mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-02-11 13:53:03 +02:00
David Steele a6a19e3735 Test directories are now located on the host VM rather than in the Docker container.
This change allows for easier testing since all files are local on the host VM and can be easily accessed without using `docker exec`.  In addition, this change is required to allow multiple Docker containers per test case which is coming soon.
2016-05-10 18:12:37 -04:00

392 lines
14 KiB

# LogTest.pm - Capture the output of commands to compare them with an expected version
package pgBackRestTest::Common::LogTest;
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use pgBackRest::Common::Ini;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Version;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
# Operation constants
use constant OP_LOG_TEST => 'LogTest';
use constant OP_LOG_TEST_LOG_ADD => OP_LOG_TEST . "->logAdd";
use constant OP_LOG_TEST_LOG_WRITE => OP_LOG_TEST . "->logWrite";
use constant OP_LOG_TEST_NEW => OP_LOG_TEST . "->new";
# new
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my $strOperation,
) =
{name => 'strModule', trace => true},
{name => 'strTest', trace => true},
{name => 'iRun', trace => true},
{name => 'bForce', trace => true},
{name => 'strComment', trace => true},
{name => 'strCommandMain', trace => true},
{name => 'strCommandRemote', trace => true},
{name => 'strPgSqlBin', trace => true},
{name => 'strTestPath', trace => true},
{name => 'strRepoPath', trace => true}
# Initialize the test log
$self->{strLog} = 'run ' . sprintf('%03d', $self->{iRun}) . ' - ' . $self->{strComment};
$self->{strLog} .= "\n" . ('=' x length($self->{strLog})) . "\n";
# Initialize the replacement hash
$self->{oReplaceHash} = {};
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self, trace => true}
# logAdd
sub logAdd
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
{name => 'strCommand', trace => true},
{name => 'strComment', required => false, trace => true},
{name => 'strLog', required => false, trace => true}
$self->{strLog} .= "\n";
if (defined($strComment))
$self->{strLog} .= $self->regExpReplaceAll($strComment) . "\n";
$self->{strLog} .= '> ' . $self->regExpReplaceAll($strCommand) . "\n" . ('-' x '132') . "\n";
# Make sure there is a log before trying to output it
if (defined($strLog))
# Do replacements on each line of the log
foreach my $strLine (split("\n", $strLog))
$strLine =~ s/^[0-9]{4}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]\.[0-9]{3} T[0-9]{2} //;
if ($strLine !~ /^ TEST/)
$strLine =~ s/^ //;
$strLine =~ s/\r$//;
$strLine = $self->regExpReplaceAll($strLine);
$self->{strLog} .= "${strLine}\n";
# Return from function and log return values if any
# supplementalAdd
sub supplementalAdd
my $self = shift;
my $strFileName = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $strComment = shift;
if ($bRemote)
executeTest("chmod g+x " . $self->{strRepoPath},
{bRemote => true});
open(my $hFile, '<', $strFileName)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to open ${strFileName} for appending to test log");
my $strHeader .= "+ supplemental file: " . $self->regExpReplaceAll($strFileName);
if (defined($strComment))
$self->{strLog} .= "\n" . $self->regExpReplaceAll($strComment) . "\n" . ('=' x '132') . "\n";
$self->{strLog} .= "\n${strHeader}\n" . ('-' x length($strHeader)) . "\n";
while (my $strLine = readline($hFile))
$self->{strLog} .= $self->regExpReplaceAll($strLine);
if ($bRemote)
executeTest("chmod g-x " . $self->{strRepoPath},
{bRemote => true});
# logWrite
sub logWrite
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
{name => 'strBasePath', trace => true},
{name => 'strTestPath', trace => true},
{name => 'strFileName',
default => sprintf("expect/$self->{strModule}-$self->{strTest}-%03d.log", $self->{iRun}), trace => true}
my $strReferenceLogFile = "${strBasePath}/test/${strFileName}";
my $strTestLogFile;
if ($self->{bForce})
$strTestLogFile = $strReferenceLogFile;
my $strTestLogPath = "${strTestPath}/expect";
if (!-e $strTestLogPath)
mkdir($strTestLogPath, 0750) or
confess "unable to create expect log path ${strTestLogPath}";
$strTestLogFile = "${strTestPath}/${strFileName}";
open(my $hFile, '>', $strTestLogFile)
or confess "unable to open expect log file '${strTestLogFile}': $!";
syswrite($hFile, $self->{strLog})
or confess "unable to write expect log file '${strTestLogFile}': $!";
if (!$self->{bForce})
executeTest("diff ${strReferenceLogFile} ${strTestLogFile}");
# Return from function and log return values if any
# regExpReplace
sub regExpReplace
my $self = shift;
my $strLine = shift;
my $strType = shift;
my $strExpression = shift;
my $strToken = shift;
my $bIndex = shift;
my @stryReplace = ($strLine =~ /$strExpression/g);
foreach my $strReplace (@stryReplace)
my $iIndex;
my $strTypeReplacement;
my $strReplacement;
if (!defined($bIndex) || $bIndex)
if (defined($strToken))
my @stryReplacement = ($strReplace =~ /$strToken/g);
if (@stryReplacement != 1)
confess &log(ASSERT, "'${strToken}' is not a sub-regexp of '${strExpression}' or" .
" matches multiple times on '${strReplace}'");
$strReplacement = $stryReplacement[0];
$strReplacement = $strReplace;
if (defined(${$self->{oReplaceHash}}{$strType}{$strReplacement}))
$iIndex = ${$self->{oReplaceHash}}{$strType}{$strReplacement}{index};
if (!defined(${$self->{oReplaceHash}}{$strType}{index}))
${$self->{oReplaceHash}}{$strType}{index} = 1;
$iIndex = ${$self->{oReplaceHash}}{$strType}{index}++;
${$self->{oReplaceHash}}{$strType}{$strReplacement}{index} = $iIndex;
$strTypeReplacement = "[${strType}" . (defined($iIndex) ? "-${iIndex}" : '') . ']';
if (defined($strToken))
$strReplacement = $strReplace;
$strReplacement =~ s/$strToken/$strTypeReplacement/;
$strReplacement = $strTypeReplacement;
$strLine =~ s/$strReplace/$strReplacement/g;
return $strLine;
# regExpReplaceAll
# Replaces dynamic test output so that the expected test output can be verified against actual test output.
sub regExpReplaceAll
my $self = shift;
my $strLine = shift;
my $strBinPath = dirname(dirname(abs_path($0))) . '/bin';
$strLine =~ s/$self->{strCommandMain}/[BACKREST_BIN]/g;
$strLine =~ s/$self->{strCommandRemote}/[BACKREST_BIN]/g;
$strLine =~ s/$self->{strPgSqlBin}/[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/g;
$strLine =~ s/$self->{strTestPath}/[TEST_PATH]/g;
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'BACKREST_NAME_VERSION', '^' . BACKREST_NAME . ' ' . BACKREST_VERSION,
undef, false);
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'PROCESS-ID', 'process [0-9]+', '[0-9]+$', false);
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'MODIFICATION-TIME', 'lModificationTime = [0-9]+', '[0-9]+$');
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'MODIFICATION-TIME', 'and modification time [0-9]+', '[0-9]+$');
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'TIMESTAMP', 'timestamp"[ ]{0,1}:[ ]{0,1}[0-9]+','[0-9]+$');
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'BACKUP-INCR', '[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{6}F\_[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{6}I');
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'BACKUP-DIFF', '[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{6}F\_[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{6}D');
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'BACKUP-FULL', '[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{6}F');
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'GROUP', 'strGroup = [^ \n,\[\]]+', '[^ \n,\[\]]+$');
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'GROUP', 'group"[ ]{0,1}:[ ]{0,1}"[^"]+', '[^"]+$');
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'USER', 'strUser = [^ \n,\[\]]+', '[^ \n,\[\]]+$');
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'USER', 'user"[ ]{0,1}:[ ]{0,1}"[^"]+', '[^"]+$');
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'USER', '^db-user=.+$', '[^=]+$');
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'PORT', 'db-port=[0-9]+', '[0-9]+$');
# Replace year when it falls on a single line when executing ls -1R
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'YEAR', '^20[0-9]{2}$');
# Replace year when it is the last part of a path when executing ls -1R
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'YEAR', 'history\/20[0-9]{2}\:$', '20[0-9]{2}');
my $strTimestampRegExp = "[0-9]{4}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]";
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'TS_PATH', "PG\\_[0-9]\\.[0-9]\\_[0-9]{9}");
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'VERSION',
"version[\"]{0,1}[ ]{0,1}[\:\=)]{1}[ ]{0,1}[\"]{0,1}" . BACKREST_VERSION, BACKREST_VERSION . '$');
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'TIMESTAMP',
"timestamp-[a-z-]+[\"]{0,1}[ ]{0,1}[\:\=)]{1}[ ]{0,1}[\"]{0,1}[0-9]+", '[0-9]+$', false);
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'TIMESTAMP',
"start\" : [0-9]{10}", '[0-9]{10}$', false);
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'TIMESTAMP',
"stop\" : [0-9]{10}", '[0-9]{10}$', false);
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'SIZE',
"size\"[ ]{0,1}:[ ]{0,1}[0-9]+", '[0-9]+$', false);
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'DELTA',
"delta\"[ ]{0,1}:[ ]{0,1}[0-9]+", '[0-9]+$', false);
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'TIMESTAMP-STR', " timestamp: $strTimestampRegExp / $strTimestampRegExp",
"${strTimestampRegExp} / ${strTimestampRegExp}\$", false);
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'CHECKSUM', 'checksum=[\"]{0,1}[0-f]{40}', '[0-f]{40}$', false);
$strLine = $self->regExpReplace($strLine, 'REMOTE-PROCESS-TERMINATED-MESSAGE',
'remote process terminated: (ssh.*|no output from terminated process)$',
'(ssh.*|no output from terminated process)$', false);
return $strLine;