mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 14:52:21 +02:00
245 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File
245 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File
# /Library/PostgreSQL/9.3/bin/pg_ctl start -o "-c port=7000" -D /Users/backrest/test/backup/db/20140205-103801F/base -l /Users/backrest/test/backup/db/20140205-103801F/base/postgresql.log -w -s
#use strict;
use DBI;
use IPC::System::Simple qw(capture);
use Config::IniFiles;
use File::Find;
sub trim
local($strBuffer) = @_;
$strBuffer =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
return $strBuffer;
sub execute
local($strCommand) = @_;
my $strOutput;
$strOutput = trim(capture($strCommand));
if ($strOutput eq "")
print(" ... complete\n\n");
print(" ... complete\n$strOutput\n\n");
return $strOutput;
sub pg_create
local($strPgBinPath, $strTestPath, $strTestDir, $strArchiveDir, $strBackupDir) = @_;
execute("mkdir $strTestPath");
execute("mkdir $strTestPath/$strTestDir");
execute("mkdir $strTestPath/$strTestDir/ts1");
execute("mkdir $strTestPath/$strTestDir/ts2");
execute($strPgBinPath . "/initdb -D $strTestPath/$strTestDir/common -A trust -k");
execute("mkdir $strTestPath/$strBackupDir");
# execute("mkdir -p $strTestPath/$strArchiveDir");
sub pg_start
local($strPgBinPath, $strDbPath, $strPort, $strAchiveCommand) = @_;
my $strCommand = "$strPgBinPath/pg_ctl start -o \"-c port=$strPort -c checkpoint_segments=1 -c wal_level=archive -c archive_mode=on -c archive_command=\'$strAchiveCommand\'\" -D $strDbPath -l $strDbPath/postgresql.log -w -s";
sub pg_password_set
local($strPgBinPath, $strPath, $strUser, $strPort) = @_;
my $strCommand = "$strPgBinPath/psql --port=$strPort -c \"alter user $strUser with password 'password'\" postgres";
sub pg_stop
local($strPgBinPath, $strPath) = @_;
my $strCommand = "$strPgBinPath/pg_ctl stop -D $strPath -w -s -m fast";
sub pg_drop
local($strTestPath) = @_;
my $strCommand = "rm -rf $strTestPath";
sub pg_execute
local($dbh, $strSql) = @_;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($strSql);
$sth->execute() or die;
print(" ... complete\n\n");
sub archive_command_build
my $strBackRestBinPath = shift;
my $strDestinationPath = shift;
my $bCompression = shift;
my $bChecksum = shift;
my $strCommand = "$strBackRestBinPath/pg_backrest.pl --stanza=db --config=$strBackRestBinPath/pg_backrest.conf";
# if (!$bCompression)
# {
# $strCommand .= " --no-compression"
# }
# if (!$bChecksum)
# {
# $strCommand .= " --no-checksum"
# }
return $strCommand . " archive-push %p";
sub wait_for_file
my $strDir = shift;
my $strRegEx = shift;
my $iSeconds = shift;
my $lTime = time();
my $hDir;
while ($lTime > time() - $iSeconds)
opendir $hDir, $strDir or die "Could not open dir: $!\n";
my @stryFile = grep(/$strRegEx/i, readdir $hDir);
close $hDir;
if (scalar @stryFile == 1)
die "could not find $strDir/$strRegEx after $iSeconds second(s)";
sub pgbr_backup
my $strBackRestBinPath = shift;
my $strCluster = shift;
my $strCommand = "$strBackRestBinPath/pg_backrest.pl --config=$strBackRestBinPath/pg_backrest.conf backup $strCluster";
my $strUser = execute('whoami');
my $strTestPath = "/Users/dsteele/test";
my $strDbDir = "db";
my $strArchiveDir = "backup/db/archive";
my $strBackupDir = "backup";
my $strPgBinPath = "/Library/PostgreSQL/9.3/bin";
my $strPort = "6001";
my $strBackRestBinPath = "/Users/dsteele/pg_backrest";
my $strArchiveCommand = archive_command_build($strBackRestBinPath, "$strTestPath/$strArchiveDir", 0, 0);
# Stop the current test cluster if it is running and create a new one
eval {pg_stop($strPgBinPath, "$strTestPath/$strDbDir")};
if ($@)
print(" ... unable to stop pg server (ignoring): " . trim($@) . "\n\n")
pg_create($strPgBinPath, $strTestPath, $strDbDir, $strArchiveDir, $strBackupDir);
pg_start($strPgBinPath, "$strTestPath/$strDbDir/common", $strPort, $strArchiveCommand);
pg_password_set($strPgBinPath, "$strTestPath/$strDbDir/common", $strUser, $strPort);
# Connect and start tests
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=postgres;port=$strPort;host=", $strUser,
'password', {AutoCommit => 1});
pg_execute($dbh, "create tablespace ts1 location '$strTestPath/$strDbDir/ts1'");
pg_execute($dbh, "create tablespace ts2 location '$strTestPath/$strDbDir/ts2'");
pg_execute($dbh, "create table test (id int)");
pg_execute($dbh, "create table test_ts1 (id int) tablespace ts1");
pg_execute($dbh, "create table test_ts2 (id int) tablespace ts1");
pg_execute($dbh, "insert into test values (1)");
pg_execute($dbh, "select pg_switch_xlog()");
execute("mkdir -p $strTestPath/$strArchiveDir/0000000100000000");
# Test for archive log file 000000010000000000000001
wait_for_file("$strTestPath/$strArchiveDir/0000000100000000", "^000000010000000000000001\$", 5);
# Turn on log checksum for the next test
pg_stop($strPgBinPath, "$strTestPath/$strDbDir/common");
$strArchiveCommand = archive_command_build($strBackRestBinPath, "$strTestPath/$strArchiveDir", 0, 1);
pg_start($strPgBinPath, "$strTestPath/$strDbDir/common", $strPort, $strArchiveCommand);
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=postgres;port=$strPort;host=", $strUser,
'password', {AutoCommit => 1});
# Write another value into the test table
pg_execute($dbh, "insert into test values (2)");
pg_execute($dbh, "select pg_switch_xlog()");
# Test for archive log file 000000010000000000000002
wait_for_file("$strTestPath/$strArchiveDir/0000000100000000", "^000000010000000000000002-([a-f]|[0-9]){40}\$", 5);
# Turn on log compression and checksum for the next test
pg_stop($strPgBinPath, "$strTestPath/$strDbDir/common");
$strArchiveCommand = archive_command_build($strBackRestBinPath, "$strTestPath/$strArchiveDir", 1, 1);
pg_start($strPgBinPath, "$strTestPath/$strDbDir/common", $strPort, $strArchiveCommand);
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=postgres;port=$strPort;host=", $strUser,
'password', {AutoCommit => 1});
# Write another value into the test table
pg_execute($dbh, "insert into test values (3)");
pg_execute($dbh, "select pg_switch_xlog()");
# Test for archive log file 000000010000000000000003
wait_for_file("$strTestPath/$strArchiveDir/0000000100000000", "^000000010000000000000003-([a-f]|[0-9]){40}\\.gz\$", 5);
# Stop the server
#pg_stop($strPgBinPath, "$strTestPath/$strDbDir/common");
# Start an offline backup
#pgbr_backup($strBackRestBinPath, "db");