mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2024-12-14 10:13:05 +02:00
David Steele 782c9f89f4 Remove old coverage data before starting new test.
The old coverage data has been recorded so it is no longer needed. In newer versions of gcc leaving this file around can lead to an error when writing profile data after forking off to a non-pgbackrest binary (which we do in some unit tests).
2020-03-20 13:43:08 -04:00

665 lines
29 KiB

# JobTest.pm - Run a test job and monitor progress
package pgBackRestTest::Common::JobTest;
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname basename);
use POSIX qw(ceil);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Log;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::String;
use pgBackRestDoc::ProjectInfo;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::BuildTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ContainerTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::CoverageTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::DbVersion;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::DefineTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ListTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::VmTest;
# Has the C build directory been initialized yet?
my $rhBuildInit = undef;
# new
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my $strOperation,
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->new', \@_,
{name => 'oStorageTest'},
{name => 'strBackRestBase'},
{name => 'strTestPath'},
{name => 'oTest'},
{name => 'bDryRun'},
{name => 'strVmHost'},
{name => 'bVmOut'},
{name => 'iVmIdx'},
{name => 'iVmMax'},
{name => 'iTestIdx'},
{name => 'iTestMax'},
{name => 'strLogLevel'},
{name => 'strLogLevelTest'},
{name => 'strLogLevelTestFile'},
{name => 'bLogForce'},
{name => 'bShowOutputAsync'},
{name => 'bNoCleanup'},
{name => 'iRetry'},
{name => 'bValgrindUnit'},
{name => 'bCoverageUnit'},
{name => 'bCoverageSummary'},
{name => 'bOptimize'},
{name => 'bBackTrace'},
{name => 'bProfile'},
{name => 'iScale'},
{name => 'strTimeZone', required => false},
{name => 'bDebug'},
{name => 'bDebugTestTrace'},
{name => 'iBuildMax'},
# Set try to 0
$self->{iTry} = 0;
# Setup the path where gcc coverage will be performed
$self->{strGCovPath} = "$self->{strTestPath}/gcov-$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}-$self->{iVmIdx}";
$self->{strDataPath} = "$self->{strTestPath}/data-$self->{iVmIdx}";
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self, trace => true}
# run
sub run
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
(my $strOperation) = logDebugParam (__PACKAGE__ . '->run', \@_,);
# Start the test timer
my $fTestStartTime = gettimeofday();
# Was the job run?
my $bRun = false;
# Should the job be run?
if ($self->{iTry} <= ($self->{iRetry} + 1))
if ($self->{iTry} != 1 && $self->{iTry} == ($self->{iRetry} + 1))
$self->{strLogLevel} = lc(DEBUG);
my $strTest = sprintf(
'P%0' . length($self->{iVmMax}) . 'd-T%0' . length($self->{iTestMax}) . 'd/%0' .
length($self->{iTestMax}) . "d - ", $self->{iVmIdx} + 1, $self->{iTestIdx} + 1, $self->{iTestMax}) .
'vm=' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} .
', module=' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_MODULE} .
', test=' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_NAME} .
(defined($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_RUN}) ? ', run=' . join(',', sort(@{$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_RUN}})) : '') .
(defined($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_DB}) ? ', pg-version=' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_DB} : '') .
($self->{iTry} > 1 ? ' (retry ' . ($self->{iTry} - 1) . ')' : '');
my $strImage = 'test-' . $self->{iVmIdx};
my $strDbVersion = (defined($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_DB}) ? $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_DB} : PG_VERSION_94);
$strDbVersion =~ s/\.//;
&log($self->{bDryRun} && !$self->{bVmOut} || $self->{bShowOutputAsync} ? INFO : DETAIL, "${strTest}" .
(!($self->{bDryRun} || !$self->{bVmOut}) || $self->{bShowOutputAsync} ? "\n" : ''));
my $strVmTestPath = '/home/' . TEST_USER . "/test/${strImage}";
my $strHostTestPath = "$self->{strTestPath}/${strImage}";
# Don't create the container if this is a dry run unless output from the VM is required. Ouput can be requested
# to get more information about the specific tests that will be run.
if (!$self->{bDryRun} || $self->{bVmOut})
# Create host test directory
$self->{oStorageTest}->pathCreate($strHostTestPath, {strMode => '0770'});
# Create gcov directory
my $bGCovExists = true;
if ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C} && !$self->{oStorageTest}->pathExists($self->{strGCovPath}))
$self->{oStorageTest}->pathCreate($self->{strGCovPath}, {strMode => '0770'});
$bGCovExists = false;
# Create data directory
if ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C} && !$self->{oStorageTest}->pathExists($self->{strDataPath}))
$self->{oStorageTest}->pathCreate($self->{strDataPath}, {strMode => '0770'});
if ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_CONTAINER})
if ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} ne VM_NONE)
my $strBinPath = $self->{strTestPath} . '/bin/' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} . '/' . PROJECT_EXE;
'docker run -itd -h ' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} . "-test --name=${strImage}" .
" -v ${strHostTestPath}:${strVmTestPath}" .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C} ? " -v $self->{strGCovPath}:$self->{strGCovPath}" : '') .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C} ? " -v $self->{strDataPath}:$self->{strDataPath}" : '') .
" -v $self->{strBackRestBase}:$self->{strBackRestBase}" .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_BIN_REQ} ? " -v ${strBinPath}:${strBinPath}:ro" : '') .
' ' . containerRepo() . ':' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} . '-test',
{bSuppressStdErr => true});
# If testing C code copy source files to the test directory
if ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C})
# If this is the first build, then rsync files
if (!$rhBuildInit->{$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}}{$self->{iVmIdx}})
'rsync -rt --delete --exclude=*.o --exclude=test.c --exclude=test.gcno ' .
' --exclude=test --exclude=buildflags --exclude=testflags --exclude=harnessflags' .
' --exclude=build.auto.h --exclude=build.auto.h.in --exclude=Makefile --exclude=Makefile.in' .
' --exclude=configure --exclude=configure.ac' .
" $self->{strBackRestBase}/src/ $self->{strGCovPath} && " .
"rsync -rt --delete --exclude=*.o $self->{strBackRestBase}/test/src/ $self->{strGCovPath}/test");
# Build directory has been initialized
$rhBuildInit->{$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}}{$self->{iVmIdx}} = true;
# Create run parameters
my $strCommandRunParam = '';
foreach my $iRunIdx (@{$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_RUN}})
$strCommandRunParam .= ' --run=' . $iRunIdx;
# Create command
my $strCommand;
if ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C})
$strCommand =
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} ne VM_NONE ? 'docker exec -i -u ' . TEST_USER . " ${strImage} " : '') .
"bash -l -c '" .
"cd $self->{strGCovPath} && " .
# Remove coverage data from last run
"rm -f test.gcda && " .
"make -j $self->{iBuildMax} -s 2>&1 &&" .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} ne VM_CO6 && $self->{bValgrindUnit} &&
" valgrind -q --gen-suppressions=all --suppressions=$self->{strGCovPath}/test/valgrind.suppress" .
" --leak-check=full --leak-resolution=high --error-exitcode=25" : '') .
" ./test.bin 2>&1'";
$strCommand =
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_CONTAINER} ? 'docker exec -i -u ' . TEST_USER . " ${strImage} " : '') .
abs_path($0) .
" --test-path=${strVmTestPath}" .
" --vm-host=$self->{strVmHost}" .
" --vm=$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}" .
" --vm-id=$self->{iVmIdx}" .
" --module=" . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_MODULE} .
' --test=' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_NAME} .
$strCommandRunParam .
(defined($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_DB}) ? ' --pg-version=' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_DB} : '') .
($self->{strLogLevel} ne lc(INFO) ? " --log-level=$self->{strLogLevel}" : '') .
($self->{strLogLevelTestFile} ne lc(TRACE) ? " --log-level-test-file=$self->{strLogLevelTestFile}" : '') .
' --pgsql-bin=' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_PGSQL_BIN} .
($self->{strTimeZone} ? " --tz='$self->{strTimeZone}'" : '') .
($self->{bLogForce} ? ' --log-force' : '') .
($self->{bDryRun} ? ' --dry-run' : '') .
($self->{bDryRun} ? ' --vm-out' : '') .
($self->{bNoCleanup} ? " --no-cleanup" : '');
if (!$self->{bDryRun} || $self->{bVmOut})
# If testing C code
if ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C})
my $hTest = (testDefModuleTest($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_MODULE}, $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_NAME}));
my $hTestCoverage = $hTest->{&TESTDEF_COVERAGE};
my @stryCFile;
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys(%{$self->{oStorageTest}->manifest($self->{strGCovPath})})))
my $strFileNoExt = substr($strFile, 0, length($strFile) - 2);
# Skip all files except .c files (including .auto.c)
next if $strFile !~ /(?<!\.auto)\.c$/;
# ??? Skip main for now until the function can be renamed to allow unit testing
next if $strFile =~ /main\.c$/;
# Skip test.c -- it will be added manually at the end
next if $strFile =~ /test\.c$/;
if (!defined($hTestCoverage->{$strFileNoExt}) && !grep(/^$strFileNoExt$/, @{$hTest->{&TESTDEF_INCLUDE}}) &&
$strFile !~ /^test\/module\/[^\/]*\/.*Test\.c$/)
push(@stryCFile, "${strFile}");
# Generate list of C files to include for testing
my $strTestDepend = '';
my $strTestFile =
"test/module/$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_MODULE}/" . testRunName($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_NAME}, false) . 'Test.c';
my $strCInclude;
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys(%{$hTestCoverage}), @{$hTest->{&TESTDEF_INCLUDE}}))
# Don't include the test file as it is already included below
next if $strFile =~ /Test$/;
# Don't any auto files as they are included in their companion C files
next if $strFile =~ /auto$/;
# Include the C file if it exists
my $strCIncludeFile = "${strFile}.c";
# If the C file does not exist use the header file instead
if (!$self->{oStorageTest}->exists("$self->{strGCovPath}/${strCIncludeFile}"))
# Error if code was expected
if ($hTestCoverage->{$strFile} ne TESTDEF_COVERAGE_NOCODE)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to find source file '$self->{strGCovPath}/${strCIncludeFile}'");
$strCIncludeFile = "${strFile}.h";
$strCInclude .= (defined($strCInclude) ? "\n" : '') . "#include \"${strCIncludeFile}\"";
$strTestDepend .= " ${strCIncludeFile}";
# Update C test file with test module
my $strTestC = ${$self->{oStorageTest}->get("$self->{strGCovPath}/test/test.c")};
if (defined($strCInclude))
$strTestC =~ s/\{\[C\_INCLUDE\]\}/$strCInclude/g;
$strTestC =~ s/\{\[C\_INCLUDE\]\}//g;
$strTestC =~ s/\{\[C\_TEST\_INCLUDE\]\}/\#include \"$strTestFile\"/g;
$strTestDepend .= " ${strTestFile}";
# Build dependencies for the test file
my $rhDependencyTree = {};
$self->{oStorageTest}, $rhDependencyTree, $strTestFile, false, $self->{strGCovPath}, ['', 'test']);
foreach my $strDepend (@{$rhDependencyTree->{$strTestFile}{include}})
$strTestDepend .=
' ' . ($rhDependencyTree->{$strDepend}{path} ne '' ? $rhDependencyTree->{$strDepend}{path} . '/' : '') .
# Determine where the project exe is located
my $strProjectExePath = "$self->{strTestPath}/bin/$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}/" . PROJECT_EXE;
# Is this test running in a container?
my $strContainer = $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} eq VM_NONE ? 'false' : 'true';
# What test path should be passed to C? Containers always have their test path at ~/test but when running with
# vm=none it should be in a subdirectory of the current directory.
my $strTestPathC = $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} eq VM_NONE ? $strHostTestPath : $strVmTestPath;
# Set globals
$strTestC =~ s/\{\[C\_TEST\_CONTAINER\]\}/$strContainer/g;
$strTestC =~ s/\{\[C\_TEST\_PROJECT\_EXE\]\}/$strProjectExePath/g;
$strTestC =~ s/\{\[C\_TEST\_PATH\]\}/$strTestPathC/g;
$strTestC =~ s/\{\[C\_TEST\_DATA_PATH\]\}/$self->{strDataPath}/g;
$strTestC =~ s/\{\[C\_TEST\_IDX\]\}/$self->{iVmIdx}/g;
$strTestC =~ s/\{\[C\_TEST\_REPO_PATH\]\}/$self->{strBackRestBase}/g;
$strTestC =~ s/\{\[C\_TEST\_SCALE\]\}/$self->{iScale}/g;
# Set timezone
if (defined($self->{strTimeZone}))
$strTestC =~ s/\{\[C\_TEST\_TZ\]\}/setenv\("TZ", "$self->{strTimeZone}", true\);/g;
$strTestC =~ s/\{\[C\_TEST\_TZ\]\}/\/\/ No timezone specified/g;
# Set default log level
my $strLogLevelTestC = "logLevel" . ucfirst($self->{strLogLevelTest});
$strTestC =~ s/\{\[C\_LOG\_LEVEL\_TEST\]\}/$strLogLevelTestC/g;
# Initialize tests
my $strTestInit;
for (my $iTestIdx = 1; $iTestIdx <= $hTest->{&TESTDEF_TOTAL}; $iTestIdx++)
my $bSelected = false;
if (!defined($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_RUN}) || @{$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_RUN}} == 0 ||
grep(/^$iTestIdx$/, @{$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_RUN}}))
$bSelected = true;
$strTestInit .=
(defined($strTestInit) ? "\n " : '') .
sprintf("hrnAdd(%3d, %8s);" , $iTestIdx, ($bSelected ? 'true' : 'false'));
$strTestC =~ s/\{\[C\_TEST\_LIST\]\}/$strTestInit/g;
buildPutDiffers($self->{oStorageTest}, "$self->{strGCovPath}/test.c", $strTestC);
# Create build.auto.h
my $strBuildAutoH =
(vmWithLz4($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}) ? '#define HAVE_LIBLZ4' : '') . "\n";
buildPutDiffers($self->{oStorageTest}, "$self->{strGCovPath}/" . BUILD_AUTO_H, $strBuildAutoH);
# Determine which warnings are available
my $strWarningFlags =
'-Werror -Wfatal-errors -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wconversion -Wformat=2' .
' -Wformat-nonliteral -Wstrict-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wvla' .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} eq VM_U16 || $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} eq VM_U18 ?
' -Wformat-signedness' : '') .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} eq VM_U18 ?
' -Wduplicated-branches -Wduplicated-cond' : '') .
# This is theoretically a portability issue but a compiler that does not treat NULL and false as 0 is crazy
' -Wno-missing-field-initializers';
# Flags that are common to all builds
my $strCommonFlags =
'-I. -Itest -std=c99 -fPIC -g -Wno-clobbered -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' .
' `pkg-config libxml-2.0 --cflags`' . ($self->{bProfile} ? " -pg" : '') .
' -I`pg_config --includedir`' .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_DEBUG_UNIT_SUPPRESS} ? '' : " -DDEBUG_UNIT") .
(vmWithBackTrace($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}) && $self->{bBackTrace} ? ' -DWITH_BACKTRACE' : '') .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_CDEF} ? " $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_CDEF}" : '') .
(vmCoverageC($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}) && $self->{bCoverageUnit} ? ' -DDEBUG_COVERAGE' : '') .
($self->{bDebug} && $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_TYPE} ne TESTDEF_PERFORMANCE ? '' : ' -DNDEBUG') .
($self->{bDebugTestTrace} && $self->{bDebug} ? ' -DDEBUG_TEST_TRACE' : '') .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} eq VM_CO6 ? ' -DDEBUG_EXEC_TIME' : '');
# Flags used to build harness files
my $strHarnessFlags =
'-O2' . ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} ne VM_U12 ? ' -ftree-coalesce-vars' : '') .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_CTESTDEF} ? " $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_CTESTDEF}" : '');
$self->{oStorageTest}, "$self->{strGCovPath}/harnessflags",
"${strCommonFlags} ${strWarningFlags} ${strHarnessFlags}");
# Flags used to build test.c
my $strTestFlags =
($self->{bDebug} ? '-DDEBUG_TEST_TRACE ' : '') .
'-O0' .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} ne VM_U12 ? ' -ftree-coalesce-vars' : '') .
(vmCoverageC($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}) && $self->{bCoverageUnit} ?
' -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage' : '') .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_CTESTDEF} ? " $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_CTESTDEF}" : '');
$self->{oStorageTest}, "$self->{strGCovPath}/testflags",
"${strCommonFlags} ${strWarningFlags} ${strTestFlags}");
# Flags used to build all other files
my $strBuildFlags =
($self->{bOptimize} || $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} eq VM_F30 ?
'-O2' : '-O0' . ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} ne VM_U12 ? ' -ftree-coalesce-vars' : ''));
$self->{oStorageTest}, "$self->{strGCovPath}/buildflags",
"${strCommonFlags} ${strWarningFlags} ${strBuildFlags}");
# Build the Makefile
my $strMakefile =
"CC=gcc\n" .
"COMMONFLAGS=${strCommonFlags}\n" .
"WARNINGFLAGS=${strWarningFlags}\n" .
"BUILDFLAGS=${strBuildFlags}\n" .
"HARNESSFLAGS=${strHarnessFlags}\n" .
"TESTFLAGS=${strTestFlags}\n" .
"LDFLAGS=-lcrypto -lssl -lxml2 -lz" .
(vmWithLz4($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}) ? ' -llz4' : '') .
(vmCoverageC($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}) && $self->{bCoverageUnit} ? " -lgcov" : '') .
(vmWithBackTrace($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}) && $self->{bBackTrace} ? ' -lbacktrace' : '') .
"\n" .
"SRCS=" . join(' ', @stryCFile) . "\n" .
"OBJS=\$(SRCS:.c=.o)\n" .
"\n" .
"test: \$(OBJS) test.o\n" .
"\t\$(CC) -o test.bin \$(OBJS) test.o" . ($self->{bProfile} ? " -pg" : '') . " \$(LDFLAGS)\n" .
"\n" .
"test.o: testflags test.c${strTestDepend}\n" .
"\t\$(CC) \$(COMMONFLAGS) \$(WARNINGFLAGS) \$(TESTFLAGS) -c test.c\n";
# Build C file dependencies
foreach my $strCFile (@stryCFile)
my $bHarnessFile = $strCFile =~ /^test\// ? true : false;
$self->{oStorageTest}, $rhDependencyTree, $strCFile, !$bHarnessFile, $self->{strGCovPath}, ['', 'test']);
$strMakefile .=
"\n" . substr($strCFile, 0, length($strCFile) - 2) . ".o:" .
($bHarnessFile ? " harnessflags" : " buildflags") . " $strCFile";
foreach my $strDepend (@{$rhDependencyTree->{$strCFile}{include}})
$strMakefile .=
' ' .
($rhDependencyTree->{$strDepend}{path} ne '' ? $rhDependencyTree->{$strDepend}{path} . '/' : '') .
$strMakefile .=
"\n" .
($strCFile =~ /^test\// ? " \$(HARNESSFLAGS)" : " \$(BUILDFLAGS)") .
" -c $strCFile -o " . substr($strCFile, 0, length($strCFile) - 2) . ".o\n";
buildPutDiffers($self->{oStorageTest}, $self->{strGCovPath} . "/Makefile", $strMakefile);
my $oExec = new pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest(
$strCommand, {bSuppressError => true, bShowOutputAsync => $self->{bShowOutputAsync}});
$self->{oProcess} =
exec => $oExec,
test => $strTest,
start_time => $fTestStartTime,
$bRun = true;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bRun', value => $bRun, trace => true}
# end
sub end
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
(my $strOperation) = logDebugParam (__PACKAGE__ . '->run', \@_,);
# Is the job done?
my $bDone = false;
my $bFail = false;
my $oExecDone = $self->{oProcess}{exec};
my $strTestDone = $self->{oProcess}{test};
my $iTestDoneIdx = $self->{oProcess}{idx};
my $iExitStatus = $oExecDone->end($self->{iVmMax} == 1);
if (defined($iExitStatus))
my $strImage = 'test-' . $self->{iVmIdx};
if ($self->{bShowOutputAsync})
syswrite(*STDOUT, "\n");
# If C code generate profile info
if ($iExitStatus == 0 && $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C} && $self->{bProfile})
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} ne VM_NONE ? 'docker exec -i -u ' . TEST_USER . " ${strImage} " : '') .
"gprof $self->{strGCovPath}/test.bin $self->{strGCovPath}/gmon.out > $self->{strGCovPath}/gprof.txt");
"$self->{strBackRestBase}/test/result/profile", {strMode => '0750', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
"$self->{strGCovPath}/gprof.txt", "$self->{strBackRestBase}/test/result/profile/gprof.txt");
# If C code generate coverage info
if ($iExitStatus == 0 && $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C} && vmCoverageC($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}) && $self->{bCoverageUnit})
$self->{oStorageTest}, $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_MODULE}, $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_NAME}, $self->{bCoverageSummary},
$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} eq VM_NONE ? undef : $strImage, $self->{strTestPath}, "$self->{strTestPath}/temp",
$self->{strGCovPath}, $self->{strBackRestBase} . '/test/result');
# Record elapsed time
my $fTestElapsedTime = ceil((gettimeofday() - $self->{oProcess}{start_time}) * 100) / 100;
# Output error
if ($iExitStatus != 0)
&log(ERROR, "${strTestDone} (err${iExitStatus}-${fTestElapsedTime}s)" .
(defined($oExecDone->{strOutLog}) && !$self->{bShowOutputAsync} ?
":\n\n" . trim($oExecDone->{strOutLog}) . "\n" : ''), undef, undef, 4);
$bFail = true;
# Output success
&log(INFO, "${strTestDone} (${fTestElapsedTime}s)".
($self->{bVmOut} && !$self->{bShowOutputAsync} ?
":\n\n" . trim($oExecDone->{strOutLog}) . "\n" : ''), undef, undef, 4);
if (!$self->{bNoCleanup})
my $strHostTestPath = "$self->{strTestPath}/${strImage}";
if ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} ne VM_NONE)
executeTest("rm -rf ${strHostTestPath}");
$bDone = true;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bDone', value => $bDone, trace => true},
{name => 'bFail', value => $bFail, trace => true}