mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-01-30 05:39:12 +02:00

452 lines
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package pgBackRest::Protocol::ThreadGroup;
use threads;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::Wait;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::BackupFile;
use pgBackRest::RestoreFile;
# Module globals
my @oyThread;
my @oyMessageQueue;
my @oyCommandQueue;
my @oyResultQueue;
my @byThreadRunning;
# threadGroupCreate
sub threadGroupCreate
# If thread-max is not defined then this operation does not use threads
if (!(optionTest(OPTION_THREAD_MAX) && optionGet(OPTION_THREAD_MAX) > 1))
# Get thread-max
my $iThreadMax = optionGet(OPTION_THREAD_MAX);
# Only create threads when thread-max > 1
if ($iThreadMax > 1)
for (my $iThreadIdx = 0; $iThreadIdx < $iThreadMax; $iThreadIdx++)
push @oyCommandQueue, Thread::Queue->new();
push @oyMessageQueue, Thread::Queue->new();
push @oyResultQueue, Thread::Queue->new();
push @oyThread, (threads->create(\&threadGroupThread, $iThreadIdx));
push @byThreadRunning, false;
push @EXPORT, qw(threadGroupCreate);
# threadGroupThread
sub threadGroupThread
my $iThreadIdx = shift;
# When a KILL signal is received, immediately abort
$SIG{'KILL'} = sub {threads->exit();};
while (my $oCommand = $oyCommandQueue[$iThreadIdx]->dequeue())
# Exit thread
if ($$oCommand{function} eq 'exit')
&log(TRACE, 'thread terminated');
&log(TRACE, "$$oCommand{function} thread started");
my $oFile = undef;
# Get the protocol object
my $oProtocol = protocolGet(undef, false, $iThreadIdx + 1);
# Create a file object
$oFile = new pgBackRest::File
undef, undef,
$iThreadIdx + 1
# Notify parent that init is complete
threadMessage($oyResultQueue[$iThreadIdx], 'init');
my $iDirection = $iThreadIdx % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1; # Size of files currently copied by this thread
# Initialize the starting and current queue index based in the total number of threads in relation to this thread
my $iQueueStartIdx = int((@{$$oCommand{param}{queue}} / $$oCommand{thread_total}) * $iThreadIdx);
my $iQueueIdx = $iQueueStartIdx;
# Keep track of progress (ignored for threaded backup and restore)
my $lSizeCurrent = 0;
# Loop through all the queues (exit when the original queue is reached)
&log(TRACE, "reading queue ${iQueueIdx}, start queue ${iQueueStartIdx}");
while (my $oMessage = ${$$oCommand{param}{queue}}[$iQueueIdx]->dequeue_nb())
if ($$oCommand{function} eq 'restore')
restoreFile($oMessage, $$oCommand{param}{copy_time_begin}, $$oCommand{param}{delta}, $$oCommand{param}{force},
$$oCommand{param}{backup_path}, $$oCommand{param}{source_compression},
$$oCommand{param}{current_user}, $$oCommand{param}{current_group}, $oFile);
elsif ($$oCommand{function} eq 'backup')
# Result hash that can be passed back to the master process
my $oResult = {};
# Backup the file
($$oResult{copied}, $lSizeCurrent, $$oResult{size}, $$oResult{repo_size}, $$oResult{checksum}) =
backupFile($oFile, $$oMessage{db_file}, $$oMessage{repo_file}, $$oCommand{param}{compress},
$$oMessage{checksum}, $$oMessage{modification_time}, $$oMessage{size});
# Send a message to update the manifest
$$oResult{repo_file} = $$oMessage{repo_file};
confess &log(ERROR, "unknown command");
# Keep the protocol layer from timing out while checksumming
# Even numbered threads move up when they have finished a queue, odd numbered threads move down
$iQueueIdx += $iDirection;
# Reset the queue index when it goes over or under the number of queues
if ($iQueueIdx < 0)
$iQueueIdx = @{$$oCommand{param}{queue}} - 1;
elsif ($iQueueIdx >= @{$$oCommand{param}{queue}})
$iQueueIdx = 0;
while ($iQueueIdx != $iQueueStartIdx);
# Notify parent of shutdown
threadMessage($oyResultQueue[$iThreadIdx], 'shutdown');
threadMessageExpect($oyMessageQueue[$iThreadIdx], 'continue');
# Destroy the file object
# Notify the parent process of thread exit
threadMessage($oyResultQueue[$iThreadIdx], 'complete');
&log(TRACE, "$$oCommand{function} thread exiting");
if ($@)
my $oMessage = $@;
threadMessage($oyResultQueue[$iThreadIdx], 'error');
threadMessageExpect($oyMessageQueue[$iThreadIdx], 'continue');
threadMessage($oyResultQueue[$iThreadIdx], 'complete');
if (blessed($oMessage) && $oMessage->isa('pgBackRest::Common::Exception'))
threadMessage($oyResultQueue[$iThreadIdx], $oMessage->code());
threadMessage($oyResultQueue[$iThreadIdx], $oMessage->message());
threadMessage($oyResultQueue[$iThreadIdx], ERROR_UNKNOWN);
threadMessage($oyResultQueue[$iThreadIdx], $oMessage);
# threadMessage
sub threadMessage
my $oQueue = shift;
my $strMessage = shift;
my $iThreadIdx = shift;
# Send the message
# Define calling context
&log(TRACE, "sent message '${strMessage}' to " . (defined($iThreadIdx) ? 'thread ' . ($iThreadIdx + 1) : 'controller'));
# threadMessageExpect
sub threadMessageExpect
my $oQueue = shift;
my $strExpected = shift;
my $iThreadIdx = shift;
my $bNoBlock = shift;
# Set timeout based on the message type
my $iTimeout = defined($bNoBlock) ? undef: 600;
# Define calling context
my $strContext = defined($iThreadIdx) ? 'thread ' . ($iThreadIdx + 1) : 'controller';
# Wait for the message
my $strMessage;
if (defined($iTimeout))
&log(TRACE, "waiting for '" . (defined($strExpected) ? $strExpected : '[undef]') . "' message from ${strContext}");
my $oWait = waitInit($iTimeout);
$strMessage = $oQueue->dequeue_nb();
while (!defined($strMessage) && waitMore($oWait));
$strMessage = $oQueue->dequeue_nb();
return if !defined($strMessage);
# Throw an exeception when the message was not received
if (!defined($strMessage) || (defined($strExpected) && $strMessage ne $strExpected))
confess &log(ASSERT, "expected message '$strExpected' from ${strContext} but " .
(defined($strMessage) ? "got '$strMessage'" : "timed out after ${iTimeout} second(s)"));
&log(TRACE, "got '" . (defined($strExpected) ? $strExpected : '[undef]') . "' message from ${strContext}");
return $strMessage;
# threadGroupRun
sub threadGroupRun
my $iThreadIdx = shift;
my $strFunction = shift;
my $oParam = shift;
my %oCommand;
$oCommand{function} = $strFunction;
$oCommand{thread_total} = @oyThread;
$oCommand{param} = $oParam;
threadMessageExpect($oyResultQueue[$iThreadIdx], 'init', $iThreadIdx);
$byThreadRunning[$iThreadIdx] = true;
push @EXPORT, qw(threadGroupRun);
# threadGroupComplete
# Wait for threads to complete.
sub threadGroupComplete
my $self = shift;
my $iTimeout = shift;
my $bConfessOnError = shift;
# Set defaults
$bConfessOnError = defined($bConfessOnError) ? $bConfessOnError : true;
# Wait for all threads to complete and handle errors
my $iThreadComplete = 0;
my $lTimeBegin = time();
my $iFirstErrorCode;
my $strFirstError;
my $iFirstErrorThreadIdx;
&log(TRACE, "waiting for " . @oyThread . " threads to complete");
# If a timeout has been defined, make sure we have not been running longer than that
if (defined($iTimeout))
if (time() - $lTimeBegin >= $iTimeout)
confess &log(ERROR, "threads have been running more than ${iTimeout} seconds, exiting...");
for (my $iThreadIdx = 0; $iThreadIdx < @oyThread; $iThreadIdx++)
if ($byThreadRunning[$iThreadIdx])
my $strMessage = threadMessageExpect($oyResultQueue[$iThreadIdx], undef, $iThreadIdx, true);
# Check for thread shutdown
if (defined($strMessage) && $strMessage eq 'shutdown')
threadMessage($oyMessageQueue[$iThreadIdx], 'continue', $iThreadIdx);
threadMessageExpect($oyResultQueue[$iThreadIdx], 'complete', $iThreadIdx);
$byThreadRunning[$iThreadIdx] = false;
# Check for handled errors
if (defined($strMessage) && $strMessage eq 'error')
threadMessage($oyMessageQueue[$iThreadIdx], 'continue', $iThreadIdx);
threadMessageExpect($oyResultQueue[$iThreadIdx], 'complete', $iThreadIdx);
$byThreadRunning[$iThreadIdx] = false;
if (!defined($strFirstError))
$iFirstErrorCode = threadMessageExpect($oyResultQueue[$iThreadIdx], undef, $iThreadIdx);
$strFirstError = threadMessageExpect($oyResultQueue[$iThreadIdx], undef, $iThreadIdx);
$iFirstErrorThreadIdx = $iThreadIdx;
# Check for unhandled errors
my $oError = $oyThread[$iThreadIdx]->error();
if (defined($oError))
my $strError;
if ($oError->isa('pgBackRest::Common::Exception'))
$strError = $oError->message();
$strError = $oError;
&log(ERROR, "thread " . ($iThreadIdx) . ": ${strError}");
if (!defined($strFirstError))
$strFirstError = $strError;
$iFirstErrorThreadIdx = $iThreadIdx;
if ($byThreadRunning[$iThreadIdx])
$byThreadRunning[$iThreadIdx] = false;
# If there were errors then confess them
if (defined($strFirstError) && $bConfessOnError)
confess &log(ERROR, 'error in thread ' . ($iFirstErrorThreadIdx + 1) . ": $strFirstError", $iFirstErrorCode);
# Return true if all threads have completed
if ($iThreadComplete == @oyThread)
&log(DEBUG, 'all threads exited');
return true;
return false;
push @EXPORT, qw(threadGroupComplete);
# threadGroupDestroy
sub threadGroupDestroy
my $self = shift;
&log(TRACE, "waiting for " . @oyThread . " threads to be destroyed");
for (my $iThreadIdx = 0; $iThreadIdx < @oyThread; $iThreadIdx++)
if (defined($oyThread[$iThreadIdx]))
my %oCommand;
$oCommand{function} = 'exit';
if ($oyThread[$iThreadIdx]->is_running())
&log(TRACE, "thread ${iThreadIdx} killed");
elsif ($oyThread[$iThreadIdx]->is_joinable())
&log(TRACE, "thread ${iThreadIdx} joined");
&log(TRACE, @oyThread . " threads destroyed");
push @EXPORT, qw(threadGroupDestroy);