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synced 2025-03-03 14:52:21 +02:00
The stanza-upgrade command provides a mechanism for upgrading a stanza after upgrading to a new major version of PostgreSQL. Contributed by Cynthia Shang.
485 lines
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485 lines
22 KiB
package pgBackRest::Expire;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use Exporter qw(import);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Archive::ArchiveCommon;
use pgBackRest::Archive::ArchiveGet;
use pgBackRest::Archive::ArchiveInfo;
use pgBackRest::BackupCommon;
use pgBackRest::BackupInfo;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::File;
use pgBackRest::FileCommon;
use pgBackRest::InfoCommon;
use pgBackRest::Manifest;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Common;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Protocol;
# new
sub new
my $class = shift;
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->new');
# Initialize file object
$self->{oFile} = new pgBackRest::File
# Initialize total archive expired
$self->{iArchiveExpireTotal} = 0;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self}
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->DESTROY');
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);
# logExpire
# Tracks which archive logs have been removed and provides log messages when needed.
sub logExpire
my $self = shift;
my $strArchiveFile = shift;
if (defined($strArchiveFile))
if (!defined($self->{strArchiveExpireStart}))
$self->{strArchiveExpireStart} = $strArchiveFile;
$self->{strArchiveExpireStop} = $strArchiveFile;
$self->{strArchiveExpireStop} = $strArchiveFile;
if (defined($self->{strArchiveExpireStart}))
&log(DETAIL, 'remove archive: start = ' . substr($self->{strArchiveExpireStart}, 0, 24) .
', stop = ' . substr($self->{strArchiveExpireStop}, 0, 24));
# process
# Removes expired backups and archive logs from the backup directory. Partial backups are not counted for expiration, so if full
# or differential retention is set to 2, there must be three complete backups before the oldest one can be deleted.
sub process
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->process');
my @stryPath;
my $oFile = $self->{oFile};
my $strBackupClusterPath = $oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER);
my $iFullRetention = optionGet(OPTION_RETENTION_FULL, false);
my $iDifferentialRetention = optionGet(OPTION_RETENTION_DIFF, false);
my $strArchiveRetentionType = optionGet(OPTION_RETENTION_ARCHIVE_TYPE, false);
my $iArchiveRetention = optionGet(OPTION_RETENTION_ARCHIVE, false);
# Load the backup.info
my $oBackupInfo = new pgBackRest::BackupInfo($oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER));
# Find all the expired full backups
if (defined($iFullRetention))
# Make sure iFullRetention is valid
if (!looks_like_number($iFullRetention) || $iFullRetention < 1)
confess &log(ERROR, 'retention-full must be a number >= 1');
@stryPath = $oBackupInfo->list(backupRegExpGet(true));
if (@stryPath > $iFullRetention)
# Expire all backups that depend on the full backup
for (my $iFullIdx = 0; $iFullIdx < @stryPath - $iFullRetention; $iFullIdx++)
my @stryRemoveList;
foreach my $strPath ($oBackupInfo->list('^' . $stryPath[$iFullIdx] . '.*'))
$oFile->remove(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, "${strPath}/" . FILE_MANIFEST);
if ($strPath ne $stryPath[$iFullIdx])
push(@stryRemoveList, $strPath);
&log(INFO, 'expire full backup ' . (@stryRemoveList > 0 ? 'set: ' : '') . $stryPath[$iFullIdx] .
(@stryRemoveList > 0 ? ', ' . join(', ', @stryRemoveList) : ''));
# Find all the expired differential backups
if (defined($iDifferentialRetention))
# Make sure iDifferentialRetention is valid
if (!looks_like_number($iDifferentialRetention) || $iDifferentialRetention < 1)
confess &log(ERROR, 'retention-diff must be a number >= 1');
# Get a list of full and differential backups. Full are considered differential for the purpose of retention.
# Example: F1, D1, D2, F2 and retention-diff=2, then F1,D2,F2 will be retained, not D2 and D1 as might be expected.
@stryPath = $oBackupInfo->list(backupRegExpGet(true, true));
if (@stryPath > $iDifferentialRetention)
for (my $iDiffIdx = 0; $iDiffIdx < @stryPath - $iDifferentialRetention; $iDiffIdx++)
# Skip if this is a full backup. Full backups only count as differential when deciding which differential backups
# to expire.
next if ($stryPath[$iDiffIdx] =~ backupRegExpGet(true));
# Get a list of all differential and incremental backups
my @stryRemoveList;
foreach my $strPath ($oBackupInfo->list(backupRegExpGet(false, true, true)))
logDebugMisc($strOperation, "checking ${strPath} for differential expiration");
# Remove all differential and incremental backups before the oldest valid differential
if ($strPath lt $stryPath[$iDiffIdx + 1])
$oFile->remove(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, "/${strPath}" . FILE_MANIFEST);
if ($strPath ne $stryPath[$iDiffIdx])
push(@stryRemoveList, $strPath);
&log(INFO, 'expire diff backup ' . (@stryRemoveList > 0 ? 'set: ' : '') . $stryPath[$iDiffIdx] .
(@stryRemoveList > 0 ? ', ' . join(', ', @stryRemoveList) : ''));
# Remove backups from disk
foreach my $strBackup ($oFile->list(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, undef, backupRegExpGet(true, true, true), 'reverse'))
if (!$oBackupInfo->current($strBackup))
&log(INFO, "remove expired backup ${strBackup}");
remove_tree("${strBackupClusterPath}/${strBackup}") > 0
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to remove backup ${strBackup}", ERROR_PATH_REMOVE);
# If archive retention is still undefined, then ignore archiving
if (!defined($iArchiveRetention))
&log(INFO, "option '" . &OPTION_RETENTION_ARCHIVE . "' is not set - archive logs will not be expired");
my @stryGlobalBackupRetention;
# Determine which backup type to use for archive retention (full, differential, incremental) and get a list of the
# remaining non-expired backups based on the type.
if ($strArchiveRetentionType eq BACKUP_TYPE_FULL)
@stryGlobalBackupRetention = $oBackupInfo->list(backupRegExpGet(true), 'reverse');
elsif ($strArchiveRetentionType eq BACKUP_TYPE_DIFF)
@stryGlobalBackupRetention = $oBackupInfo->list(backupRegExpGet(true, true), 'reverse');
elsif ($strArchiveRetentionType eq BACKUP_TYPE_INCR)
@stryGlobalBackupRetention = $oBackupInfo->list(backupRegExpGet(true, true, true), 'reverse');
# If no backups were found then preserve current archive logs - too soon to expire them
my $iBackupTotal = scalar @stryGlobalBackupRetention;
if ($iBackupTotal > 0)
my $oArchiveInfo = new pgBackRest::Archive::ArchiveInfo($oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE), true);
my @stryListArchiveDisk = fileList($oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE), REGEX_ARCHIVE_DIR_DB_VERSION, 'forward', true);
# Make sure the current database versions match between the two files
confess &log(ERROR, "archive and backup database versions do not match\n" .
"HINT: has a stanza-upgrade been performed?", ERROR_FILE_INVALID);
# Get the list of backups that are part of archive retention
my @stryTmp = @stryGlobalBackupRetention;
my @stryGlobalBackupArchiveRetention = splice(@stryTmp, 0, $iArchiveRetention);
# For each archiveId, remove WAL that are not part of retention
foreach my $strArchiveId (@stryListArchiveDisk)
# From the global list of backups to retain, create a list of backups, oldest to newest, associated with this
# archiveId (e.g. 9.4-1)
my @stryLocalBackupRetention = $oBackupInfo->listByArchiveId($strArchiveId,
$oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE), \@stryGlobalBackupRetention, 'reverse');
# If no backup to retain was found
if (!@stryLocalBackupRetention)
# Get the backup db-id corresponding to this archiveId
my $iDbHistoryId = $oBackupInfo->backupArchiveDbHistoryId($strArchiveId, $oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE));
# If this is not the current database, then delete the archive directory else do nothing since the current
# DB archive directory must not be deleted
if (!defined($iDbHistoryId) || !$oBackupInfo->test(INFO_BACKUP_SECTION_DB, INFO_BACKUP_KEY_HISTORY_ID, undef,
my $strFullPath = $oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strArchiveId);
remove_tree($strFullPath) > 0
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to remove orphaned ${strFullPath}", ERROR_PATH_REMOVE);
&log(INFO, "removed orphaned archive path: ${strFullPath}");
# Continue to next directory
my @stryLocalBackupArchiveRentention;
# If the archive retention is less than or equal to the number of all backups, then perform selective expiration
if (@stryGlobalBackupArchiveRetention && $iArchiveRetention <= scalar @stryGlobalBackupRetention)
# From the full list of backups in archive retention, find the intersection of local backups to retain
foreach my $strGlobalBackupArchiveRetention (@stryGlobalBackupArchiveRetention)
foreach my $strLocalBackupRetention (@stryLocalBackupRetention)
if ($strLocalBackupRetention eq $strGlobalBackupArchiveRetention)
unshift(@stryLocalBackupArchiveRentention, $strLocalBackupRetention);
# Else if there are not enough backups yet globally to start archive expiration then set the archive retention
# to the oldest backup so anything prior to that will be removed as it is not needed but everything else is
# This is incase there are old archives left around so that they don't stay around forever
if ($strArchiveRetentionType eq BACKUP_TYPE_FULL && scalar @stryLocalBackupRetention > 0)
&log(INFO, "full backup total < ${iArchiveRetention} - using oldest full backup for ${strArchiveId} " .
" archive retention");
$stryLocalBackupArchiveRentention[0] = $stryLocalBackupRetention[0];
# If no local backups were found as part of retention then set the backup archive retention to the newest backup
# so that the database is fully recoverable (can be recovered from the last backup through pitr)
if (!@stryLocalBackupArchiveRentention)
$stryLocalBackupArchiveRentention[0] = $stryLocalBackupRetention[-1];
my $strArchiveRetentionBackup = $stryLocalBackupArchiveRentention[0];
# If a backup has been selected for retention then continue
if (defined($strArchiveRetentionBackup))
my $bRemove;
# Only expire if the selected backup has archive info - backups performed with --no-online will
# not have archive info and cannot be used for expiration.
$strArchiveRetentionBackup, INFO_BACKUP_KEY_ARCHIVE_START))
# Get archive ranges to preserve. Because archive retention can be less than total retention it is
# important to preserve archive that is required to make the older backups consistent even though they
# cannot be played any further forward with PITR.
my $strArchiveExpireMax;
my @oyArchiveRange;
my @stryBackupList = $oBackupInfo->list();
# With the full list of backups, loop through only those associated with this archiveId
foreach my $strBackup ($oBackupInfo->listByArchiveId($strArchiveId,
$oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE), \@stryBackupList))
if ($strBackup le $strArchiveRetentionBackup &&
my $oArchiveRange = {};
$$oArchiveRange{start} = $oBackupInfo->get(INFO_BACKUP_SECTION_BACKUP_CURRENT,
if ($strBackup ne $strArchiveRetentionBackup)
$$oArchiveRange{stop} = $oBackupInfo->get(INFO_BACKUP_SECTION_BACKUP_CURRENT,
$strArchiveExpireMax = $$oArchiveRange{start};
&log(DETAIL, "archive retention on backup ${strBackup}, archiveId = ${strArchiveId}, " .
"start = $$oArchiveRange{start}" .
(defined($$oArchiveRange{stop}) ? ", stop = $$oArchiveRange{stop}" : ''));
push(@oyArchiveRange, $oArchiveRange);
# Get all major archive paths (timeline and first 32 bits of LSN)
foreach my $strPath ($oFile->list(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strArchiveId, REGEX_ARCHIVE_DIR_WAL))
logDebugMisc($strOperation, "found major WAL path: ${strPath}");
$bRemove = true;
# Keep the path if it falls in the range of any backup in retention
foreach my $oArchiveRange (@oyArchiveRange)
if ($strPath ge substr($$oArchiveRange{start}, 0, 16) &&
(!defined($$oArchiveRange{stop}) || $strPath le substr($$oArchiveRange{stop}, 0, 16)))
$bRemove = false;
# Remove the entire directory if all archive is expired
if ($bRemove)
my $strFullPath = $oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strArchiveId) . "/${strPath}";
remove_tree($strFullPath) > 0
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to remove ${strFullPath}", ERROR_PATH_REMOVE);
# Log expire info
logDebugMisc($strOperation, "remove major WAL path: ${strFullPath}");
# Else delete individual files instead if the major path is less than or equal to the most recent
# retention backup. This optimization prevents scanning though major paths that could not possibly
# have anything to expire.
elsif ($strPath le substr($strArchiveExpireMax, 0, 16))
# Look for files in the archive directory
foreach my $strSubPath ($oFile->list(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE,
"${strArchiveId}/${strPath}", "^[0-F]{24}.*\$"))
$bRemove = true;
# Determine if the individual archive log is used in a backup
foreach my $oArchiveRange (@oyArchiveRange)
if (substr($strSubPath, 0, 24) ge $$oArchiveRange{start} &&
(!defined($$oArchiveRange{stop}) || substr($strSubPath, 0, 24) le $$oArchiveRange{stop}))
$bRemove = false;
# Remove archive log if it is not used in a backup
if ($bRemove)
fileRemove($oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, "${strArchiveId}/${strSubPath}"));
logDebugMisc($strOperation, "remove WAL segment: ${strSubPath}");
# Log expire info
$self->logExpire(substr($strSubPath, 0, 24));
# Log that the file was not expired
# Log if no archive was expired
if ($self->{iArchiveExpireTotal} == 0)
&log(DETAIL, 'no archive to remove');
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);