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Executable File

# BackupTest.pl - Unit Tests for BackRest::File
package BackRestTest::BackupTest;
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy 'cp';
use File::stat;
use Fcntl ':mode';
use DBI;
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use BackRest::Utility;
use BackRest::File;
use BackRest::Remote;
use BackRestTest::CommonTest;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw(BackRestTestBackup_Test);
my $strTestPath;
my $strHost;
my $strUser;
my $strGroup;
my $strUserBackRest;
my $hDb;
# BackRestTestBackup_PgConnect
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgConnect
# Disconnect user session
# Connect to the db (whether it is local or remote)
$hDb = DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=postgres;port=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPortGet .
';host=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet(),
{AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 1});
# BackRestTestBackup_Disconnect
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgDisconnect
# Connect to the db (whether it is local or remote)
if (defined($hDb))
# BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute
my $strSql = shift;
my $bCheckpoint = shift;
# Log and execute the statement
&log(DEBUG, "SQL: ${strSql}");
my $hStatement = $hDb->prepare($strSql);
$hStatement->execute() or
confess &log(ERROR, "Unable to execute: ${strSql}");
# Perform a checkpoint if requested
if (defined($bCheckpoint) && $bCheckpoint)
# BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStop
sub BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStop
my $strPath = shift;
# Disconnect user session
# If postmaster process is running them stop the cluster
if (-e $strPath . '/postmaster.pid')
BackRestTestCommon_Execute(BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet() . "/pg_ctl stop -D ${strPath} -w -s -m immediate");
# BackRestTestBackup_ClusterRestart
sub BackRestTestBackup_ClusterRestart
my $strPath = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet();
# Disconnect user session
# If postmaster process is running them stop the cluster
if (-e $strPath . '/postmaster.pid')
BackRestTestCommon_Execute(BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet() . "/pg_ctl restart -D ${strPath} -w -s");
# Connect user session
# BackRestTestBackup_ClusterCreate
sub BackRestTestBackup_ClusterCreate
my $strPath = shift;
my $iPort = shift;
my $strArchive = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet() . ' --stanza=' . BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet() .
' --config=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . '/pg_backrest.conf archive-push %p';
BackRestTestCommon_Execute(BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet() . "/initdb -D ${strPath} -A trust");
BackRestTestCommon_Execute(BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet() . "/pg_ctl start -o \"-c port=${iPort} -c " .
"checkpoint_segments=1 -c wal_level=archive -c archive_mode=on -c archive_command='${strArchive}' " .
"-c unix_socket_directories='" . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . "'\" " .
"-D ${strPath} -l ${strPath}/postgresql.log -w -s");
# Connect user session
# BackRestTestBackup_Drop
sub BackRestTestBackup_Drop
# Stop the cluster if one is running
# Remove the backrest private directory
if (-e BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet())
BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove(BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet(), true, true);
# Remove the test directory
# BackRestTestBackup_Create
sub BackRestTestBackup_Create
my $bRemote = shift;
my $bCluster = shift;
# Set defaults
$bRemote = defined($bRemote) ? $bRemote : false;
$bCluster = defined($bCluster) ? $bCluster : true;
# Drop the old test directory
# Create the test directory
BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate(BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet(), '0770');
# Create the db paths
# Create tablespace paths
BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate(BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet() . '/ts1');
BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate(BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet() . '/ts2');
# Create the archive directory
# Create the backup directory
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('mkdir -m 700 ' . BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet(), true);
# Create the cluster
if ($bCluster)
BackRestTestBackup_ClusterCreate(BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet(), BackRestTestCommon_DbPortGet());
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate
# Create a path specifying mode and add it to the manifest.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strSubPath = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Create final file location
my $strFinalPath = ${$oManifestRef}{'backup:path'}{$strPath} . (defined($strSubPath) ? "/${strSubPath}" : '');
# Create the path
if (!(-e $strFinalPath))
BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate($strFinalPath, $strMode);
# Stat the file
my $oStat = lstat($strFinalPath);
# Check for errors in stat
if (!defined($oStat))
confess 'unable to stat ${strSubPath}';
my $strManifestPath = defined($strSubPath) ? $strSubPath : '.';
# Load file into manifest
${$oManifestRef}{"${strPath}:path"}{$strManifestPath}{group} = getgrgid($oStat->gid);
${$oManifestRef}{"${strPath}:path"}{$strManifestPath}{user} = getpwuid($oStat->uid);
${$oManifestRef}{"${strPath}:path"}{$strManifestPath}{permission} = sprintf('%04o', S_IMODE($oStat->mode));
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceCreate
# Create a tablespace specifying mode and add it to the manifest.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $iOid = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Create final file location
my $strPath = BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . "/ts${iOid}";
# Create the path
if (!(-e $strPath))
BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate($strPath, $strMode);
# Stat the path
my $oStat = lstat($strPath);
# Check for errors in stat
if (!defined($oStat))
confess 'unable to stat path ${strPath}';
# Load path into manifest
${$oManifestRef}{"tablespace:${iOid}:path"}{'.'}{group} = getgrgid($oStat->gid);
${$oManifestRef}{"tablespace:${iOid}:path"}{'.'}{user} = getpwuid($oStat->uid);
${$oManifestRef}{"tablespace:${iOid}:path"}{'.'}{permission} = sprintf('%04o', S_IMODE($oStat->mode));
# Create the link in pg_tblspc
my $strLink = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . "/pg_tblspc/${iOid}";
symlink($strPath, $strLink)
or confess "unable to link ${strLink} to ${strPath}";
# Stat the link
$oStat = lstat($strLink);
# Check for errors in stat
if (!defined($oStat))
confess 'unable to stat link ${strLink}';
# Load link into the manifest
${$oManifestRef}{"base:link"}{"pg_tblspc/${iOid}"}{group} = getgrgid($oStat->gid);
${$oManifestRef}{"base:link"}{"pg_tblspc/${iOid}"}{user} = getpwuid($oStat->uid);
${$oManifestRef}{"base:link"}{"pg_tblspc/${iOid}"}{link_destination} = $strPath;
# Load tablespace into the manifest
${$oManifestRef}{"backup:tablespace"}{$iOid}{link} = $iOid;
${$oManifestRef}{"backup:tablespace"}{$iOid}{path} = $strPath;
${$oManifestRef}{"backup:path"}{"tablespace:${iOid}"} = $strPath;
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate
# Create a file specifying content, mode, and time and add it to the manifest.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
my $strContent = shift;
my $strChecksum = shift;
my $lTime = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Create actual file location
my $strPathFile = ${$oManifestRef}{'backup:path'}{$strPath} . "/${strFile}";
# Create the file
BackRestTestCommon_FileCreate($strPathFile, $strContent, $lTime, $strMode);
# Stat the file
my $oStat = lstat($strPathFile);
# Check for errors in stat
if (!defined($oStat))
confess 'unable to stat ${strFile}';
# Load file into manifest
${$oManifestRef}{"${strPath}:file"}{$strFile}{group} = getgrgid($oStat->gid);
${$oManifestRef}{"${strPath}:file"}{$strFile}{user} = getpwuid($oStat->uid);
${$oManifestRef}{"${strPath}:file"}{$strFile}{permission} = sprintf('%04o', S_IMODE($oStat->mode));
${$oManifestRef}{"${strPath}:file"}{$strFile}{modification_time} = $oStat->mtime;
${$oManifestRef}{"${strPath}:file"}{$strFile}{inode} = $oStat->ino;
${$oManifestRef}{"${strPath}:file"}{$strFile}{size} = $oStat->size;
if (defined($strChecksum))
${$oManifestRef}{"${strPath}:file"}{$strFile}{checksum} = $strChecksum;
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove
# Remove a file from disk and the manifest.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
my $bManifestRemove = shift;
# Create actual file location
my $strPathFile = ${$oManifestRef}{'backup:path'}{$strPath} . "/${strFile}";
# Remove the file
if (-e $strPathFile)
# Remove from manifest
if (defined($bManifestRemove) && $bManifestRemove)
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference
# Update all files that do not have a reference with the supplied reference.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strReference = shift;
my $bClear = shift;
# Set prior backup
if (defined($strReference))
${$oManifestRef}{backup}{prior} = $strReference;
# Clear the reference list
# Find all file sections
foreach my $strSectionFile (sort(keys $oManifestRef))
# Skip non-file sections
if ($strSectionFile !~ /\:file$/)
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys ${$oManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}))
if (!defined($strReference))
elsif (defined($bClear) && $bClear)
if (defined(${$oManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}{$strFile}{reference}) &&
${$oManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}{$strFile}{reference} ne $strReference)
elsif (!defined(${$oManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}{$strFile}{reference}))
${$oManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}{$strFile}{reference} = $strReference;
# BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup
sub BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup
my $oFile = shift;
my @stryBackup = $oFile->list(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, undef, undef, 'reverse');
if (!defined($stryBackup[0]))
confess 'no backup was found';
return $stryBackup[0];
# BackRestTestBackup_CompareBackup
sub BackRestTestBackup_CompareBackup
my $oFile = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $strBackup = shift;
my $oExpectedManifestRef = shift;
${$oExpectedManifestRef}{backup}{label} = $strBackup;
# Remove old reference list
# Build the new reference list
foreach my $strSectionFile (sort(keys $oExpectedManifestRef))
# Skip non-file sections
if ($strSectionFile !~ /\:file$/)
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys ${$oExpectedManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}))
if (defined(${$oExpectedManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}{$strFile}{reference}))
my $strFileReference = ${$oExpectedManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}{$strFile}{reference};
if (!defined(${$oExpectedManifestRef}{backup}{reference}))
${$oExpectedManifestRef}{backup}{reference} = $strFileReference;
if (${$oExpectedManifestRef}{backup}{reference} !~ /$strFileReference/)
${$oExpectedManifestRef}{backup}{reference} .= ",${strFileReference}";
# Change permissions on the backup path so it can be read
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 750 ' . BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet(), true);
my %oActualManifest;
config_load($oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, $strBackup) . '/backup.manifest', \%oActualManifest);
${$oExpectedManifestRef}{backup}{'timestamp-start'} = $oActualManifest{backup}{'timestamp-start'};
${$oExpectedManifestRef}{backup}{'timestamp-stop'} = $oActualManifest{backup}{'timestamp-stop'};
my $strTestPath = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet();
config_save("${strTestPath}/actual.manifest", \%oActualManifest);
config_save("${strTestPath}/expected.manifest", $oExpectedManifestRef);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("diff ${strTestPath}/expected.manifest ${strTestPath}/actual.manifest");
# Change permissions on the backup path back before unit tests continue
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 700 ' . BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet(), true);
$oFile->remove(PATH_ABSOLUTE, "${strTestPath}/expected.manifest");
$oFile->remove(PATH_ABSOLUTE, "${strTestPath}/actual.manifest");
# BackRestTestBackup_Test
sub BackRestTestBackup_Test
my $strTest = shift;
# If no test was specified, then run them all
if (!defined($strTest))
$strTest = 'all';
# Setup global variables
$strTestPath = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet();
$strHost = BackRestTestCommon_HostGet();
$strUserBackRest = BackRestTestCommon_UserBackRestGet();
$strUser = BackRestTestCommon_UserGet();
$strGroup = BackRestTestCommon_GroupGet();
# Setup test variables
my $iRun;
my $bCreate;
my $strStanza = BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet();
my $strArchiveChecksum = '1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031';
my $iArchiveMax = 3;
my $strXlogPath = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/pg_xlog';
my $strArchiveTestFile = BackRestTestCommon_DataPathGet() . '/test.archive.bin';
my $iThreadMax = 4;
# Print test banner
&log(INFO, 'BACKUP MODULE ******************************************************************');
# Create remote
my $oRemote = BackRest::Remote->new
# Test archive-push
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'archive-push')
$iRun = 0;
$bCreate = true;
my $oFile;
&log(INFO, "Test archive-push\n");
for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++)
for (my $bCompress = false; $bCompress <= true; $bCompress++)
for (my $bChecksum = false; $bChecksum <= true; $bChecksum++)
for (my $bArchiveAsync = false; $bArchiveAsync <= $bRemote; $bArchiveAsync++)
for (my $bCompressAsync = false; $bCompressAsync <= true; $bCompressAsync++)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"rmt ${bRemote}, cmp ${bCompress}, chk ${bChecksum}, " .
"arc_async ${bArchiveAsync}, cmp_async ${bCompressAsync}")) {next}
# Create the test directory
if ($bCreate)
# Create the file object
$oFile = (new BackRest::File
$bRemote ? 'backup' : undef,
$bRemote ? $oRemote : undef
BackRestTestBackup_Create($bRemote, false);
$bCreate = false;
($bRemote ? REMOTE_BACKUP : undef),
$bChecksum, # checksum
undef, # hardlink
undef, # thread-max
my $strCommand = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet() . ' --config=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() .
'/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db archive-push';
# Loop through backups
for (my $iBackup = 1; $iBackup <= 3; $iBackup++)
my $strArchiveFile;
# Loop through archive files
for (my $iArchive = 1; $iArchive <= $iArchiveMax; $iArchive++)
# Construct the archive filename
my $iArchiveNo = (($iBackup - 1) * $iArchiveMax + ($iArchive - 1)) + 1;
if ($iArchiveNo > 255)
confess 'backup total * archive total cannot be greater than 255';
$strArchiveFile = uc(sprintf('0000000100000001%08x', $iArchiveNo));
&log(INFO, ' backup ' . sprintf('%02d', $iBackup) .
', archive ' .sprintf('%02x', $iArchive) .
" - ${strArchiveFile}");
my $strSourceFile = "${strXlogPath}/${strArchiveFile}";
$oFile->copy(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strArchiveTestFile, # Source file
PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strSourceFile, # Destination file
false, # Source is not compressed
false, # Destination is not compressed
undef, undef, undef, # Unused params
true); # Create path if it does not exist
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}");
# Build the archive name to check for at the destination
my $strArchiveCheck = $strArchiveFile;
if ($bChecksum)
$strArchiveCheck .= "-${strArchiveChecksum}";
if ($bCompress)
$strArchiveCheck .= '.gz';
if (!$oFile->exists(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strArchiveCheck))
if (!$oFile->exists(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strArchiveCheck))
confess 'unable to find ' . $oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strArchiveCheck);
# !!! Need to put in tests for .backup files here
$bCreate = true;
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# Test archive-get
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'archive-get')
$iRun = 0;
$bCreate = true;
my $oFile;
&log(INFO, "Test archive-get\n");
for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++)
for (my $bCompress = false; $bCompress <= true; $bCompress++)
for (my $bChecksum = false; $bChecksum <= true; $bChecksum++)
for (my $bExists = false; $bExists <= true; $bExists++)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"rmt ${bRemote}, cmp ${bCompress}, chk ${bChecksum}, exists ${bExists}")) {next}
# Create the test directory
if ($bCreate)
# Create the file object
$oFile = (BackRest::File->new
$bRemote ? 'backup' : undef,
$bRemote ? $oRemote : undef
BackRestTestBackup_Create($bRemote, false);
# Create the db/common/pg_xlog directory
$bCreate = false;
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('db', # local
($bRemote ? REMOTE_BACKUP : undef), # remote
$bCompress, # compress
$bChecksum, # checksum
undef, # hardlink
undef, # thread-max
undef, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
my $strCommand = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet() . ' --config=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() .
'/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get';
if ($bExists)
# Loop through archive files
my $strArchiveFile;
for (my $iArchiveNo = 1; $iArchiveNo <= $iArchiveMax; $iArchiveNo++)
# Construct the archive filename
if ($iArchiveNo > 255)
confess 'backup total * archive total cannot be greater than 255';
$strArchiveFile = uc(sprintf('0000000100000001%08x', $iArchiveNo));
&log(INFO, ' archive ' .sprintf('%02x', $iArchiveNo) .
" - ${strArchiveFile}");
my $strSourceFile = $strArchiveFile;
if ($bChecksum)
$strSourceFile .= "-${strArchiveChecksum}";
if ($bCompress)
$strSourceFile .= '.gz';
$oFile->copy(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strArchiveTestFile, # Source file
PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strSourceFile, # Destination file
false, # Source is not compressed
$bCompress, # Destination compress based on test
undef, undef, undef, # Unused params
true); # Create path if it does not exist
my $strDestinationFile = "${strXlogPath}/${strArchiveFile}";
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " ${strArchiveFile} ${strDestinationFile}");
# Check that the destination file exists
if ($oFile->exists(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strDestinationFile))
if ($oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strDestinationFile) ne $strArchiveChecksum)
confess "archive file hash does not match ${strArchiveChecksum}";
confess 'archive file is not in destination';
if (BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " 000000090000000900000009 ${strXlogPath}/RECOVERYXLOG",
false, true) != 1)
confess 'archive-get should return 1 when archive log is not present';
$bCreate = true;
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# Test backup
# Check the backup and restore functionality using synthetic data.
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'backup')
$iRun = 0;
&log(INFO, "Test Backup\n");
for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++)
for (my $bCompress = false; $bCompress <= true; $bCompress++)
for (my $bChecksum = false; $bChecksum <= true; $bChecksum++)
for (my $bHardlink = false; $bHardlink <= true; $bHardlink++)
for (my $iTablespaceTotal = false; $iTablespaceTotal <= 2; $iTablespaceTotal++)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"rmt ${bRemote}, cmp ${bCompress}, chk ${bChecksum}, " .
"hardlink ${bHardlink}, tblspc ${iTablespaceTotal}")) {next}
# Get base time
my $lTime = time() - 100000;
# Build the manifest
my %oManifest;
$oManifest{backup}{version} = version_get();
$oManifest{'backup:option'}{compress} = $bCompress ? 'y' : 'n';
$oManifest{'backup:option'}{checksum} = $bChecksum ? 'y' : 'n';
# Create the test directory
BackRestTestBackup_Create($bRemote, false);
$oManifest{'backup:path'}{base} = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet();
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, 'base');
# Create the file object
my $oFile = new BackRest::File
$bRemote ? 'backup' : undef,
$bRemote ? $oRemote : undef
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'PG_VERSION', '9.3',
$bChecksum ? 'e1f7a3a299f62225cba076fc6d3d6e677f303482' : undef, $lTime);
# Create base path
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base');
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base1.txt', 'BASE',
$bChecksum ? 'a3b357a3e395e43fcfb19bb13f3c1b5179279593' : undef, $lTime);
# Create tablespace path
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'pg_tblspc');
for (my $iTablespaceIdx = 1; $iTablespaceIdx <= $iTablespaceTotal; $iTablespaceIdx++)
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceCreate(\%oManifest, $iTablespaceIdx);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "tablespace:${iTablespaceIdx}", 'tablespace1.txt', 'TBLSPC',
$bChecksum ? '44ad0bf042936c576c75891d0e5ded8e2b60fb54' : undef, $lTime);
# Create db config
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('db', # local
$bRemote ? REMOTE_BACKUP : undef, # remote
$bCompress, # compress
$bChecksum, # checksum
$bRemote ? undef : $bHardlink, # hardlink
$bRemote ? undef : $iThreadMax, # thread-max
undef, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
# Create backup config
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('backup', # local
$bRemote ? REMOTE_DB : undef, # remote
$bCompress, # compress
$bChecksum, # checksum
$bHardlink, # hardlink
$iThreadMax, # thread-max
undef, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
# Create the backup command
my $strCommand = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet() . ' --config=' .
($bRemote ? BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet() : BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet()) .
"/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=${strStanza} backup";
# Perform first full backup
my $strType = 'full';
&log(INFO, " ${strType} backup");
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("${strCommand} --type=${strType}", $bRemote);
$oManifest{backup}{type} = $strType;
my $strFullBackup = BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile);
BackRestTestBackup_CompareBackup($oFile, $bRemote, $strFullBackup, \%oManifest);
# Perform first incr backup
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strFullBackup);
$oManifest{'backup:option'}{hardlink} = $bHardlink ? 'y' : 'n';
$strType = 'incr';
&log(INFO, " ${strType} backup (no updates)");
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("${strCommand} --type=${strType}", $bRemote);
$oManifest{backup}{type} = $strType;
my $strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile);
BackRestTestBackup_CompareBackup($oFile, $bRemote, BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile), \%oManifest);
# Perform second incr backup
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strBackup);
$strType = 'incr';
&log(INFO, " ${strType} backup (add files)");
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base2.txt', 'BASE2',
$bChecksum ? '09b5e31766be1dba1ec27de82f975c1b6eea2a92' : undef, $lTime);
for (my $iTablespaceIdx = 1; $iTablespaceIdx <= $iTablespaceTotal; $iTablespaceIdx++)
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "tablespace:${iTablespaceIdx}", 'tablespace2.txt', 'TBLSPC2',
$bChecksum ? 'dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578' : undef, $lTime);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("${strCommand} --type=${strType}", $bRemote);
$oManifest{backup}{type} = $strType;
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile);
BackRestTestBackup_CompareBackup($oFile, $bRemote, BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile), \%oManifest);
# Perform third incr backup
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strBackup);
$strType = 'incr';
&log(INFO, " ${strType} backup (update files)");
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base1.txt', 'BASEUPDT',
$bChecksum ? '9a53d532e27785e681766c98516a5e93f096a501' : undef, $lTime);
for (my $iTablespaceIdx = 1; $iTablespaceIdx <= $iTablespaceTotal; $iTablespaceIdx++)
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "tablespace:${iTablespaceIdx}", 'tablespace1.txt', 'TBLSPCUPDT',
$bChecksum ? 'ff21d59b07e8d9cfa7b1286202610550a71884b5' : undef, $lTime);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("${strCommand} --type=${strType}", $bRemote);
$oManifest{backup}{type} = $strType;
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile);
BackRestTestBackup_CompareBackup($oFile, $bRemote, BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile), \%oManifest);
# Perform first diff backup
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strFullBackup, true);
$strType = 'diff';
&log(INFO, " ${strType} backup (no updates)");
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("${strCommand} --type=${strType}", $bRemote);
$oManifest{backup}{type} = $strType;
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile);
BackRestTestBackup_CompareBackup($oFile, $bRemote, BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile), \%oManifest);
# Perform fourth incr backup
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strBackup);
$strType = 'incr';
&log(INFO, " ${strType} backup (remove files - but won't affect manifest)");
BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteBegin("${strCommand} --type=${strType} --test --test-delay=1", $bRemote);
if (BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteEnd(TEST_MANIFEST_BUILD))
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base1.txt');
for (my $iTablespaceIdx = 1; $iTablespaceIdx <= $iTablespaceTotal; $iTablespaceIdx++)
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove(\%oManifest, "tablespace:${iTablespaceIdx}", 'tablespace1.txt');
confess &log(ERROR, 'test point ' . TEST_MANIFEST_BUILD . ' was not found');
$oManifest{backup}{type} = $strType;
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile);
BackRestTestBackup_CompareBackup($oFile, $bRemote, BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile), \%oManifest);
# Perform second diff backup
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strFullBackup, true);
$strType = 'diff';
&log(INFO, " ${strType} backup (remove files)");
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base1.txt', true);
for (my $iTablespaceIdx = 1; $iTablespaceIdx <= $iTablespaceTotal; $iTablespaceIdx++)
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove(\%oManifest, "tablespace:${iTablespaceIdx}", 'tablespace1.txt', true);
BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteBegin("${strCommand} --type=${strType} --test --test-delay=1", $bRemote);
if (BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteEnd(TEST_MANIFEST_BUILD))
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base2.txt', true);
for (my $iTablespaceIdx = 1; $iTablespaceIdx <= $iTablespaceTotal; $iTablespaceIdx++)
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove(\%oManifest, "tablespace:${iTablespaceIdx}", 'tablespace2.txt', true);
confess &log(ERROR, 'test point ' . TEST_MANIFEST_BUILD . ' was not found');
$oManifest{backup}{type} = $strType;
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile);
BackRestTestBackup_CompareBackup($oFile, $bRemote, BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile), \%oManifest);
# Perform second full backup
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base1.txt', 'BASEUPDT2',
$bChecksum ? '7579ada0808d7f98087a0a586d0df9de009cdc33' : undef, $lTime);
for (my $iTablespaceIdx = 1; $iTablespaceIdx <= $iTablespaceTotal; $iTablespaceIdx++)
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "tablespace:${iTablespaceIdx}", 'tablespace1.txt', 'TBLSPCUPDT2',
$bChecksum ? '42f9bdebc34de4476f21688d00b37ea77d1a2ffc' : undef, $lTime);
$strType = 'full';
&log(INFO, " ${strType} backup");
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("${strCommand} --type=${strType}", $bRemote);
$oManifest{backup}{type} = $strType;
$strFullBackup = BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile);
BackRestTestBackup_CompareBackup($oFile, $bRemote, $strFullBackup, \%oManifest);
# Perform third diff backup
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strFullBackup);
$oManifest{'backup:option'}{hardlink} = $bHardlink ? 'y' : 'n';
$strType = 'diff';
&log(INFO, " ${strType} backup (add files)");
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base2.txt', 'BASE2UPDT',
$bChecksum ? 'cafac3c59553f2cfde41ce2e62e7662295f108c0' : undef, $lTime);
for (my $iTablespaceIdx = 1; $iTablespaceIdx <= $iTablespaceTotal; $iTablespaceIdx++)
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "tablespace:${iTablespaceIdx}", 'tablespace2.txt', 'TBLSPC2UPDT',
$bChecksum ? 'bee4bf711a7533db234eda606782af7e80a76cf2' : undef, $lTime);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("${strCommand} --type=${strType}", $bRemote);
$oManifest{backup}{type} = $strType;
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile);
BackRestTestBackup_CompareBackup($oFile, $bRemote, BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile), \%oManifest);
# !!! Add test for removed tablespace during backup
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# Test aborted
# Check the aborted backup functionality using synthetic data.
# Test full
# Check the entire backup mechanism using actual clusters.
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'full')
$iRun = 0;
$bCreate = true;
&log(INFO, "Test Full Backup\n");
for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++)
for (my $bLarge = false; $bLarge <= false; $bLarge++)
for (my $bCompress = false; $bCompress <= true; $bCompress++)
for (my $bChecksum = false; $bChecksum <= true; $bChecksum++)
for (my $bHardlink = false; $bHardlink <= true; $bHardlink++)
for (my $bArchiveAsync = false; $bArchiveAsync <= $bRemote; $bArchiveAsync++)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"rmt ${bRemote}, lrg ${bLarge}, cmp ${bCompress}, chk ${bChecksum}, " .
"hardlink ${bHardlink}, arc_async ${bArchiveAsync}")) {next}
# Create the test directory
if ($bCreate)
$bCreate = false;
# Create db config
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('db', # local
$bRemote ? REMOTE_BACKUP : undef, # remote
$bCompress, # compress
$bChecksum, # checksum
$bRemote ? undef : $bHardlink, # hardlink
$bRemote ? undef : $iThreadMax, # thread-max
$bArchiveAsync, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
# Create backup config
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('backup', # local
$bRemote ? REMOTE_DB : undef, # remote
$bCompress, # compress
$bChecksum, # checksum
$bHardlink, # hardlink
$iThreadMax, # thread-max
undef, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
# Create the backup command
my $strCommand = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet() . ' --config=' .
($bRemote ? BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet() : BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet()) .
"/pg_backrest.conf --test --type=incr --stanza=${strStanza} backup";
# Run the full/incremental tests
for (my $iFull = 1; $iFull <= 1; $iFull++)
for (my $iIncr = 0; $iIncr <= 2; $iIncr++)
&log(INFO, ' ' . ($iIncr == 0 ? ('full ' . sprintf('%02d', $iFull)) :
(' incr ' . sprintf('%02d', $iIncr))));
# Create tablespace
if ($iIncr == 0)
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("create tablespace ts1 location '" .
BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet() . "/ts1'", true);
# Create a table in each backup to check references
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("create table test_backup_${iIncr} (id int)", true);
# Create a table to be dropped to test missing file code
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute('create table test_drop (id int)');
BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteBegin($strCommand, $bRemote);
if (BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteEnd(TEST_MANIFEST_BUILD))
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute('drop table test_drop', true);
confess &log(ERROR, 'test point ' . TEST_MANIFEST_BUILD . ' was not found');
$bCreate = true;
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');