This is a complete protocol client implementation in C. Currently there is no C server implementation so the C client is talking to a Perl server. This won't work very long, though, as the protocol format, even though in JSON, has a lot of language-specific structure. While it would be possible to maintain compatibility between C and Perl it's probably not worth the effort in the long run. Just as in Perl there are helper functions to make constructing protocol objects easier. Currently only repository remotes are supported.
Building Documentation
General Builds
The pgBackRest documentation can output a variety of formats and target several platforms and PostgreSQL versions.
This will build all documentation with defaults:
The user guide can be built for different platforms: centos6
, centos7
, and debian
. This will build the HTML user guide for CentOS/RHEL 7:
./ --out=html --include=user-guide --var=os-type=centos7
Documentation generation will build a cache of all executed statements and use the cache to build the documentation quickly if no executed statements have changed. This makes proofing text-only edits very fast, but sometimes it is useful to do a full build without using the cache:
./ --out=html --include=user-guide --var=os-type=centos6 --no-cache
Each os-type
has a default container image that will be used as a base for creating hosts. For centos6
these defaults are generally fine, but for debian
it can be useful to change the image.
./ --out=html --include=user-guide --var=os-type=debian --var=os-image=debian:9
Building with Packages
A user-specified package can be used when building the documentation. Since the documentation exercises most pgBackRest functionality this is a great way to smoke-test packages.
The package must be located within the pgBackRest repo and the specified path should be relative to the repository base. test/package
is a good default path to use.
Ubuntu 16.04:
./ --out=html --include=user-guide --no-cache --var=os-type=debian --var=os-image=ubuntu:16.04 --var=package=test/package/pgbackrest_2.08-0_amd64.deb
CentOS/RHEL 6:
./ --out=html --include=user-guide --no-cache --var=os-type=centos6 --var=package=test/package/pgbackrest-2.08-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
CentOS/RHEL 7:
./ --out=html --include=user-guide --no-cache --var=os-type=centos7 --var=package=test/package/pgbackrest-2.08-1.el7.x86_64.rpm