mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-03-05 15:05:48 +02:00
David Steele 4a5bd002c0 Move pgBackRest::Version module to pgBackRestDoc::ProjectInfo.
The primary source for project info is now src/version.h.

The pgBackRestDoc::ProjectInfo module loads the project info from src/version.h at runtime so there is no need to update it.
2020-03-10 17:57:02 -04:00

275 lines
11 KiB

# Auto-Generate Command and Option Configuration Enums, Constants and Data
package pgBackRestBuild::Config::Build;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Storable qw(dclone);
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Log;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::String;
use pgBackRestDoc::ProjectInfo;
use pgBackRestBuild::Build::Common;
use pgBackRestBuild::Config::BuildDefine;
use pgBackRestBuild::Config::Data;
# Constants
use constant BLDLCL_FILE_CONFIG => 'config';
use constant BLDLCL_CONSTANT_COMMAND => '01-constantCommand';
use constant BLDLCL_CONSTANT_OPTION => '02-constantOption';
use constant BLDLCL_DATA_COMMAND_CONSTANT => '01-commandConstant';
use constant BLDLCL_DATA_COMMAND => '02-command';
use constant BLDLCL_DATA_OPTION_CONSTANT => '03-optionConstant';
use constant BLDLCL_DATA_OPTION => '04-option';
use constant BLDLCL_ENUM_COMMAND => '01-enumCommand';
use constant BLDLCL_ENUM_OPTION => '02-enumOption';
# Definitions for constants and data to build
my $rhBuild =
&BLD_SUMMARY => 'Command and Option Configuration',
&BLD_SUMMARY => 'Command',
&BLD_SUMMARY => 'Option',
&BLD_SUMMARY => 'Command',
&BLD_NAME => 'ConfigCommand',
&BLD_LIST => [],
&BLD_SUMMARY => 'Option',
&BLD_NAME => 'ConfigOption',
&BLD_LIST => [],
&BLD_SUMMARY => 'Command constants',
&BLD_SUMMARY => 'Command data',
&BLD_SUMMARY => 'Option constants',
&BLD_SUMMARY => 'Option data',
# Generate enum names
sub buildConfigCommandEnum
return bldEnum('cfgCmd', shift)
push @EXPORT, qw(buildConfigCommandEnum);
sub buildConfigOptionEnum
return bldEnum('cfgOpt', shift)
push @EXPORT, qw(buildConfigOptionEnum);
# Build constants and data
sub buildConfig
# Build command constants and data
my $strCommandConst;
my $rhCommandDefine = cfgDefineCommand();
my $iCommandTotal = 0;
my $strBuildSource =
'static ConfigCommandData configCommandData[' . BLDLCL_CONSTANT_COMMAND_TOTAL . "] = CONFIG_COMMAND_LIST\n" .
my $strBuildSourceConstant = '';
foreach my $strCommand (sort(keys(%{$rhCommandDefine})))
my $rhCommand = $rhCommandDefine->{$strCommand};
# Build command constant name
$strCommandConst = "CFGCMD_" . uc($strCommand);
$strCommandConst =~ s/\-/_/g;
# Build C enum
my $strCommandEnum = buildConfigCommandEnum($strCommand);
push(@{$rhEnum->{&BLD_LIST}}, $strCommandEnum);
# Build command data
$strBuildSource .=
"\n" .
" (\n" .
" CONFIG_COMMAND_NAME(${strCommandConst})\n" .
"\n" .
" CONFIG_COMMAND_INTERNAL(" . ($rhCommand->{&CFGDEF_INTERNAL} ? 'true' : 'false') . ")\n" .
" CONFIG_COMMAND_LOG_FILE(" . ($rhCommand->{&CFGDEF_LOG_FILE} ? 'true' : 'false') . ")\n" .
" CONFIG_COMMAND_LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT(logLevel" . ucfirst(lc($rhCommand->{&CFGDEF_LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT})) . ")\n" .
" CONFIG_COMMAND_LOCK_REQUIRED(" . ($rhCommand->{&CFGDEF_LOCK_REQUIRED} ? 'true' : 'false') . ")\n" .
($rhCommand->{&CFGDEF_LOCK_REMOTE_REQUIRED} ? 'true' : 'false') . ")\n" .
" CONFIG_COMMAND_LOCK_TYPE(lockType" . ucfirst(lc($rhCommand->{&CFGDEF_LOCK_TYPE})) . ")\n" .
" CONFIG_COMMAND_PARAMETER_ALLOWED(" . ($rhCommand->{&CFGDEF_PARAMETER_ALLOWED} ? 'true' : 'false') . ")\n" .
" )\n";
{$strCommandConst}{&BLD_CONSTANT_VALUE} = "\"${strCommand}\"\n STRING_DECLARE(${strCommandConst}_STR);";
$strBuildSourceConstant .=
"STRING_EXTERN(${strCommandConst}_STR," . (' ' x (49 - length($strCommandConst))) . "${strCommandConst});\n";
# Add "none" command that is used to initialize the current command before anything is parsed
push(@{$rhEnum->{&BLD_LIST}}, buildConfigCommandEnum('none'));
$strBuildSource .=
# Add an LF to the last command constant so there's whitespace before the total
{$strCommandConst}{&BLD_CONSTANT_VALUE} .= "\n";
# Set option total constant
# Build option constants and data
my $strOptionConst;
my $rhConfigDefine = cfgDefine();
my $iOptionTotal = 0;
$strBuildSource =
'static ConfigOptionData configOptionData[' . BLDLCL_CONSTANT_OPTION_TOTAL . "] = CONFIG_OPTION_LIST\n" .
$strBuildSourceConstant = '';
foreach my $strOption (sort(keys(%{$rhConfigDefine})))
my $iOptionIndexTotal = $rhConfigDefine->{$strOption}{&CFGDEF_INDEX_TOTAL};
my $strOptionPrefix = $rhConfigDefine->{$strOption}{&CFGDEF_PREFIX};
# Builds option data
for (my $iOptionIndex = 1; $iOptionIndex <= $iOptionIndexTotal; $iOptionIndex++)
# Build C enum
my $strOptionEnum = buildConfigOptionEnum($strOption) . ($iOptionIndex == 1 ? '' : $iOptionIndex);
push(@{$rhEnum->{&BLD_LIST}}, $strOptionEnum);
$rhEnum->{&BLD_VALUE}{$strOptionEnum} = $iOptionTotal;
# Create the indexed version of the option name
my $strOptionIndex = defined($strOptionPrefix) ?
"${strOptionPrefix}${iOptionIndex}-" . substr($strOption, length($strOptionPrefix) + 1) : $strOption;
# Build option constant name
$strOptionConst = "CFGOPT_" . uc($strOptionIndex);
$strOptionConst =~ s/\-/_/g;
# Add option data
$strBuildSource .=
"\n" .
" //" . (qw{-} x 126) . "\n" .
" (\n" .
" CONFIG_OPTION_NAME(${strOptionConst})\n" .
" CONFIG_OPTION_INDEX(" . ($iOptionIndex - 1) . ")\n" .
" CONFIG_OPTION_DEFINE_ID(" . buildConfigDefineOptionEnum($strOption) . ")\n" .
" )\n";
{$strOptionConst}{&BLD_CONSTANT_VALUE} = "\"${strOptionIndex}\"\n STRING_DECLARE(${strOptionConst}_STR);";
$strBuildSourceConstant .=
"STRING_EXTERN(${strOptionConst}_STR," . (' ' x (49 - length($strOptionConst))) . "${strOptionConst});\n";
$iOptionTotal += 1;
$strBuildSource .=
# Add an LF to the last option constant so there's whitespace before the total
{$strOptionConst}{&BLD_CONSTANT_VALUE} .= "\n";
# Set option total constant
return $rhBuild;
push @EXPORT, qw(buildConfig);