mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-02-07 13:42:41 +02:00
David Steele de7fc37f88 Storage and IO layer refactor:
Refactor storage layer to allow for new repository filesystems using drivers. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
Refactor IO layer to allow for new compression formats, checksum types, and other capabilities using filters. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
2017-06-09 17:51:41 -04:00

349 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

# doc.pl - PgBackRest Doc Builder
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { Carp::confess @_ };
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use Storable;
use lib dirname($0) . '/lib';
use lib dirname(dirname($0)) . '/lib';
use lib dirname(dirname($0)) . '/test/lib';
use BackRestDoc::Common::Doc;
use BackRestDoc::Common::DocConfig;
use BackRestDoc::Common::DocManifest;
use BackRestDoc::Common::DocRender;
use BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlSite;
use BackRestDoc::Latex::DocLatex;
use BackRestDoc::Markdown::DocMarkdown;
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::Storage::Local;
use pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::Driver;
use pgBackRest::Version;
# Usage
=head1 NAME
doc.pl - Generate pgBackRest documentation
doc.pl [options]
General Options:
--help Display usage and exit
--version Display pgBackRest version
--quiet Sets log level to ERROR
--log-level Log level for execution (e.g. ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG)
--deploy Write exe.cache into resource for persistence
--no-exe Should commands be executed when building help? (for testing only)
--no-cache Don't use execution cache
--cache-only Only use the execution cache - don't attempt to generate it
--var Override variables defined in the XML
--doc-path Document path to render (manifest.xml should be located here)
--out Output types (html, pdf, markdown)
--require Require only certain sections of the document (to speed testing)
--include Include source in generation (links will reference website)
--exclude Exclude source from generation (links will reference website)
Keyword Options:
--keyword Keyword used to filter output
--keyword-add Add keyword without overriding 'default' keyword
--dev Add 'dev' keyword
--debug Add 'debug' keyword
--pre Add 'pre' keyword
# Load command line parameters and config (see usage above for details)
my $bHelp = false;
my $bVersion = false;
my $bQuiet = false;
my $strLogLevel = 'info';
my $bNoExe = false;
my $bNoCache = false;
my $bCacheOnly = false;
my $oVariableOverride = {};
my $strDocPath;
my @stryOutput;
my @stryKeyword;
my @stryKeywordAdd;
my @stryRequire;
my @stryInclude;
my @stryExclude;
my $bDeploy = false;
my $bDev = false;
my $bDebug = false;
my $bPre = false;
GetOptions ('help' => \$bHelp,
'version' => \$bVersion,
'quiet' => \$bQuiet,
'log-level=s' => \$strLogLevel,
'out=s@' => \@stryOutput,
'keyword=s@' => \@stryKeyword,
'keyword-add=s@' => \@stryKeywordAdd,
'require=s@' => \@stryRequire,
'include=s@' => \@stryInclude,
'exclude=s@' => \@stryExclude,
'no-exe', \$bNoExe,
'deploy', \$bDeploy,
'no-cache', \$bNoCache,
'dev', \$bDev,
'debug', \$bDebug,
'pre', \$bPre,
'cache-only', \$bCacheOnly,
'var=s%', $oVariableOverride,
'doc-path=s', \$strDocPath)
or pod2usage(2);
# Run in eval block to catch errors
# Display version and exit if requested
if ($bHelp || $bVersion)
print BACKREST_NAME . ' ' . BACKREST_VERSION . " Documentation Builder\n";
if ($bHelp)
print "\n";
exit 0;
# Disable cache when no exe
if ($bNoExe)
$bNoCache = true;
# Make sure options are set correctly for deploy
if ($bDeploy)
my $strError = 'cannot be specified for deploy';
or confess "--no-exe ${strError}";
or confess "--require ${strError}";
# one --include must be specified when --required is
if (@stryRequire && @stryInclude != 1)
confess "one --include is required when --require is specified";
# Set console log level
if ($bQuiet)
$strLogLevel = 'error';
# If no keyword was passed then use default
if (@stryKeyword == 0)
@stryKeyword = ('default');
# Push added keywords
push(@stryKeyword, @stryKeywordAdd);
# If --dev passed then add the dev keyword
if ($bDev)
push(@stryKeyword, 'dev');
# If --debug passed then add the debug keyword
if ($bDebug)
push(@stryKeyword, 'debug');
# If --pre passed then add the pre keyword
if ($bPre)
push(@stryKeyword, 'pre');
# Doesn't make sense to pass include and exclude
if (@stryInclude > 0 && @stryExclude > 0)
confess "cannot specify both --include and --exclude";
logLevelSet(undef, uc($strLogLevel), OFF);
# Get the base path
my $strBasePath = abs_path(dirname($0));
my $oStorageDoc = new pgBackRest::Storage::Local(
$strBasePath, new pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::Driver({bFileSync => false, bPathSync => false}));
if (!defined($strDocPath))
$strDocPath = $strBasePath;
my $strOutputPath = "${strDocPath}/output";
# Create the out path if it does not exist
if (!-e $strOutputPath)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to create path ${strOutputPath}");
# Load the manifest
my $oManifest = new BackRestDoc::Common::DocManifest(
$oStorageDoc, \@stryKeyword, \@stryRequire, \@stryInclude, \@stryExclude, $oVariableOverride, $strDocPath, $bDeploy,
if (!$bNoCache)
# If no outputs were given
if (@stryOutput == 0)
@stryOutput = $oManifest->renderList();
if ($oManifest->isBackRest())
push(@stryOutput, 'help');
push(@stryOutput, 'man');
for my $strOutput (@stryOutput)
if (!(($strOutput eq 'help' || $strOutput eq 'man') && $oManifest->isBackRest()))
&log(INFO, "render ${strOutput} output");
if ($strOutput eq 'markdown')
my $oMarkdown =
new BackRestDoc::Markdown::DocMarkdown
elsif (($strOutput eq 'help' || $strOutput eq 'man') && $oManifest->isBackRest())
# Generate the command-line help
my $oRender = new BackRestDoc::Common::DocRender('text', $oManifest);
my $oDocConfig =
new BackRestDoc::Common::DocConfig(
new BackRestDoc::Common::Doc("${strBasePath}/xml/reference.xml"), $oRender);
if ($strOutput eq 'help')
"${strBasePath}/output/man", {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
$oStorageDoc->put("${strBasePath}/output/man/" . lc(BACKREST_NAME) . '.1.txt', $oDocConfig->manGet($oManifest));
elsif ($strOutput eq 'html')
my $oHtmlSite =
new BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlSite
defined($oManifest->variableGet('project-favicon')) ?
"${strBasePath}/resource/html/" . $oManifest->variableGet('project-favicon') : undef,
defined($oManifest->variableGet('project-logo')) ?
"${strBasePath}/resource/" . $oManifest->variableGet('project-logo') : undef,
elsif ($strOutput eq 'pdf')
my $oLatex =
new BackRestDoc::Latex::DocLatex
# Cache the manifest (mostly useful for testing rendering changes in the code)
if (!$bNoCache && !$bCacheOnly)
# Exit with success
exit 0;
# Check for errors
or do
# If a backrest exception then return the code
exit $EVAL_ERROR->code() if (isException($EVAL_ERROR));
# Else output the unhandled error
print $EVAL_ERROR;
# It shouldn't be possible to get here
&log(ASSERT, 'execution reached invalid location in ' . __FILE__ . ', line ' . __LINE__);