-path path where tests are executed (defaults to ./test)
--log-level log level to use for test harness (and Perl tests) (defaults to INFO)
--log-level-test log level to use for C tests (defaults to OFF)
--quiet, -q equivalent to --log-level=off
VM Options:
--vm docker container to build/test (u12, u14, co6, co7)
--vm-build build Docker containers
--vm-force force a rebuild of Docker containers
--vm-out Show VM output (default false)
--vm-max max VMs to run in parallel (default 1)
General Options:
--version display version and exit
--help display usage and exit
# Command line parameters
my $strLogLevel = lc(INFO);
my $strLogLevelTest = lc(OFF);
my $bVmOut = false;
my @stryModule;
my @stryModuleTest;
my @iyModuleTestRun;
my $iVmMax = 1;
my $iVmId = undef;
my $bDryRun = false;
my $bNoCleanup = false;
my $strPgSqlBin;
my $strTestPath;
my $bVersion = false;
my $bHelp = false;
my $bQuiet = false;
my $strPgVersion = 'minimal';
my $bLogForce = false;
my $strVm;
my $strVmHost = VM_HOST_DEFAULT;
my $bVmBuild = false;
my $bVmForce = false;
my $bBuildOnly = false;
my $iBuildMax = 4;
my $bCoverageOnly = false;
my $bCoverageSummary = false;
my $bNoCoverage = false;
my $bCOnly = false;
my $bGenOnly = false;
my $bNoGen = false;
my $bCodeCount = false;
my $bSmart = false;
my $bNoPackage = false;
my $bNoCiConfig = false;
my $bDev = false;
my $bDevTest = false;
my $bBackTrace = false;
my $bProfile = false;
my $bExpect = false;
my $bNoValgrind = false;
my $bNoOptimize = false;
my $bNoDebug = false;
my $bDebugTestTrace = false;
my $iRetry = 0;
my @cmdOptions = @ARGV;
GetOptions ('q|quiet' => \$bQuiet,
'version' => \$bVersion,
'help' => \$bHelp,
'pgsql-bin=s' => \$strPgSqlBin,
'test-path=s' => \$strTestPath,
'log-level=s' => \$strLogLevel,
'log-level-test=s' => \$strLogLevelTest,
'vm=s' => \$strVm,
'vm-host=s' => \$strVmHost,
'vm-out' => \$bVmOut,
'vm-build' => \$bVmBuild,
'vm-force' => \$bVmForce,
'module=s@' => \@stryModule,
'test=s@' => \@stryModuleTest,
'run=s@' => \@iyModuleTestRun,
'vm-id=s' => \$iVmId,
'vm-max=s' => \$iVmMax,
'dry-run' => \$bDryRun,
'no-cleanup' => \$bNoCleanup,
'pg-version=s' => \$strPgVersion,
'log-force' => \$bLogForce,
'build-only' => \$bBuildOnly,
'build-max=s' => \$iBuildMax,
'no-package' => \$bNoPackage,
'no-ci-config' => \$bNoCiConfig,
'coverage-only' => \$bCoverageOnly,
'coverage-summary' => \$bCoverageSummary,
'no-coverage' => \$bNoCoverage,
'c-only' => \$bCOnly,
'gen-only' => \$bGenOnly,
'no-gen' => \$bNoGen,
'code-count' => \$bCodeCount,
'smart' => \$bSmart,
'dev' => \$bDev,
'dev-test' => \$bDevTest,
'backtrace' => \$bBackTrace,
'profile' => \$bProfile,
'expect' => \$bExpect,
'no-valgrind' => \$bNoValgrind,
'no-optimize' => \$bNoOptimize,
'no-debug', => \$bNoDebug,
'debug-test-trace', => \$bDebugTestTrace,
'retry=s' => \$iRetry)
or pod2usage(2);
# Run in eval block to catch errors
# Record the start time
my $lStartTime = time();
# Display version and exit if requested
if ($bVersion || $bHelp)
syswrite(*STDOUT, PROJECT_NAME . ' ' . PROJECT_VERSION . " Test Engine\n");
if ($bHelp)
syswrite(*STDOUT, "\n");
exit 0;
if (@ARGV > 0)
syswrite(*STDOUT, "invalid parameter\n\n");
# Update options for --coverage-summary
if ($bCoverageSummary)
$bCoverageOnly = true;
$bCOnly = true;
# Update options for --dev and --dev-fast and --dev-test
if ($bDev && $bDevTest)
confess "cannot combine --dev and --dev-test";
if ($bDev)
$bSmart = true;
$bNoPackage = true;
$bNoOptimize = true;
if ($bDevTest)
$bNoPackage = true;
# Update options for --profile
if ($bProfile)
$bNoValgrind = true;
$bNoCoverage = true;
# Update options for --expect
if ($bExpect)
$bNoPackage = true;
$strVm = VM_EXPECT;
$strPgVersion = '9.6';
$bLogForce = true;
# Setup
# Set a neutral umask so tests work as expected
# Set console log level
if ($bQuiet)
$strLogLevel = 'off';
logLevelSet(uc($strLogLevel), uc($strLogLevel), OFF);
&log(INFO, "test begin - log level ${strLogLevel}");
if (@stryModuleTest != 0 && @stryModule != 1)
confess "Only one --module can be provided when --test is specified";
if (@iyModuleTestRun != 0 && @stryModuleTest != 1)
confess "Only one --test can be provided when --run is specified";
# Set test path if not expicitly set
if (!defined($strTestPath))
$strTestPath = cwd() . '/test';
my $oStorageTest = new pgBackRestTest::Common::Storage(
$strTestPath, new pgBackRestTest::Common::StoragePosix({bFileSync => false, bPathSync => false}));
if ($bCoverageOnly)
if (!defined($strVm))
&log(INFO, "Set --vm=${strVmHost} for coverage testing");
$strVm = $strVmHost;
elsif ($strVm eq VM_ALL)
confess &log(ERROR, "select a single Debian-based VM for coverage testing");
# If VM is not defined then set it to all
if (!defined($strVm))
$strVm = VM_ALL;
# Get the base backrest path
my $strBackRestBase = dirname(dirname(abs_path($0)));
my $oStorageBackRest = new pgBackRestTest::Common::Storage(
$strBackRestBase, new pgBackRestTest::Common::StoragePosix({bFileSync => false, bPathSync => false}));
# Build Docker containers
if ($bVmBuild)
containerBuild($oStorageBackRest, $strVm, $bVmForce);
exit 0;
# Load test definition
# Start VM and run
if (!defined($iVmId))
# Make a copy of the repo to track which files have been changed. Eventually all builds will be done from this directory.
my $strRepoCachePath = "${strTestPath}/repo";
my $strRepoCacheManifest = 'repo.manifest';
# Create the repo path -- this should hopefully prevent obvious rsync errors below
$oStorageTest->pathCreate("${strTestPath}/repo", {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
# Check if there are any files existing already. If none, that means a full copy is happening and we shouldn't report
# modified files
my @stryExistingList = $oStorageTest->list($strRepoCachePath, {bIgnoreMissing => true});
# First check if there is an old manifest that has not been cleared. This indicates that an error happened before all new
# files could be processed, which means they should be processed again.
my @stryModifiedList;
my $rstrModifiedList = $oStorageTest->get(
$oStorageTest->openRead("${strRepoCachePath}/${strRepoCacheManifest}", {bIgnoreMissing => true}));
if (defined($rstrModifiedList))
@stryModifiedList = split("\n", trim($$rstrModifiedList));
"git -C ${strBackRestBase} ls-files -c --others --exclude-standard |" .
" rsync -rtW --out-format=\"\%n\" --delete --ignore-missing-args --exclude=repo.manifest" .
" ${strBackRestBase}/ --files-from=- ${strRepoCachePath}"))));
if (@stryModifiedList > 0)
$oStorageTest->put("${strRepoCachePath}/${strRepoCacheManifest}", join("\n", @stryModifiedList));
if (@stryExistingList > 0)
&log(INFO, "modified since last run: " . join(', ', @stryModifiedList));
# Generate code counts
if ($bCodeCount)
&log(INFO, "classify code files");
codeCountScan($oStorageBackRest, $strBackRestBase);
exit 0;
# Auto-generate files unless --no-gen specified
if (!$bNoGen)
my @stryBuiltAll;
&log(INFO, "check code autogenerate");
# Auto-generate version for configure.ac script
if (!$bSmart || grep(/^lib\/pgBackRest\/Version\.pm/, @stryModifiedList))
my $strConfigureAcOld = ${$oStorageTest->get("${strBackRestBase}/src/configure.ac")};
my $strConfigureAcNew;
foreach my $strLine (split("\n", $strConfigureAcOld))
if ($strLine =~ /^AC_INIT\(/)
$strLine = 'AC_INIT([' . PROJECT_NAME . '], [' . PROJECT_VERSION . '])';
$strConfigureAcNew .= "${strLine}\n";
# Save into the src dir
my @stryBuilt;
my $strBuilt = 'src/configure.ac';
if (buildPutDiffers($oStorageBackRest, "${strBackRestBase}/${strBuilt}", $strConfigureAcNew))
push(@stryBuilt, $strBuilt);
push(@stryBuiltAll, @stryBuilt);
push(@stryModifiedList, @stryBuilt);
" autogenerated version in configure.ac script: " . (@stryBuilt ? join(', ', @stryBuilt) : 'no changes'));
# Auto-generate configure script
if (!$bSmart || grep(/^src\/configure\.ac/, @stryModifiedList))
my $strConfigure = executeTest("autoconf ${strBackRestBase}/src/configure.ac");
# Trim off any trailing LFs
$strConfigure = trim($strConfigure) . "\n";
# Save into the src dir
my @stryBuilt;
my $strBuilt = 'src/configure';
if (buildPutDiffers($oStorageBackRest, "${strBackRestBase}/${strBuilt}", $strConfigure))
push(@stryBuilt, $strBuilt);
push(@stryBuiltAll, @stryBuilt);
push(@stryModifiedList, @stryBuilt);
&log(INFO, " autogenerated configure script: " . (@stryBuilt ? join(', ', @stryBuilt) : 'no changes'));
# Auto-generate C files
if (!$bSmart || grep(/^build\//, @stryModifiedList))
my $rhBuild =
'config' =>
&BLD_DATA => buildConfig(),
&BLD_PATH => 'config',
'configDefine' =>
&BLD_DATA => buildConfigDefine(),
&BLD_PATH => 'config',
'configParse' =>
&BLD_DATA => buildConfigParse(),
&BLD_PATH => 'config',
'error' =>
&BLD_DATA => buildError(),
&BLD_PATH => 'common',
my @stryBuilt = buildAll("${strBackRestBase}/src", $rhBuild);
&log(INFO, " autogenerated C code: " . (@stryBuilt ? join(', ', @stryBuilt) : 'no changes'));
if (@stryBuilt)
push(@stryBuiltAll, @stryBuilt);
push(@stryModifiedList, @stryBuilt);
# Auto-generate Perl code
use lib dirname(dirname($0)) . '/libc/build/lib';
use pgBackRestLibC::Build;
if (!$bSmart || grep(/^(build|libc\/build)\//, @stryModifiedList))
my @stryBuilt = buildXsAll("${strBackRestBase}/libc");
&log(INFO, " autogenerated Perl code: " . (@stryBuilt ? join(', ', @stryBuilt) : 'no changes'));
if (@stryBuilt)
push(@stryBuiltAll, @stryBuilt);
push(@stryModifiedList, @stryBuilt);
# Auto-generate C library code to embed in the binary
if (!$bSmart || grep(/^libc\//, @stryModifiedList))
my $strLibC = executeTest(
"cd ${strBackRestBase}/libc && " .
"perl /usr/share/perl/5.26/ExtUtils/xsubpp -typemap /usr/share/perl/5.26/ExtUtils/typemap" .
" -typemap typemap LibC.xs");
# Trim off any trailing LFs
$strLibC = trim($strLibC) . "\n";
# Strip out line numbers. These are useful for the LibC build but only cause churn in the binary
# build.
$strLibC =~ s/^\#line .*\n//mg;
# Save into the bin src dir
my @stryBuilt;
my $strBuilt = 'src/perl/libc.auto.c';
if (buildPutDiffers($oStorageBackRest, "${strBackRestBase}/${strBuilt}", $strLibC))
push(@stryBuilt, $strBuilt);
push(@stryBuiltAll, @stryBuilt);
push(@stryModifiedList, @stryBuilt);
&log(INFO, " autogenerated embedded C code: " . (@stryBuilt ? join(', ', @stryBuilt) : 'no changes'));
# Auto-generate embedded Perl code
if (!$bSmart || grep(/^lib\//, @stryModifiedList))
my $rhBuild =
'embed' =>
&BLD_DATA => buildEmbed($oStorageBackRest),
&BLD_PATH => 'perl',
my @stryBuilt = buildAll("${strBackRestBase}/src", $rhBuild);
&log(INFO, " autogenerated embedded Perl code: " . (@stryBuilt ? join(', ', @stryBuilt) : 'no changes'));
if (@stryBuilt)
push(@stryBuiltAll, @stryBuilt);
push(@stryModifiedList, @stryBuilt);
# Auto-generate C Makefile
if (!$bSmart || grep(/^(src|libc)\//, @stryModifiedList))
my @stryBuilt;
my $strBuilt = 'src/Makefile.in';
if (buildPutDiffers(
{rhOption => {'postgres/pageChecksum.o' => '@COPTIMIZE_PAGE_CHECKSUM@'}})))
push(@stryBuilt, $strBuilt);
push(@stryBuiltAll, @stryBuilt);
push(@stryModifiedList, @stryBuilt);
&log(INFO, " autogenerated C Makefile: " . (@stryBuilt ? join(', ', @stryBuilt) : 'no changes'));
# Copy all the files that were auto-generate so they won't show as modified in the next run
foreach my $strBuilt (@stryBuiltAll)
executeTest("cp -p ${strBackRestBase}/${strBuilt} ${strRepoCachePath}/${strBuilt}");
if ($bGenOnly)
exit 0;
# Build CI config
if (!$bNoCiConfig)
(new pgBackRestTest::Common::CiTest($oStorageBackRest))->process();
# Check Perl version against release notes and update version in C code if needed
my $bVersionDev = true;
my $strVersionBase;
if (!$bDev)
# Make sure version number matches the latest release
&log(INFO, "check version info");
# Load the doc modules dynamically since they are not supported on all systems
require BackRestDoc::Common::Doc;
require BackRestDoc::Custom::DocCustomRelease;
my $strReleaseFile = dirname(dirname(abs_path($0))) . '/doc/xml/release.xml';
my $oRelease =
(new BackRestDoc::Custom::DocCustomRelease(new BackRestDoc::Common::Doc($strReleaseFile)))->releaseLast();
my $strVersion = $oRelease->paramGet('version');
$bVersionDev = false;
$strVersionBase = $strVersion;
if ($strVersion =~ /dev$/)
$bVersionDev = true;
$strVersionBase = substr($strVersion, 0, length($strVersion) - 3);
if (PROJECT_VERSION !~ /dev$/ && $oRelease->nodeTest('release-core-list'))
confess "dev release ${strVersion} must match the program version when core changes have been made";
elsif ($strVersion ne PROJECT_VERSION)
confess 'unable to find version ' . PROJECT_VERSION . " as the most recent release in ${strReleaseFile}";
# Update version for the C code based on the current Perl version
my $strCVersionFile = "${strBackRestBase}/src/version.h";
my $strCVersionOld = ${$oStorageTest->get($strCVersionFile)};
my $strCVersionNew;
foreach my $strLine (split("\n", $strCVersionOld))
if ($strLine =~ /^#define PROJECT_VERSION/)
$strLine = '#define PROJECT_VERSION' . (' ' x 45) . '"' . PROJECT_VERSION . '"';
$strCVersionNew .= "${strLine}\n";
if ($strCVersionNew ne $strCVersionOld)
$oStorageTest->put($strCVersionFile, $strCVersionNew);
# Clean up
my $iTestFail = 0;
my $iTestRetry = 0;
my $oyProcess = [];
my $strCoveragePath = "${strTestPath}/cover_db";
my $strCodePath = "${strBackRestBase}/test/.vagrant/code";
if (!$bDryRun || $bVmOut)
&log(INFO, "cleanup old data and containers");
for (my $iVmIdx = 0; $iVmIdx < 8; $iVmIdx++)
push(@{$oyProcess}, undef);
"sudo rm -rf ${strTestPath}/cover_db ${strTestPath}/test-* ${strTestPath}/expect-*" .
($bDev ? '' : " ${strTestPath}/gcov-*"));
$oStorageTest->pathCreate($strCoveragePath, {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
# Remove old coverage dirs -- do it this way so the dirs stay open in finder/explorer, etc.
executeTest("rm -rf ${strBackRestBase}/test/coverage/c/*");
# Overwrite the C coverage report so it will load but not show old coverage
$oStorageTest->pathCreate("${strBackRestBase}/test/coverage", {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true});
"${strBackRestBase}/test/coverage/c-coverage.html", "<center>[ Generating New Report ]</center>");
# Copy C code for coverage tests
if (vmCoverageC($strVm) && !$bDryRun)
$oStorageTest->pathCreate("${strCodePath}/test", {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
"rsync -rt --delete --exclude=test ${strBackRestBase}/src/ ${strCodePath} && " .
"rsync -rt --delete ${strBackRestBase}/test/src/module/ ${strCodePath}/test");
# Determine which tests to run
my $oyTestRun;
my $bBinRequired = $bBuildOnly;
my $bLibCHostRequired = $bBuildOnly;
my $bLibCVmRequired = $bBuildOnly;
# Only get the test list when they can run
if (!$bBuildOnly)
# Get the test list
$oyTestRun = testListGet(
$strVm, \@stryModule, \@stryModuleTest, \@iyModuleTestRun, $strPgVersion, $bCoverageOnly, $bCOnly);
# Determine if the C binary and test library need to be built
foreach my $hTest (@{$oyTestRun})
# Bin build required for all Perl tests or if a C unit test calls Perl
if (!$hTest->{&TEST_C} || $hTest->{&TEST_PERL_REQ})
$bBinRequired = true;
# Host LibC required if a Perl test
if (!$hTest->{&TEST_C})
$bLibCHostRequired = true;
# VM LibC required if Perl and not an integration test
if (!$hTest->{&TEST_C} && !$hTest->{&TEST_INTEGRATION})
$bLibCVmRequired = true;
my $strBuildRequired;
if ($bBinRequired || $bLibCHostRequired || $bLibCVmRequired)
if ($bBinRequired)
$strBuildRequired = "bin";
if ($bLibCHostRequired)
$strBuildRequired .= ", libc host";
if ($bLibCVmRequired)
$strBuildRequired .= ", libc vm";
$strBuildRequired = "none";
&log(INFO, "builds required: ${strBuildRequired}");
# Build the binary, library and packages
if (!$bDryRun)
my $oVm = vmGet();
my $strVagrantPath = "${strBackRestBase}/test/.vagrant";
my $lTimestampLast;
my @stryBinSrcPath = ('src', 'libc');
my $strBinPath = "${strVagrantPath}/bin";
my $rhBinBuild = {};
# Build the binary
if ($bBinRequired)
# Find the lastest modified time for dirs that affect the bin build
$lTimestampLast = buildLastModTime($oStorageBackRest, $strBackRestBase, \@stryBinSrcPath);
# Loop through VMs to do the C bin builds
my $bLogDetail = $strLogLevel eq 'detail';
my @stryBuildVm = $strVm eq VM_ALL ? VM_LIST : ($strVm);
foreach my $strBuildVM (@stryBuildVm)
my $strBuildPath = "${strBinPath}/${strBuildVM}/src";
my $bRebuild = !$bSmart;
$rhBinBuild->{$strBuildVM} = true;
# Build configure/compile options and see if they have changed from the previous build
my $strCFlags =
"-Wfatal-errors -g -fPIC -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64" .
(vmWithBackTrace($strBuildVM) && $bBackTrace ? ' -DWITH_BACKTRACE' : '') .
($bDebugTestTrace ? ' -DDEBUG_TEST_TRACE' : '');
my $strLdFlags = vmWithBackTrace($strBuildVM) && $bBackTrace ? '-lbacktrace' : '';
my $strConfigOptions = (vmDebugIntegration($strBuildVM) ? ' --enable-test' : '');
my $strBuildFlags = "CFLAGS=${strCFlags}\nLDFLAGS=${strLdFlags}\nCONFIGURE=${strConfigOptions}";
my $strBuildFlagFile = "${strBinPath}/${strBuildVM}/build.flags";
my $bBuildOptionsDiffer = buildPutDiffers($oStorageBackRest, $strBuildFlagFile, $strBuildFlags);
$bBuildOptionsDiffer |= grep(/^src\/configure|src\/Makefile.in|src\/build\.auto\.h$/, @stryModifiedList);
# Rebuild if the modification time of the smart file does equal the last changes in source paths
my $strBinSmart = "${strBuildPath}/pgbackrest";
if ($bBuildOptionsDiffer ||
($bSmart &&
(!$oStorageBackRest->exists($strBinSmart) ||
$oStorageBackRest->info($strBinSmart)->mtime < $lTimestampLast)))
&log(INFO, " bin dependencies have changed for ${strBuildVM}, rebuilding...");
$bRebuild = true;
if ($bRebuild)
&log(INFO, " build bin for ${strBuildVM} (${strBuildPath})");
"docker run -itd -h test-build --name=test-build" .
" -v ${strBackRestBase}:${strBackRestBase} " . containerRepo() . ":${strBuildVM}-build",
{bSuppressStdErr => true});
foreach my $strBinSrcPath (@stryBinSrcPath)
"${strBinPath}/${strBuildVM}/${strBinSrcPath}", {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
"rsync -rt" . (!$bSmart || $bBuildOptionsDiffer ? " --delete-excluded" : '') .
" --include=" . join('/*** --include=', @stryBinSrcPath) . '/*** --exclude=*' .
" ${strBackRestBase}/ ${strBinPath}/${strBuildVM}");
buildPutDiffers($oStorageBackRest, $strBuildFlagFile, $strBuildFlags);
if ($bBuildOptionsDiffer || !$oStorageBackRest->exists("${strBuildPath}/Makefile"))
"docker exec -i test-build bash -c 'cd ${strBuildPath} && ./configure${strConfigOptions}'",
{bShowOutputAsync => $bLogDetail});
'docker exec -i test-build' .
" make -j ${iBuildMax}" . ($bLogDetail ? '' : ' --silent') .
" --directory ${strBuildPath} CFLAGS='${strCFlags}' LDFLAGS='${strLdFlags}'",
{bShowOutputAsync => $bLogDetail});
executeTest("docker rm -f test-build");
# Build the C Library
if ($bLibCHostRequired || $bLibCVmRequired)
my $strLibCPath = "${strVagrantPath}/bin";
# Loop through VMs to do the C Library builds
my $bLogDetail = $strLogLevel eq 'detail';
my @stryBuildVm = ();
if ($strVm eq VM_ALL)
@stryBuildVm = $bLibCVmRequired ? VM_LIST : ($strVmHost);
@stryBuildVm = $bLibCVmRequired && $strVmHost ne $strVm ? ($strVmHost, $strVm) : ($strVmHost);
foreach my $strBuildVM (@stryBuildVm)
my $strBuildPath = "${strLibCPath}/${strBuildVM}/libc";
my $bContainerExists = $strBuildVM ne $strVmHost;
my $strConfigOptions = (vmDebugIntegration($strBuildVM) ? ' --enable-test' : '');
my $strLibCSmart = "${strBuildPath}/blib/arch/auto/pgBackRest/LibC/LibC.so";
my $bRebuild = !$bSmart;
# Rebuild if the modification time of the smart file does equal the last changes in source paths
if ($bSmart)
if (!$oStorageBackRest->exists($strLibCSmart) ||
$oStorageBackRest->info($strLibCSmart)->mtime < $lTimestampLast)
&log(INFO, " libc dependencies have changed for ${strBuildVM}, rebuilding...");
$bRebuild = true;
# Delete old libc files from the host
if ($bRebuild)
executeTest('sudo rm -rf ' . $oVm->{$strBuildVM}{&VMDEF_PERL_ARCH_PATH} . '/auto/pgBackRest/LibC');
if ($bRebuild)
&log(INFO, " build test library for ${strBuildVM} (${strBuildPath})");
if (!$rhBinBuild->{$strBuildVM})
foreach my $strBinSrcPath (@stryBinSrcPath)
"${strBinPath}/${strBuildVM}/${strBinSrcPath}", {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
"rsync -rt" . (!$bSmart ? " --delete-excluded" : '') .
" --include=" . join('/*** --include=', @stryBinSrcPath) . '/*** --exclude=*' .
" ${strBackRestBase}/ ${strBinPath}/${strBuildVM}");
# Can't reuse any object files in the libc dir because it does not have proper dependencies
"rsync -rt --exclude=Makefile --delete ${strBackRestBase}/libc/ ${strLibCPath}/${strBuildVM}/libc");
# It's very expensive to rebuild the Makefile so make sure it has actually changed
my $bMakeRebuild =
!$oStorageBackRest->exists("${strBuildPath}/Makefile") ||
($oStorageBackRest->info("${strBackRestBase}/libc/Makefile.PL")->mtime >
if ($bContainerExists)
"docker run -itd -h test-build --name=test-build" .
" -v ${strBackRestBase}:${strBackRestBase} " . containerRepo() . ":${strBuildVM}-build",
{bSuppressStdErr => true});
if ($bMakeRebuild)
&log(INFO, " rebuild test library Makefile for ${strBuildVM}");
($bContainerExists ? "docker exec -i test-build bash -c '" : '') .
"cd ${strBuildPath} && perl ${strBuildPath}/Makefile.PL INSTALLMAN1DIR=none INSTALLMAN3DIR=none" .
($bContainerExists ? "'" : ''),
{bSuppressStdErr => true, bShowOutputAsync => $bLogDetail});
if (!$oStorageBackRest->exists("${strLibCPath}/${strBuildVM}/src/Makefile"))
($bContainerExists ? 'docker exec -i test-build ' : '') .
"bash -c 'cd ${strLibCPath}/${strBuildVM}/src && ./configure${strConfigOptions}'",
{bShowOutputAsync => $bLogDetail});
($bContainerExists ? 'docker exec -i test-build ' : '') .
"make -j ${iBuildMax} --silent --directory ${strBuildPath}",
{bShowOutputAsync => $bLogDetail});
if ($bContainerExists)
executeTest("docker rm -f test-build");
if ($strBuildVM eq $strVmHost)
executeTest("sudo make -C ${strBuildPath} install", {bSuppressStdErr => true});
# Build the package
if (!$bNoPackage)
my $strPackagePath = "${strVagrantPath}/package";
my $strPackageSmart = "${strPackagePath}/build.timestamp";
my @stryPackageSrcPath = ('lib');
# Find the lastest modified time for additional dirs that affect the package build
foreach my $strPackageSrcPath (@stryPackageSrcPath)
my $hManifest = $oStorageBackRest->manifest($strPackageSrcPath);
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys(%{$hManifest})))
if ($hManifest->{$strFile}{type} eq 'f' && $hManifest->{$strFile}{modification_time} > $lTimestampLast)
$lTimestampLast = $hManifest->{$strFile}{modification_time};
# Rebuild if the modification time of the smart file does not equal the last changes in source paths
if ((!$bSmart || !$oStorageBackRest->exists($strPackageSmart) ||
$oStorageBackRest->info($strPackageSmart)->mtime < $lTimestampLast))
if ($bSmart)
&log(INFO, 'package dependencies have changed, rebuilding...');
executeTest("sudo rm -rf ${strPackagePath}");
# Loop through VMs to do the package builds
my @stryBuildVm = $strVm eq VM_ALL ? VM_LIST : ($strVm);
$oStorageBackRest->pathCreate($strPackagePath, {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
foreach my $strBuildVM (@stryBuildVm)
my $strBuildPath = "${strPackagePath}/${strBuildVM}/src";
if (!$oStorageBackRest->pathExists($strBuildPath) && $oVm->{$strBuildVM}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_DEBIAN)
&log(INFO, "build package for ${strBuildVM} (${strBuildPath})");
"docker run -itd -h test-build --name=test-build" .
" -v ${strBackRestBase}:${strBackRestBase} " . containerRepo() . ":${strBuildVM}-build",
{bSuppressStdErr => true});
$oStorageBackRest->pathCreate($strBuildPath, {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
executeTest("rsync -r --exclude .vagrant --exclude .git ${strBackRestBase}/ ${strBuildPath}/");
"docker exec -i test-build " .
"bash -c 'cp -r /root/package-src/debian ${strBuildPath}' && sudo chown -R " . TEST_USER .
" ${strBuildPath}");
# Patch files in debian package builds
# Use these commands to create a new patch (may need to modify first line):
# BRDIR=/backrest;BRVM=u18;BRPATCHFILE=${BRDIR?}/test/patch/debian-package.patch
# DBDIR=${BRDIR?}/test/.vagrant/package/${BRVM}/src/debian
# diff -Naur ${DBDIR?}.old ${DBDIR}.new > ${BRPATCHFILE?}
my $strDebianPackagePatch = "${strBackRestBase}/test/patch/debian-package.patch";
if ($oStorageBackRest->exists($strDebianPackagePatch))
executeTest("cp -r ${strBuildPath}/debian ${strBuildPath}/debian.old");
executeTest("patch -d ${strBuildPath}/debian < ${strDebianPackagePatch}");
executeTest("cp -r ${strBuildPath}/debian ${strBuildPath}/debian.new");
# If dev build then disable static release date used for reproducibility
if ($bVersionDev)
my $strRules = ${$oStorageBackRest->get("${strBuildPath}/debian/rules")};
$strRules =~ s/\-\-var\=release-date-static\=y/\-\-var\=release-date-static\=n/g;
$strRules =~ s/\-\-out\=html \-\-cache\-only/\-\-out\=html \-\-no\-exe/g;
$oStorageBackRest->put("${strBuildPath}/debian/rules", $strRules);
# Remove patches that should be applied to core code
$oStorageBackRest->remove("${strBuildPath}/debian/patches", {bRecurse => true, bIgnoreExists => true});
# Update changelog to add experimental version
"pgbackrest (${strVersionBase}-0." . ($bVersionDev ? 'D' : 'P') . strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", gmtime) .
") experimental; urgency=medium\n" .
"\n" .
' * Automated experimental ' . ($bVersionDev ? 'development' : 'production') . " build.\n" .
"\n" .
' -- David Steele <david@pgbackrest.org> ' . strftime("%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", gmtime) . "\n\n" .
"docker exec -i test-build " .
"bash -c 'cd ${strBuildPath} && debuild -i -us -uc -b'");
"docker exec -i test-build " .
"bash -c 'rm -f ${strPackagePath}/${strBuildVM}/*.build ${strPackagePath}/${strBuildVM}/*.changes" .
" ${strPackagePath}/${strBuildVM}/pgbackrest-doc*'");
executeTest("docker rm -f test-build");
if (!$oStorageBackRest->pathExists($strBuildPath) && $oVm->{$strBuildVM}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
&log(INFO, "build package for ${strBuildVM} (${strBuildPath})");
# Create build container
"docker run -itd -h test-build --name=test-build" .
" -v ${strBackRestBase}:${strBackRestBase} " . containerRepo() . ":${strBuildVM}-build",
{bSuppressStdErr => true});
# Create build directories
$oStorageBackRest->pathCreate($strBuildPath, {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
$oStorageBackRest->pathCreate("${strBuildPath}/SOURCES", {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
$oStorageBackRest->pathCreate("${strBuildPath}/SPECS", {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
$oStorageBackRest->pathCreate("${strBuildPath}/RPMS", {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
$oStorageBackRest->pathCreate("${strBuildPath}/BUILD", {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
# Copy source files
"tar --transform='s_^_pgbackrest-release-${strVersionBase}/_'" .
" -czf ${strBuildPath}/SOURCES/${strVersionBase}.tar.gz -C ${strBackRestBase}" .
" lib libc src LICENSE");
# Copy package files
"docker exec -i test-build bash -c '" .
"ln -s ${strBuildPath} /root/rpmbuild && " .
"cp /root/package-src/pgbackrest.spec ${strBuildPath}/SPECS && " .
"cp /root/package-src/*.patch ${strBuildPath}/SOURCES && " .
"sudo chown -R " . TEST_USER . " ${strBuildPath}'");
# Patch files in RHEL package builds
# Use these commands to create a new patch (may need to modify first line):
# BRDIR=/backrest;BRVM=co7;BRPATCHFILE=${BRDIR?}/test/patch/rhel-package.patch
# PKDIR=${BRDIR?}/test/.vagrant/package/${BRVM}/src/SPECS
# diff -Naur ${PKDIR?}.old ${PKDIR}.new > ${BRPATCHFILE?}
my $strPackagePatch = "${strBackRestBase}/test/patch/rhel-package.patch";
if ($oStorageBackRest->exists($strPackagePatch))
executeTest("cp -r ${strBuildPath}/SPECS ${strBuildPath}/SPECS.old");
executeTest("patch -d ${strBuildPath}/SPECS < ${strPackagePatch}");
executeTest("cp -r ${strBuildPath}/SPECS ${strBuildPath}/SPECS.new");
# Update version number to match current version
my $strSpec = ${$oStorageBackRest->get("${strBuildPath}/SPECS/pgbackrest.spec")};
$strSpec =~ s/^Version\:.*$/Version\:\t${strVersionBase}/gm;
$oStorageBackRest->put("${strBuildPath}/SPECS/pgbackrest.spec", $strSpec);
# Build package
"docker exec -i test-build rpmbuild -v -bb --clean root/rpmbuild/SPECS/pgbackrest.spec",
{bSuppressStdErr => true});
# Remove build container
executeTest("docker rm -f test-build");
# Write files to indicate the last time a build was successful
if (!$bNoPackage)
utime($lTimestampLast, $lTimestampLast, $strPackageSmart) or
confess "unable to set time for ${strPackageSmart}" . (defined($!) ? ":$!" : '');
# Exit if only testing builds
exit 0 if $bBuildOnly;
# Remove repo.manifest now that all processing that depends on modified files has been completed
# Perform static source code analysis
if (!$bDryRun)
logFileSet($oStorageTest, cwd() . "/test");
# Run the tests
if (@{$oyTestRun} == 0)
confess &log(ERROR, 'no tests were selected');
&log(INFO, @{$oyTestRun} . ' test' . (@{$oyTestRun} > 1 ? 's': '') . " selected\n");
# Don't allow --no-cleanup when more than one test will run. How would the prior results be preserved?
if ($bNoCleanup && @{$oyTestRun} > 1)
confess &log(ERROR, '--no-cleanup is not valid when more than one test will run')
# Only use one vm for dry run so results are printed in order
if ($bDryRun)
$iVmMax = 1;
my $iTestIdx = 0;
my $iVmTotal;
my $iTestMax = @{$oyTestRun};
my $bShowOutputAsync = $bVmOut && (@{$oyTestRun} == 1 || $iVmMax == 1) && ! $bDryRun ? true : false;
$iVmTotal = 0;
for (my $iVmIdx = 0; $iVmIdx < $iVmMax; $iVmIdx++)
if (defined($$oyProcess[$iVmIdx]))
my ($bDone, $bFail) = $$oyProcess[$iVmIdx]->end();
if ($bDone)
if ($bFail)
if ($oyProcess->[$iVmIdx]->run())
$$oyProcess[$iVmIdx] = undef;
$$oyProcess[$iVmIdx] = undef;
# Only wait when all VMs are running or all tests have been assigned. Otherwise, there is something to do.
if ($iVmTotal == $iVmMax || $iTestIdx == @{$oyTestRun})
while ($iVmTotal == $iVmMax);
for (my $iVmIdx = 0; $iVmIdx < $iVmMax; $iVmIdx++)
if (!defined($$oyProcess[$iVmIdx]) && $iTestIdx < @{$oyTestRun})
my $oJob = new pgBackRestTest::Common::JobTest(
$oStorageTest, $strBackRestBase, $strTestPath, $strCoveragePath, $$oyTestRun[$iTestIdx], $bDryRun, $bVmOut,
$iVmIdx, $iVmMax, $iTestIdx, $iTestMax, $strLogLevel, $strLogLevelTest, $bLogForce, $bShowOutputAsync,
$bNoCleanup, $iRetry, !$bNoValgrind, !$bNoCoverage, $bCoverageSummary, !$bNoOptimize, $bBackTrace,
$bProfile, !$bNoDebug, $bDebugTestTrace, $iBuildMax / $iVmMax < 1 ? 1 : int($iBuildMax / $iVmMax));
if ($oJob->run())
$$oyProcess[$iVmIdx] = $oJob;
while ($iVmTotal > 0);
# Write out coverage info and test coverage
my $iUncoveredCodeModuleTotal = 0;
if (vmCoverageC($strVm) && !$bNoCoverage && !$bDryRun && $iTestFail == 0)
# Determine which modules were covered (only check coverage if all tests were successful)
my $hModuleTest; # Everything that was run
# Build a hash of all modules, tests, and runs that were executed
foreach my $hTestRun (@{$oyTestRun})
# Get coverage for the module
my $strModule = $hTestRun->{&TEST_MODULE};
my $hModule = testDefModule($strModule);
# Get coverage for the test
my $strTest = $hTestRun->{&TEST_NAME};
my $hTest = testDefModuleTest($strModule, $strTest);
# If no tests are listed it means all of them were run
if (@{$hTestRun->{&TEST_RUN}} == 0)
$hModuleTest->{$strModule}{$strTest} = true;
# Now compare against code modules that should have full coverage
my $hCoverageList = testDefCoverageList();
my $hCoverageType = testDefCoverageType();
my $hCoverageActual;
foreach my $strCodeModule (sort(keys(%{$hCoverageList})))
if (@{$hCoverageList->{$strCodeModule}} > 0)
my $iCoverageTotal = 0;
foreach my $hTest (@{$hCoverageList->{$strCodeModule}})
if (!defined($hModuleTest->{$hTest->{strModule}}{$hTest->{strTest}}))
if (@{$hCoverageList->{$strCodeModule}} == $iCoverageTotal)
$hCoverageActual->{testRunName($strCodeModule, false)} = $hCoverageType->{$strCodeModule};
if (keys(%{$hCoverageActual}) == 0)
&log(INFO, 'no code modules had all tests run required for coverage');
# Generate C coverage report
if (vmCoverageC($strVm))
&log(INFO, 'writing C coverage report');
my $strLCovFile = "${strBackRestBase}/test/.vagrant/code/all.lcov";
if ($oStorageBackRest->exists($strLCovFile))
"genhtml ${strLCovFile} --config-file=${strBackRestBase}/test/.vagrant/code/lcov.conf" .
" --prefix=${strBackRestBase}/test/.vagrant/code" .
" --output-directory=${strBackRestBase}/test/coverage/c");
foreach my $strCodeModule (sort(keys(%{$hCoverageActual})))
# If the first char of the module is upper case then it's a Perl module
if (substr($strCodeModule, 0, 1) eq uc(substr($strCodeModule, 0, 1)))
my $strCoverageFile = $strCodeModule;
$strCoverageFile =~ s/^module/test/mg;
$strCoverageFile = "${strBackRestBase}/test/.vagrant/code/${strCoverageFile}.lcov";
my $strCoverage = $oStorageBackRest->get(
$oStorageBackRest->openRead($strCoverageFile, {bIgnoreMissing => true}));
if (defined($strCoverage) && defined($$strCoverage))
my $iTotalLines = (split(':', ($$strCoverage =~ m/^LF\:.*$/mg)[0]))[1] + 0;
my $iCoveredLines = (split(':', ($$strCoverage =~ m/^LH\:.*$/mg)[0]))[1] + 0;
my $iTotalBranches = 0;
my $iCoveredBranches = 0;
if ($$strCoverage =~ /^BRF\:/mg && $$strCoverage =~ /^BRH\:/mg)
# If this isn't here the statements below fail -- huh?
my @match = $$strCoverage =~ m/^BRF\:.*$/mg;
$iTotalBranches = (split(':', ($$strCoverage =~ m/^BRF\:.*$/mg)[0]))[1] + 0;
$iCoveredBranches = (split(':', ($$strCoverage =~ m/^BRH\:.*$/mg)[0]))[1] + 0;
# Generate detail if there is missing coverage
my $strDetail = undef;
if ($iCoveredLines != $iTotalLines)
$strDetail .= "$iCoveredLines/$iTotalLines lines";
if ($iTotalBranches != $iCoveredBranches)
$strDetail .= (defined($strDetail) ? ', ' : '') . "$iCoveredBranches/$iTotalBranches branches";
if (defined($strDetail))
&log(ERROR, "c module ${strCodeModule} is not fully covered ($strDetail)");
$oStorageBackRest->remove("${strBackRestBase}/test/.vagrant/code/all.lcov", {bIgnoreMissing => true});
$oStorageBackRest, "${strBackRestBase}/test/.vagrant/code",
if ($bCoverageSummary)
&log(INFO, 'writing C coverage summary report');
$oStorageBackRest, "${strBackRestBase}/test/.vagrant/code",
executeTest("rm -rf ${strBackRestBase}/test/coverage/c");
# Print test info and exit
($bDryRun ? 'DRY RUN COMPLETED' : 'TESTS COMPLETED') . ($iTestFail == 0 ? ' SUCCESSFULLY' .
($iUncoveredCodeModuleTotal == 0 ? '' : " WITH ${iUncoveredCodeModuleTotal} MODULE(S) MISSING COVERAGE") :
" WITH ${iTestFail} FAILURE(S)") . ($iTestRetry == 0 ? '' : ", ${iTestRetry} RETRY(IES)") .
' (' . (time() - $lStartTime) . 's)');
exit 1 if ($iTestFail > 0 || ($iUncoveredCodeModuleTotal > 0 && !$bCoverageSummary));
exit 0;
# Runs tests
my $iRun = 0;
# Create host group for containers
my $oHostGroup = hostGroupGet();
# Run the test
testRun($stryModule[0], $stryModuleTest[0])->process(
$strVm, $iVmId, # Vm info
$strBackRestBase, # Base backrest directory
$strTestPath, # Path where the tests will run
'/usr/bin/' . PROJECT_EXE, # Path to the backrest executable
"${strBackRestBase}/bin/" . PROJECT_EXE, # Path to the backrest Perl helper
$strPgVersion ne 'minimal' ? $strPgSqlBin: undef, # Pg bin path
$strPgVersion ne 'minimal' ? $strPgVersion: undef, # Pg version
$stryModule[0], $stryModuleTest[0], \@iyModuleTestRun, # Module info
$bVmOut, $bDryRun, $bNoCleanup, $bLogForce, # Test options
if (!$bNoCleanup)
if ($oHostGroup->removeAll() > 0)
executeTest("sudo rm -rf ${strTestPath}");
if (!$bDryRun && !$bVmOut)
# Exit with success
exit 0;
# Check for errors
or do
# If a backrest exception then return the code
if (isException(\$EVAL_ERROR))
syswrite(*STDOUT, $EVAL_ERROR->message() . "\n" . $EVAL_ERROR->trace());
exit $EVAL_ERROR->code();
# Else output the unhandled error
syswrite(*STDOUT, $EVAL_ERROR);
# It shouldn't be possible to get here
&log(ASSERT, 'execution reached invalid location in ' . __FILE__ . ', line ' . __LINE__);