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synced 2024-12-14 10:13:05 +02:00
Squashed commit of the following: commit f3a012eb86702297ac06c9ae7c3da6a2eae41136 Author: David Steele <david@pgmasters.net> Date: Wed Oct 1 19:05:57 2014 -0400 Fixed an issue where archive-get was not returning 1 if the archive directory did not exist. This happens when it is trying to retrieve archive log 00 and that has not been pushed from the master yet.
445 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
445 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
# CommonTest.pm - Common globals used for testing
package BackRestTest::CommonTest;
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use IPC::Open3;
use POSIX ':sys_wait_h';
use IO::Select;
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use BackRest::Utility;
use BackRest::File;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw(BackRestTestCommon_Setup BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteBegin BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteEnd
BackRestTestCommon_Execute BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteBackRest
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate BackRestTestCommon_Run BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup
BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet
BackRestTestCommon_CommandRemoteGet BackRestTestCommon_HostGet BackRestTestCommon_UserGet
BackRestTestCommon_GroupGet BackRestTestCommon_UserBackRestGet BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet
BackRestTestCommon_DataPathGet BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet BackRestTestCommon_ArchivePathGet
BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet
my $strPgSqlBin;
my $strCommonStanza;
my $strCommonCommandMain;
my $strCommonCommandRemote;
my $strCommonCommandPsql;
my $strCommonHost;
my $strCommonUser;
my $strCommonGroup;
my $strCommonUserBackRest;
my $strCommonTestPath;
my $strCommonDataPath;
my $strCommonBackupPath;
my $strCommonArchivePath;
my $strCommonDbPath;
my $strCommonDbCommonPath;
my $strCommonDbTablespacePath;
my $iCommonDbPort;
my $iModuleTestRun;
my $bDryRun;
my $bNoCleanup;
# Execution globals
my $strErrorLog;
my $hError;
my $strOutLog;
my $hOut;
my $pId;
my $strCommand;
# BackRestTestBackup_Run
sub BackRestTestCommon_Run
my $iRun = shift;
my $strLog = shift;
if (defined($iModuleTestRun) && $iModuleTestRun != $iRun)
return false;
&log(INFO, 'run ' . sprintf('%03d', $iRun) . ' - ' . $strLog);
if ($bDryRun)
return false;
return true;
# BackRestTestBackup_Cleanup
sub BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup
return !$bNoCleanup && !$bDryRun;
# BackRestTestBackup_ExecuteBegin
sub BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteBegin
my $strCommandParam = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
# Set defaults
$bRemote = defined($bRemote) ? $bRemote : false;
if ($bRemote)
$strCommand = "ssh ${strCommonUserBackRest}\@${strCommonHost} '${strCommandParam}'";
$strCommand = $strCommandParam;
$strErrorLog = '';
$hError = undef;
$strOutLog = '';
$hOut = undef;
&log(DEBUG, "executing command: ${strCommand}");
# Execute the command
$pId = open3(undef, $hOut, $hError, $strCommand);
# BackRestTestBackup_ExecuteEnd
sub BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteEnd
my $strTest = shift;
my $bSuppressError = shift;
# Set defaults
$bSuppressError = defined($bSuppressError) ? $bSuppressError : false;
# Create select objects
my $oErrorSelect = IO::Select->new();
my $oOutSelect = IO::Select->new();
# While the process is running drain the stdout and stderr streams
while(waitpid($pId, WNOHANG) == 0)
# Drain the stderr stream
if ($oErrorSelect->can_read(.1))
while (my $strLine = readline($hError))
$strErrorLog .= $strLine;
# Drain the stdout stream
if ($oOutSelect->can_read(.1))
while (my $strLine = readline($hOut))
$strOutLog .= $strLine;
if (defined($strTest) && test_check($strLine, $strTest))
&log(DEBUG, "Found test ${strTest}");
return true;
# Check the exit status and output an error if needed
my $iExitStatus = ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE} >> 8;
if ($iExitStatus != 0 && !$bSuppressError)
confess &log(ERROR, "command '${strCommand}' returned " . $iExitStatus . "\n" .
($strOutLog ne '' ? "STDOUT:\n${strOutLog}" : '') .
($strErrorLog ne '' ? "STDERR:\n${strErrorLog}" : ''));
&log(DEBUG, "suppressed error was ${iExitStatus}");
$hError = undef;
$hOut = undef;
return $iExitStatus;
# BackRestTestBackup_Execute
sub BackRestTestCommon_Execute
my $strCommand = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $bSuppressError = shift;
BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteBegin($strCommand, $bRemote);
return BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteEnd(undef, $bSuppressError);
# BackRestTestCommon_Setup
sub BackRestTestCommon_Setup
my $strTestPathParam = shift;
my $strPgSqlBinParam = shift;
my $iModuleTestRunParam = shift;
my $bDryRunParam = shift;
my $bNoCleanupParam = shift;
my $strBasePath = dirname(dirname(abs_path($0)));
$strPgSqlBin = $strPgSqlBinParam;
$strCommonStanza = 'db';
$strCommonHost = '';
$strCommonUser = getpwuid($<);
$strCommonGroup = getgrgid($();
$strCommonUserBackRest = 'backrest';
if (defined($strTestPathParam))
$strCommonTestPath = $strTestPathParam;
$strCommonTestPath = "${strBasePath}/test/test";
$strCommonDataPath = "${strBasePath}/test/data";
$strCommonBackupPath = "${strCommonTestPath}/backrest";
$strCommonArchivePath = "${strCommonTestPath}/archive";
$strCommonDbPath = "${strCommonTestPath}/db";
$strCommonDbCommonPath = "${strCommonTestPath}/db/common";
$strCommonDbTablespacePath = "${strCommonTestPath}/db/tablespace";
$strCommonCommandMain = "${strBasePath}/bin/pg_backrest.pl";
$strCommonCommandRemote = "${strBasePath}/bin/pg_backrest_remote.pl";
$strCommonCommandPsql = "${strPgSqlBin}/psql -X %option% -h ${strCommonDbPath}";
$iCommonDbPort = 6543;
$iModuleTestRun = $iModuleTestRunParam;
$bDryRun = $bDryRunParam;
$bNoCleanup = $bNoCleanupParam;
# BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate
sub BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate
my $strLocal = shift;
my $strRemote = shift;
my $bCompress = shift;
my $bChecksum = shift;
my $bHardlink = shift;
my $iThreadMax = shift;
my $bArchiveLocal = shift;
my $bCompressAsync = shift;
my %oParamHash;
if (defined($strRemote))
$oParamHash{'global:command'}{'remote'} = $strCommonCommandRemote;
$oParamHash{'global:command'}{'psql'} = $strCommonCommandPsql;
if (defined($strRemote) && $strRemote eq REMOTE_BACKUP)
$oParamHash{'global:backup'}{'host'} = $strCommonHost;
$oParamHash{'global:backup'}{'user'} = $strCommonUserBackRest;
elsif (defined($strRemote) && $strRemote eq REMOTE_DB)
$oParamHash{$strCommonStanza}{'host'} = $strCommonHost;
$oParamHash{$strCommonStanza}{'user'} = $strCommonUser;
$oParamHash{'global:log'}{'level-console'} = 'error';
$oParamHash{'global:log'}{'level-file'} = 'trace';
if ($strLocal eq REMOTE_BACKUP)
if (defined($bHardlink) && $bHardlink)
$oParamHash{'global:backup'}{'hardlink'} = 'y';
elsif ($strLocal eq REMOTE_DB)
if (defined($strRemote))
$oParamHash{'global:log'}{'level-console'} = 'trace';
if ($bArchiveLocal)
$oParamHash{'global:archive'}{path} = BackRestTestCommon_ArchivePathGet();
if (!$bCompressAsync)
$oParamHash{'global:archive'}{'compress_async'} = 'n';
confess "invalid local type ${strLocal}";
if (($strLocal eq REMOTE_BACKUP) || ($strLocal eq REMOTE_DB && !defined($strRemote)))
$oParamHash{'db:command:option'}{'psql'} = "--port=${iCommonDbPort}";
if (defined($bCompress) && !$bCompress)
$oParamHash{'global:backup'}{'compress'} = 'n';
if (defined($bChecksum) && !$bChecksum)
$oParamHash{'global:backup'}{'checksum'} = 'n';
$oParamHash{$strCommonStanza}{'path'} = $strCommonDbCommonPath;
$oParamHash{'global:backup'}{'path'} = $strCommonBackupPath;
if (defined($iThreadMax))
$oParamHash{'global:backup'}{'thread-max'} = $iThreadMax;
# Write out the configuration file
my $strFile = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . '/pg_backrest.conf';
config_save($strFile, \%oParamHash);
# Move the configuration file based on local
if ($strLocal eq 'db')
rename($strFile, BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . '/pg_backrest.conf')
or die "unable to move ${strFile} to " . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . '/pg_backrest.conf path';
elsif ($strLocal eq 'backup' && !defined($strRemote))
rename($strFile, BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet() . '/pg_backrest.conf')
or die "unable to move ${strFile} to " . BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet() . '/pg_backrest.conf path';
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("mv ${strFile} " . BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet() . '/pg_backrest.conf', true);
# Get Methods
sub BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet
return $strPgSqlBin;
sub BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet
return $strCommonStanza;
sub BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet
return $strCommonCommandMain;
sub BackRestTestCommon_CommandRemoteGet
return $strCommonCommandRemote;
sub BackRestTestCommon_HostGet
return $strCommonHost;
sub BackRestTestCommon_UserGet
return $strCommonUser;
sub BackRestTestCommon_GroupGet
return $strCommonGroup;
sub BackRestTestCommon_UserBackRestGet
return $strCommonUserBackRest;
sub BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet
return $strCommonTestPath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_DataPathGet
return $strCommonDataPath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet
return $strCommonBackupPath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_ArchivePathGet
return $strCommonArchivePath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet
return $strCommonDbPath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet
return $strCommonDbCommonPath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet
return $strCommonDbTablespacePath;
sub BackRestTestCommon_DbPortGet
return $iCommonDbPort;