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synced 2025-03-05 15:05:48 +02:00
Backups now work like restores in terms of how jobs are queued. Split out BackupFile and RestoreFile for easier multi-threading/processing.
1278 lines
41 KiB
1278 lines
41 KiB
package BackRest::Remote;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use Net::OpenSSH qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Compress::Raw::Zlib qw(WANT_GZIP Z_OK Z_BUF_ERROR Z_STREAM_END);
use IO::String qw();
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use BackRest::Exception qw(ERROR_PROTOCOL);
use BackRest::Utility qw(log version_get trim TRACE ERROR ASSERT true false);
use BackRest::Config qw(optionGet OPTION_STANZA OPTION_REPO_REMOTE_PATH);
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
my $strHost = shift; # Host to connect to for remote (optional as this can also be used on the remote)
my $strUser = shift; # User to connect to for remote (must be set if strHost is set)
my $strCommand = shift; # Command to execute on remote ('remote' if this is the remote)
my $strStanza = shift; # Stanza
my $strRepoPath = shift; # Remote Repository Path
my $iBlockSize = shift; # Buffer size
my $iCompressLevel = shift; # Set compression level
my $iCompressLevelNetwork = shift; # Set compression level for network only compression
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Create the greeting that will be used to check versions with the remote
$self->{strGreeting} = 'PG_BACKREST_REMOTE ' . version_get();
# Set stanza and repo path
$self->{strStanza} = $strStanza;
$self->{strRepoPath} = $strRepoPath;
# Set default block size
$self->{iBlockSize} = $iBlockSize;
# Set compress levels
$self->{iCompressLevel} = $iCompressLevel;
$self->{iCompressLevelNetwork} = $iCompressLevelNetwork;
# If host is defined then make a connnection
if (defined($strHost))
# User must be defined
if (!defined($strUser))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'strUser must be defined');
# Command must be defined
if (!defined($strCommand))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'strCommand must be defined');
$self->{strHost} = $strHost;
$self->{strUser} = $strUser;
$self->{strCommand} = $strCommand;
# Set SSH Options
my $strOptionSSHRequestTTY = 'RequestTTY=yes';
my $strOptionSSHCompression = 'Compression=no';
&log(TRACE, 'connecting to remote ssh host ' . $self->{strHost});
# Make SSH connection
$self->{oSSH} = Net::OpenSSH->new($self->{strHost}, timeout => 600, user => $self->{strUser},
master_opts => [-o => $strOptionSSHCompression, -o => $strOptionSSHRequestTTY]);
$self->{oSSH}->error and confess &log(ERROR, "unable to connect to $self->{strHost}: " . $self->{oSSH}->error);
&log(TRACE, 'connected to remote ssh host ' . $self->{strHost});
# Execute remote command
($self->{hIn}, $self->{hOut}, $self->{hErr}, $self->{pId}) = $self->{oSSH}->open3($self->{strCommand});
$self->setting_write($self->{strStanza}, $self->{strRepoPath},
$self->{iBlockSize}, $self->{iCompressLevel}, $self->{iCompressLevelNetwork});
elsif (defined($strCommand) && $strCommand eq 'remote')
# Write the greeting so master process knows who we are
# Read settings from master
($self->{strStanza}, $self->{strRepoPath}, $self->{iBlockSize}, $self->{iCompressLevel},
$self->{iCompressLevelNetwork}) = $self->setting_read();
# Check block size
if (!defined($self->{iBlockSize}))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'iBlockSize must be set');
# Check compress levels
if (!defined($self->{iCompressLevel}))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'iCompressLevel must be set');
if (!defined($self->{iCompressLevelNetwork}))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'iCompressLevelNetwork must be set');
return $self;
my $self = shift;
# Only send the exit command if the process is running
if (defined($self->{pId}))
&log(TRACE, "sending exit command to process");
# &log(TRACE, "waiting for remote process");
# if (!$self->wait_pid(5, false))
# {
# &log(TRACE, "killed remote process");
# kill('KILL', $self->{pId});
# }
# repoPath
sub repoPath
my $self = shift;
return $self->{strRepoPath};
# stanza
sub stanza
my $self = shift;
return $self->{strStanza};
sub clone
my $self = shift;
return BackRest::Remote->new
# Read the greeting and make sure it is as expected.
sub greeting_read
my $self = shift;
# Make sure that the remote is running the right version
if ($self->read_line($self->{hOut}) ne $self->{strGreeting})
confess &log(ERROR, 'remote version mismatch');
# Send a greeting to the master process.
sub greeting_write
my $self = shift;
$self->write_line(*STDOUT, $self->{strGreeting});
# Read the settings from the master process.
sub setting_read
my $self = shift;
# Get Stanza
my $strStanza = $self->read_line(*STDIN);
# Get Repo Path
my $strRepoPath = $self->read_line(*STDIN);
# Tokenize the settings
my @stryToken = split(/ /, $self->read_line(*STDIN));
# Make sure there are the correct number of tokens
if (@stryToken != 4)
confess &log(ASSERT, 'settings token count is invalid', ERROR_PROTOCOL);
# Check for the setting token just to be sure
if ($stryToken[0] ne 'setting')
confess &log(ASSERT, 'settings token 0 must be \'setting\'');
# Return the settings
return $strStanza, $strRepoPath, $stryToken[1], $stryToken[2], $stryToken[3];
# Send settings to the remote process.
sub setting_write
my $self = shift;
my $strStanza = shift; # Database stanza
my $strRepoPath = shift; # Path to the repository on the remote
my $iBlockSize = shift; # Optionally, set the block size (defaults to DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE)
my $iCompressLevel = shift; # Set compression level
my $iCompressLevelNetwork = shift; # Set compression level for network only compression
$self->write_line($self->{hIn}, $strStanza);
$self->write_line($self->{hIn}, $strRepoPath);
$self->write_line($self->{hIn}, "setting ${iBlockSize} ${iCompressLevel} ${iCompressLevelNetwork}");
# Write a string.
sub string_write
my $self = shift;
my $hOut = shift;
my $strBuffer = shift;
$strBuffer =~ s/\n/\n\./g;
if (!syswrite($hOut, '.' . $strBuffer))
confess 'unable to write string';
# Copies data from a file handle into a string.
sub pipe_to_string
my $self = shift;
my $hOut = shift;
my $strBuffer;
my $hString = IO::String->new($strBuffer);
$self->binary_xfer($hOut, $hString);
return $strBuffer;
# Write errors with error codes in protocol format, otherwise write to stderr and exit with error.
sub error_write
my $self = shift;
my $oMessage = shift;
my $iCode;
my $strMessage;
if (blessed($oMessage))
if ($oMessage->isa('BackRest::Exception'))
$iCode = $oMessage->code();
$strMessage = $oMessage->message();
syswrite(*STDERR, 'unknown error object: ' . $oMessage);
exit 1;
syswrite(*STDERR, $oMessage);
exit 1;
if (defined($strMessage))
$self->string_write(*STDOUT, trim($strMessage));
if (!syswrite(*STDOUT, "\nERROR" . (defined($iCode) ? " $iCode" : '') . "\n"))
confess 'unable to write error';
# Read a line.
sub read_line
my $self = shift;
my $hIn = shift;
my $bError = shift;
my $strLine;
my $strChar;
my $iByteIn;
while (1)
$iByteIn = sysread($hIn, $strChar, 1);
if (!defined($iByteIn) || $iByteIn != 1)
if (defined($bError) and !$bError)
return undef;
confess &log(ERROR, 'unable to read 1 byte' . (defined($!) ? ': ' . $! : ''));
if ($strChar eq "\n")
$strLine .= $strChar;
return $strLine;
# Write a line data
sub write_line
my $self = shift;
my $hOut = shift;
my $strBuffer = shift;
my $iLineOut = syswrite($hOut, $strBuffer . "\n");
if (!defined($iLineOut) || $iLineOut != length($strBuffer) + 1)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to write ${strBuffer}: $!", ERROR_PROTOCOL);
# See if the remote process has terminated unexpectedly.
sub wait_pid
my $self = shift;
my $fWaitTime = shift;
my $bReportError = shift;
# Record the start time and set initial sleep interval
my $fStartTime = defined($fWaitTime) ? gettimeofday() : undef;
my $fSleep = defined($fWaitTime) ? .1 : undef;
if (defined($self->{pId}))
my $iResult = waitpid($self->{pId}, WNOHANG);
if (defined($fWaitTime))
confess &log(TRACE, "waitpid result = $iResult");
# If there is no such process
if ($iResult == -1)
return true;
if ($iResult > 0)
if (!defined($bReportError) || $bReportError)
my $strError = 'no error on stderr';
if (!defined($self->{hErr}))
$strError = 'no error captured because stderr is already closed';
$strError = $self->pipe_to_string($self->{hErr});
$self->{pId} = undef;
$self->{hIn} = undef;
$self->{hOut} = undef;
$self->{hErr} = undef;
confess &log(ERROR, "remote process terminated: ${strError}");
return true;
&log(TRACE, "waiting for pid");
# If waiting then sleep before trying again
if (defined($fWaitTime))
$fSleep = $fSleep * 2 < $fWaitTime - (gettimeofday() - $fStartTime) ?
$fSleep * 2 : ($fWaitTime - (gettimeofday() - $fStartTime)) + .001;
while (defined($fWaitTime) && (gettimeofday() - $fStartTime) < $fWaitTime);
return false;
# Read a block from the protocol layer.
sub block_read
my $self = shift;
my $hIn = shift;
my $strBlockRef = shift;
my $bProtocol = shift;
my $iBlockSize;
my $strMessage;
if ($bProtocol)
# Read the block header and make sure it's valid
my $strBlockHeader = $self->read_line($hIn);
if ($strBlockHeader !~ /^block -{0,1}[0-9]+( .*){0,1}$/)
confess "unable to read block header ${strBlockHeader}";
# Get block size from the header
my @stryToken = split(/ /, $strBlockHeader);
$iBlockSize = $stryToken[1];
$strMessage = $stryToken[2];
# If block size is 0 or an error code then undef the buffer
if ($iBlockSize <= 0)
# Else read the block
my $iBlockRead = 0;
my $iBlockIn = 0;
my $iOffset = defined($$strBlockRef) ? length($$strBlockRef) : 0;
# !!! Would be nice to modify this with a non-blocking read
# http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/perl/cookbook/ch07_15.htm
# Read as many chunks as it takes to get the full block
while ($iBlockRead != $iBlockSize)
$iBlockIn = sysread($hIn, $$strBlockRef, $iBlockSize - $iBlockRead, $iBlockRead + $iOffset);
if (!defined($iBlockIn))
my $strError = $!;
confess "only read ${iBlockRead}/${iBlockSize} block bytes from remote" .
(defined($strError) ? ": ${strError}" : '');
$iBlockRead += $iBlockIn;
$iBlockSize = $self->stream_read($hIn, $strBlockRef, $self->{iBlockSize},
defined($$strBlockRef) ? length($$strBlockRef) : 0);
# Return the block size
return $iBlockSize, $strMessage;
# Write a block to the protocol layer.
sub block_write
my $self = shift;
my $hOut = shift;
my $tBlockRef = shift;
my $iBlockSize = shift;
my $bProtocol = shift;
my $strMessage = shift;
# If block size is not defined, get it from buffer length
$iBlockSize = defined($iBlockSize) ? $iBlockSize : length($$tBlockRef);
# Write block header to the protocol stream
if ($bProtocol)
$self->write_line($hOut, "block ${iBlockSize}" . (defined($strMessage) ? " ${strMessage}" : ''));
# Write block if size > 0
if ($iBlockSize > 0)
$self->stream_write($hOut, $tBlockRef, $iBlockSize);
# Read data from a stream.
sub stream_read
my $self = shift;
my $hIn = shift;
my $tBlockRef = shift;
my $iBlockSize = shift;
my $bOffset = shift;
# Read a block from the stream
my $iBlockIn = sysread($hIn, $$tBlockRef, $iBlockSize, $bOffset ? length($$tBlockRef) : false);
if (!defined($iBlockIn))
confess &log(ERROR, 'unable to read');
return $iBlockIn;
# Write data to a stream.
sub stream_write
my $self = shift;
my $hOut = shift;
my $tBlockRef = shift;
my $iBlockSize = shift;
# If block size is not defined, get it from buffer length
$iBlockSize = defined($iBlockSize) ? $iBlockSize : length($$tBlockRef);
# Write the block
my $iBlockOut = syswrite($hOut, $$tBlockRef, $iBlockSize);
# Report any errors
if (!defined($iBlockOut) || $iBlockOut != $iBlockSize)
my $strError = $!;
confess "unable to write ${iBlockSize} bytes" . (defined($strError) ? ': ' . $strError : '');
# Copies data from one file handle to another, optionally compressing or decompressing the data in stream. If $strRemote != none
# then one side is a protocol stream, though this can be controlled with the bProtocol param.
sub binary_xfer
my $self = shift;
my $hIn = shift;
my $hOut = shift;
my $strRemote = shift;
my $bSourceCompressed = shift;
my $bDestinationCompress = shift;
my $bProtocol = shift;
# The input stream must be defined (output is optional)
if (!defined($hIn))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'hIn is not defined');
# If no remote is defined then set to none
if (!defined($strRemote))
$strRemote = 'none';
# Only set compression defaults when remote is defined
$bSourceCompressed = defined($bSourceCompressed) ? $bSourceCompressed : false;
$bDestinationCompress = defined($bDestinationCompress) ? $bDestinationCompress : false;
# Default protocol to true
$bProtocol = defined($bProtocol) ? $bProtocol : true;
my $strMessage = undef;
# Checksum and size
my $strChecksum = undef;
my $iFileSize = undef;
# Read from the protocol stream
if ($strRemote eq 'in')
# If the destination should not be compressed then decompress
if (!$bDestinationCompress)
my $iBlockSize;
my $tCompressedBuffer;
my $tUncompressedBuffer;
my $iUncompressedBufferSize;
# Initialize SHA
my $oSHA;
if (!$bProtocol)
$oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
# Initialize inflate object and check for errors
my ($oZLib, $iZLibStatus) =
new Compress::Raw::Zlib::Inflate(WindowBits => 15 & $bSourceCompressed ? WANT_GZIP : 0,
Bufsize => $self->{iBlockSize}, LimitOutput => 1);
if ($iZLibStatus != Z_OK)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable create a inflate object: ${iZLibStatus}");
# Read all input
# Read a block from the input stream
($iBlockSize, $strMessage) = $self->block_read($hIn, \$tCompressedBuffer, $bProtocol);
# Process protocol messages
if (defined($strMessage) && $strMessage eq 'nochecksum')
$oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
# If the block contains data, decompress it
if ($iBlockSize > 0)
# Keep looping while there is more to decompress
# Decompress data
$iZLibStatus = $oZLib->inflate($tCompressedBuffer, $tUncompressedBuffer);
$iUncompressedBufferSize = length($tUncompressedBuffer);
# If status is ok, write the data
if ($iZLibStatus == Z_OK || $iZLibStatus == Z_BUF_ERROR || $iZLibStatus == Z_STREAM_END)
if ($iUncompressedBufferSize > 0)
# Add data to checksum
if (defined($oSHA))
# Write data if hOut is defined
if (defined($hOut))
$self->stream_write($hOut, \$tUncompressedBuffer, $iUncompressedBufferSize);
# Else error, exit so it can be handled
$iBlockSize = 0;
while ($iZLibStatus == Z_OK && $iUncompressedBufferSize > 0 && $iBlockSize > 0);
while ($iBlockSize > 0);
# Make sure the decompression succeeded (iBlockSize < 0 indicates remote error, handled later)
if ($iBlockSize == 0 && $iZLibStatus != Z_STREAM_END)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to inflate stream: ${iZLibStatus}");
# Get checksum and total uncompressed bytes written
if (defined($oSHA))
$strChecksum = $oSHA->hexdigest();
$iFileSize = $oZLib->total_out();
# If the destination should be compressed then just write out the already compressed stream
my $iBlockSize;
my $tBuffer;
# Initialize checksum and size
my $oSHA;
if (!$bProtocol)
$oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
$iFileSize = 0;
# Read a block from the protocol stream
($iBlockSize, $strMessage) = $self->block_read($hIn, \$tBuffer, $bProtocol);
# If the block contains data, write it
if ($iBlockSize > 0)
# Add data to checksum and size
if (!$bProtocol)
$iFileSize += $iBlockSize;
$self->stream_write($hOut, \$tBuffer, $iBlockSize);
while ($iBlockSize > 0);
# Get checksum
if (!$bProtocol)
$strChecksum = $oSHA->hexdigest();
# Read from file input stream
# If source is not already compressed then compress it
if ($strRemote eq 'out' && !$bSourceCompressed)
my $iBlockSize;
my $tCompressedBuffer;
my $iCompressedBufferSize;
my $tUncompressedBuffer;
# Initialize message to indicate that a checksum will be sent
if ($bProtocol && defined($hOut))
$strMessage = 'checksum';
# Initialize checksum
my $oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
# Initialize inflate object and check for errors
my ($oZLib, $iZLibStatus) =
new Compress::Raw::Zlib::Deflate(WindowBits => 15 & $bDestinationCompress ? WANT_GZIP : 0,
Level => $bDestinationCompress ? $self->{iCompressLevel} :
Bufsize => $self->{iBlockSize}, AppendOutput => 1);
if ($iZLibStatus != Z_OK)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable create a deflate object: ${iZLibStatus}");
# Read a block from the stream
$iBlockSize = $self->stream_read($hIn, \$tUncompressedBuffer, $self->{iBlockSize});
# If block size > 0 then compress
if ($iBlockSize > 0)
# Update checksum and filesize
# Compress the data
$iZLibStatus = $oZLib->deflate($tUncompressedBuffer, $tCompressedBuffer);
$iCompressedBufferSize = length($tCompressedBuffer);
# If compression was successful
if ($iZLibStatus == Z_OK)
# The compressed data is larger than block size, then write
if ($iCompressedBufferSize > $self->{iBlockSize})
$self->block_write($hOut, \$tCompressedBuffer, $iCompressedBufferSize, $bProtocol, $strMessage);
# Else if error
$iBlockSize = 0;
while ($iBlockSize > 0);
# If good so far flush out the last bytes
if ($iZLibStatus == Z_OK)
$iZLibStatus = $oZLib->flush($tCompressedBuffer);
# Make sure the compression succeeded
if ($iZLibStatus != Z_OK)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to deflate stream: ${iZLibStatus}");
# Get checksum and total uncompressed bytes written
$strChecksum = $oSHA->hexdigest();
$iFileSize = $oZLib->total_in();
# Write out the last block
if (defined($hOut))
$iCompressedBufferSize = length($tCompressedBuffer);
if ($iCompressedBufferSize > 0)
$self->block_write($hOut, \$tCompressedBuffer, $iCompressedBufferSize, $bProtocol, $strMessage);
$self->block_write($hOut, undef, 0, $bProtocol, "${strChecksum}-${iFileSize}");
# If source is already compressed or transfer is not compressed then just read the stream
my $iBlockSize;
my $tBuffer;
my $tCompressedBuffer;
my $tUncompressedBuffer;
my $iUncompressedBufferSize;
my $oSHA;
my $oZLib;
my $iZLibStatus;
# If the destination will be compressed setup deflate
if ($bDestinationCompress)
if ($bProtocol)
$strMessage = 'checksum';
# Initialize checksum and size
$oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
$iFileSize = 0;
# Initialize inflate object and check for errors
($oZLib, $iZLibStatus) =
new Compress::Raw::Zlib::Inflate(WindowBits => WANT_GZIP, Bufsize => $self->{iBlockSize}, LimitOutput => 1);
if ($iZLibStatus != Z_OK)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable create a inflate object: ${iZLibStatus}");
# Initialize message to indicate that a checksum will not be sent
elsif ($bProtocol)
$strMessage = 'nochecksum';
# Read input
$iBlockSize = $self->stream_read($hIn, \$tBuffer, $self->{iBlockSize});
# Write a block if size > 0
if ($iBlockSize > 0)
$self->block_write($hOut, \$tBuffer, $iBlockSize, $bProtocol, $strMessage);
# Decompress the buffer to calculate checksum/size
if ($bDestinationCompress)
# If the block contains data, decompress it
if ($iBlockSize > 0)
# Copy file buffer to compressed buffer
if (defined($tCompressedBuffer))
$tCompressedBuffer .= $tBuffer;
$tCompressedBuffer = $tBuffer;
# Keep looping while there is more to decompress
# Decompress data
$iZLibStatus = $oZLib->inflate($tCompressedBuffer, $tUncompressedBuffer);
$iUncompressedBufferSize = length($tUncompressedBuffer);
# If status is ok, write the data
if ($iZLibStatus == Z_OK || $iZLibStatus == Z_BUF_ERROR || $iZLibStatus == Z_STREAM_END)
if ($iUncompressedBufferSize > 0)
$iFileSize += $iUncompressedBufferSize;
# Else error, exit so it can be handled
$iBlockSize = 0;
while ($iZLibStatus == Z_OK && $iUncompressedBufferSize > 0 && $iBlockSize > 0);
while ($iBlockSize > 0);
# Check decompression get checksum
if ($bDestinationCompress)
# Make sure the decompression succeeded (iBlockSize < 0 indicates remote error, handled later)
if ($iBlockSize == 0 && $iZLibStatus != Z_STREAM_END)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to inflate stream: ${iZLibStatus}");
# Get checksum
$strChecksum = $oSHA->hexdigest();
# Set protocol message
if ($bProtocol)
$strMessage = "${strChecksum}-${iFileSize}";
# If protocol write
if ($bProtocol)
# Write 0 block to indicate end of stream
$self->block_write($hOut, undef, 0, $bProtocol, $strMessage);
# If message is defined the the checksum and size should be in it
if (defined($strMessage))
my @stryToken = split(/-/, $strMessage);
$strChecksum = $stryToken[0];
$iFileSize = $stryToken[1];
# Return the checksum and size if they are available
return $strChecksum, $iFileSize;
# Read output from the remote process.
sub output_read
my $self = shift;
my $bOutputRequired = shift;
my $strErrorPrefix = shift;
my $bSuppressLog = shift;
my $strLine;
my $strOutput;
my $bError = false;
my $iErrorCode;
my $strError;
# Read output lines
while ($strLine = $self->read_line($self->{hOut}, false))
if ($strLine =~ /^ERROR.*/)
$bError = true;
$iErrorCode = (split(' ', $strLine))[1];
if ($strLine =~ /^OK$/)
$strOutput .= (defined($strOutput) ? "\n" : '') . substr($strLine, 1);
# Check if the process has exited abnormally
# Raise any errors
if ($bError)
confess &log(ERROR, (defined($strErrorPrefix) ? "${strErrorPrefix}" : '') .
(defined($strOutput) ? ": ${strOutput}" : ''), $iErrorCode, $bSuppressLog);
# If output is required and there is no output, raise exception
if (defined($bOutputRequired) && $bOutputRequired && !defined($strOutput))
confess &log(ERROR, (defined($strErrorPrefix) ? "${strErrorPrefix}: " : '') . 'output is not defined');
# Return output
return $strOutput;
# Write output for the master process.
sub output_write
my $self = shift;
my $strOutput = shift;
if (defined($strOutput))
$self->string_write(*STDOUT, "${strOutput}");
if (!syswrite(*STDOUT, "\n"))
confess 'unable to write output';
if (!syswrite(*STDOUT, "OK\n"))
confess 'unable to write output';
# Output command parameters in the hash as a string (used for debugging).
sub command_param_string
my $self = shift;
my $oParamHashRef = shift;
my $strParamList;
if (defined($oParamHashRef))
foreach my $strParam (sort(keys $oParamHashRef))
$strParamList .= (defined($strParamList) ? ',' : '') . "${strParam}=" .
(defined(${$oParamHashRef}{"${strParam}"}) ? ${$oParamHashRef}{"${strParam}"} : '[undef]');
return $strParamList;
# Read command sent by the master process.
sub command_read
my $self = shift;
my $oParamHashRef = shift;
my $strLine;
my $strCommand;
while ($strLine = $self->read_line(*STDIN))
if (!defined($strCommand))
if ($strLine =~ /:$/)
$strCommand = substr($strLine, 0, length($strLine) - 1);
$strCommand = $strLine;
if ($strLine eq 'end')
my $iPos = index($strLine, '=');
if ($iPos == -1)
confess "param \"${strLine}\" is missing = character";
my $strParam = substr($strLine, 0, $iPos);
my $strValue = substr($strLine, $iPos + 1);
${$oParamHashRef}{"${strParam}"} = ${strValue};
return $strCommand;
# Send command to remote process.
sub command_write
my $self = shift;
my $strCommand = shift;
my $oParamRef = shift;
my $strOutput = $strCommand;
if (defined($oParamRef))
$strOutput = "${strCommand}:\n";
foreach my $strParam (sort(keys $oParamRef))
if ($strParam =~ /=/)
confess &log(ASSERT, "param \"${strParam}\" cannot contain = character");
my $strValue = ${$oParamRef}{"${strParam}"};
if ($strParam =~ /\n\$/)
confess &log(ASSERT, "param \"${strParam}\" value cannot end with LF");
if (defined(${strValue}))
$strOutput .= "${strParam}=${strValue}\n";
$strOutput .= 'end';
&log(TRACE, "Remote->command_write:\n" . $strOutput);
if (!syswrite($self->{hIn}, "${strOutput}\n"))
confess 'unable to write command';
# Send command to remote process and wait for output.
sub command_execute
my $self = shift;
my $strCommand = shift;
my $oParamRef = shift;
my $bOutputRequired = shift;
my $strErrorPrefix = shift;
$self->command_write($strCommand, $oParamRef);
return $self->output_read($bOutputRequired, $strErrorPrefix);