mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-03-03 14:52:21 +02:00
David Steele 88a633da17 Divide tests into three types (unit, integration, performance).
Many options that were set per test can instead be inferred from the types, i.e. container, c, expect, and individual.

Also finish renaming Perl unit tests with the -perl suffix.
2018-04-24 09:12:25 -04:00

248 lines
13 KiB

# Unit tests for ArchiveInfo
package pgBackRestTest::Module::Archive::ArchiveInfoUnitPerlTest;
use parent 'pgBackRestTest::Env::HostEnvTest';
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Storable qw(dclone);
use pgBackRest::Archive::Info;
use pgBackRest::Backup::Info;
use pgBackRest::Common::Cipher;
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Ini;
use pgBackRest::Common::Lock;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::DbVersion;
use pgBackRest::InfoCommon;
use pgBackRest::Manifest;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Storage::Helper;
use pgBackRest::Storage::Base;
use pgBackRestTest::Env::HostEnvTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest;
# initModule
sub initModule
my $self = shift;
$self->{strRepoPath} = $self->testPath() . '/repo';
# initTest
sub initTest
my $self = shift;
# Clear cache from the previous test
# Load options
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_STANZA, $self->stanza());
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_REPO_PATH, $self->testPath() . '/repo');
# Create backup info path
storageRepo()->pathCreate(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP, {bCreateParent => true});
# Create archive info path
storageRepo()->pathCreate(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE, {bCreateParent => true});
# run
sub run
my $self = shift;
my $strArchiveTestFile = $self->dataPath() . '/backup.wal1_';
if ($self->begin("Archive::Info::new()"))
$self->testException(sub {new pgBackRest::Archive::Info(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE))}, ERROR_FILE_MISSING,
ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE . " does not exist but is required to push/get WAL segments\n" .
"HINT: is archive_command configured in postgresql.conf?\n" .
"HINT: has a stanza-create been performed?\n" .
"HINT: use --no-archive-check to disable archive checks during backup if you have an alternate archiving scheme.");
if ($self->begin("Archive::Info::reconstruct()"))
my $tWalContent = $self->walGenerateContent(PG_VERSION_94);
my $strWalChecksum = $self->walGenerateContentChecksum(PG_VERSION_94);
my $oArchiveInfo = new pgBackRest::Archive::Info(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE), false,
{bLoad => false, bIgnoreMissing => true});
storageRepo()->pathCreate(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE . "/" . PG_VERSION_94 . "-1/0000000100000001", {bCreateParent => true});
my $strArchiveFile = storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE . "/" . PG_VERSION_94 . "-1/0000000100000001/") .
storageTest()->put($strArchiveFile, $tWalContent);
$self->testResult(sub {$oArchiveInfo->reconstruct(PG_VERSION_94, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94))}, "[undef]", 'reconstruct');
$self->testResult(sub {$oArchiveInfo->check(PG_VERSION_94, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94), false)}, PG_VERSION_94 . "-1",
' check reconstruct');
# Attempt to reconstruct from an encypted archived WAL for an unencrypted repo
# Prepend encryption Magic signature to simulate encryption
executeTest('echo "' . CIPHER_MAGIC . '$(cat ' . $strArchiveFile . ')" > ' . $strArchiveFile);
$self->testException(sub {$oArchiveInfo->reconstruct(PG_VERSION_94, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94))}, ERROR_CIPHER,
"encryption incompatible for '$strArchiveFile'" .
"\nHINT: Is or was the repo encrypted?");
executeTest('sudo rm ' . $strArchiveFile);
# Attempt to reconstruct from an encypted archived WAL with an encrypted repo
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_REPO_CIPHER_PASS, 'x');
# Instantiate an archive.info object with a sub passphrase for the archived WAL
my $strCipherPassSub = 'y';
$oArchiveInfo = new pgBackRest::Archive::Info(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE), false,
{bLoad => false, bIgnoreMissing => true, strCipherPassSub => $strCipherPassSub});
# Create an encrypted archived WAL
storageRepo()->put($strArchiveFile, $tWalContent, {strCipherPass => $strCipherPassSub});
$self->testResult(sub {$oArchiveInfo->reconstruct(PG_VERSION_94, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94))}, "[undef]", 'reconstruct');
$self->testResult(sub {$oArchiveInfo->check(PG_VERSION_94, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94), false)}, PG_VERSION_94 . "-1",
' check reconstruction from encrypted archive');
# Confirm encrypted
$self->testResult(sub {storageRepo()->encrypted(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE) . '/'
. ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE) && ($oArchiveInfo->cipherPassSub() eq $strCipherPassSub)}, true,
' new archive info encrypted');
if ($self->begin("Archive::Info::archiveIdList(), check(), archiveId()"))
my @stryArchiveId;
my $oArchiveInfo = new pgBackRest::Archive::Info(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE), false,
{bLoad => false, bIgnoreMissing => true});
$oArchiveInfo->create(PG_VERSION_92, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_92), false);
$oArchiveInfo->dbSectionSet(PG_VERSION_93, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_93), $oArchiveInfo->dbHistoryIdGet(false) + 1);
$oArchiveInfo->dbSectionSet(PG_VERSION_94, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94), $oArchiveInfo->dbHistoryIdGet(false) + 10);
$oArchiveInfo->dbSectionSet(PG_VERSION_93, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_93), $oArchiveInfo->dbHistoryIdGet(false) + 1);
# Check gets only the latest DB and returns only that archiveId
push(@stryArchiveId, $oArchiveInfo->check(PG_VERSION_93, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_93)));
$self->testResult(sub {(@stryArchiveId == 1) && ($stryArchiveId[0] eq PG_VERSION_93 . "-13")}, true,
'check - return only newest archiveId');
$self->testResult(sub {$oArchiveInfo->archiveId(
{strDbVersion => PG_VERSION_93, ullDbSysId => $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_93)})},
PG_VERSION_93 . "-13", 'archiveId - return only newest archiveId for multiple histories');
$self->testException(sub {$oArchiveInfo->archiveId({strDbVersion => PG_VERSION_94, ullDbSysId => BOGUS})}, ERROR_UNKNOWN,
"unable to retrieve the archive id for database version '" . PG_VERSION_94 . "' and system-id '" . BOGUS . "'");
$self->testException(sub {$oArchiveInfo->check(PG_VERSION_94, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94))}, ERROR_ARCHIVE_MISMATCH,
"WAL segment version " . PG_VERSION_94 . " does not match archive version " . PG_VERSION_93 .
"\nWAL segment system-id " . $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94) . " does not match archive system-id " .
$self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_93) . "\nHINT: are you archiving to the correct stanza?");
@stryArchiveId = $oArchiveInfo->archiveIdList(PG_VERSION_93, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_93));
$self->testResult(sub {(@stryArchiveId == 2) && ($stryArchiveId[0] eq PG_VERSION_93 . "-13") &&
($stryArchiveId[1] eq PG_VERSION_93 . "-2")}, true, 'archiveIdList - returns multiple archiveId - newest first');
@stryArchiveId = $oArchiveInfo->archiveIdList(PG_VERSION_94, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94));
$self->testResult(sub {(@stryArchiveId == 1) && ($stryArchiveId[0] eq PG_VERSION_94 . "-12")}, true,
'archiveIdList - returns older archiveId');
$self->testException(sub {$oArchiveInfo->archiveIdList(PG_VERSION_95, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94))}, ERROR_UNKNOWN,
"unable to retrieve the archive id for database version '" . PG_VERSION_95 . "' and system-id '" .
$self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94) . "'");
if ($self->begin("encryption"))
# Create an unencrypted archive.info file
my $oArchiveInfo = new pgBackRest::Archive::Info(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE), false,
{bLoad => false, bIgnoreMissing => true});
$oArchiveInfo->create(PG_VERSION_94, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94), true);
# Confirm unencrypted
$self->testResult(sub {storageRepo()->encrypted(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE) . '/'
. ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE)}, false, ' new archive info unencrypted');
my $strFile = $oArchiveInfo->{strFileName};
# Prepend encryption Magic signature to simulate encryption
executeTest('echo "' . CIPHER_MAGIC . '$(cat ' . $strFile . ')" > ' . $strFile);
$self->testException(sub {new pgBackRest::Archive::Info(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE))}, ERROR_CIPHER,
"unable to parse '$strFile'" .
"\nHINT: Is or was the repo encrypted?");
# Remove the archive info files
executeTest('sudo rm ' . $oArchiveInfo->{strFileName} . '*');
# Create an encrypted storage and archive.info file
my $strCipherPass = 'x';
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_REPO_CIPHER_PASS, $strCipherPass);
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_STANZA, $self->stanza());
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_REPO_PATH, $self->testPath() . '/repo');
# Clear the storage repo settings
# Create an encrypted storage and generate an encyption sub passphrase to store in the file
my $strCipherPassSub = cipherPassGen();
# Error on encrypted repo but no passphrase passed to store in the file
$self->testException(sub {new pgBackRest::Archive::Info(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE), false,
{bLoad => false, bIgnoreMissing => true})}, ERROR_ASSERT,
'a user passphrase and sub passphrase are both required when encrypting');
# Create an encrypted archiveInfo file
$oArchiveInfo = new pgBackRest::Archive::Info(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE), false,
{bLoad => false, bIgnoreMissing => true, strCipherPassSub => $strCipherPassSub});
$oArchiveInfo->create(PG_VERSION_94, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94), true);
# Confirm encrypted
$self->testResult(sub {storageRepo()->encrypted(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE) . '/'
. ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE)}, true, ' new archive info encrypted');
$self->testResult(sub {$oArchiveInfo->test(INI_SECTION_CIPHER, INI_KEY_CIPHER_PASS, undef, $strCipherPassSub)},
true, ' generated passphrase stored');