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synced 2025-03-03 14:52:21 +02:00
* Variables::RequireNegativeIndice * Variables::ProhibitUnusedVariables * Variables::ProhibitAugmentedAssignmentInDeclaration * Modules::ProhibitConditionalUseStatements
187 lines
7.6 KiB
187 lines
7.6 KiB
# Main Perl Critic Policy Applied to Entire Code Base
# Important policies that should always be checked
severity = 5
severity = 5
# Permanent Exceptions
# Requires all local variables to be all lower/upper case -- can't see how this is a good thing.
# Requires @_ to be immediately unpacked but won't work with param logging scheme.
# Requires all exports to be configurable by caller. This is fine for independent libraries but
# overly burdensome for modules integrated as part of an application. Maybe apply to certain modules
# that are also used by doc and test programs?
# Requires built-in functions to not have parens, but in this project it is preferred to wrap all
# function calls in parens for consistency.
# Requires module version vars. Probably not practical for built-in modules.
# Requires extended formatting for all regexps. Seems overly burdensome, or at least something to look
# at a lot further down the road.
# Requires Unicode safe expressions. May be worth looking at sometime.
# S2 - Requires List::MoreUtils instead of boolean grep. Not worth it to load another module.
# Provisional Exceptions for Test & Documentation Code
# S2 - Requires complete POD sections but these are being removed anyway in favor of Config.pm.
# S3 - Requires regexps to be below a certain length. Seems burdensome.
# To Be Fixed or Evaluated
# Natural ordering here indicates the order in which they should be addressed.
# S2 - Requires all long numbers to have thousand separators. Probably a good idea bit need to change a fair amount of code.
# S4 - Requires parens when logical and bitwise booleans are mixed.
# S4 - Requires that sub names not overlap with built-ins - a bummer for object members.
# S4 - Requires block form of grep for readability. Needs to be fixed in about 15 places.
# S4 - Requires modification of certain vars (e.g. $SIG) to have local scope. Needs to be fixed in about 20 places.
# S4 - Requires close() to be called soon after open but seems arbitrary.
# S1 - Requires reverse keyword for reverse sorts instead of block. May not be able to since $a $b are passed as a parameter.
# S3 - Requires use of Carp instead of die or warn. Doesn't seem useful.
# S3 - Requires use of local vars in packages. Can't use as it prohibits use of $DBI::errstr.
# S3 - Requires that certain operators not be mixed.
# S2 - Requires use of if instead of unless.
# S1 - Requires true literals to use single quotes.
# S2 - Requires split expressions to be regexp for clarity.
# S4 - Requires use of Readonly instead of const. Has performance and syntax advantages.
# S2 - Requires all numbers to be defined as constants
# S4 - Requires all subs to have a return, even if there is not value to return.
# S4 - Requires new to be called as Object->new().
# S2 - Requires that & not be used in functions calls. Currently this is used a lot for &log() calls.
# S2 - Requires use of eq instead of regexp when possible.
# S2 - Requires that sigils be separated by braces, eg %$var becomes %{$var}.
# S2 - Requires use English instead a puctuation vars such as $!.
# S3 - Requires nested if/else have limited depth and recommends using given/when instead.
# S2 - Requires empty strings to be represented with qw{}.
# S2 - Requires non letter and number strings to be represented with something like qw{/}.
# S2 - Requires expanded matching for . in regular expressions.
# S2 - Requires sed-style boundary matching. May not be appropriate for reg exps in this project, though.
# S1 - Requires use of Perl::Tidy.
# S2 - Requires use of Perl syntax for simple loops, e.g. for (0..$max).
# S2 - Require standard if structures rather than postfix for readability.
# S3 - Requires code have a McCabe score of no more than 20 but is configurable.
# S3 - Requires low level of code nesting (may require a lot of refactoring).
# S3 - Requires subs to have <= 6 args but is configurable.
# S3 - Requires arbitrary unambigious names but is configurable.
# S3 - Requires that var names never be resused in a sub, not sure about this one.
# S3 - Requires non-capturing groups in regexp, primarily a performance optimization.
# S1 - Requires trailing commas on all lists.
# S2 - Requires chained calls be less than four.
# S2 - Requires check for success of close() function.
# S1 - Requires use Fatal or autodie with syscalls.
# S1 - Requires less abiguity for metacharacters in strings.
# S4 - Requires character classes to reduce escapes in regexps.
# S1 - Require character classes rather than single character alternation.
# S2 - Require qw{} syntax for quoted string lists