mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-03-05 15:05:48 +02:00
David Steele 4e2c14623b Work on issue #48: Abandon threads and go to processes
More separation of the protocol and remote layers than was done in issue #106.
Settings are passed to the remote via command-line parameters rather than in the protocol.
2015-06-18 15:39:30 -04:00

3152 lines
138 KiB
Executable File

# BackupTest.pl - Unit Tests for BackRest::Backup and BackRest::Restore
package BackRestTest::BackupTest;
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use DBI;
use Exporter qw(import);
use Fcntl ':mode';
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy 'cp';
use File::stat;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use BackRest::Archive;
use BackRest::ArchiveInfo;
use BackRest::Config;
use BackRest::Exception;
use BackRest::File;
use BackRest::Ini;
use BackRest::Manifest;
use BackRest::Protocol;
use BackRest::Remote;
use BackRest::Utility;
use BackRestTest::CommonTest;
our @EXPORT = qw(BackRestTestBackup_Test BackRestTestBackup_Create BackRestTestBackup_Drop BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStop
BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOne BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute);
my $strTestPath;
my $strHost;
my $strUser;
my $strGroup;
my $strUserBackRest;
my $hDb;
# BackRestTestBackup_PgConnect
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgConnect
my $iWaitSeconds = shift;
# Disconnect user session
# Default
$iWaitSeconds = defined($iWaitSeconds) ? $iWaitSeconds : 30;
# Record the start time
my $lTime = time();
# Connect to the db (whether it is local or remote)
$hDb = DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=postgres;port=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPortGet .
';host=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet(),
{AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1});
if (!$@)
# If waiting then sleep before trying again
if (defined($iWaitSeconds))
while ($lTime > time() - $iWaitSeconds);
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to connect to Postgres after ${iWaitSeconds} second(s)");
# BackRestTestBackup_PgDisconnect
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgDisconnect
# Connect to the db (whether it is local or remote)
if (defined($hDb))
# BackRestTestBackup_PgExecuteNoTrans
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgExecuteNoTrans
my $strSql = shift;
# Connect to the db with autocommit on so we can runs statements that can't run in transaction blocks
my $hDb = DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=postgres;port=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPortGet .
';host=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet(),
{AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 1});
# Log and execute the statement
&log(DEBUG, "SQL: ${strSql}");
my $hStatement = $hDb->prepare($strSql);
$hStatement->execute() or
confess &log(ERROR, "Unable to execute: ${strSql}");
# Close the connection
# BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute
my $strSql = shift;
my $bCheckpoint = shift;
my $bCommit = shift;
# Set defaults
$bCommit = defined($bCommit) ? $bCommit : true;
# Log and execute the statement
&log(DEBUG, "SQL: ${strSql}");
my $hStatement = $hDb->prepare($strSql);
$hStatement->execute() or
confess &log(ERROR, "Unable to execute: ${strSql}");
if ($bCommit)
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute('commit', false, false);
# Perform a checkpoint if requested
if (defined($bCheckpoint) && $bCheckpoint)
# BackRestTestBackup_PgSwitchXlog
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgSwitchXlog
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute('select pg_switch_xlog()', false, false);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute('select pg_switch_xlog()', false, false);
# BackRestTestBackup_PgCommit
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgCommit
my $bCheckpoint = shift;
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute('commit', $bCheckpoint, false);
# BackRestTestBackup_PgSelect
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgSelect
my $strSql = shift;
# Log and execute the statement
&log(DEBUG, "SQL: ${strSql}");
my $hStatement = $hDb->prepare($strSql);
$hStatement = $hDb->prepare($strSql);
$hStatement->execute() or
confess &log(ERROR, "Unable to execute: ${strSql}");
my @oyRow = $hStatement->fetchrow_array();
return @oyRow;
# BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOne
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOne
my $strSql = shift;
return (BackRestTestBackup_PgSelect($strSql))[0];
# BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest
my $strSql = shift;
my $strExpectedValue = shift;
my $iTimeout = shift;
my $lStartTime = time();
my $strActualValue;
$strActualValue = BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOne($strSql);
if (defined($strActualValue) && $strActualValue eq $strExpectedValue)
while (defined($iTimeout) && (time() - $lStartTime) <= $iTimeout);
confess "expected value '${strExpectedValue}' from '${strSql}' but actual was '" .
(defined($strActualValue) ? $strActualValue : '[undef]') . "'";
# BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStop
sub BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStop
my $strPath = shift;
my $bImmediate = shift;
my $bNoError = shift;
# Set default
$strPath = defined($strPath) ? $strPath : BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet();
$bImmediate = defined($bImmediate) ? $bImmediate : false;
# Disconnect user session
# Stop the cluster
BackRestTestCommon_ClusterStop($strPath, $bImmediate);
# Grep for errors in postgresql.log
if ((!defined($bNoError) || !$bNoError) &&
-e BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/postgresql.log')
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('grep ERROR ' . BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/postgresql.log',
undef, undef, undef, 1);
# BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStart
sub BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStart
my $strPath = shift;
my $iPort = shift;
my $bHotStandby = shift;
my $bArchive = shift;
# Set default
$iPort = defined($iPort) ? $iPort : BackRestTestCommon_DbPortGet();
$strPath = defined($strPath) ? $strPath : BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet();
$bHotStandby = defined($bHotStandby) ? $bHotStandby : false;
$bArchive = defined($bArchive) ? $bArchive : true;
# Make sure postgres is not running
if (-e $strPath . '/postmaster.pid')
confess 'postmaster.pid exists';
# Creat the archive command
my $strArchive = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainAbsGet() . ' --stanza=' . BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet() .
' --config=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . '/pg_backrest.conf archive-push %p';
# Start the cluster
my $strCommand = BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet() . "/pg_ctl start -o \"-c port=${iPort}" .
' -c checkpoint_segments=1';
if ($bArchive)
if (BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() >= '8.3')
$strCommand .= " -c archive_mode=on";
$strCommand .= " -c archive_command='${strArchive}'";
if (BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() >= '9.0')
$strCommand .= " -c wal_level=hot_standby";
if ($bHotStandby)
$strCommand .= ' -c hot_standby=on';
$strCommand .= " -c archive_mode=on -c wal_level=archive -c archive_command=true";
$strCommand .= " -c unix_socket_director" . (BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() < '9.3' ? "y='" : "ies='") .
BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . "'\" " .
"-D ${strPath} -l ${strPath}/postgresql.log -s";
# Connect user session
# BackRestTestBackup_ClusterRestart
sub BackRestTestBackup_ClusterRestart
my $strPath = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet();
# Disconnect user session
# If postmaster process is running them stop the cluster
if (-e $strPath . '/postmaster.pid')
BackRestTestCommon_Execute(BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet() . "/pg_ctl restart -D ${strPath} -w -s");
# Connect user session
# BackRestTestBackup_ClusterCreate
sub BackRestTestBackup_ClusterCreate
my $strPath = shift;
my $iPort = shift;
my $bArchive = shift;
# Defaults
$strPath = defined($strPath) ? $strPath : BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet();
BackRestTestCommon_Execute(BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet() . "/initdb -D ${strPath} -A trust");
BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStart($strPath, $iPort, undef, $bArchive);
# Connect user session
# BackRestTestBackup_Drop
sub BackRestTestBackup_Drop
my $bImmediate = shift;
my $bNoError = shift;
# Stop the cluster if one is running
BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStop(BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet(), $bImmediate, $bNoError);
# Drop the test path
# # Remove the backrest private directory
# while (-e BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet())
# {
# BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true, true);
# BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), false, true);
# hsleep(.1);
# }
# # Remove the test directory
# BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove(BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet());
# BackRestTestBackup_Create
sub BackRestTestBackup_Create
my $bRemote = shift;
my $bCluster = shift;
my $bArchive = shift;
# Set defaults
$bRemote = defined($bRemote) ? $bRemote : false;
$bCluster = defined($bCluster) ? $bCluster : true;
# Drop the old test directory
# Create the test directory
# Create the db paths
# Create tablespace paths
BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate(BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet(1, 2));
BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate(BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet(2, 2));
# Create the archive directory
if ($bRemote)
# Create the cluster
if ($bCluster)
BackRestTestBackup_ClusterCreate(undef, undef, $bArchive);
# BackRestTestBackup_PathCreate
# Create a path specifying mode.
sub BackRestTestBackup_PathCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strSubPath = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Create final file location
my $strFinalPath = ${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} .
(defined($strSubPath) ? "/${strSubPath}" : '');
# Create the path
if (!(-e $strFinalPath))
BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate($strFinalPath, $strMode);
return $strFinalPath;
# BackRestTestBackup_PathMode
# Change the mode of a path.
sub BackRestTestBackup_PathMode
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strSubPath = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Create final file location
my $strFinalPath = ${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} .
(defined($strSubPath) ? "/${strSubPath}" : '');
BackRestTestCommon_PathMode($strFinalPath, $strMode);
return $strFinalPath;
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate
# Create a path specifying mode and add it to the manifest.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strSubPath = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Create final file location
my $strFinalPath = BackRestTestBackup_PathCreate($oManifestRef, $strPath, $strSubPath, $strMode);
# Stat the file
my $oStat = lstat($strFinalPath);
# Check for errors in stat
if (!defined($oStat))
confess 'unable to stat ${strSubPath}';
my $strManifestPath = defined($strSubPath) ? $strSubPath : '.';
# Load file into manifest
my $strSection = "${strPath}:" . MANIFEST_PATH;
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strManifestPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP} = getgrgid($oStat->gid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strManifestPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER} = getpwuid($oStat->uid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strManifestPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE} = sprintf('%04o', S_IMODE($oStat->mode));
# BackRestTestBackup_PathRemove
# Remove a path.
sub BackRestTestBackup_PathRemove
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strSubPath = shift;
# Create final file location
my $strFinalPath = ${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} .
(defined($strSubPath) ? "/${strSubPath}" : '');
# Create the path
return $strFinalPath;
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceCreate
# Create a tablespace specifying mode and add it to the manifest.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $iOid = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Create final file location
my $strPath = BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet($iOid);
# Stat the path
my $oStat = lstat($strPath);
# Check for errors in stat
if (!defined($oStat))
confess 'unable to stat path ${strPath}';
# Load path into manifest
my $strSection = MANIFEST_TABLESPACE . "/${iOid}:" . MANIFEST_PATH;
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{'.'}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP} = getgrgid($oStat->gid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{'.'}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER} = getpwuid($oStat->uid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{'.'}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE} = sprintf('%04o', S_IMODE($oStat->mode));
# Create the link in pg_tblspc
my $strLink = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/' . PATH_PG_TBLSPC . "/${iOid}";
symlink($strPath, $strLink)
or confess "unable to link ${strLink} to ${strPath}";
# Stat the link
$oStat = lstat($strLink);
# Check for errors in stat
if (!defined($oStat))
confess 'unable to stat link ${strLink}';
# Load link into the manifest
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{"pg_tblspc/${iOid}"}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP} = getgrgid($oStat->gid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{"pg_tblspc/${iOid}"}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER} = getpwuid($oStat->uid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{"pg_tblspc/${iOid}"}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_DESTINATION} = $strPath;
# Load tablespace into the manifest
$strSection = MANIFEST_TABLESPACE . "/${iOid}";
${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strSection}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} = $strPath;
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceDrop
# Drop a tablespace add remove it from the manifest.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceDrop
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $iOid = shift;
my $iIndex = shift;
# Remove tablespace path/file/link from manifest
delete(${$oManifestRef}{MANIFEST_TABLESPACE . "/${iOid}:" . MANIFEST_PATH});
delete(${$oManifestRef}{MANIFEST_TABLESPACE . "/${iOid}:" . MANIFEST_LINK});
delete(${$oManifestRef}{MANIFEST_TABLESPACE . "/${iOid}:" . MANIFEST_FILE});
# Drop the link in pg_tblspc
BackRestTestCommon_FileRemove(BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet($iIndex) . '/' . PATH_PG_TBLSPC . "/${iOid}");
# Remove tablespace rom manifest
delete(${$oManifestRef}{MANIFEST_KEY_BASE . ':' . MANIFEST_LINK}{PATH_PG_TBLSPC . "/${iOid}"});
# BackRestTestBackup_FileCreate
# Create a file specifying content, mode, and time.
sub BackRestTestBackup_FileCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
my $strContent = shift;
my $lTime = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Create actual file location
my $strPathFile = ${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} . "/${strFile}";
# Create the file
BackRestTestCommon_FileCreate($strPathFile, $strContent, $lTime, $strMode);
# Return path to created file
return $strPathFile;
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate
# Create a file specifying content, mode, and time and add it to the manifest.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
my $strContent = shift;
my $strChecksum = shift;
my $lTime = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Create the file
my $strPathFile = BackRestTestBackup_FileCreate($oManifestRef, $strPath, $strFile, $strContent, $lTime, $strMode);
# Stat the file
my $oStat = lstat($strPathFile);
# Check for errors in stat
if (!defined($oStat))
confess 'unable to stat ${strFile}';
# Load file into manifest
my $strSection = "${strPath}:" . MANIFEST_FILE;
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP} = getgrgid($oStat->gid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER} = getpwuid($oStat->uid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE} = sprintf('%04o', S_IMODE($oStat->mode));
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP} = $oStat->mtime;
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE} = $oStat->size;
if (defined($strChecksum))
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{checksum} = $strChecksum;
# BackRestTestBackup_FileRemove
# Remove a file from disk.
sub BackRestTestBackup_FileRemove
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
my $bIgnoreMissing = shift;
# Create actual file location
my $strPathFile = ${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} . "/${strFile}";
# Remove the file
if (!(defined($bIgnoreMissing) && $bIgnoreMissing && !(-e $strPathFile)))
return $strPathFile;
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove
# Remove a file from disk and (optionally) the manifest.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
# Create actual file location
my $strPathFile = ${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} . "/${strFile}";
# Remove the file
BackRestTestBackup_FileRemove($oManifestRef, $strPath, $strFile, true);
# Remove from manifest
delete(${$oManifestRef}{"${strPath}:" . MANIFEST_FILE}{$strFile});
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference
# Update all files that do not have a reference with the supplied reference.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strReference = shift;
my $bClear = shift;
# Set prior backup
if (defined($strReference))
${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP}{&MANIFEST_KEY_PRIOR} = $strReference;
# Find all file sections
foreach my $strSectionFile (sort(keys $oManifestRef))
# Skip non-file sections
if ($strSectionFile !~ /\:file$/)
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys ${$oManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}))
if (!defined($strReference))
elsif (defined($bClear) && $bClear)
if (defined(${$oManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE}) &&
${$oManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE} ne $strReference)
elsif (!defined(${$oManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE}))
${$oManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE} = $strReference;
# BackRestTestBackup_LinkCreate
# Create a file specifying content, mode, and time.
sub BackRestTestBackup_LinkCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
my $strDestination = shift;
# Create actual file location
my $strPathFile = ${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} . "/${strFile}";
# Create the file
symlink($strDestination, $strPathFile)
or confess "unable to link ${strPathFile} to ${strDestination}";
# Return path to created file
return $strPathFile;
# BackRestTestBackup_LinkRemove
# Remove a link from disk.
# sub BackRestTestBackup_LinkRemove
# {
# my $oManifestRef = shift;
# my $strPath = shift;
# my $strFile = shift;
# my $bManifestRemove = shift;
# # Create actual file location
# my $strPathFile = ${$oManifestRef}{'backup:path'}{$strPath} . "/${strFile}";
# # Remove the file
# if (-e $strPathFile)
# {
# BackRestTestCommon_FileRemove($strPathFile);
# }
# # Remove from manifest
# if (defined($bManifestRemove) && $bManifestRemove)
# {
# delete(${$oManifestRef}{"${strPath}:file"}{$strFile});
# }
# }
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestLinkCreate
# Create a link and add it to the manifest.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestLinkCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
my $strDestination = shift;
# Create the file
my $strPathFile = BackRestTestBackup_LinkCreate($oManifestRef, $strPath, $strFile, $strDestination);
# Stat the file
my $oStat = lstat($strPathFile);
# Check for errors in stat
if (!defined($oStat))
confess 'unable to stat ${strFile}';
# Load file into manifest
my $strSection = "${strPath}:" . MANIFEST_LINK;
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP} = getgrgid($oStat->gid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER} = getpwuid($oStat->uid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_DESTINATION} = $strDestination;
# BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup
sub BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup
my $oFile = shift;
my @stryBackup = $oFile->list(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, undef, undef, 'reverse');
if (!defined($stryBackup[2]))
confess 'no backup was found';
return $stryBackup[2];
# BackRestTestBackup_BackupBegin
sub BackRestTestBackup_BackupBegin
my $strType = shift;
my $strStanza = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $strComment = shift;
my $bSynthetic = shift;
my $bTestPoint = shift;
my $fTestDelay = shift;
my $strOptionalParam = shift;
# Set defaults
$bTestPoint = defined($bTestPoint) ? $bTestPoint : false;
$fTestDelay = defined($fTestDelay) ? $fTestDelay : 0;
$strComment = "${strType} backup" . (defined($strComment) ? " (${strComment})" : '');
&log(INFO, " $strComment");
BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteBegin(($bRemote ? BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainAbsGet() : BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet()) .
' --config=' .
($bRemote ? BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() : BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet()) .
"/pg_backrest.conf" . ($bSynthetic ? " --no-start-stop" : '') .
(defined($strOptionalParam) ? " ${strOptionalParam}" : '') .
($strType ne 'incr' ? " --type=${strType}" : '') .
" --stanza=${strStanza} backup" . ($bTestPoint ? " --test --test-delay=${fTestDelay}": ''),
$bRemote, $strComment);
# BackRestTestBackup_BackupEnd
sub BackRestTestBackup_BackupEnd
my $strType = shift;
my $strStanza = shift;
my $oFile = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $strBackup = shift;
my $oExpectedManifestRef = shift;
my $bSynthetic = shift;
my $iExpectedExitStatus = shift;
my $iExitStatus = BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteEnd(undef, undef, undef, $iExpectedExitStatus);
if (defined($iExpectedExitStatus))
return undef;
${$oExpectedManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP}{&MANIFEST_KEY_TYPE} = $strType;
if (!defined($strBackup))
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile);
if ($bSynthetic)
BackRestTestBackup_BackupCompare($oFile, $bRemote, $strBackup, $oExpectedManifestRef);
BackRestTestCommon_TestLogAppendFile(BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . "/pg_backrest.conf", $bRemote);
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_TestLogAppendFile(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/pg_backrest.conf", $bRemote);
BackRestTestCommon_TestLogAppendFile(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() .
"/backup/${strStanza}/${strBackup}/backup.manifest", $bRemote);
BackRestTestCommon_TestLogAppendFile(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() .
"/backup/${strStanza}/backup.info", $bRemote);
return $strBackup;
# BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic
sub BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic
my $strType = shift;
my $strStanza = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $oFile = shift;
my $oExpectedManifestRef = shift;
my $strComment = shift;
my $strTestPoint = shift;
my $fTestDelay = shift;
my $iExpectedExitStatus = shift;
my $strOptionalParam = shift;
BackRestTestBackup_BackupBegin($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $strComment, true, defined($strTestPoint), $fTestDelay,
if (defined($strTestPoint))
return BackRestTestBackup_BackupEnd($strType, $strStanza, $oFile, $bRemote, undef, $oExpectedManifestRef, true,
# BackRestTestBackup_Backup
sub BackRestTestBackup_Backup
my $strType = shift;
my $strStanza = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $oFile = shift;
my $strComment = shift;
my $strTestPoint = shift;
my $fTestDelay = shift;
my $iExpectedExitStatus = shift;
BackRestTestBackup_BackupBegin($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $strComment, false, defined($strTestPoint), $fTestDelay);
if (defined($strTestPoint))
return BackRestTestBackup_BackupEnd($strType, $strStanza, $oFile, $bRemote, undef, undef, false, $iExpectedExitStatus);
# BackRestTestBackup_Info
sub BackRestTestBackup_Info
my $strStanza = shift;
my $strOutput = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $strComment = shift;
$strComment = "info" . (defined($strStanza) ? " ${strStanza}" : '');
&log(INFO, " $strComment");
BackRestTestCommon_Execute(($bRemote ? BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainAbsGet() : BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet()) .
' --config=' .
($bRemote ? BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() : BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet()) .
'/pg_backrest.conf' . (defined($strStanza) ? " --stanza=${strStanza}" : '') . ' info' .
(defined($strOutput) ? " --output=${strOutput}" : ''),
$bRemote, undef, undef, undef, $strComment);
# BackRestTestBackup_BackupCompare
sub BackRestTestBackup_BackupCompare
my $oFile = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $strBackup = shift;
my $oExpectedManifestRef = shift;
${$oExpectedManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP}{&MANIFEST_KEY_LABEL} = $strBackup;
# Change mode on the backup path so it can be read
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 750 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true);
my %oActualManifest;
iniLoad($oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, $strBackup) . '/' . FILE_MANIFEST, \%oActualManifest);
${$oExpectedManifestRef}{&INI_SECTION_BACKREST}{&INI_KEY_FORMAT} = FORMAT + 0;
my $strTestPath = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet();
iniSave("${strTestPath}/actual.manifest", \%oActualManifest);
iniSave("${strTestPath}/expected.manifest", $oExpectedManifestRef);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("diff ${strTestPath}/expected.manifest ${strTestPath}/actual.manifest");
# Change mode on the backup path back before unit tests continue
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 700 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true);
$oFile->remove(PATH_ABSOLUTE, "${strTestPath}/expected.manifest");
$oFile->remove(PATH_ABSOLUTE, "${strTestPath}/actual.manifest");
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestMunge
# Allows for munging of the manifest while make it appear to be valid. This is used to create various error conditions that should
# be caught by the unit tests.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestMunge
my $oFile = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $strBackup = shift;
my $strSection = shift;
my $strKey = shift;
my $strSubKey = shift;
my $strValue = shift;
# Make sure the new value is at least vaguely reasonable
if (!defined($strSection) || !defined($strKey))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'strSection and strKey must be defined');
# Change mode on the backup path so it can be read/written
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 750 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 770 ' . $oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, $strBackup) . '/' . FILE_MANIFEST, true);
# Read the manifest
my %oManifest;
iniLoad($oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, $strBackup) . '/' . FILE_MANIFEST, \%oManifest);
# Write in the munged value
if (defined($strSubKey))
if (defined($strValue))
$oManifest{$strSection}{$strKey}{$strSubKey} = $strValue;
if (defined($strValue))
$oManifest{$strSection}{$strKey} = $strValue;
# Remove the old checksum
my $oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
my $oJSON = JSON::PP->new()->canonical()->allow_nonref();
# Set the new checksum
$oManifest{&INI_SECTION_BACKREST}{&INI_KEY_CHECKSUM} = $oSHA->hexdigest();
# Resave the manifest
iniSave($oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, $strBackup) . '/' . FILE_MANIFEST, \%oManifest);
# Change mode on the backup path back before unit tests continue
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 750 ' . $oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, $strBackup) . '/' . FILE_MANIFEST, true);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 700 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true);
# BackRestTestBackup_Restore
sub BackRestTestBackup_Restore
my $oFile = shift;
my $strBackup = shift;
my $strStanza = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $oExpectedManifestRef = shift;
my $oRemapHashRef = shift;
my $bDelta = shift;
my $bForce = shift;
my $strType = shift;
my $strTarget = shift;
my $bTargetExclusive = shift;
my $bTargetResume = shift;
my $strTargetTimeline = shift;
my $oRecoveryHashRef = shift;
my $strComment = shift;
my $iExpectedExitStatus = shift;
my $strOptionalParam = shift;
my $bCompare = shift;
# Set defaults
$bDelta = defined($bDelta) ? $bDelta : false;
$bForce = defined($bForce) ? $bForce : false;
my $bSynthetic = defined($oExpectedManifestRef) ? true : false;
$strComment = 'restore' .
($bDelta ? ' delta' : '') .
($bForce ? ', force' : '') .
($strBackup ne 'latest' ? ", backup '${strBackup}'" : '') .
($strType ? ", type '${strType}'" : '') .
($strTarget ? ", target '${strTarget}'" : '') .
($strTargetTimeline ? ", timeline '${strTargetTimeline}'" : '') .
(defined($bTargetExclusive) && $bTargetExclusive ? ', exclusive' : '') .
(defined($bTargetResume) && $bTargetResume ? ', resume' : '') .
(defined($oRemapHashRef) ? ', remap' : '') .
(defined($iExpectedExitStatus) ? ", expect exit ${iExpectedExitStatus}" : '') .
(defined($strComment) ? " (${strComment})" : '');
&log(INFO, " ${strComment}");
if (!defined($oExpectedManifestRef))
# Change mode on the backup path so it can be read
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 750 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true);
my $oExpectedManifest = new BackRest::Manifest(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() .
"/backup/${strStanza}/${strBackup}/backup.manifest", true);
$oExpectedManifestRef = $oExpectedManifest->{oContent};
# Change mode on the backup path back before unit tests continue
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 700 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true);
if (defined($oRemapHashRef))
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigRemap($oRemapHashRef, $oExpectedManifestRef, $bRemote);
if (defined($oRecoveryHashRef))
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigRecovery($oRecoveryHashRef, $bRemote);
# Create the backup command
BackRestTestCommon_Execute(($bRemote ? BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainAbsGet() : BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet()) .
' --config=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() .
'/pg_backrest.conf' . (defined($bDelta) && $bDelta ? ' --delta' : '') .
(defined($bForce) && $bForce ? ' --force' : '') .
($strBackup ne 'latest' ? " --set=${strBackup}" : '') .
(defined($strOptionalParam) ? " ${strOptionalParam} " : '') .
(defined($strType) && $strType ne RECOVERY_TYPE_DEFAULT ? " --type=${strType}" : '') .
(defined($strTarget) ? " --target=\"${strTarget}\"" : '') .
(defined($strTargetTimeline) ? " --target-timeline=\"${strTargetTimeline}\"" : '') .
(defined($bTargetExclusive) && $bTargetExclusive ? " --target-exclusive" : '') .
(defined($bTargetResume) && $bTargetResume ? " --target-resume" : '') .
" --stanza=${strStanza} restore",
undef, undef, undef, $iExpectedExitStatus, $strComment);
if (!defined($iExpectedExitStatus) && (!defined($bCompare) || $bCompare))
BackRestTestBackup_RestoreCompare($oFile, $strStanza, $bRemote, $strBackup, $bSynthetic, $oExpectedManifestRef);
# BackRestTestBackup_RestoreCompare
sub BackRestTestBackup_RestoreCompare
my $oFile = shift;
my $strStanza = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $strBackup = shift;
my $bSynthetic = shift;
my $oExpectedManifestRef = shift;
my $strTestPath = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet();
# Load the last manifest if it exists
my $oLastManifest = undef;
if (defined(${$oExpectedManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP}{&MANIFEST_KEY_PRIOR}))
# Change mode on the backup path so it can be read
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 750 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true);
my $oExpectedManifest = new BackRest::Manifest(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() .
"/backup/${strStanza}/${strBackup}/" . FILE_MANIFEST, true);
$oLastManifest = new BackRest::Manifest(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() .
"/backup/${strStanza}/" .
'/' . FILE_MANIFEST, true);
# Change mode on the backup path back before unit tests continue
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 700 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true);
# Generate the tablespace map for real backups
my $oTablespaceMap = undef;
if (!$bSynthetic)
foreach my $strTablespaceName (keys(${$oExpectedManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}))
if (defined(${$oExpectedManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strTablespaceName}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_LINK}))
my $strTablespaceOid =
$$oTablespaceMap{oid}{$strTablespaceOid}{name} = (split('/', $strTablespaceName))[1];
# Generate the actual manifest
my $oActualManifest = new BackRest::Manifest("${strTestPath}/" . FILE_MANIFEST, false);
my $oTablespaceMapRef = undef;
$oLastManifest, true, $oTablespaceMap);
# Generate checksums for all files if required
# Also fudge size if this is a synthetic test - sizes may change during backup.
foreach my $strSectionPathKey ($oActualManifest->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH))
my $strSectionPath = $oActualManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH, $strSectionPathKey, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH);
# Create all paths in the manifest that do not already exist
my $strSection = "${strSectionPathKey}:" . MANIFEST_FILE;
if ($oActualManifest->test($strSection))
foreach my $strName ($oActualManifest->keys($strSection))
if (!$bSynthetic)
$oActualManifest->set($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE,
if ($oActualManifest->get($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE) != 0)
$oActualManifest->set($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM,
$oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, "${strSectionPath}/${strName}"));
# Set actual to expected for settings that always change from backup to backup
$oActualManifest->set(INI_SECTION_BACKREST, INI_KEY_VERSION, undef,
$oActualManifest->set(INI_SECTION_BACKREST, INI_KEY_CHECKSUM, undef,
if (!$bSynthetic)
iniSave("${strTestPath}/actual.manifest", $oActualManifest->{oContent});
iniSave("${strTestPath}/expected.manifest", $oExpectedManifestRef);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("diff ${strTestPath}/expected.manifest ${strTestPath}/actual.manifest");
$oFile->remove(PATH_ABSOLUTE, "${strTestPath}/expected.manifest");
$oFile->remove(PATH_ABSOLUTE, "${strTestPath}/actual.manifest");
# BackRestTestBackup_Expire
sub BackRestTestBackup_Expire
my $strStanza = shift;
my $oFile = shift;
my $stryBackupExpectedRef = shift;
my $stryArchiveExpectedRef = shift;
my $iExpireFull = shift;
my $iExpireDiff = shift;
my $strExpireArchiveType = shift;
my $iExpireArchive = shift;
my $strCommand = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet() . ' --config=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() .
"/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=${strStanza} expire";
if (defined($iExpireFull))
$strCommand .= ' --retention-full=' . $iExpireFull;
if (defined($iExpireDiff))
$strCommand .= ' --retention-diff=' . $iExpireDiff;
if (defined($strExpireArchiveType))
$strCommand .= ' --retention-archive-type=' . $strExpireArchiveType .
' --retention-archive=' . $iExpireArchive;
# Check that the correct backups were expired
my @stryBackupActual = $oFile->list(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER);
if (join(",", @stryBackupActual) ne join(",", @{$stryBackupExpectedRef}))
confess "expected backup list:\n " . join("\n ", @{$stryBackupExpectedRef}) .
"\n\nbut actual was:\n " . join("\n ", @stryBackupActual) . "\n";
# Check that the correct archive logs were expired
my @stryArchiveActual = $oFile->list(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() . '-1/0000000100000000');
if (join(",", @stryArchiveActual) ne join(",", @{$stryArchiveExpectedRef}))
confess "expected archive list:\n " . join("\n ", @{$stryArchiveExpectedRef}) .
"\n\nbut actual was:\n " . join("\n ", @stryArchiveActual) . "\n";
BackRestTestCommon_TestLogAppendFile(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() .
"/backup/${strStanza}/backup.info", false);
# BackRestTestBackup_Test
sub BackRestTestBackup_Test
my $strTest = shift;
my $iThreadMax = shift;
# If no test was specified, then run them all
if (!defined($strTest))
$strTest = 'all';
# Setup global variables
$strTestPath = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet();
$strHost = BackRestTestCommon_HostGet();
$strUserBackRest = BackRestTestCommon_UserBackRestGet();
$strUser = BackRestTestCommon_UserGet();
$strGroup = BackRestTestCommon_GroupGet();
# Setup test variables
my $iRun;
my $strModule = 'backup';
my $strThisTest;
my $bCreate;
my $strStanza = BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet();
my $strArchiveChecksum = '1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031';
my $iArchiveMax = 3;
my $strXlogPath = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/pg_xlog';
my $strArchiveTestFile = BackRestTestCommon_DataPathGet() . '/test.archive2.bin';
my $strArchiveTestFile2 = BackRestTestCommon_DataPathGet() . '/test.archive1.bin';
# Print test banner
&log(INFO, 'BACKUP MODULE ******************************************************************');
# Drop any existing cluster
BackRestTestBackup_Drop(true, true);
# Create remotes
my $oRemote = new BackRest::Remote
$strHost, # Host
$strUserBackRest, # User
BackRestTestCommon_CommandRemoteFullGet(), # Command
my $oLocal = new BackRest::Protocol
undef, # Name
false, # Is backend?
undef, # Command
# Test archive-push
$strThisTest = 'archive-push';
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq $strThisTest)
$iRun = 0;
$bCreate = true;
my $oFile;
&log(INFO, "Test ${strThisTest}\n");
for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++)
for (my $bCompress = false; $bCompress <= true; $bCompress++)
for (my $bArchiveAsync = false; $bArchiveAsync <= true; $bArchiveAsync++)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"rmt ${bRemote}, cmp ${bCompress}, " .
"arc_async ${bArchiveAsync}",
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strModule : undef,
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strThisTest: undef)) {next}
# Create the file object
if ($bCreate)
$oFile = (new BackRest::File
$bRemote ? 'backup' : undef,
$bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal
$bCreate = false;
# Create the test directory
BackRestTestBackup_Create($bRemote, false);
($bRemote ? BACKUP : undef),
undef, # checksum
undef, # hardlink
undef, # thread-max
my $strCommand = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet() . ' --config=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() .
'/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push';
# Loop through backups
for (my $iBackup = 1; $iBackup <= 3; $iBackup++)
my $strArchiveFile;
# Loop through archive files
for (my $iArchive = 1; $iArchive <= $iArchiveMax; $iArchive++)
# Construct the archive filename
my $iArchiveNo = (($iBackup - 1) * $iArchiveMax + ($iArchive - 1)) + 1;
if ($iArchiveNo > 255)
confess 'backup total * archive total cannot be greater than 255';
$strArchiveFile = uc(sprintf('0000000100000001%08x', $iArchiveNo));
&log(INFO, ' backup ' . sprintf('%02d', $iBackup) .
', archive ' .sprintf('%02x', $iArchive) .
" - ${strArchiveFile}");
my $strSourceFile = "${strXlogPath}/${strArchiveFile}";
$oFile->copy(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strArchiveTestFile, # Source file
PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strSourceFile, # Destination file
false, # Source is not compressed
false, # Destination is not compressed
undef, undef, undef, # Unused params
true); # Create path if it does not exist
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}");
if ($iArchive == $iBackup)
# load the archive info file so it can be munged for testing
my $strInfoFile = $oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE);
my %oInfo;
BackRestTestCommon_iniLoad($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote);
# Break the database version
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
&log(INFO, ' test db version mismatch error');
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}", undef, undef, undef,
# Break the system id
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
&log(INFO, ' test db system-id mismatch error');
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}", undef, undef, undef,
# Move settings back to original
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
# Should succeed because checksum is the same
&log(INFO, ' test archive duplicate ok');
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}");
# Now it should break on archive duplication (because checksum is different
&log(INFO, ' test archive duplicate error');
$oFile->copy(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strArchiveTestFile2, # Source file
PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strSourceFile, # Destination file
false, # Source is not compressed
false, # Destination is not compressed
undef, undef, undef, # Unused params
true); # Create path if it does not exist
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}", undef, undef, undef,
if ($bArchiveAsync)
my $strDuplicateWal =
($bRemote ? BackRestTestCommon_LocalPathGet() : BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet()) .
unlink ($strDuplicateWal)
or confess "unable to remove duplicate WAL segment created for testing: ${strDuplicateWal}";
# Build the archive name to check for at the destination
my $strArchiveCheck = "9.3-1/${strArchiveFile}-${strArchiveChecksum}";
if ($bCompress)
$strArchiveCheck .= '.gz';
if (!$oFile->exists(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strArchiveCheck))
if (!$oFile->exists(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strArchiveCheck))
confess 'unable to find ' . $strArchiveCheck;
# !!! Need to put in tests for .backup files here
BackRestTestCommon_TestLogAppendFile($oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE) . '/archive.info', $bRemote);
$bCreate = true;
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# Test archive-stop
$strThisTest = 'archive-stop';
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq $strThisTest)
$iRun = 0;
$bCreate = true;
my $oFile;
&log(INFO, "Test ${strThisTest}\n");
for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++)
for (my $bCompress = false; $bCompress <= true; $bCompress++)
for (my $iError = 0; $iError <= $bRemote; $iError++)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"rmt ${bRemote}, cmp ${bCompress}" .
', error ' . ($iError ? 'connect' : 'version'),
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strModule : undef,
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strThisTest: undef)) {next}
# Create the file object
if ($bCreate)
$oFile = (new BackRest::File
$bRemote ? 'backup' : undef,
$bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal
$bCreate = false;
# Create the test directory
BackRestTestBackup_Create($bRemote, false);
($bRemote ? BACKUP : undef),
undef, # checksum
undef, # hardlink
undef, # thread-max
true, # archive-async
# Helper function to push archive logs
sub archivePush
my $oFile = shift;
my $strXlogPath = shift;
my $strArchiveTestFile = shift;
my $iArchiveNo = shift;
my $iExpectedError = shift;
my $strSourceFile = "${strXlogPath}/" . uc(sprintf('0000000100000001%08x', $iArchiveNo));
$oFile->copy(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strArchiveTestFile, # Source file
PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strSourceFile, # Destination file
false, # Source is not compressed
false, # Destination is not compressed
undef, undef, undef, # Unused params
true); # Create path if it does not exist
my $strCommand = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet() . ' --config=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() .
'/pg_backrest.conf --archive-max-mb=24 --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push' .
(defined($iExpectedError) && $iExpectedError == ERROR_HOST_CONNECT ?
" --backup-host=bogus" : '');
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}", undef, undef, undef,
# Push a WAL segment
archivePush($oFile, $strXlogPath, $strArchiveTestFile, 1);
# load the archive info file so it can be munged for testing
my $strInfoFile = $oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE);
my %oInfo;
BackRestTestCommon_iniLoad($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote);
# Break the database version
if ($iError == 0)
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
# Push two more segments with errors to exceed archive-max-mb
archivePush($oFile, $strXlogPath, $strArchiveTestFile, 2,
archivePush($oFile, $strXlogPath, $strArchiveTestFile, 3,
# Now this segment will get dropped
archivePush($oFile, $strXlogPath, $strArchiveTestFile, 4);
# Fix the database version
if ($iError == 0)
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
# Remove the stop file
my $strStopFile = ($bRemote ? BackRestTestCommon_LocalPathGet() : BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet()) .
or die "unable to remove stop file ${strStopFile}";
# Push two more segments - only #4 should be missing from the archive at the end
archivePush($oFile, $strXlogPath, $strArchiveTestFile, 5);
archivePush($oFile, $strXlogPath, $strArchiveTestFile, 6);
$bCreate = true;
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# Test archive-get
$strThisTest = 'archive-get';
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq $strThisTest)
$iRun = 0;
$bCreate = true;
my $oFile;
&log(INFO, "Test ${strThisTest}\n");
for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++)
for (my $bCompress = false; $bCompress <= true; $bCompress++)
for (my $bExists = false; $bExists <= true; $bExists++)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"rmt ${bRemote}, cmp ${bCompress}, exists ${bExists}",
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strModule : undef,
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strThisTest: undef)) {next}
# Create the test directory
if ($bCreate)
# Create the file object
$oFile = (BackRest::File->new
$bRemote ? 'backup' : undef,
$bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal
BackRestTestBackup_Create($bRemote, false);
# Create the db/common/pg_xlog directory
$bCreate = false;
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('db', # local
($bRemote ? BACKUP : undef), # remote
$bCompress, # compress
undef, # checksum
undef, # hardlink
undef, # thread-max
undef, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
my $strCommand = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet() . ' --config=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() .
'/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get';
# Create the archive info file
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("chmod g+r,g+x " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), $bRemote);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('mkdir -p -m 770 ' . $oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE), $bRemote);
(new BackRest::ArchiveInfo($oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE)))->check('9.3', 6969);
BackRestTestCommon_TestLogAppendFile($oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE) . '/archive.info', $bRemote);
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("chmod g-r,g-x " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), $bRemote);
if ($bExists)
# Loop through archive files
my $strArchiveFile;
for (my $iArchiveNo = 1; $iArchiveNo <= $iArchiveMax; $iArchiveNo++)
# Construct the archive filename
if ($iArchiveNo > 255)
confess 'backup total * archive total cannot be greater than 255';
$strArchiveFile = uc(sprintf('0000000100000001%08x', $iArchiveNo));
&log(INFO, ' archive ' .sprintf('%02x', $iArchiveNo) .
" - ${strArchiveFile}");
my $strSourceFile = "${strArchiveFile}-${strArchiveChecksum}";
if ($bCompress)
$strSourceFile .= '.gz';
$oFile->copy(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strArchiveTestFile, # Source file
PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, "9.3-1/${strSourceFile}", # Destination file
false, # Source is not compressed
$bCompress, # Destination compress based on test
undef, undef, undef, # Unused params
true); # Create path if it does not exist
my $strDestinationFile = "${strXlogPath}/${strArchiveFile}";
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " ${strArchiveFile} ${strDestinationFile}");
# Check that the destination file exists
if ($oFile->exists(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strDestinationFile))
if ($oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strDestinationFile) ne $strArchiveChecksum)
confess "archive file hash does not match ${strArchiveChecksum}";
confess 'archive file is not in destination';
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " 000000090000000900000009 ${strXlogPath}/RECOVERYXLOG",
undef, undef, undef, 1);
$bCreate = true;
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# Test expire
$strThisTest = 'expire';
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq $strThisTest)
$iRun = 0;
my $oFile;
&log(INFO, "Test ${strThisTest}\n");
# Create the file object
$oFile = (BackRest::File->new
# Create the database
# Create db config
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('db', # local
undef, # remote
false, # compress
undef, # checksum
undef, # hardlink
$iThreadMax, # thread-max
undef, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
# Create backup config
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('backup', # local
undef, # remote
false, # compress
undef, # checksum
undef, # hardlink
$iThreadMax, # thread-max
undef, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
# Backups
my @stryBackupExpected;
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_FULL, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_DIFF, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_INCR, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_FULL, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_DIFF, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_INCR, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_DIFF, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_DIFF, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_FULL, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_DIFF, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_INCR, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_INCR, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_INCR, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_DIFF, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, 'backup.info';
push @stryBackupExpected, 'latest';
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strModule : undef,
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strThisTest: undef,
false)) {next}
# Append backup.info to create a baseline
BackRestTestCommon_TestLogAppendFile(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() .
"/backup/${strStanza}/backup.info", false);
# Create an archive log path that will be removed as old on the first archive expire call
$oFile->path_create(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() . '-1/0000000000000000');
# Get the expected archive list
my @stryArchiveExpected = $oFile->list(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() . '-1/0000000100000000');
# Expire all but the last two fulls
splice(@stryBackupExpected, 0, 3);
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, 2);
# Expire all but the last three diffs
splice(@stryBackupExpected, 1, 3);
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, undef, 3);
# Expire all but the last three diffs and last two fulls (should be no change)
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, 2, 3);
# Expire archive based on the last two fulls
splice(@stryArchiveExpected, 0, 10);
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, 2, 3, 'full', 2);
if ($oFile->exists(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() . '-1/0000000000000000'))
confess 'archive log path ' . BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() . '-1/0000000000000000 should have been removed';
# Expire archive based on the last two diffs
splice(@stryArchiveExpected, 0, 18);
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, 2, 3, 'diff', 2);
# Expire archive based on the last two incrs
splice(@stryBackupExpected, 0, 2);
splice(@stryArchiveExpected, 0, 9);
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, 1, 2, 'incr', 2);
# Expire archive based on the last two incrs (no change in archive)
splice(@stryBackupExpected, 1, 4);
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, 1, 1, 'incr', 2);
# Expire archive based on the last two diffs (no change in archive)
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, 1, 1, 'diff', 2);
# Expire archive based on the last diff
splice(@stryArchiveExpected, 0, 3);
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, 1, 1, 'diff', 1);
# Cleanup
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# Test synthetic
# Check the backup and restore functionality using synthetic data.
$strThisTest = 'synthetic';
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq $strThisTest)
$iRun = 0;
&log(INFO, "Test ${strModule} - ${strThisTest}\n");
for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++)
for (my $bCompress = false; $bCompress <= true; $bCompress++)
for (my $bHardlink = false; $bHardlink <= true; $bHardlink++)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"rmt ${bRemote}, cmp ${bCompress}, hardlink ${bHardlink}",
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strModule : undef,
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strThisTest: undef)) {next}
# Get base time
my $lTime = time() - 100000;
# Build the manifest
my %oManifest;
$oManifest{&INI_SECTION_BACKREST}{&INI_KEY_VERSION} = version_get();
$oManifest{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_DB}{&MANIFEST_KEY_SYSTEM_ID} = 6156904820763115222;
# Create the test directory
BackRestTestBackup_Create($bRemote, false);
$oManifest{'backup:path'}{base}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet();
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, 'base');
# Create the file object
my $oFile = new BackRest::File
$bRemote ? 'backup' : undef,
$bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'PG_VERSION', '9.3',
'e1f7a3a299f62225cba076fc6d3d6e677f303482', $lTime);
# Create base path
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base');
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base1.txt', 'BASE',
'a3b357a3e395e43fcfb19bb13f3c1b5179279593', $lTime);
# Create global path
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'global');
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'global/pg_control', '[replaceme]',
'56fe5780b8dca9705e0c22032a83828860a21235', $lTime - 100);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('cp ' . BackRestTestCommon_DataPathGet() . '/pg_control ' .
BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/global/pg_control');
utime($lTime - 100, $lTime - 100, BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/global/pg_control')
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to set time");
$oManifest{'base:file'}{'global/pg_control'}{'size'} = 8192;
# Create tablespace path
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'pg_tblspc');
# Create db config
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('db', # local
$bRemote ? BACKUP : undef, # remote
$bCompress, # compress
true, # checksum
$bRemote ? undef : $bHardlink, # hardlink
$iThreadMax); # thread-max
# Create backup config
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('backup', # local
DB, # remote
$bCompress, # compress
true, # checksum
$bHardlink, # hardlink
$iThreadMax); # thread-max
# Full backup
my $strType = 'full';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestLinkCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'link-test', '/test');
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'path-test');
my $strFullBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
undef, undef, undef, undef, '--manifest-save-threshold=3');
# Backup Info
BackRestTestBackup_Info($strStanza, undef, false);
BackRestTestBackup_Info($strStanza, INFO_OUTPUT_JSON, false);
# Resume Full Backup
$strType = 'full';
my $strTmpPath = BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/temp/${strStanza}.tmp";
BackRestTestCommon_PathMove(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/backup/${strStanza}/${strFullBackup}",
$strTmpPath, $bRemote);
my $oMungeManifest = BackRestTestCommon_manifestLoad("$strTmpPath/backup.manifest", $bRemote);
$oMungeManifest->remove('base:file', 'PG_VERSION', 'checksum');
BackRestTestCommon_manifestSave("$strTmpPath/backup.manifest", $oMungeManifest, $bRemote);
$strFullBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
# Restore - tests various mode, extra files/paths, missing files/paths
my $bDelta = true;
my $bForce = false;
# Create a path and file that are not in the manifest
BackRestTestBackup_PathCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'deleteme');
BackRestTestBackup_FileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'deleteme/deleteme.txt', 'DELETEME');
# Change path mode
BackRestTestBackup_PathMode(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base', '0777');
# Change an existing link to the wrong directory
BackRestTestBackup_FileRemove(\%oManifest, 'base', 'link-test');
BackRestTestBackup_LinkCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'link-test', '/wrong');
# Remove an path
BackRestTestBackup_PathRemove(\%oManifest, 'base', 'path-test');
# Remove a file
BackRestTestBackup_FileRemove(\%oManifest, 'base', 'PG_VERSION');
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strFullBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, \%oManifest, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
'add and delete files');
# Various broken info tests
$strType = 'incr';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strFullBackup);
my $strInfoFile = BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet . "/backup/${strStanza}/backup.info";
my %oInfo;
BackRestTestCommon_iniLoad($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote);
# Break the database version
my $strDbVersion = $oInfo{'db'}{&MANIFEST_KEY_DB_VERSION};
$oInfo{db}{&MANIFEST_KEY_DB_VERSION} = '8.0';
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
my $strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'invalid database version', undef, undef, ERROR_BACKUP_MISMATCH);
$oInfo{db}{&MANIFEST_KEY_DB_VERSION} = $strDbVersion;
# Break the database system id
my $ullDbSysId = $oInfo{'db'}{&MANIFEST_KEY_SYSTEM_ID};
$oInfo{db}{&MANIFEST_KEY_SYSTEM_ID} = 6999999999999999999;
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'invalid system id', undef, undef, ERROR_BACKUP_MISMATCH);
$oInfo{db}{&MANIFEST_KEY_SYSTEM_ID} = $ullDbSysId;
# Break the control version
my $iControlVersion = $oInfo{'db'}{&MANIFEST_KEY_CONTROL};
$oInfo{db}{&MANIFEST_KEY_CONTROL} = 842;
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'invalid control version', undef, undef, ERROR_BACKUP_MISMATCH);
$oInfo{db}{&MANIFEST_KEY_CONTROL} = $iControlVersion;
# Break the catalog version
my $iCatalogVersion = $oInfo{'db'}{&MANIFEST_KEY_CATALOG};
$oInfo{db}{&MANIFEST_KEY_CATALOG} = 197208141;
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'invalid catalog version', undef, undef, ERROR_BACKUP_MISMATCH);
# Fix up info file for next test
$oInfo{db}{&MANIFEST_KEY_CATALOG} = $iCatalogVersion;
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
# Incr backup
$strType = 'incr';
# Add tablespace 1
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceCreate(\%oManifest, 1);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "tablespace/1", 'tablespace1.txt', 'TBLSPC1',
'd85de07d6421d90aa9191c11c889bfde43680f0f', $lTime);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "base", 'badchecksum.txt', 'BADCHECKSUM',
'f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51', $lTime);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'add tablespace 1');
# Resume Incr Backup
$strType = 'incr';
# Move database from backup to temp
$strTmpPath = BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/temp/${strStanza}.tmp";
BackRestTestCommon_PathMove(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/backup/${strStanza}/${strBackup}",
$strTmpPath, $bRemote);
$oMungeManifest = BackRestTestCommon_manifestLoad("$strTmpPath/backup.manifest", $bRemote);
$oMungeManifest->set('base:file', 'badchecksum.txt', 'checksum', 'bogus');
BackRestTestCommon_manifestSave("$strTmpPath/backup.manifest", $oMungeManifest, $bRemote);
# Add tablespace 2
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceCreate(\%oManifest, 2);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "tablespace/2", 'tablespace2.txt', 'TBLSPC2',
'dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578', $lTime);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'resume and add tablespace 2', TEST_BACKUP_RESUME);
# Resume Diff Backup
$strType = 'diff';
$strTmpPath = BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/temp/${strStanza}.tmp";
BackRestTestCommon_PathMove(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/backup/${strStanza}/${strBackup}",
$strTmpPath, $bRemote);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'cannot resume - new diff', TEST_BACKUP_NORESUME);
# Resume Diff Backup
$strType = 'diff';
$strTmpPath = BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/temp/${strStanza}.tmp";
BackRestTestCommon_PathMove(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/backup/${strStanza}/${strBackup}",
$strTmpPath, $bRemote);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'cannot resume - disabled', TEST_BACKUP_NORESUME, undef, undef,
# Restore
$bDelta = false;
# Fail on used path
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, \%oManifest, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
'fail on used path', ERROR_RESTORE_PATH_NOT_EMPTY);
# Fail on undef format
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestMunge($oFile, $bRemote, $strBackup, INI_SECTION_BACKREST, INI_KEY_FORMAT, undef, undef);
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, \%oManifest, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
'fail on undef format', ERROR_FORMAT);
# Fail on mismatch format
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestMunge($oFile, $bRemote, $strBackup, INI_SECTION_BACKREST, INI_KEY_FORMAT, undef, 0);
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, \%oManifest, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
'fail on mismatch format', ERROR_FORMAT);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestMunge($oFile, $bRemote, $strBackup, INI_SECTION_BACKREST, INI_KEY_FORMAT, undef, FORMAT);
# Remap the base path
my %oRemapHash;
$oRemapHash{base} = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet(2);
$oRemapHash{1} = BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet(1, 2);
$oRemapHash{2} = BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet(2, 2);
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, \%oManifest, \%oRemapHash, $bDelta, $bForce,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
'remap all paths');
# Incr Backup
$strType = 'incr';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strBackup);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base2.txt', 'BASE2',
'09b5e31766be1dba1ec27de82f975c1b6eea2a92', $lTime);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceDrop(\%oManifest, 1, 2);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "tablespace/2", 'tablespace2b.txt', 'TBLSPC2B',
'e324463005236d83e6e54795dbddd20a74533bf3', $lTime);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'add files and remove tablespace 2');
# Incr Backup
$strType = 'incr';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strBackup);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base1.txt', 'BASEUPDT',
'9a53d532e27785e681766c98516a5e93f096a501', $lTime);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest, 'update files');
# Diff Backup
$strType = 'diff';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strFullBackup, true);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest, 'no updates');
# Incr Backup
$strType = 'incr';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strBackup);
BackRestTestBackup_BackupBegin($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, "remove files - but won't affect manifest",
true, true, 1);
BackRestTestBackup_FileRemove(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base1.txt');
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupEnd($strType, $strStanza, $oFile, $bRemote, undef, \%oManifest, true);
# Diff Backup
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strFullBackup, true);
$strType = 'diff';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base1.txt');
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove(\%oManifest, "tablespace/2", 'tablespace2b.txt', true);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "tablespace/2", 'tablespace2c.txt', 'TBLSPC2C',
'ad7df329ab97a1e7d35f1ff0351c079319121836', $lTime);
BackRestTestBackup_BackupBegin($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, "remove files during backup", true, true, 1);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "tablespace/2", 'tablespace2c.txt', 'TBLSPCBIGGER',
'dfcb8679956b734706cf87259d50c88f83e80e66', $lTime);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base2.txt', true);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupEnd($strType, $strStanza, $oFile, $bRemote, undef, \%oManifest, true);
# Full Backup
$strType = 'full';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base1.txt', 'BASEUPDT2',
'7579ada0808d7f98087a0a586d0df9de009cdc33', $lTime);
$strFullBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest);
# Diff Backup
$strType = 'diff';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strFullBackup);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base2.txt', 'BASE2UPDT',
'cafac3c59553f2cfde41ce2e62e7662295f108c0', $lTime);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest, 'add files');
# Restore
$bDelta = true;
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
'no tablespace remap', undef, '--no-tablespace', false);
# Backup Info
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('mkdir ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet . '/backup/db_empty', $bRemote);
BackRestTestBackup_Info(undef, undef, false);
BackRestTestBackup_Info(undef, INFO_OUTPUT_JSON, false);
BackRestTestBackup_Info('bogus', undef, false);
BackRestTestBackup_Info('bogus', INFO_OUTPUT_JSON, false);
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# Test full
# Check the entire backup mechanism using actual clusters. Only the archive and start/stop mechanisms need to be tested since
# everything else was tested in the backup test.
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'full')
$iRun = 0;
$bCreate = true;
&log(INFO, "Test Full Backup\n");
for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++)
for (my $bArchiveAsync = false; $bArchiveAsync <= true; $bArchiveAsync++)
for (my $bCompress = false; $bCompress <= true; $bCompress++)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"rmt ${bRemote}, arc_async ${bArchiveAsync}, cmp ${bCompress}")) {next}
# Create the file object
my $oFile = new BackRest::File
$bRemote ? 'backup' : undef,
$bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal
# Create the test directory
if ($bCreate)
BackRestTestBackup_Create($bRemote, false);
# Create db config
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('db', # local
$bRemote ? BACKUP : undef, # remote
$bCompress, # compress
undef, # checksum
$bRemote ? undef : false, # hardlink
$iThreadMax, # thread-max
$bArchiveAsync, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
# Create backup config
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('backup', # local
$bRemote ? DB : undef, # remote
$bCompress, # compress
undef, # checksum
false, # hardlink
$iThreadMax, # thread-max
undef, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
# Create the cluster
if ($bCreate)
$bCreate = false;
# Static backup parameters
my $bSynthetic = false;
my $fTestDelay = .1;
# Variable backup parameters
my $bDelta = true;
my $bForce = false;
my $strType = undef;
my $strTarget = undef;
my $bTargetExclusive = false;
my $bTargetResume = false;
my $strTargetTimeline = undef;
my $oRecoveryHashRef = undef;
my $strTestPoint = undef;
my $strComment = undef;
my $iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
# Restore test string
my $strDefaultMessage = 'default';
my $strFullMessage = 'full';
my $strIncrMessage = 'incr';
my $strTimeMessage = 'time';
my $strXidMessage = 'xid';
my $strNameMessage = 'name';
my $strTimelineMessage = 'timeline3';
# Full backup
$strComment = 'insert during backup';
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("create table test (message text not null)");
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("insert into test values ('$strDefaultMessage')");
BackRestTestBackup_BackupBegin($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $strComment, $bSynthetic,
defined($strTestPoint), $fTestDelay);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("update test set message = '$strFullMessage'", false);
my $strFullBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupEnd($strType, $strStanza, $oFile, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bSynthetic);
# Setup the time target
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("update test set message = '$strTimeMessage'", false);
my $strTimeTarget = BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOne("select to_char(current_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.US TZ')");
&log(INFO, " time target is ${strTimeTarget}");
# Incr backup
$strComment = 'update during backup';
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecuteNoTrans("create tablespace ts1 location '" .
BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet(1) . "'");
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("alter table test set tablespace ts1", true);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("create table test_remove (id int)", false);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("update test set message = '$strDefaultMessage'", false);
BackRestTestBackup_BackupBegin($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $strComment, $bSynthetic,
defined($strTestPoint), $fTestDelay);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("drop table test_remove", false);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("update test set message = '$strIncrMessage'", false);
my $strIncrBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupEnd($strType, $strStanza, $oFile, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bSynthetic);
# Setup the xid target
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("update test set message = '$strXidMessage'", false, false);
my $strXidTarget = BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOne("select txid_current()");
&log(INFO, " xid target is ${strXidTarget}");
# Setup the name target
my $strNameTarget = 'backrest';
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("update test set message = '$strNameMessage'", false, true);
if (BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() >= 9.1)
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("select pg_create_restore_point('${strNameTarget}')", false, false);
&log(INFO, " name target is ${strNameTarget}");
# Restore (type = default)
$bDelta = false;
$bForce = false;
$strTarget = undef;
$bTargetExclusive = undef;
$bTargetResume = undef;
$strTargetTimeline = undef;
$oRecoveryHashRef = undef;
$strComment = undef;
$iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
&log(INFO, " testing recovery type = ${strType}");
# Expect failure because postmaster.pid exists
$strComment = 'postmaster running';
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, 'latest', $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus);
# Expect failure because db path is not empty
$strComment = 'path not empty';
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, 'latest', $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus);
# Drop and recreate db path
# Now the restore should work
$strComment = undef;
$iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, 'latest', $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus);
BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strNameMessage);
# Restore (restore type = xid, inclusive)
$bDelta = false;
$bForce = true;
$strTarget = $strXidTarget;
$bTargetExclusive = undef;
$bTargetResume = BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() >= 9.1 ? true : undef;
$strTargetTimeline = undef;
$oRecoveryHashRef = undef;
$strComment = undef;
$iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
&log(INFO, " testing recovery type = ${strType}");
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strIncrBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus, '--no-tablespace', false);
# Save recovery file to test so we can use it in the next test
$oFile->copy(PATH_ABSOLUTE, BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/recovery.conf',
PATH_ABSOLUTE, BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . '/recovery.conf');
BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strXidMessage);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("update test set message = '$strTimelineMessage'", false);
# Restore (restore type = preserve, inclusive)
$bDelta = true;
$bForce = false;
$strTarget = undef;
$bTargetExclusive = undef;
$bTargetResume = undef;
$strTargetTimeline = undef;
$oRecoveryHashRef = undef;
$strComment = undef;
$iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
&log(INFO, " testing recovery type = ${strType}");
# Restore recovery file that was save in last test
$oFile->move(PATH_ABSOLUTE, BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . '/recovery.conf',
PATH_ABSOLUTE, BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/recovery.conf');
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, 'latest', $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus);
BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strXidMessage);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("update test set message = '$strTimelineMessage'", false);
# Restore (restore type = time, inclusive) - there is no exclusive time test because I can't find a way to find the
# exact commit time of a transaction.
$bDelta = true;
$bForce = false;
$strTarget = $strTimeTarget;
$bTargetExclusive = undef;
$bTargetResume = undef;
$strTargetTimeline = undef;
$oRecoveryHashRef = undef;
$strComment = undef;
$iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
&log(INFO, " testing recovery type = ${strType}");
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strFullBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus);
BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strTimeMessage);
# Restore (restore type = xid, exclusive)
$bDelta = true;
$bForce = false;
$strTarget = $strXidTarget;
$bTargetExclusive = true;
$bTargetResume = undef;
$strTargetTimeline = undef;
$oRecoveryHashRef = undef;
$strComment = undef;
$iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
&log(INFO, " testing recovery type = ${strType}");
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strIncrBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus);
BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strIncrMessage);
# Restore (restore type = name)
if (BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() >= 9.1)
$bDelta = true;
$bForce = true;
$strTarget = $strNameTarget;
$bTargetExclusive = undef;
$bTargetResume = undef;
$strTargetTimeline = undef;
$oRecoveryHashRef = undef;
$strComment = undef;
$iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
&log(INFO, " testing recovery type = ${strType}");
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, 'latest', $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus);
BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strNameMessage);
# Restore (restore type = default, timeline = 3)
if (BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() >= 8.4)
$bDelta = true;
$bForce = false;
$strTarget = undef;
$bTargetExclusive = undef;
$bTargetResume = undef;
$strTargetTimeline = 3;
$oRecoveryHashRef = BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() >= 9.0 ? {'standby-mode' => 'on'} : undef;
$strComment = undef;
$iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
&log(INFO, " testing recovery type = ${strType}");
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strIncrBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus);
BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStart(undef, undef, true);
BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strTimelineMessage, 120);
$bCreate = true;
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# Test collision
# See if it is possible for a table to be written to, have stop backup run, and be written to again all in the same second.
if ($strTest eq 'collision')
$iRun = 0;
my $iRunMax = 1000;
&log(INFO, "Test Backup Collision\n");
# Create the file object
my $oFile = (BackRest::File->new
# Create the test database
# Create the config file
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('db', # local
undef, # remote
false, # compress
false, # checksum
false, # hardlink
$iThreadMax, # thread-max
false, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
# Create the test table
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("create table test_collision (id int)");
# Construct filename to test
my $strFile = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . "/base";
# Get the oid of the postgres db
my $strSql = "select oid from pg_database where datname = 'postgres'";
my $hStatement = $hDb->prepare($strSql);
$hStatement->execute() or
confess &log(ERROR, "Unable to execute: ${strSql}");
my @oyRow = $hStatement->fetchrow_array();
$strFile .= '/' . $oyRow[0];
# Get the oid of the new table so we can check the file on disk
$strSql = "select oid from pg_class where relname = 'test_collision'";
$hStatement = $hDb->prepare($strSql);
$hStatement->execute() or
confess &log(ERROR, "Unable to execute: ${strSql}");
@oyRow = $hStatement->fetchrow_array();
$strFile .= '/' . $oyRow[0];
&log(INFO, 'table filename = ' . $strFile);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("select pg_start_backup('test');");
# File modified in the same second after the manifest is taken and file is copied
while ($iRun < $iRunMax)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"mod after manifest")) {next}
my $strTestChecksum = $oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strFile);
# Insert a row and do a checkpoint
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("insert into test_collision values (1)", true);
# Stat the file to get size/modtime after the backup has started
my $strBeginChecksum = $oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strFile);
my $oStat = lstat($strFile);
my $lBeginSize = $oStat->size;
my $lBeginTime = $oStat->mtime;
# Sleep .5 seconds to give a reasonable amount of time for the file to be copied after the manifest was generated
# Sleep for a while to show there is a large window where this can happen
&log(INFO, 'time ' . gettimeofday());
&log(INFO, 'time ' . gettimeofday());
# Insert another row
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("insert into test_collision values (1)");
# Stop backup, start a new backup
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("select pg_stop_backup();");
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("select pg_start_backup('test');");
# Stat the file to get size/modtime after the backup has restarted
my $strEndChecksum = $oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strFile);
$oStat = lstat($strFile);
my $lEndSize = $oStat->size;
my $lEndTime = $oStat->mtime;
# Error if the size/modtime are the same between the backups
&log(INFO, " begin size = ${lBeginSize}, time = ${lBeginTime}, hash ${strBeginChecksum} - " .
"end size = ${lEndSize}, time = ${lEndTime}, hash ${strEndChecksum} - test hash ${strTestChecksum}");
if ($lBeginSize == $lEndSize && $lBeginTime == $lEndTime &&
$strTestChecksum ne $strBeginChecksum && $strBeginChecksum ne $strEndChecksum)
&log(ERROR, "size and mod time are the same between backups");
$iRun = $iRunMax;
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("select pg_stop_backup();");
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# rsync-collision
# See if it is possible for a table to be written to, have stop backup run, and be written to again all in the same second.
if ($strTest eq 'rsync-collision')
$iRun = 0;
my $iRunMax = 1000;
&log(INFO, "Test Rsync Collision\n");
# Create the file object
my $oFile = (BackRest::File->new
# Create the test database
BackRestTestBackup_Create(false, false);
# Create test paths
my $strPathRsync1 = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . "/rsync1";
my $strPathRsync2 = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . "/rsync2";
# Rsync command
my $strCommand = "rsync -vvrt ${strPathRsync1}/ ${strPathRsync2}";
# File modified in the same second after the manifest is taken and file is copied
while ($iRun < $iRunMax)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"rsync test")) {next}
# Create test file
&log(INFO, "create test file");
BackRestTestCommon_FileCreate("${strPathRsync1}/test.txt", 'TEST1');
# Stat the file to get size/modtime after the backup has started
my $strBeginChecksum = $oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, "${strPathRsync1}/test.txt");
# Rsync
&log(INFO, "rsync 1st time");
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand, false, false, true);
# Sleep for a while to show there is a large window where this can happen
&log(INFO, 'time ' . gettimeofday());
&log(INFO, 'time ' . gettimeofday());
# Modify the test file within the same second
&log(INFO, "modify test file");
BackRestTestCommon_FileCreate("${strPathRsync1}/test.txt", 'TEST2');
my $strEndChecksum = $oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, "${strPathRsync1}/test.txt");
# Rsync again
&log(INFO, "rsync 2nd time");
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand, false, false, true);
my $strTestChecksum = $oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, "${strPathRsync2}/test.txt");
# Error if checksums are not the same after rsync
&log(INFO, " begin hash ${strBeginChecksum} - end hash ${strEndChecksum} - test hash ${strTestChecksum}");
if ($strTestChecksum ne $strEndChecksum)
&log(ERROR, "end and test checksums are not the same");
$iRun = $iRunMax;
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');