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synced 2025-03-03 14:52:21 +02:00
* Pushing duplicate WAL now generates an error. This worked before only if checksums were disabled. * Database System IDs are used to make sure that all WAL in an archive matches up. This should help prevent misconfigurations that send WAL from multiple clusters to the same archive. * Regression tests working back to PostgreSQL 8.3. * Improved threading model by starting threads early and terminating them late.
759 lines
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759 lines
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package BackRest::Archive;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use File::Basename qw(dirname basename);
use Exporter qw(import);
use lib dirname($0);
use BackRest::Utility;
use BackRest::Exception;
use BackRest::Config;
use BackRest::File;
use BackRest::Remote;
# Operation constants
use constant
OP_ARCHIVE_PUSH_CHECK => 'Archive->pushCheck'
# File constants
use constant
ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE => 'archive.info'
# constructor
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
# process
# Process archive commands.
sub process
my $self = shift;
# Process push
if (operationTest(OP_ARCHIVE_PUSH))
return $self->pushProcess();
# Process get
if (operationTest(OP_ARCHIVE_GET))
return $self->getProcess();
# Error if any other operation is found
confess &log(ASSERT, "Archive->process() called with invalid operation: " . operationGet());
# getProcess
sub getProcess
my $self = shift;
# Make sure the archive file is defined
if (!defined($ARGV[1]))
confess &log(ERROR, 'WAL segment not provided', ERROR_PARAM_REQUIRED);
# Make sure the destination file is defined
if (!defined($ARGV[2]))
confess &log(ERROR, 'WAL segment destination no provided', ERROR_PARAM_REQUIRED);
# Info for the Postgres log
&log(INFO, 'getting WAL segment ' . $ARGV[1]);
# Get the WAL segment
return $self->get($ARGV[1], $ARGV[2]);
# walFileName
# Returns the filename in the archive of a WAL segment. Optionally, a wait time can be specified. In this case an error will be
# thrown when the WAL segment is not found.
sub walFileName
my $self = shift;
my $oFile = shift;
my $strWalSegment = shift;
my $iWaitSeconds = shift;
# Record the start time
my $lTime = time();
my $fSleep = .1;
# Determine the path where the requested WAL segment is located
my $strArchivePath = dirname($oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strWalSegment));
# Get the name of the requested WAL segment (may have hash info and compression extension)
my @stryWalFileName = $oFile->list(PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE, $strArchivePath,
"^${strWalSegment}(-[0-f]+){0,1}(\\.$oFile->{strCompressExtension}){0,1}\$", undef, true);
# If there is only one result then return it
if (@stryWalFileName == 1)
return $stryWalFileName[0];
# If there is more than one matching archive file then there is a serious issue - likely a bug in the archiver
if (@stryWalFileName > 1)
confess &log(ASSERT, @stryWalFileName . " duplicate files found for ${strWalSegment}", ERROR_ARCHIVE_DUPLICATE);
# If waiting then sleep before trying again
if (defined($iWaitSeconds))
$fSleep = $fSleep * 2 < $iWaitSeconds - (time() - $lTime) ? $fSleep * 2 : ($iWaitSeconds - (time() - $lTime)) + .1;
while (defined($iWaitSeconds) && (time() - $lTime) < $iWaitSeconds);
# If waiting and no WAL segment was found then throw an error
if (defined($iWaitSeconds))
confess &log(ERROR, "could not find WAL segment ${strWalSegment} after " . (time() - $lTime) . ' second(s)');
return undef;
# walInfo
# Retrieve information such as db version and system identifier from a WAL segment.
sub walInfo
my $self = shift;
my $strWalFile = shift;
# Set operation and debug strings
my $strOperation = 'Archive->walInfo';
&log(TRACE, "${strOperation}: " . PATH_ABSOLUTE . ":${strWalFile}");
# Open the WAL segment
my $hFile;
my $tBlock;
sysopen($hFile, $strWalFile, O_RDONLY)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to open ${strWalFile}", ERROR_FILE_OPEN);
# Read magic
sysread($hFile, $tBlock, 2) == 2
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to read xlog magic");
my $iMagic = unpack('S', $tBlock);
# Make sure the WAL magic is supported
my $strDbVersion;
my $iSysIdOffset;
if ($iMagic == hex('0xD07E'))
$strDbVersion = '9.4';
$iSysIdOffset = 20;
elsif ($iMagic == hex('0xD075'))
$strDbVersion = '9.3';
$iSysIdOffset = 20;
elsif ($iMagic == hex('0xD071'))
$strDbVersion = '9.2';
$iSysIdOffset = 12;
elsif ($iMagic == hex('0xD066'))
$strDbVersion = '9.1';
$iSysIdOffset = 12;
elsif ($iMagic == hex('0xD064'))
$strDbVersion = '9.0';
$iSysIdOffset = 12;
elsif ($iMagic == hex('0xD063'))
$strDbVersion = '8.4';
$iSysIdOffset = 12;
elsif ($iMagic == hex('0xD062'))
$strDbVersion = '8.3';
$iSysIdOffset = 12;
# elsif ($iMagic == hex('0xD05E'))
# {
# $strDbVersion = '8.2';
# $iSysIdOffset = 12;
# }
# elsif ($iMagic == hex('0xD05D'))
# {
# $strDbVersion = '8.1';
# $iSysIdOffset = 12;
# }
confess &log(ERROR, "unexpected xlog magic 0x" . sprintf("%X", $iMagic) . ' (unsupported PostgreSQL version?)',
# Read flags
sysread($hFile, $tBlock, 2) == 2
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to read xlog info");
my $iFlag = unpack('S', $tBlock);
$iFlag & 2
or confess &log(ERROR, "expected long header in flags " . sprintf("%x", $iFlag));
# Get the database system id
sysseek($hFile, $iSysIdOffset, SEEK_CUR)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to read padding");
sysread($hFile, $tBlock, 8) == 8
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to read database system identifier");
length($tBlock) == 8
or confess &log(ERROR, "block is incorrect length");
my $ullDbSysId = unpack('Q', $tBlock);
&log(TRACE, sprintf("${strOperation}: WAL magic = 0x%X, database system id = ", $iMagic) . $ullDbSysId);
return $strDbVersion, $ullDbSysId;
# get
sub get
my $self = shift;
my $strSourceArchive = shift;
my $strDestinationFile = shift;
# Create the file object
my $oFile = new BackRest::File
optionRemoteTypeTest(BACKUP) ? optionGet(OPTION_REPO_REMOTE_PATH) : optionGet(OPTION_REPO_PATH),
# If the destination file path is not absolute then it is relative to the db data path
if (index($strDestinationFile, '/',) != 0)
if (!optionTest(OPTION_DB_PATH))
confess &log(ERROR, 'database path must be set if relative xlog paths are used');
$strDestinationFile = optionGet(OPTION_DB_PATH) . "/${strDestinationFile}";
# Get the wal segment filename
my $strArchiveFile = $self->walFileName($oFile, $strSourceArchive);
# If there are no matching archive files then there are two possibilities:
# 1) The end of the archive stream has been reached, this is normal and a 1 will be returned
# 2) There is a hole in the archive stream and a hard error should be returned. However, holes are possible due to
# async archiving and threading - so when to report a hole? Since a hard error will cause PG to terminate, for now
# treat as case #1.
if (!defined($strArchiveFile))
&log(INFO, "${strSourceArchive} was not found in the archive repository");
return 1;
&log(DEBUG, "archive_get: cp ${strArchiveFile} ${strDestinationFile}");
# Determine if the source file is already compressed
my $bSourceCompressed = $strArchiveFile =~ "^.*\.$oFile->{strCompressExtension}\$" ? true : false;
# Copy the archive file to the requested location
$oFile->copy(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strArchiveFile, # Source file
PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strDestinationFile, # Destination file
$bSourceCompressed, # Source compression based on detection
false); # Destination is not compressed
return 0;
# pushProcess
sub pushProcess
my $self = shift;
# Make sure the archive push operation happens on the db side
if (optionRemoteTypeTest(DB))
confess &log(ERROR, OP_ARCHIVE_PUSH . ' operation must run on the db host');
# Load the archive object
use BackRest::Archive;
# If an archive section has been defined, use that instead of the backup section when operation is OP_ARCHIVE_PUSH
my $bArchiveAsync = optionGet(OPTION_ARCHIVE_ASYNC);
my $strArchivePath = optionGet(OPTION_REPO_PATH);
# If logging locally then create the stop archiving file name
my $strStopFile;
if ($bArchiveAsync)
$strStopFile = "${strArchivePath}/lock/" . optionGet(OPTION_STANZA) . "-archive.stop";
# If an archive file is defined, then push it
if (defined($ARGV[1]))
# If the stop file exists then discard the archive log
if ($bArchiveAsync)
if (-e $strStopFile)
&log(ERROR, "archive stop file (${strStopFile}) exists , discarding " . basename($ARGV[1]));
&log(INFO, 'pushing WAL segment ' . $ARGV[1] . ($bArchiveAsync ? ' asynchronously' : ''));
$self->push($ARGV[1], $bArchiveAsync);
# Exit if we are not archiving async
if (!$bArchiveAsync)
return 0;
# Fork and exit the parent process so the async process can continue
if (!optionTest(OPTION_TEST_NO_FORK) || !optionGet(OPTION_TEST_NO_FORK))
if (fork())
return 0;
# Else the no-fork flag has been specified for testing
&log(INFO, 'No fork on archive local for TESTING');
# Start the async archive push
&log(INFO, 'starting async archive-push');
# Create a lock file to make sure async archive-push does not run more than once
my $strLockPath = "${strArchivePath}/lock/" . optionGet(OPTION_STANZA) . "-archive.lock";
if (!lock_file_create($strLockPath))
&log(DEBUG, 'archive-push process is already running - exiting');
return 0;
# Open the log file
log_file_set(optionGet(OPTION_REPO_PATH) . '/log/' . optionGet(OPTION_STANZA) . '-archive-async');
# Build the basic command string that will be used to modify the command during processing
my $strCommand = $^X . ' ' . $0 . " --stanza=" . optionGet(OPTION_STANZA);
# Call the archive_xfer function and continue to loop as long as there are files to process
my $iLogTotal;
while (!defined($iLogTotal) || $iLogTotal > 0)
$iLogTotal = $self->xfer($strArchivePath . "/archive/" . optionGet(OPTION_STANZA) . "/out", $strStopFile);
if ($iLogTotal > 0)
&log(DEBUG, "${iLogTotal} WAL segments were transferred, calling Archive->xfer() again");
&log(DEBUG, 'no more WAL segments to transfer - exiting');
return 0;
# push
sub push
my $self = shift;
my $strSourceFile = shift;
my $bAsync = shift;
# Create the file object
my $oFile = new BackRest::File
$bAsync || optionRemoteTypeTest(NONE) ? optionGet(OPTION_REPO_PATH) : optionGet(OPTION_REPO_REMOTE_PATH),
$bAsync ? NONE : optionRemoteType(),
# If the source file path is not absolute then it is relative to the data path
if (index($strSourceFile, '/',) != 0)
if (!optionTest(OPTION_DB_PATH))
confess &log(ERROR, 'database path must be set if relative xlog paths are used');
$strSourceFile = optionGet(OPTION_DB_PATH) . "/${strSourceFile}";
# Get the destination file
my $strDestinationFile = basename($strSourceFile);
# Get the compress flag
my $bCompress = $bAsync ? false : optionGet(OPTION_COMPRESS);
# Determine if this is an archive file (don't do compression or checksum on .backup, .history, etc.)
my $bArchiveFile = basename($strSourceFile) =~ /^[0-F]{24}$/ ? true : false;
# Check that there are no issues with pushing this WAL segment
if ($bArchiveFile)
my ($strDbVersion, $ullDbSysId) = $self->walInfo($strSourceFile);
$self->pushCheck($oFile, substr(basename($strSourceFile), 0, 24), $strDbVersion, $ullDbSysId);
# Append compression extension
if ($bArchiveFile && $bCompress)
$strDestinationFile .= '.' . $oFile->{strCompressExtension};
# Copy the WAL segment
$oFile->copy(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strSourceFile, # Source type/file
$strDestinationFile, # Destination file
false, # Source is not compressed
$bArchiveFile && $bCompress, # Destination compress is configurable
undef, undef, undef, # Unused params
true, # Create path if it does not exist
undef, undef, # User and group
$bArchiveFile); # Append checksum if archive file
# pushCheck
sub pushCheck
my $self = shift;
my $oFile = shift;
my $strWalSegment = shift;
my $strDbVersion = shift;
my $ullDbSysId = shift;
# Set operation and debug strings
my $strOperation = OP_ARCHIVE_PUSH_CHECK;
&log(DEBUG, "${strOperation}: " . PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE . ":${strWalSegment}");
if ($oFile->is_remote(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE))
# Build param hash
my %oParamHash;
$oParamHash{'wal-segment'} = $strWalSegment;
$oParamHash{'db-version'} = $strDbVersion;
$oParamHash{'db-sys-id'} = $ullDbSysId;
# Output remote trace info
&log(TRACE, "${strOperation}: remote (" . $oFile->{oRemote}->command_param_string(\%oParamHash) . ')');
# Execute the command
$oFile->{oRemote}->command_execute($strOperation, \%oParamHash);
# Create the archive path if it does not exist
if (!$oFile->exists(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE))
# If the info file exists check db version and system-id
my %oDbConfig;
ini_load($oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE), \%oDbConfig);
if ($oDbConfig{database}{'version'} ne $strDbVersion)
confess &log(ERROR, "WAL segment version ${strDbVersion} " .
"does not match archive version $oDbConfig{database}{'version'}", ERROR_ARCHIVE_MISMATCH);
if ($oDbConfig{database}{'system-id'} ne $ullDbSysId)
confess &log(ERROR, "WAL segment system-id ${ullDbSysId} " .
"does not match archive system-id $oDbConfig{database}{'system-id'}", ERROR_ARCHIVE_MISMATCH);
# Else create the info file from the current WAL segment
$oDbConfig{database}{'system-id'} = $ullDbSysId;
$oDbConfig{database}{'version'} = $strDbVersion;
ini_save($oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE), \%oDbConfig);
# Check if the WAL segment already exists in the archive
if (defined($self->walFileName($oFile, $strWalSegment)))
confess &log(ERROR, "WAL segment ${strWalSegment} already exists in the archive", ERROR_ARCHIVE_DUPLICATE);
# xfer
sub xfer
my $self = shift;
my $strArchivePath = shift;
my $strStopFile = shift;
# Create the file object
my $oFile = new BackRest::File
optionRemoteTypeTest(NONE) ? optionGet(OPTION_REPO_PATH) : optionGet(OPTION_REPO_REMOTE_PATH),
# Load the archive manifest - all the files that need to be pushed
my %oManifestHash;
$oFile->manifest(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strArchivePath, \%oManifestHash);
# Get all the files to be transferred and calculate the total size
my @stryFile;
my $lFileSize = 0;
my $lFileTotal = 0;
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys $oManifestHash{name}))
if ($strFile =~ "^[0-F]{24}(-[0-f]{40})(\\.$oFile->{strCompressExtension}){0,1}\$" ||
$strFile =~ /^[0-F]{8}\.history$/ || $strFile =~ /^[0-F]{24}\.[0-F]{8}\.backup$/)
CORE::push(@stryFile, $strFile);
$lFileSize += $oManifestHash{name}{"${strFile}"}{size};
if (optionTest(OPTION_ARCHIVE_MAX_MB))
my $iArchiveMaxMB = optionGet(OPTION_ARCHIVE_MAX_MB);
if ($iArchiveMaxMB < int($lFileSize / 1024 / 1024))
&log(ERROR, "local archive store has exceeded limit of ${iArchiveMaxMB}MB, archive logs will be discarded");
my $hStopFile;
open($hStopFile, '>', $strStopFile) or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to create stop file file ${strStopFile}");
if ($lFileTotal == 0)
&log(DEBUG, 'no archive logs to be copied to backup');
return 0;
# Modify process name to indicate async archiving
$0 = $^X . ' ' . $0 . " --stanza=" . optionGet(OPTION_STANZA) .
"archive-push-async " . $stryFile[0] . '-' . $stryFile[scalar @stryFile - 1];
# Output files to be moved to backup
&log(INFO, "archive to be copied to backup total ${lFileTotal}, size " . file_size_format($lFileSize));
# Transfer each file
foreach my $strFile (sort @stryFile)
# Construct the archive filename to backup
my $strArchiveFile = "${strArchivePath}/${strFile}";
# Determine if the source file is already compressed
my $bSourceCompressed = $strArchiveFile =~ "^.*\.$oFile->{strCompressExtension}\$" ? true : false;
# Determine if this is an archive file (don't want to do compression or checksum on .backup files)
my $bArchiveFile = basename($strFile) =~
"^[0-F]{24}(-[0-f]+){0,1}(\\.$oFile->{strCompressExtension}){0,1}\$" ? true : false;
# Figure out whether the compression extension needs to be added or removed
my $bDestinationCompress = $bArchiveFile && optionGet(OPTION_COMPRESS);
my $strDestinationFile = basename($strFile);
if (!$bSourceCompressed && $bDestinationCompress)
$strDestinationFile .= ".$oFile->{strCompressExtension}";
elsif ($bSourceCompressed && !$bDestinationCompress)
$strDestinationFile = substr($strDestinationFile, 0, length($strDestinationFile) - 3);
&log(DEBUG, "archive ${strFile}, is WAL ${bArchiveFile}, source_compressed = ${bSourceCompressed}, " .
"destination_compress ${bDestinationCompress}, default_compress = " . optionGet(OPTION_COMPRESS));
# Check that there are no issues with pushing this WAL segment
if ($bArchiveFile)
my ($strDbVersion, $ullDbSysId) = $self->walInfo($strArchiveFile);
$self->pushCheck($oFile, substr(basename($strArchiveFile), 0, 24), $strDbVersion, $ullDbSysId);
# Copy the archive file
$oFile->copy(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strArchiveFile, # Source file
PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strDestinationFile, # Destination file
$bSourceCompressed, # Source is not compressed
$bDestinationCompress, # Destination compress is configurable
undef, undef, undef, # Unused params
true); # Create path if it does not exist
# Remove the source archive file
or confess &log(ERROR, "copied ${strArchiveFile} to archive successfully but unable to remove it locally. " .
'This file will need to be cleaned up manually. If the problem persists, check if ' .
OP_ARCHIVE_PUSH . ' is being run with different permissions in different contexts.');
# Return number of files indicating that processing should continue
return $lFileTotal;
# range
# Generates a range of archive log file names given the start and end log file name. For pre-9.3 databases, use bSkipFF to exclude
# the FF that prior versions did not generate.
sub range
my $self = shift;
my $strArchiveStart = shift;
my $strArchiveStop = shift;
my $bSkipFF = shift;
# strSkipFF default to false
$bSkipFF = defined($bSkipFF) ? $bSkipFF : false;
if ($bSkipFF)
&log(TRACE, 'archive_list_get: pre-9.3 database, skipping log FF');
&log(TRACE, 'archive_list_get: post-9.3 database, including log FF');
# Get the timelines and make sure they match
my $strTimeline = substr($strArchiveStart, 0, 8);
my @stryArchive;
my $iArchiveIdx = 0;
if ($strTimeline ne substr($strArchiveStop, 0, 8))
confess &log(ERROR, "Timelines between ${strArchiveStart} and ${strArchiveStop} differ");
# Iterate through all archive logs between start and stop
my $iStartMajor = hex substr($strArchiveStart, 8, 8);
my $iStartMinor = hex substr($strArchiveStart, 16, 8);
my $iStopMajor = hex substr($strArchiveStop, 8, 8);
my $iStopMinor = hex substr($strArchiveStop, 16, 8);
$stryArchive[$iArchiveIdx] = uc(sprintf("${strTimeline}%08x%08x", $iStartMajor, $iStartMinor));
$iArchiveIdx += 1;
while (!($iStartMajor == $iStopMajor && $iStartMinor == $iStopMinor))
$iStartMinor += 1;
if ($bSkipFF && $iStartMinor == 255 || !$bSkipFF && $iStartMinor == 256)
$iStartMajor += 1;
$iStartMinor = 0;
$stryArchive[$iArchiveIdx] = uc(sprintf("${strTimeline}%08x%08x", $iStartMajor, $iStartMinor));
$iArchiveIdx += 1;
&log(TRACE, " archive_list_get: $strArchiveStart:$strArchiveStop (@stryArchive)");
return @stryArchive;