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synced 2025-03-05 15:05:48 +02:00
Typically we use the oldest Debian/Ubuntu to run 32-bit unit and integration tests. However, 32-bit is no longer fully supported by Ubuntu (multiple packages we need are missing) and apt.postgresql.org no longer packages for any 32-bit version. To address these changes, do 64-bit integration testing on the oldest Debian/Ubuntu (currently Ubuntu 20.04) and 32-bit unit/integration testing on the oldest Debian (currently 11) using the included version for integration testing.
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693 lines
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# ContainerTest.pm - Build containers for testing and documentation
package pgBackRestTest::Common::ContainerTest;
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess longmess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex);
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Log;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::String;
use pgBackRestDoc::ProjectInfo;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::VmTest;
# User/group definitions
use constant TEST_USER => getpwuid($UID) . '';
push @EXPORT, qw(TEST_USER);
use constant TEST_USER_ID => $UID;
use constant TEST_GROUP => getgrgid((getpwnam(TEST_USER))[3]) . '';
use constant TEST_GROUP_ID => getgrnam(TEST_GROUP) . '';
# Cert file constants
use constant CERT_FAKE_PATH => '/etc/fake-cert';
use constant CERT_FAKE_CA => CERT_FAKE_PATH . '/ca.crt';
use constant CERT_FAKE_SERVER => CERT_FAKE_PATH . '/server.crt';
use constant CERT_FAKE_SERVER_KEY => CERT_FAKE_PATH . '/server.key';
# Container Debug - speeds container debugging by splitting each section into a separate intermediate container
use constant CONTAINER_DEBUG => false;
# Store cache container checksums
my $hContainerCache;
# Container repo - defines the Docker repository where the containers will be located
sub containerRepo
return PROJECT_EXE . qw(/) . 'test';
push @EXPORT, qw(containerRepo);
# Section header
sub sectionHeader
return (CONTAINER_DEBUG ? "\n\nRUN \\\n" : " && \\\n\n");
# Write the Docker container
sub containerWrite
my $oStorageDocker = shift;
my $strTempPath = shift;
my $strOS = shift;
my $strTitle = shift;
my $strImageParent = shift;
my $strImage = shift;
my $strCopy = shift;
my $strScript = shift;
my $bForce = shift;
my $strTag = containerRepo() . ":${strImage}";
$strScript =
"# ${strTitle} Container\n" .
"FROM ${strImageParent}" .
(defined($strCopy) ? "\n\n${strCopy}" : '') .
(defined($strScript) && $strScript ne ''?
"\n\nRUN echo '" . (CONTAINER_DEBUG ? 'DEBUG' : 'OPTIMIZED') . " BUILD'" . $strScript : '');
# Search for the image in the cache
my $strScriptSha1;
my $bCached = false;
if ($strImage =~ /\-base$/)
$strScriptSha1 = sha1_hex($strScript);
foreach my $strBuild (reverse(keys(%{$hContainerCache})))
if (defined($hContainerCache->{$strBuild}{hostArch()}{$strOS}) &&
$hContainerCache->{$strBuild}{hostArch()}{$strOS} eq $strScriptSha1)
&log(INFO, "Using cached ${strTag}-${strBuild} image (${strScriptSha1}) ...");
$strScript =
"# ${strTitle} Container\n" .
"FROM ${strTag}-${strBuild}";
$bCached = true;
if (!$bCached)
&log(INFO, "Building ${strTag} image" . (defined($strScriptSha1) ? " (${strScriptSha1})" : '') . ' ...');
# Write the image
$oStorageDocker->put("${strTempPath}/${strImage}", trim($strScript) . "\n");
'docker build' . (defined($bForce) && $bForce ? ' --no-cache' : '') . " -f ${strTempPath}/${strImage} -t ${strTag} " .
{bSuppressStdErr => true, bShowOutputAsync => (logLevel())[1] eq DETAIL});
# User/group creation
sub groupCreate
my $strOS = shift;
my $strName = shift;
my $iId = shift;
return "groupadd -f -g${iId} ${strName}";
sub userCreate
my $strOS = shift;
my $strName = shift;
my $iId = shift;
my $strGroup = shift;
my $oVm = vmGet();
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
return "adduser -g${strGroup} -u${iId} -N ${strName}";
elsif ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_DEBIAN)
return "adduser --uid=${iId} --ingroup=${strGroup} --disabled-password --gecos \"\" ${strName}";
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to create user for os '${strOS}'");
# Setup SSH
sub sshSetup
my $strOS = shift;
my $strUser = shift;
my $strGroup = shift;
my $bControlMtr = shift;
my $strUserPath = $strUser eq 'root' ? "/${strUser}" : "/home/${strUser}";
my $strScript = sectionHeader() .
"# Setup SSH\n" .
" mkdir ${strUserPath}/.ssh && \\\n" .
" echo '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----' > ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'MIIEowIBAAKCAQEA5VySpEan5Rn7QQ5XP13YkXxTg+Xp9N+ecyDhD92OQk0VZOFn' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'EKlXUaMXH0WVjRRgjgbF78JHFbEQjUHimbzr9ev1IuDaIS42E1nUkBaHggnHNAW2' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'aqtczUDSnLGcXqd0XeDtwpjj1I0xWOeJli/xjU+eSwjzqNgX6ZX2P0uTXflu254u' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'SjOF3IARo9FiDEKQdksoxNOAhCTYgDAynmkcfJ9e87FjiTGmfnZO3H6gU2kidSFX' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'rwdHtdN3Qlv6RgCroLGAZZpmtqBorTwShWRScWAAg/OqWwLphfNbXIIHZO4EJ4S2' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'JLgsgJHb20SJ2XEI2Iln9sj+oCWgLJ2m+RLvWwIDAQABAoIBAArBC0EiQkyxf1Xe' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'txmKAWsE4iI85/oqzVJG7YvhuVdY0j16J2vLvNk05T3P9JdPqB1QqlGNEZSDSlbi' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'isjm55tkFl4tyRx61F9A5tYLWwwuVYWWFPutuuVcJOPi8gWAItUkruaLu6GjgyJQ' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo '143QA//lBp4sYRxUEX71defO19iKkDz+xEuOzYMd16j76OKMcmbnog7hbMrXR4Yi' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'kNXuhnwBadutaXLve3mZ0JowrZyHKfTUWOHgvuULpCVD5su3NdbpE2AVn1idcF8V' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'jaj6p0vtcvEnXEC69XwX+yL0TgvOE4Vu/OWg8lDWQdetONIHGbElJZvB6eyTF1nl' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'IIgLc2ECgYEA7PL3soOfH3dMNUt4KGSw1cK/kwvy7UsT6QrAPi1Cc/A4szluk6/O' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo '5YhKfTjzHW5WDmsTTAcT29MLmW8dQXeUAe/1BtIATubsav+uSelfBmUAnQj9fvKT' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'ieJ6JMf20OTbS6XODA3+jJAdApLCu61Lv6nePOuNzLY/uqSMWu9kO/sCgYEA981v' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'YIUaadFaHnPnmax0+jJMs8S5AIEjSfSIxR8oNOWNUxBBvwFd4zWTApVfZqKjmI83' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'Ng5tISxspzHseakyrIpoDqzxRQPxZF7RTO6VUX+ZQj6iIXVp9FDqWAjvDACuSky2' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'mGAiiA+fWZ1za62opgoYQZ17O17SyHF9/vJ7XCECgYANwNyXxAQMc4Q847CJx65r' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo '+e3cvyjOlTkGodUexsnAqQThgkfk0qOTtyF7uz6BStI77AMmupJwhAN8WHK+Rg6V' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'PjRevPm/mq/GVijrqVwWpu4uL0NnhvUBX9/vGpw868u+zFT1ZiqMRiEo8RPUiO6I' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'pXd82b9VTo7Mapiq/pI22QKBgC8Kb586BUabOGlZhVi11Ur9q3Pg32HKIgHTCveo' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'r4BDJ23iQyjYQJN2Qx8VbhPUwgue/FMlr+/BOCsRHhwGU5lPeOt4RyDb28I7Aa6C' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'CBR9jYF21F5XpLJ9fc8SexajNnLiVzNb5JJBrPVdH2EMiVxjxDEIjTE7EfZ9HPb9' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo '3w8hAoGBALyik3jr0W6DxzqOW0jPXPLDqp1JvzieC03nZD1scWeI8qIzUOpLX7cc' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'jaMU/8QMBRvyEcZK82Cedilm30nLf+C/FR5TsUmftS7IcjoC4Z2ZXWNOhMv22TUJ' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'Ml6z//+WSZ3qVZ5rvAeo4obwiBfe+Uh+AyyprEGgmimF9qDejcwc' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo '-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDlXJKkRqflGftBDlc/XdiRfFOD5en0355zIOEP3Y5CTRVk4WcQqVdRoxcfRZWNFGCOBsXvwk" .
"cVsRCNQeKZvOv16/Ui4NohLjYTWdSQFoeCCcc0BbZqq1zNQNKcsZxep3Rd4O3CmOPUjTFY54mWL/GNT55LCPOo2BfplfY/S5Nd+W7bni5KM4XcgBGj0" .
"WIMQpB2SyjE04CEJNiAMDKeaRx8n17zsWOJMaZ+dk7cfqBTaSJ1IVevB0e103dCW/pGAKugsYBlmma2oGitPBKFZFJxYACD86pbAumF81tcggdk7gQn" .
"hLYkuCyAkdvbRInZcQjYiWf2yP6gJaAsnab5Eu9b user\@pgbackrest-test' > ${strUserPath}/.ssh/authorized_keys && \\\n" .
" echo 'Host *' > ${strUserPath}/.ssh/config && \\\n" .
" echo ' StrictHostKeyChecking no' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/config && \\\n";
if ($bControlMtr)
$strScript .=
" echo ' ControlMas'.'ter auto' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/config && \\\n" .
" echo ' ControlPath /tmp/\%r\@\%h:\%p' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/config && \\\n" .
" echo ' ControlPersist 30' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/config && \\\n";
$strScript .=
" cp ${strUserPath}/.ssh/authorized_keys ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub && \\\n" .
" chown -R ${strUser}:${strGroup} ${strUserPath}/.ssh && \\\n" .
" chmod 700 ${strUserPath}/.ssh && \\\n" .
" chmod 600 ${strUserPath}/.ssh/*";
return $strScript;
# Copy text file into container. Note that this will not work if the file contains single quotes.
sub fileCopy
my $oStorage = shift;
my $strSourceFile = shift;
my $strDestFile = shift;
my $strScript;
foreach my $strLine (split("\n", ${$oStorage->get($strSourceFile)}))
$strScript .= " echo '${strLine}' " . (defined($strScript) ? '>>' : '>') . " ${strDestFile} && \\\n";
return $strScript;
# CA Setup
sub caSetup
my $strOS = shift;
my $oStorage = shift;
my $strCaFile = shift;
my $strOsBase = vmGet()->{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE};
# Determine CA location
my $strCertFile = undef;
if ($strOsBase eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
$strCertFile = '/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors';
elsif ($strOsBase eq VM_OS_BASE_DEBIAN)
$strCertFile = '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates';
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to install CA for ${strOsBase}");
$strCertFile .= '/pgbackrest-test-ca.crt';
# Write CA
my $strScript =
sectionHeader() .
"# Install CA\n" .
fileCopy($oStorage, $strCaFile, $strCertFile) .
" chmod 644 ${strCertFile} && \\\n";
# Install CA
if ($strOsBase eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
$strScript .=
" update-ca-trust extract";
elsif ($strOsBase eq VM_OS_BASE_DEBIAN)
$strScript .=
" update-ca-certificates";
return $strScript;
# Entry point setup
sub entryPointSetup
my $strOS = shift;
my $strScript =
"\n\n# Start SSH when container starts\n" .
my $oVm = vmGet();
if ($oVm->{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
$strScript .= 'rm -rf /run/nologin && /usr/sbin/sshd -D';
$strScript .= 'service ssh restart && bash';
return $strScript;
# Build containers
sub containerBuild
my $oStorageDocker = shift;
my $strVm = shift;
my $bVmForce = shift;
# Create temp path
my $strTempPath = $oStorageDocker->pathGet('test/result/docker');
$oStorageDocker->pathCreate($strTempPath, {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
# Load container definitions from yaml
require YAML::XS;
$hContainerCache = Load(${$oStorageDocker->get($oStorageDocker->pathGet('test/container.yaml'))});
# Remove old images on force
if ($bVmForce)
my $strRegExp = '^' . containerRepo();
if ($strVm ne 'all')
$strRegExp .= "\:${strVm}-";
executeTest("rm -f ${strTempPath}/" . ($strVm eq 'all' ? '*' : "${strVm}-*"));
# VM Images
my $oVm = vmGet();
foreach my $strOS ($strVm eq 'all' ? VM_LIST : ($strVm))
my $oOS = $oVm->{$strOS};
my $bDocBuild = false;
# Deprecated OSs can only be used to build packages
my $bDeprecated = $oVm->{$strOS}{&VM_DEPRECATED} ? true : false;
# Base image
my $strImageParent = "$$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_IMAGE}";
my $strImage = "${strOS}-base";
my $strCopy = undef;
my $strScript = sectionHeader() .
"# Install packages\n";
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
if ($strOS eq VM_RH8)
$strScript .=
" dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core && \\\n" .
" dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools && \\\n" .
" dnf -y install epel-release && \\\n" .
" crb enable && \\\n";
$strScript .=
" yum -y update && \\\n" .
" yum -y install openssh-server openssh-clients wget sudo git \\\n" .
" perl perl-Digest-SHA perl-DBD-Pg perl-YAML-LibYAML openssl \\\n" .
" gcc make perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker perl-Test-Simple openssl-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed rpm-build \\\n" .
" libyaml-devel zlib-devel libxml2-devel lz4-devel lz4 bzip2-devel bzip2 perl-JSON-PP ccache meson \\\n" .
" libssh2-devel";
$strScript .=
" export DEBCONF_NONINTERACTIVE_SEEN=true DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive && \\\n" .
" apt-get update && \\\n" .
" apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends openssh-server wget sudo gcc make git \\\n" .
" libdbd-pg-perl libhtml-parser-perl libssl-dev libperl-dev python3-distutils \\\n" .
" libyaml-libyaml-perl tzdata devscripts lintian libxml-checker-perl txt2man debhelper \\\n" .
" libppi-html-perl libtemplate-perl libtest-differences-perl zlib1g-dev libxml2-dev pkg-config \\\n" .
" libbz2-dev bzip2 libyaml-dev libjson-pp-perl liblz4-dev liblz4-tool gnupg lsb-release ccache meson \\\n" .
" libssh2-1-dev";
if ($strOS eq VM_U20 || $strOS eq VM_U22)
$strScript .= " valgrind";
# Add zst command-line tool and development libs when available
if (vmWithZst($strOS))
if ($oVm->{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
$strScript .= ' zstd libzstd-devel';
$strScript .= ' zstd libzstd-dev';
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Regenerate SSH keys\n" .
" rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key* && \\\n" .
" ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key";
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_DEBIAN)
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Fix root tty\n" .
" sed -i 's/^mesg n/tty -s \\&\\& mesg n/g' /root/.profile";
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Suppress dpkg interactive output\n" .
" rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf";
if (!$bDeprecated)
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Install PostgreSQL packages\n";
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
$strScript .=
" rpm --import https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG && \\\n";
if ($strOS eq VM_RH8)
$strScript .=
" rpm -ivh \\\n" .
" https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/reporpms/EL-8-" . hostArch() . "/" .
"pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm && \\\n" .
" dnf -qy module disable postgresql && \\\n";
elsif ($strOS eq VM_F40)
$strScript .=
" rpm -ivh \\\n" .
" https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/reporpms/F-40-" . hostArch() . "/" .
"pgdg-fedora-repo-latest.noarch.rpm && \\\n";
$strScript .= " yum -y install postgresql-devel";
# Install repo from apt.postgresql.org
if (vmPgRepo($strVm))
$strScript .=
" echo \"deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ \$(lsb_release -s -c)-pgdg main" .
($strOS eq VM_U22 ? ' 17' : '') . "\" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list && \\\n" .
" wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | apt-key add - && \\\n" .
" apt-get update && \\\n";
$strScript .=
" apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends postgresql-common libpq-dev && \\\n" .
" sed -i 's/^\\#create\\_main\\_cluster.*\$/create\\_main\\_cluster \\= false/' " .
if (defined($oOS->{&VM_DB}) && @{$oOS->{&VM_DB}} > 0)
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Install PostgreSQL\n";
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
$strScript .= " yum -y install";
$strScript .= " apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends";
# Construct list of databases to install
foreach my $strDbVersion (@{$oOS->{&VM_DB}})
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
my $strDbVersionNoDot = $strDbVersion;
$strDbVersionNoDot =~ s/\.//;
$strScript .= " postgresql${strDbVersionNoDot}-server";
# Add development package for the latest version of postgres
if ($strDbVersion eq @{$oOS->{&VM_DB}}[-1])
$strScript .= " postgresql${strDbVersionNoDot}-devel";
$strScript .= " postgresql-${strDbVersion}";
# Add path to lastest version of postgres
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
$strScript .=
"\n\nENV PATH=/usr/pgsql-" . @{$oOS->{&VM_DB}}[-1] . "/bin:\$PATH\n" .
"ENV PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/pgsql-" . @{$oOS->{&VM_DB}}[-1] . "/lib/pkgconfig:\$PKG_CONFIG_PATH\n";
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_DEBIAN)
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Cleanup\n";
$strScript .=
" apt-get autoremove -y && \\\n" .
" apt-get clean && \\\n" .
" rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*";
$oStorageDocker, $strTempPath, $strOS, 'Base', $strImageParent, $strImage, $strCopy, $strScript, $bVmForce);
# Test image
if (!$bDeprecated)
$strImageParent = containerRepo() . ":${strOS}-base";
$strImage = "${strOS}-test";
$strCopy = undef;
$strScript = '';
if ($oVm->{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL && hostArch() eq VM_ARCH_AARCH64)
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Remove unneeded language setup\n" .
" rm /etc/profile.d/lang.sh";
$strScript .= caSetup($strOS, $oStorageDocker, "test/certificate/pgbackrest-test-ca.crt");
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Create banner to make sure pgBackRest ignores it\n" .
" echo '***********************************************' > /etc/issue.net && \\\n" .
" echo 'Sample banner to make sure banners are skipped.' >> /etc/issue.net && \\\n" .
" echo '' >> /etc/issue.net && \\\n" .
" echo 'More banner after a blank line.' >> /etc/issue.net && \\\n" .
" echo '***********************************************' >> /etc/issue.net && \\\n" .
" echo 'Banner /etc/issue.net' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config";
if ($strOS eq VM_U22)
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
" echo '# Add PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms (required for SFTP)' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config && \\\n" .
" echo 'HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa,ssh-rsa-cert-v01\@openssh.com' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config && \\\n" .
" echo 'PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa,ssh-rsa-cert-v01\@openssh.com' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config";
# Rename existing group that would conflict with our group name. This is pretty hacky but should be OK since we are the
# only thing running in the container.
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Rename conflicting group\n" .
' sed -i s/.*\:x\:' . TEST_GROUP_ID . '\:$/' . TEST_GROUP . '\:x\:' . TEST_GROUP_ID . "\:/ /etc/group";
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Create test user\n" .
' ' . groupCreate($strOS, TEST_GROUP, TEST_GROUP_ID) . " && \\\n" .
' ' . userCreate($strOS, TEST_USER, TEST_USER_ID, TEST_GROUP) . " && \\\n" .
' mkdir -m 750 /home/' . TEST_USER . "/test && \\\n" .
' chown ' . TEST_USER . ':' . TEST_GROUP . ' /home/' . TEST_USER . "/test";
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Configure sudo\n";
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
$strScript .=
# Don't allow sudo to disable core dump (suppresses errors, see https://github.com/sudo-project/sudo/issues/42)
" echo \"Set disable_coredump false\" >> /etc/sudo.conf && \\\n" .
" echo '%" . TEST_GROUP . " ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' > /etc/sudoers.d/" . TEST_GROUP .
" && \\\n" .
" sed -i 's/^Defaults requiretty\$/\\# Defaults requiretty/' /etc/sudoers";
$strScript .=
" echo '%" . TEST_GROUP . " ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers";
$strScript .=
sshSetup($strOS, TEST_USER, TEST_GROUP, $$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_CONTROL_MTR});
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Make " . TEST_USER . " home dir readable\n" .
' chmod g+r,g+x /home/' . TEST_USER;
$strScript .= entryPointSetup($strOS);
$oStorageDocker, $strTempPath, $strOS, 'Test', $strImageParent, $strImage, $strCopy, $strScript, $bVmForce);
&log(INFO, "Build Complete");
push @EXPORT, qw(containerBuild);
# containerRemove
# Remove containers that match a regexp.
sub containerRemove
my $strRegExp = shift;
foreach my $strContainer (sort(split("\n", trim(executeTest('docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}"')))))
if ($strContainer =~ $strRegExp)
executeTest("docker rm -f ${strContainer}", {bSuppressError => true});
push @EXPORT, qw(containerRemove);
# imageRemove
# Remove images that match a regexp.
sub imageRemove
my $strRegExp = shift;
foreach my $strImage (sort(split("\n", trim(executeTest('docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}"')))))
if ($strImage =~ $strRegExp)
&log(INFO, "Removing ${strImage} image...");
executeTest("docker rmi -f ${strImage}");