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# Archive Get and Base Tests
package pgBackRestTest::Module::Archive::ArchiveGetPerlTest;
use parent 'pgBackRestTest::Env::HostEnvTest';
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use Storable qw(dclone);
use pgBackRest::Archive::Common;
use pgBackRest::Archive::Get::Async;
use pgBackRest::Archive::Get::File;
use pgBackRest::Archive::Get::Get;
use pgBackRest::Archive::Info;
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::DbVersion;
use pgBackRest::Manifest;
use pgBackRest::LibC qw(:crypto);
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Storage::Helper;
use pgBackRest::Storage::Helper;
use pgBackRestTest::Env::HostEnvTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest;
# initModule
sub initModule
my $self = shift;
$self->{strDbPath} = $self->testPath() . '/db';
$self->{strLockPath} = $self->testPath() . '/lock';
$self->{strRepoPath} = $self->testPath() . '/repo';
$self->{strArchivePath} = "$self->{strRepoPath}/archive/" . $self->stanza();
$self->{strBackupPath} = "$self->{strRepoPath}/backup/" . $self->stanza();
$self->{strSpoolPath} = "$self->{strArchivePath}/in";
# initTest
sub initTest
my $self = shift;
# Clear cache from the previous test
# Load options
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_STANZA, $self->stanza());
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_REPO_PATH, $self->testPath() . '/repo');
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_PG_PATH, $self->{strDbPath});
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_LOG_PATH, $self->testPath());
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_LOCK_PATH, $self->{strLockPath});
# Create archive info path
storageTest()->pathCreate($self->{strArchivePath}, {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
# Create backup info path
storageTest()->pathCreate($self->{strBackupPath}, {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
# Create spool path
storageTest()->pathCreate($self->{strSpoolPath}, {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
# Create pg_control path
storageTest()->pathCreate($self->{strDbPath} . '/' . DB_PATH_GLOBAL, {bCreateParent => true});
# Generate pg_control file
$self->controlGenerate($self->{strDbPath}, PG_VERSION_94);
# run
sub run
my $self = shift;
# Define test file
my $strFileContent = 'TESTDATA';
my $strFileHash = cryptoHashOne('sha1', $strFileContent);
my $iFileSize = length($strFileContent);
my $strDestinationPath = $self->{strDbPath} . "/pg_xlog";
my $strDestinationFile = $strDestinationPath . "/RECOVERYXLOG";
my $strWalSegment = '000000010000000100000001';
my $strArchivePath;
if ($self->begin("Archive::Common::archiveGetCheck()"))
# Create and save archive.info file
my $oArchiveInfo = new pgBackRest::Archive::Info(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE), false,
{bLoad => false, bIgnoreMissing => true});
$oArchiveInfo->create(PG_VERSION_92, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_92), false);
$oArchiveInfo->dbSectionSet(PG_VERSION_93, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_93), $oArchiveInfo->dbHistoryIdGet(false) + 1);
$oArchiveInfo->dbSectionSet(PG_VERSION_92, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_92), $oArchiveInfo->dbHistoryIdGet(false) + 1);
$oArchiveInfo->dbSectionSet(PG_VERSION_94, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94), $oArchiveInfo->dbHistoryIdGet(false) + 10);
# db-version, db-sys-id passed but combination doesn't exist in archive.info history
$self->testException(sub {archiveGetCheck(
PG_VERSION_95, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94), undef, false)}, ERROR_ARCHIVE_MISMATCH,
"unable to retrieve the archive id for database version '" . PG_VERSION_95 . "' and system-id '" .
$self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94) . "'");
# db-version, db-sys-id and wal passed all undefined
my ($strArchiveId, $strArchiveFile, $strCipherPass) = archiveGetCheck(undef, undef, undef, false);
$self->testResult(sub {($strArchiveId eq PG_VERSION_94 . '-13') && !defined($strArchiveFile) && !defined($strCipherPass)},
true, 'undef db-version, db-sys-id and wal returns only current db archive-id');
# db-version defined, db-sys-id and wal undefined
($strArchiveId, $strArchiveFile, $strCipherPass) = archiveGetCheck(PG_VERSION_92, undef, undef, false);
$self->testResult(sub {($strArchiveId eq PG_VERSION_94 . '-13') && !defined($strArchiveFile) && !defined($strCipherPass)},
true, 'old db-version, db-sys-id and wal undefined returns only current db archive-id');
# db-version undefined, db-sys-id defined and wal undefined
($strArchiveId, $strArchiveFile, $strCipherPass) = archiveGetCheck(
undef, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_93), undef, false);
$self->testResult(sub {($strArchiveId eq PG_VERSION_94 . '-13') && !defined($strArchiveFile) && !defined($strCipherPass)},
true, 'undef db-version, old db-sys-id and wal undef returns only current db archive-id');
# old db-version, db-sys-id and wal undefined, check = true (default)
($strArchiveId, $strArchiveFile, $strCipherPass) = archiveGetCheck(PG_VERSION_92, undef, undef);
$self->testResult(sub {($strArchiveId eq PG_VERSION_94 . '-13') && !defined($strArchiveFile) && !defined($strCipherPass)},
true, 'old db-version, db-sys-id and wal undefined, check = true returns only current db archive-id');
# old db-version, old db-sys-id and wal undefined, check = true (default)
$self->testException(sub {archiveGetCheck(
"WAL segment version " . PG_VERSION_93 . " does not match archive version " . PG_VERSION_94 . "\n" .
"WAL segment system-id " . $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_93) . " does not match archive system-id " .
$self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94) . "\nHINT: are you archiving to the correct stanza?");
# db-version, db-sys-id undefined, wal requested is stored in old archive
$strArchivePath = $self->{strArchivePath} . "/" . PG_VERSION_92 . "-1/";
my $strWalMajorPath = "${strArchivePath}/" . substr($strWalSegment, 0, 16);
my $strWalSegmentName = "${strWalSegment}-${strFileHash}";
storageRepo()->pathCreate($strWalMajorPath, {bCreateParent => true});
($strArchiveId, $strArchiveFile, $strCipherPass) = archiveGetCheck(undef, undef, $strWalSegment, false);
$self->testResult(sub {($strArchiveId eq PG_VERSION_94 . '-13') && !defined($strArchiveFile) && !defined($strCipherPass)},
true, 'undef db-version, db-sys-id with a requested wal not in current db archive returns only current db archive-id');
# Pass db-version and db-sys-id where WAL is actually located
($strArchiveId, $strArchiveFile, $strCipherPass) =
archiveGetCheck(PG_VERSION_92, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_92), $strWalSegment, false);
sub {($strArchiveId eq PG_VERSION_92 . '-1') && ($strArchiveFile eq $strWalSegmentName) && !defined($strCipherPass)},
true, 'db-version, db-sys-id with a requested wal in requested db archive');
# Put same WAL segment in more recent archive for same DB
$strArchivePath = $self->{strArchivePath} . "/" . PG_VERSION_92 . "-3/";
$strWalMajorPath = "${strArchivePath}/" . substr($strWalSegment, 0, 16);
$strWalSegmentName = "${strWalSegment}-${strFileHash}";
# Store with actual data that will match the hash check
storageRepo()->pathCreate($strWalMajorPath, {bCreateParent => true});
storageRepo()->put("${strWalMajorPath}/${strWalSegmentName}", $strFileContent);
($strArchiveId, $strArchiveFile, $strCipherPass) =
archiveGetCheck(PG_VERSION_92, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_92), $strWalSegment, false);
# Using the returned values, confirm the correct file is read
$self->testResult(sub {cryptoHashOne('sha1', ${storageRepo()->get($self->{strArchivePath} . "/" . $strArchiveId . "/" .
substr($strWalSegment, 0, 16) . "/" . $strArchiveFile)})}, $strFileHash,
'check correct WAL archiveID when in multiple locations');
if ($self->begin("Archive::Get::Get::get() sync"))
# archive.info missing
$self->testException(sub {archiveGetFile($strWalSegment, $strDestinationFile, false)},
ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE . " does not exist but is required to push/get WAL segments\n" .
"HINT: is archive_command configured in postgresql.conf?\n" .
"HINT: has a stanza-create been performed?\n" .
"HINT: use --no-archive-check to disable archive checks during backup if you have an alternate archiving scheme.");
# Create and save archive.info file
my $oArchiveInfo = new pgBackRest::Archive::Info(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE), false,
{bLoad => false, bIgnoreMissing => true});
$oArchiveInfo->create(PG_VERSION_94, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94), false);
$oArchiveInfo->dbSectionSet(PG_VERSION_93, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_93), $oArchiveInfo->dbHistoryIdGet(false) + 1);
$oArchiveInfo->dbSectionSet(PG_VERSION_94, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94), $oArchiveInfo->dbHistoryIdGet(false) + 10);
# file not found
$self->testResult(sub {archiveGetFile($strWalSegment, $strDestinationFile, false)}, 1,
"unable to find ${strWalSegment} in the archive");
# file found but is not a WAL segment
$strArchivePath = $self->{strArchivePath} . "/" . PG_VERSION_94 . "-1/";
storageRepo()->put($strArchivePath . BOGUS, BOGUS);
my $strBogusHash = cryptoHashOne('sha1', BOGUS);
# Create path to copy file
$self->testResult(sub {archiveGetFile(BOGUS, $strDestinationFile, false)}, 0,
"non-WAL segment copied");
# Confirm the correct file is copied
$self->testResult(sub {cryptoHashOne('sha1', ${storageRepo()->get($strDestinationFile)})}, $strBogusHash,
' check correct non-WAL copied from older archiveId');
# create same WAL segment in same DB but different archives and different hash values. Confirm latest one copied.
my $strWalMajorPath = "${strArchivePath}/" . substr($strWalSegment, 0, 16);
my $strWalSegmentName = "${strWalSegment}-${strFileHash}";
# Put zero byte file in old archive
# Create newest archive path
$strArchivePath = $self->{strArchivePath} . "/" . PG_VERSION_94 . "-12/";
$strWalMajorPath = "${strArchivePath}/" . substr($strWalSegment, 0, 16);
$strWalSegmentName = "${strWalSegment}-${strFileHash}";
# Store with actual data that will match the hash check
storageRepo()->pathCreate($strWalMajorPath, {bCreateParent => true});
storageRepo()->put("${strWalMajorPath}/${strWalSegmentName}", $strFileContent);
$self->testResult(sub {archiveGetFile($strWalSegmentName, $strDestinationFile, false)}, 0,
"WAL segment copied");
# Confirm the correct file is copied
$self->testResult(sub {cryptoHashOne('sha1', ${storageRepo()->get($strDestinationFile)})}, $strFileHash,
' check correct WAL copied when in multiple locations');
# Get files from an older DB version to simulate restoring from an old backup set to a database that is of that same version
# Create same WAL name in older DB archive but with different data to ensure it is copied
$strArchivePath = $self->{strArchivePath} . "/" . PG_VERSION_93 . "-2/";
$strWalMajorPath = "${strArchivePath}/" . substr($strWalSegment, 0, 16);
$strWalSegmentName = "${strWalSegment}-${strFileHash}";
my $strWalContent = 'WALTESTDATA';
my $strWalHash = cryptoHashOne('sha1', $strWalContent);
# Store with actual data that will match the hash check
storageRepo()->pathCreate($strWalMajorPath, {bCreateParent => true});
storageRepo()->put("${strWalMajorPath}/${strWalSegmentName}", $strWalContent);
# Remove the destination file to ensure it is copied
# Overwrite current pg_control file with older version
$self->controlGenerate($self->{strDbPath}, PG_VERSION_93);
$self->testResult(sub {archiveGetFile($strWalSegmentName, $strDestinationFile, false)}, 0,
"WAL segment copied from older db backupset to same version older db");
# Confirm the correct file is copied
$self->testResult(sub {cryptoHashOne('sha1', ${storageRepo()->get($strDestinationFile)})}, $strWalHash,
' check correct WAL copied from older db');
if ($self->begin("Archive::Get::Get::get() async"))
# Test error in local process when stanza has not been created
my @stryWal = ('000000010000000A0000000A', '000000010000000A0000000B');
my $oGetAsync = new pgBackRest::Archive::Get::Async(
$self->{strSpoolPath}, $self->backrestExe(), \@stryWal);
$self->optionTestSetBool(CFGOPT_ARCHIVE_ASYNC, true);
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_SPOOL_PATH, $self->{strRepoPath});
my $strErrorMessage =
"55\n" .
"raised from local-1 process: archive.info does not exist but is required to push/get WAL segments\n" .
"HINT: is archive_command configured in postgresql.conf?\n" .
"HINT: has a stanza-create been performed?\n" .
"HINT: use --no-archive-check to disable archive checks during backup if you have an alternate archiving scheme.";
sub {storageSpool()->list(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN)},
"(000000010000000A0000000A.error, 000000010000000A0000000B.error)", 'error files created');
${storageSpool()->get(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN . "/000000010000000A0000000A.error")}, $strErrorMessage,
"check error file contents");
storageSpool()->remove(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN . "/000000010000000A0000000A.error");
${storageSpool()->get(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN . "/000000010000000A0000000B.error")}, $strErrorMessage,
"check error file contents");
storageSpool()->remove(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN . "/000000010000000A0000000B.error");
# Create archive info file
my $oArchiveInfo = new pgBackRest::Archive::Info($self->{strArchivePath}, false, {bIgnoreMissing => true});
$oArchiveInfo->create(PG_VERSION_94, $self->dbSysId(PG_VERSION_94), true);
my $strArchiveId = $oArchiveInfo->archiveId();
# Transfer first file
my $strWalPath = "$self->{strRepoPath}/archive/db/${strArchiveId}/000000010000000A";
storageRepo()->pathCreate($strWalPath, {bCreateParent => true});
$self->walGenerate($strWalPath, PG_VERSION_94, 1, "000000010000000A0000000A", false, true, false);
sub {storageSpool()->list(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN)},
"(000000010000000A0000000A, 000000010000000A0000000B.ok)", 'WAL and OK file');
# Transfer second file
@stryWal = ('000000010000000A0000000B');
storageSpool()->remove(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN . "/000000010000000A0000000B.ok");
$self->walGenerate($strWalPath, PG_VERSION_94, 1, "000000010000000A0000000B", false, true, false);
sub {storageSpool()->list(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN)},
"(000000010000000A0000000A, 000000010000000A0000000B)", 'WAL files');
# Error on main process
@stryWal = ('000000010000000A0000000C');
storageTest()->put(storageTest()->openWrite($self->{strLockPath} . "/db.stop", {bPathCreate => true}), undef);
sub {storageSpool()->list(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN)},
"(000000010000000A0000000A, 000000010000000A0000000B, 000000010000000A0000000C.error)", 'WAL files and error file');
# Set protocol timeout low
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT, 30);
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_DB_TIMEOUT, 29);