mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-01-08 04:04:16 +02:00
David Steele 5531e2662d Add --tz param missed in C unit test migration.
This was missed in the C unit test migration and since then a new test was added that was not setting its timezone correctly.

This feature exists to make sure the tests will run on systems with different timezones and has no impact on the core code.
2023-06-18 12:55:29 +03:00

434 lines
18 KiB

# JobTest.pm - Run a test job and monitor progress
package pgBackRestTest::Common::JobTest;
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname basename);
use POSIX qw(ceil);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday usleep);
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Log;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::String;
use pgBackRestDoc::ProjectInfo;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::BuildTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ContainerTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::CoverageTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::DbVersion;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::DefineTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ListTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::VmTest;
# new
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my $strOperation,
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->new', \@_,
{name => 'oStorageTest'},
{name => 'strBackRestBase'},
{name => 'strTestPath'},
{name => 'oTest'},
{name => 'bDryRun'},
{name => 'bVmOut'},
{name => 'iVmIdx'},
{name => 'iVmMax'},
{name => 'strMakeCmd'},
{name => 'iTestIdx'},
{name => 'iTestMax'},
{name => 'strLogLevel'},
{name => 'strLogLevelTest'},
{name => 'strLogLevelTestFile'},
{name => 'bLogTimestamp'},
{name => 'bShowOutputAsync'},
{name => 'bNoCleanup'},
{name => 'iRetry'},
{name => 'bBackTraceUnit'},
{name => 'bValgrindUnit'},
{name => 'bCoverageUnit'},
{name => 'bCoverageSummary'},
{name => 'bOptimize'},
{name => 'bProfile'},
{name => 'iScale'},
{name => 'strTimeZone', required => false},
{name => 'bDebug'},
{name => 'bDebugTestTrace'},
{name => 'iBuildMax'},
# Set try to 0
$self->{iTry} = 0;
# Setup the path where unit test will be built
$self->{strUnitPath} = "$self->{strTestPath}/unit-$self->{iVmIdx}/$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}";
$self->{strDataPath} = "$self->{strTestPath}/data-$self->{iVmIdx}";
$self->{strRepoPath} = "$self->{strTestPath}/repo";
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self, trace => true}
# run
sub run
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
(my $strOperation) = logDebugParam (__PACKAGE__ . '->run', \@_,);
# Start the test timer
my $fTestStartTime = gettimeofday();
# Was the job run?
my $bRun = false;
# Should the job be run?
if ($self->{iTry} <= ($self->{iRetry} + 1))
if ($self->{iTry} != 1 && $self->{iTry} == ($self->{iRetry} + 1))
$self->{strLogLevel} = lc(DEBUG);
my $strTest = sprintf(
'P%0' . length($self->{iVmMax}) . 'd-T%0' . length($self->{iTestMax}) . 'd/%0' .
length($self->{iTestMax}) . "d - ", $self->{iVmIdx} + 1, $self->{iTestIdx} + 1, $self->{iTestMax}) .
'vm=' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} .
', module=' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_MODULE} .
', test=' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_NAME} .
(defined($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_RUN}) ? ', run=' . join(',', sort(@{$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_RUN}})) : '') .
(defined($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_DB}) ? ', pg-version=' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_DB} : '') .
($self->{iTry} > 1 ? ' (retry ' . ($self->{iTry} - 1) . ')' : '');
my $strImage = 'test-' . $self->{iVmIdx};
my $strDbVersion = (defined($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_DB}) ? $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_DB} : PG_VERSION_94);
$strDbVersion =~ s/\.//;
&log($self->{bDryRun} && !$self->{bVmOut} || $self->{bShowOutputAsync} ? INFO : DETAIL, "${strTest}" .
(!($self->{bDryRun} || !$self->{bVmOut}) || $self->{bShowOutputAsync} ? "\n" : ''));
my $strHostTestPath = "$self->{strTestPath}/${strImage}";
my $strVmTestPath = $strHostTestPath;
# Don't create the container if this is a dry run unless output from the VM is required. Output can be requested
# to get more information about the specific tests that will be run.
if (!$self->{bDryRun} || $self->{bVmOut})
# Create host test directory
$self->{oStorageTest}->pathCreate($strHostTestPath, {strMode => '0770'});
# Create unit directory
if ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C} && !$self->{oStorageTest}->pathExists($self->{strUnitPath}))
$self->{oStorageTest}->pathCreate($self->{strUnitPath}, {strMode => '0770', bCreateParent => true});
# Create data directory
if ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C} && !$self->{oStorageTest}->pathExists($self->{strDataPath}))
$self->{oStorageTest}->pathCreate($self->{strDataPath}, {strMode => '0770'});
# Create ccache directory
my $strCCachePath = "$self->{strTestPath}/ccache-$self->{iVmIdx}/$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}";
if ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C} && !$self->{oStorageTest}->pathExists($strCCachePath))
$self->{oStorageTest}->pathCreate($strCCachePath, {strMode => '0770', bCreateParent => true});
if ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_CONTAINER})
if ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} ne VM_NONE)
my $strBinPath = $self->{strTestPath} . '/bin/' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} . '/' . PROJECT_EXE;
my $strBuildPath = $self->{strTestPath} . '/build/' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM};
'docker run -itd -h ' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} . "-test --name=${strImage}" .
" -v ${strHostTestPath}:${strVmTestPath}" .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C} ? " -v $self->{strUnitPath}:$self->{strUnitPath}" : '') .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C} ? " -v $self->{strDataPath}:$self->{strDataPath}" : '') .
" -v $self->{strBackRestBase}:$self->{strBackRestBase}" .
" -v $self->{strRepoPath}:$self->{strRepoPath}" .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_BIN_REQ} ? " -v ${strBinPath}:${strBinPath}:ro" : '') .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C} ? " -v ${strBuildPath}:${strBuildPath}:ro" : '') .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C} ? " -v ${strCCachePath}:/home/${\TEST_USER}/.ccache" : '') .
' ' . containerRepo() . ':' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} . '-test',
{bSuppressStdErr => true});
# Disable debug/coverage for performance and profile tests
my $bPerformance = $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_TYPE} eq TESTDEF_PERFORMANCE;
if ($bPerformance || $self->{bProfile})
$self->{bDebug} = false;
$self->{bDebugTestTrace} = false;
$self->{bCoverageUnit} = false;
# Is coverage being tested?
my $bCoverage = vmCoverageC($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}) && $self->{bCoverageUnit};
# Create run parameters
my $strCommandRunParam = '';
foreach my $iRunIdx (@{$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_RUN}})
$strCommandRunParam .= ' --run=' . $iRunIdx;
if (!$self->{bDryRun} || $self->{bVmOut})
my $strCommand = undef; # Command to run test
# If testing with C harness
if ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C})
# Create command
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Build filename for valgrind suppressions
my $strValgrindSuppress = $self->{strRepoPath} . '/test/src/valgrind.suppress.' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM};
$strCommand =
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} ne VM_NONE ? "docker exec -i -u ${\TEST_USER} ${strImage} bash -l -c '" : '') .
" \\\n" .
$self->{strTestPath} . '/build/' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} . '/test/src/test-pgbackrest' .
' --repo-path=' . $self->{strTestPath} . '/repo' . ' --test-path=' . $self->{strTestPath} .
" --log-level=$self->{strLogLevel}" . ' --vm=' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} .
' --vm-id=' . $self->{iVmIdx} . ($self->{bProfile} ? ' --profile' : '') .
($self->{bLogTimestamp} ? '' : ' --no-log-timestamp') .
($self->{strTimeZone} ? " --tz='$self->{strTimeZone}'" : '') .
($self->{bBackTraceUnit} ? '' : ' --no-back-trace') . ($bCoverage ? '' : ' --no-coverage') . ' test ' .
$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_MODULE} . '/' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_NAME} . " && \\\n" .
# Allow stderr to be copied to stderr and stdout
"exec 3>&1 && \\\n" .
# Test with valgrind when requested
($self->{bValgrindUnit} && $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_TYPE} ne TESTDEF_PERFORMANCE ?
'valgrind -q --gen-suppressions=all' .
($self->{oStorageTest}->exists($strValgrindSuppress) ? " --suppressions=${strValgrindSuppress}" : '') .
" --exit-on-first-error=yes --leak-check=full --leak-resolution=high --error-exitcode=25" . ' ' : '') .
"$self->{strUnitPath}/build/test-unit 2>&1 1>&3 | tee /dev/stderr" .
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} ne VM_NONE ? "'" : '');
$strCommand =
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_CONTAINER} ? 'docker exec -i -u ' . TEST_USER . " ${strImage} " : '') .
abs_path($0) .
" --test-path=${strVmTestPath}" .
" --vm=$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}" .
" --vm-id=$self->{iVmIdx}" .
" --module=" . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_MODULE} .
' --test=' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_NAME} .
$strCommandRunParam .
(defined($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_DB}) ? ' --pg-version=' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_DB} : '') .
($self->{strLogLevel} ne lc(INFO) ? " --log-level=$self->{strLogLevel}" : '') .
($self->{strLogLevelTestFile} ne lc(TRACE) ? " --log-level-test-file=$self->{strLogLevelTestFile}" : '') .
($self->{bLogTimestamp} ? '' : ' --no-log-timestamp') .
' --psql-bin=' . $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_PGSQL_BIN} .
($self->{strTimeZone} ? " --tz='$self->{strTimeZone}'" : '') .
($self->{bDryRun} ? ' --dry-run' : '') .
($self->{bDryRun} ? ' --vm-out' : '') .
($self->{bNoCleanup} ? " --no-cleanup" : '');
my $oExec = new pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest(
$strCommand, {bSuppressError => true, bShowOutputAsync => $self->{bShowOutputAsync}});
$self->{oProcess} =
exec => $oExec,
test => $strTest,
start_time => $fTestStartTime,
$bRun = true;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bRun', value => $bRun, trace => true}
# end
sub end
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
(my $strOperation) = logDebugParam (__PACKAGE__ . '->run', \@_,);
# Is the job done?
my $bDone = false;
my $bFail = false;
my $oExecDone = $self->{oProcess}{exec};
my $strTestDone = $self->{oProcess}{test};
my $iTestDoneIdx = $self->{oProcess}{idx};
my $iExitStatus = $oExecDone->end($self->{iVmMax} == 1);
if (defined($iExitStatus))
my $strImage = 'test-' . $self->{iVmIdx};
if ($self->{bShowOutputAsync})
syswrite(*STDOUT, "\n");
# If C code generate profile info
if ($iExitStatus == 0 && $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C} && $self->{bProfile})
($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} ne VM_NONE ? 'docker exec -i -u ' . TEST_USER . " ${strImage} " : '') .
"gprof $self->{strUnitPath}/build/test-unit $self->{strUnitPath}/build/gmon.out >" .
" $self->{strUnitPath}/gprof.txt");
"$self->{strBackRestBase}/test/result/profile", {strMode => '0750', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
"$self->{strUnitPath}/gprof.txt", "$self->{strBackRestBase}/test/result/profile/gprof.txt");
# If C code generate coverage info
if ($iExitStatus == 0 && $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_C} && vmCoverageC($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM}) && $self->{bCoverageUnit})
$self->{oStorageTest}, $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_MODULE}, $self->{oTest}->{&TEST_NAME},
$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} ne VM_NONE, $self->{bCoverageSummary},
$self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} eq VM_NONE ? undef : $strImage, $self->{strTestPath}, "$self->{strTestPath}/temp",
-e "$self->{strUnitPath}/build/test-unit.p" ?
"$self->{strUnitPath}/build/test-unit.p" : "$self->{strUnitPath}/build/test-unit\@exe",
$self->{strBackRestBase} . '/test/result');
# Record elapsed time
my $fTestElapsedTime = ceil((gettimeofday() - $self->{oProcess}{start_time}) * 100) / 100;
# Output error
if ($iExitStatus != 0 || (defined($oExecDone->{strErrorLog}) && $oExecDone->{strErrorLog} ne ''))
# Get stdout (no need to get stderr since stderr is redirected to stdout)
my $strOutput = trim($oExecDone->{strOutLog}) ? "STDOUT:\n" . trim($oExecDone->{strOutLog}) : '';
# If no stdout or stderr output something rather than a blank line
if ($strOutput eq '')
&log(ERROR, "${strTestDone} (err${iExitStatus}" . ($self->{bLogTimestamp} ? "-${fTestElapsedTime}s)" : '') .
(defined($oExecDone->{strOutLog}) && !$self->{bShowOutputAsync} ? ":\n\n${strOutput}\n" : ''), undef, undef, 4);
$bFail = true;
# Output success
&log(INFO, "${strTestDone}" . ($self->{bLogTimestamp} ? " (${fTestElapsedTime}s)" : '').
($self->{bVmOut} && !$self->{bShowOutputAsync} ?
":\n\n" . trim($oExecDone->{strOutLog}) . "\n" : ''), undef, undef, 4);
if (!$self->{bNoCleanup})
my $strHostTestPath = "$self->{strTestPath}/${strImage}";
if ($self->{oTest}->{&TEST_VM} ne VM_NONE)
executeTest("chmod -R 700 ${strHostTestPath}/* 2>&1;rm -rf ${strHostTestPath}");
$bDone = true;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bDone', value => $bDone, trace => true},
{name => 'bFail', value => $bFail, trace => true}