mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 10:13:05 +02:00
* Better resume support. Resumed files are checked to be sure they have not been modified and the manifest is saved more often to preserve checksums as the backup progresses. More unit tests to verify each resume case. * Resume is now optional. Use the `resume` setting or `--no-resume` from the command line to disable. * More info messages during restore. Previously, most of the restore messages were debug level so not a lot was output in the log. * Fixed an issue where an absolute path was not written into recovery.conf when the restore was run with a relative path. * Added `tablespace` setting to allow tablespaces to be restored into the `pg_tblspc` path. This produces compact restores that are convenient for development, staging, etc. Currently these restores cannot be backed up as PgBackRest expects only links in the `pg_tblspc` path.
723 lines
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723 lines
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package BackRest::Restore;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Thread::Queue;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use File::stat qw(lstat);
use lib dirname($0);
use BackRest::Exception;
use BackRest::Utility;
use BackRest::ThreadGroup;
use BackRest::RestoreFile;
use BackRest::Config;
use BackRest::Manifest;
use BackRest::File;
use BackRest::Db;
# Recovery.conf file
use constant FILE_RECOVERY_CONF => 'recovery.conf';
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
my $strDbClusterPath = shift; # Database cluster path
my $strBackupPath = shift; # Backup to restore
my $oRemapRef = shift; # Tablespace remaps
my $oFile = shift; # Default file object
my $iThreadTotal = shift; # Total threads to run for restore
my $bDelta = shift; # perform delta restore
my $bForce = shift; # force a restore
my $strType = shift; # Recovery type
my $strTarget = shift; # Recovery target
my $bTargetExclusive = shift; # Target exlusive option
my $bTargetResume = shift; # Target resume option
my $strTargetTimeline = shift; # Target timeline option
my $oRecoveryRef = shift; # Other recovery options
my $strStanza = shift; # Restore stanza
my $strBackRestBin = shift; # Absolute backrest filename
my $strConfigFile = shift; # Absolute config filename (optional)
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Initialize variables
$self->{strDbClusterPath} = $strDbClusterPath;
$self->{strBackupPath} = $strBackupPath;
$self->{oRemapRef} = $oRemapRef;
$self->{oFile} = $oFile;
$self->{iThreadTotal} = defined($iThreadTotal) ? $iThreadTotal : 1;
$self->{bDelta} = $bDelta;
$self->{bForce} = $bForce;
$self->{strType} = $strType;
$self->{strTarget} = $strTarget;
$self->{bTargetExclusive} = $bTargetExclusive;
$self->{bTargetResume} = $bTargetResume;
$self->{strTargetTimeline} = $strTargetTimeline;
$self->{oRecoveryRef} = $oRecoveryRef;
$self->{strStanza} = $strStanza;
$self->{strBackRestBin} = $strBackRestBin;
$self->{strConfigFile} = $strConfigFile;
return $self;
# Checks the users and groups that exist in the manifest and emits warnings for ownership that cannot be set properly, either
# because the current user does not have permissions or because the user/group does not exist.
sub manifest_ownership_check
my $self = shift; # Class hash
my $oManifest = shift; # Backup manifest
# Create hashes to track valid/invalid users/groups
my %oOwnerHash = ();
# Create hash for each type and owner to be checked
my $strDefaultUser = getpwuid($<);
my $strDefaultGroup = getgrgid($();
my %oFileTypeHash = (&MANIFEST_PATH => true, &MANIFEST_LINK => true, &MANIFEST_FILE => true);
my %oOwnerTypeHash = (&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER => $strDefaultUser, &MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP => $strDefaultGroup);
# Loop through owner types (user, group)
foreach my $strOwnerType (sort (keys %oOwnerTypeHash))
# Loop through all backup paths (base and tablespaces)
foreach my $strPathKey ($oManifest->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH))
# Loop through types (path, link, file)
foreach my $strFileType (sort (keys %oFileTypeHash))
my $strSection = "${strPathKey}:${strFileType}";
# Get users and groups for paths
if ($oManifest->test($strSection))
foreach my $strName ($oManifest->keys($strSection))
my $strOwner = $oManifest->get($strSection, $strName, $strOwnerType);
# If root then test to see if the user/group is valid
if ($< == 0)
# If the owner has not been tested yet then test it
if (!defined($oOwnerHash{$strOwnerType}{$strOwner}))
my $strOwnerId;
if ($strOwnerType eq 'user')
$strOwnerId = getpwnam($strOwner);
$strOwnerId = getgrnam($strOwner);
$oOwnerHash{$strOwnerType}{$strOwner} = defined($strOwnerId) ? true : false;
if (!$oOwnerHash{$strOwnerType}{$strOwner})
$oManifest->set($strSection, $strName, $strOwnerType, $oOwnerTypeHash{$strOwnerType});
# Else set user/group to current user/group
if ($strOwner ne $oOwnerTypeHash{$strOwnerType})
$oOwnerHash{$strOwnerType}{$strOwner} = false;
$oManifest->set($strSection, $strName, $strOwnerType, $oOwnerTypeHash{$strOwnerType});
# Output warning for any invalid owners
if (defined($oOwnerHash{$strOwnerType}))
foreach my $strOwner (sort (keys $oOwnerHash{$strOwnerType}))
if (!$oOwnerHash{$strOwnerType}{$strOwner})
&log(WARN, "${strOwnerType} ${strOwner} " . ($< == 0 ? "does not exist" : "cannot be set") .
", changed to $oOwnerTypeHash{$strOwnerType}");
# Loads the backup manifest and performs requested tablespace remaps.
sub manifest_load
my $self = shift; # Class hash
if ($self->{oFile}->exists(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, $self->{strBackupPath}))
# Copy the backup manifest to the db cluster path
$self->{oFile}->copy(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, $self->{strBackupPath} . '/' . FILE_MANIFEST,
PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $self->{strDbClusterPath} . '/' . FILE_MANIFEST);
# Load the manifest into a hash
my $oManifest = new BackRest::Manifest($self->{oFile}->path_get(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE,
$self->{strDbClusterPath} . '/' . FILE_MANIFEST));
# Remove the manifest now that it is in memory
$self->{oFile}->remove(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $self->{strDbClusterPath} . '/' . FILE_MANIFEST);
# If backup is latest then set it equal to backup label, else verify that requested backup and label match
my $strBackupLabel = $oManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_LABEL);
if ($self->{strBackupPath} eq OPTION_DEFAULT_RESTORE_SET)
$self->{strBackupPath} = $strBackupLabel;
elsif ($self->{strBackupPath} ne $strBackupLabel)
confess &log(ASSERT, "request backup $self->{strBackupPath} and label ${strBackupLabel} do not match " .
' - this indicates some sort of corruption (at the very least paths have been renamed.');
if ($self->{strDbClusterPath} ne $oManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH, MANIFEST_KEY_BASE))
&log(INFO, 'base path remapped to ' . $self->{strDbClusterPath});
$oManifest->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH, MANIFEST_KEY_BASE, undef, $self->{strDbClusterPath});
# If no tablespaces are requested
if (!optionGet(OPTION_TABLESPACE))
foreach my $strTablespaceName ($oManifest->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TABLESPACE))
my $strTablespaceKey =
my $strTablespaceLink = "pg_tblspc/${strTablespaceKey}";
my $strTablespacePath =
$oManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH, MANIFEST_KEY_BASE) . "/${strTablespaceLink}";
$oManifest->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH, "tablespace:${strTablespaceName}", undef, $strTablespacePath);
$oManifest->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TABLESPACE, $strTablespaceName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH, $strTablespacePath);
$oManifest->remove('base:link', $strTablespaceLink);
$oManifest->set('base:path', $strTablespaceLink, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP,
$oManifest->get('base:path', '.', MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP));
$oManifest->set('base:path', $strTablespaceLink, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER,
$oManifest->get('base:path', '.', MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER));
$oManifest->set('base:path', $strTablespaceLink, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE,
$oManifest->get('base:path', '.', MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE));
&log(INFO, "remapping tablespace ${strTablespaceKey} to ${strTablespacePath}");
# If tablespaces have been remapped, update the manifest
elsif (defined($self->{oRemapRef}))
foreach my $strPathKey (sort(keys $self->{oRemapRef}))
my $strRemapPath = ${$self->{oRemapRef}}{$strPathKey};
# Make sure that the tablespace exists in the manifest
if (!$oManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TABLESPACE, $strPathKey))
confess &log(ERROR, "cannot remap invalid tablespace ${strPathKey} to ${strRemapPath}");
# Remap the tablespace in the manifest
&log(INFO, "remapping tablespace ${strPathKey} to ${strRemapPath}");
my $strTablespaceLink = $oManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TABLESPACE, $strPathKey, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_LINK);
$oManifest->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH, "tablespace:${strPathKey}", undef, $strRemapPath);
$oManifest->set('base:link', "pg_tblspc/${strTablespaceLink}", MANIFEST_SUBKEY_DESTINATION, $strRemapPath);
return $oManifest;
confess &log(ERROR, 'backup ' . $self->{strBackupPath} . ' does not exist');
# Checks that the restore paths are empty, or if --force was used then it cleans files/paths/links from the restore directories that
# are not present in the manifest.
sub clean
my $self = shift; # Class hash
my $oManifest = shift; # Backup manifest
# Track if files/links/paths where removed
my %oRemoveHash = (&MANIFEST_FILE => 0, &MANIFEST_PATH => 0, &MANIFEST_LINK => 0);
# Check each restore directory in the manifest and make sure that it exists and is empty.
# The --force option can be used to override the empty requirement.
foreach my $strPathKey ($oManifest->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH))
my $strPath = $oManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH, $strPathKey);
&log(INFO, "checking/cleaning db path ${strPath}");
if (!$self->{oFile}->exists(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strPath))
# Load path manifest so it can be compared to deleted files/paths/links that are not in the backup
my %oPathManifest;
$self->{oFile}->manifest(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strPath, \%oPathManifest);
foreach my $strName (sort {$b cmp $a} (keys $oPathManifest{name}))
# Skip the root path
if ($strName eq '.')
# If force was not specified then error if any file is found
if (!$self->{bForce} && !$self->{bDelta})
confess &log(ERROR, "cannot restore to path '${strPath}' that contains files - " .
'try using --delta if this is what you intended', ERROR_RESTORE_PATH_NOT_EMPTY);
my $strFile = "${strPath}/${strName}";
# Determine the file/path/link type
my $strType = MANIFEST_FILE;
if ($oPathManifest{name}{$strName}{type} eq 'd')
elsif ($oPathManifest{name}{$strName}{type} eq 'l')
# Build the section name
my $strSection = "${strPathKey}:${strType}";
# Check to see if the file/path/link exists in the manifest
if ($oManifest->test($strSection, $strName))
my $strUser = $oManifest->get($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER);
my $strGroup = $oManifest->get($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP);
# If ownership does not match, fix it
if ($strUser ne $oPathManifest{name}{$strName}{user} ||
$strGroup ne $oPathManifest{name}{$strName}{group})
&log(INFO, "setting ${strFile} ownership to ${strUser}:${strGroup}");
$self->{oFile}->owner(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strFile, $strUser, $strGroup);
# If a link does not have the same destination, then delete it (it will be recreated later)
if ($strType eq MANIFEST_LINK)
if ($strType eq MANIFEST_LINK && $oManifest->get($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_DESTINATION) ne
&log(INFO, "removing link ${strFile} - destination changed");
unlink($strFile) or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to delete file ${strFile}");
# Else if file/path mode does not match, fix it
my $strMode = $oManifest->get($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE);
if ($strType ne MANIFEST_LINK && $strMode ne $oPathManifest{name}{$strName}{mode})
&log(INFO, "setting ${strFile} mode to ${strMode}");
chmod(oct($strMode), $strFile)
or confess 'unable to set mode ${strMode} for ${strFile}';
# If it does not then remove it
# If a path then remove it, all the files should have already been deleted since we are going in reverse order
if ($strType eq MANIFEST_PATH)
&log(INFO, "removing path ${strFile}");
rmdir($strFile) or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to delete path ${strFile}, is it empty?");
# Else delete a file/link
# Delete only if this is not the recovery.conf file. This is in case the user wants the recovery.conf file
# preserved. It will be written/deleted/preserved as needed in recovery().
if (!($strName eq FILE_RECOVERY_CONF && $strType eq MANIFEST_FILE))
&log(INFO, "removing file/link ${strFile}");
unlink($strFile) or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to delete file/link ${strFile}");
$oRemoveHash{$strType} += 1;
# Loop through types (path, link, file) and emit info if any were removed
foreach my $strFileType (sort (keys %oRemoveHash))
if ($oRemoveHash{$strFileType} > 0)
&log(INFO, "$oRemoveHash{$strFileType} ${strFileType}(s) removed during cleanup");
# Creates missing paths and links and corrects ownership/mode on existing paths and links.
sub build
my $self = shift; # Class hash
my $oManifest = shift; # Backup manifest
# Build paths/links in each restore path
foreach my $strSectionPathKey ($oManifest->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH))
my $strSectionPath = $oManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH, $strSectionPathKey);
# Create all paths in the manifest that do not already exist
my $strSection = "${strSectionPathKey}:path";
foreach my $strName ($oManifest->keys($strSection))
# Skip the root path
if ($strName eq '.')
# Create the Path
my $strPath = "${strSectionPath}/${strName}";
if (!$self->{oFile}->exists(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strPath))
$self->{oFile}->path_create(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strPath,
$oManifest->get($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE));
# Create all links in the manifest that do not already exist
$strSection = "${strSectionPathKey}:link";
if ($oManifest->test($strSection))
foreach my $strName ($oManifest->keys($strSection))
my $strLink = "${strSectionPath}/${strName}";
if (!$self->{oFile}->exists(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strLink))
$oManifest->get($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_DESTINATION),
# Make sure that all paths required for the restore now exist
foreach my $strPathKey ($oManifest->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH))
my $strPath = $oManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH, $strPathKey);
if (!$self->{oFile}->exists(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strPath))
confess &log(ERROR, "required db path '${strPath}' does not exist");
# Creates the recovery.conf file.
sub recovery
my $self = shift; # Class hash
# Create recovery.conf path/file
my $strRecoveryConf = $self->{strDbClusterPath} . '/' . FILE_RECOVERY_CONF;
# See if recovery.conf already exists
my $bRecoveryConfExists = $self->{oFile}->exists(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strRecoveryConf);
# If RECOVERY_TYPE_PRESERVE then warn if recovery.conf does not exist and return
if ($self->{strType} eq RECOVERY_TYPE_PRESERVE)
if (!$bRecoveryConfExists)
&log(WARN, "recovery type is $self->{strType} but recovery file does not exist at ${strRecoveryConf}");
# In all other cases the old recovery.conf should be removed if it exists
if ($bRecoveryConfExists)
$self->{oFile}->remove(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strRecoveryConf);
# If RECOVERY_TYPE_NONE then return
if ($self->{strType} eq RECOVERY_TYPE_NONE)
# Write the recovery options from pg_backrest.conf
my $strRecovery = '';
my $bRestoreCommandOverride = false;
if (defined($self->{oRecoveryRef}))
foreach my $strKey (sort(keys $self->{oRecoveryRef}))
my $strPgKey = $strKey;
$strPgKey =~ s/\-/\_/g;
if ($strPgKey eq 'restore_command')
$bRestoreCommandOverride = true;
$strRecovery .= "$strPgKey = '${$self->{oRecoveryRef}}{$strKey}'\n";
# Write the restore command
if (!$bRestoreCommandOverride)
$strRecovery .= "restore_command = '" . operationWrite(OP_ARCHIVE_GET) . " %f \"%p\"'\n";
# If RECOVERY_TYPE_DEFAULT do not write target options
if ($self->{strType} ne RECOVERY_TYPE_DEFAULT)
# Write the recovery target
$strRecovery .= "recovery_target_$self->{strType} = '$self->{strTarget}'\n";
# Write recovery_target_inclusive
if ($self->{bTargetExclusive})
$strRecovery .= "recovery_target_inclusive = 'false'\n";
# Write pause_at_recovery_target
if ($self->{bTargetResume})
$strRecovery .= "pause_at_recovery_target = 'false'\n";
# Write recovery_target_timeline
if (defined($self->{strTargetTimeline}))
$strRecovery .= "recovery_target_timeline = '$self->{strTargetTimeline}'\n";
# Write recovery.conf
my $hFile;
open($hFile, '>', $strRecoveryConf)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to open ${strRecoveryConf}: $!");
syswrite($hFile, $strRecovery)
or confess "unable to write section ${strRecoveryConf}: $!";
or confess "unable to close ${strRecoveryConf}: $!";
&log(INFO, "wrote $strRecoveryConf");
# Takes a backup and restores it back to the original or a remapped location.
sub restore
my $self = shift; # Class hash
# Make sure that Postgres is not running
if ($self->{oFile}->exists(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $self->{strDbClusterPath} . '/' . FILE_POSTMASTER_PID))
confess &log(ERROR, 'unable to restore while Postgres is running', ERROR_POSTMASTER_RUNNING);
# Log the backup set to restore
&log(INFO, "Restoring backup set " . $self->{strBackupPath});
# Make sure the backup path is valid and load the manifest
my $oManifest = $self->manifest_load();
# Clean the restore paths
# Build paths/links in the restore paths
# Get variables required for restore
my $bSourceCompression = $oManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_OPTION, MANIFEST_KEY_COMPRESS) eq 'y' ? true : false;
my $strCurrentUser = getpwuid($<);
my $strCurrentGroup = getgrgid($();
# Create hash containing files to restore
my %oRestoreHash;
my $lSizeTotal = 0;
my $lSizeCurrent = 0;
foreach my $strPathKey ($oManifest->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH))
my $strSection = "${strPathKey}:file";
if ($oManifest->test($strSection))
foreach my $strFile ($oManifest->keys($strSection))
my $lSize = $oManifest->get($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE);
$lSizeTotal += $lSize;
# Preface the file key with the size. This allows for sorting the files to restore by size
my $strFileKey = sprintf("%016d-${strFile}", $lSize);
# Get restore information
$oRestoreHash{$strPathKey}{$strFileKey}{file} = $strFile;
$oRestoreHash{$strPathKey}{$strFileKey}{size} = $lSize;
$oRestoreHash{$strPathKey}{$strFileKey}{source_path} = $strPathKey;
$oRestoreHash{$strPathKey}{$strFileKey}{source_path} =~ s/\:/\//g;
$oRestoreHash{$strPathKey}{$strFileKey}{destination_path} =
$oManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH, $strPathKey);
$oRestoreHash{$strPathKey}{$strFileKey}{reference} =
$oManifest->get($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE, false);
$oRestoreHash{$strPathKey}{$strFileKey}{modification_time} =
$oManifest->get($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODIFICATION_TIME);
$oRestoreHash{$strPathKey}{$strFileKey}{mode} =
$oManifest->get($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE);
$oRestoreHash{$strPathKey}{$strFileKey}{user} =
$oManifest->get($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER);
$oRestoreHash{$strPathKey}{$strFileKey}{group} =
$oManifest->get($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP);
# Checksum is only stored if size > 0
if ($lSize > 0)
$oRestoreHash{$strPathKey}{$strFileKey}{checksum} =
$oManifest->get($strSection, $strFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM);
# If multi-threaded then create threads to copy files
if ($self->{iThreadTotal} > 1)
&log(DEBUG, "starting restore with $self->{iThreadTotal} threads");
# Initialize the thread queues
my @oyRestoreQueue;
foreach my $strPathKey (sort (keys %oRestoreHash))
push(@oyRestoreQueue, Thread::Queue->new());
foreach my $strFileKey (sort {$b cmp $a} (keys $oRestoreHash{$strPathKey}))
$oyRestoreQueue[@oyRestoreQueue - 1]->enqueue($oRestoreHash{$strPathKey}{$strFileKey});
# Initialize the param hash
my %oParam;
$oParam{copy_time_begin} = $lCopyTimeBegin;
$oParam{size_total} = $lSizeTotal;
$oParam{delta} = $self->{bDelta};
$oParam{force} = $self->{bForce};
$oParam{backup_path} = $self->{strBackupPath};
$oParam{source_compression} = $bSourceCompression;
$oParam{current_user} = $strCurrentUser;
$oParam{current_group} = $strCurrentGroup;
$oParam{queue} = \@oyRestoreQueue;
# Run the threads
for (my $iThreadIdx = 0; $iThreadIdx < $self->{iThreadTotal}; $iThreadIdx++)
threadGroupRun($iThreadIdx, 'restore', \%oParam);
# Complete thread queues
while (!threadGroupComplete()) {};
&log(DEBUG, "starting restore in main process");
# Restore file in main process
foreach my $strPathKey (sort (keys %oRestoreHash))
foreach my $strFileKey (sort {$b cmp $a} (keys $oRestoreHash{$strPathKey}))
$lSizeCurrent = restoreFile($oRestoreHash{$strPathKey}{$strFileKey}, $lCopyTimeBegin, $self->{bDelta},
$self->{bForce}, $self->{strBackupPath}, $bSourceCompression, $strCurrentUser,
$strCurrentGroup, $self->{oFile}, $lSizeTotal, $lSizeCurrent);
# Create recovery.conf file
&log(INFO, "restore complete");