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synced 2025-03-05 15:05:48 +02:00
Maintaining the storage layer/drivers in two languages is burdensome. Since the integration tests require the Perl storage layer/drivers we'll need them even after the core code is migrated to C. Create an interface layer so the Perl code can be removed and new storage drivers/features introduced without adding Perl equivalents. The goal is to move the integration tests to C so this interface will eventually be removed. That being the case, the interface was designed for maximum compatibility to ease the transition. The result looks a bit hacky but we'll improve it as needed until it can be retired.
342 lines
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342 lines
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# Tests for Storage::Local module
package pgBackRestTest::Module::Storage::StoragePerlTest;
use parent 'pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest';
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::LibC qw(:crypto);
use pgBackRest::Storage::Base;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ContainerTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Env::Host::HostBackupTest;
# run
sub run
my $self = shift;
# Define test file
my $strFile = $self->testPath() . '/file.txt';
my $strFileCopy = $self->testPath() . '/file.txt.copy';
my $strFileHash = 'bbbcf2c59433f68f22376cd2439d6cd309378df6';
my $strFileContent = 'TESTDATA';
my $iFileSize = length($strFileContent);
# Create local storage
$self->{oStorageLocal} = new pgBackRest::Storage::Storage('<LOCAL>');
if ($self->begin("pathGet()"))
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->pathGet('file')}, '/file', 'relative path');
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->pathGet('/file2')}, '/file2', 'absolute path');
if ($self->begin('put()'))
sub {$self->storageLocal()->put($self->storageLocal()->openWrite($strFile))}, 0, 'put empty');
sub {$self->storageLocal()->put($strFile)}, 0, 'put empty (all defaults)');
sub {$self->storageLocal()->put($self->storageLocal()->openWrite($strFile), $strFileContent)}, $iFileSize, 'put');
sub {$self->storageLocal()->put($self->storageLocal()->openWrite($strFile), \$strFileContent)}, $iFileSize,
'put reference');
if ($self->begin('get()'))
sub {$self->storageLocal()->get($self->storageLocal()->openRead($strFile, {bIgnoreMissing => true}))}, undef,
'get missing');
$self->testResult(sub {${$self->storageLocal()->get($strFile)}}, undef, 'get empty');
$self->storageLocal()->put($strFile, $strFileContent);
$self->testResult(sub {${$self->storageLocal()->get($strFile)}}, $strFileContent, 'get');
sub {${$self->storageLocal()->get($self->storageLocal()->openRead($strFile))}}, $strFileContent, 'get from io');
if ($self->begin('hashSize()'))
sub {$self->storageLocal()->put($strFile, $strFileContent)}, 8, 'put');
sub {$self->storageLocal()->hashSize($strFile)},
qw{(} . cryptoHashOne('sha1', $strFileContent) . ', ' . $iFileSize . qw{)}, ' check hash/size');
sub {$self->storageLocal()->hashSize(BOGUS, {bIgnoreMissing => true})}, "([undef], [undef])",
' check missing hash/size');
if ($self->begin('copy()'))
sub {$self->storageLocal()->copy($self->storageLocal()->openRead($strFile), $strFileCopy)}, ERROR_FILE_MISSING,
"unable to open missing file '${strFile}' for read");
sub {$self->storageLocal()->exists($strFileCopy)}, false, ' destination does not exist');
sub {$self->storageLocal()->copy(
$self->storageLocal()->openRead($strFile, {bIgnoreMissing => true}),
false, 'missing source io');
sub {$self->storageLocal()->exists($strFileCopy)}, false, ' destination does not exist');
sub {$self->storageLocal()->copy($self->storageLocal()->openRead($strFile), $strFileCopy)}, ERROR_FILE_MISSING,
"unable to open missing file '${strFile}' for read");
$self->storageLocal()->put($strFile, $strFileContent);
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->copy($strFile, $strFileCopy)}, true, 'copy filename->filename');
$self->testResult(sub {${$self->storageLocal()->get($strFileCopy)}}, $strFileContent, ' check copy');
sub {$self->storageLocal()->copy($self->storageLocal()->openRead($strFile), $strFileCopy)}, true, 'copy io->filename');
$self->testResult(sub {${$self->storageLocal()->get($strFileCopy)}}, $strFileContent, ' check copy');
sub {$self->storageLocal()->copy(
$self->storageLocal()->openRead($strFile), $self->storageLocal()->openWrite($strFileCopy))},
true, 'copy io->io');
$self->testResult(sub {${$self->storageLocal()->get($strFileCopy)}}, $strFileContent, ' check copy');
if ($self->begin('exists()'))
$self->storageLocal()->put($self->testPath() . "/test.file");
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->exists($self->testPath() . "/test.file")}, true, 'existing file');
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->exists($self->testPath() . "/test.missing")}, false, 'missing file');
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->exists($self->testPath())}, false, 'path');
if ($self->begin('info()'))
sub {$self->storageLocal()->info($self->testPath())},
"{group => " . $self->group() . ", mode => 0770, type => d, user => " . $self->pgUser() . "}",
'stat dir successfully');
$self->testException(sub {$self->storageLocal()->info(BOGUS)}, ERROR_FILE_OPEN,
"unable to get info for missing path/file '/bogus'");
if ($self->begin("manifest() and list()"))
sub {$self->storageLocal()->manifest($self->testPath() . '/missing')},
ERROR_PATH_MISSING, "unable to list file info for missing path '" . $self->testPath() . "/missing'");
# Setup test data
executeTest('mkdir -m 750 ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1');
executeTest('mkdir -m 750 ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/sub2');
executeTest('mkdir -m 750 ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub2');
executeTest("echo 'TESTDATA' > " . $self->testPath() . '/test.txt');
utime(1111111111, 1111111111, $self->testPath() . '/test.txt');
executeTest('chmod 1640 ' . $self->testPath() . '/test.txt');
executeTest("echo 'TESTDATA_' > ". $self->testPath() . '/sub1/test-sub1.txt');
utime(1111111112, 1111111112, $self->testPath() . '/sub1/test-sub1.txt');
executeTest('chmod 0640 ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/test-sub1.txt');
executeTest("echo 'TESTDATA__' > " . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/sub2/test-sub2.txt');
utime(1111111113, 1111111113, $self->testPath() . '/sub1/sub2/test-sub2.txt');
executeTest('chmod 0646 ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/test-sub1.txt');
executeTest('ln ' . $self->testPath() . '/test.txt ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/test-hardlink.txt');
executeTest('ln ' . $self->testPath() . '/test.txt ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/sub2/test-hardlink.txt');
executeTest('ln -s .. ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/test');
executeTest('chmod 0700 ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/test');
executeTest('ln -s ../.. ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/sub2/test');
executeTest('chmod 0750 ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/sub2/test');
executeTest('chmod 0770 ' . $self->testPath());
sub {$self->storageLocal()->manifest($self->testPath())},
'{. => {group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0770, type => d, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub1 => {group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0750, type => d, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub1/sub2 => {group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0750, type => d, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub1/sub2/test => {group => ' . $self->group() . ', link_destination => ../.., type => l, user => ' .
$self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub1/sub2/test-hardlink.txt => ' .
'{group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0640, modification_time => 1111111111, size => 9, type => f, user => ' .
$self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub1/sub2/test-sub2.txt => ' .
'{group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0666, modification_time => 1111111113, size => 11, type => f, user => ' .
$self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub1/test => {group => ' . $self->group() . ', link_destination => .., type => l, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub1/test-hardlink.txt => ' .
'{group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0640, modification_time => 1111111111, size => 9, type => f, user => ' .
$self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub1/test-sub1.txt => ' .
'{group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0646, modification_time => 1111111112, size => 10, type => f, user => ' .
$self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub2 => {group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0750, type => d, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'test.txt => ' .
'{group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0640, modification_time => 1111111111, size => 9, type => f, user => ' .
$self->pgUser() . '}}',
'complete manifest');
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->list($self->testPath())}, "(sub1, sub2, test.txt)", "list");
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->list($self->testPath(), {strExpression => "2\$"})}, "sub2", "list");
sub {$self->storageLocal()->list($self->testPath(), {strSortOrder => 'reverse'})}, "(test.txt, sub2, sub1)",
"list reverse");
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->list($self->testPath() . "/sub2")}, "[undef]", "list empty");
sub {$self->storageLocal()->list($self->testPath() . "/sub99", {bIgnoreMissing => true})}, "[undef]", "list missing");
sub {$self->storageLocal()->list($self->testPath() . "/sub99")}, ERROR_PATH_MISSING,
"unable to list files for missing path '" . $self->testPath() . "/sub99'");
if ($self->begin('move()'))
my $strFileCopy = "${strFile}.copy";
my $strFileSub = $self->testPath() . '/sub/file.txt';
sub {$self->storageLocal()->move($strFile, $strFileCopy)}, ERROR_FILE_MOVE,
"unable to move '${strFile}' to '${strFile}.copy': No such file or directory");
if ($self->begin('owner()'))
my $strFile = $self->testPath() . "/test.txt";
sub {$self->storageLocal()->owner($strFile, 'root')}, ERROR_FILE_MISSING,
"unable to stat '${strFile}': No such file or directory");
executeTest("touch ${strFile}");
sub {$self->storageLocal()->owner($strFile, BOGUS)}, ERROR_FILE_OWNER,
"unable to set ownership for '${strFile}' because user 'bogus' does not exist");
sub {$self->storageLocal()->owner($strFile, undef, BOGUS)}, ERROR_FILE_OWNER,
"unable to set ownership for '${strFile}' because group 'bogus' does not exist");
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->owner($strFile)}, undef, "no ownership changes");
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->owner($strFile, TEST_USER)}, undef, "same user");
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->owner($strFile, undef, TEST_GROUP)}, undef, "same group");
sub {$self->storageLocal()->owner($strFile, TEST_USER, TEST_GROUP)}, undef,
"same user, group");
sub {$self->storageLocal()->owner($strFile, 'root', undef)}, ERROR_FILE_OWNER,
"unable to set ownership for '${strFile}': Operation not permitted");
sub {$self->storageLocal()->owner($strFile, undef, 'root')}, ERROR_FILE_OWNER,
"unable to set ownership for '${strFile}': Operation not permitted");
executeTest("sudo chown :root ${strFile}");
sub {$self->storageLocal()->owner($strFile, undef, TEST_GROUP)}, undef, "change group back from root");
if ($self->begin('pathCreate()'))
my $strTestPath = $self->testPath() . "/" . BOGUS;
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->pathCreate($strTestPath)}, "[undef]",
"test creation of path " . $strTestPath);
$self->testException(sub {$self->storageLocal()->pathCreate($strTestPath)}, ERROR_PATH_CREATE,
"unable to create path '". $strTestPath. "'");
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->pathCreate($strTestPath, {bIgnoreExists => true})}, "[undef]",
"ignore path exists");
if ($self->begin('pathExists()'))
$self->storageLocal()->put($self->testPath() . "/test.file");
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->pathExists($self->testPath() . "/test.file")}, false, 'existing file');
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->pathExists($self->testPath() . "/test.missing")}, false, 'missing file');
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->pathExists($self->testPath())}, true, 'path');
if ($self->begin('pathSync()'))
$self->testResult(sub {$self->storageLocal()->pathSync($self->testPath())}, "[undef]", "test path sync");
# Getters
# sub host {return ''}
# sub pathLocal {return shift->{strPathLocal}};
# sub pathRemote {return shift->{strPathRemote}};
sub storageLocal {return shift->{oStorageLocal}};
# sub storageEncrypt {return shift->{oStorageEncrypt}};
# sub storageRemote {return shift->{oStorageRemote}};